Nic Schuh

Cincinnati Enquirer, 18 Jan 1891, page 8


The disappearance of Nic Schuh, a Newport saloon keeper, has created much talk in that city. Episodes in Schuh''s career are freely discussed and much indignation toward him is expressed.

Schuh deserted a girl wife wheom he married when he was only 13 years old and after he a had debauched her. She is left with two little children. A day or two ago the place was seized by Schuh's creditors. Mother and children are without any means of support. To make the case worse, the girl is Schuh's step daughter, the child of his second wife, who was a widow named Stall. Schuh outraged the girl when she was only 11 years old.

Schuh is also wanted for a brutal assault on his wife's sister, Lottie Stall, about 20 years of age, who was employed as a domestic in the family. Schuh owed her $2.30 for work and when she pleaded for the money last week, he beat her until she was unconscious. She is now being cared for at the residence of Mrs. Engart on Isabella street.

It has also developed that Schuh attempted a criminal assault on her. Miss Stall will try to have him arrested for a penal offense, if he can be found. The citizens in Newport who are familiar with the facts, are very indignant over Schuh's infamous conduct and anxious that he be brought to justice.


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