Nicholas Cherry

Deed Book C, page 314, 31 January 1801, Recorded 10 May 1810

Indenture made 31 January 1801 between Isham Prewit of the County of Mercer and State of Kentucky of the one part and Squire Grant of the County of Campbell of the other part.  For and in consideration of the sum of $300 Isham sells one Certain tract of land lying in the County of Campbell on the waters of Well's Creek (Ohio) containing 150 acres.

Signed; Aron Cherry (X) Racell Cherry (X) Daniel Thatcher, Susannah Thatcher (X) Moses Scott

Deed Book F, page 68, 4 May 1821, recorded 4 May 1821

Indenture made 4 May 1821 between John Cherry of the one part and James G Arnold of the Town of Covington and County aforesaid of the other part.  John for and in consideration of the sum of $1000 sells a Certain tract of land lying in the County of Campbell on the waters of Dry Creek Containing 143 acres Beginning at the mouth of the spring branch above James Grimsley's old mill.. the said John Cherry does covenant that he is he true owner and has full power and good right to sell the premises herby granted.

Deed Book G, page 14, 18 August 1824, recorded 11 February 1826

Indenture made 18 August between James C Arnold of Campbell County of the one part and John Cherry of the aforesaid of the other part. James for and in consideration of $1000 sells a certain tract of land lying in the County of Campbell on the waters of Dry Creek containing 143 acres Beginning at the mouth of the spring branch above James Grimsley old Thomas Story's line.

Witnesses; Ben D Fowler, M W Rowell

Deed Book I-J, page 48, 22 April 1831, Recorded 22 December 1831

Indentures made 22 April 1831 between Platt Kennedy collector of the Town Tax of Covington Campbell Co and State of Kentucky of the one part and John Cherry of the same place of the other part. Platt Kennedy having first advertised the sale of Lots in the town of Covington according to Law for the non payment of taxes then due and in pursuance thereof did actually sell to the highest Bidders on the premises several Lots pieces or parts of Lots as numbered on a Plat of said town whereupon in Lot No 210 as the Property of Daniel Gano was offered at public sale as aforesaid Being with the cost of advertising one dollar & 26/100 and the said John Cherry became the purchasers of a part thereof viz 20 feet in front and rear by 190 feet in depth...

Indenture made Beginning at the north corner thereof fronting on Scott street to fourth street by paying the aforesaid sum of one dollar and twenty six cents also one dollar for this deed together with ten per cent and costs.

Deed Book L, Page 548, 3 February 1836, Recorded 3 February 1836

Indenture made 3 February 1836 between Nicholas Cherry of the one part and Jonathan Horsfall of the other part both of the County of Campbell.  Nicholas for and in Consideration of the Sum of $350 sells all that certain tract of Land situated in the County of Campbell on Pond Creek containing 122 acres.  Nicholas Cherry and Franky his wife.

Sealed & Ackd. in presence of W A Pendleton

Deed Book M, Page 570, 6 March 1809, Recorded 3 February 1836

Indenture made 3 February between William S Grant of the one part and Nicholas Cherry of the other part both of the County of Campbell.  Whereas, by virtue of an act of Assembly entitled "An Act to authorize Wm S Grant to make conveyances in certain cases of lands sold by Squire Grant, now deceased, and not heretofore conveyed" approved 28 Feby 1835 and whereas Nicholas Cherry holds two contracts executed by Squire Grant, bind himself to convey by contract, For and in consideration of the premises and inconsideration of the full payment of the purchase money by the said Nicholas Cherry the Said Wm S Grant sells all that tract of land mentioned in the Contract aforesaid....containing by the contract 127 acres and by the Deed 137 acres.

Indenture made ______ 1832 between Squire Grant of the County of Campbell of one part and Nicholas Cherry of the County aforesaid of the other part.  Squire for and in consideration of the sum of (blank) sells tracts of land situated in the County aforesaid on the waters of Ohio and Licking Rivers Beginning at a Sugar and  Blue ash corner to Richard Southgate in Jacob White line.. in Frank Spilmans line.. to a Stone David Lcach's origina1 corner... to York heirs... to Isaac Murry... in George Greden's line... to Jacob White... containing 136 acres. Also one other tract of land Situated as aforesaid Beginning at a Sugar and white oak in Leeches line... containing 122 acres. Squire and Mary his wife.

Squire Grants obligation to make a dead of General Warrantee for 122 acres dated 6 March 1809 follows.

Deed Book O, page 391, 19 December 1839, Recorded 27 Dec 1839

Indenture made 19 December 1839 between John Cherry and Jane his wife of the City of Covington of the one part and Deborah Gray of the same city of the other part.  John and Jane for and in consideration of the sum of $800 sell All that certain Lot of ground situated in the City of Covington Beginning on Greenup Street at the Southern Line of Lot 179...Being the Northern Half of Lot 180.

Signed, Sealed & Acknowledged in presence of Isaac Cooper and James G Arnold

Deed Book O, page 557, 27 Aug 1840, Recorded 1 September 1840

Indenture made 27 August 1840 between Nicholas Cherry of the one part and William Griffey of the other part both of the County of Campbell.  Nicholas for and in consideration of the Sum of $68 sells all that tract of land situated in the County afsd. and on the waters of Selma (or Four Mile) Creek Beginning at a Sugar tree stump in the line of the heirs of Frank Spilman and corner to Sid and McDurmot's line...containing four and one quarter acres of land. Nicholas and Frances his wife.

Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence of J W Bowers DC

Deed Book R, page 415, 27 Mar 1846

We the undersigned for and in consideration of one hundred and thirty three acres of land to us deeded this day by Nicholas Cherry do covenant and agree to pay the said Cherry the sum of Ninety six dollars per year during the life of the said Cherry which amount shall be paid on the first day of September and first day of March hereafter semi-annually; the above amount is to be paid or divided equally among the undersigned except John Cherry who is to pay two shares of the above or $16 every six months and each of the balance of the undersigned $8 every six months in witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals this day & date written above.

Witness: H K Rachford
John W Stevens, Charles Dicken, Wm Ware (X) John Cherry, Albert D Furnish

Deed Book R, Page 132, 1 January 1847, Recorded 1 January 1847

Nicholas Cherry of Campbell County in consideration of $16 per year to be paid semiannually in September and March during the life time of said Cherry and in further consideration of one dollar to him paid by Albert D Furnish of said County and State sell all that lot of land to-wit Lot No. 6 containing 36 acres and being part of said Cherry's farm near Alexandria.

Deed Book R, Page 133, 1 January 1847, Recorded 1 January 1847

Nicholas Cherry of Campbell County in consideration of $32 per year to be paid semi-annually in March and September to said Cherry during his lifetime and in further consideration of one dollar to him paid by John Cherry of the County aforesaid sells All that lot of lot No. 3...containing 40 acres and being part of said Cherry's farm near Alexandria.

Deed Book R, Page 134, Recorded 1 January 1847

Nicholas Cherry of Campbell County in consideration of $16 per year to be paid semiannually in September and March during his lifetime of said Cherry and in further consideration of one dollar to him paid by Charles Dicken of the County aforesaid sells all that lot of land to wit Lot No. 5 of the division of said Cherry's farm near Alexandria containing 27 acres.

Deed Book R, Page 139, 7 January 1847, Recorded 7 January 1847

Nicholas Cherry of Campbell County for and in consideration of $16 per year to be paid Semi annually in March and September during the life time of said Cherry and in further consideration of the sum of one dollar to him paid by William Ware of the County aforesaid sells all that lot of Land to wit Lot No. 3 of said Cherry's farm near Alexandria containing 20 acres.

Deed Book R, Page 278, 23 Mar 1847, Recorded 23 March 1847

Nicholas Cherry of Campbell County in consideration of $16 per year to be paid semiannually in September and March during the life time of said Cherry and further consideration of one dollar to him paid by John Stephens of the county aforesaid sells All that lot of land To wit Lot No. 1 of the division of said Cherry's farm near Alexandria containing 10 acres 1 quarter & 20 poles.



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