Newport Schools
Annual Report of the Superintendent of Schools of Newport, Kentucky for the year ending June 30, 1908.
Meets first Monday of every month at City Building. John G Hermann-President: William H Lohstroh-Treasurer; Office Court House
Ellsworth Regenstein-Superintendent of Schools. Office in high school building south east corner Eighth and Columbia streets.
First Ward-Ludwig Rummel, Term expires January
1911. William A Paterson, Term expires January 1912
Second Ward-Walter P Dickerson, Term expires January 1911. William Evans, Term
expires January 1912
Third Ward-Percy DeCamp, Term expires January 1911. Edward S Rummells Jr. Term
expires January 1912
Fourth Ward-Dr. S G Walton, Term expires January 1911. Emil Gerhardt, Term
expires January 1912
Fifth Ward-Walter Bertelsman, Term expires January 1911. J W Graves, Term
expires January 1912
Sixth Ward-J G Herman, Term expires January 1911. George Kyle, Term expires
January 1912
High School, sec Eighth and Columbia-Charles G Hammond, Principal
First District School Building, north side of Fourth Street between Monmouth and Saratoga streets. Hannah Purser, Principal
Arnold School Building, east side of Central Avenue between Fifth and Sixth streets, Emma B Smith, Principal.
Clifton Public School District No 4, corner Grandview Av and Schneider Av, Clifton Heights. Alpharetts Eckert, Principal.
Clifton Public School District No 4 (Branch) east side Licking Pike south of Corp. Line.
Cote Brilliant Public School District No 14, nwc Grand Av and Park Av, Cote Brilliante. Edward Baker, Principal
Park Avenue School Building, swc Seventh and Park Av.
York Street Building, nwc York and Twelfth, Katharine T Perry, Principal.
Ninth Street Building, nec Ninth and Columbia, C H Duncan, Principal.
Tenth Street School Building, sec Tenth and Patterson, Virginia Franklin, Principal.
Southgate School Building (Colored School) north side of Southgate between Saratoga and Washington Av. W S Blanton, Principal.
Southgate Public School District No 3, nwc Evergreen Av and Elm, Southgate. Frank K Springer, Principal
Southgate Public School District No 3, (Branch) Garnet Av, west of Alexandria Pike, Glen Park.
Academy Notre Dame of Providence, cor. Linden Av and Sixth
Corpus Christi Parochial School, nwc Ninth and Isabella. Sister Mary of the Cross, Principal.
St Stephen Parochial School, nec Ninth and Saratoga.
Academy of the Immaculate, 114 W Fifth.
Parochial School of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, east side Central Avenue between Fifth and Sixth streets.