Newport Home Guards

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Thursday, 24 April 1862, page 3

HOME GUARDS-The old organization of Home Guards in Newport is about to be revived, a meeting for that purpose having been held at the Court house last night.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Saturday, 19 September 1862, page 3


ARREST OF O W ROOT-Esq. Publications having been made in several of the Cincinnati papers reflecting unjustly upon Oliver W Root, Esq. of the Home Guards, I therefore, as an act of justice, desire here to say that his Arrest, which was made on the alleged grounds of mutinous conduct, was the result of a misunderstanding and mistake.

The order was a mere verbal one, made in the hurry of the moment and I now take pleasure in testifying to the unswerving patriotism and soldierly bearing of Mr. Root, and deeply regret that injustice was done him.

Sidney B Jones, Lieut. Colonel 42d Ky. Regiment


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Thursday, 9 October 1862, page 3

SOMETHING NEW-It has been decided by the military authorities of this department that a member of a Home Guard company is responsible to the military, instead of the civil authorities for any offense that he may commit.

In accordance with this decision, the captain of a Newport Home Guard Company, who was arrested for shooting a woman name Weibel, has been turned over to the military authorities for trial.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 18 April 1919, page 3

The Newport Home Guard Company is a thing of the past. At a special meeting Thursday night a resolution to disband was passed by the members. The company was organized at the outbreak of the war and now that the emergency has passed there no further use for the organization members say.

The Home Guards rendered valuable service during the high water of the spring of 1918 when they assisted the police and other authorities in saving and guarding property. All members of the organization have been asked to turn in uniforms and other equipment to Horace Root at his office in the American National Bank Building.


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