Deaths listed in the local newspapers
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 15 January 1900, page 7
Health Officer Locke mortality report: Lucinda Steele, 70, 1907 Pine st. exhaustion; Gabe H Brown, 22, Ft Thomas-meningitis; Margaret Henghold, 51, 315 W Eleventh st. cancer of breast; Jennie Bartlow, 22, 601 Robert st. abscess; Mamie Saubach, 9, Ninth & Columbia sts. inflammation of the brain; Susan McCaul, 78, Bellevue-bronchitis; Infant Barker, 1141 Ann st. exhaustion; Infant Wright, 607 Monroe st; Frederick Nichols, 16 m, Saratoga st. convulsions; Infant Lampe, 509 Powell st. Anna Marlemann, 81, 320 Sixth st. Dayton; Barbara Kage, 60, 1133 John st. cancer of liver; Anton Braun, 56, 224 W Seventh st. pneumonia; Theresa Brockmeyer, 82, Coal Haven, Ky. exhaustion; Thomas Clinkenbeard, 68, 223 Third st. paralysis.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 4 March 1900, page 26
Mrs. J W Have was called to Ironton, Ohio, Tuesday by the death of her daughter, Mrs. Alice Bodley.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 20 May 1900, page 3
Frank Bauman, aged 30 years, died suddenly at Hot Springs, Ark. Funeral Monday, May 21, 1900, from residence 1124 Monmouth street, Newport Ky. at 8:30 am. Requiem high mass at St Stephen Church at 9 am.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 25 June 1900, page 7
Health Officer Locke mortality report:
Mary Rape, 1 day-327 W Eleventh street;
Winnie Clark, 32y-Vine street, Cote Brilliant;
Infant Habermaes, Bellevue
John Enwright, 48, 620 Monroe, septimia;
Robert Blakney, 9 m; 34 East Eleventh street;
John Reder, 54, 414 Monmouth street, tuberculosis;
Infant Finn.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 9 July 1900, page 7
Health Officer Clarke death report: Mrs. Regina Hummitsch, 65y-gall stones-Front and Central av-; Sarah Cavanaugh, 50-tuberculosis, Good Samaritan Hospital; Joseph Weismann, 77-throat ulceration-317 Chestnut street; Mrs. Mattie Fitterer, 24-tuberculosis-722 Isabella; Kate Gildehaus, 22-tuberculosis-256 Pleasant ave. Highlands; Jessie May, 3-convulsions-302 Monmouth; Ida Otting, 35, 225 East Ninth; Christina Hoffman, 81-exhaustion-924 Boone; Clifford Stemler, 20-810 Columbia, pulmonary.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 6 August 1900, page 7
Health Officer Clarke mortality report: Catherine Riley, 70-diarrhea, 43 Plum, Cincinnati; Lida Stephens, 14-typhoid fever-616 Overton; Walter O'Donnell, 14 months-meningitis, Orchard; Peter Heckler, 50-emphysema, St Elizabeth Hospital; Valentine Demmerle, 48-cancer-1040 Hamlet; Dorman M Goshorn, 3m-dropsy of the brain-1035 Hamlet; Josephine E Davies, 29-phthisis-Eighth & Monmouth; Martha C Simon, 2m-enteritis-413 Hodge; Conrad Engle, 28-dementia-312 Chestnut, Lakeland Ky. Asylum; Anna E Webster, 79-old age & exhaustion-Highlands; Mary Doyle, 57-apoplexy-213 Fifth av, Dayton Ky. Lora L VanSant, 5m-inflammation of stomach-Dayton Ky.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 3 September 1900, page 7
Health Officer Dr. Charles W Reynolds report of
Clinton Buelte, 8-accidental drowning-Cincinnati;
Julia Shatemeyer, 6 1/2-convulsions-Norwood;
Amanda Payne, 70-gastritis-seventh and Garrard;
Elizabeth Vemper, 80-chronic nephritis-St Elizabeth Hospital;
Joseph Lee, 17-cerebral hemorrhage-Frankfort Ky.
George Bauries, 36-pneumonia-735 Philadelphia;
Louisa Conway, 5m-menigitis;
Nellie Donovan, 8-Brights disease;
Infant Michels, 13 days-umbical hemorrhage;
George McGuire, 23-gastritis;
Emma Wheeler, 4m;
Gustave Walker, 15-multiple injuries;
Clarence L Insten, 17-multiple injuries-1019 Central av. Newport;
Infant Weaver; Infant Emory;
Elizabeth Maxwell, 78-cirrhotic nephritis-54 W Fifth st;
Infant Dibowski, 9 E Fifth st;
Francis J Keen, 71-Kenton Co Ky.
Anna Bracke, 55-organic heart disease;
Catherine R Ficker, 7 days-convulsions-Newport;
Gertie McWharter, 4 mo. 123 W Sixth st. inanition
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 17 September 1900, page 9
Health Officer Locke mortality report: John T Smith, 60, 13th st. cholera; Julius Zappa, 43, 14th st. apoplexy; Lousia Boden, 3m, 646 Dayton st; Webster Barr, 28, Dayton Ky; Alex Wallace, 74, W Fifth st. paralysis; Mary A Trunnel, 74, peritonitis; Justina Chalk, 22, Gubser Mill, railroad accident; Anna Cook, 34, 14 7th st. suicide; Infant Berckwell, 610 Saratoga; Rena Lorenz, 6, 430 W Ninth st. scarlet fever; James Donavan, 29, W Sixth, cirrhosis of liver
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 1 October 1900, page 9
Health Officer Locke mortality report:
Edward Stoeckel, 27, Chattanooga, heart failure;
Sarah Whitten, 71, 23 E Fifth st. cancer of liver;
Lily Troy, 26, 324 W Seventh st. consumption; Infant Hunt, Dayton Ky;
Eugene Johnson, 15, Newberg Tenn. accidental injuries;
Ira H Shaw, 44, 215 E Front, malaria fever;
Amelia Whitehead, 50, 835 Overton, asthma;
John P Hueschiling, 43, Longview, meningitis;
Emma Dean, 69, Covington, cardiac
Mabel Ware, 5m, Lick run;
Elmer Foulks, 11m, Monmouth, cholera;
Val Volk, 40, Gallipolis Oh, meningitis;
Emma Eckstein, 2, 726 German st.;
Infant Berry, 412 Monmouth
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 12 Oct 1900, page 7
L B Tenent Sr. died at residence of his son, L B Tenent Jr. 1012 York st. Newport Ky. Oct 10, 1900 9 am, aged 75 years. Funeral Sunday afternoon.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 27 October 1900, page 5
Infant daughter of Harry R and Sara Whetstone Irwin, died Friday morning Oct 16, at the residence, 572 E Fourth st. Newport Ky.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 12 November 1900, page 7
Health Officer Kehm death report:
John Munn, 87, Dayton Ky. apoplexy;
Thomas Scahill, 1 year, 331 Lindsay, croup;
Harriet Simms, 39, St Elizabeth Hospital, heart disease;
Lucy Redkey, 7 weeks, Eighth st. infant disease;
Kate Wessell, 57, Bellevue, nephritis
Douglas Hewitson, 57, Dayton, pneumonia;
Charles Traub, 63, 1135 Isabella st. bronchitis;
Blanche Yelton, 5, Highlands, diphtheria;
Paul Sutton, 77, 833 Isabella;
Ellen Calley, 17, heart disease;
William Tucker, 11, Frankfort, phthisis;
George Miller, ?mo. 301 W Ninth, meningitis;
William R Miller, 4m, 606 Craig st. Covington, cholera;
William C Miller, 17, W Ninth, Covington;
Mamie Miller, 2y, 14 Bremen, Covington, scarlet fever;
Jacob Schmidt, 32, 213 W Ninth st. accidental injuries;
Dorothy Bertelsman, 4m, 404 E Tenth, pneumonia;
Alfred Nichols, 57, 11 E Fifth, stricture of esophagus;
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 19 November 1900, page 7
Health Officer Kehm mortality report: Infant Theis, 911 Central av. Dorothy Berhlman, 3m, 404 E Tenth, pneumonia; Walter Bodkin, 1 1/2y; croup; James Crutcher, 75, paralysis; Bridget McNamara, 28y, 929 Ann, peritonitis; Julius Zeppe, 7m, 14th st. marasmus; Infant Michaels, Bellevue Ky. Grace Elizabeth Johns, infant, 133 E Seventh; Arthur Hilgardner, 11y, Highlands, nephritis; Elizabeth Moore, 50y; 225 Southgate, cardiac hypertrophy; Charlotte Schloenbauh, 70y, apoplexy; Robert Page, 42, 110 Central av. appendicitis; George A Stockfelt, 53y; Covington, diabetes; George B Filer, 58y, 524 E Eighth, uraemia.
Mrs. Josie E Coleman, 40 years of age, wife of Edward A Coleman of Third and Park avenue, Newport, died yesterday morning after a short illness. the deceased leaves two grown children to mourn her death.
The funeral of Robert Page took place yesterday afternoon under the auspices of Eureka Lodge, Knights of Pythias.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 2 December 1900, page 27
Mrs. George Nealans, of East Second street, was called to Philadelphia last week by the death of her sister, Mrs. Sarah Canfield.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 5 December 1900, page 7
John Bona died Tuesday morning at 4:30, aged 89 at his late residence 413 W Fifth st. Newport Ky. Funeral Thursday morning at 9 am from the Italian Church of the Sacred Heart on Broadway.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 14 January 1901, page 7
Health Officer Kehm mortality report: Michael O'Connor, 72, pneumonia; Eleanor Witt, 1 year 5 months, meningitis; F H Phillips, 33, pneumonia; Joseph Habnel, 3 months, intuessuseption? Lyly E Moreland, 21 days, marasmus; Bessie Rosenberg, 1 month, convulsions; Rosa Greer, 71, pulmonary; Margaret Welsh, 52, nephritis; Clara Mills, 37, paralysis; Lawrence Roth, 10 days, premature.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 21 January 1901, page 7
Health Officer Kehm report of deaths: Darby King, 60, la grippe and exhaustion; John Scholeser, 2 year and 6 months, convulsions; Anna Lee Taylor, 3 years and six months, pneumonia; Eunice Steelman, 46, pneumonia; James Gilson, 82, cystitis; Gilbert Race, 27, appendicitis; Frederick Morgan, 93, la grippe and exhaustion; Herman Von Derhoes, 24, typhoid fever.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 28 January 1901, page 11
Health Officer Kehm death report: Robert T Nelson, 82, apoplexy; John Henry Geise, 39, pneumonia; Jane O'Neal, 56y 8m, paralysis of heart and lungs; Jennie Tellinghaust,29, nephritis; Charles Rautenstrauch, 34, pulmonary; Elizabeth Wagner, 74, bronchitis; Mollie Troy, 35, tuberculosis; Dennis Sullivan, 50 pulmonary hemorrhage; William Kirber, 23, asthma; Amelia Pfister, 24, tuberculosis; Joseph Wessling, 28, consumption of lungs.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 12 February 1901, page 8
Margaret Mulvey, 83, a pioneer resident of Newport, died yesterday at the residence of her daughter, 830 Ann street, of old age. She settled in Newport 60 years ago, when the city was only a village. She leaves a husband and four children.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 16 February 1901, page 10
The grand jury has begun an investigation of the saloon fracas that led up to the death of Edward Troescher several weeks ago. Troescher became involved in a quarrel with Ramsey Schnoor in Wagenfeld's saloon at Tenth and Ann streets and ran out, falling on the opposite corner. He died the same night.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 17 February 1901, page B2
Mrs. Ben Evans, Newport, was called to Toledo, Ohio, Tuesday, by the death of her brother, William Ricketts.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 28 February 1900, page 8
Mary Troescher, the eighteen year old daughter of Edward Troescher, who was killed during a fight at Tenth and Ann streets several weeks ago, died yesterday after a lingering illness.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 1 March 1901, page 7
Edward McDermott, beloved husband of Kate McDermott (nee Murphy) died at his late residence, 841 Brighton st. Newport Ky. aged 47years. Funeral Saturday, March 2 at 8:30 am. Requiem high mass at Church of Immaculate Conception at 9 am.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 9 March 1901, page 5
News was received here yesterday of the death at Baltimore Md. of Charles W Dietrich, 66, a Government employee, who formerly made his home in Newport. The remains will arrive here this morning in charge of Funeral Director C A Smith.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 9 May 1901, page 7
Frank Jennings Beckwith, died in Newport Ky. Burial Friday at 2 pm from daughter's house, 537 West Lindsay st. Newport Ky.
Charles G Bengel, died at Dayton Ky. aged 35 years, Tuesday May 7. Funeral private from Bett's undertaking at Newport, Friday, 2 pm to Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 22 May 1901, page 7
Mary Coleman, wife of Thomas Coleman, aged 68 years, died at her residence, 723 Central av. Newport Ky. Funeral Thursday, May 23, 1901, at 8:30 am. Requiem high mass at Church of Immaculate Conception at 9 am.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 27 May 1901, page 7
Health Officer Kehm death report:
Jane Matlock, 75, apoplexy;
Anna Gallear, 75, catarrh;
William Perry, 30, accidental drowning;
George Christman, 46, cirrhosis of liver;
Clara Quehl, 57, cardiac paralysis;
Infant Walter, premature;
William Valentine, 27, inquest;
Anna Lunning, 87, nephritis;
Mary Coleman, 68, heart failure;
C Goodfriend, premature;
Levina Allen, 91, exhaustion;
Charles Beyland, 46, suicide by shooting;
S G Danks, 40, diabetes.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 30 May 1901, page 5
Mary Hoffman, 39 years of age, who lived at 1120 Monmouth street, Newport, died yesterday after a short illness.
Charles H Nordeck, 40, residing in Cote Brilliante, died yesterday. Pneumonia was the cause of death.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 10 June 1901, page 7
Health Officer Kehm death report:
Clara Beilenhaus, 21, exhaustion;
Harvey R Clark, 20, tuberculosis;
James McKeon, 44, nephritis;
George Voges, 83, senility;
Mary A Forstner, 51, uterine cancer;
Clara Schmidt, 29, pneumonia;
Herbert Arthur Roser, 2 months;
Lewis H Conklin, 65, pneumonia;
John Smith, suicide by drowning.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 29 June 1901, page 8
Joseph Reichert, of 1630 Hamer street, Newport, was a victim of the heat. His death was reported to the Coroner and he found the cause to be as stated.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 8 July 1901, page 5
Mrs. Hannah Draddy, aged 61 years, died Sunday, July 7, at the family residence, 14 W Ninth st. Newport Ky. after a lingering illness. Funeral Tuesday, 9 am with services at Church of Immaculate Conception. Burial private.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 9 July 1901, page 7
Mrs. Nellie Borst, passed away Sunday of heart trouble, wife of the widely known lumber dealer, in Toledo, Ohio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warner, of Newport Ky.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 12 July 1901, page 7
Mrs. Mary Cummings, died July 11, at 3:10 am of dysentery, at the residence of her sister, Sadie Simms, 321 E Fourth st. Newport. Funeral Saturday, July 13 at 2pm. Burial private.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 28 July 1901, page 3
Catherine Boley, died July 27, at 7:30 am, at her late residence, 730 Saratoga st. Newport Ky. in her 69th years. Funeral Monday afternoon at 1 pm. Burial private.
Thomas Caden, died suddenly Friday, July 26, at 7:30 pm. Funeral from the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. E Kenney, Fifth and Columbia sts. Newport Ky. Monday, July 29. Requiem high mass at the Immaculate Conception Church at 9 am.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 31 July 1901, page 7
E H Conn, died suddenly at Buena Vista Colorado, Thursday, July 25, 1901. Funeral from residence, 518 Lexington av. Newport Ky. Wednesday, July 31 at 2 pm.
Cincinnati Enquirer, 5 August 1901, page 7
The remains of Mort Savage, who died suddenly while at work at the street railway power house, Newport Saturday, as the result of pulmonary hemorrhage, were yesterday shipped to Fairview Ky for interment by Funeral Director Betz.
Health Officer Kehm death report for Newport in the past week: Caroline Harwood, 52-heart failure; Susan Gibbs, heat prostration; Thomas Dunn, 43-pneumonia; Catherine Glenn, 43-heart disease; Catherine Boey, 6-endocarditis; Leonard Dieckman, 2m-meningitis; Carl Berwanger, 11-skull fracture; Thomas Caden, 37-drowning; Michael O'Hara, 42-heart failure; Greer Ross, 3m-meningitis; Francis Legner-heart disease; William Harrison, 47-heat; Albert Wiggeringich, 13m-menigitis; Jacob Jaeger, 41-cerebral apoplexy; Infant Hobson-asphyzia; Susie Wasser, 29-inanition; K M Freilen, 3d; convulsions; John Hohihovan,39-pneumonia; Bertha Lucas, 3m-cholera; George Thomas-consumption. Mattie Couglin, 26-shock from hemorrhage; Charles Maertens, 39-cerebral apoplexy; Margaret Reifechneider, 58-apoplexy; Joseph A Maschinot, 5m-meningitis; Sarah Gates, 40-laryngitis; Burlington Lapish, 89-laryngitis; Mort Savage-hemorrhage.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 2 September 1901, page 7
Health Officer Kehm death report: Charles Thatcher, 63, brain; Thornton Thompson, 3 months; Dora Hartfeld, 9 months; Ed Kinsella, 49, tuberculosis; Pearl Price, 27; Joseph Tinker, 64, pneumonia; Infant Wagner; John Hopf, 31; Ed Roach, paralysis; Herman Gausing, 77; Fred Becker, 37, laryngitis; Lawrence Austin, 3 months, cholera; Grace, 28 tuberculosis.
The funeral of Julius Bertsch took place yesterday afternoon from his late residence, 11 West Sixth street. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 10 September 1901, page 7
Funeral Services of Mrs. A J Edwards, widow of the late Rowland L Edwards, will take place from residence, 509 Overton av. Newport Ky. Wednesday, September 11, 1901 at 10 am.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 23 September 1901, page 7
Health Officer Kehm death report:
Joseph Meschel, 3y 6m, meningitis;
Mary Vansant, 2m, convulsions;
Naomi Schulte, 3, pneumonia;
Bernard Nieman, 60, chronic bronchitis;
Jerome Delaney, 24, pulmonary;
J Henry Badger, 36, inquest pending;
Thomas Caugany, 39, Brights disease;
Pearl Edna Mohr, 20 tuberculosis;
Florence Zeil, 11m;
Johanna Fburnella, 2y 3m, meningitis;
George O Teeters, 27, suicide by shooting;
Infant Good;
Adolph Cravack, 69, cerebral hemorrhage;
William H Bendel, 21, tuberculosis;
Walter Kolbe, 24, typhoid fever.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 21 October 1901, page 8
Health Officer Kehm death report; (faded and unable to read cause of death) Jeminma Walker, 65; Joseph Hoff, 32; Margaret Meyer, 72; William Deho, 43, cardiac paralysis; Infant Semilek; Anna Wright; William Shey, gunshot; Catherine Marshe, 72; James M Duffy, 72; Herman Meischel, 42; Infant Bener, 10m; Albina Bowen, 84, cardiac; George Wigand, 76; George Davis, 41, chronic nephritis; Henrietta Fickler, 11 days.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 28 October, 1901, page 8
Health Officer Kehm deaths report:
Anna Link, 42, Newport, carcinoma;
Richard Gormiey, 42, Columbia st. heart disease;
Elizabeth Newman, 80, Highlands, dropsy;
Pearl Vickery, 15m, 291 East Front st. bronchitis;
Infant Meyer, 704 Putnam;
Bridget Shannon, 74, 610 E Third, fatty degeneration;
Nancy Quales, 50, E Front;
Robert Tutin, 65, Bellevue, paralysis;
Arthur Heath, 8m, 960 Monmouth, pneumonia;
Harry Guy, 33, Highlands, consumption;
Eleanor Brodbeck, 79, 610 Monroe, pneumonia;
Maria Wagner, 2m, E Seventh, pneumonia;
Mary F Wiles, 70, 830 Park av. pneumonia;
James P Murphy, 71, 301 Lindsay, cancer;
Mary Derry, 55, 518 Powell, consumption. The deceased had resided in 12 years in
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 4 November 1901, page 7
Health Officer Kehm death report: Mary Deny, 55, pneumonia; Infant Sedgwick, premature; Mary Cottingham, 28, pneumonia; Michael Kearney, 50, accidental fall; Henry Fischer, 71, cardiac dropsy and paralysis.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday,7 November 1901, page 8
Sheriff Miller is desirous of leaning the whereabouts of the relatives of Carrie Strassberger, whose death occurred in the Lakeland Insane Asylum last Friday.
Miss Louis Cornell, 20 years of age, whose home was at 512 East Second street, Newport, died yesterday of a lingering illness.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 20 November 1901, page 8
Henry Hacke, fireman at Andrews rolling mill, yesterday, received the sad intelligence of the death in Sterns County, Minnesota, of his father at the ripe of age of 89 years.
Mrs. Nathan Guy, died yesterday morning at her home, Fifth and Berry avenues, Dayton, after a brief illness. She leaves a husband and two children.
Robert Martin died yesterday morning at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O T Martin, 419 Eighth avenue, aged 25 years. The deceased was an electrician of more than ordinary ability. Among the many electrical contrivances constructed by him was a machine for telegraphing through space and an X-ray machine of great power.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 24 November 1901, page 15
John B Wolff, 51, residing on West Fourth street, died last evening after a short illness. Concussion of the brain super induced by paralysism caused death.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 2 December 1901, page 7
Health Officer Kehm death report:
Marie Marcelia Matz, 2, diphtheria;
Mildred Davis, 4 days;
Oliver P Mills, 86, paralysis;
Ed T Childs, 22, epilepsy;
Anna Wing, 45; cerebral hemorrhage;
William Tuenbo, 26, pneumonia; John P Wolf, 50, cerebral hemorrhage;
Frances Brown, 4m, meningitis;
John Whitehead, 1 day;
Mary Gallagher, 56, cerebral hemorrhage;
Emma C Open, 3, spinal meningitis;
Francis M Summers, colored, 3, accidental burns;
Charles Meurer, 20, pneumonia;
Agnes Mallen, 51, heart disease;
Mary King, 61, apoplexy;
Catherine Keuthan, 62, tuberculosis of lungs;
A A Robinson, 69, apoplexy;
Pat Quinian, 65, inquest pending.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 4 December 1901, page 8
Coroner Higgins yesterday completed the inquest in the case of Joe Hoff, who was killed by a Ft Thomas electric car Monday night. The testimony showed that the company's agents had been guilty of no negligence and that Hoff was lying on the track at the time that the car struck him.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 11 December 1901, page 8
Miss Katie Stoney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stoney, of 519 West Eighth Street, Newport, died yesterday afternoon after a lingering illness. Consumption was the cause of death.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 16 December 1901, page 9
Health Officer Kehm death report:
Lucille Hundemer, 1, convulsions and measles;
Henry B Moore, 58, apoplexy;
Raymond Elswick, 2;
Henry Koehler, 58, cerebral hemorrhage;
Robert Waring, 77, pneumonia;
Ernestine Marselas, 30, cardiac paralysis;
Francis D Bleichner, 7 days;
William Edmunds, 3, pneumonia;
Alia Kate Huhn 1, bronchitis;
Irwin Smith, 2;
Fred Krebs Jr. 4, diphtheria;
Edna M Prim, 19;
Margaret Henshier, 76, senility;
Elizabeth Heiser, 79, street car accident;
Minnie Maxwell, 37, endocarditis;
Tillie Baumann, 1, pneumonia;
Catherine Storey, 18, phthials;
Infant Hathaway, 4m, pneumonia;
Frank Braun, 19, exhaustion;
Emma Thoms, 33, cancer;
W H Braun, 73, heart disease;
Bart Sullivan, 62, cancer of stomach.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 2 January 1902, page 9
The first death of the year was that of Richard, the four year old son of Charles Axt, of 623 East Fourth street. Scarlet fever was the cause of death.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 3 February 1902, page 7
Health Officer Dr. Kehm death report: Rosalia Hentz, 44, 637 Park av. cerebral apoplexy; Gus Artsman, 72, 16 W Front st. diabetes; Ella Holmes, 16, Eighth & Monroe sts. heart failure; Charles L Rink, 1, 229 W Eleventh st. pneumonia; W H Jones, 16, Bellevue, pneumonia; Sylvester Phistner, 9m, 532 W Sixth st. meningitis; Eupronsyne Leuskey, 71, St Louis, nephritis; Mildred Haas, 3, 134 W Thirteenth st. diphtheria; Frank Chummell, 52, Cincinnati, pneumonia; John Jones, 24, South Bellevue, typhoid fever; Emmerly Cornish, 3 days, 623 Monroe st.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 7 February 1902, page 6
Mary Ann Baldwin, 52, residing at 115 West Seventh street, died yesterday after a lingering illness. She was the widow of Taylor Baldwin and leaves five children.
J F Spilman, 83, a county charge at Speers Hospital, died at that institution of old age yesterday. The remains will be buried to day at Alexandria.
Mrs. Katherine Lang, 80 years of age and an aunt of Circuit Court Clerk Reuscher, died yesterday after a lingering illness.
Bernard Leonard, aged 56 years, died last night at his residence, 835 German street. He had been a resident of this city for 40 years and leaves a widow and three children.
John Evans, aged 30, a former resident of Newport, died yesterday at his late residence, 517 E Liberty street, Cincinnati. The deceased was amember of Twin City Council No 2 Jr. O U A M and a special meeting of the lodge will be held at 7:30 pm tonight to take action on his death.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 9 February 1902, page 3
Brennan, John, son of Bridget and the late Edward Brennan, aged 40 years, died at residence, 227 W Sixth street, Newport Ky. Funeral Monday, February 10 at 8:30 am. Requiem Mass at Church of Immaculate Conception at 9 am.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 11 February 1902, page 7
The funeral of the late Edwin Crawley sr. will take place from the family residence, 120 E Third st. Newport Ky. Tuesday, Feb 11, 1902, at 2 pm. (Richmond Ind. papers please copy)
News of the death of Mrs. Andrew Stretch at Washington DC, reached here yesterday. She was the wife of Andrew Stretch, an employee of the Treasury Department at Washington. The remains will be brought to this city Newport for interment.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 10 March 1902, page 7
Health Officer Dr. Kehm deaths report:
William H Hall, 57;
Kate Burns, 46, tuberculosis;
Florence Clinkenbeard, 27 tuberculosis;
Malvina Gilmore, 87, senility;
J H Rayle, 46, epilepsy;
Joseph Telier, 35, nephritis;
Vernel-- Hamilton, 23, consumption;
Stella Zeninger, 13, epilepsy;
Alphonso Yeager, 5m, croup;
Ella Ranner, 27, consumption;
Baby Tomlin, premature;
Alexander Kidwell, 84, senility;
Elnora Redrow, 3 days, hemorrhage;
Lizzie Lewis, 5, smallpox;
Infant Stevens, 7 days, convulsions;
Owen Gribbon, 25, pulmonary hemorrhage;
Mary Brothers, 86, senility;
George Perry, 26, tuberculosis;
Arthur Thomas, 33;
Mary E Kemper, 38, apoplexy;
Infant Simon, 14 days;
William Thomas, 18, hemorrhage.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 12 March 1902, page 7
John Britton, aged 60 years, formerly of Newport Ky. died in Cincinnati, March 11. Burial Friday at 1:30 pm from residence of his daughter, Mrs. P H Riley, 1225 East Third street. (Toronto papers please copy)
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 24 March 1902, page
Health Officer Kehm death report:
John Sohnlein, 69, apoplexy;
Clarence Gleck, 2 y 4m, pneumonia;
Joseph Rieman, 69, cardiac asthma;
Dr. John Hayes, 78, fractured skull;
Eliza A Bowen, 81, cancer;
Josephine Callahan, 2 hours, premature;
Margaret Enneking, 1y; meningitis;
Ervine Fillser, 12, bowel perforation;
Anna May Conroy, 22, inquest pending;
Irwin Hallam, 4 days, heart disease;
Mary Merrill, 45, pneumonia;
Hilda Morgan, 13 days, premature;
Robert Anstead, 73, paralysis.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 7 April 1902, page 6
Health Officer Kehm death report: Edna Welch, 3, croup; Mahilla Clark, 78, bronchitis; W W Lewis, 59, pneumonia; Lucretia Reed, colored, 60 cardiac paralysis; Mary Wasser, 70, pneumonia; Frank A Ritter, 4m, pneumonia; David Collins, 43, anemia; Infant Schoo, 3 days, convulsions; Jessie Twaddell, 14 weeks; Flora Smith, 22, pneumonia; Albert Helmes, 1 y 10m, pneumonia; Alvin Henderson, 62, pneumonia; Cora Rambo, 37, consumption.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 16 June 1902, page 9
Anna Grogan, 64, residing at 305 West Sixth street, a well known and respected citizen of Newport, died yesterday after a lingering illness. She leaves three children. Old age was the cause of death.
The funeral of Anna Clies took place yesterday afternoon with services at the home, 1306 Central avenue. Rev Dr. Braum officiating. The remains were interred at the Walnut Hills Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 18 June 1902, page 8
Mrs. G Harms, a widow, residing at 110 East Front street, Newport, died yesterday of heart disease. The deceased was 65 years of age.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 25 June 1902, page 8
Mrs. Margaret Shea, 82, widow of John Shea and an old and respected citizen of Newport, passed away last evening at her home, 834 York street. Old age was the cause of death. The deceased leaved three children; Mrs. Fahey, Theresa and Maggie Shea. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 7 July 1902, page 7
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Louis W Nagel, 64, Seventh & Patterson, asthma; William Knoblach, 56, Speers Hospital; Infant Horner, 335 E Tenth; Viola Shannon, 25, W Third, gastritis; Mary Phillips, 27, 267 W Third, peritonitis; Frank Smith, 48, Dayton, paralysis; Infant White, Bellevue; Infant Cook, 104 W Second, pneumonia; Allee Niebaum, 30, 214 W Eighth, convulsions; James Collins, 29, E Second, gunshot wound.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday 14 July 1902, page 9
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Mary Cook, 69, chronic nephritis; Catherine Crawford, 50, paralysis; Hanna Busby, 36, cardiac failure; James Kelly, 67, acute pneumonia; Laura Herbert, 22, rheumatism and heart disease; Amelia Horner, 33, heart failure; Thomas J Phillips MD, 73, indurations of liver; Sarah Warden, 78, apoplexy; Ida May Kamping, 24, congestion of lungs and heart paralysis; Mary Pusslinger Cook, 23, phthisis; James Barnsfather MD, 64, pneumonia; Albert Wagnet, 9m; Baby Anderson, 30 days; Ervin Graham, 3, meningitis; John Morgan, infant; Marie Clara Krieft, 5m, pneumonia; Francis Joseph Quinn, 28 days, pneumonia; Raymond Cunningham, 1m, pneumonia; Arthur Haffner, 17m, meningitis; Maud Esther Westwood, 5m, cholera; Carl Westdorf, 2, meningitis.
Mrs. Margaret Baden, 84 years of age, and a pioneer resident of Newport, died early yesterday morning at her home, 708 Patterson street, after a lingering illness. She leaves four children, John, Margaret, Lizzie Baden and Mrs. John Weber.
The infant son of William Manges, of 130 East Sixth street, Newport, died yesterday after a short illness.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 21 July 1902, page 9
Health Officer Kehm deaths report:
George H Wagner, 1, convulsions;
William A Mange, 2m, dysentery;
Margaret Boden, 84, dropsy;
F M Walker, 57, pneumonia;
George Friermuth, 2y 8m, pneumonia;
Sarah E Burns, 47 inflammation of bowels;
Lizzie Schmidt, 19, pulmonary;
Hilda Stegman, 7, convulsions;
Mary Schwering, 12, drowning;
Harry Bonnekessel, 9y 8m, drowning;
George Winship, 14, drowning;
Rose Suchy, 46, tuberculosis;
Hugh Flynn, dysentery;
Adam Knarr, 77, apoplexy;
Emma Maghedy, 27, tuberculosis;
John McKeon, 30, tuberculosis;
Matilda Wooten, 76, nephritis;
Infant Enderlein.
Mrs. Lizzie Luck, a widow, 60 years of age, living at Persimmon Grove, some time ago cut a corn from the small toe of her right foot. Blood poisoning set in. The toe was amputated but the entire limb began to swell to such a size that the doctors found it necessary to amputate it above the knee. Four hours later lockjaw set in and the woman died in agony.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, Thursday, 24 July 1902, page 8
F A Marshall was notified yesterday of the death at Blanchester Ohio, of his cousin, Vernon Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall left last night to attend the funeral.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 28 July 1902, page 9
Health Officer Kehm's report
of deaths during the week;
Infant Owens;
Eliza J Meyers, 9m;
Ann Eccies, 84, dilation of heart;
Infant Twins Heitzman, premature;
Regina Stahl, 84, senile degeneration;
Pearl Polk, 5m, colored;
Infant Hoffman;
Infant Randolph;
Charles A Lewis, 67, pneumonia;
Margaret Coock, 71;
Mary Halloran, chronic nephritis.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 31 July 1902, page 8
Mary Mulfeather, 58, single, died yesterday morning at the home of her brother-in-law, 529 Lexington avenue, Newport, after a short illness.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 7 August 1902, page 8
Mr. and Mrs. Emil J Wagenlaender, of 732 Ann street, Newport, mourn the death of their infant child, which occurred yesterday morning.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 10 August 1902, page 15
The funeral of the late Mrs. Rebecca Mobberly will take place this afternoon from the residence of her son-in-law, Charles Kiehamer, 913 Columbia street, Newport.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 13 August 1902, page 8
John Nagel, 39, a widower, employed as a blacksmith by George Winkler, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital, after a lingering illness. Jaundice was the cause of death.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 16 August 1902, page 5
William E Franz, died at his late residence, 10 Home st. Clifton Heights, Newport Ky. August 15, 1902, age 30 years. Due notice of funeral later.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 17 August 1902, page 15
The funeral of Cecilia Ehrlsman, of 1015 Washington avenue, Newport, took place yesterday morning with services at St Stephen Church. The remains were interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
Word was received here yesterday by Officer William Cottingham notifying him of the death at Wilmington Del. of his cousin, Miss Catherine Cottingham.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 18 August 1902, page 9
Health Officer Kehm's report of a week's deaths; Frank Mellinger, 83, alcoholism; Charles T Clark, 56; John Edmunds, 3, meningitis; Ruth Levy, 7m; Patrick Harrison, 50, dysentery; Kate Schneider, 42, disease of liver; Angie Ross, 46, tuberculosis; Cecelia Ehnsmann, 24, pulmonary; Elsie Walke, 1 y 3m; acute indigestion; William E Franz, 30, typhoid fever; Columbus McMay, 36, pulmonary; William Kosiol, 17, inquest pending; Margaret La Rue, 7m, inanition
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 23 August 1902, page 10
Otto Bange was notified yesterday of the death at Newcastle, Ind. of John Wright, a former well known resident of this city, Newport. His wife was a Miss Davis and is a sister of Mrs. Bange.
Phelim Rodgers, an old and well known resident of Newport, died yesterday at his home near the corner of Elm and Isabella streets, after a lingering illness.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 6 September 1902, page 10
Mrs. Mary T Humphreys died at 2 o'clock yesterday morning at the residence of her uncle, John B Taylor. The deceased was a granddaughter of the late Colonel James Taylor and resided in Lexington. The body will be shipped to Nashville Tenn.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 8 September 1902, page 9
Health Officer Kehm's report
of last week's deaths:
Ann Edgar, 80 years, pneumonia;
Frances Pinkerton, 65 years, tuberculosis;
Patrick O'Leary, 43 years;
William Hulling, 25 years, tuberculosis;
Emil Poemix, 35 years, meningitis;
Theo Stemler, 55 years;
Morten Beech, 6 years, croup;
Hortense Levy, 25 years;
Philip Young, 60 years;
Mary Humphreys, 36 years, anemia of lungs;
Infant Callery, 1 day, internal hemorrhage;
Feth Danks, 9 years, dropsy and cardiac disease;
Emily Stevens, 71 years, paralysis;
Elizabeth Helm, 24 years.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 25 September 1902, page 8
Mrs. Theresa Jeller, 24, (nee Kattler) died Tuesday after a lingering illness. A husband and one son survive her. The funeral will take place tomorrow and four uncles of the deceased, Joseph H Graus, Steve Graus, Frank Sauer and Henry Kattler, will act as pallbearers.
Bridget O'Connor, 72, of 313 West Sixth street, Newport, died yesterday after a short illness.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 29 September 1902, page 9
Health Officer Kehm's report
of a weeks' deaths:
A H Lamping, 63, 233 East Seventh st;
Dan Poppins, 80, Cincinnati, senility;
Lawrence Dressel, 17, 346 Woodward, tuberculosis;
Margaret Paterson, 50, Denver Colo. heart failure;
Helen Klump, 1 year 10 months, 1147 Ann st. pneumonia;
Bridget O'Connell, 42, 313 W Sixth st. carcinoma;
Rose Tabke, 49, 621 Robert st. rheumatism;
Theresa Jeller, 24, 802 Ann st. consumption;
Peter Bloom, 44, 684 Saratoga, arsenic poisoning;
Leo Schaefer, 17, Cincinnati.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 14 October 1902, page 8
Colonel John B Taylor received a telegram yesterday announcing the death of his cousin, Mrs. George W Ward in New York City. The deceased was for many years a resident of Newport.
The twelve year old son of J A Miller, whose family was found in destitute circumstances on a shanty boat at the foot of Southgate street, died yesterday of typhoid fever.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 15 October 1902, page 8
Mary M Weber, 67 years of age and single, died at the family residence, 1011 York street. Exhaustion was the cause of death.
Mrs. H A Schriver died at 9:40 am Oct 14, at residence near Ft Thomas.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 22 October 1902, page 8
Shortly after Officer's Kalfrat and Shea had found Lou Schultheis, of 621 Isabella street, after he had fallen downstairs early yesterday morning, his wife expired at St Elizabeth Hospital. He was 75 years of age and had been ailing for some time. She leaves one son.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 25 October 1902, page 8
The funeral of Steve Nolan will take place today with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 26 October 1902, page 3
Margaret Ryan, widow of the late Michael Ryan, died Thursday, October 23, 1902, aged 70 years. Funeral Monday, October 27, 1902 from late residence, 1115 Ann st. Newport Ky. at 8:30 am. Requiem high mass at Church of Immaculate Conception at 9 am.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 27 October 1902, page 9
Report of a week's deaths as complied by Health Officer Kehm: Henry Holzen, 70, Tenth and Orchard, exhaustion; Hannah Lanigan, 30, 1143 Central av. abscess of lungs; Jacob Fausz, 63, Covington, apoplexy; George P Thomas, 18, Glenn Park; Clara Schmittger, 27, East Tenth street, gastritis; Barbara Meyer, 34, 1129 Central avenue; Mrs. W F Sheldon, 23, Ashland, typhoid fever; Hattie Watkins, 60, Middletown; Sarah E Moore, 60, Dayton Ky. tuberculosis; Jean Rieser, 67, Speers Hospital, pneumonia; Stephen Nolan, 41, multiple injuries; Hugh Leddy, 56, Speers Hospital, paralysis; Frank W Dole, 28, suicide.
After 32 years the remains of George W Ward, at one time one of the most prominent citizens of Newport, have been taken from their resting place in a vault at Evergreen Cemetery and shipped to Woodlawn Cemetery in New York. The Wards during the seventies were among the first families of Newport, Mrs. Ward was a daughter of Mrs. Harris, who was a sister of General Taylor. It was the expressed wish of Mrs. Ward just prior to her death that her husband's remains should be disinterred and sent to New York. They were found in a cast iron casket which was placed in a sold oak shipping case and sent to New York.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 18 November 1902, page 7
Martin J Brown, aged 42 years, died at his residence, 931 Isabella st. Newport Ky. Funeral from residence Thursday, Nov 20 at 8:30 o'clock am. Requiem high mass at Church of Immaculate Conception at 9 am.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 23 November 1902, page 15
Mrs. James Delaney died at her home on Fifth street yesterday morning. The ladies of the Altar Society, of which she was a member will meet tomorrow morning to attend the funeral.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 6 Dec 1902, page 5
Saunders H Bennett died Dec 4, 1902, at his late residence, 108 E Fourth st. Newport Ky. aged 46 years. Funeral Sunday, Dec 7 with services at 11 am at the First Baptist Church, Newport Ky.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 16 December 1902, page 11
Coroner Higgins returned a verdict yesterday in the case of Adam Creutz, who met death while trying to steal a ride on the C&O Railroad. Dr. Higgins said that Creutz death was caused by multiple railroad injuries, and that the railroad company was in no way to blame for the accident.
Report of deaths in Newport last week, according to Health Officer Kehm: Martin V Hoard, 70; Anna E Fueg, 74, dropsy; Bennett Saunders, 46; Susan Metherington, 60; Amelia Seissiger, 71, complication of diseases; George Voige, 69, pneumonia; Mamie Cole, 25, consumption; Gerhard Sarbeck, 70, abscess of gall bladder; Oscar Ross, 2 accidental burns; Ruth E Shuck, 1 month 23 days; Clary Reinhard, 32 tuberculosis; Anna Rees, 70, apoplexy.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 18 December 1902, page 7
Wilhelmina Cloud, relict of Francis Cloud, died at 2:10 yesterday. Funeral Saturday, Dec 20, 8:30 am from residence, 617 Washington av. Newport Ky. Requiem mass at Stephen Church. Interment at St Joseph Price Hill Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 1 January 1903, page 3
The body of Charles O Laspi, 32, of Alexandria Ky. south of Newport, who was shot and killed in Chicago last Thursday, arrived in Newport Wednesday, and was taken in charge by Undertaker Mike Costigan, who removed it to the home of his parents in Alexandria.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 January 1903, page 5
Bernard Schmidt residing with his son in law, William Wiegand, at Fifth and Monmouth Streets, died Thursday afternoon of old age.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 3 January 1903, page 5
The funeral of Emily C Ross took place Friday afternoon with services at Grace M E Church. The pallbearers were A S Berry, William Ludlow, James Southgate, James Ross, J G Feth and S T Lindsey.
The remains of the late Gen George B Hodge arrived here Friday from Longwood Fla. where he died several years ago of paralysis. They were accompanied by his son Judge John T Hodge, of the Campbell County Circuit Court of Newport, and were taken in charge by Undertaker Mike Costigan who placed them in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 5 January 1903, page 5
L T Coreill, 88, died Saturday at the residence of his granddaughter, Mrs. George E Morrell, of 58 Ross Avenue, Bellevue. He leaves two sons, Henry, the well known constable and Fred. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon with services at the home. Rev Amon Boreing of Calvary M E Church will officiate. Burial will be Wednesday at Wesleyan Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Mrs. Elizabeth Peacock, widow of the late Samuel D, died at 2 am Monday. The funeral will take place Wednesday at 2 pm from the family residence, 227 Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue.
The funeral of the late William McArthur took place Monday at 2 pm from the home of his sister, Mrs. T J Haggard of Fourth Avenue, Dayton.
James Horsfall, 22, of Cote Brilliante, died Sunday at Speers Hospital.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 6 January 1903, page 5
Mrs. Kate Bagot mother in law of Edward Berry, died Monday at the residence Third and Monmouth Streets, Newport. Besides Mrs. Berry, there are four other children, Mrs. Thomas Butterworth of Cincinnati, Frank, Thomas and James.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Peacock of 227 Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue, will take place Wednesday at 2 pm from the residence. Rev J N Ervin of the Presbyterian Church of Dayton will officiate. Two sons and two grandsons will act as pallbearers.
The funeral of the late Owen McGuire took place from the Church of the Immaculate Conception Monday. He was well and favorably known in Newport where he had resided for years.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 January 1903, page 5
The funeral of the late James Horsfall took place Tuesday afternoon at the residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Horsfall at Twelfth street and Central Avenue, Newport. Services were also held in the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery, conducted by the Junior OUAM. The body was placed in the vault at Evergreen.
The funeral of the late John Kilb, a highly respected citizen of Newport, took place Wednesday morning from St Stephen Church at 9 am. The remains will be buried at St Stephen Cemetery.
Harry Richmond, 43, formerly of Newport, died early Wednesday morning at his home in Toledo O. The remains will be buried at Toledo. He was born and reared in Newport and left in 1884. He had two brothers, Morris J Richmond of Covington and Joseph A Richmond of Newport. His mother, Mrs. John Richmond resides on Third Street in Newport with her daughter, Mrs. John F Pryor.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Peacock took place Wednesday afternoon with services at the home on Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue. Rev J N Ervin of the Presbyterian Church of Dayton, officiated.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 8 January 1903, page 5
John Beck, 78, died Wednesday at his late residence, 144 Ann Street, Newport. He had been a resident of Newport for nearly 50 years.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Kate Bagot, mother of Mrs. Edward Berry, took place Thursday morning from the Immaculate Conception Church in Newport with requiem mass. The pallbearers were two sons, James and Joseph and two son in laws Edward Berry and Thomas Butterworth. Burial was at St Joseph Cemetery in Cincinnati.
The will of Margaret Ryan, deceased was probated in Newport Wednesday. She bequeaths her house on Ann Street to her daughters Anna, Katherine, Ella and Agnes Ryan and Mrs. Julia Smith. She names her daughter Anna as executrix.
John Kelley, grandson of Mrs. Flannigan of Eighth Avenue, Dayton, died at his parents home in Tusculum Tuesday, after a long illness.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 10 January 1903, page 5
Henry Dickmann, 50, single and employed by Alfred Luerson, a dairyman on Licking Pike, three miles from Newport, was found dead in bed Friday by Luerson. Deceased had a brother named Herman Dickmann living in Austinburg.
Gerhard Sarbeck's will was probated Friday in Newport. He leaves his entire estate to his wife, Elizabeth, to be held by her until her death, then to be equally divided among her children.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 12 January 1903, page 5
Coroner Higgins of Newport, rendered a verdict of death from a gunshot wound in the death of Bernard Kloverkorn of Cincinnati, who shot himself Friday evening in the presence of Agnes Schierer, his sweetheart, at her home, 719 Isabella Street.
The body of Henry Dickman, who was found dead in his bed at the dairy of Alfred Luerson, on the Licking Pike, near Newport, on last Friday, was removed to the home of his brother, Herman, in Austinburg, back of Covington. The funeral will take place there.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 13 January 1903, page 5
The funeral of W S Bonner, who died at Speers Hospital Sunday took place Monday afternoon from the residence of his brother at Taylor and Washington Avenue, Rev J M Bramkamp officiated. The remains were sent to Xenia O. for interment.
George McHenry, 41, a well known man of Newport, died Tuesday morning at his home on Sixth Street, east of York, Newport of pneumonia. He was private patrolman on York street and has held that position for some time. He was a brother of Frank McHenry, bookkeeper at the Donaldson Lithographing Company, and Harry McHenry the letter carrier.
The funeral of Henry Peters, who committed suicide by drowning himself in the Ohio River, took place Monday afternoon. The remains were placed in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 14 January 1903, page 5
The death of popular George McHenry in Newport, as detailed in the Post, Tuesday was a shock to his friends. He was ill but a few days with pneumonia, which ensued his death. A widow and three children survive him.
Mrs. Margaret Poinsett, 78, one of the oldest residents of Newport, died Tuesday at the residence of her son, Joseph Poinsett, of 701 Monroe street, of heart trouble and dropsy.
Mrs. Adam Baker, 66, died at 9:30 pm Tuesday at her home, 26 Rhensford street, Bellevue. The funeral will be held Friday. Rev J M Bramkamp of Trinity Lutheran Church will officiate.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Story, of 309 Poplar street, Bellevue, died Wednesday morning. The funeral will be held Thursday. Burial Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Wesley, the little son of Councilman Jake Braun took place Wednesday. The burial took place at Evergreen Cemetery.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George E Young, of Center street, Bellevue, died Wednesday at 2 am. The funeral will be held Friday morning with services at the Sacred Heart Church and burial will take place at St Bernard Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Word was received in Newport Tuesday, that A C Barlow, a former resident of this city had died suddenly in Duluth Minn. He was born and reared here, where he spent the greater portion of his life. Two sisters Miss Alice Barlow and Mrs. Helen Scroggin, both of Newport, survive him.
The funeral of Councilman Jake Braun took place Wednesday. The burial took place at Evergreen Cemetery. The infant son of Councilman Braun of Newport, died on Monday night aged 5 years. There are four other children of the family who ware also dangerously ill.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 15 January 1903, page 3
The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Story took place Thursday afternoon, with services at the home on Poplar Street, Bellevue. Rev Amon Boreing of the Calvary M E Church officiated. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George E Young, of Center Street, Bellevue, will take place Friday, with services at the Sacred Heart Church. Burial will be at St Mary Cemetery, Cincinnati.
The funeral of Mrs. Adam Baker of Rhensford Street, Bellevue, will take place Friday at 2 pm. Rev J M Bramkamp, of the Trinity Lutheran Church will officiate. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 5-The funeral of the late George McHenry took place Thursday afternoon from the home, on West Sixth Street, Newport. Services were conducted at the home. Newport Court, Tribe of Ben Hur of which he was a member, attended in a body.
Margaret Poinsett, a pioneer resident of Newport, died Tuesday night at the residence of her son, Joseph, 701 Monroe Street, aged 78 years. The funeral will take place Friday 2 pm from the residence, 701 Monroe Street. The burial will take place at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 16 January 1903, page 1
Death by roasting in its bed came Thursday to a 2 year old child of Scott Cain, Grants Lick Ky. Oil in which it had been bathed developed a fire, that baked the child to a crisp as it lay under comforts and blankets.
Page 3-The funeral of Merchant Policeman George McHenry took place Thursday afternoon from the residence on West Sixth Street, Newport. The pallbearers were George Morlidge, Milton Cook, George Kirby, Lou Reese, Charles Leder and R W Reese. Honorary pallbearers were Fred Speckmann, William Kraus, John Davis and Joe Davis of the Tribe of Ben Hur.
Miss Lizzie Smith died Thursday at the residence of her parents 1039 Hamlet Street, Newport.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 17 January 1903, page 5
H P Donnelly received word from Los Angeles, Calf. Friday of the death of his stepmother, Ms. M P Donnelly, formerly of Cincinnati.
Elizabeth Hendepohl, 66, single, died Friday at the residence, 329 West Sixth Street. Cancer was the cause of death.
Mary Sweeney, an inmate of the Home of the Good Shepherd, died Friday at that institution. She was a resident of Flemingsburg, Ky. The remains will be interred at Four Mile Cemetery.
Mrs. Katie Stellenkamp, 40, of 109 Ninth Avenue, Dayton Ky. died Friday at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati. She leaves a husband and four children.
Mrs. Charles Brooks of Ft Thomas Avenue, is in Montgomery Ala. called there by the death of her mother.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 19 January 1903, page 7
Mrs. A S Mann, of Ross Street, Bellevue, received the sad intelligence Saturday of the death of her sister, Mrs. Mattie Greenwood, of Cambridge, Mass.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Hundepohl, aged 66, took place Monday morning and her body was taken to St Joseph Cemetery.
Bernard Schmidt, by his will, left for probate Saturday, leaves a farm of 19 acres on the Licking Pike to his wife Theresa Schmidt.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 January 1903, page 5
Sam Baker, 30, of Cold Spring, this county, died Tuesday at Speers Hospital in Dayton Ky. Heart disease was the cause of death. Funeral Director W C Betz removed the remains to his home, where the funeral services will be held.
Mrs. Elizabeth Heintzelman, 33, wife of Lou Heintzelman, died Tuesday at her home, 341 Isabella Street, after a lingering illness. The funeral of Mrs. Heintzelman, wife of Motorman Lew Heintzelman, took place Thursday afternoon (Jan 22) with services at St Paul's German Church. Rev Dr. Schaeffer officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery. The Daughters of America attended the funeral in a body.
Mrs. Adam Knarr, a pioneer resident of Newport, died Tuesday at her home on Roberts Street, between Sixth and Seventh. She was a widow and leaves a family of grown children.
Thomas McCann, a well known man of Newport, died Monday at the residence of his mother, Mrs. Mary McCann, No 763 West Sixth Street, of pneumonia, aged 24 years. His funeral will take place Thursday morning from the Church of Immaculate Conception and his body will be placed in the vault at St Stephen Cemetery.
Mrs. Anna Connell, who died in her home in St Louis Mo. was the widow of Michael, one of the original trustees of the Church of Immaculate Conception in Newport. Mrs. Connell was a great worker for the orphans when there was not a home in Newport or Campbell County.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 22 January 1903, page 5
Margaret H Beck, 84, a pioneer resident of Newport, died Wednesday at her home, No 125 East Eighth Street, after a lingering illness. She was the widow of George Beck and leaves a family of grown children. Old age was the cause of death.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 23 January 1903, page 5
The funeral services of Alice B Clark who died Thursday at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Clark, 810 Washington Avenue, (Newport) will be held at the house on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The remains will be sent to Vanceburg, Ky. for burial.
George L C Bowen, carpenter and builder, died Thursday at his home, 420 Keturah Street, Newport, after a lingering illness. He leaves a widow, one daughter and four sons. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon with interment at Highland Cemetery.
Reuben Kobelman, 15, who died last Tuesday afternoon in Speers Hospital in Dayton Ky. from the effects of a fractured hip, the result of a fall received last September, was buried Thursday afternoon from the home of his mother, 232 East Third Street. Services were held at St Paul's Episcopal Church.
The funeral of Mrs. Heintzelman, wife of Motorman Lew, took place Thursday afternoon with services at St Paul German Church, Rev Dr. Schaeffer officiating. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery. Daughters of American attended the funeral.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 24 January 1903, page 5
Miss Florence Warner, daughter of W H Warner, of 214 Second Avenue, Dayton, died Friday at 1:30 pm at the home of her sister, Mrs. May Marshall of Hamilton O. She was a prominent member of McKinley Council D of A of Bellevue. The funeral will take place Monday at 2 pm.
The funeral of Stella Marie, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Krauck, of Clark Street, Bellevue, took place Friday from St Anthony Church. Rev Father Kehoe officiated.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 26 January 1903, page 5
Miss Bertha Carr, 19, died Saturday at the home of her aunt on Finley Street, Cincinnati. The remains will be brought to Newport and the funeral will be held from Smith's undertaking establishment on Monmouth Street, Newport.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sensel of 309 West Fifth Street, Newport died Saturday.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schreck of 923 Columbia Street, Newport died Saturday.
Juliet, the little daughter of the late Adam Baumbach, died Monday at 3:30 am. The funeral will take place Tuesday at 2 pm from the residence, 914 Monroe street, Newport.
Funeral services over the remains of Alice B Clark were held Saturday afternoon at the family residence, 810 Washington Avenue, Newport. The body was later sent to Vanceburg Ky. for burial.
Michael Schillinger, 47, of 33 East Street, Newport, died Sunday afternoon at St Elizabeth Hospital in Covington, the result of injuries he received a week ago. He was employed at Vinewki's sawmill and a week ago two fingers were taken off and one of his arms ripped open by a saw. Meningitis and other complications set in and caused his death.
Mr. and Ms. Carl Smythe, of Grandview Avenue, Bellevue, are mourning the loss of their infant child which occurred Sunday.
The will of Sabina Knarr was left for probate in the County Clerk's office in Newport. She requests all her real estate and property be turned over to her three daughters, Sabina Wolff and Lizzie and Mary Knarr. To her son, Adam, she leaves $5.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 27 January 1903, page 5
Mrs. Lucinda Vickers, 75, a pioneer resident of Newport died on Tuesday morning at the home of her son in law, Chris Schweitzer of 618 Orchard Street. The funeral arrangements have not been made.
Judge James C Wright has returned to Newport, having been in Louisville since Saturday to attend the funeral of his friend, Judge Bruce.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 28 January 1903, page 5
Henry Strotman, 75, died Tuesday afternoon at his home, 424 Fifth Avenue. He had been a resident of Dayton during the past 10 years, previous to which he lived in Cincinnati for many years. The widow, two sons and four daughters survive him.
The infant son of George Kidney of Ward Avenue, Bellevue, died Tuesday. Burial will take place at St Joseph Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 29 January 1903, page 5
Dr. Charles T Berry, son of the late Jonathan Berry, who died Sunday at Fairmont O. was formerly of Newport and was interested in a large estate left by his father.
Mrs. Elizabeth Storey died Thursday at 8 am at her home, 300 Poplar Street, Bellevue. She was the wife of W G Story, who is connected with the Methodist Book Concern of Cincinnati and two weeks ago their infant son died. She was a member of Calvary M E Church from where the funeral will take place.
The funeral of Dr. Charles Todd Berry, son of the late Jonathan Berry, whose death occurred at Fairmont O. took place Wednesday. The deceased was an old resident of Newport.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 31 January 1903, page 5
Elizabeth Gander, 71, widow of Peter Gander died at her late residence, 218 East Ninth Street, Newport after a short illness. Old age was the cause of death.
Loretta Block, 70 years of age, residing at 434 West Fifth Street, Newport died Friday after a lingering illness.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Story, of Poplar Street, Bellevue, took place Saturday morning with services at Calvary m e Church. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 February 1903, page 5
Curtis Nash, 32, a well known insurance man, residing at 532 Columbia Street, died Sunday at his home. Consumption was the cause. A widow and one child survive him.
Henry Helf, 67, died Saturday at 2:30 pm at his home on Elm Street, Newport, of pneumonia. He leaves a family of grown children.
Edward Stevens, 38, residing at 836 Dayton Street, Newport, died Sunday. He was well known.
News was received Saturday of the death of Mrs. Ida Lowry at Richmond Va. She was formerly of Newport and was a sister of ex-School Trustee John Bowen.
Miss Nettie Hays of 401 Saratoga Street, Newport, died Saturday after a lingering illness.
The will of John Kilb was left for probate in Newport Saturday. He leaves all to his wife Margaret Kilb.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 February 1903, page 5
Mrs. Lucy Tibbatts, residing on East Fourth Street, Newport, Monday received the sad intelligence that her son James had died Monday morning in New York City.
The funeral of C A Nash, who died Sunday will take place Wednesday afternoon, with services conducted at Central Christian Church in Newport. The Jr. OUAM will have charge of the funeral.
The funeral of Henry Helf, who died Saturday took place Tuesday afternoon from the residence at 1pm. Burial was at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 4 February 1903, page 5
Miss Sarah E Thompson, formerly of Newport, died Tuesday at her late home, 1062 Cutter Street, Cincinnati.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eng have the sympathy of friends in the loss of their infant son, who died Tuesday, age 14 months.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 5 February 1903, page 5
Sarah Thompson, daughter of Mose Thompson and formerly a well known resident of Newport, died Wednesday at her residence in Cincinnati.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 February 1903, page 3
The remains of the late James Tibbatts, whose death occurred in New York, were brought to Newport Friday and taken in charge by Undertaker Costigan. The funeral will take place Sunday from the home of his mother on East Fourth Street, Newport.
Mrs. Sarah Moore, 81, of Fourth Avenue, Dayton, died Thursday. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Mrs. James Louden, 24, of 17 Lake Street, Bellevue, died Thursday afternoon. She was a graduate of the Georgetown Female Seminary and was married about six months ago.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 7 February 1903, page 5
The funeral of the late James Tibbatts, who died in New York, took place Saturday afternoon from the residence of his mother, Mrs. Lucy Tibbatts on East Fourth Street, Newport. Rev Robert L Harris, rector of St Paul P E Church, conducted the services. The remains were placed in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Frances Jones died Friday at her home, 212 Sixth Avenue, Dayton. The remains will be sent Sunday to Falmouth Ky. for interment.
The funeral of Mrs. Florence Loudon, wife of James A Loudon, took place Saturday afternoon, Bellevue. The remains were later sent to Georgetown O. where the interment will take place on Sunday.
Page 3-Edna Rosa Haas, 10, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Haas, the Newport tailor, died early Saturday morning at their home, 114 East Ninth Street, Newport. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning with services at St Stephen Church. Interment at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 February 1903, page 5
The 4 month old child of Mr. and Mrs. George Van Sant, of Terrace Avenue, Dayton, died Sunday.
The will of Elizabeth Peacock of Bellevue was left for probate in Newport. She leaves $100 to her sons, John and Sam, wipes out a debt to Edward, another son and leaves the residue to her daughter, Sarah Peacock.
Mrs. Ursula Kieber, 79, died Saturday at the home of her brother, Joseph R Cowens, of Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 10 February 1903, page 7
John Fuller, son of James and Mary Fuller (nee O'Conner) died at the residence of his brother-in-law, William Maloney, Ninth and Brighton sts. Newport Ky. Funeral Wednesday at 8:15 am. Requiem high mass Church of Immaculate Conception at 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 February 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Ursula Kieber took place Tuesday morning from St Francis Church, Dayton. Interment at St Francis Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 12 February 1903, page 5
The will of Elizabeth Hundepohl was left for probate in Newport Thursday. She leaves the house in which she lived on Walnut Street to her sister Philomena and her son in law, Ben Brockmeier.
The remains of the late Scott Winters will be taken from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery Monday and laid to rest.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 13 February 1903, page 5
Mrs. Nancy Gosney, 52, widow of the late Ben Gosney, died at 7 am Friday at her home, 932 Orchard Street, Newport of stomach trouble. She leaves three children, two boys and one girl.
Page 3-Rose Benedix, 30, daughter of Mrs. Susan Benedix of Auspaugh Avenue, Bellevue, died Thursday at Cold Spring.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 February 1903, page 5
The funeral of Miss Rose Benedix, daughter of Susan Benedix of Anspaugh Avenue, Bellevue, took place Saturday morning from the Catholic Church at Cold Spring.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 February 1903, page
Health Officer Kehm's report of a week's death in Newport: David C Morgan, 63y-cerebral apoplexy; John Fuller, 31y-phthisis; Fred Rothe, 53y-pneumonia; Nancy J Gosney, 57y-asthma.
Paul Curtner, formerly of this city (Newport) died Saturday in Brooklyn NY. The remains will be send here for burial.
The 4 month old son of John Meyer of 337 Thornton Street, died Sunday after a short illness. The child's mother died about three weeks ago.
Conrad Riley, a molder, died Friday evening at Hamilton O. The remains were brought Sunday to the home of his son in law, John Ader, of Garden place, from where the funeral will take place Tuesday. Services will be held at the Immaculate Conception Church.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 17 February 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Ben Gosney, of Orchard street, Newport, took place Tuesday afternoon with services at the home. The burial took place at Evergreen Cemetery. The following served as pallbearers: Matt White, George Huber, Henry Murray and Thomas Dameron.
Aunt Rhoda Ware, one of the oldest and most respected residents of Campbell County, died Monday, age 84 years. She had been a resident of Newport for 30 years. She was a member of the First Baptist Church. As accident which she sustained was the cause of her death. She was a widow and leaves five children, Mrs. Prickett, Miss Lettie Ware, Mrs. Susan Ware, John L Ware of Mexico Mo. and Mrs. Hester Ware.
The body of the late Paul Curtner, formerly of Newport, arrived from Brooklyn NY and was taken to Spring Grove Cemetery.
Henry Eich, 57, died at 2:10 pm Monday at his home, 143 Fairfield Av Bellevue. He was a musician and for years was leader of the orchestra at the Grand Opera House. He leaves three sons and one daughter. The funeral will take place Thursday morning with services at the Sacred Heart Church and the burial will take place at St Mary Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 19 February 1903, page 5
Gertrude Walker, 13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A Walker, of 505 York Street, Newport, died Wednesday night of typhoid fever. She was thought to be out of danger Tuesday, but her heart began to fail.
The funeral of Robert Schwab of Dayton, father of Frank Schwab of Sixth Avenue, Covington, took place Wednesday from his Covington home.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 20 February 1903, page 7
Thomas Cook, died Thursday, Feb 19, 1903 at his late residence, 1013 Washington av. Newport Ky. Funeral Monday, Feb 23. Requiem high mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 20 February 1903, page 3
Mrs. Lillie May Doughtery, 25, wife of John L Dougherty, of 607 Eighth Avenue, Dayton, died Thursday evening after a lingering illness. She leaves a husband and two small children. The funeral will take place Sunday from the family residence and the burial will be at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Page 5-Mrs. Fredericka Buchert, wife of P Buchert Sr. and mother of Police and Fire Commissioner Jacob Buchert, died Thursday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. William Kettenacker, Southgate, of dropsy. She leaves five sons, John, Ed, William, Peter and Jake and one daughter. Mrs. Kettenacker. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon with interment at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Thomas Cook Sr. died Thursday at his home on Washington Avenue, Newport. He was a member of the old volunteer fire department in Newport and was a well known contractor. The funeral will take place Monday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 21 February 1903, page 5
The funeral of Lizzie Blattman, 27, who died at her parents home, 430 West Sixth Street, will take place Sunday at 2 pm in Newport.
Mrs. Fredericka Buchert died Feb 19 at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. William Kettenacher, Heidelberg, Southgate, Newport Ky. aged 77 years 3 months. The funeral of Fredericka Buchert, mother of Police and Fire Commissioner Jake Buchert, and wife of P Buchert Sr. will take place Sunday afternoon in Newport at 1 o'clock. Interment Spring Grove Cemetery.
The funeral of Charles B Mente, who died in Cincinnati Wednesday afternoon, took place Saturday afternoon with services at Spring Grove Chapel, conduced by Rev J P Whitehead.
Ralph Martin, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin, died at the family residence, 506 West Seventh Street, Newport, Friday.
Joseph Bertke, 25, of 1009 Monmouth Street, Newport, died at 3 am Saturday of typhoid fever. He was well known in Newport where he resided.
The funeral of Mrs. Lilla M Doughtery, who died Thursday, will take place Sunday, with services at the home on Dayton Avenue, Dayton Ky. The burial will take place at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Victor, the 8 year old son of Quartermaster Sergeant Collins USA, Ft Thomas, died Friday of scarlet fever. Four other children are ill with the same disease.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 February 1903, page 5
Mrs. John Martin, residing at 533 Lindsay Street, Newport, died Saturday at Speers Hospital. She leaves a husband and one child.
Ralph, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin, of 506 West Seventh Street, Newport, died Saturday. He was buried at Evergreen Sunday afternoon.
The remains of Doretta Block of West Fifth Street, Newport, will be taken from the vault Tuesday and interred in the family lot.
The funeral of the late Thomas Cook took place Monday morning at 9 am from the Immaculate Conception Church. He was a volunteer fireman years ago in Newport and the fire bells toiled in his honor.
John B Daly, 38, son of ex-Mayor M V Daly, died Saturday night at 10:10 at his home, 115 West Fifth Street, Newport of throat trouble. He was connected for many years with the James Walsh Distilling Company and was a brother of Mrs. Peter O'Shaughnessy of York Street, Newport and Mrs. Belle Cloud of Third Street. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning from the Immaculate Conception Church at 9 am.
The funeral of Mrs. Fredercia Buchert took place from the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Kettenacker, in Heidelberg Sunday afternoon. The pallbearers were four sons: Edward, Jacob, Peter Jr. and William.
The funeral of Lizzie Beattman took place Sunday afternoon from the residence on Fourth Street, Newport. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 24 February 1903, page 5
Mrs. Josephine Lepper McNeely, who died at the home of her mother, at Madisonville O. last week, was buried at Evergreen Cemetery. She was well known in Newport and was married here two years ago. A baby boy survives her.
Dr. C S Keener, a druggist for years at Second and Monmouth Streets, in Newport died at 10:30 pm Monday, 23 Feb 1903. He was well known and a widow survives him.
The funeral of Joseph Bertke took place Tuesday morning from St Stephen Church in Newport at 9 am with requiem high mass.
The remains of Victor Collin, 8, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Collin, who died Friday morning of scarlet fever, were placed in St Stephen vault Saturday morning.
Edward. the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Knarr, died Monday at the family residence, 1143 Orchard Street, Newport of pneumonia.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 25 February 1903, page 5
William Block was Tuesday appointed by County Judge Hissem of Newport, administrator of the estate of Dorothy Block. Lucille Davis was named administrator of Abel Davis estate.
The funeral of the late John B Daly took place Wednesday morning at 9 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Rev James McNerny officiated with requiem high mass. The remains were put in the vault at St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.
Page 7-John B Daly, died Saturday, Feb 21 1903, 9:30 pm at his residence, 119 W Fifth st. Newport Ky. aged 38 years. Funeral Wednesday, Feb 25, 9 am. Requiem high mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Interment at St Joseph Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 26 February 1903, page 8
News of the death of Miss A Platz, formerly of this city, was received Wednesday. She died at her late home in Covington.
The funeral of Thelma, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J Smith of Sixth and O'Fallon Avenues, Dayton, took place Thursday morning with services at St Anthony Church. The burial took place at St Joseph Cemetery on Price Hill.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 27 February 1903, page 3
The funeral of Charles P Reckner, former yardmaster for the B&O SW in Cincinnati, who died Wednesday night took place Sunday afternoon from the residence, Ludlow. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 5-The funeral of C F Keener took place Thursday afternoon, Rev Dr. Longacker officiating. The remains were place in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery.
Adam Niedel, 43, machinist died Thursday at the home, 925 Central Avenue, Newport. A widow and five children survive him.
Bertha Lillian, infant daughter of ex-Fireman Cale Daniels died Wednesday night. The funeral took place Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Mary McDermott, 72, of 734 Patterson Street, Newport, died Thursday at the home. She was well thought of and her many kind acts will long be remembered. Four sons, Charles, Joe, Larry and John and two daughter, Eveline and Mrs. Thomas O'Neil survive her.
Daniel Feeney, 83, died at his home, 104 Center Street, Bellevue, Thursday. Three sons and one daughter survive him.
Mrs. Mary Vogel, 37, died Wednesday in Cold Spring of pneumonia. She leaves three children.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 February 1903, page 5
Frank Schwab, 79, one of the oldest residents of Dayton, died Friday night at his home, 411 Clark Street. He resided here over 50 years and was well known. The funeral will take place Tuesday at 8:30 am from St Francis Church. The remains will be laid to rest in St Francis Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 March 1903, page 5
The funeral of Henry Trutchell, who committed suicide by shooting himself Thursday night at his residence near Melbourne, took place Sunday afternoon with services at the residence.
The funeral of the late Adam Neidel, who died from heart disease Thursday, took place Sunday afternoon at the family residence, 925 Central Avenue, Newport. The body was taken to Evergreen Cemetery and placed in the vault.
The funeral of John Feeney of Center Street, Bellevue, took place Monday morning with services at St Anthony Church. The burial took place at St Joseph Cemetery, back of Cincinnati.
Mrs. Julia Milligan, 78, mother of Mrs. Adam Smyrl of 329 Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue, died Sunday night. She resided with her daughter in this city for 17 years and was a prominent member of the M E Church. The funeral will take place Tuesday at 2 pm with services at the home of Mrs. Smyrl and the interment will take place at Evergreen Cemetery.
Miss Nellie Gallimore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C M Gallimore of 45 Clark Street, Bellevue, died Sunday at 2 pm. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm and interment in Evergreen Cemetery. It will be recalled that a son, James Gallimore, died about 8 months ago.
The funeral of Frank Scwab, one of the oldest residents of Dayton and a charter member of the Workmens Association, took place Monday morning from St Francis Church. The burial took place at St Francis Cemetery. The following acted as pallbearers: Anton Layne, John Theive, Peter Wren and Christopher Kreidler.
Carl Voll, 8, son of John Voll, of 423 West Eleventh Street in Newport, was accidentally killed Sunday afternoon while flying a kite. He fell fracturing his skull. It is said the boy died in his fathers arms.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 March 1903, page 3
The funeal of Mrs. Julia M Milligan took place Tuesday afternoon with services at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Adam Smyrl, of 329 Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue, with whom she resided 17 years. Rev Amon Boreing, of Calvary M E Church officiated. William and George Mulligan, sons, and Owen Kenney and Adam Smyrl served as pall bearers.
Page 5-The funeral of Mrs. Rosa Berry took place Monday afternoon with services at the family residence, 131 West Eighth Street, Newport. The remains were buried at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of James Grogan, who died Monday, will take place from the Immaculate Conception Church, Wednesday morning at 9 am.
The funeral of Andrew Mahret will take place Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 from the house, 1016 Washington Avenue, Newport. Services will be held at Salem M E Church at 2 pm. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 4 March 1903, page 5
The funeral of Miss Nellie Gallimore, a popular young lady of Bellevue, who died Sunday took place Wednesday afternoon from the residence. Four girl friends of the deceased, May Tutin, Ada Merrill, Anna Knight and Ella Buchter acted as pallbearers. The remains were laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of John Davis, who died Monday morning at his home, 418 Third Avenue, Dayton, will take place Thursday at 11 am from the home.
The funeral of little Charles Voll, who was killed by a fall while flying a kite near his home Sunday, took place Wednesday morning from Corpus Christi Church.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 5 March 1903, page 5
Mrs. Conrad Stumpf, 78, of Campbell County, was accidentally drowned in a pond near Alexandria Ky. She left home to visit during the morning. The stream had risen during the night and it is thought she ventured too near the bank and fell in. The news was telephone to her son in law, former Sheriff John Trapp of Dayton Ky. A widower and five children survive her.
The funeral of the late Andrew Mahret took place Wednesday afternoon from the German Salem M E Church Newport. The body was taken to Evergreen and placed in the vault. The pallbearers were Charles Voige, Robert Winstel, Walter, Clarence and Clifford Kountz and Edward Wendt.
Charles Pfirmann, 43, died at his residence, 311 Thornton Street, Newport, Thursday morning. Funeral from the residence Saturday morning at 9 am.
Page 3-Mrs. R M Jones died Wednesday at her home on Front Street, Bellevue, of pulmonary tuberculosis. She leaves a husband and two children.
Charles Pfirrmann died at his residence 311 Thornton Street, Newport, at the age of 43 years and 34 days. Funeral Saturday morning at 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 March 1903, page 5
Charles Pfirmann, 45, residing at 511 Thornton Street, died Thursday of pneumonia. He leaves a family of grown children.
Michael Prout, 32, at one time connected with the Newport Police Department died Thursday night at his residence, corner of Seventh and Brighton Streets. The funeral of Michael Prout, 32, a prominent young man of Newport, will take place Saturday morning from the Immaculate Conception Church at 9 o'clock. He resided at Seventh and Brighton Streets.
The will of Mary McDermott was left for probate Friday morning. She left a house and lot at 734 Patterson Street, Newport to her daughter Evelyn and the balance of her estate to her children, Joseph, Lawrence, Charles, John and Mrs. Katie O'Neill.
Page 8-The funeral of Mrs. R M Jones, of Front Street, who died Wednesday took place Friday afternoon with services at the home. The burial took place at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 7 March 1903, page 5
The will of George Angelo, deceased was probated in Newport Friday. He bequeaths to his niece Bertha Parsons and his aunt Martha Green, share and share alike, his house on Ann Street, one-half interest each in $500 in bonds of the city of Dayton Ky. To his nephew John Parsons, he bequeaths $5.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 March 1903, page 5
John H DeCamp, died Sunday evening at his home on East Sixth Street, Newport. He was engaged as a dealer in steamboat supplies at the Public Landing, in which he succeeded his father. He was a worker in the Presbyterian Church until he went West for his health. A widow and a son, Perey, survive him. He was a brother of Mrs. Giles S Mitchell and the artist Miss Rena DeCamp.
Mrs. Joseph Claar, 81, residing in Cold Spring, died Sunday. She was a pioneer resident of Newport. The remains will be placed in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery Tuesday evening.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 10 March 1903, page 7
John H DeCamp, beloved husband of Anna M DeCamp, died at his late residence, 228 E Sixth st. Newport Ky. Sunday, March 8 at 5:30 pm. Funeral Wednesday, 1:30 pm from First Presbyterian Church, Newport.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 March 1903, Page 5
Andrew Mahret's will was probated Monday. He leaves his entire estate to his wife, Elizabeth Mahret.
The funeral of Ida Foster, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Foster, who died Sunday will take place Wednesday afternoon from the family residence in Bellevue. Interment Spring Grove Cemetery.
Word was received in Newport Tuesday by Mrs. Edward Chole of the death of Alfred, the son of Clarence Morin. He was the grandson of Hon. E E Morin, who is well known in Newport.
Michael Braunstine, 84, a pioneer resident of this city, died Monday at 9 pm of old age. He resided in Dayton for nearly 50 years and was a member of St Francis Church, from where the funeral will take place later in the week
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 12 March 1903, page 5
The funeral of John DeCamp, of Newport, took place Wednesday afternoon, with services at the First Presbyterian Church. The remains were taken to Spring Grove Cemetery for burial. The casket was covered with many beautiful floral tributes.
Adam Paul, 66, died at an early hour Tuesday morning of paralysis of the heart at his home, 323 Foote Avenue, Bellevue. He was born in Germany and located in Bellevue many years ago. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon with services at the home and the interment will take place at the German Protestant Cemetery in Cincinnati.
The funeral of the late Michael Braunstine took place Thursday morning from St Francis Church. Rev Father Schmidt officiated at a requiem high mass, after which the remains were placed in the vault in St Francis Cemetery, Dayton Ky.
Fred Lacquire, 73, of 226 West Ninth Street, died Wednesday. A widow and five children survive him.
Rose Henkens, 17, an accomplished young girl of Cold Spring, died Wednesday afternoon.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 13 March 1903, page 3
The funeral of Adam Paul, of Foote Avenue, Bellevue, will take place on Sunday afternoon at 1 pm with services at the house and at 2 pm services will be held at St Johns German Protestant Evangelical Church on Foote Avenue. Rev G Emigholz will officiate. The remains will be laid to rest in the Vine Street Hill Cemetery, Cincinnati.
George Junk, of Bellevue, was summoned to Newton O. Thursday, by the death of his father.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 March 1903, page 3
Patrick Finnegan, 65, died at 2 am Saturday at Speers Hospital of paralysis. He was a member of St Francis Church from where the funeral will take place next week. His home was on Third Avenue, Dayton.
The funeral of the late Adam Paul, of Foote Avenue, Bellevue, will take place Sunday with services at the home at 1 pm and later at St John German Protestant Church, of which he was a trustee. The burial will take place at the Vine Street Hill Cemetery in Cincinnati.
Michael Connolly, 73, one of the pioneer residents of this city (Bellevue), died Friday after a lingering illness. A family of three boys and four girls survive him. The funeral will take place from St Anthony Church Monday at 9 am.
Page 5-The funeral of Elizabeth Hart took place Friday with services at the family residence on Chestnut Street, Newport. The remains were interred at Four Mile Cemetery.
The funeral of Fred Lecguire took place Friday from the family residence, 226 West Ninth Street, Newport. Rev Dr. Aman Boreing officiating. Four sons of the deceased acted as pallbearers. The remains were buried at Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 16 March 1903, page 3
Mrs. Hannah Van Schaack, 65, died Saturday afternoon at her home on Van Voast Avenue, Bellevue, after a long illness. One son survives her. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon with services at the chapel at Spring Grove Cemetery.
The funeral of Michael Connolly, of Prospect Street, Bellevue, took place Monday morning with services at St Anthony's Church. Rev Father Kehoe officiated at a requiem high mass, after which the remains were taken to st Joseph Cemetery, Cincinnati and laid to rest.
Sylvannus H Stebbins, aged 62 years and 9 months, beloved husband of Anna Stebbins (nee Langley) died March 16 at 5:45 am at his late residence 227 West Eleventh Street, Newport.
Page 5-The four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Frisch, of 122 East Front Street, died early Sunday morning. The remains will be sent to Maysville.
Page 7-Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Charlotte Hecker, 72-pneumonia; Christina Glass, 80-senility; Infant Jones; John DeCamp, 45-tuberculosis; Amelia Bockelman, 77-pneumonia; Christian Hubicht, 26; Elizabeth Hart, 82-Brights disease; Frederick Legmire, 75-senile debility; Baby Michaels, exhaustion.
The four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Frisch, of 122 East Front street, Newport, died early yesterday morning. The remains will be shipped to Maysville.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 17 March 1903, page 5
Mrs. Matilda Stauder, 36, wife of William Stauder, died at 2 am Tuesday at her home, 105 West Fourth Street, Newport. The funeral will take place Thursday with services at the home. Rev Robert L Harris, of St Paul Episcopal Church will officiate. The interment will take place in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. A Reed took place from the resident of her son in law, Frank C Wilkerson, of 145 Van Voast Avenue, Bellevue. The burial took place at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Hannah Van Schaack of Van Voast Avenue, Bellevue, took place Tuesday afternoon with services at the house. Rev J N Ervis of the Presbyterian Church of Dayton, officiated. The remains were laid to rest in Spring Grove Cemetery.
Miss Pearl Lipscomb, cousin of Chief of Police Smith of Newport, died Monday morning at the residence of her parents in Claryville.
Mrs. George Michael of 1107 Ann Street, Newport, died Monday. She leaves a husband and three children.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 March 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Matilda, the estimable wife of William Stauder, of West Fourth Street, will take place Thursday.
Mrs. Henrietta Knepper of York near Eleventh, died Tuesday of heart disease. Her sister died about two months ago.
News was received here Tuesday of the death at Valparaiso, Ind. of William A Smith, brother of ex-City Treasurer James Smith, of this city. He was also a brother of Ben Smith, of East Third Street. The deceased leaves a widow and family of grown children.
The remains of C H Woodury, whose death occurred at Arkansas will be received in Newport by Director C A Smith and will be buried at Evergreen Cemetery. The pall bearers will be E J Smith, Capt. W O B Stricker, Capt. Charles Barnes and Capt. Peter McArthur.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Reed took place Tuesday from the residence of her son in law, Frank C Wilkerson of Van Voast Avenue, Bellevue. The burial took place at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 20 March 1903, page 8
The remains of Mrs. Herman Belstin were removed Thursday from Canton O. and buried in St Bernard Cemetery, Cincinnati. She was formerly a resident of this city.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 21 March 1903, page 5
The remains of Mrs. Susie A Martin, wife of John Martin, were taken from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery Saturday afternoon and laid to rest in the family lot.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 March 1903, page 5
George Lape, the 7 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Knotzback of Johns Hill on the Licking Pike, died Sunday after a lingering illness of inflammatory rheumatism. He will be buried Saturday afternoon from the church on Johns Hill.
News of the death of John W Hegge, formerly a resident of Center Street, Newport, was received Monday morning. He died at Sacramento Cal. where he went about a year ago for his health. The remains will be brought to this place the latter part of the week.
Mrs. Ruth Stevens, wife of a Cincinnati commission merchant, died at her home, 1020 Vine Street, Cote Brilliant, Newport, Sunday. The funeral will take place at 10 o'clock. Undertaker George W Menninger in charge.
Mrs. Lena Bloesing, died at her residence 1131 Park Avenue, Cote Brilliante, Newport Ky. aged 49 years. Funeral Wednesday, March 25, at 2 pm. Friends invited.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 24 March 1903, page 5
Clarence A Nierstheimer, 27, a well known and popular young man, died Monday at his father's residence, 630 Overton Street in Newport. The deceased had been sick for some time. The funeral will take place afternoon.
The will of Dora Kraus was probated in Newport Monday. She divided her property into six equal parts as follows: One sixth each to her children, Annie, Henry, John and George, and Mrs. Emma Reller and her two grandchildren, George and Bertha Holz, children of her daughter Lizzie Holz, deceased.
Charles Ritte, formerly a well known resident in Newport, died at his brother's place at Latonia.
Mrs. Lena Bloesing, 49, died at the family residence, 1131 Park Avenue, Cote Brilliante. Her funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm from the residence and burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. William Stephens, beloved wife of William, the well known commission merchant, residing at Cote Brilliante, died Sunday evening, March 22 at 5:45 pm after a long illness. Funeral at 10 am Wednesday from late residence. Burial at Independence Cemetery at 1 pm.
Attorney James T Thornton, administrator of James B Thornton, deceased, made a settlement Tuesday morning witht the C&O Railroad from $200. Thornton was killed in Bellevue Dec 5.
Page 8-Mrs. Adelia Dawson, 87, widow of the late Dr. Dawson, a noted surgeon died at 1 pm Monday of old age. She has resided in Dayton, at the head of Terrace Avenue, Dayton, for many years and was well known. The funeral arrangements have not been made as no word has been received in California. The remains will be shipped to Columbus O. for interment.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 25 March 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Adelia Dawson of Terrace Avenue, Dayton, will take place Thursday afternoon with services at the home. The remains will later be sent to Columbus O. for interment.
The body of Charles Ritte, who died in Mildale, was brought to the home of his mother, Sarah Ritte, of 109 West Fourth Street in Newport. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at 2 pm at the residence. Rev E V Arning, pastor of the First German Evangelical Church will conduct the services.
The 2 month old child of Charles Weigel of Seventh and Central, Newport, died Tuesday.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 26 March 1903, page 5
Rev M C Tettus, former rector of St Paul Episcopal Church, Newport, died Wednesday in Washington DC. Word was received by his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Nimo Tettus (nee Phythian) at the home of her brother, Dr. J L Phythian. She will leave at once for that place.
The funeral of Clarence A Nierstheimer took place Thursday afternoon. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Flora Ziegler, daughter of Adam Ziegler, took place Wednesday from the home on Licking Pike. Burial was in St Joseph Cemetery.
Word was received in Newport Wednesday of the death at De Soto Mo. of Talitha A Green, 60. She was the sister of Mrs. Samantha Danks, widow of S G Danks. The remains were received here Thursday morning by Funeral Director Smith and will be interred at Spring Grove Cemetery Friday.
Funeral services of the late Mrs. Adelia Dawson of upper Terrace Avenue, were held Thursday afternoon at the home, Rev R D Harding of the First Christian Church, officiated. The remains will be sent Friday morning to Columbus O. for interment.
Page 8-Florence Ziegler, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ziegler of Johns Hill, died Monday morning at 8:15 am. Death was due to typhoid fever.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 27 March 1903, page 5
Mrs. W M Pettus, wife of V M Pettus, formerly rector of St Paul Church at Court and York streets, Newport, died at Washington DC on Wednesday. Mrs. Nemo Pettus (nee Phythian) was visiting her mother, Mrs. Phythian and her brother, Dr. J L Phythian in Newport, left for that place Thursday. Her husband is a son of the former rector.
Page 10-The funeral of Charles Ritte took place Friday at the home of his mother in Newport.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 28 March 1903, page 5
Cornelius Halpin, beloved husband of the late Julia Halpin (nee Fitzgerald) and father of Rev Denis M Halpin, of St Peter Cathedral, departed this life Friday, March 27 at 1 am. at his residence, 208 East Third street, Newport Ky. after fortified with the Sacraments of the church. Funeral from residence Monday, March 30, 8 am. Solemn high mass at St Patrick Church, Third and Mill streets, Cincinnati, at 9 am. Friends invited.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 March 1903, page 5
The funeral of the little son of Charles Vogel, the architect, took place Saturday morning from the residence, 935 Columbia Street, Newport. Rev F H Bohn, of the United Brethren officiated after which the remains were laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. George Meyer, of 118 West Fourth Street, Newport, died Friday at 10:30 pm. She was a prominent member of the William Nelson Post Women's Relief Corps and was the mother in law of Charles A Fieger, the Monmouth Street dry goods merchant.
The infant child of Rev Carl Schaeffer, pastor of St Paul German Protestant Church, died Friday at the home of its parents, 805 Monroe Street, Newport.
The body of Mrs. Talitha A Green, 60, who died in De Soto Mo. arrived here Thursday and was removed to the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Samantha Danks in Cote Brilliante. The burial was in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 30 March 1903, page 5
Mrs. Katherine Scherer, an aged citizen of Alexandria, passed away at her home Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. Funeral services were held Saturday at 9 am. Interment in St Mary Cemetery.
Mrs. Patrick Murray, a well known and aged citizen of Alexandria, died Thursday at 5 pm after many years of suffering from cancer. She leaves a husband, Patrick and four girls and three boys. Funeral services were held Monday morning at 9 am at St Mary Church, Alexandria. Interment in St Mary Cemetery.
Mrs. Charles Taylor, 48, died Thursday evening at their home near Cold Spring. The funeral services took place Sunday morning at the Alexandria Lutheran Church. Interment in Alexandria Cemetery.
The remains of John William Hegge, whose death occurred in Sacramento, Cal. were received in Newport Sunday by Funeral Director Costigan and were taken to the home of his parents, 313 Center Street. The funeral took place Monday morning from the Sacred Heart Church, with requiem high mass at which Rev Father Hinnsen officiated.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Meyers will take place Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from the residence, 118 West Fourth Street, Newport. William Nelson, WRC of which she was a member will attend in a body and the members of the William Nelson Post GAR are invited to attend.
Word was received in Newport Saturday of the death of Dr. R E Stewart, which occurred in Goldendale Wash. Friday. He formerly lived in Newport and was a graduate of the Ohio Medical College in 1888.
The will of Sylvanus Stebbins, deceased was left for probate in Newport, Saturday. He leaves all to his wife, Anna Stebbins.
In Newport Saturday James O'Holihan was appointed as administrator of Mary O'Holihan, deceased.
The 2 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wittkamper, formerly of Taylor Avenue and Poplar Street, Bellevue, died Monday at Fernbank, their present home. The funeral will take place Tuesday at 11 am in Fernbank and at 3 pm at Evergreen Cemetery.
In the case of the city of Dayton against the unknown heirs of Thomas Shaw, judgment was rendered for plaintiff for $1886 and order of sale of property to satisfy the claim.
Captain John Crane left Saturday for Lawrenceburg Ky. in response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of his son, Edward, who is reported dying with lung trouble.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 31 March 1903, page 3
Adam Miller, 35, formerly of Cincinnati and later of Bellevue, died Monday at Speers Hospital of lung trouble.
The remains of the infant son of Harry Wittkamper were laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery Tuesday afternoon.
Page 5-Miss Ella Malloy, 40 sister of James Malloy, died Monday at the family residence, 611 Overton Street of consumption.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Meyer took place Tuesday morning at 9 am at her late residence, 118 West Fourth Street, Newport. The Women's Relive Corps of William Nelson Post No 1 GAR of which she was a prominent member attended in a body.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 April 1903, page 5
Mrs. Mary Kelly, 69, died at noon Tuesday at her home, 109 McKinney Street, Dayton. She had been a resident of this city for over 30 years and leaves two sons and five daughters.
The will of the late Adam Paul was left for probate in the County Clerk's office in Newport Wednesday morning. He leaves all to his widow, Mary Paul.
Henry Ritte was appointed as administrator of Charles Ritte, deceased and executed bond with John Mospens as surety.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 2 April 1903, page 5
William R Llewelyn, 19, son of the late Mattie Llewellyn, died Wednesday at the residence of John L Williams, 1121 Central Avenue, Newport. Newport Council No 21 Junior OUAM will meet in special session at the residence of William A Walker, 505 York Street, Newport, at 7 pm Thursday evening to take action on the death of William R Llewellyn which occurred Wednesday afternoon.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 3 April 1903, page 5
A telegram was received in Newport Friday announcing the death of Edward O Crain, son of J H Crain at his home of lung trouble in Lawrenceburg Ky. Thursday. The funeral will take place at that place Friday afternoon. Newport Council No 21, Junior O U A W will meet Friday evening to take action on his death.
The funeral of William Llewelyn will take place Saturday at 2 pm from the home, 1121 Central Avenue under the auspices of Newport Council No 21, Junior O U A M Rev Robert L Harris of St Paul Episcopal Church will officiate.
The funeral of J M Thomasson of Tenth and York Streets, Newport, will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 pm from the First Christian Church.
Page 3-News was received in Newport Thursday of the death at Flint Mich. of John Miltonburger, a former well known resident of Newport. Miltonburger formerly resided on Overton Street.
The remains of Clarence Marz, son of Overseer of the Poor Theo Marz, were taken from the vault and interred in the family lot.
The will of Richard Llewelyn, deceased who died Wednesday night at the residence of John L Williams, 1121 Central Avenue, Newport, was offered for probate in Newport Thursday. He bequeaths all his estate, which includes a death benefit from Newport Council No 21 Junior Order UAM to Mrs. Rachel Williams.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 4 April 1903, page 3
The funeral of the late James M Thomason will take place from the First Christian Church on Fifth St. Newport, Sunday, April 5, 1903 at 2 pm.
Page 5-News was received in Newport Friday of the death at Hamilton O. of Mrs. Margaret Kuhns, 73, a former well known resident of Newport. Funeral Director Betz will receive the body Sunday and take it to the residence of Mrs. Obernessor, 1017 York Street, Newport.
Mrs. Anna Dorsey, wife of Michael Dorsey, of 815 Isabella Street, Newport, died about midnight after a lingering illness. She was an exceedingly popular young woman, a devout Christian and a host of friends sympathize with the husband in his bereavement. The funeral will take place on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from the mother's residence, Mrs. Kinsella, 335 Keturah Street, Newport. Services will be at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The remains of John Miltonberger, who died Wednesday at Flint, Mich. were received Friday by Funeral Director Charles A Smith and taken to Evergreen Cemetery for burial, where brief services were held by Rev Roser of Salem M E Church. The widow and son-in-law accompanied the body to Newport, and will remain for a few days.
The remains of Mrs. Ursula Kieber, which were place in the vault at St Francis Cemetery some time ago, will be laid to rest Sunday afternoon in the family lot.
Jessie Crofoot, 26, wife of Charles M Crofoot, Cincinnati representative of the Crouse-Hinds Electric Company, died Friday at her residence, 112 East Third Street, Newport. Pneumonia was the cause of death. The remains were sent Friday night by Funeral Director W C Betz to Syracuse NY.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 5 April 1903, page 9
Mrs. Anna R Dorsey, beloved wife of Michael Dorsey, died April 3, 1903, at late residence, 815 Isabella street, Newport Ky. Funeral Tuesday morning with services at Church of Immaculate Conception at 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 April 1903, page 3
Mrs. Jane (nee Harrigan) Fallon, beloved wife of John Fallon, died Sunday at 2 pm at residence, 129 East Second Street, Newport. Funeral Tuesday at 9 o'clock from Immaculate Conception Church.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beszborn, residing at Front and Saratoga Streets, Newport, died suddenly Sunday at the mothers side. Coroner Higgins was notified and developed the fact that the child had died from an internal hemorrhage.
Page 5-Hazel, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Callan, formerly of this city, died Monday at their home in Cincinnati. The funeral takes place Tuesday.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beszborn, residing at Front and Saratoga Streets, Newport, died suddenly Sunday at the mother's side. Coroner Higgins was notified and held an inquest that developed the fact that the child had died from an internal hemorrhage.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 7 April 1903, page 5
The funeral of Hazel, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Callen, formerly of this city (Dayton Ky) took place Tuesday afternoon at their present home on Pearl and Pike streets, Cincinnati. The remains were buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 8 April 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Dorsey, wife of Michel Dorsey, took place Tuesday from the Immaculate Conception in Newport. Requiem mass was celebrated by the pastor, Rev Father McNerney and the burial was at St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.
The funeral of Mrs. John Fallon of 129 East Second Street, took place Wednesday morning from the Immaculate Conception Church. Rev James McNerney officiated. The Altar Society of the church, of which she was a member attended the funeral in a body.
Daniel Smith, 22, died at an early hour Wednesday morning at the home of his uncle, James Lynch, 1122 Ann Street in Newport, of pneumonia. He was well known.
City Attorney Charles Van Fleet received a telegram Tuesday stating that his father, John Van Fleet, 75, had died at his home near Mulberry Station, Clermont County, O. where he has resided since his retirement from business in this city several years ago. He leaves six grown children.
The remains of George McHenry were taken from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery and interred in the family lot Tuesday.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 9 April 1903, page 5
The funeral of Dan Smith, of 1133 Ann street, Newport will take place Saturday morning at 10:30 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The burial will take place at St Stephen Cemetery.
Page 3-Miss Mary Gannon, 28, cousin of Mrs. John Weigan, of 339 Union Street, Newport, died at her home Thursday of lung trouble. Services will be held at the Sacred Heart Church Saturday morning and the remains will be sent to Paris Ky. for interment.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 10 April 1903, page 7
The remains of Miss Mary Gannon, who died at the home of her cousin, Mrs. John Weigand, of Union Street, Bellevue, Thursday morning, will be sent early Saturday morning to Paris Ky. for interment. Services will be held at the Sacred Heart Church at 6:30 am.
The last will of Mary Ussaia Kieber, of Dayton, was left for probate in the County Clerk's office, Newport, Friday. She leaves all her personal property and real estate to her daughter, Mrs. Francisca Bowman (nee Kieber) and names her executrix.
Page 11-James Cosgriff, 56, for many years a resident of Newport, died Thursday of consumption. A wife and children survive him.
Mrs. Ward, mother of Officer Joe Ward, 119 Washington Avenue, Newport, died Thursday.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 11 April 1903, page 5
The funeral of Daniel Smith, nephew of James Lynch of Ann Street, Newport, took place Saturday from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Henry Yelton, 74, pioneer resident of Campbell County, died at a late hour Thursday night at the residence of his son in law, Joseph Schneider on German Street, Newport. His son Charles is the driver of the Newport and Alexandria bus. His funeral will take place Sunday morning at 8 am from the Baptist Church in Grants Lick.
The funeral of Mrs. Frank Hengelbrok took place Friday morning with services at St Stephen Church. Burial in St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 April 1903, page 5
William Reed, 38, well known in Newport, died Sunday at Speers Hospital of consumption. The remains were brought to his parents home, at Second and Monmouth Streets, were the funeral services will be held.
John Adank, 57, the well known engineer of Newport, died at his home, corner and Sixth and Monmouth Streets, after a long illness of bronchitis. A widow and two small children survive him.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 April 1903, page 3
Ex-Deputy Sheriff P T Kaighn of Dayton, left Monday night for Leesburg Va. where he was summoned by a telegram announcing the death of his brother, Dr. Samuel I J Kaighn.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 15 April 1903, page 5
The funeral of William Reed, who died at Speers Hospital took place Tuesday afternoon from the family residence at Second and Monmouth Streets in Newport. Burial was at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of John Adank took place Tuesday afternoon from the residence, Sixth and Monmouth Streets, Newport. Services were conducted by Rev Dr. Schaefer of St Paul German Protestant Evangelical Church. Burial was at Evergreen Cemetery.
The mother of Councilman Jacob Metzer, of Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue, died Tuesday night at her home in Portsmouth O. Mr. Metzger left Wednesday morning for that place.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 17 April 1903, page 5
Dr. George Fisher, 73, an old citizen of Portsmouth O. died Thursday at the home of his son-in-law, Charles W Zell, of 563 East Third Street, Newport. He was born in Bavaria Germany and settled in Scioto Co at an early age and for 50 years resided in Portsmouth where he had engaged in the drug business. During the Civil War he served as a surgeon in the Ninth Ohio Cavalry. Dr. Fisher and wife had been spending the winter at St Augustine Fla. and were stopping with Zell for a few days on their way home. The remains will be sent to Portsmouth for burial.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 18 April 1903, page 5
Julius Nagel, brother of Edward Nagel, of Front and Taylor Avenue, Bellevue, was drowned Friday evening. He was on the towboat Relief and accidentally fell overboard. The body has not been recovered.
Mrs. Schultz, wife of Louis T Schultz, of Grandview and Ward Avenues, Bellevue, died at 6 am Saturday after a long illness of stomach trouble. She leaves a husband and several grown children.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 20 April 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Maggie Schultz, wife of Louis Schultz, of Grandview and Ward Avenues, Bellevue, took place Monday afternoon.
The remains of Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W A Walker, who died a few weeks ago, will be buried from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery Thursday at 2:30 pm.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 21 April 1903, page 5
Mrs. Kate C Moeller, 38, died Monday at her late residence 532 E Second Street, after a short illness. Apoplexy was the cause of death. The deceased was the mother of Mrs. August Dinger.
Mrs. Sarah Schraag, widow of the later Prof. Louis Schraag, died Monday at her residence 12 E 8th St. She leaves five grown children, Mrs. John Vine of Norwood; Louis Schraag, Miss Mayme, Frank and Theodore Schraag.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 22 April 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Burke, sister of Chief John Waters of the Newport Fire Department, took place Wednesday morning from St Xavier Church, Cincinnati, with a requiem high mass. The remains were brought to Newport and taken to St Stephen Cemetery, where they were laid to rest.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 23 April 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Minnie Matthews was held from the residence, 511 West Eighth Street, Newport, Thursday afternoon. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.
The remains of Mrs. Elizabeth Meyer will be taken from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery Friday and laid to rest. The members of the Women's Relief Corps and William Nelson Post No IGAR are invited to attend.
Mrs. Theresa Hoch, 64, died at her home, 409 West Fifth Street, Newport, Wednesday afternoon. Several grown daughters survive her. The funeral will take place from the Corpus Christi Church Friday morning and burial will be at St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Schraag took place Wednesday with services in the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery. The remains were interred in the family lot.
The funeral of Mrs. Minnie Matthews was held from the residence, 511 West Eighth Street, Newport, Thursday afternoon. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 24 April 1903, page 3
Mrs. Catherine Thornton, wife of Lewis and daughter of the late Thomas McGrath of Covington, died Thursday at her home, 620 Dayton Street, Newport. The funeral will take place Saturday from the Immaculate Conception Church.
Page 5-Mrs. Mary J Bindley, 64, mother of School Trustee, Jesse Bindley, died in Newport Thursday at her residence, Tenth and Columbia Streets of inflammatory rheumatism.
The funeral of William Weingartner took place in Newport Thursday. The services were held at St Stephen Church. The remains were interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 27 April 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Bindley of Newport, widow of Ben Bindley took place Sunday afternoon with services at the family residence, 946 Columbia Street. The services were conducted by Rev Dr. Harris, pastor of St Paul P E Church. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of John Lurran (sic) will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm from the home on Monroe Street. Services will be held at the Presbyterian Church.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 28 April 1903, page 5
F L Aschenbach, 42, senior member of the printing firm, died Monday evening at the German Deaconess Hospital after an operation. A widow and six children survive him. The funeral will take place Thursday from the German St Paul Church in Newport. Burial at Evergreen.
The will of Maggie Schultz, Bellevue, was left for probate in County Court in Newport Monday. She leaves all her property to her husband, Louis Schultz.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 29 April 1903, page 5
The remains of Mrs. Ward, mother of Officer Joe Ward, were taken from the vault at St Stephen Cemetery Tuesday and interred in the family lot.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 30 April 1903, page 5
John Smith, of 702 Washington Avenue, Newport, received word announcing the death of his brother at Kansas City Mo. The remains arrived Thursday in charge of Director William E Betz.
Mrs. Hutchinson, of Newport, was called to Pleasant Plain, O. by the death of her brother, Mr. Robert Kramer, of that place.
Homer A Warden, 51, single, single of Sixth and Dayton Avenues, Dayton, died Wednesday after a long illness.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 2 May 1903, page 5
Veronica Shupp, 82, who was over 40 years had been a resident of Newport, died Friday at her home 928 Boone Street. Old age was the cause of death. The deceased leaves a family of grown children.
The news of the death of Mrs. Cochran at St Augustine Fla. was received here with great regret. Mrs. Cochran was well known in this vicinity as the wife of Col Cochran commanding the Ft Thomas post for eight years and her many acts of kindness endeared her to al..
Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 May 1903, page 5
Antone Wueste, better known as "Policy Tony" a well known character in Newport, died Saturday night at St Elizabeth Hospital in Covington of yellow jaundice, aged 70 years. He ran a policy shop in Newport some years ago. His body was brought to M J Costigan in Newport Sunday morning and prepared for burial in St Stephen Cemetery Monday morning.
Henry Zachritz of 852 Saratoga Street, Sunday, died Sunday of old age. A widow and a daughter survive him.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 May 1903, page 5
The remains of Mrs. E Cottrell of Third Avenue, who died at Denver Colo. arrived in Dayton Monday afternoon. Mrs. Cottrell went to Denver about 18 months ago for her health. Lung trouble was the cause of death.
Mrs. Fred Schotter died Sunday at her home, 749 Third Avenue, Dayton. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon and the burial will take place at the Vine Street Hill Cemetery.
Miss Sallie Berkley, 23, of 521 East Second Street, Newport, died Monday of lung trouble. The deceased was a sister of John Berkley. The remains were sent to Lexington Ky. Tuesday for burial.
The funeral of Veronica Schupp took place Monday. The remains were interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 6 May 1903, page 5
The remains of Miss Ella V Malloy, who died March 30, will be taken from the vault at St Joseph Cemetery Thursday at 2 pm and laid to rest.
The funeral of Mrs. Fred Schotter of 749 Third Avenue, Dayton, took place Wednesday afternoon, with services at the house. The burial took place at the Vine Street Hill Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Fred Cottrell took place Tuesday afternoon from the residence on Third Avenue. Rev J N Ervin officiated and the burial was at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 7 May 1903, page 5
Mrs. Mary E Grubbs of 246 Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue, died at 7 am Thursday after a long illness of stomach trouble. A daughter in Brooklyn NY has been notified of her death and no funeral arrangements will be made until she has been heard from.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 9 May 1903, page 5
The funeral of Flora Zimmerman of 214 East Ninth Street, Newport, took place Friday with the services at St Stephen Church. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Grubbs took place at 9 am Saturday with services at St Anthony Church. Rev Kehoe officiated at a requiem high mass.
The funeral of Michael Himler, who died last Wednesday at the Lakeland Asylum will take place Sunday at 1pm from his late home on Center Street. Pallbearers are: Robert Pettner, John Demmler, Stanley Ratliffe and F A Robinson. Remains will be laid to rest in Wesleyan Cemetery.
Rev Gottlieb Brandstettner, former pastor of the German Protestant St John and St Martin congregations of Newport, died Friday at St Elizabeth Hospital, Covington. He was 72. Rev Brandstettner was one of the oldest pastors in Campbell County.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 9 May 1903, page 5
Mrs. J Schlundt, of 710 Central Avenue, Newport died Saturday morning from cancer. She was will known in Newport and a widower and four children, three girls and a son survive her.
William Flynn, a popular young man of Newport, died Friday at his home, 113 Washington Avenue. The funeral will take place at 9 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Grubbs took place at 9 am Saturday with services at St Anthony Church. Rev Kehoe officiated at a requiem high mass.
Patrolman Charles Wormmold and wife, Bellevue, will have the sympathy of their friends in the death of the infant twin sons, who were born Friday.
The funeral of Mrs. Esther Irwin, of 732 Fifth Avenue, Dayton, took place at 10 am Saturday with services at the home. Rev J N Erin of the Presbyterian Church officiated. The burial took place at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 May 1903, page 3
James Marion Beach, 28, died at Speers Hospital Sunday after a lingering illness of lung trouble. He resides at Second and Jackson streets and leaves a widow and two children.
Page 5-The funeral of William Flynn, of 113 Washington Avenue, took place Monday morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Rev James McNerny officiated. The burial took place at St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of Michael Himler, of Center Street, was largely attended Sunday afternoon. The member of the Mizpah Court No 8 Tribe of Ben Hur, of which the deceased was a member attended the funeral in a body and served as pall bearers. A number of members from the local Carpenters Union also attended. Rev J M Bramkamp of Trinity Lutheran Church held services at the home, after which the remains were laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 May 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. J Schlundt, of 710 Central Avenue, Newport took place Monday afternoon, with services at St John Church. Burial took place at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of J Marion Beach took place Tuesday afternoon with services at his late residence on Second Avenue, Dayton. The burial took place at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. John Devere, whose death occurred Sunday night will take place from the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Newport, at 9 am Wednesday morning. Requiem mass will be celebrated by Rev James McNerny.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 May 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. John Devere, of Central Avenue, Newport, took place Wednesday morning at 9 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev James McNerny and the Altar Society of which Mrs. Devere was a member, attended in a body. Burial was at St Stephen Cemetery in the Highlands.
The remains of Charles Huber, who died at Dayton O. Friday night, arrived in Dayton Saturday and were removed to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H Huber, of Sixth and Dayton Avenues. The funeral took place Monday afternoon in charge of Bluegrass Lodge No 3, Knights of Fidelity, of which the deceased was Commander.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 14 May 1903, page 5
Mrs. G Lizzie Baker, 36, wife of Andrew Baker, of 329 West Seventh Street, Newport, died Wednesday evening at the home. The funeral will take place from the house with services at the Central Christian Church, Rev W T Donaldson officiating.
Owing to the death of Bishop Hearst, of Washington, his son Lieut. Paul Hearst, has been granted a leave of absence of 23 days from Ft Thomas.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 15 May 1903, page 3
The wife of Prof. D J Winston, of the Kentucky Academy of Music, on Columbia Street, in Newport, died Thursday. She took ill with pneumonia a few days ago. Two sons, a daughter and Prof. D J Winston survive her. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon from the home.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 16 May 1903, page 5
Mrs. Marie Sutton died at Speers Hospital late Thursday night. The remains were sent to Aberdeen O. for burial.
Kentucky Post, Sunday, 17 May 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. A Reed took place from the residence of her son-in-law, Frank C Wilkerson of 145 Van Voast Avenue (Bellevue). The burial took place at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Hannah Van Schaack, of Van Voast Avenue (Bellevue) took place Tuesday afternoon, with services at the house. Rev J N Ervis, of the Presbyterian Church of Dayton, officiated. The remains were laid to rest in Spring Grove Cemetery.
B H Woodbury, well known in Newport, a resident here for many years, died at Batesville Ark. Monday. His brother, Charles, of Newport, received a telegram to that effect Monday night. He was engaged in the steamboat business in Arkansas.
The members of William Nelson Post, No 1, GAR and all old soldiers are requested to meet Thursday at 12:30 pm at their hall, Fifth and Monmouth Streets, and proceed in a body from there to the home of the late S H Stebbins, of 227 West Eleventh Street. Services will be held at the First Baptist Church. Rev Thompson will officiate. The burial will take place at Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Matilda Stauder, 36, wife of William Stauder, died at 2 am Tuesday, at her home, 105 W Fourth Street (Newport) after a long illness. The funeral will take place Thursday, with services at the home. Rev Robert L Harris, of St Paul's Episcopal Church, will officiate. The interment will take place in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. George Michael, of 1107 Ann Street, died Monday, after a lingering illness. She leaves a husband and three children.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 21 May 1903, page 5
Mrs. Lusan Federer, 71, died Wednesday afternoon at her home, Fifth and York Streets. The deceased was the mother of Charles Federer, who with the dead woman's husband, Fred Federer, are the only surviving members of the family.
Joseph Steffen, 23, a well known resident of Johns Hill, died Wednesday after a lingering illness. Typhoid fever was the cause of death.
Thomas Bradley, 26, died Wednesday morning in Detroit. The remains will be brought to Newport Thursday night and will be taken by Costigan to the home of his brother W C Bradley of 325 Overton Street, from where the funeral will be held Saturday. Services will be held at the Immaculate Conception Church and the remains will then be laid to rest in St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 May 1903, page 3
George Tippenhauer Sr. died May 19, 1903 at 7 pm, aged 68 years 8 months and 10 days. Funeral will take place Saturday May 23 at 8:30 am from his late residence, 431 West Sixth St. Newport. Relatives and friends of family invited.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 23 May 1903, page 5
Mrs. Mary Brown, 36, the estimable wife of Jacob Brown, collector on the Newport and Covington Bridge, died Friday in Newport. The funeral will take place Monday at 9 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Burial at St Joseph Cemetery, Cincinnati.
The funeral of the late Thomas Bradley, whose death occurred in Detroit, took place Saturday morning from the home of his brother, William C Bradley, Overton and Sixth Streets. Requiem mass was celebrated at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Newport. William C Bradley of Pittsburg, father and Mrs. George Bradley of Detroit, were here to attend the funeral.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 26 May 1903, page 5
Newport Lodge of Elks Monday night took action on the death of Michael Burgoyne of Cincinnati. He had many friends in Newport and was an uncle to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bitzer of Fourth and York Streets, Newport.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 28 May 1903, page 5
Mrs. Rose Quinn, 49, wife of Richard, of Eighth Avenue, Bellevue, died Tuesday night. She leaves a husband and two daughters.
Word was received here Wednesday of the death at Osawatomie Kas. of G W Walden, a cousin of Attorney T P Carothers. The deceased was reared near Newport and served during the Civil War with distinction in an Indiana Regiment.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 2 June 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Bridget Mullen, one of the oldest residents of Bellevue, took place Tuesday morning from St Anthony Church. Rev Kehoe officiated at requiem high mass after which the remains were laid to rest in St Joseph Cemetery, Cincinnati.
The remains of Mrs. Anna Thomas, who died Sunday were sent Monday night by Funeral director Cunningham to St Louis for interment.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 3 June 1903, page 5
John Baudensistel, of Cold Spring, died Tuesday at Speers Hospital. The remains were removed Wednesday morning to the undertaking establishment of William C Betz in Newport and were later removed to his home.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 4 June 1903, page 5
All member of William Nelson Post No 1, GAR, are requested to meet at the post room Friday at 1:30 pm to attend the funeral of late Comrade E S Hardin.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 5 June 1903, page 7
Eleanor P Crippen, widow of the late William G Crippen, died June 4, at 10 am, at the residence of her son-in-law, C M Carnahan, after a lingering illness, in her 82d year. Funeral from the residence, 526 Monroe st. Newport Ky. Sunday afternoon at 2 pm.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 6 June 1903, page 5
Officer Frank Schwiener of the Highland police, left Thursday morning for St Louis, to attend the funeral of his brother, Louis Schwiener, who died suddenly in Indiana while on his annual vacation.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 8 June 1903, page 3
The funeral of Miss Sallie Marsh of 411 Fourth Avenue, took place Sunday afternoon with services at the home. The burial took place later at Cold Spring Cemetery.
Rev R D Harding, pastor of the First Christian Church received a telegram early Monday morning announcing the death of his brother, Melbourne Harding at Burkeville, Va. The telegram stated that he had died suddenly. Rev Harding left on the noon train to attend the funeral. This is the first death in the Harding family for 40 years.
Page 5-Joseph Bergen, 65, of Brighton and Chestnut Streets, Newport, was found dead by his wife 6 am Monday. The Coroner was notified and found that some years ago he fell in Cincinnati and fractured his skull and since that time he has never been the same.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 8 June 1903, page 7
The mortality for last week in Newport; Alice Houck, 35; Florence Dixins, 8m; Edward Harden, 66; Eleanor Crippen, 81; Albert Fitzer, 40; Martha Jordan, 69.
The funeral of Miss Sarah Warsh was held yesterday afternoon with services at the home on Fourth avenue, Dayton Ky. Rev W B Hall, of the Baptist Church officiated. The remains were interred at Cold Spring Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 June 1903, page 5
The funeral of the late Mrs. ? Lyman Bryan will take place Tuesday afternoon from the Christian Church, Sixth and Monroe, Newport.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 10 June 1903, page 5
Julia Oldendeck, 2, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oldendeck, of 311 Front Street, Bellevue, died Tuesday of convulsions. The funeral will take place Thursday and the burial will take place at St Stephen Cemetery.
Mrs. Frances Korte, of 319 Hodge Street, Newport, died at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati early Wednesday morning. The funeral will take place on Saturday morning from St Stephen Church, in charge of M J Costigan.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 11 June 1903, page 5
'The funeral of Julia, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oldendeck of 311 Front Street, Bellevue, took place Thursday morning with services at the home. The burial took place at St Joseph Cemetery in Price Hill.
Miss Emma Sentif, 26, died Wednesday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sentif at Ninth and Hamlet Streets, Newport. The funeral will take place Saturday with services from St Stephen Church.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 13 June 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Frank Korte of 219 Hodge Street, Newport, took place Friday from St Stephen Church. Requiem mass was celebrated by the pastor, Father Merschmann. The body was taken to St Stephen Cemetery at Four Mile for burial.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 14 June 1903, page C2
Mrs. William Butts of Overton street, Newport, is in Virginia, called there by the death of her brother, Mr. Eastman.
The sad death of Mrs. Lyman Bryan brought a number of friends and relatives to attend the last sad rites, among the number Mr. Randall, her brother from St Louis Mo. and her aunt, Mrs. Zelner, of Champlain Ky.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 15 June 1903, page 5
Coroner Higgins of Newport, who has been investigating the killing of Joseph Connolly in Bellevue, last week, states that there is nothing to show that William Hoffman, the motorman was in any way to blame for the accident.
Miss Mamie Sterling, of 29 West Second Street, Newport, died at 5:30 am Monday. Miss Sterling was a prominent member of the First Christian Church and teacher in the Sunday School and also a member of the Bethel Sunday School. The funeral arrangements have not been made.
Joseph Donelan, 28, son of Magistrate M F Donelan and one of the most popular young men of Newport, died Saturday afternoon of lung trouble. He contacted a cold some time ago and this settled on his lungs. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning at 9 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception, with requiem mass. Burial will be in St Joseph Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Joseph Ross, 55, of East Second street, Newport, who was taken to the College Hill Sanitarium died at that institution Sunday morning. Ross was a clerk at the L&N Railroad offices. He leaves a widow and one child.
Andrew Dilling, 82, a pioneer resident of Newport, died Sunday at his home, Seventh and Overton Streets. The deceased had been a resident of Newport nearly all his life and leaves a family of grown children.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 16 June 1903, page 5
Mrs. Sophia Schembeck, 83, died Tuesday at her home, 1118 Central Avenue, after a lingering illness. Old age and general debility were the causes of death.
J L Schwer, 26, son of Louis Schwer, died Tuesday at his home, 1030 York Street. Typhoid fever was the cause of his death.
The funeral of Joseph Donelan, son of Squire M F Donelan, took place Tuesday morning with requiem high mass, at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The remains were interred at St Stephen Cemetery. The pall bearers were Charles Walsh, Joe Wallace, John White, John Pryor, William Cottingham and George Hundemer.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 18 June 1903, page 5
The funeral of John L Schwer, son of former Councilman Schwer, took place Thursday morning from the Corpus Christi Church. The burial took place in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 20 June 1903, page 5
Rev Adam K Adcock returned Saturday morning from Tennessee where he attended the funeral of his father, who died several days ago.
Mrs. Anna Gieskemeyer, 44, died suddenly at 1 am Saturday of apoplexy in her home Washington avenue and Division street, Bellevue. The leaves a husband Fred Gieskemeyer, who conducts a grocery at Washington avenue and Division Street, and two sons and two daughters. The funeral arrangements have not been made.
Margaret Groeschen, 75, wife of Martin Groeschen, died Friday in Newport, at her home 124 East Sixth street of old age. The deceased was a pioneer resident of Newport. She leaves three children, Mrs. Frank Adams, of Canton O. Mrs. John Duffy and John Groeschen, both of Newport.
The funeral of William M Johnson, of Washington avenue, Newport, will take place Sunday afternoon in Newport at 2 pm. The Masonic fraternity will have charge of the funeral.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 June 1903, page 5
Mrs. Anna Siering, widow of the late George Siering, died at an early hour Sunday morning at her home, 212 West Third Street, after a long illness of asthma, aged 59 years.
Gerhardt Nolte, 82, father of Charles Nolte, of Sixth Avenue, Dayton, died Sunday night at 9 pm at the home of the latter, with whom he has lived for a number of years. He was born in Germany, came to this country when a boy and located with his parents in Newport. Later he moved to Dayton and made this city his home ever since. He leaves three children, Mrs. M Schatzman, George Nolte and Charles Nolte. The funeral arrangement have not been made.
The remains of Judson Blanchard, 69, father of Mrs. George Cunningham, of Bellevue, were sent to New Richmond O. for interment Sunday evening.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 23 June 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Louise Kilp took place Tuesday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Father McNerny officiating.
The funeral of Gerhardt Notle, a pioneer resident of Dayton who died Sunday night, will take place Wednesday morning from St Francis Church. Father Schmidt, the pastor will officiate at a requiem high mass, after which the remains will be laid to rest in St Francis Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Gieskemeyer, of Washington Avenue, Bellevue, took place Tuesday morning from the Sacred Heart Church. Rev Hinnsen officiated at a requiem high mass after which the remains were taken to St John Cemetery, back of Newport, and laid to rest.
The funeral of Henry Woessmann, 82, who died Saturday night took place Tuesday morning from the Sacred Heart Church. The burial took place at St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 24 June 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Lickert, mother of Alderman John Lickert will take place Thursday afternoon from St Paul's P E Church.
News has been received here of the death in Charleston SC, of Mrs. Hannah Henry, a former well known resident of Newport. She lived with her brother, Emanuel Arthurs in that city, where she will be buried.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 26 June 1903, page 5
The remains of 2 year old James Thomasson, 1041 Saratoga Street, Newport, were sent to Detroit Mich. Thursday night by Funeral Director Costigan.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 27 June 1903, page 5
Frank Benton was appointed administrator of the estate of Catherine Faulkner.
The funeral of Mrs. J Hurley of West Fifth Street, Newport, took place Saturday morning at 9 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Father McHenry officiated with requiem high mass. Many beautiful floral tributes covered the casket.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 29 June 1903, page 5
Mrs. Louise Schwienker, 75, of Newport, wife of J B Schwienker, died at her home, 815 Monmouth Street, Saturday. The funeral will take place June 30 with mass at St Stephen Church.
The infant son of Patrolman Charles Wormald, (Bellevue Ky) died Sunday morning at St Elizabeth Hospital in Covington, where it was taken shortly after the death of Mrs. Wormald, which occurred a short time ago.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 29 June 1903, page 5
The infant son of Patrolman Wormald, Bellevue, died Sunday morning at St Elizabeth Hospital in Covington, shortly after the death of Mrs. Wormald which occurred a short time ago.
Prof. E P West, Superintendent of the Dayton Public Schools, received the sad news Monday morning of the death of his father, James H West, which occurred at 8:30 pm Sunday at his home at Martinsville O. He was 82 years old and was connected with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Prof. West left Monday to attend the funeral.
Mrs. Louise Schwienker, 73, of Newport, wife of J B Schwienker, died at her home 815 Monmouth Street, Newport, Saturday. The funeral will take place June 30 from the residence with mass at St Stephen Church.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 July 1903, page 5
Mabel Elizabeth, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Baker of 329 West Seventh Street, Newport, died Tuesday.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 2 July 1903, page 5
Mrs. Magdalena Miller, 82, widow, residing at 1028 Central Avenue, died Wednesday after a lingering illness. Old age was the cause of death. The deceased leaves one son, who is at present in Piqua O.
Cincinnati Post, Sunday, 5 July 1903, page 11
William Stauder has the sympathy of his friends in the death of his little daughter. He lost his wife about three months ago.
The funeral of Robert, better known as "Bud" Wilson, will take place tomorrow morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The services will be conducted by Rev Father McNery. The remains will be interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 July 1903, page 5
The wife of Charles H Theis died Saturday night at the family home, 941 York Street, Newport, aged 68 years. She leaves a husband and seven children: Charles Eisenschmidt of Gutrie Okla; Mrs. Fred Weckel of London O. Mrs. Emma Rehm of Hutchinson Kansas; Mrs. E T Bond of Springfield O. Mrs. X W E Langerzrake of Newport and Charles and Edward Theis of Newport. Her funeral will be Wednesday morning at the family residence. Burial Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Sarah A Worcester, 78, widow of the late Henry Worcester, died Sunday at her home on Seventh Street, near Columbia, Newport of old age. She had been an invalid for many years. Her children are T M Worcester, President of the Bromwell Wire Company; Alfred M Worcester, Cincinnati; N N Worcester of Mansfield O. Mrs. Mary E Pickett of Philadelphia and Mrs. Anna H Griebel.
The remains of the late R B Wilson, who died Thursday night at the home on West Fifth Street in Newport, were buried Monday morning at St Stephen Cemetery. The funeral services were conducted at the Church of the Immaculate Conception by Rev James McNerny.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 7 July 1903, page 5
The members of the McKinley Council Nov 18, DofA, will meet Tuesday evening at 8 pm at the residence of Mrs. McEwan, 534 Columbia Street, Newport for the purpose of taking action on the death of the late Mrs. John White, whose funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm at the First Presbyterian Church. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
The remains of Howard Seiter, who was drowned Saturday in Clark's Lake, Mich. arrived here Monday evening. The body was recovered late Sunday and the funeral took place at 3 pm from the residence, 307 Berry Avenue, Bellevue. The pallbearers were Edward, Greg, and Ivan Seiter, brothers; John Littleford, a brother in law, and Leslie and Howard Scott, nephew.
Supt. E P West of Dayton, returned Monday from Martinsville, O. where he was called by the death of his father.
The funeral of Mrs. Jane Risch of 338 Lindsey Street, Newport, took place Monday.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 10 July 1903, page 5
The funeral of Lambert Riegler will take place Saturday morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Remains will be interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 July 1903, page 5
Gertrude Schulte, 46, residing at 305 West Sixth Street, Newport, died Sunday. Cancer was the cause of death.
The funeral of the 15 month old child of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lutner, of 414 Overton Street, Newport, took place Sunday with interment at St Stephen Cemetery.
Charles Humstetter, 35, residing at 315 East Tenth Street, died Sunday. He leaves a wife and one child.
The remains of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Nash, who died at Cherry Grove Friday evening while on their vacation, were brought to Bellevue for burial.
Mrs. Nancy Drake, 62, died at Speers Hospital in Dayton, Sunday of uremic poisoning. The remains were shipped Monday by Funeral Director Cunningham to Williamsburg O. for interment. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. Boven of Fifth Avenue.
The funeral of Louisa, the young daughter of William Beekman, took place Sunday from the residence, 1109 Fifth Avenue, Dayton. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 July 1903, page 5
Clarence Becker, 24, died Sunday at his home, Third nd Broadway, Cincinnati. The deceased was well known n Newport through his wife, formerly a Miss Gronway, who is a niece of Patrolman Tocher.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 15 July 1903, page 8
The funeral of Charles Amstetter will take place at 8 am today from St Stephen Church. Interment will be at Four Mile Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 15 July 1903, page 5
William (Pick) Schraffenberger, one of the most popular young men of Newport, died Tuesday evening at his home, 1124 Monmouth Street. He was prominent in the Order of Eagles and his was the first death in Newporrt Aerie. A special meeting of the Eagles will be held Wednesday to take action on his death.
The funeral of Miss Gertrude Schutte, of 305 W Sixth Street, Newport, took place Tuesday at Corpus Christi Church. The body was buried in St Joseph Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 July 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. A R Martin who died at Speers Hospital will take place Thursday at 1:30 from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Loesch of Third Avenue Dayton Ky. Rev J M Bramkamp conducted the services. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. John Martin passed away at Speers Hospital on Thursday after a lingering illness.
The funeral of William Schaffenberger, whose death took place Friday from the home on Center Street, Newport. The funeral services will be in charge of Newport Aerie, Order of Eagles, and the Knights of Fidelity. The Phoenix Club will also attend in a body.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 17 July 1903, page 7
The funeral of Edward Enzweiler, brother of William Enzweiler, who died at the home near Flagg Springs, took place Friday morning from St Peter Church at that place.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Martin took place Thursday with services at the residence of her daughter Mrs. Loesch on Third Avenue, Dayton. Rev J M Bramkamp officiating. Remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of John, the 4 year old son of Captain Oscar Barrett took place Thursday afternoon, with services at the family residence, Dayton. Rev Dr. Donaldson officiated assisted by Rev W B Hall.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 21 July 1903, page 5
Thomas Jones, 71, the father of Frank Jones of 126 West Sixth Street, Newport, died Monday at his home on Eastern Avenue, Cincinnati. The funeral will be held Wednesday.
The funeral of Frank Tieman of 3331 Fourth Avenue, Dayton, took place Monday afternoon, with services at the home, Rev Erwin officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 22 July 1903, page 5
The funeral of the late James Smith of Second and Columbia Streets, Newport, who died Monday afternoon, took place Wednesday afternoon with services at the grief stricken home. Rev F H Bohn, pastor of the Ninth Street United Brethren Church officiated, after which the remains were laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 23 July 1903, page 2
Charles Turner, 24, colored, was found dead in his room, Ninth and John Streets, Newport, Wednesday night after suffering with stomach trouble.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 24 July 1903, page 3
The funeral of Mrs. Christian Benke, 64, mother of Day Sergeant Frank Benke, of the Newport police force, will take place Monday morning with services at St Stephen Church. Rev Father Merschmann will officiate at a requiem high mass at 9 am after which the remains will be taken to St Stephen Cemetery and laid to rest.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 25 July 1903, page 5
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hemmerle of 717 Patterson Street, Newport died Friday night. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon and the burial took place at St John Cemetery on Johns Hill.
Dan, the 8 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Daly of 27 West Twelfth Street, Newport, died at 7 pm Friday after a long illness. The funeral will take place Monday morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Miss Hattie Rowland, 22, died Friday at her home, 302 Chestnut Street, Newport, after a two weeks illness of stomach trouble. Her funeral took place Saturday afternoon from the family residence. Rev Adam K Adcock, pastor of the First Christian Church, officiated at the services, after which the remains were laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 26 July 1903, page C2
Mrs. Abert, of Monmouth street, Newport, was called to Littleton W Va. this week by the death of her brother, J A McDonald.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 28 July 1903, page 5
Mrs. Sebert of Camp Washington, died at the residence of T N Johnson, Bellevue, Monday afternoon of typhoid fever. The remains were removed to Cincinnati for interment.
The funeral of Emma Mundell took place Monday afternoon with services at the family residence on East Second Street, Newport. The remains were laid to rest in Mt Washington Cemetery.
George Creighton, custodian of the Newport Courthouse, received a telegram Monday announcing the death of his brother in law, Dan Meik, 74, who formerly operated a meat market in Newport. He leaves a widow and two children.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 28 July 1903, page 7
The funeral of Emma Mundell took place yesterday afternoon with services at the family residence on East Second street, Newport. The remains were interred at the Mt Washington cemetery.
George Creighton, Custodian of he Courthouse, received word yesterday of the death at Pittsburg of his brother-in-law, Dan Meik, 74, who was formerly engaged in the butcher business in Newport. He left here in the early seventies and settled in Pittsburg, where he accumulated quite a fortune. He leaves a wife and two children.
Four little boys, playmates of the deceased, acted as pallbearers yesterday at the funeral of Dan Daly, of 27 West Twelfth street. Services were held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception and the remains interred in St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 29 July 1903, page 5
Word was received in Bellevue Tuesday of the death of William Wehrle, which occurred in Mexico where he had gone a short time ago for the benefit of his health. He had been a sufferer for many years from lung trouble. He leaves a wife and two children. The remains will be brought back to Bellevue for interment.
Alvin Perry, 35, a well known resident of Pond Creek, Campbell County, died Tuesday at the Cincinnati Hospital.
The funeral of Mrs. Henry Clare, who was burned to death in her home Monday, will take place Thursday from St Francis Church. Rev Schmidt will officiate at a requiem high mass after which the remains will be laid to rest in St Francis Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 31 July 1903, page 3
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rueth of 317 Thornton Street (Newport) died Thursday evening. The funeral took place Friday afternoon with services from St Stephen Church and the burial took place at St Stephen Cemetery.
Mrs. Hattie Brooks, 34, wife of Daniel Brooks, of 280 Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue, died at 11 pm. Thursday after an illness of seven months. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon and will be in charge of Loyalty Council, Daughters of America of that city. The remains will be laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery. She leaves a husband and five children.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 3 August 1903, page 7
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Fred Turner, Daniel Daly, Emma Mundell, Robert Lee Walters and Elizabeth White.
Elsie, the eleven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Frey, of Seventh and Ann streets, died yesterday after a lingering illness.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 3 August 1903, page 5
John Seubert, of 58 Foote Avenue, Bellevue, died Sunday afternoon after a long illness. He was a member of Cincinnati Aerie, Order of the Eagles.
Douglas Lodge No 49 K of P, met Sunday night in Bellevue and passed resolutions on the death of Henry Wehole who died in New Mexico.
Loyalty Council, D of A, Bellevue, has adopted resolutions upon the death of Mrs. Hattie Brooks, who was a member of the council.
Earl, the 11 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J Campbell of Van Voast Avenue, Bellevue, died Sunday evening.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 August 1903, page 5
The will of Mary Puefenacht was left for probate in the Campbell County Court in Newport Tuesday morning. She leaves her entire estate to her husband, Gottlieb, consisting of a house and lot on Twelfth Street, Newport. She asks that no inventory be made. The will was dated January 1900 and was witnessed by W V Warren and E W Hawkins.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 August 1903, page 5
The funeral of the late Mrs. Edward Kreiger will take place Wednesday morning from St Paul German Church, on East Fifth Street, Newport. Rev Dr. Schaeffer will conduct the service.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 6 August 1903, page 5
The funeral of Anthony, the 11 year old son of Joseph Bengel, of 930 John Street, Newport, who was drowned in the Ohio River last Sunday, took place Wednesday afternoon from the German Protestant St John Evangelical Church. The pastor Rev Arning, conducted the services, after which the body was taken to Evergreen Cemetery and buried.
Jacob Schilling, the well known tailor and father of the late Chief of Police, Charles Schilling of Newport, died Wednesday at his home, 429 West Fifth Street of that city of consumption, aged 62 years. He had been a resident of Newport for 23 years and leaves an only son, Jacob Jr. to mourn his loss.
Mrs. Mary A C Moran, widow of M R Moran, dealer in lumber and railway equipment, died Wednesday afternoon at her home on Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue. A widower and five children survive her. Mrs. Moran had been a resident of Bellevue for 16 years and was well known. The funeral will take place Friday morning at 9 am from St Anthony Church.
The remains of the late Henry Wehrle, who died at Ft Stanton NM arrived early Thursday morning and were taken in charge by Funeral Director Cunningham. The funeral will take place at 2 pm Friday from the family residence on Berry Avenue, Bellevue. The burial will take place at Evergreen Cemetery. All of K of P are requested to be present at the meeting of Douglass Lodge No 49 Tuesday as definite word will be had regarding Bro. H C Wehrle's funeral.
The funeral of John Seubert took place Wednesday from the Sacred Heart Church. Rev Hinnsen officiating. The Cincinnati Aerie of Eagles, of which he was a member attended the funeral in a body.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 10 August 1903, page 5
Mrs. Sophia Wiedemann, 72, died at her home 217 E Fifth Street, Newport, Saturday afternoon of paralysis. The deceased was the widow of the late Joseph Wiedemann. The funeral took place Monday from the residence. Interment at the German Protestant Cemetery, Walnut Hills.
Mrs. Edward Goebel, 25, residing on Front Street, near Washington Avenue, Newport died Saturday after a lingering illness. Death was due to a complication of diseases. Her 2 year old son is lying at the point of death. The funeral will take place Tuesday.
Mrs. Marie Ebrhardt, 43, died at her home, 527 Thornton Street, Newport yesterday of peritonitis. A husband and family survive her.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 13 August 1903, page 5
DMrs. Henrietta Kappelman, a pioneer resident of Newport, died Wednesday morning at the residence of her son in law, Herman Ulmer, ex-member of the Board of Education. No 1013 Boone Street. Her funeral will take place from the home Friday afternoon at 2 pm.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 15 August 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Cappelman, mother-in-law of ex-School Trustee Herman Ulmer, of 1015 Boone Street, Newport, took place Friday afternoon with services at the family residence. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Hannah Marckley took place Friday afternoon with services at 30 East Tenth Street. The remains were interred at Five Mile Cemetery near California O.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 16 August 1903, page 10
News was received here yesterday of the death at Toledo, Ohio, of Robert McMillan, a former well known resident of Newport.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 August 1903, page 5
Mrs. Christina Boehm, 88, of 806 Ann Street, a pioneer of Newport, died Sunday after a lingering illness. She was a widow and a large family of grown children survive her. Gus Boehm and Mrs. Martin Haller are among them.
The funeral of Mrs. Martha E Woodruff took place Sunday with services at the residence of her son in law, Dr. G R Major, Rev Dr. J P Whitehead officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery. NOTE: Martha E Woodruff, 75, mother in law of Dr. R G Major, died Saturday at his residence 1116 Vine Street, Cincinnati. She was formerly of Newport and two children, Mrs. Major and Mrs. Bliss survive her.
Marcella, the 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paul of 211 East Seventh Street, Newport, died Saturday. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning with services at the home.
Robert McMillan, a former resident of Newport, died at Toledo O. according to a dispatch received by relatives here.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 20 August 1903, page 5
The funeral services of Helen Virginia, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A Cassidy, of Washington Avenue, Bellevue, were held by Father Kehoe at St Anthony Church at 9 am Thursday mornig. Interment was at the new St Joseph Cemetery, Cincinnati, by M J Costigan of Newport.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 21 August 1903, page 4
James Reed, 34, died Thursday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Peter Barlow, residing at the head of Dayton Avenue. Father Schmidt will preach the funeral services at 9 am Saturday at St Francis Church. Interment at St Francis Cemetery by J A Cunningham.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 22 August 1903, page 5
Mrs. Anna Flanagen, died Friday at 6 pm at her residence, Sixth and Saratoga streets, Newport Ky. Due noticed of funeral.
The Kentucky Post, Saturday, 22 August 1903, page 5
Mrs. Anna Flannigan died Friday night at her home, Fifth and Saratoga Streets. She was well know and resided in Newport over half a century. A large family of grown children all well known survive her. There are eight children, five sons and three daughters. The funeral will take place Monday morning from the Immaculate Conception.
W H Muggeridge, 66, a prominent man in Newport, died Friday night at his home, Eleventh and York Streets, caused by a complication of diseases. He resided in Newport all his life and a widow and four children, Mary, Emma, Neva and Mark Muggeridge survive him.
Philip Loehr, 78, a well known resident of Campbell County, died Friday at his home on Alexandria Pike, about three miles back of Newport. The deceased leaves a family of grown children. Old age was he cause of death.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 24 August 1903, page 5
Mrs. Catherine Miles, 88, a pioneer resident of Campbell County, died Saturday at the late home on the Alexandria Pike near Cold Spring. She had been ill for a long time and general debility was the cause of her death.
Mrs. John Roekel, 44, living at 323 W Ninth Street (Newport) died late Saturday night, after a lingering illness. Cancer was the cause of death. The deceased leaves a husband and three children.
The funeral of the late W H Muggeridge took place Sunday at 9 am from the residence. Rev J N Erwin of Dayton, conducted the services.
The funeral of Philip Loehr took place Sunday afternoon with services at the home on Alexandria Pike.
The funeral of Fred J Unnewehr took place at Cedar Point Church Monday at 8:30 am with a requiem high mass. The burial took place at St Bernard Church.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 25 August 1903, page 8
The funeral of the late Mrs. Catherine Miles, aged 88, a pioneer citizen of Cold Spring, took place Monday at 10 am from the Asbury M E Church, Rev George Bunton officiating. Interment in Asbury Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 28 August 1903, page 5
The remains of Mrs. Frank R Gardner, whose death occurred at Hamilton O. were received in Newport Friday morning by Director Wm C Betz. Services were conducted in Hamilton.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 31 August 1903, page 5
Louis Barber, 63, residing at the corner of Tenth and German Streets, Newport, died Sunday.
Mrs. Catherine Pfirman, 59, died Saturday at her home, Fourteenth and Central Avenue in Newport. She was a pioneer resident and highly respected. Old age ws the cause of death.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 1 September 1903, page 5
William Barber, a former well known citizen of Newport, but recently of Hamilton O. died Sunday afternoon at the residence of his brother, Frank Barber, corner of Tenth and German Streets.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 2 September 1903, page 5
Peter Carney, 50, well known in Newport, died at St Elizabeth Hospital in Covington, Tuesday. He was for years Market Master in Newport.
The funeral of Louis Barber took place Wednesday with services at the residence, Tenth and German Streets. The remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 3 September 1903, page 3
Herman Goetz, 49, died Wednesday morning at his home on Vine street, Dayton, of stricture of the throat. A widow and two children, Carl and Stella, survive. The deceased was for many years engaged in the drug business here. He was one of Dayton's most esteemed citizens.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 September 1903, page 5
Harvey Kensel, 26, single, died Thursday at the residence of his aunt, Mrs. J J Stevens, 230 West Eighth Street, Newport. His parents reside at Twelve Mile. Kensel was suffering from a complication of diseases.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 September 1903, page 3
The 2 day old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Underwood of Covert Run Pike, Newport, died Sunday afternoon. The child was born at Speers Hospital, where Mrs. Underwood is a private patient.
The funeral of Frances Isabella, the little daughter of Constable and Mrs. Henry Parks, took place Sunday afternoon with services at the family residence, Front and Monmouth Streets. The body was interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 9 September 1903, page 5
Charles Yeager, 20 of 410 Keturah Street, Newport, son of Richard Yeager, died Wednesday. The funeral will take place on Friday at St Stephen Church.
The funeral of Louis Mittemiller who died Monday will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 from the residence, 928 York Street, Newport. Eureka Lodge, K of P of which he was a charter member will attend in a body and have charge of the funeral. Coroner Higgins held a post mortem and rendered a verdict of heart disease.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 September 1903, page 5
H M Benton of Newport, was Thursday named administrator of the estate of Nona Wheeler.
Bernard Buchter, 80, residing at 840 Washington Avenue, Newport, died in Newport Thursday of old age. The deceased was a pioneer of Newport and leaves one son and a daughter.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 September 1903, page 5
William, the sixteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Maloney of Newport, died suddenly Saturday evening at his boarding house on West Seventh Street, Cincinnati. His body was brought to the residence of his parents, 528 Lindsey Street by Undertake Mike Costigan. The funeral will take place Tuesday from the church of the Immaculate Conception.
Walter Alloway, 17, who was run over by a section of C&O freight cars Saturday night at Thirteenth and John Streets, died Saturday afternoon from the injuries at the Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati. His left leg was amputated at 10 am and death followed four hours later. The remains were taken to the home of his father John Alloway, the river pilot, who resides at the head of John Street, Newport.
The funeral of Elmer Goldsmith who committed suicide last Friday night, took place Sunday afternoon at the family residence. Newport Council No 21, Junior O U A M attended and conducted the services.
Daniel M Jones, formerly of Newport and a member of Noah's Dove Lodge IOOF died Saturday night at Seventh and Mound streets in Cincinnati. A widow survives him. The lodge will meet Monday night to make arrangements for the funeral.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 15 September 1903, page 5
The funeral of William Maloney, who died suddenly at the home of his parents, 102 Main Street, Cincinnati, took place from the Immaculate Conception Church in Newport, Tuesday.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 16 September 1903, page 5
The infant daughter of Dr. Menne, the veterinary surgeon, died Tuesday at the residence, 618 Monmouth Street, Newport.
Benjamin Johnson, of Robert Street, Newport, has returned home from Lynchburg O. where he had been called on account of the death of his brother in law, J A Henderson.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 19 September 1903, page 1
The funeral of Mrs. Louisa Buerger took place Friday with services at the family residence, 1116 Ann Street, Newport. Rev Dr. Schaefer, pastor of St Paul German Church, officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Eliza J Thornton, as administratrix of J B Thornton, filed suit to settle the estate of J R Thornton who died intestate.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 21 September 1903, page 7
Mrs. Anna C Hamberg, widow of Henry Hamberg, died suddenly at her home, 910 Washington avenue, Newport, at 3 o'clock yesterday morning at the age of 65 years. Apoplexy was the cause of death. Four children survive her.
The remains of William Nolan, who was killed by the cars at Corliss Wis. arrived here yesterday and were taken by Funeral Director Costigan to the family residence, 122 West Sixth street Newport. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 September 1903, page 1
John Lloyd, 70, of Tenth and Putnam Streets, Newport, died late Saturday night at his home. Two sons survive him.
Page 5-Fred Miller, aged 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, died Saturday at his home on Third Street, Dayton.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 23 September 1903, page 5
The funeral of Joseph Fenbers of 908 Hamlet Street, Newport, took place Wednesday morning. Requiem mass was read at St Stephen Church and hundreds of friends attended. The directors of the M & M Building Association with which the deceased was connected for a long while, also attended in a body. Burial was in Four Mile Cemetery.
The death of W H Hanover, 54, in Newport, was a shock to his friends. For 30 years he was employed as railway mail clerk between Cincinnati and Nashville. A widow and two sons survive him. He resided at 318 East Eighth Street.
The funeral of John Lloyd of Newport, took place Tuesday afternoon, with services at the residence, Tenth and Putnam Streets. Rev Dr. Bohn officiated and the remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery. The Newport Lodge of Iron and Steel Workers, of which the deceased was a member, attended in a body.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 September 1903, page 5
The remains of Joseph Mescher of Fairfield Avenue, Dayton, who was killed in a railroad collision at Hinton W Va. a few days ago, arrived Thursday morning and were taken in charge by Undertaker Betz of Newport. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon.
The funeral of William Millerhaus, whose sudden death occurred Monday, will take place on Friday morning from the Corpus Christi Church at 9 o'clock. This will be the last funeral from that church as it will be abandoned after another week.
The funeral of Frank Maschinot, the young man who died at Speers Hospital Tuesday morning of tetanus, took place Thursday morning from St Francis Church. Burial in St Francis Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 25 September 1903, page 5
The funeral of the late William Millerhaus took place Friday morning from Corpus Christi Church in Newport. The remains were buried at St Joseph Cemetery on the Licking Pike.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 26 September 1903, page 5
Mrs. Margaret Hoop, 28, the wife of Edgar Hoop, formerly of Carthage Ky. died at her home 933 Monroe Street, Newport, of consumption. Her funeral took place Saturday morning at 11 o'clock from the Baptist Church at Persimmon Grove, with burial in the cemetery at that place.
When the funeral of William Millerhaus took place in Newport Friday, Unnewehr's sawmill, where he was formerly employed, was closed and all the workmen called at the home to pay their respects in a body. The pall bearers were H Bertman, H Hofstetter, E Christian and Ben Smith.
Mrs. Phoebe Agne received a telegram Friday from Franklin O. announcing the death of her sister.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 28 September 1903, page 5
The funeral of Charles White took place Sunday with services in Alexandria. The remains were interred at the Alexandria Cemetery.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Abeling took place Sunday with services at the home, 320 Columbia Street, Newport. The remains were interred at St Mary Cemetery, back of Cincinnati.
The funeral of Barbara Basse, of 944 Ann Street, Newport, took place Sunday afternoon with services at the home of Gus Sauer, 832 Central Avenue. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
The infant son of Charles Jarvis residing of Fourth Street, Newport near York, died Saturday.
News was received in Newport of the death of Thomas Duncan at Lakeland Ky. the well known railroad clerk, of paralysis. The deceased was 48 years of age and leaves a widow and one child.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 28 September 1903, page 5
Thomas Duncan, aged 48 years, died suddenly, Saturday, Sept 26, 1903. Funeral from residence 341 E Second st. Newport Ky. Tuesday at 8:30 am. requiem mass at Church of Immaculate Conception 9 am.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 29 September 1903, page 7
George Bregel died at his residence on Hodge st. Newport, Ky. Monday, Sept 28, aged 42 years. Funeral Thursday morning, Oct 1 from the residence of his mother, 316 W Tenth st. Requiem high mass at St Stephen Church.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 October 1903, page 5
William Donnelly, a river pilot, drowned Thursday and his body was found near the Covington pump house. His remains were sent to Donnelly's home in Chilo.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 6 October 1903, page 1
The funeral of Helen White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William White, took place Tuesday afternoon from the First Baptist Church in Newport. The remains were buried in Newport.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 5 October 1903, page 5
Coroner M Higgins of Newport, was notified Saturday evening that his nephew, William Wittler, 18, a jockey, known on the turf as J Williams, had been killed at Chicago in a collision between a train and an electric car. Dr. Higgins left for that place to attend the funeral.
The funeral of Eva Dix, 15, who died Friday night at Cold Spring took place Monday afternoon from the home of her stepfather, John Luck. Lockjaw was the cause of death. She stepped on a nail some days ago and little attention was paid to the injury until the poison had entered her entire system. The efforts of the physicians were powerless.
Laura Masminster, 74, mother of Mrs. John De Camp, died suddenly Saturday afternoon at her home, on East Sixth Street, Newport. Chronic rheumatism, resulting in endocarditic, was the cause of death. A son Edward also survives.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 8 October 1903, page 5
Mrs. Katherine Desch, 77, residing on Mt Pleasant Avenue in the Highlands died Wednesday after a lingering illness. Old age was the cause of death.
The funeral of Mrs. Isabella Miller took place Wednesday with services at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Cargilll, on East Fifth Street, Rev Dr. J P Whitehead officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 10 October 1903, page 5
William Casner, 46, formerly a prominent Newport man, died in Philadelphia, according to a dispatch received in Newport Friday evening. He had moved early in the spring to Philadelphia from Newport to accept a position in a watch case factory. He was a member of Eureka Lodge K of P, and a widow and five children survive him.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 12 October 1903, page 5
Constable Joe Craus, of Newport, is mourning the loss of his son, Arthur, 17, a promising young man, who died Saturday night of lung trouble. He had been ill for some time, but the family had hopes of his recovery.
Anna Hager, 20, of 710 Street, (Newport) died Sunday of consumption.
The 16 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Klotzbach, of Ninth and Saratoga Streets (Newport) died Sunday of Meningitis.
The funeral of Mrs. Isabel Piersel, who died Saturday took place from the house, 122 Foote avenue, Bellevue, Sunday afternoon. Rev Amon Boreing, of the Calvary M C Church conducted the services. Burial was in the Evergreen Cemetery. The deceased was 65 years of age. She leaves a husband, Rev L B Piersel and two sons, Rev E P Piersel and Rev C Piersel.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 13 October 1903, page 5
Mrs. Amanda Love died Monday at her home corner of Seventh and Isabella Streets (Newport) aged 46.
Mrs. Mary Pfirmann, a widow died Monday at her home, 521 Lindsey Street (Newport) aged 44. Two children survive her.
The arrangements for the funeral of the late William Cassner, whose death occurred in Philadelphia were changed. The Eureka Lodge, K of P, decided to have it at their hall at Fourth and York at 2 o'clock this afternoon, the services being conducted by the lodge. Burial was at the Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 14 October 1903, page 5
The body of Mrs. Lizzie Walters, formerly Mrs. Simms, of Newport, who died Sunday in St Louis, arrived here Tuesday and was removed by Undertaker Erschell to the residence of her sister, Mrs. Philip Herman, 723 Saratoga Street, from where the funeral took place Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
William J Bowman, only son of Commissary Sergeant John Bowman of Ft Thomas, retired USA who has many friends here, died recently at Detroit Michigan.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 15 October 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Kate Pfirman of Lindsay Street, Newport, took place Wednesday, with services at the home. Rev Dr. Schaeffer officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Walters, whose remains were shipped here from St Louis, took place from the home of her sister, Mrs. Herman, on Saratoga Street. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 16 October 1903, page 5
Miss Anna Goebel, 17, died Thursday at the home Eighth and Dayton Streets in Newport, of consumption. She was well known.
Mrs. Mary Durstock of 820 Saratoga Street, Newport died Thursday.
Mrs. Rosa Hronek, 54, wife of Charles Hronek, died Thursday at the home, 1129 York Street, Newport. The funeral of Mrs. Hronek of 1129 York Street, took place Sunday (Oct 18) with services at the home. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 19 October 1903, page 5
William Zillick died at Speers Hosptial (Dayton Ky) Saturday. His funeral will take place from the home of his brother-in-law, Ben Smith, on West Tenth Street, this city (Newport) Tuesday morning.
Alfred, the 13 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steinhauer, died Saturday. His funeral took place Monday morning from St Thomas Catholic Church.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary A Durstack took place on Monday morning at 9 o'clock with requiem mass at St Stephen Church.
Leah, the 2 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston of 211 E Sixth Street, Newport, died at 5 o'clock Monday morning of membrane croup.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 October 1903, page 5
The funeral of Henry Schwartz of 218 Central Avenue, who was killed by a train at Burgin Ky. took place Tuesday with services at Corpus Christi Church. The remains were interred in St Joseph Cemetery on the Licking Pike.
Mrs. Rose Jergen, 46, died Tuesday at her home at Johns Hill, south of Newport. A widower and a married daughter survive her. The funeral will take place Thursday.
The funeral of Leah, the two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C Johnston, of 211 East Sixth Street, Newport, took place Tuesday, with services at the home, Rev Dr. Whitehead officiating. The remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 22 October 1903, page 5
Gus Bramlage, 43, residing at 625 Monroe Street, Newport and who for many years conducted a shoe store on Vine Street, near Sixth in Cincinnati, died Wednesday of lung trouble. A widow and two children survive him.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 26 October 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Edward Biltz will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2 pm from Taylor Street M E Church. The remains will be buried at Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 7-Health Officer Kehm's report of deaths: Susie White, 39; Fred Diehm Jr. 2 days; William Zielick, 28; Leah Johnston, 3; Henry Voltz, 65; Rosa Jergons, 43; Aug Bramlage, 45; Anna Blau, 50.
The remains of Henry Voltz of 822 West Seventh street, whose death occurred Saturday, will be cremated this morning.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 27 October 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Edward Biltz took place Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with services at Taylor Street M E Church. She was the wife of former Mayor Edward Biltz of Newport. Many beautiful floral tributes were offered.
The body of the late Henry Voltz, who died Saturday at his home, 322 West Seventh Street, Newport, was cremated Monday afternoon at the Cincinnati Crematory.
A dispatch was received her Monday from Fitzgerald Ga. announced the death in that place Sunday of a son of Marshall Martin, a well known newspaper man of this city.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 26 Oct 1903, page 5
The remains of Frank Brown were sent to Portsmouth O. Tuesday for burial. Short services were conducted at the home, corner of Third and York Streets, Newport, by Rev Adam K Adcock of the Christian Church. The funeral will be from the Mitchell residence, father of Mrs. Brown at Portsmouth.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 29 October 1903, page 5
The Granville Moody Post and the Joe Hooker Post GAR attended the funeral of Albert Breith in Newport Thursday afternoon.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 2 November 1903, page 5
Lottie Murdock, aged 58 years, died Saturday, 11:25 pm at her late residence, 126 E Fifth street, Newport Ky. Due notice of funeral.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 November 1903, page 5
Mrs. Charles E Barnes, 58, of 126 East Fifth Street, Newport, died of cancer Sunday morning at the family residence. She was the wife of Charles E Barnes, formerly Alderman in Newport and connected with the Cincinnati Regalia Company. Two children survive her, Charles M and Miss Berle A Barnes. Deceased was widely known in Newport.
Mrs. Elizabeth Temmer died Saturday morning at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Stevens, 1011 Second Avenue, Bellevue. The deceased was 91 years of age and had resided in this city for many years.
Elsie, 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blechschmidt, of 243 Ward Avenue, Bellevue, died Sunday morning of diphtheria.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 4 November 1903, page 5
Christian Reichert, a pioneer resident of Newport, died Tuesday night at his home, 1118 York Street. A large family of grown children survive him. He was a prominent member of the AOUW. The funeral services will be held Friday at 2 pm at the late home.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 5 November 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Lottie M Barnes, wife of Charles Barnes, took place in Newport Wednesday afternoon with services at the home on East Fifth street. Rev Dr. Harris officiated and the remains were placed in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Dora Hird, 20, residing on the Alexandria Pike, near Evergreen Cemetery, died Wednesday of heart failure.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 November 1903, page 5
Dorothy Lester, the 9 month old daughter of William Lester, died Wednesday at the family residence, 735 Overton Street, Newport.
The funeral of John Varner, 70, a well known resident of Claryville, whose death occurred at the residence of his son George, took place Thursday, with services at his son's home. The remains were interred at Walnut Hills cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 7 November 1903, page 5
Harry Shoplaugh, 5, son of Mr. and Mrs. W M Shoplaugh, died Friday of paralysis of the heart. The funeral will be held at the house on Center Street Bellevue, Saturday afternoon. Burial in Spring Grove Cemetery.
Alexander, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wegand of Union street, Bellevue, died Friday of membranous croup. The funeral arrangements have not been made.
Marie Freda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Listerman of O'Fallon Avenue, Bellevue, died Friday afternoon. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.
The funeral of the late Chris Reichert took place Friday afternoon at the Mortuary Chapel in Evergreen Cemetery. Rev Frank C Longaker, pastor of St Mark English Lutheran Church, conducted the services.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 November 1903, page 5
Mrs. Earl Lawson, 21, died at 7:45 pm Saturday at her home, 927 Hamlet Street, Newport of lung trouble. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning from the Immaculate Conception Church at 8 am and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. John Cooper, 42, died Sunday at her home on Sixth Avenue, Dayton. Her husband, John met death two years ago by being scalded in a boiler explosion. She leaves seven small children, the eldest being only 12 years of age.
William Taylor, who suffered a paralytic stroke a few weeks ago, died Sunday afternoon at the home of his sister, Mrs. Anna Davidson, 424 Lafayette Avenue, Bellevue. The deceased was 50 years of age and was well known in this city.
The funeral of Marie Freda, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Listerman of O'Fallon Avenue, Bellevue, took place at St Anthony Church at 9:30 Monday morning. Rev Father Kehoe conducted the funeral.
The funeral of Alexander, the seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J S Weigand, who died Friday took place at the house Sunday, Bellevue. Burial was in St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.
The many friends of Frank G Graham will be pained to learn of the passing of his aged mother at their home on Blue Grass Avenue, Highlands. Funeral services will be held at the home Thursday morning at 10 am. Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Graham, mother of Frank G Graham aged 79 years. Funeral services from late residence, 16 Blue Grass Avenue Ft Thomas Ky.
Mrs. Emma Strickle Chase, widow of D W Chase died Saturday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Schuyler C Duryee, 706 Monroe Street, Newport, of pneumonia. The deceased was 59 years ol and leaves three children, Dr. B Chase, surgeon for the Cincinnati Southern Railroad at Junction City Ky. Mrs. Daniel Hoy of Milwaukee and Mrs. Duryee. The remains were sent to Wilmington O. for burial. Short services were conducted by Rev C L Garrison at 11 am.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 November 1903, page 5
Katherine Hobbs, 50, died Monday at 337 W Twelfth Street, Newport. Jaundice was the cause of death. The remains were sent to Piqua O. Tuesday by funeral Director Erschell.
The funeral of Mrs. John Cooper who died Sunday in Dayton Ky. took place at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning at St Francis Church.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 November 1903, page 5
J P Thompson, 64, of West Thirteenth Street, Newport, died Tuesday at Speers Hospital. He had been an inmate of the institution for several months.
The body of Mrs. Katherine Hobbs, 50, who died Monday at her home, 337 West Twelfth Street, was Tuesday sent to Piqua O. for burial.
Mrs. E Fredericka Stossmeister, 75, widow of the late Fred W Stossmeister, of 728 Washington Avenue, Newport, died Tuesday at the German Deaconess Hospital in Cincinnati of senility. An only son W Robert Stossmeister survives her. The funeral will take place from the mortuary chapel of Charles H Smith & Son, in this city, Friday at 10 am.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 12 November 1903, page 5
The remains of John P Thompson, who died Tuesday night will be buried Friday morning from the home of his son at the corner of Ward and Poplar Streets.
Patrick Kelly died Wednesday afternoon at his home in James Alley. The deceased was 60 years old and an old resident of Newport.
John Pille, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis H Pille, of 216 West Tenth Street, Newport, died Wednesday at the home of his brother, Joseph Pille in James Alley, between York and Columbia Streets, of heart trouble.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 13 November 1903, page 5
Mrs. Robert Riggall, residing on the Alexandria Pike near Cold Spring, died Thursday night of heart trouble. The deceased leaves a widower and two children.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 November 1903, page 3
The funeral of Mrs. Frederia Stoffmeister took place Friday with services at Smith's undertaking establishment in Newport. The remains were interred at Spring Grove Cemetery.
The funeral of Dudley Rufenacht, 74, who died at his home, 209 West Twelfth Street, Newport, took place Saturday afternoon, with services at the German Methodist Church. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 November 1903, page 5
Wallace Andrews Horton, son of W H Horton Jr. Superintendent of Tracks for the South Covington Company, died in Newport Sunday of heart failure.
Word was received in Newport Sunday of the death at Butler Ky. of Mrs. Martha Yelton, wife of William Yelton and an aunt of Fireman Matt White and Capt. Case Thomasson of the Newport Fire Department. Deceased was 50 years old and leaves a husband and five children.
The funeral services of William Linville took place Saturday afternoon at his late residence, 738 Third Avenue, Dayton. Rev J N Ervin of the Presbyterian Church conducted the services. The members of the Joe Hooker Post GAR of which the deceased was a member attended the funeral.
Georgie, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G R Major, died Saturday afternoon at the residence of her parents, 1116 Vine Street, Cote Brilliant of heart disease, 12 years old. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2 pm from the residence.
The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Schafer, aged 63, who died Friday night, took place at the late home of the deceased on Division Street, Bellevue, Monday morning. The interment was in Calvary Cemetery in Walnut Hills.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 17 November 1903, page 3
Mrs. Mary Kruse, mother of Officer Frank Kruse, of the Cincinnati police force, died at her home on W Sixth Street, near Columbia Street (Newport) early Tuesday morning. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Page 5-Fred, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoeffler, (nee Gruber) died Sunday night at 10:15 am at the residence, 706 Maple Avenue, Newport. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon at 2 pm.
Miss Berchilla Kleinn died Monday afternoon at the residence of her parents, 1024 York street, Newport of consumption.
Frank Siewers, residing at the corner of Seventh and York Streets, Newport, died Monday evening.
The remains of Mrs. Blitz, wife of ex-Mayor Edward Biltz were taken from the vault and interred in the family lot Saturday afternoon.
Wallace Andrews Horton, son of W H Horton Jr. Superintendent of Tracks for the South Covington & Cincinnati Street Railway Company, died in Newport Sunday at his parents residence after a two weeks illness. Heart failure by pneumonia was the cause of death.
Word was received in Newport Sunday of the death at Butler Ky. of Mrs. Martha Yelton, wife of William Yelton and an aunt of Fireman Matt White and Capt. Case Thomasson of the Newport Fire Department. The deceased was 50 years old and leaves a husband and five chilren.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 November 1903, page 5
Charles Presse died at his home, 131 West Thirteenth Street, Newport, Tuesday of senility. The deceased was nearly 80 years old and had been a resident of Newport for many years.
Miss Mary Ann Pleimann, 35, died at her home in the Highlands, Tuesday. Funeral services at the Sacred Heart Church at 9 o'clock Friday morning. Burial in St Stephen Cemetery in charge of Undertaker Cunningham.
Mary C Bockerstette, 91 years old, for 28 years a resident of Bellevue, died Tuesday at her home on Hazel Street. The funeral services will take place at Sacred Heart Church Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. Burial in St Joseph Cemetery Price Hill, in charge of Undertaker Cunningham.
Word was received in Dayton Wednesday that Casper Groene had died Tuesday in Cincinnati. Groene was for years a teacher in charge of St Francis School in Dayton.
The funeral of Fred Hoeffler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoeffler, who died Sunday night occurred Tuesday afternoon from the family residence, 706 Maple Avenue. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Georgie, the 12 year old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G R Major, took place Tuesday afternoon from the residence, 1116 Vine Street, Cote Brilliante.
A telegram was received here Tuesday announcing the death of James C Winans at New York. Winans formerly resided in Newport.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 20 November 1903, page 3
The funeral of Miss Benhilda Cline took place Thursday from St Stephen Church. The burial was at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 November 1903, page 5
Willy, 11, son of Charles E Geer, of 500 Fourth Avenue, Dayton, died Sunday of diphtheria. The funeral will take place Tuesday from the residence.
L J Buette, watchcase polisher, residing at 229 East Eleventh Street, died Sunday at his home of a complication of diseases. He was 35 years of age and married.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 24 November 1903, page 5
Mrs. Mary Phirrman, aged 63 years, died Nov 23, 1903 at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. D J Heweton, 1026 York Street, Newport. Dropsy was the cause of death. Funeral from St John German Protestant Church, cor. Seventh and Columbia Streets, Wednesday at 2 pm.
Ellen Fields, beloved wife of George G Fields, died Monday, Nov 23, 1903 at 3:30 pm. Funeral from late residence, 1144 Putnam Street, Newport, Wednesday Nov 25 at 2:30 pm.
The funeral of little Willy Geer, who died Sunday of diphtheria, took place at the residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geer, 504 Fourth Avenue, Dayton. The remains were sent to Morton O. by Undertaker Betz for burial.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 25 November 1903, page 5
The friends of Mrs. Felix McCarty, nee Spillman, formerly of Bellevue, will be pained to hear of her death at the home on Walnut Hills Tuesday.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 26 November 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Pfirrmann, who died Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D J Hewitson, 1026 York street, Newport, took place Wednesday afternoon at St John German Protestant Evangelical Church, at Seventh and Columbia streets. The pastor, Rev Ernst Von Hahman Arning, conducted the services after which the body was taken to Evergreen Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Kauffmann, Happner, Miller, Voll, May and Coleman.
Ferdinand Tschtelin, 57, a former saloon keeper and German citizen of Newport, died Wednesday afternoon at his home on Saratoga street, near Eighth, Newport. Two daughters, Mrs. George Hans and Miss Emms Tschtelin, survive him. He was a member of William Tell Lodge, IOOF.
Fred Flickinger, 53, died Wednesday at his home, 907 Central Avenue, Newport.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munro died at the family residence, 340 Elm Street, Newport of measles, aged 16 months.
The will of Louisa Grapevine was probated. She bequeaths all of her property to her husband, Absalom P Grapevine and names him as her executor.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 27 November 1903, page 5
Councilman August Day and family left Thursday for Bevis O. to attend the funeral of Mrs. Day's mother, who died Wednesday.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Listerman of Center Street, Bellevue, died Thursday. The child was on of a pair of twins, the first having died two weeks ago. The funeral services took place Friday morning at St Anthony Church near St Bernard O.
Mrs. Mary Gilb, 61, widow of the late Frank Gilb, a resident of Bellevue, died Thursday at the Speers Hospital of lung trouble. She leaves no children.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 November 1903, page 5
Mrs. Eliza Edwards, a widow, 46, residing at Thornton Street (Newport) died Friday after a short illness. Pneumonia was the cause of death. She was the mother of John Edwards, the well known mill man.
Mrs. Alice K Spaeth, wife of John Spaeth, died Friday at her residence, 40 E Ninth Street (Newport). Dropsy was the cause of death.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 1 December 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Philomena Theisinger, who died Sunday fro being badly burned while lighting a grate fire Friday evening took place Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 pm from the residence of her son-in-law C A Anderson, at Park and Lexington Avenues, Newport. The remains will be buried in Evergreen.
Word was received in Dayton Tuesday announcing the death at St Louis of Miss Florence, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Huston St John, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. St John were formerly residents of Dayton and Miss Florence was well known and had a host of friends who will be shocked to hear of her death.
The funeral of Mrs. John W Spaeth took place Monday afternoon from the family residence, 625 East Ninth Street, Rev Dr. Luccock of Grace M E Church, officiated. Burial was in Evergreen.
The funeral of Mrs. Philomena Theisinger, who died Sunday from being badly burned while lighting a grate fire Friday evening, took place Tuesday at 1:30 pm from the residence of her son-in-law, C A Anderson, at Park and Lexington Avenues. The remains will be buried in Evergreen.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 2 December 1903, page 5
Mrs. Sarah C Fisher died Tuesday at her residence, 609 Overton Street (Newport). The deceased was the widow of Alonzo Fisher and her death was hastened by injuries sustained by a fall a few weeks ago. Two children, Charles and Miss Alice C Fisher survive her.
Michael Diehm, 74, a pioneer German citizen of Newport, died Tuesday at his home, 1116 Columbia Street (Newport) of asthma. He was a cabinet maker and a resident of Newport for 44 years. A widow, two sons and a daughter survive him.
The body of Joseph Gastreich, a laborer, who was found dead in the freight depot of the Big Four Railroad in Cincinnati, at an early hour Tuesday morning from the effects of a hemorrhage, was brought to his home, 410 Lindsay Street, Newport by Undertaker Erschell Tuesday. The deceased was 40 years old and leaves a widow and three children. He was a brother of former Lt. of Police Henry Gastreich, the ex-ballplayer.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 3 December 1903, page 5
The funeral of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs, of 98 Lafayette Avenue, will take place Friday morning from the home. Rev J N Ervin, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Dayton, will officiate, after which the remains will be laid to rest in Spring Grove Cemetery.
The funeral of Julius Gastreich, who died suddenly Tuesday morning in Cincinnati, will take place Friday morning from St Stephen Church at 9 o'clock. the remains are at the residence of the mother-in-law, Mrs. Katherine Yeager, 726 Columbia, Newport.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 December 1903, page 3
Leroy Ross, 9, died Thursday at the residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fettera in Newport of spinal meningitis, the result of a fall received several weeks ago.
James Linett, 24, of Newport Ky. was shot and instantly killed, according to a dispatch Friday morning, at East St Louis, in a quarrel with Herman Bartel, over who should escort Miss Grace Cottes to her home. Linett formerly lived at Southgate and Washington Av, Newport, but left seven years ago. His parents are dead and a sister lives in Cincinnati and another, Mrs. John Weeks in Pittsburg Pa. He was the son of James Linett. He will be buried Saturday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception and interment will be at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 5 December 1903, page 3
John Phillips, 35, who was sent to Speers Hospital, (Dayton Ky) from Gerke's saloon, at Fifth and Isabella Avenue, some time ago, died at that institution after a lingering illness. Consumption was the cause of death.
James Troy, 72, residing at 406 Isabella Street (Newport) died Friday after a lingering illness. Dropsy was the cause of death.
Miss Pearl Wiley, 26, died Friday at the Cincinnati Hospital. They body was brought to Newport by Undertaker Charles Smith & Son and taken to the home of her mother, Mrs. Benedict, Monmouth Street near Fifth.
Page 5-Harry Klett, 16, whose home is on Eighth Avenue, Dayton, died Friday from spasms. The funeral will take place at the residence at 2 pm Sunday afternoon.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Weinerig will take place at the St Francis Monday morning. Burial in the Dayton Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 December 1903, page 5
Peter Grogan, 32, died Saturday at the home of his brother-in-law Richard Donovan, 307 West Seventh Street, Newport of consumption. The funeral took place today from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The remains were buried in St Mary Cemetery.
The funeral of William Leroy Ross, residing on Central Avenue near Southgate, took place Sunday afternoon, with the services at the family residence, Rev Dr. Arning officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Word was received in Bellevue Saturday announcing the death of Mrs. Mary E Shotwell, mother of George Shotwell of this place. The death occurred Friday in Chicago at the residence of Cassius Shotwell, a son of the deceased.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 9 December 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Mamie Wersing, who died Monday at the home of her mother, Mrs. John Corcoran, 707 Monmouth Street, (Newport) will take place Thursday at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am.
The remains of the late W J Rothweiler, who died in Pittsburg last month, will arrive in Newport Saturday morning and will be buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Louisa Schnorr, 27, wife of George Schnorr of 432 W Tenth Street, Newport, died after an illness of four weeks. She was unconscious from her illness for nearly four weeks until death relieved her. An infant, 4 week old is living.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 10 December 1903, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Maymie Wuernsingner took place Thursday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The remains of W J Rothweiler arrived in Newport Thursday from Pittsburg. The body will be interred at Evergreen.
News was received here Wednesday of the death of Dr. James R McIlvain at Oklahoma City, Okla. The deceased was a resident of this city up to 10 years ago.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 December 1903, page 5
Frances, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C O Schellebach, of 414 1/2 Monmouth Street, Newport, died Thursday of measles.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 16 December 1903, page 5
Mrs. Maur, 60, widow of George Maur, residing at 31 E Ninth Street (Newport) died Tuesday after a lingering illness. Pneumonia was the cause of death. The deceased leaves four daughters and one son.
Mrs. Celia Weisenborn, 42, wife of Robert Weisenborn of 811 Central Avenue (Newport) died late Monday night after a lingering illness. The funeral will take place Thursday morning with services at St Stephen Church.
Little Jessie, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Burger, died at its home (Bellevue) early Wednesday morning.
Charley Peters, who died Sunday, was buried from his home on Van Voast Avenue, Bellevue, Wednesday morning.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 19 December 1903, page 5
Julia, the 15 year old daughter of Mrs. Sarah Frompton, died Thursday at her home, 510 Seventh Avenue, Dayton. Funeral Sunday afternoon at the house at 2 pm. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. J G Huber died at her home 717 Sixth Avenue, Dayton, Friday of consumption. She was only 10. Funeral services at the Baptist Church Sunday at 1 pm. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 December 1903, page 5
Thomas Crawford, 85, of 1026 Boone Street, Newport, died Saturday of pneumonia. A widow, daughter and a married son survive him.
Lewis Roll, 22, died Sunday at Speers Hospital of consumption. The deceased had been staying at the County Infirmary, where his mother was an inmate. He was found to be very sick last week and was removed to Speers. The body will be interred at the infirmary burial ground.
The funeral of Robert White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jule White, formerly of Newport, who died in Fulton, Cincinnati, Friday, took place Sunday afternoon from the family residence in that place. The body was taken to Evergreen Cemetery, back of Newport for burial.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 22 December 1903, page 8
The funeral of the late Joseph Cassidy who died Sunday at the Speers Hospital, will take place at St Anthony Church Wednesday morning. Mrs. Cassidy's mother, Mrs. Grubbs died less than a year ago.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 23 December 1903, page 5
The church funeral service of Joseph Cassidy took place at St Anthony Church Wednesday morning. The pall bearers were: George Amig, John Koehler, T F Beyland, M C Herald, J J Legner, M Harms, Joseph Robinson and Henry Harting. The Bellevue Lodge of Elks conducted the Elks funeral services at the house on Fairfield Avenue Tuesday night.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 23 December 1903, page 9
Mrs. Minnie Maurer, 20, wife of Edward Maurer, died yesterday at the Jewish Hospital in Cincinnati after a short illness. Appendicitis was the cause of death. Funeral Director W C Betz will ship the body to Aurora Ind. today.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 December 1903, page 5
Herman Howind, 60, a pioneer resident and respected citizen of Newport died at his home, 326 West Eleventh Street, Wednesday night. A widow and a married son survive him.
A young son of August Westphalinger, who is with the army in the Philippines, died at Fourth and Isabella Streets, Newport, Wednesday. The father is on a transport and will not arrive at Manila until New Years Day.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 25 December 1903, page 6
George Jackson, of West Seventh Street, Newport, died at 1 am Christmas morning at his home. He was about 45 and leaves five grown children. He was one of the best known men in Newport and for years was an entertainer of ability. His health failed several years ago.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 26 December 1903, page 5
The funeral of the late Herman Howard, who died Wednesday at his home, 326 West Eleventh Street, Newport, took place Saturday afternoon. The German Pioneers attended in a body.
The funeral of Clarence Crowley, son of Dr. James Crowley, took place Friday with services at the family residence, Third and Monmouth Streets. Four schoolmates of the deceased acted as pallbearers. Rev Dr. J P Whitehead pastor of the Presbyterian Church officiated and the remains were placed in the vault at Evergreen.
James Farran, the hobo, who was so horribly injured last Monday night by a C&O train in Newport, died at the Speers Hospital Friday afternoon. Farran claimed that the had no relatives but the body will not be buried in potters field. Rev. Father Schmidt of St Francis, will take charge of the body and it will be buried in consecrated ground.
Jacob Montag, 77, a pioneer resident of Newport, died Friday morning at his residence, 222 West Southgate Street. A widow and three children survive.
The funeral of the late James Beggs, brother in law of Mr. J S Youtsey of Alexandria, took place Wednesday at Evergreen Cemetery. The funeral service was preached at GAR Hall.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 28 December 1903, page 5
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waldenmeyer of 927 Hamlet Street, Newport, who died Saturday was buried Sunday afternoon in Evergreen Cemetery.
Rosie Hronek, by her will, probated Saturday, leaves her entire estate to her husband and names him as executor without bond.
The remains of Herman Howind, the old locksmith of West Eleventh Street, Newport, were taken to the Cincinnati Crematory Sunday and incinerated.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 29 December 1903, page 5
The funeral of William Kohler, who died Saturday night, took place Monday at the home, on Sixth Avenue, Newport. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery.
Catherine Koke, 74, of 621 Saratoga Street, Newport, died Monday after a lingering illness.
The remains of Mrs. Robert Riggall were interred Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in the Alexandria Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 30 December 1903, page 5
Alexander K Green, 62, of 544 E Second Street, Newport, died Tuesday night at his home. A widow and son Orry A Green, and a daughter, Carrie K Green survive him.
The funeral of Edward Kuhl, who died Monday night at this home Third and Saratoga Streets, Newport, will take place from St Stephen Church.
Page 2-Coroner Higgins of Newport Ky. is investigating the death of Michael O’Conner at Speers Hospital in Dayton Ky. said to have resulted from the paring of O’Conner’s corns by a woman. Gangrene resulted and the coroner will try to find out whether the knives used to cut the corns were sterilized.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 31 December 1903, page 5
Clara, the 6 year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitzer, of 514 Isabella Street, Newport, died Wednesday after a lingering illness.
Mrs. Catherine Seifred of 223 Center Street, Bellevue, died Wednesday. She leaves a husband and four children. The funeral will be at St Anthony Church Friday at 9 am. Rev Father Kehoe will conduct the services.
The funeral of Michael O'Connor of Bellevue, who died Monday night from blood poisoning at Speers Hospital took place at the Sacred Heart Church in Bellevue Thursday morning. Burial in St Joseph Cemetery Price Hill.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 1 January 1904, page 4
William R Monter, 4, residing at 820 Ann street, Newport, died yesterday after a lingering illness. Diphtheria was the cause of death.
The remains of Rebecca S Nash, who died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. M A Gleason at 200 East Third street, will be shipped to Miamitown Ohio by Funeral Director Smith.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 2 January 1904, page 5
George Firth, 53, a well known penter residing at Southgate and Saratoga Streets, Newport, died Thursday afternoon. Firth was married and leaves a wife and two children. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 pm from the family residence. The body will be buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
William R Monter, 4, residing at 820 Ann Street, Newport, died Thursday of diphtheria.
Sophia Liebling, 85, residing at 943 Washington Avenue, Newport, died Thursday of old age. The deceased was a widow.
The remains of Rebecca S Nash, who died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. M A Gleason, at 209 East Third Street, Newport, were sent Friday to Miamitown O.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 January 1904, page 5
The funeral of George A Firth took place Sunday afternoon from the residence, 315 Saratoga Street, in Newport. His brother and son in law were pallbearers.
Mrs. Peter A Worst died Saturday night at her home, 217 Walnut Street, Dayton. She was 51 years old. The funeral took place from the house Monday morning.
James Mahaffey, aged 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Mahaffey, of Second Street, Dayton, died Monday morning at 10 am of typhoid fever.
The funeral of Mrs. Hannah Wardell, who was burned to death Saturday, took place at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Smith, Dayton Monday afternoon.
The funeral of 6 month old son of Mrs. and Mrs. William Bricking, of Berry Avenue, Dayton, who died Saturday, took place at St Anthony Church Monday.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 January 1904, page 3
Helen McGrath, daughter of Frank and Anna McGrath (nee McGarrell) died aged 4 years 10 months. Funeral Wednesday at 8:30 am from 405 Hodge Street, Newport.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 6 January 1904, page 5
The funeral of Sylvester Brecking, who died Sunday night, Bellevue, who died Sunday night, took place Tuesday at St Anthony Church. Burial in St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 7 January 1904, page 5
Mrs. Mary Schry, 72, living with her daughter, Mrs. Strull at Second and Saratoga Streets (Newport) was seized with paralysis of the heart, on rising from her bed Wednesday and died. Coroner Higgins held an inquest and returned a verdict of death from heart failure.
The body of Miss Elizabeth McHenry, who died Monday evening at her home, 420 W Fourth Street, Newport, of consumption, was sent to Lancaster Ky. Thursday morning.
George Snider, 48, died Wednesday at Speers Hospital of tuberculosis. The body was removed to his home on Eighth Street, Newport.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 January 1904, page 5
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. frank R Hill died at the home of her parents, on Second Avenue, Dayton, Thursday night. The burial will be at Madisonville O. Saturday morning.
The funeral of Alexander Lucas who died Wednesday morning, took place Friday morning at St Anthony Church, Bellevue.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 9 January 1904, page 5
The funeral of the late John Schnell, who died Thursday of paralysis of the heart, took place at the Sacred Heart Church. Burial was in St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill. The deceased leaves four children, all grown; William, Albert Schnell and Mrs. Guy Tracey, all of Bellevue.
The funeral of Alexander Lucas, who died Thursday, took place at his home on Ward Avenue, Bellevue, Saturday afternoon at 1 pm. The remains were placed in the vault in Evergreen Cemetery, where they will remain until Mrs. Lucas starts for Chicago, when she will take them to that place for burial.
Col James Shanks, former Assistant Postmaster of Newport, Friday received the news that his brother Major Thomas Shanks of Louisville, had been struck by a train in that city and instantly killed. Shanks left for Louisville on the noon train to attend his brothers funeral.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 January 1904, page 5
M F Wheeler, 52, brother-in-law of the late James D Hearne and son-in-law of C C Holmes, died early Saturday morning at his home in Latonia of apoplexy.
Miss Jennie Keen, a prominent lady of Dayton and Ludlow died Sunday at her home, 134 Eighth Avenue, Dayton. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning at 8 am from St Anthony Church. Rev Father Kehoe will officiate. She was a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan of Ludow.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 January 1904, page 5
Philopena Theisinger's will was probated in Newport Monday. She gives her daughter, Kate Anderson, $700. The remainder of the estate is to be equally divided between her daughter and the children of another daughter, Philopena Braun.
The funeral of the late Andrew Homsman took place from his late residence, Ninth and Putnam Streets, Newport. Rev Carl Schaeffer, pastor of St Paul German Protestant Evangelical Church, conducted the services. The body was taken to Evergreen Cemetery for burial.
Alexander J Martin, 26, died Monday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Sarah Moor, on Fourth Street, Dayton. Funeral Tuesday at the home. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Miss Jennie Keene, who died Saturday, took place at the St Anthony Church in Bellevue, Tuesday. Father Kehoe officiating. Interment at St Mary Cemetery.
Page 8-The funeral of the late Benjamin Hawkins of Persimmon Grove took place Sunday morning from the Persimmon Grove Church. Interment was in the cemetery at that place. Hawkins was 85 years old and had been a resident of Campbell County for many years. He left several sons and daughters to mourn his loss.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 January 1904, page 5
M F Wheeler, 52, brother in law of the late James D Hearne and son in law of C C Holmes, died early Saturday morning at his home in Latonia of apoplexy.
Word was received here of the death of C L Bacon Saturday at Holly Springs Miss of pneumonia. He was the brother of Mrs. D R H Thornton of Newport.
Miss Jennie Keen, a prominent young lady of Dayton and Ludlow, died Sunday morning at her home, 134 Eighth Avenue, Dayton. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning at 8 am from St Anthony Church. She was a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan of Ludlow.
Mrs. Augusta Mette died Saturday night at her home on Saratoga Street, near Seventh, Newport, aged 60 years. Three sons survive her.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 12 January 1904, page 7
Mrs. Eliza Cummings a former resident of Newport Ky. died in Chicago, noon Saturday, Jan 10, age 98 years. Her remains will be taken to Lewis County Ky. where she will be buried near the spot where she was born, July 13, 1808. Two daughters survive her, Mrs. W H Wellingford of Chicago and Mrs. Paris C Brown of Newport.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 January 1904, page 5
Mrs. Robert Thornton of East Sixth Street, Newport, is in Holly Springs Miss. called by the death of her brother. The many friends of Mrs. Thornton sympathize with her in the loss of her brother, C L Bacon, who death occurred Saturday from pneumonia.
The funeral of Raymond A Martin, who was killed in a railroad wreck on the Rock Island Route, near Topeka, Kansas, several days ago, took place Monday at the home of his parents, at Persimmon Grove, south of Newport. The body was buried at that place.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Minten, who died Saturday at her home, 637 Saratoga Street, Newport, took place Monday afternoon from Wesley Chapel M E Church on East Fifth Street, Cincinnati. The body was buried in Wesleyan Cemetery.
The funeral of the late Andrew Homsman took place Monday afternoon from his late residence, Ninth and Putnam Streets, Newport. Rev Carl Schaeffer, pastor of St Paul German Protestant Evangelical Church conducted the services. The body was taken to Evergreen Cemetery for burial.
The funeral of Miss Jennie Keene, who died Saturday took place at the St Anthony Church, Bellevue. Interment at St Mary Cemetery.
Alexander J Martin, 26, died Monday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Sarah Moor, on Fourth Street, Bellevue. Funeral Tuesday at the house. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 8-The funeral of the late Benjamin Hawkins of Persimmon Grove took place Sunday morning from the Persimmon Grove Church. Interment in the cemetery at that place. Hawkins was 85 years old and had been a resident of Campbell County for many years. He left several sons and daughters to mourn his loss.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 January 1904, page 5
Mrs. Henrietta Speckman, 76, widow of Fred, died Monday at her home on Monmouth Street, in Newport of apoplexy. She was a resident of Newport more than 50 years. A son, John Speckman, is connected with a dry goods store in Cincinnati. Three sons survive her, John, Charles and William. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 2 pm when the services will be held at the First Baptist Church, Eighth and York Streets, Newport. The remains will be placed in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery.
The news of the death of Louis Brandt, of Clifton, who spent the past summer at the Avenel Hotel in the Kentucky Highlands, will be received with much regret, as Mr. Brandt was very popular.
Albert Norton, 27, whose home is in Dayton, died at Speers Hospital at 2 am Wednesday morning of consumption.
The funeral of Alex Martin, who died Monday, took place from the home of his grandmother, Mrs. S S Moore, on Fourth Avenue, Dayton. Rev J A Colledge, of the Methodist Church, conducted the services. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Robert Meyers, 71, who was stricken with paralysis last Friday, died at her home, on Second Street, Dayton, early Wednesday morning.
Hugh McCloy died Monday evening at the Central Insane Asylum. The body will be buried at Lakeland as he had no relatives in Newport. He was a prosperous railroad man but drink caused his downfall and months ago he was sent to the Campbell County Infirmary.
News of the death of Andrew Donaldson, cousin of William M Donaldson of Newport and brother of William Donaldson, was received in Newport. He died at St Mary, Pennsylvania.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 14 January 1904, page 3
Ruth Follette, 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Follette of 912 Park Avenue, Newport died Wednesday after a short illness. Acute meningitis was the cause of death.
Malissa Williston, 48, wife of Cornelius Williston of Brent Ky. died early Wednesday morning after a short illness. Pneumonia was the cause of death.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin, of 334 Hodge Street, Newport, have the sympathy of their many friends because of the death of their only son, Stewart, which occurred Wednesday morning.
Vincent Flohr, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Flohr, of Ward Avenue, Bellevue, died Wednesday night of consumption.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Lydia A Myers will take place at her home, 873 Second Street, Dayton, Friday afternoon. The funeral will be conducted by the Christian Scientists. The deceased was a widow, her husband having died four years ago. She leaves five sons and one daughter.
The funeral arrangement of Albert Norton, who died at Speers Hospital Wednesday, have not been made. Norton's father lives at Butler, Ky. and nothing will be done until he is heard from.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 15 January 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Melissa Wilson, wife of Neil Wilson, the lumber merchant at Brent Ky. took place from the Licking Valley Baptist Church at 2 pm Friday. Mrs. Wilson was calling on friends here one week ago and contracted a cold which developed into pneumonia and resulted in her death Wednesday morning.
The remains of Albert Morton, who died Tuesday at Speers Hospital, were sent to Butler Ky. for burial Friday by Undertaker Cunningham.
Mrs. W S Soards died Thursday at her home, 314 Third Avenue, Dayton. She leaves a husband and two children. Funeral at the house Sunday afternoon. Burial in Spring Grove Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Henry Speckman, whose death occurred this week, took place Friday afternoon at 2 pm from the home on Monmouth Street, in Newport. The remains were placed in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery. Deceased was a pioneer resident of Newport and was a charitable woman.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 19 January 1904, page 5
The funeral of Charles Huber, who died Sunday took place Tuesday at 2 pm at the residence of his grandfather at Sixth and Dayton Avenue, Dayton. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 21 January 1904, page 5
Mary, the twenty year old daughter of William Neltner, residing on Licking Pike, died Wednesday.
The funeral services of Dallas, the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher, who died Tuesday of spinal meningitis, took place at the home of his parents on Seventh Avenue, Dayton, Thursday at 2 pm. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
The will of James H Smith of Newport, dated April 2, 1903, was probated Wednesday. He bequeathed all his property to his wido, Harriet F Smith and named her as his executrix without bond and she qualified.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 January 1904, page 3
ROBSON-On Jan 21, 1904, at 10:45 pm, William H, beloved husband of Martha A Robson, died at his residence, 132 Ross st. Bellevue Ky. of heart failure. He was in his sixty-eighth year. Funeral at residence, Jan 24, at 11 am. Friends invited. Burial private.
Page 5-Mrs. Maggie Daily died Friday morning at the home of her son, Daniel Daily, 27 W Twelfth Street (Newport). Funeral Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Mrs. Lucy A Clunkenbeard, 59, died at her home, 22 E Third Street (Newport) Thursday night. Funeral at the house Saturday at 2 pm.
The funeral of the late W H Biles took place from the family residence (Dayton Ky) Thursday afternoon. Burial was in Spring Grove Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 23 January 1904, page 5
Mrs. Maggie Daily died Friday at the home of her son, Daniel Daily, 27 West Twelfth Street, in Newport. The funeral took place Saturday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Mrs. Lucy A Clinkeneard, widow of Thomas E, died Thursday night at her home, 223 East Third Street. She had been an invalid for 18 years. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon from the residence.
Mrs. Caroline Altemuchle, 68, died Friday with bronchitis at her home on Third Avenue, Dayton. Her husband Henry survives her.
The infant child of Battalion Sergeant Major and Mrs. William A Mackabe died Friday morning at their quarters in the post. The post surgeon was summoned but death had ensued before his arrival.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 25 January 1904, page 5
Jacob V Cook of 632 Fifth Avnenue, Dayton, has gone to Terre Haute Ind. called there by the death of his mother, which occurred Saturday.
The funeral of Mrs. Caroline Altemueller, who died Saturday in Dayton, took place at St Francis Church Monday morning. Burial in St Bernard Cemetery.
The remains of Albert Adamson, a former resident of Bellevue, who was killed by William Rairdon in a saloon fight in Cincinnati several days ago, were sent to Manchester O. Sunday for burial.
Mrs. Anna McKeown, 60, died Sunday evening at her home, 339 Isabella Street, Newport. She was the widow of Patrick, who died about two years ago. The grown children, Joseph and Mrs. Ellen Hazeltine, survive her.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 26 January 1904, page 5
The funeral of Henry Rentz, who died Monday, will take place Wednesday morning at the Sacred Heart Church. The burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
The will of George Frederick Jackson, deceased, was probated in County Court in Newport Monday. He bequeaths all of his estate to his widow, Kate Jackson.
Loretta Carius, 4, daughter of Edward Carius, of 219 East Second Street, Newport, died Monday.
Charles E Schulte, died Monday night at Joseph Thiel's saloon, Dayton Ky. Schulte lived at 712 Fifth Avenue, Dayton and leaves a widow but no children. He was a cutter by trade and is a brother in law of former City Clerk Theodore Von Hoene, of Covington.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 27 January 1904, page 5
Michael Rowald, 22, died Tuesday afternoon at his home, 427 West Fifth Street, Newport, of typhoid fever. The funeral will be at St Stephen Cemetery at Four Mile.
The funeral of Charles Schulte, who died Monday in Dayton, night with paralysis of the heart, took place at St Francis Church Wednesday morning. Burial in St Mary Cemetery, near Covington.
The funeral services of the late Mrs. Catherine Rudolph of Isabella Street, Newport, were held Tuesday afternoon at St Paul German Protestant Evangelical Church on East Eighth Street. Rev Carl Schaeffer, the pastor, conducted the services. The body was taken to Evergreen Cemetery for burial.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 28 January 1904, page 5
Mrs. Blanche Williams, 22, wife of J McKenzie Williams, died Thursday morning at her home at Fourth and McKenny Streets, Dayton of heart failure. She was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Handman. She leaves an infant daughter 9 months old.
J A Kimball, 71, died Wednesday at the County Infirmary. For many years Kimball lived alone in an old boathouse at the foot of Walnut Street and made a living by selling fish which he caught in the river. During the bitter cold weather the old man could not follow his vocation and was sent to the Infirmary. Friends arranged to give him a Christian burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
The two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Heeg of Ward Avenue, Bellevue, died Wednesday afternoon.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Haake, of 120 Washington Avenue, Bellevue, died Wednesday with membranous croup.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 29 January 1904, page 3
The funeral of the late Michael Rowald of 427 West Fifth Street, Newport, took place Thursday at Corpus Christi Church. The body was buried at St Stephen Cemetery, at Four Mile.
The funeral of Mrs. Blanch Williams, wife of McKenzie Williams, who died Thursday, will take place Sunday at the Presbyterian Church. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna McKeown, who died Sunday at her home, 839 Isabella Street, Newport, took place Thursday at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in that city. The pastor Rev Father McNerny conducted the services. The body was taken to St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 30 January 1904, page 5
The funeral of William Thomas, who died at Home City O. Thursday took place at the residence of his brother-in-law, Charles Mann, 128 O'Fallon Avenue (Bellevue) at 1 pm.
The funeral of Mrs. Henry Kickamp took place Friday afternoon from the family residence, 345 E Ninth Street, Newport. Rev Carl Schaeffer, pastor of St Paul's German Protestant Evangelical Church, conducted the services. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Andrew F Hummitsch, 84, died Friday evening at his home, 610 Maple Avenue, Newport. He was a wealthy retired starch manufacturer. Four children survive him. They are: Albert Hummitsch of St Louis; Mrs. Schultze of Chicago; Mrs. Robson of Boston, and Mrs. Niederinghause of St Louis.
Miss Claire Kuglen died Friday afternoon at the home of her uncle, George A Metzel, on West Fifth Street, Newport after a long illness, aged 15 years.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 February 1904, page 5
Mrs. Mary Miller (nee Doran) died at Colorado City, Colo. Monday. She was formerly of East Fourth Street, Newport, and a daughter of John Doran contractor. She went to Colorado over a year ago after her marriage. Edward Doran left for that place Friday but his sister died before he arrived.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 2 February 1904, page 5
John Ferris, 39, died Sunday night in Newport. He was an employee of the Pullman Palace Car Company and came to Newport with his family, consisting of a wife and two children, about three weeks ago from Flemingsburg, Ky. He was a member of the Odd Fellows and the members of Noah's Dove Lodge of Newport, have been looking after the body. The body will be shipped Wednesday to Flemingsburg
The funeral of Mrs. Hamilton Allen, who died Saturday took place at her residence, 618 Walnut Street, Dayton Ky Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Rebecca Wessling, 64, died early Monday morning at her home on Main Street, Dayton Ky. Her husband, Henry Wessling and four children survive her.
Edward, the nine month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Secrist, died at the home on McKinney Street (Dayton Ky) Monday.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 3 February 1904, page 5
The remains of Mrs. Mary Miller (nee Doran) will arrive in Newport Friday morning from Colorado City, Colo. The funeral will take place from the home of her father, John Doran, on East Fourth Street, Saturday morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am.
E L Higdon, of 218 Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue, received a telegram Tuesday afternoon, stating that his son Frank had been run over by a train at McKeesport Pa. and fatally injured.
Joseph Baker, of Bellevue, died Wednesday morning at 5 am at Speers Hospital. Baker was taken to the institution several weeks ago suffering with consumption. He leaves a widow and a small child.
Mrs. Catherine McGuire, 65, died Tuesday afternoon at the home of her sister, Mrs. George Sharp, 144 Center Street, Bellevue. The funeral will take place from the residence Thursday morning. Burial in St Stephen Cemetery.
Mrs. Lina Dorne, 71, mother of George Dorne, former member of the Board of Education of Newport, died Tuesday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John Roth, 922 Monroe street, Newport.
The body of Miss Mary Ahlering, 21, daughter of Henry Ahlering Jr. a former member of the police force in Newport, who died in Dupont Ind. will arrive in Newport Wednesday evening. It will be taken to the residence of John Riedel, 638 Monroe Street and the funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at 2 pm from St Paul German Protestant Lutheran Church on East Eighth Street.
Mrs. Catherine McGuire, 65, died Tuesday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Sharp, 144 Center Street, Bellevue. The funeral wil take place Friday morning at 9 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Newport.
The funeral of the late Miss Julia Buschle, 18, who died Saturday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R Buschle, 814 Washington Avenue, Newport, took place Tuesday from St Stephen Church. Rev Father Merschmann celebrated requiem mass. The body was taken to St Stephen Cemetery at Four Mile, and buried.
John Ferris, 39, from Flemingsburg Ky. lived in Newport and died in Ludlow of internal hemorrhages. The body was sent to Flemingsburg for burial.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 4 February 1904, page 5
The remains of Frank Higdon, son of E L Higdon, of Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue, who was killed by a railroad train at McKeesport, Pa. Sunday, arrived at Undertaker Cunningham's early Thursday morning. E L Higdon, is a traveling salesman and is now out on the road. Until he returns there will be no funeral.
The body of Miss Mary Ahlering, daughter of Henry Ahlering Jr. a former member of the Newport police force, who died Sunday at the home of her parents in Dupont Ind. arrived in Newport Wednesday and were taken to the residence of Mrs. Riedel, 638 Monroe Street. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon at 2 pm from St Paul German Protestant Lutheran Church. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Kate Leahey, 64, widow of John, died Thursday morning at the home, 224 West Ninth Street in Newport. She was the mother of Lt. of Police John Leahey, and a devout Christian of charitable disposition. A daughter, Margaret Leahey also survives her.
Mrs. Frances M Pye, widow of the late Robert Pye, was found dead at her home, 114 East Second Street, Newport, Wednesday at 5 pm of heart disease. Frank Foster, a son by a former husband, said his mother was 65 years of age and had been living in her present home for the past 20 years. Mrs. Pye was formerly Mrs. John Scott. Her sons, Charles of Pittsburg, Frank and Walter of Newport and two daughters Mrs. Fosbriger, of Boston and Mrs. Fannie DuBarr of Canton O. survive her.
The remains of Macrae Robinson, a former resident of Newport and son of W G Robinson, whose death occurred at Asbury Park NJ will arrive in Newport Friday and will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Joseph Baker, 33, a former resident of Bellevue, died Wednesday at Speers Hospital of consumption. He leaves a widow and one child.
Mrs. Mary Brutsche, widow of the late Fred, died Wednesday at her home, 1077 Park Avenue, Newport. A son and daughter survive her.
The body of Mrs. Elizabeth Guth found mangled on the C&O tracks near Coal Haven Ky. will be given a Christian burial. The remains were buried by the side of the tracks when found and Wednesday they were exhumed by her son-in-law, Walter Hopple of Cincinnati. The burial will be at Norwood O.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 5 February 1904, page 5
The remains of Mrs. Mary Miller (nee Doran) formerly of Newport, arrived Friday at 1pm and removed to her parents home, 21 East Fourth Street. The funeral will take place Saturday at 8:30 am from the house and at 9 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The interment will take place in St Stephen Cemetery.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gibson, of 841 Brighton Street, Newport, died Friday morning. The funeral will take place Saturday.
The two year old son of Bernard Schomaker, of 237 Wood Avenue, Bellevue, died Thursday.
The infant son of Mrs. and Mrs. W L Miller, 430 Wood Avenue, died Thursday afternoon.
The funeral of Mrs. Kate Leahy, widow of the late John Leahy and mother of Police Lt. Edward Leahy, will take place Saturday morning, with services at the Immaculate Conception Church, with a requiem high mass. Besides two sons, Mrs. Leahy leaves one daughter, Miss Maggie Leahy.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Lena Dorne, mother in law of Councilman John Roth, took place Friday afternoon from the family residence, 922 Monroe Street, Newport. Rev Arning, pastor of St John Protestant Evangelical Church officiated. The burial took place in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Brutsche, 47, of 1017 Park Avenue, Newport, who died Wednesday will take place Saturday from St Stephen Church. The burial will take place in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 8 February 1904, page 5
The death of Mrs. Kate Ricketts, 44, of Southgate Street in Newport recalls the absence of her son, George, of 110 Front Street, who cannot be located. A few days prior to his mother's death he left for Pittsburg.
The remains of N McCrae Robinson were received Saturday from Asbury Park NJ and interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Robert Pye took place Sunday morning with services at the home, 14 West Second Street, Newport at 9:30. The remains were buried at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Kate Dewald, 17, residing at 908 Saratoga Street, Newport, died Sunday at Speers Hospital of typhoid fever.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 February 1904, page 8
The funeral of Mrs. Kate Rickels took place Monday afternoon from the family residence, 214 West Southgate Street, Newport. Rev Calvin M Thompson, pastor of the First Baptist Church conducted the services. The body was taken to Evergreen Cemetery. George Rickels who could not be located when his mother died last Friday night in Newport, was located in Pittsburg Monday and arrived Tuesday morning too late for the funeral.
John Howard's will was probated Monday. He leaves his estate to his daughter, Mrs. Anna Hayden of Pans, Ill.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 10 February 1904, page 5
Louis Cachris, a prominent farmer of Campbell County, died Tuesday at his home near Johns Hill, after a long illness of typhoid fever, aged 44 years. A widow and several children survive him.
Mrs. Susan M Applegate, 77, died Tuesday at the residence of her son Frank Applegate, 45 Van Voast Avenue (Bellevue). Funeral Thursday at 1:30 pm at the house. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 11 February 1904, page 5
The funeral of the late John Keller took place Wednesday afternoon at the family home in Glenn Park, on the Alexandria Pike, south of Newport. Rev Carl Schaffer, pastor of the German Protestant St Paul Lutheran Church, conducted the services. The body was buried in Evergreen.
The funeral of the late Charles A Kuster, who fell from a trestle at Norwood, back of Cincinnati, Sunday and was killed, took place Wednesday afternoon at the German Salem M E Church in Newport. Rev Elias Roser conducted the services. The body was taken to Evergreen Cemetery and buried.
Thomas McNamara, 30, died at his home, 605 Elm Street, Newport, Wednesday night. He was not feeling well during the day and did not go to work. While sitting in front of the stove, he went to sleep. At 9 pm when an effort was made to arouse him, it was found he was dead.
Mrs. Reinhard Arnold died Wednesday at Seton Hospital from the effects of an operation. The deceased leaves a husband and five children.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 12 February 1904, page 5
Laura Morris, of 240 Front Street, Bellevue, died Thursday of typhoid fever. The funeral took place at the house Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Mary Schott, 71, whose home is in Cincinnati, died Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Stall, of Center Street, Bellevue. Mrs. Stall, and two sons, Henry and Adam survive her.
Mrs. Jennie Judge, 56, whose home is in Cincinnati, died at Speers Hospital Friday morning of consumption. The remains will be taken to the home of J S Burch, 1706 Central Avenue, Dayton, who is a brother of the deceased.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Henzerling, 301 West Twelfth Street, died Thursday of scarlet fever.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 13 February 1904, page 5
George Schmidt, 60, carpenter, died Friday at his home 1003 Saratoga Street, Newport. A widow and several grown children survive him.
Frank P Abner, 43, died Friday at his home, 303 Monmouth Street, Newport of pneumonia. A widow and two children survive him. He was a member of Garfield Council Jr. O U A M of Bellevue; also of the order of Modern Woodmen of America. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the family residence.
The body of Miss Jennie Furstine, who died in Gallipolis O. Thursday, arrived in Newport Friday night and was taken in charge by Undertaker William C Betz and conveyed to the residence of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Riedinger, 629 Dayton Street, Newport. The funeral will take place Monday morning at St Stephen Church and the body will be buried in St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill, Cincinnati.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guardman of 349 Berry Street, Bellevue died Friday night.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 15 February 1904, page 5
The funeral of Isaac J Patrick took place Sunday afternoon from the family residence, 1042 Saratoga Street, Newport. The Rev Carl Schaeffer, pastor of the German Protestant St Paul Church, conducted the services, after which the body was taken to Evergreen Cemetery, south of Newport and placed in the vault.
The funeral of Miss Jennie Furstine, who died in Gallipolis O. Thursday took place Monday morning from St Stephen Catholic Church in Newport. the body was buried in St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill, Cincinnati.
The funeral of the late George Smith of Saratoga Street, Newport, took place Monday morning from St Stephen Church. The burial was at St Stephen Cemetery, Four Mile on the Alexandria Pike.
Page 8-Mrs. Margaret Schott, of Bellevue, who died Friday was buried Sunday at the Walnut Hills Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 16 February 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Edith M Schubert, who died Monday will take place Tuesday afternoon at her late residence, 216 Berry Avenue, Bellevue, at 2 pm. Rev Antone Boreing will officiate. Burial at Ash Ridge O.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 17 February 1904, page 5
The infant son of Henry Tinner, of 320 Union Street, Bellevue, died Tuesday. While coming home from his work, after being notified of his child's death, Tinner fell and broke his ankle.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brockherde died Tuesday afternoon, Dayton.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 20 February 1904, page 5
The body of Miss Clara Becker, who died in Kankakee Ill. Wednesday arrived in Newport last night. The funeral took place Saturday at Undertaker Betz mortuary chapel at 10 am. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
The remains of Nelson Mott, a former resident of Newport, who died Wednesday in Richmond Ind. will be brought to Newport for burial. The funeral will take place at the York Street Congregational Church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 pm. The pastor Rev Mr. Bigelow will conduct the services. The body will be buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Frank W Barton, 84, died Thursday afternoon at his home on Second street, Dayton. The deceased leaves one grown daughter.
Mrs. William Heurer, 28, died Thursday night at her home on Retreat Street, Dayton of intestinal grip.
Charles Kuhlman, 76, the proprietor of a saloon at Sixth Avenue and Berry Street, Dayton died Saturday morning.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 February 1904, page 5
The remains of Nelson Mott, who died at Richmond Ind. were buried in Newport Sunday afternoon.
Philip Henz, father-in-law of Tony Reuscher, was buried Sunday.
Emma Showalter, 14, who has been an inmate of the Convent of the Good Shepherd for several years, died at that institution Sunday. Consumption was the cause of death.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Schnoor of 850 Patterson Street (Newport) died Saturday.
John McCarty, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. William McCarty, died Sunday at his home, 308 W Eighth Street, Newport.
Ex-Councilman John R Willis, 61, died Saturday afternoon at his home of heart and kidney trouble. He was one of Bellevue's most prominent business men. He conducted a sales stable on Fifth Street in Cincinnati for over 20 years. He was a member of Granville Moody Post GAR and served as Adjutant for 15 years. He leaves a widow, a son and two daughters. The funeral will be at the house Tuesday afternoon under the auspices of the Grandville Moody Post GAR.
The funeral of Mrs. Rose Maurer, who died Saturday, took place at the residence on Retreat Street (Bellevue) Monday afternoon. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Samuel Prather of 15 West Fifth Street, Newport, was buried Saturday afternoon at Evergreen Cemetery and the remains of her son, Pierre, who died a week ago, were placed alongside of her in the family lot. The death of the son, who always looked for the welfare of the family, hastened the mother's death.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Hastings took place from the residence on W Twelfth Street (Newport) Monday morning with requiem mass at the Immaculate Conception Church.
The funeral of Miss Clara Becker took place Sunday at 10 o'clock and the burial was at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. John Ryan took place Monday morning from St Stephen Church. The burial was at Four Mile Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 23 February 1904, page 5
Fridolin Murst, 68, a tailor of 926 Hamlet Street (Newport) died Monday afternoon at his home from gangrene. He leaves two sons and a daughter all grown.
The funeral of John J McCarthy took place Monday from the family residence, 508 W Eighth Street, Newport. Rev Thompson, pastor of the First Baptist Church conducted the services. The body was taken to Evergreen Cemetery on the Alexandria Pike and buried.
J W Dennison died Tuesday morning at the home 7 West Front Street in Newport. His death, it is claimed is the result of an accident that happened to him a year ago while visiting Mammoth Cave. While passing through the cave he struck his head on a projecting rack, injuring his brain. He never fully recovered from the accident and finally brought the end. He leaves a widow, a daughter of Gus Artsman, deceased, former Master Commissioner in Newport. Also a daughter by his first wife who resides in New York.
A telegram reached Newport that William T Bonte, for many years a resident of Newport and well known in Cincinnati, died at Hopkinsville Ky. A widow and four children survive him.
Mrs. Henrietta Hake, 71, died at her home on Retreat Street, Bellevue, Tuesday morning. She leaves four sons, William, George, Louis and Harry, all grown.
The funeral Tuesday at the St Francis Church of the late Charles Kuhlman was one of the largest ever seen in Dayton. Burial was at St Joseph Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 24 February 1904, page 5
The funeral of the late Mrs. Henrietta Hake took place at the residence on Retreat Street, Bellevue, Wednesday afternoon. Rev E Emingholtz conducted the services. Her four sons, William, George, Louis and Harry, acted as pall bearers. Burial in Fairmount Cemetery.
Word was received in Dayton Tuesday announcing the death in Clay Center, Kansas, of Mr. Margaret Kinsley, which occurred Sunday. She was formerly a resident of Dayton.
Mrs. Mary Arrasmith, 18, sister in law of James E McCracken, died Tuesday afternoon at the latter's residence in Bonnie Leslie, east of Newport, after a severe illness of typhoid fever. The husband is sick with the same disease in the Cincinnati hospital. Besides her husband, she leaves two children, one 20 (sic) and other 4 month old.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 25 February 1904, page 1
The last wishes of John R Willis of Poplar Street, Bellevue, who died Saturday, were carried out at the funeral which took place Tuesday afternoon. The remains were taken to Evergreen Cemetery and placed in the vault.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 27 February 1904, page 5
The funeral of Augusta Sanders, 11, who died of diphtheria, took place Friday afternoon from the family residence, 324 West Sixth Street, Newport. Rev R L Harris, pastor of St Paul Episcopal Church conducted the services. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Diedrich Pieper, who died at her home, 702 Patterson Street in Newport, Thursday, took place Saturday afternoon from her late home. Rev Carl Schaeffer, pastor of St Paul German Lutheran Church, conducted the services. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 1-Mrs. Bridget Bachtold, 40, died at St Elizabeth Hospital, Covington, Saturday morning of blood poisoning. She was admitted to the hospital Jan 6. Her home was at Ft Thomas.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 29 February 1904, page 5
Susan E Sattler 19, of 604 E Fourth Street, Newport, died Saturday after a long illness of pneumonia. McKinley Lodge, Daughters of America of Bellevue, will have charge of the funeral Tuesday afternoon.
Ellison Young, 27, died at his home, 427 Hodge Street, Newport, Saturday. The body will be sent to Cynthiana for burial.
Mrs. J Goodfriend, of W Sixth Street, Newport, died Saturday afternoon, from paralysis. A son, Charles Goodfriend, a son, is in jail serving a sentence for abusing his mother, who was ill a week ago. He called at the house and wanted money, which was refused him. He also received work that his wife's mother, Bertha Kist of Bethel O. died at the same time at her home. (March 11) It was the children of George and not Charles Goodfruend that were taken to St Joseph's Orphan Asylum. Charles Goodfreund had but one child and the mother takes good care of it.
Word has been received here to the effect that Bernard Fain, a former resident of Newport, was killed in an explosion at King's Mills O. on Feb 24.
The body of Mrs. Mary A Lansdale, who died Friday at the residence of her son-in-law, James T Joyce, Westwood O. was taken to Newport Sunday afternoon and buried in Evergreen Cemetery. The deceased was 75 years of age and had been a resident of Newport for almost 50 years. She was the mother of Charles Lansdale.
Alf Siddons, a former Newport man, and at one time a crack ballplayer in these parts, was found dead in bed at his home in Northern Ohio. He formerly played with the old time Holts.
Page 8-Carl Price, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Price, of 94 West Second Street, Newport, died Sunday evening. The body was sent to Blancket Ky.
Miss Alice Arnold, 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry F Arnold died Sunday morning at her home 1565 Holman Street, Newport of lung trouble. The funeral takes place Tuesday afternoon at 2 pm from Shinkle M E Church. Burial will take place at the Highland Cemetery.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H Adams died Monday morning. The funeral will take place Tuesday. Burial at Spring Grove Cemetery.
August Appel, 18, the bright young son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Appel, died Sunday night at his parents house, 1216 Lee Street, Newport, of pneumonia. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon from the home. The burial takes place in the Highland Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Bridget Bechtold, 40, who died at St Elizabeth Hospital last week, took place Monday morning from the Catholic Church at Ft Thomas. The burial took place at St Stephen Cemetery.
Alfred Fox, 80, a pioneer resident of Dayton, died Saturday night at his home, 624 Seventh Avenue. The funeral will take place at the Tower M E Church Tuesday afternoon at 1 pm in charge of Bond Lodge No 219 and Noah's Lodge IOOF of Newport. Burial in Wesleyan Cemetery, Cincinnati.
The funeral of Mrs. Lucy Garney, 91, who died Saturday, took place at 10 am Monday at her late residence, 415 Fourth Street, Dayton. The body was sent to Maysville for burial. Aunt Lucy as she was commonly called, was the oldest woman in Dayton.
Miss Susan Sattler, 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sattler, died at her home Saturday at 2:45 pm. She was one of Bellevue's most popular young ladies and a member of McKinley Council DofA, which organization will have charge of the funeral.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 1 March 1904, page 5
The funeral of Alfred Fox, one of the oldest Odd Fellows in Kentucky, took place Tuesday afternoon from his late home on Seventh Avenue, Dayton. The members of Bond Lodge of Dayton and Noah's Dove Encampment had charge of the funeral. The burial took placed at Wesleyan Cemetery.
Mrs. Benjamin Lefflat of Third Avenue, Dayton, died Monday afternoon of pneumonia. She leaves a widower and two small children.
Page 8-Postmistress Anna Kronz, who died Thursday night at her home in Alexandria, was buried Monday at 9 am in St Mary Cemetery, Alexandria.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 3 March 1904, page 5
Miss Anna Smith, 31, died at 6 pm Wednesday at her home on Third Avenue, Dayton of typhoid fever. The funeral will take place Friday morning from the St Francis Church with a requiem mass after which the remains will be laid to rest in the St Francis Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 March 1904, page 5
The funeral of Conrad Glenker, 84, who died Tuesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Barbara Kraus, 340 Lindsey Street, Newport, took place Thursday at St Stephen Church. The German Pioneer Society attended in a body. Father Merschmann, the pastor, celebrated requiem mass. The body was taken to St Stephen Cemetery at Four Mile for burial.
The funeral of Clarence Byrne, who died in the asylum at Lakeland Ky. several days ago, took place Thursday afternoon at the residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W Byrne, 935 York Street, Newport. Rev F Bigelow, pastor of the York Street Congregational Church, conducted the services. The body was taken to Evergreen Cemetery and buried.
The funeral of the late Miss Anna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, will take place at St Francis Church Saturday at 9 am. The Young Ladies Sodality of which Miss Smith was President, met Thursday evening and adopted resolutions on her death.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Ella Feist takes place at 8 am Saturday from St Anthony Church, Father Kehoe officiating. The pallbearers were: Charles Feist, Will, Albert and John Kerr. Interment at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 5 March 1904, page 5
Mrs. Helen, the beloved wife of John Crandell, died at Speers Hospital.
The infant daughter of Rev and Mrs. Emigholz passed away Friday night after in Bellevue with pneumonia. Funeral will take place Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Anthon Katzenburg, 45, sister of Contrator Joseph Collopy, died at her residence 210 Central Avenue, Newport, Friday night.
Dr. Senour and wife are in Independence Ky. in attendance at the funeral of the doctor's grandmother who died at the ripe old age of 90 years.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 March 1904, page 5
The remains of the late John F Pryor will be conveyed to the cemetery by eight nephews, Will, Morris and John Richmond of Covington, Harry and John Hollmeyer and John and Morris Kearney of Newport. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning at 9 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Robert Pryor, formerly of Newport, arrived here Sunday from Chicago to attend the funeral of his brother, John Pryor.
Kate DeMoss, 12, daughter of John M DeMoss, died Sunday evening at the home of her parents, 517 Powell Street, Newport.
John R Willis, by his will, left for probate makes his wife the only heir. He formerly lived in Bellevue.
Mrs. Matilda Dietz, 29, wife of Harry M Dietz, died Saturday night at her residence, 830 German Street, Newport, of typhoid pneumonia. A husband and two infant children survive her. The funeral will take place Tuesday from the family residence and the remains will be buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Herman Voight took place Saturday afternoon from the residence, 1029 Orchard Street, Newport. Rev Carl Schaeffer, pastor of the German Protestant Church, conducted the services. The body was taken to Evergreen Cemetery and buried.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 8 March 1904, page 5
Edward Klotzbach, 25, a young man of Newport, died Monday at his home, 920 Saratoga Street. He was a son in law of John G Hotsch and only a short time ago the only child died. Deceased had been in Nashville a long time, trying to recuperate failing health and returned five weeks ago.
The funeral of Mrs. Anthony Katzenberger took place Monday at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Newport. Requiem mass was celebrated by Father McNerney. The body was taken to St Stephen Cemetery and place in the vault. The pallbearers were Frank McNamara, Charles Brown, Michael Bradley and William McCormick.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 March 1904, page 5
Lawrence Fitzsimmons, 58, father of Policeman Thomas Fitzsimmons, died Thursday afternoon at his residence, 329 Keturah Street (Newport) of pneumonia. A widow, two sons and a daughter, all grown, survive him.
The 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Willenbrink died Thursday at the family residence, 1147 Columbia Street (Newport) after a short illness of pneumonia.
Estha, the 6 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Knecht, died Thursday at the family residence, 320 W Eighth Street (Newport) of brain fever.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 March 1904, page 5
William Whalahan, 26, a mill man, died Saturday afternoon at his home, 1119 German street, Newport of pneumonia. His funeral will take place Tuesday morning at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The remains of Joseph Muggeridge will be buried from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery, south of Newport, Tuesday, at 2 pm.
Mrs. Abbie Krebs, wife of John P Krebs, and mother of Louis M Krebs, Superintendent of Public Works, died Saturday at her home, 412 West Tenth Street, Newport of old age. The deceased was the mother of 11 children, seven sons and four daughters. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning, with services at Corpus Christi Church.
Page 8-Frank Wehr, the post plumber, has the sympathy of his many friends in the death of his wife, Mrs. Wehr died at her old home in Louisville of dropsy. The remains will be brought here for interment.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 16 March 1904, page 5
The funeral of William Whalahan, popularly known as "Curly" a prominent rolling mill worker, took place from the Church of Immaculate Conception Tuesday. Requiem high mass was celebrated. The burial took place at St Stephen Cemetery. His four cousins, James and William Prout of Newport, and John and William Prout of Cincinnati, acted as pallbearers.
The remains of Mrs. John J Ryan, of 229 W Ninth Street, Newport, were taken from the vault Tuesday at St Stephen Cemetery and buried in the family lot.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Abbie Krebs, wife of John P Krebs, took place at Corpus Christi Church in Newport. The pastor, Father Kolopp, celebrated requiem mass. The body was buried in St Stephen Cemetery at Four Mile.
The funeral of William Walahan, 26, who died Saturday at his home, 1119 German Street, took place Tuesday at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Rev John F O'Dwyer celebrated requiem mass. The body was taken to St Stephen Cemetery and buried.
The body of the late Joseph Muggeride was buried from the vault in Evergreen Cemetery, south of Newport.
William S Greene, 66, a former resident of Newport, died Monday at the Presbyterian Hospital in Cincinnati of Brights disease. His body was brought to the home of his son-in-law, William F Mantell, 334 Columbia Street, Newport. The funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon in the chapel at Spring Grove Cincinnati, and will be conducted by Rev Whitehead, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Newport.
L K Marty, 52, died Wednesday morning at 9:45 am at his home in the Highlands, near Ft Thomas, of pneumonia and kidney trouble. He was well known in Cincinnati as well as Newport, having for yeas been in the drug business on Broadway. He was a Director in the German National Bank for 15 years in Newport and the past three years was its President.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 17 March 1904, page 5
The funeral of L K Marty, whose untimely death was given in Wednesday's Post will take place on Saturday from the residence in the Highlands. the remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery. A widow and four children, two sons and two daughters, survive him.
The many friends of Mrs. Emma Hill (nee Hesseling) will regret to learn of her death at Middletown O. Wednesday. The funeral will be held from the home of Mrs. Hemmerbe, 336 West Sixth Street, Newport, Sunday at 2 pm. Burial at Evergreen.
The funeral of William S Greene, a former resident of Newport, who died Monday at the Presbyterian Hospital, Cincinnati, took place Wednesday from the home of his son in law, William F Mantell, 334 Columbia Street, Newport. Services were held at the chapel in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati.
The body of the late Joseph Muggeridge was buried Tuesday from the vault in Evergreen Cemetery, south of Newport.
Alfred Holmes of Third Street, Newport, has left for Detroit Mich. called there by the death of his brother.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 18 March 1904, page 5
Mrs. Anna M Manter, 84, wife of F W Manter and a pioneer resident of Newport, died Thursday at her residence, 616 Saratoga Street, after a lingering illness. Senility was the cause of death. The deceased had been a resident of Newport since 1860. Three sons and one daughter survive her. The funeral will take place Saturday at 1 pm.
Mrs. Elizabeth Vornholt, 60, wife of F W Vornholt, died Thursday at her late residence, 208 W Fifth Street, Newport, after a lingering illness. Old age was the cause of death.
Page 7-The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, of Second and Jackson Streets, Dayton, died Thursday night.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 March 1904, page 2
Peter Jester, 45, of Dayton Ky. who recently drank ammonia to end his life, died Sunday at Speers Hospital Dayton, from the effects of the drug. He was despondent because unable to work, owing to a recent injury.
Page 5-Miss Sallie Donohoe, 29, who for the past four years has made her home with Mrs. William Robson of Ross Avenue, her niece, died at 11 am. She was prominent in church work in Bellevue and was a devout Methodist.
The funeral of the late Frank Stelter took place from the residence of his parents on Berry Avenue, Bellevue. Rev J M Bramkamp preached the funeral service. Interment at Spring Grove Cemetery. Ed Wright, William Eberhardt, Bert Matthews and Albert Swain served as pallbearers.
Homer Ferris, formerly a resident of Bellevue, passed away Friday at his residence, Cincinnati of paralysis at the age of 84. Four daughters, Mattie, Sadie Ferris and Mrs. Frankie Smith and Mrs. George Wormald are left to mourn his loss. Funeral at the home Monday at 2 pm.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Vornholt of West Fifth Street, Newport, took place Saturday afternoon from the residence.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 22 March 1904, page 8
The will of Alfred F Fox was probated Monday. He bequeathed his house and lot and all of his personal property to his wife and names her as executrix without bond.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 23 March 1904, page 5
The remains of the mother of Ed Wessling of Dayton Ky. will be taken from the vault at St Bernard and interred.
Elsie Huber, the 15 month old grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Williamson of Sixth Avenue, Dayton, passed away Tuesday night. The remains will be interred together with that of her mother, who passed away several months ago and whose remains have been in the vault at Evergreen.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 March 1904, page 5
Michael Foley, 35, a mill hand, died Wednesday in St Elizabeth's Hospital in Covington, after a short illness of pneumonia. The body was Wednesday night taken to the resident of his brother-in-law, Philip Brady, 746 Central Avenue, Newport, where the funeral will take place Saturday morning, with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The body will be buried in St Stephen Cemetery on the Alexandria Pike.
Mrs. Lillian Huber (nee Rouse) a niece of Capt. Charles Whitten, a collector on the Central Bridge, died Wednesday at her home on Laurel Street, Cincinnati, after an illness of only one week's duration. She had been married four months.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 25 March 1904, page 5
Mrs. Ophelia Childs, wife of Emory Childs, a former resident of Dayton, died at the family residence on Barr Street, Cincinnati. Funeral services Sunday at 1:30 pm. Interment aat Spring Grove.
James Fitzsimmons died in Newport Thursday.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 28 March 1904, page 5
Christopher Whithorn, 61, died Saturday night at his home, 38 Park Avenue, Glenn Park, near Newport of pneumonia. He was a rubber stamp maker. He leaves a widow and several grown children.
Richard G Smart, aged 84 years, father of Alfred and Edward Smart, died Sunday, March 27, at 10 pm. Funeral from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Boyd, Eighth and Washington Sts. Newport.
Mrs. Margaret J Stevens, 64, widow of the late George W Stevens, died Saturday night of pneumonia at the residence of her son in law, Harry Spilman, Dayton. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon.
The funeral of Ben Hazen took place Monday afternoon from his residence on Sixth Avenue, Dayton. Interment at Wesleyan Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 29 March 1904, page 5
Mrs. Sarah Hays, 53, mother of Mrs. Charles Tucker, of Fourth and Saratoga Streets, Newport, died at the Bethesda Hospital Monday from the effects of an operation performed. The remains were brought to Newport.
Margaret J Stevens, 64, widow of the late George Stevens, died Saturday night of pneumonia at the residence of her son in law, Harry Spilman, Dayton. The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Stevens took place at 2 pm from the Baptist Church, Dayton. Charles Heidrich, James Ware, W Winters, John Greife, O F Barrett and W E Piper served as pallbearers. Interment at Evergreen.
Mabel Wells was appointed as administrator of the estate of Winfield S Wells, deceased and as guardian of her 7 year old daughter, Phyllis K Wells.
The body of Mrs. Mary Duzan, widow of the late William Duzan, who died Sunday in Louisville, arrived Monday evening and taken to the home of Mrs. M M Ware, 319 East Fifth Street, where the funeral took place Tuesday afternoon at 2 pm. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Sarah Hays, died Monday, March 28, 1904. Funeral Thursday, March 31 from residence, 401 Saratoga Street, Newport at 2 pm.
The funeral of Ben Hazen took place Monday afternoon from his late residence on Sixth Avenue, Dayton. Interment at Wesleyan Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 30 March 1904, page 5
Charles Boggs, 52, of 542 E Second Street, Newport, died suddenly Tuesday night at his home. He had been complaining of a slight attack of pleurisy on Monday and was attended by Dr. Fred Stine. Tuesday morning found him much better. He ate his supper and the walk up stairs was too much for he gave two gasps and fell back dead. Paralysis of the heart was the cause of death. The deceased was a casualty insurance inspector and leaves a widow and two children. He was a member of Harmony Lodge of Mason. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Willy Walls, a 3 year old son of William Walls, of 239 E Front Street, Newport, died Tuesday afternoon, after a short illness of pneumonia.
The funeral of Christopher Withorn, who died Saturday night at his home in Glen Park, south of Newport, took place Tuesday from St Stephen Church, Newport. The pastor, Rev Joseph Merschmann celebrated requiem mass. The body was take to St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill, Cincinnati and buried.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Duzan, who died in Louisville last Sunday, took place Tuesday afternoon from the residence of her sister, Mrs. M M Ware, 319 E Fifth Street (Newport). Rev Calvin M Thompson, pastor of the First Baptist Church, conducted the services. The body was taken to Evergreen Cemetery, on the Alexandria Pike and buried.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 31 March 1904, page 3
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Hayes will take place Thursday afternoon from the home, Fourth and Saratoga streets, Newport. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Charles Boggs will take place Friday morning from the residence on East Second Street.
A W Barnes was appointed administrator of the estate of Benjamin Hazen, deceased.
At a meeting of Eureka Lodge, K of P, in Newport, Wednesday night, who will arrange the funeral of Sam Schell. George Hindman and H H Schriver will represent the lodge as pallbearers at the funeral on Sunday.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 1 April 1904, page 5
The funeral of Samuel Schell will take place Friday afternoon from Grace M E Church, Newport. Eureka Lodge K of P will have charge in a body.
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Hayes took place Thursday afternoon from the family residence, 401 Saratoga Street, Newport. Rev Calvin Thompson, pastor of the First Baptist Church conducted the services, after which the body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 7-The last will of Christopher Whithorn was left for probate in the County Court in Newport Friday. He bequeaths to his cousin, Joseph Penton, of Cincinnati all his tools, machinery &etc; to his wife, Margaret, his insurance $1000, out of which she is to erect a monument not to exceed $300. All the rest of the estate is to go to her.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 2 April 1904, page 5
The funeral of Samuel F Schell took place Friday afternoon from Grace M E Church under the auspices of Eureka Lodge No 7 K of P of Newport, of which he was a prominent member. Rev Joseph Luccock conducted the services. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Charles Boggs took place Friday from his late home, 542 East Second Street, Newport. Rev J P Whitehead, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, conducted the services. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Elizabeth Miles died at 11:40 am Friday of intestinal grip. She was 86 years old. Funeral from Bellevue Christian Church at 2 pm Sunday.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 April 1904, page 5
Christian Beatch, 75, a pioneer resident of Campbell County, who died Friday night at his residence, 1115 John Street, located in Dayton Ky. about 50 years ago and from there removed to Camp Springs on the River Road, where he farmed for 35 years. For the past eight years he has made his home in Newport. He leaves a widow, three sons and four daughters.
Greenville Palmer, 65, of Campbell County, died Saturday at his home on Mt Pleasant Ave in the Highlands south of Newport after a long illness. He leaves a widow and several grown children. The funeral took place Monday morning at 10 o'clock from the family residence. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Emma Hanshew took place Monday at 1 pm from the undertaking establishment of Charles A Smith & Son. Services were held at the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery at 2 pm. Rev Dr. J P Whitehead officiating. The pall bearers were: Messrs. George Spiegel, August Droste, Jacob Beltz and Henry Grim.
The funeral of Miss Katherine Zellar, who died Friday at her home on Saratoga Street, Newport, took place Sunday afternoon from the family residence.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 April 1904, page 7
Mrs. Amie L Bennett, 52, wife of E Fayton Bennett, a buyer for the Alms & Doepke Company of Cincinnati, died Thursday afternoon at the family residence, 235 E Fifth Street (Newport). Besides her husband, she leaves her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Rummel. The arrangements for the funeral have not been made.
Miss Anna Thomas, 17, died Thursday afternoon at the home of her parents, at Metclafe Hill, on the Alexandria Pike, three miles south of Newport of typhoid fever. The arrangements for her funeral have not been made.
Regina Speier, 75, Ninth and Robert Streets, died Thursday after a lingering illness. The funeral will take place Saturday morning with services at St Stephen Church.
E Arthur Llewellyn Jr. 2, son of Arthur Llewellyn, died early Friday morning at the home on W Seventh Street, Newport. The father is Deputy City Clerk. The child had suffered for some time. The funeral of the son of Arthur Llewellyn will take place Sunday at 2 o'clock from the Eighth Street, Newport.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 9 April 1904, page 5
Miss Josephine Hunkler, 40, died Friday at the home of her brothers on Licking Pike. Death was due to dropsy. Several weeks ago she went into a comatose state for two days. She again became unconscious Friday morning and Dr. Frickman, Newport, was sent for but she died before his arrival. The funeral will take place from the Catholic Church at Johns Hill Monday morning.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Annie L Bennett, who died Thursday at her home, 235 E Fifth Street, Newport, will take place Sunday morning from the residence at 9:30 o'clock. Rev Robert Nelson, pastor of St Paul Episcopal Church, will conduct the services. The body will be buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Thomas Kane, a pioneer resident of Newport and a veteran of the Civil War, died Saturday morning at the residence of his sister, 605 Elm Street after a lingering illness.
The funeral of the son of Arthur Llewellyn will take place Sunday at 2 pm from the residence, on Eighth Street, Newport.
Mrs. Alice Thacker, of Eighth and Dayton Avenues, Dayton, found her 75 year old mother burned to death on the floor of her home.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 10 April 1904, page 7
Mrs. R Manning, 61, residing at 738 Robert street, died yesterday after a lingering illness.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 April 1904, page 5
William Meyer, 45, of 1034 Central Ave Newport, died Saturday afternoon after a lingering illness of stomach trouble.
Mrs. Frederica Matthies, widow of the late Fred Matthies, died Saturday at her home, 725 Robert Street (Newport) after a long illness. She was a member of St Paul German Protestant Lutheran Church. A son, John and two daughters Misses Anna and Wilhelmina, all grown survive her.
Mrs. Thomas Parnell, 47, died Sunday afternoon at the family residence, 316 W Eighth Street, Newport, after a long and severe illness of dropsy. Besides her husband she leaves three sons, Albert, Charles and John and two daughters, Mary and Emma.
W H Ryan, 78, of Third and McKinney, passed away Saturday (Dayton Ky). He was for a good many years one of Dayton's business men. He leaves a widow, one son and two daughters. Funeral from his late residence Tuesday afternoon.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 April 1904, page 3
The funeral of William Meyer, who died Saturday at his home, 1034 Central Avenue, Newport, took place Monday afternoon from the family residence. Rev Carl Schaeffer, pastor of St Paul German Protestant Lutheran Church conducted the services. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Miss Josephine Hunkler, who died Friday at the home of her brother on Three Mile Creek, on the Licking Pike, took place Tuesday from the Catholic Church at Johns Hill.
The remains of the late George A Firth will be taken from the vault and buried in Evergreen Cemetery next Saturday afternoon at 2 pm.
Page 5-Mrs. Caddie Reed, wife of A J Reed, passed away at her home, Fifth and McKinney, Dayton, at the age of 47 years. Her husband and one son, Dr. Connor Reed and two daughters survive her. Funeral services at 7:45 Tuesday evening. The remains will be taken Wednesday morning to New Albany Ind.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 April 1904, page 5
Louisa, 5 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers of 1109 York Street, Newport, died early Wednesday morning at her home. Funeral Friday afternoon.
William Alford, who was accidentally shot by William Koeninger, at 12 Mile, Campbell County, is reported in a dying condition.
The funeral of Mrs. Frederica Matthies, who died Saturday, took place Tuesday at the family residence, 72 Robert Street, Newport. The Women's Society of St Paul German Protestant Lutheran Church attended in a body.
The funeral of Thomas Kane, who died at his home on Elm Street, Newport, Saturday, took place Tuesday at the Church of Immaculate Conception in Newport. Requiem mass was celebrated by Father McNerney. The body was buried at St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of Robert L Huber, 8, took place Tuesday at the family residence, 31 East Ninth Street, Newport. Burial was in St Stephen Cemetery.
Anna Mary Kenning, 29, died Monday night at the home of Henry Hasselbrock, at 611 Isabella Street, Newport. The funeral took place Wednesday morning at Corpus Christi. Burial in St Bernard Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 14 April 1904, page 5
George Distle, 37, a resident of Campbell County, died Tuesday at his home on the Licking Pike near Claryville. His funeral took place Thursday afternoon at the German Lutheran Church in that place. The body was buried in the Alexandria Cemetery.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas Parnell took place Wednesday afternoon at the family residence, 316 W Eighth Street. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
The 8 month old child of Mrs. Julie Wiley, residing on Monmouth Street (Newport) was buried Wednesday at Evergreen Cemetery, services being held at Smith's undertaking establishment. This is the third death in the Wiley family in a very short time. The mother died at the Cincinnati Hospital after she and her two children had been taken there. Mrs. Wiley died of consumption and the other child died of pneumonia.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 15 April 1904, page 3
George Crawford, 79, a pioneer resident, died Thursday at the home, 1037 German Street, Newport after a lingering illness.
John Rowe, who was taken to the Lakeland Asylum some time ago, died at that institution Thursday.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 16 April 1904, page 5
Edward P Bradley, 73, a painter died Friday afternoon at his home at the southwest corner of Fourth and Monmouth Streets of paralysis. A widow and a grown daughter survive him. His funeral will take place Monday afternoon from the residence and the body will be incinerated at the Cincinnati Crematory.
Raymond Twehus, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Twehues, died Friday at the family residence, 1023 Eleventh Street, Newport of consumption.
The funeral of Jacob Clos will take place Sunday afternoon in Newport from the home, 16 East Eleventh Street.
The funeral of Mrs. George Littleford, formerly Dora Leiter, will take place at 2 pm from the late residence, Miller's Lane, Highlands.
The funeral of Mrs. O'Connell, daughter of John Benighause, of Cold Spring, took place Friday morning in St Joseph Cemetery. Mrs. O'Connell died Tuesday at her home in Newport. She leaves husband and three children.
The body of Thomas L Crawford was taken to Butler Ky. Saturday morning by undertakers Charles Smith & Son for burial. The funeral services were held Friday night at the home, 1030 German street, Newport. Rev Calvin M Thompson, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Newport, conducted the services.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 April 1904, page 5
The remains of Mrs. Henrietta Speckman will be taken from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery Wednesday afternoon and buried in the family lot.
A funeral service was conducted by the Spiritualists at the Cincinnati Crematory Monday afternoon. The funeral of Edward P Bradley took place at 1 pm from the residence at Fourth and Monmouth Streets, Newport. The pallbearers were E Mark, W Orrell, A Hill and J Thompson.
Miss Bettie Gates, 34, died Monday morning of cancer at her home at Fifth and Isabella streets, Newport. For 15 years Miss Gates was forelady at the Polar Bear Tobacco Factory, having resigned that position Jan 21, owing to her ill health. At that time she underwent a critical operation which only gave her temporary relief.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 19 April 1904, page 5
Miss Bettie Gates, 34, died Monday in Newport at her home, Fifth and Isabella Streets after a lingering illness. For 13 years she was forewoman at a big tobaccos works and was compelled to resign because of ill health.
Frank Ridenour, 40, residing at 203 Washington Avenue, Newport, died Monday at Speers Hospital of paralysis. He leaves a widow and several small children.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 20 April 1904, page 5
John H Graff, 73, former Humane Officer of Newport died Tuesday at Speers Hospital. His condition before being removed from the home of his daughter, Miss Hope Graff, of 205 East Fifth Street, Newport, was pitiful. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon. The burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 21 April 1904, page 5
Martin Fox died at his home in Dayton, Wednesday evening of paralysis of the brain.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 April 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Dollie Neumeister took place Thursday afternoon from the York st. Congregational Church in Newport. Golden Rule Lodge, Daughters of Rebecca IOF, attended in a body. Rev Mr. Bigelow conducted the services. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 25 April 1904, page 5
The funeral of the late Adolph Uetrich took place from the family residence on Terrace av. Dayton, at 2 pm Monday. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Amanda Murdock, 82, widow of Charles J and a pioneer citizen of Newport, died Sunday at her home, 126 East Sixth st. from old age. Her funeral will take place Tuesday from her late residence. The remains will be buried in Evergreen Cemetery, south of Newport.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 26 April 1904, page 5
Conrad Bauser, 79, widower, residing with his son in law, George Scheffling, on Alexandria Pike, nine miles south of Newport, committed suicide Monday night by hanging himself to a building by the rear of the home. Two sons survive him, on in California and the other Cincinnati.
News of the death of Rev John S Schneider at Toledo O. Monday was received with deep regret by his many friends in Newport. He was for some time pastor of the Salem German Methodist Episcopal Church, at Eighth and York Streets.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 27 April 1904, page 5
John Holliday, 49, died Tuesday at the home of his aunt on Highland av. in the Highlands. He had been ill but two weeks with yellow jaundice. A widow survives him.
The funeral of Miss Louise M Gower, 19, will take place at 2:30 Thursday afternoon from the residence, Ninth and Washington.
Mrs. Mary Lewis, of 16 East Fifth st. Newport, died at 5 am Wednesday morning at the home.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 28 April 1904, page 5
Bernard Eilers, 12, of 207 Front st. Bellevue Ky. died Thursday after being seized with convulsions. The lad with comrades was on his way to school when suddenly he fell to the sidewalk.
Mrs. Julia Hammel, widow of Gustav, died Wednesday at her home, 321 West Sixth st. of consumption. Her funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 2 pm at St John German Protestant Evangelical Church. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery. Rev Ernst Von Hehman will conduct the services.
Mary Lewis, died at her home 16 East Fifth st. Newport, Wednesday morning, aged 62 years, 5 months and 21 days. Services from house Saturday afternoon at 2 pm. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Thomas Moore died Thursday at 4 am at his residence Sixth av. and McKinney st. Dayton of a paralytic stroke. For many years he was custodian of the Ohio Mechanics Institute in Cincinnati. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 29 April 1904, page 5
The funeral of Miss Louise Gower took place Thursday from the family residence, Ninth and Washington av. Newport. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 30 April 1904, page 5
The funeral service of Mrs. John Dameron, 64, who died in Covington was Friday morning at 10 am at the Licking Baptist Church. Burial in the Baptist Graveyard.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Julia Hummell, of Newport, took place Friday afternoon at St John German Protestant Evangelical Church. Rev Ernst Van Hehman Arning conducted the services. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Jasper Youngman, a farmer, 53, and who lived on the Ripple Creek pike in the southern portion of Campbell County, died at his home at that place, Friday morning at 5 am. He leaves a widow and several children.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 May 1904, page 5
Gerard Hehman, the 4 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hehman, died under distressing circumstances Saturday. The babe's aunt took him out for an airing when it was suddenly seized with convulsions. The child was home and expired in his mother's arms.
Word was received in Newport at the death at Oakland Calif. of Miss Anna Roberts, daughter of John W and the late Roberta Pendleton Whitten, formerly of Newport. Miss Whitten was formerly a teacher in the Highland public schools and left Newport about eight years ago.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Lewis took place Saturday afternoon with services at the family residence, 16 East Fifth st. Newport. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Constans, wife of ex-County Treasurer, Lew Constans, deceased, accompanied by her sons, Louis and Arthur, left Saturday for Los Angeles Cal. were they will reside.
Page 3-The funeral of Jasper Yungman, 51, a pioneer farmer of Campbell County, took place Sunday afternoon with services at Asbury M E Church. The remains were interred at the church cemetery.
The funeral of Nicholas Stassen, who died at Cold Spring will take place Tuesday morning at 9 am from 215 Forest st. Newport.
Emma Allen, 56, of Newport, died at St Elizabeth Hospital Monday of apoplexy. She will be buried from her home Front st. Newport. She was considered wealthy and owned a row of house on West Fifth st. Newport.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 3 May 1904, page 9
The remains of Mrs. Catherine Wetzel, 64, who died at her home, corner Third and Park avenue, will be shipped to Clinton County, Indiana today.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 4 May 1904, page 5
The funeral of Nick Steffen, 78, who died at the County Infirmary at Cold Spring, Sunday, took place Tuesday from St Stephen Church. Requiem mass was celebrated and the body was buried in St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of Joseph Schiffer, 63, who died Monday at his home, Seventh and Central av. Newport took place Wednesday afternoon from the chapel in Evergreen Cemetery.
The body of the late Samuel Schell was buried from the vault in Evergreen Cemetery Tuesday in the family lot.
The remains of Mrs. Minnie Klekamp, the late wife of Henry Klekamp, were taken from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 pm and interred in the family lot beside the bodies of her two daughters, Mrs. John Jolly who was murdered by her husband, the other who died from the effects of the gunshot wounds inflicted by Jolly at the same time he killed his wife.
John "Buttermilk" Weber, 73, formerly County Assessor of Campbell County, died Wednesday morning at his home, Camp Spring. He was known as "Buttermilk" Weber and was well liked by everybody. He was a prominent figure in Republican politics and was assessor for some time. He sold buttermilk to hundreds of families in Newport.
Joseph O'Neil, 45, a former letter carrier of Newport, who was sent to the insane asylum at Lakeland Ky. over a year ago and returned from that institution recently, died Tuesday afternoon at the residence of his parents, 212 West Eight st. Newport. His funeral will take place Friday morning at 9 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 5 May 1904, page 5
Miss Gussie Tabke, died at her home, 810 Saratoga st. Newport, Wednesday at 5:30 pm. Funeral Saturday at 9 am from St Stephen Church, Newport.
The letter carriers of Newport Wednesday passed resolutions on the death of Joseph O'Neil, who was a former member of the National Union of Letter Carriers. The funeral will take place Friday from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The funeral of Joseph Schiffer, of Seventh st. and Central av. Newport took place Wednesday afternoon from the chapel in Evergreen. Mr. Whitehead, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, conducted the services.
The body of Mrs. Minnie Klekamp, of Newport, was removed from the vault in Evergreen and buried in the family lot Wednesday.
George M Fuchs, 59, residing at 311 Overton st. Newport, died Wednesday at his home of typhoid pneumonia. He was a prominent provision dealer of Cincinnati and had been a resident of Newport all his life. One of his children is Miss Katie Fuchs, a teacher in the Newport public schools.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 May 1904, page 7
Joe Dinan, a well known young man of Bellevue, died at his home on Division st. Thursday morning at 1 am. Funeral will take place Monday morning at 9 am at St Anthony Church. John Dinan is at home from Chicago to attend the funeral of his brother.
The will of Caddie A Reed, of McKinney st. Dayton was written on an old envelope and bequeaths all her property to her son Connor O'Reed.
The will of Thomas Moore Sr. of Dayton bequeaths all his household property to his widow, his personal property to his son Thomas in trust for the benefit of his grandchildren, Henrietta Moore, and Grace and Robert McDowell.
The will of Lucretia Thacker, of Dayton, bequeaths all her property to her two daughters, Ila Faust and Louisa Wolfington.
Page 5-News of the death of George A Kendrick was received here from St Louis. Kendrick was a former newspaper man and politician and lived several years in Newport. M B Kendrick, attorney, of Newport is his brother.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 8 May 1904, page B6
Word was received of the death of Miss Anna Roberta Whitten, which occurred at Oakland Calif. Miss Whitten, formerly resided in Newport.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 May 1904, page 5
The funeral of George M Fuchs took place Saturday afternoon with services at his home on Overton st. Newport. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
The remains of L K Marty, President of the German National Bank, were taken from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery Saturday and interred in the family lot.
The will of Magdalena Dorne of Newport, bequeaths all of her estate to her two daughters, Caroline Roth and Lena Stepp. To her sons, Peter and George, she leaves $1 each.
The funeral of Henry Schafer took place Sunday afternoon from the family residence, 408 Lindsey st. Newport. Rev Ernst Von Hehman Arning, pastor of St John German Protestant Evangelical Church, Newport, conducted the services. Burial at Vine st. Hill Cemetery, Cincinnati.
The funeral of Henry Albershart, a pioneer citizen of Newport, who died Friday at his home, 1014 Hamlet st. took place Sunday afternoon from St Paul German Protestant Evangelical Church. Burial Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 May 1904, page 5
Attorney M B Kendrick, of Newport, arrived home Monday from St Louis, where he attended the funeral of his brother, George, who died in that city last Thursday. George Kendrick was also a lawyer and ex-newspaper man.
The funeral of Henry B Ahlering, Newport, took place Monday afternoon at the German Protestant St Paul Lutheran Church. Rev Carl Schaeffer, pastor of the church, conducted the services. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Mary E Murray, wife of George, passed away at 9:20 pm Monday night, at her residence, 223 Foote av. Bellevue. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 pm Wednesday at the late home. Rev J M Bramkamp officiating. Interment at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 May 1904, page 5
Miss Margaret Gruenholz, 47, died Tuesday in Newport at the residence of her niece, Mrs. John Popp, 839 Isabella st. Newport.
Henry Schneider, 68, residing on Dayton st. Newport, died Tuesday of old age. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 2 pm from St Paul's German Church on Eighth st.
The sad news has reached here of the death of Mrs. Sidney Gates, of Louisville, of pneumonia. Mr. Gates is well known here having made Newport his home for a number of years and has the sympathy of a host of friends in his sorrow.
A T Wright of York st. Newport left Tuesday for Adams Co O. to attend the funeral of his aged father.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 12 May 1904, page 5
The funeral of Henry Schneider, 68, whose death was announced Wednesday, will take place Friday afternoon at 2 pm from St Paul P E Church on Eighth st. Newport. He resided at 826 Dayton st.
Death has again entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Donovan, of West Seventh st. Newport. Their little son Robert, 4, died Wednesday afternoon. He is the second child to die inside of six months. Funeral Friday at 2:30 pm. Interment at St Stephen Cemetery.
Fred Erschell, the undertaker, of Newport, Wednesday received the intelligence that his sister, Mrs. Sophia Burgtorf, had died in St Louis. She was 77 years old. Erschell left with his wife for that city Wednesday to attend the funeral.
Page 8-The remains of Mrs. Maggie Standley, whose death occurred Monday at her residence, 227 Monmouth st. Newport, were interred Thursday morning in the Baptist Cemetery at Cold Spring.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 13 May 1904, page 9
Louis Stephan, 27, a prominent young man in Newport died at 2 am Friday at the home, Tenth and Patterson sts. Newport of typhoid fever.
Philip Wollborn, 86, a pioneer resident of Newport, died Thursday at the home of his son, A G, Eighth and Putnam sts. He leaves a family of three sons and two daughters. His funeral will take place Saturday and the body will be buried at Twelve Mile on the River rd.
The funeral of Miss Margaret Grunenholz, who died at the residence of her niece, Mrs. John Pope, 839 Isabella st. Newport, Wednesday took place Thursday afternoon at the chapel in Evergreen Cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev Carl Schaeffer of St Paul German Protestant Evangelical Church and Rev F C Longake of St Mark English Lutheran Church.
Mrs. M Schwer, mother of ex-Alderman J L Schwer, died Thursday at her home in Cincinnati, age 72. The funeral will take place Saturday morning.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 May 1904, page 5
The funeral of Henry Schneider took place Friday with services at St Paul German Church. The remains were buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
The remains of Louis Stephany, of 333 West Tenth st. Newport will be shipped to Harrison O. Monday morning by Funeral Director Costigan.
Misses Emma Karz, Bettie Westcott, Edna Hesse and Clara Aestler will serve as pallbearers at the funeral of Edna Aestler.
The will of Henry Schaefer was probated Friday in Newport. He bequeaths to his daughter, Mrs. Bertha Song, $5; $5 to his son, Charles. The balance of his estate he leaves to his two daughters, Emma and Mary Schaefer.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 17 May 1904, page 5
Burwell Auxier, 60, of Newport, died Monday at the home of his son in law, William Mannering, former Water Works Commissioner, 405 East Tenth st. His children are: Mrs. William Mannering and Mrs. Belle Burdell of Newport and Mrs. William Whittaker of Cincinnati. His wife died two years ago.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 May 1904, page 5
Word was received Wednesday morning from the Lakeland Asylum of the death of John Dunckley, 51, of Newport, at that institution Tuesday. The remains have been sent to Newport. The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 pm from the residence of his son in law, Samuel Morning, of West Seventh st. Newport.
The body of Mrs. Maud A Saunders, who died in Speers Hospital, in Dayton Ky. was sent Wednesday morning to Springfield O. for burial.
David Kraut, coal merchant passed away at the Presbyterian Hospital, Cincinnati at 9 am Tuesday, aged 53 years. A widow and a daughter, Mrs. Edward Ross, survive him. Funeral at 1:30 pm Thursday from the late residence. Interment in Evergreen.
The funeral of Burwell Occhier, 82, who died Monday in Newport, will take place on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 with services at the Presbyterian Church on Overton st. For 60 years he was an expert pattern maker. He assisted in the building of the Suspension and L&N Bridges, crossing the Ohio River. Three daughters, Mrs. William Mannering, wife of former water works Commissioner; Mrs. J H Brighall and Mrs. William Whittaker of Cincinnati.
Prince Hohenlohe, of Germany, who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiborg, in Cincinnati, will attend a funeral at St Stephen Church, in Newport on Thursday morning. Mrs. Bippus, who died a few days ago, was acquainted with the Prince, having met him while traveling with the Wiborgs in Europe. The funeral services will take place at 9 am with requiem mass.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 19 May 1904, page 9
News was received here yesterday of the death at Lakeland Asylum of John Dunkley, a former resident of Newport.
The funeral of Amelia Wolfzorn took place yesterday with services at Corpus Christi Church.
Archibald Eplin, 71 years of age, died yesterday at his home, 1041 Saratoga street, Newport, after a lingering illness. He was a widow and leaves a daughter Miss Millie Epplin.
Page 5-The funeral of John Dunkley, who died at the Lakeland Asylum will take place Thursday afternoon from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Samuel Morning, West Seventh st. Burial at Wesley Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Mrs. Mary Buning, 69, wife of J Henry, died Wednesday at the family residence, 612 Monroe st. Newport. Her funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 2 pm from the residence.
The funeral of David Kraut took place at 1:30 pm Thursday. Interment at Evergreen.
The will of Margaret Gruenholz was probated in Newport Wednesday. She bequeathed all of her property to her two sisters, Louisa Hughes and Barbara Wagenfeld, and brothers George and Jacob Gruenholz.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 20 May 1904, page 5
Perhaps the largest crowd ever attending a Newport funeral went to St Stephen Church Thursday when the funeral of Mrs. Grace Marie Bippus took place.
Cresentia Antonette, 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riedmatter of Grand Av. Ft Thomas, died Thursday of spinal meningitis. The funeral takes place Saturday morning at 8:30 am at St Stephen Church in Newport. The body will be buried in St Mary Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Frank Heil, 27, mailing clerk for the Newport Printing Company, died Thursday afternoon at his home, 1127 John st. Newport of lung trouble.
The funeral of John Dunkley, who died at the Lakeland Asylum, took place Thursday afternoon from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Samuel Morning on West Seventh st. Newport. The body was buried in Wesleyan Cemetery, Cincinnati.
The remains of Burwell Occhier were buried Thursday afternoon in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 21 May 1904, page 5
The funeral services of Mrs. Mary Buning, who died Tuesday, took place Friday afternoon at the family residence, 612 Monroe st. Newport. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral services of the late Archibald Eplin took place Friday afternoon at the family residence, 1041 Saratoga st. Newport. Rev Calvin Thompson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, conducted the services. The body was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
The Daughters of America met at 1 pm to attend the funeral of Miss Lizzie Klotzback. Services were held at the home of her brother on Thirteenth st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 May 1905, page 5
Bernard H Geise, 67, died Saturday night at his home in Bellevue. He was a retired cigar box manufacturer of Cincinnati and was one of Bellevue's most substantial citizens. He leaves a widow and a family of grown children. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from the Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue. The deceased lived at 207 Berry av.
Edward Miller, 26, son of Louisa Miller, died suddenly last night at his home, 417 Columbia st. Newport of paralysis. The stroke which caused his death was the second within a year.
William Rohman, 39, died Saturday at Lakeland Insane Asylum. The funeral took place from the home of his mother's today on Hodge st. Newport.
The Newport friends of Charles Rupp, the missing carpenter, are now satisfied that he is the man who was seen to jump from the L&N Bridge last Tuesday.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 May 1904, page 3
Henry Ficker, 29, a prominent young man of Newport, passed away Sunday morning at Edgewater Colo. His home was with his brother in law, Otto Depenbrock on Monmouth st. Newport. He was a shoe salesman in Cincinnati and several months ago was compelled to go West for his health. Otto left to bring the remains to Newport for burial.
Page 5-Nick Yeager, 72, died Saturday at Speers Hospital in Dayton Ky. He was a pioneer resident of Campbell County and was one of the best known farmers in the county. He leaves a widow and several grown children. His body was removed by Betz Undertaker to his home on the Alexandria Pike, south of Newport.
Mrs. Regina Schmidt, 44, died Saturday at her home, 317 Chestnut st. Newport. She leaves a husband and several children. Her body was taken to Alexandria Ky. Monday and buried.
John Singleton, 74, died at 5 am Monday at his late residence, Hazen av. Bellevue near Center st. His remains will be shipped to Germantown Pa. for interment.
Albert Hoefinghoff, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoefinghoff, of Fairfield and Washington avs. Bellevue, passed away at 6 am after a short illness. Funeral services Tuesday at 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 24 May 1904, page 5
The last will of John Singleton was probated in court in Newport, Tuesday. He leaves to his half brother, Robert Williamson, $50; to Maria Jane Roach, $50; same to Sarah W McCarthy of Philadelphia. He bequeaths that he be buried at the side of his dead wife and the tombstone properly inscribed. John Singleton, a nephew, gets all the rest of the property. The remains of John Singleton will be sent to Germantown Pa. Tuesday night for burial.
The funeral of Capt. Sam Brown, whose death occurred Monday will take place Tuesday afternoon from the residence, 2 West Front st. Newport. Services will be conducted at the residence by Rev Lou Robinson, of Taylor st. M E Church. The body will be sent to Portsmouth O. for burial.
The body of Mrs. Regina Schmidt, who died Sunday on Chestnut st. Newport, was taken to Alexandria Ky. and buried. She was a former resident of that place, a widower and several children survive her.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 25 May 1904, page 5
With a requiem high mass from St Stephen Church, Newport, the funeral of William Linfert, who died in Covington Monday evening, will take place at 9 am Thursday. The burial will take place at St Stephen Cemetery.
Sister Scholastica, former Mother Superior of the Convent of the Good Shepherd in the Highlands, who died Monday was buried Tuesday in the Home Cemetery. The funeral services took place in the chapel Tuesday morning. Sister Scholastica was the original Mother Superior of the convent and was 67 years of age.
Services over the remains of Capt. Sam Brown were held Tuesday at the family residence, Front and York st. Newport. Funeral Director Smith sent the body to Portsmouth O. where the interment will take place.
Henry Happe, 74, died Tuesday night at his residence, 705 Isabella st. Newport. A widow and several grown children survive him.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 27 May 1904, page 5
The will of William A Ryon was probated in Newport Thursday. He bequeaths all his property to his widow, Jane Ryon. To his grandson, William H McCleland, he leaves $200. Upon the death of his widow he desires his property equally divided among his children, Albert B, Florence E Demca, Loleta M Stemler and Harry E.
Carrie Rittinger, 23, of Gubser, Campbell County, died Thursday at the home. The funeral will take place Saturday morning at 10 am from the church at Twelve Mile. Burial in the cemetery at Gubser.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 30 May 1904, page 5
Henry Ficker, aged 29 years died at his residence, 915 Monmouth st. Newport Ky. Funeral Tuesday, May 31, at 9 am. Requiem high mass at St Stephen Church.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 30 May 1904, page 5
W J Gleason, 59, resident of Newport, died Sunday night at the home, 332 Columbia st. of Brights disease. He leaves a wife and six children, Ruth Gleason, an operator at the Telephone Exchange; Catherine Gleason, Joseph A, Andrew, Lillian and William.
Kathryn Anna, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dweigert, died Sunday at the home of her parents in Newport.
Isaac Frey, 46, formerly a resident of Newport, died Sunday at his home in Norwood O. He organized a brass band composed of members of the Twin City Council, Jr. OUAM being the drum major. Frey was six feet six inches tall.
Mrs. Ellen Higgin, of Newport, widow of Owen, died late Saturday at her home, 335 West Tenth st. Newport. Four sons survive her. The funeral will take place Tuesday with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 31 May 1904, page 5
The funeral of Henry Ficker, brother in law of Otto Depenbrock, of Monmouth st. Newport took place Tuesday morning from St Stephen Church at 9 am with requiem high mass. He was here but two days from the West before he died.
Mrs. Henry Gehrin, 74, died Monday evening at the home, 616 East Ninth st. Newport. She had been ill for a long time and death was expected some days ago. A family of grown children survive her, among them being Mrs. George W Kiefer, Louis Gehring and several daughters.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 June 1904, page 5
Twin boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. George Cole, 114 West Ninth st. Newport, Saturday and one of them died Tuesday and the other at 5:20 am Wednesday. Both were buried in Evergreen at 11 am.
Mary Henry, widow of Henry, died yesterday at her home, 616 East Ninth st. Newport. She leaves a family of grown up children. Burial Friday at 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 2 June 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Mary McNamara, 56, who died Tuesday night at her home, 605 Elms st. Newport, will take place Friday morning with requiem high mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The funeral of Isaac Frye took place Wednesday with services in the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Mary Gehring, mother of Henry Gehring, of Foote av. Bellevue, will be buried Friday morning from St Stephen Church.
Mrs. Samuel Weber, of Lafayette av. Bellevue, died Wednesday afternoon. A husband survives her. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 2 pm from the residence.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 3 June 1904, page 5
Mrs. Samuel Weber was buried Friday afternoon at 2 pm in Evergreen Cemetery. Rev C Emigholz conducted the services at the German Protestant Church on Foote av. Belleuve. Mrs. Weber was a daughter of Fred Krone, who has buried another daughter and son in the past two years.
Mrs. Andrew Gerrein, 42, died Thursday at her residence, 38 Park av. Newport. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at St Stephen Church.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 4 June 1904, page 5
Herbert Kettenacker died Friday at Lakeland Asylum. He was formerly a well known business man of this city. About five years ago while mentally unbalance, he stook before a mirror and fired a bullet through his brain, the missile entering one ear and emerging from the other. His recovery astonished the physicians at the time. The funeral will take place Sunday at 9 am from the residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kettenacker, 121 East First st. Newport.
The funeral services of Helen, the 7 year old daughter of M A Gleason, were held Friday night at the residence, 209 East Third st. Newport. The remains will be shipped to Portsmouth O. for interment.
The body of John Hancock, who was drowned last winter when the steamer Adelle sank, was buried Saturday morning. The burial took place at Linden Grove Cemetery. His relatives reside in Cincinnati.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 June 1904, page 5
The funeral of Herbert Kettenacher took place Sunday with services at the residence of his mother, on East Third st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 7 June 1904, page 5
Cecilia Louisa Studener, 15, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Studener, died Sunday night at the family residence, 420 Elm st. Newport. Her funeral will take place Wednesday morning from Corpus Christi Church and will be buried at Johns Hill Cemetery on the Licking pike south of Newport.
The body of a new born baby boy was found Tuesday morning floating in the Licking River at the foot of Southgate st. Newport by Louis Tolli and William McCleve. The body was removed to Costigan's morgue.
The floater found above Dayton Sunday will be buried late Tuesday. A tattoo mark "Alex Bond" in red and blue ink is well preserved on the left arm.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 8 June 1904, page 3
Mrs. Catherine Townsend, 78, wife of Revenue Officer Robert Townsend, died suddenly Tuesday at the home, 311 E Third st. Newport. Death was due to apoplexy and came peacefully while she was seated in a chair. The family was downstairs at the time. Nearly all of her life had been spent in Newport, the deceased having come here from Toronto Canada, when she was a little girl. Mrs. Townsend was a niece of Mrs. Charles Kinkley of Cincinnati, the latter being one of the few surviving relatives. The funeral will take place from the residence Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 9 June 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Townsend, widow of Col. Robert Townsend, who died Tuesday morning will take place Friday at 3 pm at the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery. Rev Robert Nelson, rector of St Paul's Episcopal Church, will conduct the services.
William Blackwell, 55, died Wednesday in Newport of catarrh of the stomach. A widow, two sons, John and Monroe and a daughter, Miss Zella, all grown survive him.
A will of Mrs. Andrew Gerrein, who died June 2, in Dayton Ky. was left for probate Thursday morning. The entire estate, amounting to $5000 is left to Andrew Gerrein, the widower. Brothers of the deceased Joe Casper and John Meithers objected to the will and alleged mental incapacity. Mrs. Gerrein was a Mrs. Withorn and her first husband died March 26 of this year. Two weeks later Gerrein married her. On May 10 the will was made and on June 2, Mrs. Gerrein died.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 10 June 1904, page 5
Shirley Howe was appointed administrator of his brother Lee Howe's estate in Newport Thursday. Lee Howe was a fireman and was killed in an accident last February.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 11 June 1904, page 5
Louise Kiefer, 22, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kiefer, of 508 Washington av. Newport, died Friday. Funeral will take place at St John Lutheran Church Monday morning. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Townsend, who died Tuesday at her home, 115 East Third st. Newport, took place Friday afternoon from the chapel in Evergreen Cemetery, south of Newport. Rev Robert Nelson, rector of St Paul Episcopal Church, conducted the services.
John Troy, 26, a young man of Newport, died Saturday morning at St Elizabeth Hospital, Covington. Director Costigan brought the remains to Newport for burial, which will be held Monday morning at 9 am from the Immaculate Conception Church.
William Simmons and family have the sympathy of a legion of friends in the loss of a wife and mother. Mrs. Simmons passed away Friday at noon, Bellevue, at the age of 43. Her husband and four children survive.
John H Singleton died at his home, 316 Lafayette av. Bellevue, at 5 am. Funeral services at Calvary M E Church at 2:30 pm Monday. Rev A Boreing will officiate and burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 June 1904, page 5
Henry Robbin, 48, a well known barber, died Saturday afternoon at his home, 1038 Putnam st. Newport of consumption. A widow and several children survive him.
The funeral of John Troy took place at 9 am Monday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The funeral of Albert Ashley, who was electrocuted while working in Covington last week, took place Sunday afternoon from the Bellevue and Dayton Christian Church.
The funeral of the late John Singleton took place Monday afternoon from the Methodist Church, Bellevue, Rev A Boring preaching the sermon. Interment at Evergreen.
The funeral of the late Mrs. William Simmons took place at 1:30 pm today from her resident, Bellevue, Rev J M Bramkamp officiating. The pallbearers were Fuss, Naylor, Schofield and Seibert.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 June 1904, page 5
Mrs. Cathryn E Wrigley (nee Delaney) died at her home at Ben Avon Pa. The remains will be brought here and buried from Spring Grove Chapel Wednesday at 3 pm. She was a sister of Mrs. E C Hoeyer of 136 West Eighth st. Newport.
The funeral of Mrs. Lulu Kifer took place Monday from the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kifer at 506 Washington av. Newport. Services were held at St John German Protestant Church and interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.
The will of John Singleton was left for probate in Newport Tuesday. He bequeaths to his wife, Susan Elizabeth Singleton all of the estate.
George Sorgel, 13, died at the home of his parents on Rensford st. Bellevue, on Monday night.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 21 June 1904, page 7
James Carney, died at his residence 1117 Central av. Newport Ky. June 20, aged 34 years. Funeral from the family residence Wednesday morning, June 22. Requiem high mass at Church of the Immaculate Conception 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 22 June 1904, page 5
The funeral of James Carney of Central av. Newport will take place on Thursday at 9 am from the Immaculate Conception Church.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 23 June 1904, page 5
The funeral of James Carney took place Thursday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception with requiem high mass at 9 am. The deceased was a prominent mill worker and resided on Central av. Newport, for a number of years.
The funeral of Mrs. Susan Suebbers took place Wednesday from St Francis Church, Dayton. Rev Father Schmidt officiated. Interment was at St Francis Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 28 June 1904, page 5
Mrs. Hannah Kiser, of Alexandria, received a telegram Monday announcing the death of her son, Rev W W Kiser in Texas. The remains were accompanied by the widow and two children, will arrive here Wednesday morning. The funeral will take place at 2 pm form the Highland M E Church. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of George Nieratheimer, 63, the veteran manufacturer of metallic caskets of Newport, who died Sunday, will be held from his late residence, 620 Overton st. Wednesday at 2:30 pm. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
The will of Katherine Riedel was left for probate Tuesday. She leaves all her property to her four children, Edna Make Lucker, Alma Lucker, Johanna Bertha Schlelein and Omer Meade Riedel. She asks that the children keep the homestead with her husband Richard, until the youngest child is 21.
Funeral services over the remains of Alvin Tarvin were held Monday afternoon at his late residence on Maple av. Newport. The remains of Alvin Tarvin were interred Tuesday at Beech Grove, near Mentor Ky. The Knights of Pythias had charge of the services at the grave.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 29 June 1904, page 5
The remains of Alvin Tarvin were interred Tuesday at Beech Grove, near Mentor Ky. The Knights of Pythias had charge of the services at the grave.
The funeral of Mrs. Ellen Cahill, widow of Dennis, took place Tuesday, with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Burial in St Stephen Cemetery.
Rev W W Kiser died last Sunday at Channing Texas, where he was engaged in the ministry. The remains, accompanied by his wife and children, arrived Wednesday morning and removed to the home of his mother, Mrs. Hannah Kiser, in the Kentucky Highlands. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev J P Strother of the M E Church at 2:30 pm Thursday. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Mary Remme, 74, mother of Edward and Charles Remme and Lucy Remme, the Librarian of the Carnegie Library, died at her home 22 West Third st. Newport, early Wednesday morning.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 30 June 1904, page 9
The remains of Rev W W Kiser, whose death occurred at Channing, Texas, were received here yesterday by Funeral Director Charles A Smith and taken to the home of the mother-in-law of the deceased. Mrs. Hannah Kiser, in the Highlands. The funeral will take place this afternoon.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 30 June 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Remme will take place Friday afternoon at 2 pm from the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery, where services will be held.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Connors took place Thursday morning from St Anthony Church, Dayton. Rev Father Kehoe officiating. Interment St Joseph new cemetery.
Gilbert Carter, 13, of 23 James al. Newport died Wednesday of pneumonia.
The remains of Rev W W Kiser, whose death occurred at Channing, Texas, were received by Funeral Director Charles A Smith and taken to the home of the mother in law of the deceased, Mrs. Hannah Kiser, in the Highlands. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 1 July 1904, page 5
Benjamin Bassman, brother of Henry Bassman, well known in Newport, died Thursday at the home, on East Twelfth st. Cincinnati. The funeral will be held Monday.
Mrs. Martha Stryker, formerly of Newport, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. S Wall, at Canton O. Tuesday.
The funeral of August Kramer, a veteran of Campbell County and father of B H Kramer of Newport, will take place Saturday morning from St Mary Church, Alexandria.
The 2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cook of Ludlow, died Friday. The funeral will take place Sunday at 2 pm from the residence. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery, south of Newport.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 2 July 1904, page 5
The funeral of Rev W W Kiser took place in the Highlands at the M E Church. The pallbearers were: Captain John Swift, S K Wells, Ed Ulmry, Orlando Spelling, William Bracken, G L Emerson. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
The will of George Neirstheimer was left for probate in Campbell County Court Saturday morning. He bequeathed everything to his wife.
Mrs. Mary Mulvey wife of James, died at her home, 824 Columbia st. Newport, Saturday after a short illness.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Remme, mother of Charles and Edward, and Lucy Remme, Public Librarian, took place Friday afternoon with services at the chapel in Evergreen Cemetery. Rev Dr. Robert Nelson officiated and burial was at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of C D Schuler will take place Monday morning from Sacred Heart Church.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 July 1904, page 3
Mrs. Loretta Bradley, 33, died at her home, 1125 Putnam st. Newport Saturday night. The funeral will take place Tuesday. She leaves a husband and a 5 week old baby. Menninger of Covington will have charge of the funeral.
Mrs. Elizabeth Mirschell, widow of Herman, of 1616 Saratoga St. Newport, died Saturday. The funeral will take place Tuesday and the burial will be in St Stephen Cemetery, with services in St Stephen Church.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 July 1904, page 5
Information was received Sunday that John Davis, better known as "Big John" Davis, for years connected with various rolling mills in this vicinity of Dayton, was killed in California.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 6 July 1904, page 5
James Gosney, 84, a pioneer resident of Grants Lick, died Sunday night at his home of old age. The deceased leaves four sons and one daughter. The funeral took place Wednesday morning with services at the Grants Lick Baptist Church.
Charles, the 15 month old son of Caleb Daniels, the ex-fireman, died Tuesday at the family residence, on West Second st. Newport, of blood poisoning.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 7 July 1904, page 5
Mary Fedders, 25, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fedders of Lewisburg, died Wednesday. The funeral will take place Saturday from St Johns Church and interment will be in St Johns Cemetery.
Mrs. H W Payne, Bellevue, has returned from West Virginia, where she has been attending the funeral of her sisters, Mrs. S M Riggs, nee LaRue.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 July 1904, page 10
Emil Honegger, the well known meat dealer at Foote and Fairfield avs. Bellevue, was found dead in bed Friday morning by his wife.
Mr. and Mrs. W H Jones and daughter of Bellevue, left Friday morning to attend the funeral of their nephew, C M Hughes of Wilmington O.
Andrew Jackson Heath, 73, of 203 Dayton av. Dayton, passed away Thursday evening. His remains will be buried in Spring Grove Cemetery at 1:30 pm Saturday.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 9 July 1904, page 3
Fred Gubser, a pioneer resident of Campbell County, died at his home, on the Dayton pike, Friday. He was 82 years old and leaves a large family of grown children.
The funeral of Emil Henegger will be held from the German Protestant Church on Foote av. Bellevue, Sunday at 2 pm. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 10 July 1904, page 5
Peter Ader, died at his residence, 530 East Fourth st. Newport Ky. 60 years. Burial Monday from residence, at 8:30 am. Requiem high mass at 10 am at St Stephen Church, Newport Ky.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 July 1904, page 4
The funeral of Peter Ader, whose death occurred Friday, took place Monday morning, with six sons, John, Charles, Frank, Walter Robert and William acting as pallbearers. Services of requiem high mass were conducted at St Stephen Church. He was a well known citizen and was respected by all. Burial St Stephen Cemetery.
Mrs. Frank Simon, 30, died at her home, 1136 Central av. Newport Friday. The funeral took place Sunday from the residence.
Mrs. McCann, wife of Mont McCann, the well known contractor of 725 Ann st. Newport, died while on a visit to her mother at Connersville Ind. The burial took place there on Monday.
Sister Vincent, 28, for several years a teacher at the Immaculate Academy, attached to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, died Sunday of bowel trouble. The remains were sent to Nazareth Ky. for interment.
The five week old son of Lawrence T Vane, 207 East Fifth st. Newport, died at noon Sunday. Funeral Tuesday afternoon. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Miss Mary Cummings, who died Saturday at the home on East Fourth st. Newport, took place Monday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The funeral of William Baker, 82, a pioneer resident of Campbell County, who died Thursday morning at the home of his son, Henry Baker of Camp Springs, took place Saturday with services at the Licking valley Baptist Church, Cold Spring. Burial at Licking Baptist graveyard at 2 pm.
The funeral of Mrs. Hattie Simon, of 1126 Central av. Newport took place Sunday from the home. Rev Dr. Strother officiated. Burial was at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Emil Honegger took place from the German Protestant Church on Foote av. Bellevue, Rev Emingholz officiating. Interment was at Evergreen.
The body of George Sauer has not been discovered. His clothes were found in a shed, where he and a young boy named Rensch put their street attire. Several parties seen him go down, but could not save him. His parents reside at Foote av. Bellevue, just south of Central st.
Georgia, seven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Woods, 176 O'Fallon av. Bellevue, died Saturday morning of heart failure. Interment at Linden Grove Cemetery Monday at 2 pm.
Georgia Russell, daughter of George P Woods, of Bellevue, died Saturday of heart trouble. Burial at Linden Grove Cemetery this afternoon.
Page 1-Harry Cullen 14, of Oak st. Ft Thomas, drowned just above the Covington Water Works Sunday. A passing steamer swept over him and he went down to his death. All attempts to recover the body have been fruitless. George Sauer, 18 of 352 Foote av. Bellevue, drowned Sunday afternoon. The river is being dragged for the boy, but it has not yet been recovered. Sauer had a responsible position with the Peck Williamson Co in Cincinnati and was well liked.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 July 1904, page 5
The twin baby girls of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vance of E Fifth st. Newport, are dead. Saturday Josephine passed away and Monday Garnet died. The funeral services will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at the home. The babies were about 5 months old.
John Parnell, 21, died Monday night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parnell of 316 W Eighth st. Newport, after a long illness. The funeral will take place Thursday at 2 pm from the residence. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
The will of Andrew J Heath of Dayton, was probated in Newport Tuesday. He leaves everything to his widow, Maggie Heath.
Word was received in Newport that Duke Croxson had died at the prison Tuesday. He was sent up for 29 years for being implicated in the assault on Mrs. Gleason a few years ago.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 July 1904, page 3
The funeral of George Sauer took place from Sacred Heart Church this morning. Interment at Mother of God Cemetery. Joseph Schnitz, Walter Therin, Wilbert Sauer and John Schultz were the pallbearers.
The funeral of Ray Scofield took place at 2 pm Wednesday from his late home. Interment was at Evergreen. Harry and Peter Grieseley, David Trunnel and Harry Jonas, four of his comrades, acted as pallbearers.
Page 5-The body of George Sauer of 352 Foote av. Bellevue, who was drowned Sunday while bathing, was buried Wednesday. Services were held at the Sacred Heart Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin have the sympathy of many friends in the loss of their little daughter Daisy, Ft Thomas, who died of typhoid fever at the home of Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huling on the Alexandria Pike.
Reuben O Tedrow, father of Mrs. John Shopshire, 506 Overton st. Newport and a former resident of Newport, died at the Marine Hospital, Cincinnati, Tuesday. The funeral will be held from his daughter's residence Thursday.
Mrs. Marie Lamer, 48, died at her residence, 907 Monroe st. Newport, of cancer of the stomach Tuesday night. She leaves a husband.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Keuper, wife of Joseph, who died at Speers Hospital Monday was held Wednesday from the residence, 332 Isabella st. Newport.
The funeral of John Parnell, 316 West Eighth st. Newport, who died Monday, was held Wednesday.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 14 July 1904, page 5
The body of Harry Cullen, 14, drowned at the intake pier, below Ft Thomas Ky. Sunday was recovered at Coal Haven Thursday night.
The funeral of Melvin Barge, watchman on the Keystone State, who was accidentally drowned several days ago, took place Wednesday. Services were held at Smith's mortuary chapel, Rev J P Whitehead officiating. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 15 July 1904, page 5
The funeral of Reuben Tedrow, Dayton, which was to have taken place Thursday, has been changed until Friday. Some of the family failed to arrive from Washington in time.
The funeral of Mrs. Joseph Keuper, of 332 Isabella st. Newport, took place Thursday with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Newport. The remains were taken to Johns Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Keuper's husband is a member of the choir and the full choir rendered some beautiful selections.
Explosions of dynamite and grappling hooks were used at the foot of Columbia st. in the Ohio River Thursday night in an effort to raise the body of Elmer Boeckly, of 807 Columbia st. Newport. The youngster was drowned from a flatboat and it is thought the body went under a barge.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 16 July 1904, page 5
James S Digby, 75, at one time prominent in Campbell County politics, died Friday at his home in Cold Spring. Apoplexy was the cause of death. The deceased leaves seven children, Mrs. Fannie Corxson, Mrs. Thomas McCullough, Mrs. Pearl Hayes, of Cleveland; Laura and Lida Digby, Dr. James and Khelm Digby.
County Judge Hissem, Newport, Friday appointed Mrs. Anna G Seldon administrator of the estate of her mother, Mrs. Mary E Hopkins, who died intestate July 12.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 July 1904, page 8
Mrs. Alex Edgar, a former resident of Bellevue Ky. passed away in New York City Saturday. A husband and six children survive her.
George W Bunting, 74, died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Jennie Warston, 222 East Fifth st. Newport. The funeral will take place at 1:30 pm Tuesday from the residence.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 19 July 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Jeannette Blankenfeld, 63, who committed suicide by jumping into the cistern at her home, was held Monday at the chapel of Evergreen Cemetery.
The remains of Mrs. Agnes Smalley, who died Saturday were buried Tuesday in Wesleyan Cemetery, Cincinnati. Services were held in Taylor st. M E Church, Newport.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 20 July 1904, page 5
The will of Margaret Gerrein of Newport was left for probate in County Court yesterday. She leaves her estate to her husband Andrew.
The funeral of Mrs. Agnes Smalley took place Tuesday with services at the Taylor M E Church.
Harry Klonne of 1017 Third av. Dayton collapsed Tuesday while at work in Cincinnati. The death of his young wife at Lockland last Sunday cast a grief over him and weakened from food, he collapsed.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 21 July 1904, page 5
May Jones, wife of Frank, was found dead in a chair Wednesday afternoon by her husband at her home on York st. near Second, Newport. Coroner Higgins was called and decided death was due to heart failure. Mrs. Jones was 39 years of age.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 July 1904, page 3
The remains of the late George (Doddy) Schriver Jr. who died in Greenville Miss. will arrive this evening and be taken to the residence of his sister, Mrs. Charles Schwaegerle, of Foote av. Bellevue.
Theodore Owens, 14, of 214 West Ninth st. Newport, has been missing from home since Wednesday, July 12 and his mother believes he has been drowned in the Ohio. The police can find no trace of him.
Lillian, the 9 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hahnel, of 512 Isabella st. Newport, died Thursday.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 23 July 1904, page 5
Herman Steinert, 75, a pioneer citizen of Newport, died Friday evening at the Bethesda Hospital, Cincinnati. For years he had resided with his daughter Mrs. F Bertram, 919 Monroe st. Newport. He was the father of Emil Steinert, also well known in Newport. The remains were taken to Newport and will be cremated Sunday at 2 pm.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 25 July 1904, page 5
The funeral of Jacob Clos took place Sunday with services at his home on Metcalf Hill, Highlands. Rev Dr. Schaeffer officiated and the remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery
The remains of Henry Steinert, whose death was reported Saturday in Newport, were cremated in Cincinnati Sunday. He was an old German teacher and was well known.
Eliphus Schreck, 63, for many years engaged as a butcher in Covington, but lately residing at 1038 Columbia st. Newport, died Sunday. The deceased leaves three sons and two daughters. His wife died several years ago. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning.
Frank L Easter, 16, died at Speers Hospital, Dayton Ky. Monday morning of typhoid fever. His parents reside at 66 West Second st. Covington.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 26 July 1904, page 5
Albert Fischer, 19, 120 Columbia st. Newport, died of consumption. Funeral Wednesday and interment in St Stephen Cemetery. The funeral of Albert C Fischer, son of Mr. and Mrs. P Fischer, who passed away at his home, 120 Columbia st. Monday will be held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception Wednesday morning at 9 am. Father O'Dyer will officiate with high mass. M J Costigan has charge of the arrangements.
The funeral of George Mackendanz, whose tragic death occurred on Sunday morning on the C&O tracks in Newport, took place Tuesday with services at the home in Newport.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 28 July 1904, page 9
Mrs. Nancy Smith, 84, an aged resident of Ross Station Ky. died yesterday at Speers Hospital after a lingering illness. Dropsy was the cause of death.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 28 July 1904, page 5
Mary Belle Coleman, died Wednesday, July 27, 1904 at 4 pm at her residence, 938 Central av. Newport, aged 26 years 4 months 16 days. Funeral from residence Friday July 29 at 2 pm.
Eliphus Schreck's will was probated in Newport Wednesday. He gives $200 to his daughter, Lizzie Krampke and an equal amount to his brother's daughter, Mary Schreck. The remainder of the estate is to be divided among his children, John, Andrew and Eliphus Schreck. His son in law is named as executor
Kentucky Post, Friday, 29 July 1904, page 8
Mrs. Henry Rogerding, of 320 Overton st. died Thursday after a lingering illness, aged 70 years, of dropsy.
Page 5-Owing to the death of Treasurer Kirchoff's infant son, Bellevue, the Treasurer's office will be closed until Monday. City Treasurer G W Kirchhoff and wife have the sympathy of friends in the loss of their son, Robert G, aged 6 months. He was one of the boy twins. Robert died Thursday of cholera. Funeral Saturday at 1:30. Interment in Evergreen.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brazier died Thursday of pneumonia at the home of its parents, Fairfield and Taylor av. Bellevue, aged 5 months. Funeral Saturday afternoon. Interment in Evergreen.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Hills of Foote av. Bellevue, died July 27 of meningitis. Funeral Friday. Interment in St Mary Cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. John Revell (nee Adams) have the sympathy of a host of friends in the loss of their 3 year old son. Leto Sandford, who died of brain fever Thursday night. Leto was one of twins, the girl being quite ill. Funeral Sunday afternoon at 2 pm. Interment in Evergreen.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 30 July 1904, page 5
The will of Amelia Hurferd, of Grants Lick, was left for probate in the County Court in Newport Saturday morning. She leaves her estate, a farm of 90 acres, between her three children.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 August 1904, page 5
John McDermott, the 2 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. John McDermott, of 407 Hodge st. Newport, died Sunday.
Fred Schmeker, 75, for many years a grocer at Fourth and Patterson sts. Newport died Sunday at Norwood O. of old age. The deceased was a widower and had amassed a snug fortune while in business. Over $1800 in cash and currency was found at his home under his bed. The remains will be brought to Newport for interment.
Mrs. Meda Stark, widow of William M, of 720 Overton st. Newport, died Sunday. She leaves a daughter, Miss Addie Stark, who is the only child. Mrs. Stark was a pioneer resident of Newport.
George Cosgrove, formerly well known in Newport died in St Louis Saturday from a hemorrhage. He kept a resort at Front and Monmouth sts. for a long time. He was in the hotel business in St Louis when he died.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 2 August 1904, page 5
Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of John Sors, the well known hardware dealer and tinner, passed away Monday evening. Funeral services Thursday morning from St Francis Church. Interment in St Frances Cemetery, Rev Father Schmidt will officiate.
The remains of Fred Schmeker were brought to Newport from Norwood O. Monday for interment. H Portmann, who has been appointed administrator of the estate, learned that the $1800 in money Schmeker kept about him was found by his friends at the time he was taken sick and was placed in the bank to his account. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 4 August 1904, page 5
John Atkinson, 56, of 216 E Seventh st. (Newport) died Wednesday after an illness of several months. The funeral will be held Friday at 2 pm and interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. John Poos took place from St Francis Church, Dayton, this morning. Rev Father Schmidt officiated. Interment was at St Francis Cemetery.
The funeral of George Kerning, of 616 Dayton st. Newport took place Wednesday with services at the home. The remains were interred at Walnut Hills Cemetery.
The funeral of Andrew Gentrup, whose death occurred at Nashville Ky. took place Wednesday at the home of the brother of the deceased, 1124 Park av. Newport. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Augusta Van Osten took place Wednesday with services at the home of her niece, Mrs. Paul Schrimer, 925 Monmouth st. Newport, Rev Wolfram officiated. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery. The pallbearers were Albert Best, Paul Schrimer Jr. Paul Schrimer and Albert Schrimer.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 6 August 1904, page 5
Mrs. Kate Jarvis, 48, died at her home, 15 West Sixth st. Newport, Friday while sitting in a chair. Dr. Herman, who attended her, reported that death was due to fatty degeneration of the heart. She was the widow of Thomas and leaves a family of grown children.
Barbara Davis, daughter of Samuel W Davis, Newport, died at the home of her father, 913 Park av.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 8 August 1904, page 5
Mrs. Val Vesper, 54, residing at 932 Central av. Newport died Saturday at Speers Hospital of blood poisoning. A blood clot in one of the large arteries near the knee joint caused the trouble. An attempt to prevent the spread of the disease by amputation of the deceased limb above the knee was made. The deceased leaves a husband and several children.
The funeral of Mrs. Kate Jarvis, who died at her home on Sixth st. Newport, took place Sunday afternoon with services at the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery. The Daughters of America attended.
The funeral of Miss Barbara Davis took place Sunday, with services at the family residence, 913 Park av. Newport. The remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. M M Sona, who died at her home on Berry av. Bellevue, was held at 2 pm Monday. Mrs. Sona leaves a widower and several children.
Mrs. Mary Closs, widow of John Closs, passed away at her home, corner of Ward and Fairfield av. Sunday at 11 am of chronic bronchitis. Five grown children survive her.
A secret marriage was revealed in Bellevue Saturday by the death of William Closs of the Covert Run pike. He died of tetanus by stepping on a rusty nail a week ago. Mrs. Closs was formerly Miss Freda Rosskamp and they had been married secretly eight weeks ago.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 August 1904, page 5
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bleser have the sympathy of the entire community of Bellevue in the loss of another child, a little son.
The remains of Mrs. Kate Jarvis, who died last week at her home on West Sixth st. Newport were taken from the vault Tuesday and interred in the family lot. Mrs. Jarvis' son arrived from New York City to attend the obsequies.
Ex-school trustee George Metzger, 59, residing at 341 Isabella st. Newport, died at his home of lung trouble. The deceased leaves a widow and one child.
Miss Alice Barlow, daughter of the late John Barlow and sister of Mrs. Helen Scogin, died Monday at her home, 302 Columbia st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 10 August 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Closs took place from Sacred Heart Church at 9 am Wednesday. Interment was at St Joseph Old Cemetery.
A message received from Yakuma Wash. Tuesday afternoon announced the death of Phil Weber. The body will be sent at once.
The funeral of Miss Anna Theele, sister in law of Frank X Lang, city auditor, was held from Corpus Christi Church Tuesday.
The funeral of the late George Metzger will take place Thursday at 2 pm. Services will be in the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 11 August 1904, page 5
The funeral of George Bohnkemper of Eleventh and Putnam st. Newport took place Thursday afternoon and burial was at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of George Metzger took place Thursday afternoon. Services were held in the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Louis Heldt will be announced as soon as his relatives from the East are heard from.
Funeral Director John A Cunningham is in receipt of a telegram stating that Val Weber will arrive home Sunday night at 6 pm with the remains of his father.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 12 August 1904, page 5
The funeral of Edward G Bumbach, whose death occurred Thursday in Newport, will take place Sunday afternoon from Taylor st. M E Church. He was a musician.
The funeral of Louis Heldt, Dayton, took place at 2 pm Thursday, Rev J W Ervin officiating. Interment was at Evergreen. The Jackson Club, Bellevue Mutal Aid Association and Woodmen of the World took part.
Attorney M B Kendrick of Newport, received the news of the death of his mother at Chicago Ill. She was 81 years of age and the remains will be taken to Louisville for burial. Kendrick left for that place Thursday evening.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 13 August 1904, page 5
The funeral of Edward G Brumbach will be held Sunday afternoon from the residence on East Third st. at 2 pm. The Masons will meet at 1:30 at the temple to attend in a body.
The funeral of John Spence took place Friday afternoon from the church on Columbia st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 15 August 1904, page 5
W A Alexander, well known in Newport in real estate and insurance circles, died Sunday night at his home in the Highlands at Southgate of heart trouble. William Alexander and his family have been boarding at the home of W W White at Southgate where the remains are at present.
The funeral of Mrs. Bernhardine Mittag took place Sunday, with services at the family residence, 616 York st. Newport. Rev Von Hahmann Arning officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Alice Bacon took place Sunday morning from the residence 30 West Seventh st. Newport. The services were conducted by Rev Dr. Luce of Grace M E Church. The death of Mrs. Bacon leaves three small children orphans. Bacon died about nine months ago.
The remains of Phil Weber arrived Sunday evening from North Yakuma Wash. accompanied by his son Wallace of Bellevue. Interment took place at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Frank Gausing, 18, who was run over by a C&O train Saturday at noon, died late Saturday night at Speers Hospital. Both legs were mashed below the knees. The body was removed to the residence of Bernard Gausing.
Mrs. Frank L Gamel of 324 West Ninth st. Newport, died Saturday at her home.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 16 August 1904, page 5
The funeral of Frank Gausing, who died from injuries received by being run over by a train Saturday in Newport, took place Tuesday morning from St Stephen Church at 9 am. The burial was at the Four Mile Cemetery on Alexandria pike.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 17 August 1904, page 5
The funeral of William A Alexander, whose sudden death occurred in Southgate, back of Newport, took place Wednesday afternoon from the home of Mr. and Mrs. W W White, where the deceased had been boarding. The pallbearers were John Scheibly and J C Finke and two members appointed by the Masonic Lodge and two names by the K of P. Services were conducted in the chapel of Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 18 August 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. John Smith, of 916 Front st. Dayton will take place Saturday morning at 9 am. Rev Father Schmidt of St Francis Church will conduct requiem high mass. The interment will be in St Francis Cemetery. Miss Anna Menke, Mrs. Menke and Louis Menke of Carthage O. are here to attend the funeral.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 19 August 1904, page 5
Mrs. Margaret Sweikert, 65, Ninth and Orchard st. died in Newport Thursday. Funeral Saturday at 2 pm from the English Baptist Church. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Word was received in Newport Thursday of the death at Kinnikinick Ky. near Vanceburg of James Douglas Smith, 79, for 50 years a resident of Newport. The deceased was a grandson of a noted Methodist preacher. He married Elizabeth Hooper, who came of one of the most prominent families of Campbell County. He leaves four children, Mrs. O G Fetter, Mrs. Samuel C Reilly, Mrs. Sid Seaman and Harry D Smith.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 20 August 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. John Smith took place at 9 am Saturday from St Francis Church, Dayton. The pallbearers were Einderlin, Zentner, Johaneman, Knoll, Peters and Klare. Mrs. William Doll, of Canton O. and Mrs. Richter, Mr. Brinkman and Mrs. Macke of Hamilton O. all relatives attended the funeral.
Mrs. Anna Flynn, 80, died Friday in Newport at the home of her son in law, ex-Councilman James Dunnegan, 322 Keturah st. of paralysis. She leaves two children, Mrs. Dunnegan and Mrs. James Kelley of Piqua O. The funeral will take place Monday.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 22 August 1904, page 7
Health Officer Kehm Newport deaths report; John NeCamp, 37; Mrs. Frank Gamel, 37: Frank Gausing, 19; Mamie Watson, colored, 19; William Alexander, 54; Frank Wise, 74; Margaret Schweikert, 64; Ann Murphy, 77; Margaret Stein, 2.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 August 1904, page 5
Thomas Kearns, of 518 Central av. Newport, died at an early hour Monday morning. He was the brother of Patrolman Edward Kearns and was one of the best known citizens of the city.
John M Bryant, 72, of 86 Poplar st. Bellevue, died at his home Sunday. He had been a resident of Bellevue for 31 years. The interment will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2 pm, the services being conducted by Rev Boering of the Methodist Church.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 23 August 1904, page 5
The will of William Alexander who died Aug 14, was filed in the County Clerk's office Monday. He leaves all his property to his widow, Alice C Alexander.
The funeral of Tom Kearns will take place at 9 am Wednesday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The body will be interred in the Four Mile Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 25 August 1904, page 3
Mrs. Dora Ryan, 31, wife of County Detective George Ryan, died Wednesday night at the home of her sister, Mrs. Oscar C Evans, Lexington av. Newport of spinal trouble. Mrs. Ryan had been ill for eight weeks at her home, 719 Central av. The funeral will be held at 10 am Saturday from the Evans residence in Newport. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 26 August 1904, page 5
W H Oswall of Maple av. Dayton, received word Thursday that Tallie Williams, well known in Dayton, later of Greenup Ky. had been shot and killed at that place.
The remains of Albert M Brown were interred in Evergreen Cemetery Thursday. Brown died at Speers Hospital. It is not known where his home was, although he spoke of several wealthy brothers in Michigan. He had been in Dayton some time. He was 38 and single.
John Young, 75, of 432 West Sixth st. Newport died late Wednesday. He leaves a widow and five children. Burial Saturday.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 27 August 1904, page 5
Mrs. Eliza Legge, mother of Mrs. George Totten, Dayton, is dead at Newark O.
Miss Katie Spellmeyer, 21, died at her home, 322 Division st. Bellevue Thursday. Funeral Monday morning at 8:30 am from the Sacred Heart Church. Four young girls companions, dressed in white, will bear the remains of Miss Katie Spellmeyer to the grave Monday. As a member of St Clara Young Ladies Sodality she was well known and loved by a large circle of friends. Rev Hinson will conduct the services. Those selected are Helen Eueter, Katie Kartall, Clara Kiffmeyer and Angelina Friedhoff. The interment will be in St Bernard Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Martin Scherer, 61, an old resident of Newport died Friday night at his home on Seventh and Isabella sts. One son, George, survives him.
Dr. L C Wadsworth and wife were called to Danville Ky. Friday night by the news of the death of Mrs. Wadsworth's grandmother, Mrs. Waters.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 29 August 1904, page 5
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Craven, 739 Ann st. Newport died at 7 am Sunday morning.
The funeral of Mrs. Susie Goldsmith, of 39 West Thirteenth st. Newport took place Saturday.
Mrs. Margaret Eagan, widow of John, died at her home on Isabella st. Newport, Saturday. The funeral took place Monday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The funeral of Miss Katie Spellmeyer took place from the Sacred Heart Church at 8:30 Monday.
Mrs. William Von Bokern died at her home in South Bellevue Saturday. The funeral will take place from the Sacred Heart Church Wednesday morning.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 30 August 1904, page 5
Susan Musgrove, 5, daughter of Robert Musgrove, of 113 Southgate st. Newport died Monday. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon and the remains were interred in Linden Grove Cemetery.
The remains of Mrs. Sarah Wagner, who committed suicide by jumping into a cistern were interred at Winston Hill Monday afternoon.
The funeral of Martin Scherer, of Seventh and Isabella st. Newport took place Monday at St Stephen Church. Remains were interred at Four Mile Cemetery.
The daughter of Robert Lewis, 413 West Southgate st. Newport, aged 6 was stricken with typhoid fever and died Monday.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 31 August 1904, page 5
Mrs. J A Smith, of Sixth av. Dayton has received word of the death of her brother, Charles McGovern, in Louisville.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 1 September 1904, page 5
Mrs. Elizabeth Wimmers, of 354 Lafayette av. Bellevue, died Wednesday morning at her home. She leaves a husband and a number of children. The funeral will take place at 9 am Friday from the Sacred Heart Church.
Mrs. John Bartlesman, 64, wife of former Magistrate Bartlesman, died Wednesday at her home on East Third st. Newport. The funeral will take place Friday and the remains will be interred in Spring Grove Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 September 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Bertlesman, wife of ex-Squire John W Bertelsman, will take place Saturday afternoon at 2 pm from the family residence on East Third st. Newport. Interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 3 September 1904, page 5
Death by her own hand is the Coroner's verdict in the case of Mrs. Chester Corey, the Dayton Ky. suicide. The funeral will take place from the house, 701 Vine st. Sunday at 2 pm and the body will be placed in Evergreen Cemetery beside the grave of her husband, Chester, over whose death she committed.
Rome W Warden died at his home on Covert Run pike, Bellevue, Friday of painter's colic. He was 40 years of age and leaves a widow and several children.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 5 September 1904, page 5
Mrs. Jane Edgerton, 51, died at her home at Tenth and Washington av. Newport Sunday.
John P Brown, 20, 130 West Second st. Newport, died at Speers Hospital, Dayton, Sunday.
Rev L B Piersel, died Sunday at 6 pm at his home 244 Foote av. Bellevue. Funeral from residence Tuesday at 2 pm.
Barney Muehlenkamp, died at his home, corner of Chestnut and Patterson sts. Newport, at 3:30 am Sept r, 1904. Funeral Wednesday, Sept 7 at 8:30 am from the home. Requiem high mass at 9 am at Corpus Christi Church.
The funeral of R W Warden took place Sunday from the family residence, on Covert Run pike, Bellevue. The local lodge of Odd Fellows had charge of the services. The interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.
Flowers covered the casket containing the remains of Mrs. Chester Corey, the Dayton Ky. suicide, Sunday afternoon at her home, 710 Vine st. Interment Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 6 September 1904, page 2
Searchers are trying to recover the body of Henry Goedeker, 37, carpenter, of 1041 West Ninth st. who was drowned in the Ohio River Monday while fishing off a barge. He fell in after a companion, William Herman of 1212 Oak st. had gone to have a doctor cut a fish hook out of his hand.
Page 5-The funeral of Bernard Muehlenkamp will take place Wednesday morning from the Corpus Christi Church at 9 am with requiem mass.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 September 1904, page 5
The funeral of Bernard Muehlenkamp took place Wednesday morning from Corpus Christi Church in Newport at 9 am. Father Kalopp celebrated requiem high mass during the ceremonies. The church will filled with friends and relatives of the deceased.
The remains of Mrs. Rose Walsh who died of heart disease Monday night, Newport, will be shipped to Dayton O. for interment Thursday.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 8 September 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Greenberger, of 223 Third st. Dayton, took place today from the house.
Mrs. Johanna Wiethorn, 45, died at her home, 335 Walnut st. Bellevue, Wednesday. She leaves a husband, Fred, and seven children.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 9 September 1904, page 3
The funeral of Mrs. Jane L Edgerton, 51, took place from the residence, 239 East Tenth st. Newport Wednesday. She was the widow of the late F T Edgerton.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 10 September 1904, page 5
Mrs. Charles L Shane, 35? sister of Frank A Sullivan of Newport, died Saturday morning at Walton, Ill. The body will be buried at Lancaster O. The deceased was Miss Rosie Sullivan, formerly of Newport and was a favorite among the young people here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan left for Dalton Saturday.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 12 September 1904, page 5
Goldie I Burkey, 1, daughter of Mr.a nd Mrs. Harry Burkey, Fifth and Brighton sts. Newport died Sunday. The funeral took place Monday afternoon.
The funeral of Frederick Strauss, 68, who died at Lakeland Insane Asylum took place Monday afternoon. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Eliza Fletcher, 79, died at her home, 617 Fifth av. Dayton at 1 am Monday. She had lived in Dayton for many years and was well known. Death was due to a general breakdown. She had been sick for seven months. Services will be held Tuesday at 3 pm from the home and the remains will be taken to Moscow O. for interment Wednesday morning. Rev Colledge of the Methodist Church will conduct the services. Mrs. Fletcher leaves four sons and two daughters.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 13 September 1904, page 5
The death of Henry Kaelin was due to an attack of pneumonia. Several weeks ago, Kaelin had a difficulty with Clarence Weintz and died early Monday morning. It was thought there were internal injuries that led to the death. Coroner Higgins verdict will be death from pneumonia.
The funeral of Elizabeth Dolan, 3, of 732 German st. Newport who died Monday of diphtheria, took place Tuesday with burial at St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of Frederick Straun, 63, who died at the Lakeland Asylum took place Monday. Interment at St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Antoinette Keiman took place from Sacred Heart Church in Bellevue Tuesday morning. Interment at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 14 September 1904, page 5
Mrs. Edward Quinn of 107 West Fourth st. Newport, passed away at 7:15 Wednesday morning at her home of heart failure. Her husband is a prominent citizen in Newport. Miss Rebecca Quinn, teacher in the public schools in Newport is a daughter.
The funeral of Mrs. William Nelson, who died Monday, Newport, took place Wednesday.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 16 September 1904, page 5
Harry M Green, brother of Miss Fannie Green, public school teacher, died Thursday at his home, 1020 York st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 17 September 1904, page 5
Rose Healy, 16, an inmate of the Convent of the Good Shepherd, died Friday at that institution.
Anderson, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klein of East Fourth st. Newport died Friday at their home.
Kentucky Post, 19 September 1904, page 5
Death resulted from the injuries to Miss Katie Ewing, of 307 W Tenth st. Newport, who was injured at Krippendorf & Dittmann's shoe factory in Cincinnati Thursday. She was passing a machine and stooped over to fix her fair when it was caught in a large belt and her scalp was torn off . She was taken to the hospital in Cincinnati where she died Saturday evening. The funeral services were held at the York st. Congregational Church Monday at 2:30 pm. The members if America had charge of the funeral and met at 2 pm at the residence of the deceased.
Frank Morlidge, 44, of Newport, died at the family residence on the Alexandria pike Saturday. The funeral services will take place Tuesday morning at 10 am from the house of Mrs. Sarah M Morlidge, a cousin.
Mr. and Mrs. B H Kassenbrock of Bellevue, left Sunday for Indianapolis to attend the funeral of a sister in law, Mrs. Dena Hengee.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 20 September 1904, page 5
The funeral of Miss Katie Ewing took place from the home in Newport Monday afternoon. Services were held in the York st. Congregational Church. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
William Jones, who has been a city patient at Speers Hospital for several years, died at that institution Monday.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 22 September 1904, page 5
The funeral of Edward Buchert, whose death occurred Tuesday at his home in the Highlands took place Thursday afternoon from the home, Newport. Eureka Lodge K of P had charge of the funeral and attended in a body. Deceased was well known in Newport.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary McCleeve took place from her late home, foot of Southgate st. Newport at 2 pm Thursday.
James Tedrow, son of Squire Tedrow, died in East St Louis Monday. This is the second son that the aged Squire has lost in two months.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 23 September 1904, page 9
The funeral of Edward Buchert took place yesterday from the family residence at Southgate Ky. Interment was at Spring Grove Cemetery. The Knights of Phythias had charge.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lyons (nee Dinger) died yesterday at the family residence on East Sixth street, Newport.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 23 September 1904, page 5
A telegram was received in Newport Friday that John Hopper died Thursday evening at West Baden Springs Ind. He formerly kept a cafe at Ft Thomas and was will known. He was a member of Newport Aerie of Eagles.
James K Stone is at death's door at his home in the Highlands and his physician reports he cannot live more than a few hours. He is in his seventies and suffering from typhoid fever.
Mrs. Catherine Marsellas, 79, died Thursday night at her home, 833 Isabella st. Newport. Funeral Monday from Immaculate Conception Church. Interment in St Stephen Cemetery.
Page 9-The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Cross will take place Saturday afternoon from the Congregational Church in Newport, at 2 pm.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 24 September 1904, page 5
James K Stone, died at his late residence, 258 Ft Thomas av. Ft Thomas Ky. Sept 23, 1904, aged 73 years. Funeral Sunday, Sept 25 at 3 pm at Evergreen Cemetery Chapel.
The funeral of John Hopper, formerly of Newport, who died at West Baden, Ind. took place Saturday at Salem, Ind. from the home of his relatives.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 26 September 1904, page 5
The funeral of John Clare took place Monday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 o'clock, Rev James McNerny officiating. The pall bearers were Joseph Wallace, William Finnernan, Charles Donelan, H Droste, James Golden and Mannus Flannery.
Mrs. Lambert Reigler, 30 passed away at her home on E Tenth st. Newport. Her death is a pathetic one her child having died about four weeks ago. The husband is grief stricken over his troubles.
The funeral of Fred Scholl, a former resident of Newport, but who died at Delaware Ill. took place Sunday afternoon. The remains were brought here for burial.
Isaac Moore, a veteran of the Civil War, and a member of Nelson Post, GAR in Newport, died Sunday at the Military Home. He will be buried by the post here.
Katie Reigler, (nee Cannon) beloved wife of Lambert, died Sunday, Sep 25, 1904 at 3 pm. Funeral from the late residence, 225 East Fourth st. Newport Ky. Wednesday, Sep 23 at 7:30 am. Requiem high mass at St Stephen Church at 8 am.
William Hanning, 707 Vine st. Dayton, died Saturday of a third stroke of paralysis. The remains were shipped to Nelsonville O. for burial.
The memorial service of the late Joe Hooker WRC has been postponed until Sunday Oct 9 at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 27 September 1904, page 5
Mrs. William White, sister in law of J W White of Newport, died at her home in Chattanooga Tenn. He left for that place in response to a telegram that she was seriously ill, but arrived two hours after her death.
The funeral of George Reichert, whose death occurred Monday at the home, 1135 John st. Newport, will take place Wednesday from the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery. He was a member of the Junior O U A M and Knights of Pythias. Eureka Lodge K of P will meet at Castle Hall Wednesday at 1 pm to attend the funeral.
The funeral of Isaac Moore, an old soldier and well known in Newport, took place Tuesday from the home of relatives on Second st. near Washington.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 28 September 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Lambert Riegler took place Wednesday from the home at 9 am. Services were conducted at St Stephen Church and the burial was at Four Mile Cemetery.
The funeral of George Reichert took place Wednesday. Burial was at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Isaac Moore, the old soldier, was changed from Wednesday to Thursday at 10 am because some of the relatives away from here were unable to come until that time. The GAR will attend and will meet at the hall Thursday morning.
Charles J Erpenbeck, 77, a well known resident of Newport, died Tuesday night at the home, 814 Overton st. A widow and a family of grown children survive him. He was in the boot and shoe business for a number of years.
John Reckers, who lived on Second st. Dayton, between Main and Boone, died at 4 am Wednesday of cancer of the stomach. He had been a resident of Dayton for nearly 40 years.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 29 September 1904, page 7
Charles J Erpenbeck, died Tuesday evening 6:30 in the 78th year of his age. Funeral service Friday, 8:30 from residence, 814 Overton st. Requiem mass at St Stephen Church, Newport Ky. Please omit flowers.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 30 September 1904, page 5
C H Conn, contracting painter, died Thursday night at his home, 1009 York st. Newport. He was unsuccessfully operated on Wednesday for acute gastritis and never rallied to get up. He was at present doing the Courthouse painting and also the new school work. A widow and family of grown children survive him.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 1 October 1904, page 5
Charles H Conn, beloved husband of Ida Conn (nee Schrader) died Thursday Sept 29, 6:35 pm. Funeral at his late residence, 1009 York st. Newport Sunday at 2 pm. Friends are cordially invited.
The will of Mary C McCleave of Newport, was left for record Saturday. She leaves all her property to her two children, Bertha B Meyers and Matthew McCleave, to the condition that as long as her children, David, Mary, George and Thomas McCleave, remain unmarried, they shall have the right to use the property for a home themselves.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 3 October 1904, page 7
Health Officer Kehm Newport deaths report: John J Clare, 28; Catherine Marselas, 79; Charlotte Burkes, 57; George Reicher, 45; Mrs. Lambert Reigler, 36; Charles Erpenbeck, 78; Charles H Conn, 58; Infant Burkey, Infant William C Tucker.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 3 October 1904, page 3
Elmer Maunders, 24, 160 Poplar st. Bellevue, died Sunday. The pallbearers will be : William Gusweiler, William Ross, Harry Stroull and Ray Thomas. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Rev R D Harding conducting the services.
The funeral of C H Conn took place Sunday afternoon, with services at the Spiritual Temple. The IORM turned out in a body. The remains were buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Eureka Lodge No 27 K of P, will hold a special meeting Monday night to take action on the death of Elmer Mounden.
The members of the Lochiel Council No 1309 met Sunday afternoon to take action on the death of Louis Heinzlemann, a former resident of Newport, who died of injuries received in Cincinnati.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 October 1904, page 5
Estella Coss, daughter of Frank Coss, 636 Columbia st. Newport, died of pneumonia. The funeral of Estella, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coss, 536 Columbia st. Newport, will take place Tuesday night at 7 pm at the home. The remains will be sent to Lancaster O. for burial.
Hazel, the infant daughter of Carl Hudson, 595 Ward av. Bellevue, died early Tuesday.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 October 1904, page 5
The funeral of Elmer Maunder took place Tuesday from the family residence on Poplar st. Bellevue. Douglass Lodge, K of P, had charge of the services. Rev J M Brankamp officiated. Burial was at Evergreen Cemetery.
The appointment of Henry Portman, administrator of the estate of Fred Schmalber, is being contested in Judge Hissem's court, Newport. Covington relatives aks that it be set aside because he resides in Cincinnati and they want a resident of this state to be named.
The will of C H Conn was left for probate in Newport Wednesday. He leaves everything to his widow.
The will of G Reichert was left for probate, leaving all the personal property to his sister, Mrs. L Gotthardt and guardian of two children, Hazel and George, each of them to get $5.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 7 October 1904, page 3
Clara Hamilton, 2 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton, died at their home, 27 West Fifth st. Newport Thursday. Funeral Sunday from residence 2 pm. This is the second death in two weeks.
Page 1-The funeral of Mrs. Mary A Budde, whose death occurred Thursday, will take place Monday morning from Corpus Christi Church, Newport, with requiem mass. She was a member of the Women's Society of Corpus Christi Church and Johns Hill Church and the St Elizabeth Hospital.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 8 October 1904, page 5
Health Officer of Newport Dr. Charles J Kehm deaths report: Leopold Huck, 55-phthisis; W W Helm, 40-operation; Adrian Wagner, 34-cholecystitis; Adams Schmidt, 81-cancer; Johanna Deegan, 40-cirrhosis; Arthur Demler, 15 days; Clara Quitter, 37-consumption.
Word was received here of the death at Cleveland O. of Mrs. Catherine Theising, 81, mother of Charles Theising, formerly of Newport. The remains will be shipped here and the funeral will take place Tuesday.
Mrs. Ella Mae Reese, nee Firth, 31, a former resident of Newport, died yesterday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Alice Masterson, 3561 Colerain av. Cincinnati. The funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon and the remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Miss Sarah B Merrill died yesterday at her home, 126 Fairfield av. Bellevue of typhoid fever. The deceased was a sister of Miss Julia Merrill, a teacher in the Bellevue public schools.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 10 October 1904, page 3
The funeral of Mrs. Mary A Budde took place Monday morning from Corpus Christi Church at 9 o'clock with requiem high mass. A number of women's societies attended in a body.
Page 5-The funeral of William Keating, of O'Fallon and Sixth av. Bellevue, will take place Tuesday morning from the Sacred Heart Church.
Mrs. W H Higdon of 218 Fairfield av. Bellevue, received word of the death of her oldest brother, W H Markley, 76, which occurred Thursday, Oct 6 at Dodge City, Kas. at the home of his daughter. He was on his way home in Fresno Cal. when he was stricken with pneumonia. The funeral will take place Tuesday at Five Mile O. He was a resident of Bellevue for a great many years and was well known.
Benjamin Atkins, 76, formerly a well known resident of Dayton, but lately of Perintown O. died Oct 8 at his home. Burial at Spring Grove Cemetery Tuesday, Oct 11 at 1 pm.
William Sneade, 40, 135 West Third st. Newport, died Saturday of consumption. The funeral will be held Tuesday and interment in Spring Grove Cemetery.
Gertrude Gruele, 17, daughter of Albert Gruele, Fourth and Overton st. Newport died Sunday of consumption. The funeral will be held Tuesday at 2 pm from her home and the interment will be Evergreen Cemetery. She was a niece of W A Elmer, President of Aldermen.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 11 October 1904, page 5
The funeral of Peter Knight of Cincinnati, took place Tuesday morning from the home of his brother in law, Charles Stemler, 128 West Ninth st. Newport. Requiem mass was celebrated at the Church of Atonement, Cincinnati.
The funeral of William Keating of Sixth st. and O'Fallon av. Bellevue, took place Tuesday morning from Sacred Heart Church and interment was in St Joseph Cemetery. The pall bearers were Joseph Walburg, T P Hagerty, Fred Raines Jr. and C E Bathiany.
Miss Mary Bond, 86, a former resident of Newport, died at the Cincinnati Infirmary Monday of old age. The interment will be at Milford O.
The funeral of Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert M Gruele, took place Tuesday afternoon from the family residence, Fourth and Overton st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 14 October 1904, page 5
The infant of Anthony Hemmerle, 1117 Patterson st. died Thursday. The funeral was held Friday at 11 am and interment at St Joseph Cemetery, Licking Pike.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 15 October 1904, page 5
William Porter, 23, died Friday at his home in the Highlands. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Porter.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 October 1904, page 7
The funeral of Dorothy Meyers, infant, of 12 East Front st. Newport, who died Saturday, took place Monday from the home. The mother died four weeks ago.
The funeral of William Porter was held Sunday afternoon at the residence. The funeral of William Porter, 25, took place from the Highland M E Church, Bellevue, at 2 pm Monday. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Davis, who died at Cold Springs Ind. took place Sunday from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John Sohn on Taylor av. Bellevue.
Mrs. Mary Gallagher, 58, died Sunday evening at her residence, Patchen and Rhensford st. Bellevue. Five sons and one daughter survive her.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 October 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Gallagher, who died at her home on Rhensford st. Bellevue, Sunday night, will be held Wednesday at 9 am from St Anthony Church.
The infant of Edward Griffith, Wentworth av. Ft Thomas, died Monday.
The body of Oswald Kosial, who died at El Paso Tex. Friday arrived in Newport Monday.
Page 8-Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Griffith, of Weyrich av. Ft Thomas, have the sympathy of their friends in the loss of their infant son Willy, who died early Monday morning.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 19 October 1904, page 5
The 7 year old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Thasker, 1135 Ann st. Newport, died Tuesday at the home of the parents.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 20 October 1904, page 5
George Schneider of East Newport, died Wednesday at his home. The funeral will take place Friday at 9 am from St Anthony Church in Bellevue.
The 3 year old child of Peter Gold, of 521 West Twelfth st. Newport died Wednesday.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 21 October 1904, page 5
John Baudendistel, 22, died at his home on Alexandria Pike, near Cold Spring, Thursday of peritonitis. The funeral will be held Saturday.
The funeral of George Schneider, took place Friday at 9 am in Newport.
Joseph Schneider, 32, died at his home on Covert Run Pike, Bellevue, Thursday. The funeral was held from St Anthony Church Friday. The interment was in St John Cemetery.
Page 7-Helen Ailyene, 6, foster child of Mrs. McMahon of Center st. Newport, died at 6 am Friday of spinal meningitis.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 22 October 1904, page 5
Mrs. Harry Broering, died at her home on Berry av. Bellevue, Friday, aged 29. The funeral will be held at the Sacred Heart Church Monday morning.
The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lett Jr. died Friday at their home on Ward av. Bellevue.
The burial of Helen Ailyne, foster daughter of Mrs. Anna McMahon, will be buried Sunday afternoon at Evergreen Cemetery. Services will be held at the Eighth Lutheran Church at 2 pm.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 24 October 1904, page 5
Mrs. Katherine Lear, 72, wife of George Lear, died Sunday in Newport. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning from St Stephen Church at 3 pm. Requiem high mass.
Gertrude Hue, 17, 127 West Thirteenth st. died Sunday. The funeral will be held Wednesday, the interment to be in St Mary Cemetery near Covington.
Mrs. Ann Whitaker, 70, widow of Fred W Whitaker and mother of Miss Anna Whitaker, a teacher in the public schools, died Sunday of erysipelas, at her resident 1025 York st. Newport. There is a family of grown children. Another daughter resides in Dayton O.
Mrs. Marian Dickerson, 54, died Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Gibson, Thornton and Brighton st. Newport.
Miss Margaret Constans, 30, daughter of Louis Constans, former Newport official, died at Los Angeles Cal. Saturday. The body will be brought to Newport and interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Peter Bleser, 45, died Saturday in Bellevue of consumption. The funeral was held Monday morning from Sacred Heart Church.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lott, of Foote av. Bellevue, was buried Sunday afternoon at St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.
Page 1-John Bachman, 45, of Home st. Clifton Heights, Newport, is dead. Bachman brought his family here last week from Indianapolis and was employed by the soap company of J M Long, Cincinnati, His brother, Fred Bachman, is well known in Newport. The deceased leaves a widow and five children.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 25 October 1904, page 5
Albert Schrader, 50, widely known as "Cully" passed away Monday night at the Speers Hospital. For years he conducted a cigar store on York st. Newport and was a patrolman for a number of years and at one time was a candidate for Coroner of Campbell County.
Henry Hoerman, 75, who died in Cincinnati Monday will be buried Wednesday at the Dayton Cemetery. Three children live at 608 Washington av. Newport.
The funeral of Catherine Lear took place Tuesday and the burial was at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Anne Whitaker will take place Wednesday afternoon from 1025 York st. Newport. Burial at Evergreen.
William F Gerding, father of Dr. Gerding, died Monday. Deceased was a lifelong resident of Newport.
Peter A Blaser was buried from Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue, Tuesday morning. The was buried by the Knights and his pallbearers were selected from the lodge. They were Nick Schwartz, Herman Sauer, George L Junk and John Bosert.
Sam Barthow, 32, who is well known in Dayton, died at the Good Samaritan Hospital Monday of heart trouble.
Thomas Tierney, beloved son of Michael and the late Bridget Tierney (nee Keeley) died at 8:30 am Monday, Oct 24 at residence, 313 East Second st. Newport. Funeral Wednesday, Oct 26. Requiem high mass at Church of the Immaculate Conception at 10 am.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 26 October 1904, page 5
The funeral of Albert Schrader who died at Speers Hospital will take place Wednesday afternoon from the Spiritualist Temple, Newport. Burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Gertrude Hue, 17, will take place Thursday from the home, 123 West Thirteenth st. Newport. Burial will be at St Mary Cemetery, Covington.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. F O Surguy, of Eighth av. Dayton, died Tuesday. Funeral will take place Thursday afternoon from the residence.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 27 October 1904, page 5
The funeral of Albert Schrader took place Wednesday afternoon with services at the Spiritualist Temple, on Overton st. Newport. The remains were buried at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 29 October 1904, page 5
The funeral of Miss Margaret Constans, who died in Los Angeles, Cal. Sunday, was held in Newport Friday. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery. Miss Clara Constans and Edward Constans accompanied the remains to Newport from California.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 31 October 1904, page 5
Carl, the 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T Ruehl of 1028 Washington av. died Saturday at the home. Spinal meningitis was the cause of his death.
Page 3-Mrs. Frances McMillan, 59, a former resident of Newport died shortly after midnight Monday at the home of a daughter in Covington. She was visiting in Newport on Thursday and was taken down with pneumonia and died in a few days. Constable Harry Parks is a son in law.
Mrs. Kate Mead, formerly of Newport, died early Monday morning in Cincinnati at the home of relatives. She recently returned from a visit to Baltimore to her adopted son J O'Keefe.
The funeral of Patrolman Andrew Stoney took place Monday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Newport.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 1 November 1904, page 5
Mrs. Henry Huser, prominent in Newport, died at her home early Tuesday morning on Monmouth, near Sixth. She has been ill for a long time with lung trouble. A grown family survive her.
When Judge Berry learned Monday of the death of Mrs. Catherine Messink, who at one time was in the employ of Judge Berry's parents, he adjourned court and will attend the funeral services Thursday morning. Mrs. Messink was 79 years of age and leaves three sons and one daughter. She had been a resident of Dayton since 1847 and served Judge Berry's family when the present site of Speers Hospital was the Berry homestead.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 2 November 1904, page 5
George McMillan of Foote av. Bellevue, received intelligence of the death of his mother in Covington Tuesday. She was buried late Tuesday from her home, the interment being in Evergreen Cemetery.
Christian Ziegler, 86, father of Mrs. George Emig Sr. Bellevue, died at his home on East Clifton av. Cincinnati.
Death resulted from the injuries received by Harry Harker on Halloween night in Newport. He was playing about a fire when a blazing barrel fell on him, setting a fire to his clothing. He ran before his companions could remove the barrel from him. His lungs were affected by the flames. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon and services will be held in the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 3 November 1904, page 5
Henry Scherer, of 1006 Hamlet st. Newport, who accidentally fell from the C&O Bridge across the Licking River several nights ago, died at Speers Hospital Wednesday night. His death was a direct result of his injuries. Scherer was married and was 53 years of age. The remains were sent to his home.
The funeral of Mrs. Katherine Messink took place Thursday morning from St Francis Church, Dayton, and a large number of friends witnessed the last rites. The interment was in St Frances Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 November 1904, page 3
The funeral of Mrs. Henry Huser, held Thursday at St Stephen Church was largely attended.
One of the 4 month old twins of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reed, of Clifton Heights died Thursday.
Howard Douglas, the 8 month old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Schelelein, of 313 Elm st. Newport died Wednesday.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 5 November 1904, page 5
The funeral of Howard, the bright little son of Mr. and Mrs. Schlelein, 312 Elm st. Newport, will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 pm from the home.
Miss A Rawlins of Vine st. Dayton, received word of the death of her sister in law, which occurred at Atlanta Ga. Friday night and she will leave Sunday morning to be present at the funeral.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 November 1904, page 5
The funeral of John Becker, 19, will take place Tuesday afternoon from St Paul Church on Eighth st. Newport.
Page 3-Mrs. Anthony Shoemaker of 645 York st. Newport, died Sunday. Funeral Tuesday from the Immaculate Conception Church.
Hazel Crosby, 14, daughter of Mrs. Fanny Crosby, Fifth and Columbia sts. Newport, died Sunday.
John Becker, 19, Clifton Heights near Newport, died Sunday morning. A few months ago he was injured in a local iron foundry and it was found necessary to amputate his leg. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon from St John German Lutheran Church, Seventh and Columbia sts. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 10 November 1904, page 5
Hazel Crosby, 14, daughter of Mrs. Fannie Crosby, Newport, who died Monday, will be buried from her mother's home Thursday. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Louis Ermert, contractor, died at his home, at Eighth and Overton sts. Newport Wednesday of a complication of diseases. The deceased was one of Newport's pioneer citizens. He held the office of Street Commissioner under Mayor Biltz. A large family of adult children survive him.
Word was received in Newport Wednesday of the death at Piedmont W Va. of James Knobloch, formerly Superintendent of Public Works of Newport. The deceased was 45 years of age and had been ailing from lung trouble for some time. His brother, John Knobloch, is a well known resident of Newport.
William F Gerding's will was probated Thursday, Newport. He leaves his entire estate to his widow.
Sarah Buckhanan, widow of Samuel B, was appointed administratrix of her husband's estate Thursday.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 November 1904, page 5
The funeral of Miss Elsie Lincoln, 27, of 1022 Columbia st. Newport, will take place Tuesday from the home at 2 pm.
The funeral of Myrtle Gau took place Monday morning from St Stephen Church with requiem mass.
Alvin Alford, prominent in Alexandria, died Saturday night of tetanus. Some time ago he fell while trying to mount a horse and the animal stepped on his hand, lacerating the member badly. Gangrene set in which resulted in lockjaw. He was 34 and leaves a widow and three children. The K of P of Alexandria will have charge of the funeral.
Miss Laura Rankin, 23, died Sunday at her home, 1014 Third av. Dayton. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon from the residence. Burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 12 November 1904, page 5
The will of Catherine Messing, of Dayton, who died Oct 30, was probated in Newport Friday. All of her property is left to her daughter, Theresa Messing, who is made executrix.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 November 1904, page 5
The funeral of Miss Elsie Lincoln, 27, of 1022 Columbia st. Newport, will take place Tuesday from the home at 2 pm.
The funeral of Myrtle Gau took place Monday morning from St Stephen Church, with requiem mass.
Charles Faller, 24, of Cincinnati, died Sunday night at Speers Hospital of consumption. He had been an inmate for a month. He left no family.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 15 November 1904, page 5
Mary Galagher by her will probated in Newport Monday, leaves $5 each to her sons, Andrew, John, William, Edward and Frank. The remainder of the estate is to go to her children, Tilton and Lucy to be equally divided.
The funeral of Alvin Alford of Alexandria, who died of lockjaw, took place Monday. The Knights of Pythias had charge of the funeral.
The funeral of Elsie Lincoln took place Tuesday afternoon from the home on Isabella st. Newport. Rev Dr. Bigelow officiated.
The funeral of Charles Kellar, who died at Speers Hospital Sunday, took place from the home, 706 Monmouth st. Newport Tuesday. Burial was at Walnut Hills Cemetery.
The funeral of Miss Laura Rankin, 23, who died Sunday, was held Tuesday noon from the family residence, 1014 Third av. Dayton. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 18 November 1904, page 5
Fred Glenkler, 23, residing at 1016 Hamlet st. Newport, died Thursday.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 19 November 1904, page 5
The funeral of Fred Glenker, 23, whose death occurred Thursday will take place Monday morning from St Stephen Church, Newport. The burial will be at St Stephen Cemetery. Deceased family resides at 1016 Hamlet st.
The family of William Hanning, 707 Vine st. Dayton, who died a few weeks ago from a paralytic stroke, will move Sunday morning to Columbus O.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 November 1904, page 5
Mrs. Elizabeth Parry, 29, died at the home on Mt Pleasant av. Highlands, Saturday of tetanus. She was the wife of William Parry.
Henry Pfirman, 36, of 1117 York st. Newport died Saturday. He was well known in Newport.
The funeral of Fred Glenke, who died Thursday at the home on Hamlet st. Newport, took place Monday morning from the residence. Services were held at St Stephen Church.
The funeral of Judge W H Cox which was held Sunday morning from the Tower M E Church, Dayton. Among the relatives from a distance were Mrs. T W Senour, sister of the deceased, and Mrs. Dr. McCollum, a daughter of Independence Ky. The remains were interred in the cemetery at Independence. The pallbearers were Judge F B Mader, Peter McArthur, George Anderson and George McClure.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 22 November 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Lizzie Parry of the Highlands, took place Tuesday with services at 1 o'clock at the residence on Mt. Pleasant av. The remains were buried at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 23 November 1904, page 5
The funeral of Hanna Wilkens, whose death occurred at her home, 19 Garret av. Glen Park, will take place from the residence Thursday morning at 9:30 am. The remains will be interred in Walnut Hills Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 November 1904, page 5
Barbara Rhinehard, 78, widow of Michael, was found dead in her rooms at 722 Saratoga st. Newport Wednesday afternoon. Coroner Higgins decided death was due to heart trouble. The deceased has one son living in Indiana and two daughters, Mrs. John Carnem of Cincinnati and Mrs. Barbara Cullen of New York.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 25 November 1904, page 5
Mrs. Dora Gephardt, wife of Charles, Seventh and Brighton sts. Newport, died Thursday. The funeral will take place Saturday and interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 28 November 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Singleton, 76, whose home is on Alexandria Pike, too place Monday from Asbury M E Church.
Mrs. Elizabeth Schneider, 86, of West Eighth st. Newport, who died Saturday will be buried Tuesday at Evergreen Cemetery.
Matthew Francen, 14, of 438 Chestnut st. Newport, died Saturday of dropsy.
Page 3-William Griggs, 13, son of Mrs. Margaret Griggs, 337 Poplar st. Bellevue, died Sunday of meningitis. The deceased was a brother of Dr. Samuel Griggs.
The funeral of Peter Budde will take place Wednesday morning from the Sacred Heart Church. Interment in St Stephen Cemetery.
Mrs. Catherine Eveslage, 73, of 213 Division st. Bellevue was found dead in her bed Monday. Her death was caused by old age and senility. Mrs. Eveslage was an old resident of Bellevue and lived with her daughter.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 29 November 1904, page 5
The funeral of William Griggs, brother of Dr. Griggs, took place at 2 pm today from Calvary M E Church, Dayton.
The funeral of William Budde will take place tomorrow morning from the Sacred Heart Church, Dayton.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Singleton took place Monday afternoon at 2 pm from the Asbury M E Church. Interment in Evergreen.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Schneider took place today from home, Newport.
Michael Smith of Alexandria, for a long time a sufferer with cancer of the tongue, passed away Monday at his home near Alexandria.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 1 December 1904, page 5
Mrs. Mary Fehr, 63, living on the Alexandria Pike near Cold Spring, died yesterday of old age. Funeral tomorrow morning at 9 am at the Catholic Church in Cold Spring.
The funeral of Clarence Broadwell, who died Tuesday in Newport will take place tomorrow afternoon. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 December 1904, page 5
Charles Fanthorpe, 69 died yesterday after a lingering illness. Dropsy was the cause of death. Fanthorpe formerly lived in Newport but his death occurred in St Elizabeth Hospital in Covington.
The funeral of Pearl De Camp took place Friday morning from the residence on Third st. Dayton. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
The Bellevue Elks memorial, Dayton, will take place Sunday afternoon at 2:30, will be held in honor of Joseph J Cassidy who died Dec 22, 1903.
Mrs. Barbara Zeigler died at her home 816 Third av. Dayton yesterday. The deceased was a widow and leaves five children.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 3 December 1904, page 5
Anna Donovan, 7, died yesterday morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Donovan, Sixth and Columbia sts. Newport. This is the second child the parents have lost by consumption during the past year.
The funeral of William Strattman took place yesterday afternoon, with services at the residence of his mother, corner of Tenth and Washington av. Newport. Rev Dr. Schaeffer officiated. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Albon J Reed, who was killed by the cars in the Pennsylvania yards in Cincinnati, will take place tomorrow afternoon, with services at the family residence, 117 Monmouth st. Newport. The body will be temporarily placed in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 5 December 1904, page 5
Mrs. James Ryan, 57, mother of Mrs. Edward C Ferrall of Fifth and Saratoga st. Newport, died last evening of pneumonia. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning at 9 am from the daughter's home. Services will be held at Immaculate Conception Church.
The funeral of Albon Reed of 117 Monmouth st. Newport, who was killed by the cars in the Pennsylvania yards, took place yesterday at the residence. The remains were temporarily placed in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Clarence Broadwell took place yesterday afternoon at the chapel in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 6 December 1904, page 5
David Starr, 52, died at 4 am at Speers Hospital, the result of injuries sustained last Sunday evening when he was struck by a train. The remains will be sent away for interment.
The funeral of Mrs. James Ryan will take place Wednesday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am. The remains are at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward Ferrail, Fifth and Saratoga sts.
Enlalie, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W J Heiser, formerly of Newport, died yesterday in Bond Hill. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 pm.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 December 1904, page 8
The funeral of Nicholas Kingsley took place this morning from St Thomas Church on Grand av. Ft Thomas.
Page 5-Mrs. Julia Ryan, 65, wife of Philip, died yesterday at her home on Newman av. in the Highlands. The deceased had been a resident of the county for many years. The funeral will be held Friday morning from St Thomas Church, Ft Thomas.
The funeral of Mrs. James Ryan took place this morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am with requiem mass. Burial was from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Ferrall, Fifth and Saratoga sts. Newport. John and James Ryan, her sons, arrived from St Louis to attend the funeral.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 8 December 1904, page 5
Clay Hazelrigg, 60 an eccentric Newport character, died yesterday at his home, Forrest and Saratoga sts. He lived along in his cottage and kept a small store. The officials tried to get him to go to the hospital but he refused. He was at one time a street car driver when the horse cars were being used.
Mrs. Lucida Ritter, widow of the late James S, died at her residence, 732 Fifth av. Dayton at 9:15 pm last night. The funeral will be held at 1:30 pm Saturday from her late residence. Mrs. Ritter has lived most of her life in Dayton. Interment will be in Wesleyan Cemetery.
Catherine Heidelberg, 70, of 519 Lindsey st. Newport, died yesterday. Interment in St Stephen Cemetery.
Margaret Howard, 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Howard, 405 Washington av. Newport died yesterday of pneumonia. Until recently she was ill with scarlet fever.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 9 December 1904, page 5
Mrs. Louis Pielmann died at her residence in the Highlands yesterday.
The funeral of Mrs.Julia Ryan, wife of Philip Ryan, took place at 8:30 am Friday from St Thomas Church. The pallbearers were the three sons of the deceased, Joseph, Edward and Philip Ryan, and nephew Michael Ryan of Springfield O. The deceased was born in Tipperary Ireland and was the niece of Father Daniel Fogarty, parish priest of Dublin.
The funeral of Margaret Howard, 5, took place at 1 pm today from the home 419 Washington, Newport. Interment at Spring Grove.
The will of Herman Yeager, Newport was filed in Campbell County Court yesterday. All his real and personal property is left to his wife, Emma Yeager and after her death to his two children, Charles and Albert Yeager.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 10 December 1904, page 3
The funeral of Mrs. Almyria Wood of 331 East Fifth st. Newport took place this afternoon from the home.
The funeral of Mrs. Katherine Hittenberg took place today from Corpus Christi Church. She was 70 and resided at 519 Lindsey st.
Charles H Luddecke, 68, died at his home, 272 O'Fallon av. Bellevue, yesterday. He leaves a family of adult children. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the residence.
The funeral of Mrs. Louis Pleiman will be held Monday morning from the Sacred Heart Church. Interment will be at St Stephen Cemetery.
Page 5-Julius Scheeman died yesterday at the home, 735 German st. Newport of lung trouble. He was well known in Newport and was connected with the Carbonic Gas Supply Company.
The funeral of Edward Chambers, who died Wednesday at Speers Hospital, took place yesterday from the residence of his son, George, Fourth and Dayton sts. Dayton. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 11 December 1904, page 5
John Boley, died at residence, 16 W Eighth st. Newport Ky. aged 82 years, December 10, 1904. (Lancaster papers please copy)
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 12 December 1904, page 10
Health Officer Kehm Newport deaths report: Anna Donovan, 7; Elizabeth Ryan, 58; Edward Chambers, 55; Margaret Howard, 5; William Hazelrigg, 70; Catherine Heidelburger, 69; Arthur Kuntz, 14.
The funeral of Charles H Luddecks took place yesterday afternoon from the residence on O'Fallon avenue, Bellevue Ky. Rev C Emigholz, officiating. Burial was at the Walnut Hills cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 12 December 1904, page 5
Mrs. Anna Penster, 84, living near Alexandria, died yesterday of old age. Funeral Wednesday afternoon from St Paul Lutheran Church, Alexandria.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 13 December 1904, page 5
Mrs. V M Fischbach, 80, mother of Dr. E W Fischbach, died last night at her residence, 728 York st. Newport. The remains will be shipped to Waverly O. and interred there Thursday.
John Maschinott, father of Matt, saloonist at Fourth and Brighton sts. Newport, died yesterday at his home, Seventh and Patterson sts. Newport. The deceased was 82 years of age.
The funeral of Ray Trindle took place Tuesday afternoon from his late residence, 714 Berry av. Dayton.
Mrs. G W Haton died at Speers Hospital yesterday. She was brought to the hospital from the vicinity of Maysville Ky. and her body was sent to her home this morning.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 14 December 1904, page 5
The will of Catherine Lampe was probated yesterday. She leaves $100 in trust to Henry Bassman for her son, Joseph Lampe and $25 to Corpus Christi Church.
Mrs. Veronica Fishback, 80, whose death occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D D Goessie, 730 York st. Newport, was the mother of Dr. F W Fishback of Fourth and Washington av. The remains will be sent to Waverly O. tomorrow for burial. The surviving children are: Dr. F W Fishback, Newport; Charles F Fishback, Denver Colo. Basil Fishback, Marietta O. Wesley Fishback, Chillicothe O. Mrs. D D Goessie, Newport and Mrs. John Buckwedde, Marietta O.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 16 December 1904, page 7
Mrs. Eliza Taylor, widow of Benjamin, died yesterday at her residence, 722 York st. Newport. Last Monday Mrs. Taylor fell and broke her arm. The consequent shock on her nervous system caused heart trouble that proved fatal. She leaves three children, Mattie Taylor, Mrs. Harry Anstead and Ben Taylor Jr.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 17 December 1904, page 5
Benjamin Gausing, 59, of Tenth and Hamlet st. Newport died yesterday from a carbuncle at the base of the brain and the poison from this permineating his system proved fatal. The funeral will take place Monday.
Mrs. Loretta Thomas, 22, died at her home, 219 East Front st. Newport yesterday. The funeral will take place Monday morning.
Miss Laura Pierce, youngest daughter of the late Mrs. Anna Pierce, died yesterday in Newport.
The funeral of Mrs. Eliza A Taylor, widow of the late Berry F Taylor, took place this afternoon from the residence, 722 York st. Newport. Services were conducted at Evergreen Chapel at 2 pm.
The funeral of John Langlage took place today from the home, 630 Washington av. Newport. Burial at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 19 December 1904, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Eliza Taylor took place yesterday afternoon with services at Evergreen Chapel, Rev Bigelow officiating.
Word was received here yesterday of the death at Hot Springs Ark. of Mary Loring, 68, mother of James Oliver of Newport. Mrs. Loring was a sufferer from paralysis. The remains will be shipped to Charlotte Michigan for interment. Oliver having left for that city last night.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 20 December 1904, page 5
Mrs. Joseph Gardiner, whose husband is an attaché of the Higgin Manufacturing Company, died yesterday at her home, 528 Lexington av. Newport.
Frank Hoelscher, 70, residing on Grand av. Newport died yesterday. The deceased leaves a widow and four children.
Mrs. Gardner (nee Muntel) beloved wife of Joseph F Gardner, died early Monday morning at her residence, 528 Lexington av. Newport. Funeral Thursday at 9 am from St Stephen Church.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 December 1904, page 3
The funeral of Henry G Peters, 32, took place this afternoon at 2 pm from the residence of John Knobloch, Tenth and Orchard st. Newport. The interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Joseph Gardner, 25, of 525 Lexington av. Newport, will take place tomorrow evening at 9 pm from St Stephen Church.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 23 December 1904, page 5
Mrs. Elizabeth Strotman, 72, of 424 Fifth av. Dayton, died yesterday, the widow of Merman H and had lived in Dayton many years. Burial Monday from residence at 8 am. Requiem high mass at St Anthony Church, Bellevue, 8:30 am.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 24 December 1904, page 5
Mrs. Ann Sexton, a widow, residing at 323 Hodge st. Newport, died yesterday, leaving a family of four sons and three daughters. Mrs. Sexton has been an invalid for over a year. Funeral Monday morning at 9 am from the Immaculate Conception Church.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 26 December 1904, page 5
Daniel O'Connor died yesterday at his home, 335 Washington av. Bellevue at an advanced age. He leaves a family of grown children. He was a pioneer resident of Bellevue.
The funeral of Mrs. L C Hoskins, of Ward av. Bellevue, who died yesterday will take place tomorrow from the residence.
Mrs. Louis Roesel, 41, died at her home on Ward av. Bellevue. She leaves a husband and three children.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Strotman took place at 8:30 today from the residence Fifth av. Dayton. Services were held at St Anthony Church, Father Kehoe officiating at requiem high mass.
The funeral of Mrs. Ann Sexton took place this morning with requiem high mass at 9 am at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Remains were interred at St Joseph Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 27 December 1904, page 5
Henry W Bailey, 20, died at his home, 408 West Fourth st. Newport yesterday of consumption. The funeral took place this morning from the residence.
Henry Dentsbier, 28, West Eleventh st. Newport, died yesterday of paralysis. The burial will take place tomorrow morning in Persimmon Grove Ky.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Sexton was held yesterday morning at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The body was buried at St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. James Sipe arrived from New Albany Ind. today to attend the funeral of his brother Arthur. Arthur Wilson Sipe, 25, died yesterday at the home of his father, James Sipe, 752 Second av. Dayton. The deceased was a cripple from birth and never walked a step in his life. The funeral will take place at 2 pm tomorrow from the residence. Burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 28 December 1904, page 5
The Ladies Aid Society No 1 and Sons of Veterans will meet at Eighth and Orchard sts. Newport Thursday at 1:30 to attend in a body the funeral of Mrs. Barry.
Mrs. Mary A Murray died at her home, 212 Fourth av. Dayton of senility. The funeral will take place Friday from the residence.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 4 January 1905, page 5
The funeral of Charles Nolte took place at 9 am this morning from St Francis Church, Father Greifenkamp officiating at requiem high mass. The pallbearers were Ben Voeke, Jacob Geis, George Huber and William Schaufele.
The funeral services for Joseph Junk, Sixth av. Dayton will be held at St Francis Church at 8:30 am tomorrow morning. Burial in St Francis Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 January 1905, page 5
The will of Joseph Langelage, a pioneer resident of Newport, whose death occurred Dec 4, 1904, was probated this morning. He bequeaths his property to his two daughters, Minnie and Mary Langelage.
Griffith Armstrong, 21, a resident of Newport, met death last night in the L&N yards in Cincinnati.
Rheinart Schmidt, brother of the late Guido Schmidt, newspaper man, died at Speers Hospital, before noon today.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 7 January 1905, page 10
Funeral services for John Fisher will be held at 1 pm today from the residence, 812 Overton street, Newport. Rev J P Whitehead officiating. The remains will be shipped to Dayton Ohio for interment.
Rhinehardt Schmidt, 29, who conducted an all night lunch house on York street, died yesterday a Speers Hospital. Consumption was the cause of death. The remains will be cremated tomorrow.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 7 January 1905, page 5
Carrie, 3, daughter of George Turner, died yesterday of pneumonia in Dayton.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 January 1905, page 5
The funeral of infant Frank Schelese took place this morning from the residence, Fairfield av. Bellevue.
In the will of Charles A Nolte, which was probated this morning in the Campbell County Court, he makes his wife the beneficiary of his entire estate during her life. At her death the property is to be given to his two children, Gertrude and Karl.
The funeral of Mrs. Victoria Cooke, of Elm St. Newport, took place today at 1:30 pm from the residence. Rev J Moody, the new pastor of the Methodist Church officiated. The interment took place at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 January 1905, page 5
Mrs. Burton, 74, mother of Rev Burton of Cold Spring, died yesterday in Newport.
Seweight Yates, 50, of 110 Fourth av. Dayton died today. He was a motorman on the Bellevue and Dayton Line and five years ago was in an accident, when his car went over the Taylor Mill embankment. He was injured and has been sickly since. He leaves two sons, Frank and Harrison and a daughter. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 January 1905, page 5
Mrs. Charles Hansjuergen, 20, residing on East Sixth st. Newport, died yesterday at her home after a lingering illness.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 12 January 1905, page 5
Mrs. Johannah Naber, wife of William Naber and mother-in-law of Emil Gerhardt, Vice President of the Board of Education, died at 322 West Fifth st. She had lived in Newport for 50 years. She leaves on son, William Naber Jr. and two daughters, Mrs. Charles Schneider and Mrs. Emil Gerhardt. Funeral Saturday from the residence at 1:30 pm.
Mrs. Amelia Lindner, 40 of 315 Lindsay st. (Newport) died yesterday. Funeral Saturday morning and interment in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Mrs. Frederick Forstner, 98, mother of Miss Fannie Forstner and Mrs. Mary English, died yesterday.
The funeral of ex-motorman Sewright Yeats will take place from his late home, 110 Fourth av. (Dayton Ky) this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The funeral service will be preached by Rev J H Harding and the interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery. He will be carried to his grave by four of his old comrade motormen: Kirby Northcutt, William Wainwright, Samuel Neal and John Molinsky. January 14-the funeral of Sewright Yates took place yesterday from his home. The interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.
It has been decided by the family of Mrs. Henry Tieman, who was found dead in bed yesterday in Dayton Ky. to postpone arrangements for the funeral until the arrival of her son Bernard, who is at present at Riverside NJ. The coroner's verdict was: Death from cardiac paralysis. It is probable that her six sons will be the pall bearers. January 14-The funeral of Mrs. Henry Tieman took place this morning from the residence. Rev W A Wray of the First Baptist Church conducted services. W H Strumple, W E Piper, L C Winters, and J Sypher acted as pall bearers. The interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 January 1905, page 5
John J Caldwell, 66, died at his home, 225 E Eighth st. Newport yesterday. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon from the residence. Burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Elizabeth Link, 59, widow of Charles H Link, died yesterday at her home, Keturah and Isabella st. Newport. She was a member of the Daughters of Rebekah and that lodge will hold services at Evergreen Chapel at 3 pm tomorrow.
The funeral of George, 10, son of George A Benson, will take place at 1:30 Sunday, Bellevue. Interment in Wesleyan Cemetery, Price Hill.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 January 1905, page 5
John Boyd, 79, died at the home of his son, Charles W Boyd, 814 Robert st. Newport, after a lingering illness. Stomach trouble was the cause of death. The funeral took place this morning.
Word was received here yesterday of the death at Columbus O. of Louis G Guthridge, husband of Louisa Guthridge, a former Newport girl. The deceased was 41 years old. The remains will be interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of George Benson Jr. of Bellevue, took place yesterday afternoon from the Calvary M E Church, Rev J A Colledge officiating. Interment was at Wesleyan Cemetery, Price Hill (Cincinnati).
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 17 January 1905, page 1
The funeral of John Huttenlocher, who met death beneath the wheels of a freight car at the head of Saratoga st. Newport last Saturday, took place today at 2 pm. The services were held at the Evergreen Cemetery. Four members of Knights of Honor acted as pallbearers.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 January 1905, page 5
Mrs. Susan A Thomas, 61, sister of Mrs. Mary Campbell, and aunt of Mrs. Clarence Davidson, died yesterday at her residence, 503 East Third st. Newport. The remains shipped to Bowling Green Ky.
The funeral of David Bergman of East Second st. Newport took place yesterday afternoon, services being held at the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery. The remains were placed in the vault.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Herwig, of Rensford st. Bellevue, will take place tomorrow from her late home, Rev Emigholz conducting the services. The interment will be in Walnut Hills Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 20 January 1905, page 5
Julius E Gabler, 76, died this morning at his residence, 940 Monroe st. Newport. A widow and two daughters survive him.
Henry Schumacher, 77, a widower, residing at 210 East Front st. Newport, died at his home yesterday of pneumonia. Two children survive him. Funeral will take place tomorrow with services at St Stephen Church.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 21 January 1905, page 5
Leonard Peyton, son of William Peyton, 934 Brighton st. (Newport) died at Speers Hospital yesterday. The funeral will take place Monday and interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Julius E Gabler, 76, died early yesterday at his residence, 940 Monroe st. Newport. He is survived by a widow and two children. Funeral Monday and interment in the Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Henry Schumacher, 77, took place from his residence, 210 E Front st. Newport, this morning at 9 o'clock.
Peter Hollmeyer, 30, of Seventh and Kenton sts. Dayton Ky, died at Speers Hospital early today of typhoid fever. He was a son of Wendell Hollmeyer, well known stone mason and has lived in Dayton all his life.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 January 1905, page 3
The funeral of Mrs. George Schnees, who died at her residence, 234 Division st. Bellevue, Saturday, will take place from Sacred Heart Church tomorrow morning at 9 am. Burial in St Stephen Cemetery. A husband and an infant survive her.
Page 5-William Weber, 24, 1116 Putman st. Funeral services will be held today at Alexandria Ky.
Mrs. Mary A Wlla, 56, 502 W Eights st. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning from the Corpus Christi Church. Burial will in St Joseph Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Mary, the infant daughter of John Ficker died at the home on Monmouth st. Funeral this morning at 9 o'clock from St Stephen Church. Burial in St Mary Cemetery, Covington
Word was received here yesterday of the death at Fulton O. of Eola, the 17 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jule Whit, former resident of Newport. Dropsy was the cause of death.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 24 January 1905, page 7
Harry Hamberg, beloved son of the late John and Anna Hamberg (nee Dinkel) died on Monday, January 23 at 7:30 am, aged 41 years and 8 months Funeral on Wednesday, January 25 at 8:30 am from residence, 910 Washington av. Newport Ky. Requiem high mass at St Stephen Church at 9 am. Burial private.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 25 January 1905, page 5
Mrs. Mary Riegler, 57, widow of Lambert, died last night at her home, 316 West Fifth st. Newport of apoplexy. She leaves nine children, three of whom are married, Mrs. Florence Kueper and Mrs. Alice Hayman of Newport and John Riegler of Philadelphia.
News was received in Newport of the death at St Louis of Rev M C Butler, brother of Prof. H M Butler, instructor in music in the public schools. The deceased was a retired Presbyterian minister.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 26 January 1905, page 5
The venerable father of Louis M Krebs, Superintendent of Public Works, died at the family residence, 1109 Central av. Old age was the cause of his death. He was 82. The deceased leaves a family of grown children.
Mrs. J Kendle, mother of Charles Kendle, well known postal clerk and who lived for years in Bellevue, is dead at her home, in the Highlands of old age. She was 84 and her death occurred at 9 am. No arrangements for the funeral have been made yet. Monday, Jan 30-The funeral of Mrs. Kendell, mother of Charles P Kendall, took place Saturday afternoon from the residence on Blue Grass av. Highlands. Rev J M Bramkamp, of the Trinity Lutheran Church officiating. Interment was at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Mrs. Charles Merz, 56, wife of Charles Merz, a jeweler died suddenly late yesterday at her home, 28 W Tenth st. Newport. Mrs. Merz had been ill for sometime past with an affection of the heart. Yesterday while seated in her room, she fell to the floor. A physician was summoned but she was past all aid. The stricken woman leaves, besides her husband, two daughters and a son, all married.
The funeral of George P Wilshire will be held from the chapel at Spring Grove Cemetery Saturday, Jan 28, at 11 am. Carriages will leave Charles A Smith & Sons, Newport at 9 am.
A pioneer resident of Campbell County passed away this morning in the person of Samuel Smith, 70. For years he made his home at Alexandria, but of late made his home at 680 W Fifth st. Cincinnati. The burial will take place in the Alexandria Cemetery. Undertaker Gus Menninger will have charge.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 26 January 1905, page 9
The funeral of John Dufhuss, who was stricken with heart failure last Sunday morning while at his devotions in Corpus Christi Church, took place yesterday morning with services at the edifice where his death occurred. The remains were interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 27 January 1905, page 3
Mrs. William A Huber, 67, died at the residence, Sixth and Dayton av. Dayton yesterday afternoon. She was one of the prominent women of Dayton. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 1:30 pm from her residence and interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery. A husband and six children survive her.
Mrs. Mary Kemphaus, 67, widow of Barney of 98 Patterson st. Newport died this morning.
Page 7-Mrs. C F Kendall, 83, died at the residence of her son, Chas G Kendall, of Bluegrass av. Ft Thomas. The funeral will take place from the residence next Saturday afternoon, and interment will be in Spring Grove Cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev J P Strather of the Highlands M E Church.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 January 1905, page 5
Mrs. William Huber will be carried to her grave by her sons, Julius, George, William and Ben, having been selected as pallbearers. The funeral will take place from the home, Sixth av. Dayton at 1:30 pm Sunday, Rev Emigholz conducting the service.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 30 January 1905, page 5
Martin Bauer, 60, who has led the life of a recluse in a shack at Three Mile Creek, in the rear of Newport, died Saturday. Bauer had been ill for some weeks of dropsy. He was a bachelor. He left sufficient money for burial, but no known relatives.
Robert Fleischer, 45, died yesterday at his home, 1120 Fifth av. Dayton Ky. of pneumonia. The deceased leaves a widow and four children. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon from the residence.
The funeral of Mrs. William Huber, held yesterday afternoon from the residence, Sixth and Dayton av. Dayton, was one of the largest in the history of this city. Her four sons acted as pall bearers. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery.
Magdalena Berger, 65, who had been living with her daughter at 504 Chestnut st. Newport, was found dead in her room of heart disease. The deceased was the widow of Joseph Berger.
Word was received in Newport this morning of the death of Mrs. Samuel Shaw, 72, which occurred in Louisville last night. Mrs. Shaw was a pioneer resident of Campbell County and was on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Charles Adams. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 pm at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. L K Marty in the Highlands.
The funeral of Mrs. Kendall, mother of Charles P Kendall, took place Saturday afternoon from the residence on Blue Grass av. Highlands. Rev J M Bramkamp of the Trinity Lutheran Church officiated. Interment at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 30 January 1905, page 5
Mary E Irwin (nee Chapman) wife of James S Irwin, of St Louis Mo. died January 27. Burial from 410 East Fourth st. Newport Ky. Tuesday, January 31, 10 am.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 31 January 1905, page 5
John Hohmeister, 48, died at his residence, 811 Central av. (Newport) yesterday. The funeral will take place Thursday from residence. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
Miss Laura Masmeister, 18, 203 W Tenth st. (Newport) died last night after a long illness. Funeral Thursday from residence. Burial will be at Spring Grove Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Feldman, 46, took place today from the residence, 13 Mill st. (Newport) Burial was at St John Cemetery.
Henry Neff, 76, a pioneer citizen of Campbell County, died yesterday at his home in Camp Springs
Mrs. E O Wright, a former resident of this city (Dayton Ky) died at her home in Davenport Iowa. Funeral services were held at the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 2 February 1905, page 5
Victoria Spitzelburger, 62, residing at 1014 John st. Newport, died yesterday. She leaves a husband and family of grown children.
Mrs. Anna Mary Laefflet, 75, a pioneer resident of Dayton, died at her home, near Clark's Grove yesterday. Three sons and a daughter survive her.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 5 February 1905, page 7
Postmaster Frank Williams of Mentor Ky. died yesterday at his home. The deceased was 72 years of age and was the father of Representative Harry Williams. A wife and two sons survive him. Mr. Williams was one of the pioneer residents of Campbell County. The funeral will take place this afternoon.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 6 February 1905, page 8
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Viola Kerver, 8; Rose Ball, 17; Magdalene Berger, 70; Victoria Spitzelberger, 62; Anna Mullen, 5; Samuel Fromhold 32; Laura Masmunster, 18; John Hofmeister, 48; Anna Feldman, 46; John Reinfelder, 57; Ann Schaefer, 67; James Mefford, 64; Frank Schming, 81.
Gus Schraffenberger died at his home, Lafayette and Center streets, Bellevue, yesterday of cirrhosis of the liver and complications. The deceased was 28? years of age and was the son of Val Schraffenberger, member of the Board of Education.
E F Rice died at his home, Fourth and Boone streets, last evening of pneumonia. The deceased was 54 years of age and leaves a widow and 12 children.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 February 1905, page 5
Mrs. Christina Doller, 72, died Saturday at the home of her son in law, Clem Voet, 728 Monroe st. The deceased had resided in Newport over a half century and leaves three sons, Adam, Jacob and George Doller and one daughter, Mrs. Voet. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning with services at St Stephen Church.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 7 February 1905, page 5
The remains of Mrs. Mary Lefflet, which were place in the vault, will be removed for burial Feb 28 in St Francis Cemetery. The estate left amounts to $500.
Mrs. Sarah Seahill, 52, Grandview av. Bellevue, died early today from a spell of grip. No funeral arrangements have been made as yet.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 13 February 1905, page 5
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T Groll of 175 Rhensford st, Bellevue, are mourning the loss of their six month old baby, whose death occurred yesterday.
Page 8-Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Irwin Lannus, 7m; Infant McDonald, 1 hour; Margaret Wuesten, 78; Christian Deiler, 69; Magdalene Muench, 20 days; Josephine Reuter, 82; Valentine Schulz, 11 days; Rose Copienger, 25; Jacob Endrea, 2m; Edward Tranthoff, 32; Martha Heidelberger, 7m.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T Groll, of 175 Rhensford street, Bellevue, are mourning the loss of their bright six month old baby, whose death occurred yesterday.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 16 February 1905, page 9
The remains of Albert G Dobrentel, brother of Louis Dobrentel of this city, whose death occurred at St Louis, were yesterday interred at Wesleyan Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 22 February 1905, page 9
Elizabeth Helnen, 74, a pioneer resident of Newport, died late Monday at the home of her son, Anthony Darpel, 622 German street. Old age was the cause of death. The deceased was three times a widow and leaves four children.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 23 February 1905, page 5
Mrs. Anna Schmidt, 87, a widow, residing at 723 German st. Newport, died yesterday at her home after a lingering illness. Two sons and two daughters survive her. Old age was the cause of death.
Charles Beenley, aged 73, an old resident of Campbell County, died at the residence of his son, William T Beenley, 12 West Fourth st. Newport, late Tuesday night. The funeral took place at 2 pm today with services at the house.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 24 February 1905, page 5
Robert Bean, Fifth and Clay sts. died at 11 am today at the home of his sister, Mrs. Moore. Bean was an old street car conductor, but has lived away from Dayton for some years. He returned two weeks ago saying he wished to die at home.
Robert Plettner, agent of the Balke estate in Bellevue and prominent in Odd Fellows, Ben Hurr, Knights of Pythias circles, died at 10:30 am today at his home on Berry av. His failing health forced him to abandon his position as assistant Chief of Police some time ago. He leaves a widow and two sons.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 26 February 1905, page 7
Word was received here yesterday of the death at Persimmon Grove of James Allen brother-in-law of Phillip Offenbacher of 1024 Monmouth street. Pneuminia was the cause of death. The deceased was 40 years of age and leaves a widow and one daughter. The funeral will take place this afternoon.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 28 February 1905, page 5
Henry Loehr, 57, who for years with his express wagon a familiar figure about Courthouse sq. Newport, died yesterday at his home, 23 E Thirteenth st. He leaves a widow and family of grown children. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.
The death of Christian Schwartz, a pioneer resident of Newport, was yesterday reported from the County Infirmary. The deceased was 60 years of age and leaves two sons and two daughters. Relatives took charge of the remains.
The funeral of P H Wilson took place yesterday afternoon, services being held at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph M Shaw, in the Highlands. Rev Robinson officiated and the remains were temporarily placed in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Philip Brady died at an early hour this morning at her residence, 746 Central av. Newport. She leaves a husband and four children and she had been ill for a long time. The funeral will take place Friday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 March 1905, page 5
Mrs. Girardin, mother-in-law of Thomas A Valentine, died at her home on Sixth st. Newport last night
Mrs. Lawrence Rust died yesterday afternoon at the residence, 914 Washington av. Newport, after a long illness. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon from the house.
The funeral of Harry Eilers took place at 2 pm from the residence on Foot av. Bellevue, Rev J N Ervin officiating. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
A special meeting of Mingo Tribe, No 93, IORM was held last evening for the purpose of taking action on the death of Edward Twilling. Charles Speckman, Christ Schott, Joseph Widrig and Joseph Meyer were appointed as honorary pallbearers as Twilling had requested that his cousins, Clem Willmet, George Toppe, George Shaley and Charles Gunnewick act as active pallbearers. Funeral Wednesday morning at St Stephen Church at 9 o'clock. Interment at St Mary Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Before Mrs. Barbara Schaefer died (Bellevue) she requested that Col. Thomas McGrady speak a few words at her funeral. Belonging to no church, she desired no minister and McGrady consented. The service while short, was solemn. The remains were placed in a vault in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 2 March 1905, page 5
Mrs. Anna Shoemaker, 64, of 213 East Eighth st. Newport died yesterday of pneumonia. The funeral will take place Saturday at 9 am from St Stephen Church. Interment in St Stephen Cemetery.
Robert Radley, 70, died at his home, 434 Thornton st. Newport, last night of pneumonia. Monday-Mar 6, The funeral of Robert Radley took place yesterday afternoon, services being held at Evergreen chapel. Rev Ernst Von Hohmann Arning officiated.
Mrs. Elizabeth Byers, widow of W J Byers, died yesterday at the Avenel Hotel, near Ft Thomas. The decedent was the sister of the late Robert Mitchell, the furniture manufacturer. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon from the residence of W H Willis in Avondale.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 2 March 1905, page 5
Mrs. Elizabeth Byers, widow of W J Byers, died yesterday at the Avenel Hotel near Ft Thomas. The decedent was the sister of the late Robert Mitchell, the furniture manufacturer. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon from the residence of W H Ellis in Avondale.
Page 7-Mrs. Philip Brady (nee Foley) Feb 28. Funeral from residence, 746 Central av. Newport Ky. Friday morning 9 am. Services at Church of Immaculate Conception.
Mrs. Anna Shoemaker, 64, of 213 East Eighth st. Newport, died yesterday of pneumonia. The funeral will take place Saturday at 9 am from St Stephen Church. Interment in St Stephen Cemetery.
Robert Radley, 70, died at his home 434 Thornton st. Newport, last night of pneumonia.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 3 March 1905, page 2
The funeral of Mrs. Annette Girdin took place this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Marie Moore, Sixth street, Newport.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Shoemaker, 64, of 213 East Eighth st. Newport, will take place tomorrow morning from St Stephen Church. Interment will be in St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of Kate Neltner whose death occurred yesterday as a result of being accidentally shot by her brother, took place this morning, with services at the Catholic Church, Cold Spring. The shooting occurred last week at the Neltner home. Young Neltner while playing with a rifle he supposed to be empty, playfully pointed it at his sister and pulled the trigger. The fatal wound resulted.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 8 March 1905, page 7
Edwin Theodore Colling, son of Mr. and Mrs. J T Colling at the family residence, 31 W Third st. Newport Ky. Funeral Thursday March 8.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 9 March 1905, page 5
Miss Katherine Neidel, 22, died at her home, 925 Central av. Newport late Tuesday night, after a lingering illness. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.
The funeral of Mrs. Edith Rummel took place yesterday, services being held at Evergreen Chapel, Rev J P Whitehead officiated and the remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 10 March 1905, page 10
The funeral of Miss Katie Messick, Third av. and Boone st. Dayton, took place this morning at 8:30 from St Francis Church, Rev Griefenkamp performing requiem mass. The pallbearers were Hermann Schwerijohann, Nicholas Luken, Benjamin Smith, August Peters. The interment was in St Francis Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 11 March 1905, page 5
Frank Luigert, 68, father-in-law of Fireman George C Newer, died yesterday at his home, 1020 Monmouth st. Newport.
Lawrence the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gleason of 514 Powell st. Newport died yesterday.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 March 1905, page 5
Coroner Higgins held an inquest Saturday on the infant of Charles Baldwin, of 218 West Fifth st.. The baby died on hour after birth. Dr. Higgins decided that death was due to inanition.
Miss Katherine Schmide, 28, of 713 Ann st. Newport died suddenly yesterday. The funeral will take place Tuesday from the Immaculate Conception Church.
John Williamson, 54, who has been living at 720 Fifth av. Dayton Ky. died suddenly today from the effects of an attack of grip. While he had been sick but a few days, his death was unexpected and came at 10 am. He leaves a widow and daughter and was well known.
Miss Mary Muldoon, West Third st. Dayton Ky. received word today at 10 am that her brother had died in Newport. The brother had died yesterday evening and the sister only heard of his death at the hour mentioned. She was prostrated as his death was unexpected. Chief of Police Long notified her.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 March 1905, page 5
Mrs. Lena Nichols, widow of Fred Nichols, died yesterday morning at her home, 409 York st. Newport. The deceased was the mother of Albert and Fred Nichols, the confectioners.
Darby Muldoon, 70, died yesterday at his home, 425 West Fourth st. Newport, after a short illness. Pneumonia was the cause of death. The deceased had been an employee of a candle factory for 30 years.
No arrangements for the funeral of John Williamson, 726 Fifth st. Dayton Ky. have been made yet.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 15 March 1905, page 5
Frank Lang, 18, of 904 Orchard st. Newport, died yesterday afternoon after a lingering illness. He was formerly connected with a local railroad office.
John Schultz, 40, of Seventh and Ann sts. Newport, died yesterday. He leaves a widow and three children.
The funeral of Dr. Hubbard Eldis, an intern of the Good Samaritan Hospital, took place yesterday afternoon, services being held at residence of Dr. W J Thomasson on York st. Newport. The pall bearers were Drs. Weaver, Stuntz, Sikes and Smith. The remains were interred at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 17 March 1905, page 5
Oliver E Schuck, formerly of Allegheny Pa. died yesterday after a lingering illness at the home of his sister, Mrs. John Ridd, 946 York st. Newport.
The funeral of John A Lang, of 904 Orchard st. took place yesterday, services being held at St Paul's German Church. The remains were buried at Evergreen Cemetery.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hopperton, of Thornton and Patterson sts. Newport, died yesterday.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 17 March 1905, page 5
Katherine Diederich, died at her residence, Ninth and Ann sts. Newport Ky. on Tuesday, March 14, 1905, aged 74. Funeral from St Aloysius Church Covington at 9 am Saturday, March 19. (Trenton NJ papers please copy)
Theresa Faber (nee Mattler) died on Thursday, March 16 at 12:55 am. fortified with the holy sacrament, aged 65 years 7 months and 6 days. Funeral on Monday, March 20 at 8:30 am from residence, 818 Overton st. Newport Ky. Requiem high mass at St Stephen Church at 9 am. Friends invited.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 20 March 1905, page 5
The funeral of Oliver Shuck took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of Mrs. John Ridd, 946 York st. Newport. Rev Begelow officiated and the remains were buried in Evergreen.
Miss Anna M Boss, of Ironton O. who has been the guest of her brother, W L Boss of Park av. Newport, Sunday received the sad intelligence of the sudden death of their mother at the age of 68 years.
James Cunnings, 78, an old resident of Newport, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital, Covington after a long illness. He resided on Chestnut st. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the Immaculate Conception Church and the burial will take place at St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of John Trapp will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Trapp home in South Bellevue. Church services will also be held in the Evergreen Chapel. John Trapp Obituary
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 21 March 1905, page 3
The remains of Barbara Schaefer will be removed from the vault in Evergreen Cemetery Thursday and buried.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 22 March 1905, page 5
The funeral of Gus Williamson took place this morning at 10 am with services at the First Baptist Church, corner of Eighth and York sts. Newport. Rev Perryman officiated and the remains interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of William J Connely took place this afternoon from the residence, 921 Walnut st. Dayton. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.
Frances Pille, 30, West Fifth st. Dayton, who died at Lakeland Asylum of a paralytic stroke, will be buried tomorrow in St John Cemetery, St Bernard O.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 23 March 1905, page 3
The funeral of William J Connelly, who died suddenly, was held yesterday afternoon and was largely attended. The burial was in Evergreen Cemetery.
Joseph Schu, 52, of Sixth st. Dayton, died at 9:30 today from cancer of the throat. He was a member of the German Workman's Society, the Knights of St George, ex-member of the Board of Education and leaves a widow, five sons and a daughter.
The funeral of Frances Pille, a pioneer resident of Campbell County, took place this morning, with high requiem mass at St Stephen.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 25 March 1905, page 4
The identity of the man found dead in a barn in this city (Washington Ind.) Monday was established when Mrs. Catherine Young of 816 Central av. Newport Ky. arrived and identified him as her brother, William Winters, who made his home at the Farmer's Hotel in Newport, previous to coming here. Although he had been working here several years, he was known by no name other than William Young, he having assumed the name of a nephew, who also resided at Newport. His death was caused by exposure and heart trouble.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 27 March 1905, page 5
Charles Pickelman (sic) residing at 733 Central av. Newport died yesterday after a short illness. Charles Pickering Obituary
Mrs. Mary Sendelbach, 53, residing at 26 East Tenth st. Newport died yesterday.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 31 March 1905, page 7
Scott Daniels, 17, son of Mrs. Evaline Daniels of 206 Columbia ave. Newport, died last night at his home of typhoid fever.
Frank Grossheim, 20, son of John H Grossheim of 406 West Tenth st. Newport, has been killed in Cleveland O. by a train. Young Grossheim was well known in Newport, where he was born and reared. He left some months ago to go to work in Cleveland.
Coroner Higgins yesterday rendered a verdict of accident in the death of Michael Kelly, whose body was found under a trestle in Dayton.
Mary Cook of 1013 Washington av. Newport, died yesterday afternoon.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 3 April 1905, page 7
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Yetta Bartell, 1m, bronchitis; John Charles Pickleman, 52, cirrhosis of liver; William Strucker, 65, heart failure; Mary Sendebach, 54, jaundice; Michael Hall, 25, Brights disease; Elizabeth Hunter, 64, old age; Scott Daniels, 13, pneumonia; Mary Cook, 49, carcinoma.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 April 1905, page 5
Henry Tabke, express-man, died last evening at the home of his mother, Mrs. Alwina Tabke, 810 Saratoga st. Newport. The deceased was 33 years old and single.
Patrick Tighe, 42, died of pneumonia yesterday at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Carl Wertman, southeast corner of Eleventh and Patterson sts. Newport.
John Ziegler, 95, died yesterday at the residence of his son, John Ziegler, 311 West Eight st. Newport. The deceased leaves a son and four daughters.
Thomas Hearn, 39, son of the late Maj. Hearn of Newport and brother of Capt. Lawrence Hearn, died last night. A widow survives. The remains are at the home of his sister, Mrs. Thomas Coyne of 929 York st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 April 1905, page 3
Thomas Hearn, son of the late Major Hearn, of Newport, and brother of Lawrence Hearn, of the 21s Infantry and Mrs. Gerald O'Brien of Pittsburg Pa, died Monday April 3, at 10 pm of pneumonia, aged 39 years. Funeral Thursday, April 6, from late residence, 929 York st. Newport with requiem mass at Immaculate Conception Church at 9 am. Interment at St Mary Cemetery, Covington. He leaves a widow, Margaret Morgan Hearn, daughter of Thomas and Rose Morgan.
Henry T Tabke, beloved son of Mrs. Alvina Tabke, died April 3. Funeral Thursday at 9 am from St Stephen Church, Newport.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 6 April 1905, page 5
Herman Bertka, 79, one of the pioneer citizens of Newport, died yesterday at his home on West Eleventh st.
The body of Edward Trautloff was buried from a vault in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Henry F Tabke was held at 9 o'clock this morning from St Stephen Church.
Word was received here yesterday of the death at Terre Haute Ind. of Julian Taylor, son of the late Barry Taylor and nephew of Col. John B Taylor of Newport. The remains will be brought here and the funeral services will be held at St Paul M E Church.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 7 April 1905, page 7
Mrs. Rebecca Patterson (nee Mills) died at her home, Chilo O. after a lingering illness. She was well known in Bellevue and leaves several relatives to mourn her loss.
Mrs. Raisbeck, 100 Washington av. Bellevue, has returned from Dayton O. where she has been attending the funeral of her sister, Miss Ellis, who died after a two weeks illness.
The funeral of Edward Zimmer, the 7 month old son of Edward Zimmer, took place today from the home at 1:30 pm. Rev Emigholz conducting the services.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 10 April 1905, page 5
The family of Harriet L Cutter, who walked into the Ohio River nearly a week ago, are still prosecuting the search for the body today. It probably floated to the outside of the barges and thence down the river, where it may be heard from at some remote point. See also April 26.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 13 April 1905, page 5
Ralph P Goetz, the 2 year old son of Councilman Frank Goetz, died yesterday at the family residence on Monmouth st. Newport. Bronchitis was the cause of death. The remains will be taken to Alexandria and interred there tomorrow morning.
The funeral of America McAtee took place yesterday afternoon with services at the family residence, 107 Monmouth st. Newport. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
William Pelle, Deputy Sheriff at Alexandria, died yesterday at his home, aged 51 years. The Alexandria Lodge of Odd Fellows and Jewel Lodge K of P, will have charge of the funeral which will be held tomorrow morning with services from the German Lutheran Church.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 14 April 1905, page 7
Arthur Webster, 33, Ninth and Thornton st. Dayton, died before midnight. He leaves a widow, his four year old daughter, Marie, having died in December. The funeral will take place Sunday at 2 pm from the house, services by Rev Emigholz of the German Lutheran Church. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery. He was a member of the Knights of Fidelity who will attend in a body.
Ex-Councilman Henry Reckers, Fourth av. Dayton, who has been very ill, died at 1 pm this afternoon. He was well known and liked by a host of friends.
Mrs. Thomas Wormald and daughter, Mrs. Betty Harding arrived today from Maysville Ky. where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Wormald’s sister, Mrs. Betty Williams
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 15 April 1905, page 5
Mrs. John Ehlen died early yesterday morning after a short illness at her residence, Monmouth and Eleventh sts. Newport.
Daniel, the 11 month old child of Daniel Stapleton, of 931 Columbia st. Newport died yesterday of pneumonia. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from St Stephen Church.
Mrs. Hannah Boyd, widow of Judge F A Boyd, a former well known citizen of Newport, passed away at her home at Beard's Station near Louisville, at the age of 88 years. The remains were brought here, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. A A Wood, for burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
Coroner Higgins stated today that no post mortem would be held in the case of Lena Schmidt, whose sudden death occurred at the home of her parents, 1039 Hamlet st. Newport Thursday night. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon, with services at Evergreen Chapel and the body will be placed in the vault.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 April 1905, page 2
The 2 year old son of Harry J Klonne, 1101 Second av. Dayton, died Saturday and was buried today from the residence.
Mrs. Isabell Mooney, 84, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ausdemoore, 214 Sixth av. Dayton. The remains will be shipped to Goshen Ind. Wednesday morning for interment.
The funeral of Arthur Webster took place yesterday afternoon from the residence on Thornton st. Dayton. Rev C Emigholz conducted the service. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 5-The funeral of Lena Schmidt, of 1039 Hamlet st. the cause of whose sudden death Thursday night remains a mystery took place yesterday afternoon, services being held at the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery, Rev Schaeffer officiating.
The funeral of Harry, the young son of Letter Carrier Harry King, took place yesterday Rev Whitehead officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. John Ehlen took place yesterday afternoon. Services were held at the family residence, 1038 Monmouth st. Newport, Rev Von Hohmann Arning officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
The remains of John Schultz Jr. will be taken from the vault at St Stephen Cemetery tomorrow afternoon and interred in the family lot.
Mary Hunkler, 52, widow and the mother of Xavier Hunkler, dairyman, was found dead in bed at her home on Three Mile Creek, early yesterday morning. Her son made the discovery that she was dead on going to her room to call her. Coroner Higgins investigate the case and found that death was due to heart failure and returned a verdict accordingly.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 18 April 1905, page 5
The funeral of Fred W Kuhlman, who committed suicide at this home on Park av. Newport, last Saturday, took place yesterday afternoon, services being held at the family residence, Rev Von Hahmann Arning officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
C A Mahone, a woodturner, died yesterday morning at his home on Van Voast av. Bellevue. Two children, a son and daughter survive him.
Funeral services were conducted at 7:30 pm last night over the remains of Mrs. Isabel Mooney at the residence of her son-in-law, Harry Ausdemoore, 217 Sixth av. Dayton. Rev W A Wray officiated. The remains were shipped to Goshen Ind. for interment.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 21 April 1905, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Saelinger, a pioneer citizen of Brent took place Thursday morning from St Joseph Church, Cold Spring.
Page 7-Newport Lodge of Elks met last night and appointed Thomas Ford, H A Hollmeyer, Joseph Eckert and A M Jordan honorary pallbearers to represent the lodge at the funeral of Edward Lear.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 22 April 1905, page 3
Edward A Lear, aged 49 years, beloved husband of Louise Lear (nee Stall) died Wednesday April 19 at 10:30 am at Newport. Funeral Monday at 8:30 am from residence, 1042 Park av. Newport. Funeral services at 9 am St Stephen Church.
Russell G Shinkle, died at his residence, 315 Berry av. Bellevue, April 21, at 8:15 pm. Funeral Sunday, April 23 at 2 pm from late residence. Interment at Spring Grove.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 24 April 1905, page 5
Archibald Bowie, 65, died last night from a stroke of paralysis at his home on Washington av. Bellevue. He leaves a widow and four children.
Mrs. Jesse R Green, 62, died at her home 160 Van Voast av. Bellevue last night of Brights disease.
Mrs. John T Colling, Grace Marie (nee Temple) died at her home 31 West Third st. Newport yesterday morning, age 37. A husband and four children survive her. Requiem mass at Church of Immaculate Conception on Tuesday, at 9 am.
Frank Horst, 69, of 430 West Fourth st. Newport, died Saturday of pneumonia. His wife died three weeks ago of the same ailment. When he became ill his system refused to respond to the best of treatment. He was Superintendent of a Cincinnati furniture store and leaves one daughter, Mrs. Louisa Hehman. The funeral took place today with interment at the German Protestant Cemetery, Walnut Hills.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 25 April 1905, page 5
Mrs. Louise Fierlein (nee Fischer) died last night at the home of her brother in law, E C Remme, 826 Washington av. Newport.
The funeral of Archibald Bowie will take place at 2 pm tomorrow from the residence, 347 Washington av. Bellevue.
The funeral of Mrs. Louise D Green was held at 2 pm this afternoon with services at the residence, 160 Van Voast Av. Bellevue.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 26 April 1905, page 5
The remains of Harriet L Cutter, who committed suicide by jumping into the Ohio River at the foot of Lafayette av. April 6, were removed from the establishment of Linneman & Moore, Covington to Cunningham's in Bellevue last night and taken to the house early today. The funeral was held at 10 o'clock and the interment was in Evergreen Cemetery. The body was so decomposed that the casket was not opened to friends. Andrew Cutter, father of the unfortunate girl, was reached while on a business trip. The mother is prostrated.
The funeral of James Parrock, of Ludlow Ky. who died yesterday morning will take place tomorrow at 1:30 pm from the residence. Rev William Jones, pastor of the Methodist Church will conduct the funeral services. The interment will take place in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 27 April 1905, page 3
Mrs. Annie Caldwell, aged 54 years died yesterday at her residence, Hawthorne, Campbell County of paralytic stroke. Funeral from Licking Valley Baptist Church, Friday, April 28 at 11 am. She left 10 children, 7 girls and 3 boys. Wife of Zas Caldwell.
Kentucky Post, Friday 28 April 1905, page 7
Robert S Cleburne, whose death occurred Wednesday, will be buried tomorrow afternoon in Erlanger Cemetery. The funeral will take place from the residence, 620 Monroe st. Newport, under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity. Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows. The deceased was born in Ireland in 1839 and come to America in 1859. He was a member of Robert Burns Lodge of Masons for 52 years and Noah’s Dove Lodge of Odd Fellows 41 years. He was chief engineer of the old Pike Building for 26 years and was a brother of Pat Cleburne, the celebrated Confederate General. He leaves a widow and one daughter.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 29 April 1905, page 3
Mrs. Charles Mulvey, 25, wife of Charles, a railroad clerk, died this morning at her home, 342 West Fourth st. Newport. Coroner Higgins found she died from rheumatism of the heart, complaining several days ago of pains in the region of her heart.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 30 April 1905, page 4
Jonathan Barnes, an old resident of Newport Ky. died Friday at the residence of his niece, Mrs. Charles A Smith, 3578 Gilbert av. Walnut Hills, aged 84 years, 7 months. Funeral Monday, May 1 at 2 pm at Spiritual Temple, Overton st. between Eighth and Ninth, Newport. Friends invited.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 May 1905, page 5
The funeral of 3 year old Jeanette Wilson, whose death was caused by burns, took place Saturday from the residence of the deceased father, Arthur J Wilson, 729 Second av. Dayton. Burial was at Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. John Madden, Fifth and Jackson sts. Dayton, was taken to Speers Hospital yesterday afternoon, where an operation was performed, from the effects of which she died. The remains were taken to her late home.
Mrs. Kate Lombard, 60, wife of Charles K Lombard, Commander of Granville Moody Post GAR, died suddenly just before midnight yesterday. Mrs. Lombard was talking to a neighbor 30 minutes before she expired. She had been suffering from grip, which developed into asthma. The funeral will take place from the house 524 Sixth av. Dayton, at 1 pm tomorrow, conducted by Rev Boreing. Interment in Wesleyan Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Mrs. J Bierman, who for many years was a resident of Dayton, died at the home of her son, Lewis, Price Hill rd. Cincinnati at 4 am yesterday. She was well known in Campbell County.
Nicholas McCarthy, 337 Van Voast av. Bellevue, died last night at St Mary's Hospital of a complication of diseases. A widow and several children survive him.
Lizette Roth, 2 years; Newport and Ernst Hurd, 2 years; Newport
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 3 May 1905, page 5
Henry Fresenberg, 85, one of the oldest residents of Newport, died Sunday at his home on Fifth st. near Brighton. He accumulated a fortune in the gold fields of California during the days of '49. He left several sons and daughters.
Coroner Higgins has returned a verdict of death, due to paralysis of the heart, in the case of Robert Todd, 67, who died suddenly at his home 209 East Tenth st. Newport, Monday.
The funeral of Mrs. John Madden, who died Sunday at Speers Hospital, was held this morning from St Anthony Church.
Mrs. Herman Eilemann, 67, a well known resident of Newport, died this morning at her late home, 817 York st. after a lingering illness. Mrs. Eilerman was the mother of the Eilerman boys, successful merchants of Newport and Covington, and her death will be mourned by a large circle of acquaintances. The funeral will take place Saturday at St Stephen Church.
Coroner Higgins yesterday declared that the death of the11 day old child of David Power, of 323 Berry av. Bellevue was due to congestion of the lungs.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 15 May 1905, page 5
Mrs. Moser, widow of Adam Moser, died late Saturday night at her home, 164 Ward Avenue, Bellevue, aged 79 years.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 19 May 1905, page 5
Viola Recher, 20, residing at 120 West Sixth st. died yesterday at her home, Newport after a short illness.
The remains of Alfred Mains were shipped to Moscow Ky. yesterday by Funeral Director Erschell for interment.
The funeral of George Apkar, who died suddenly at the Cincinnati Hospital yesterday, will take place Sunday morning from the residence of his sister, Mrs. Fisher, 106 East Second st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 May 1905, page 5
Bernard H Geise, 67, died Saturday at his home 207 Berry Avenue, Bellevue. He was a retired cigar box manufacturer of Cincinnati. He leaves a widow and a family of grown children. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from the Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue.
Edward Miller, 26, son of Louisa Miller, died last night at his home, 417 Columbia Street, Newport of paralysis. The stroke was the second within a year.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 26 May 1905, page 7
Mrs. Ann Dolan, who was found dead at her bedside Wednesday night, was buried from St Francis Church this morning, the remains interred in Four Mile Cemetery. Her son Joseph, who has been in Speers Hospital for a month with injuries sustained on the C&O Railroad track, was assisted from his cot to the Dolan Home and from there to the church, to witness the funeral service.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 30 May 1905, page 5
Mrs. Richard H Metcalf, 47, of 408 Ward av. Bellevue, died last night. Mrs. Metcalf had been sick for some time and was well known.
Arthur Branditz, youngest son of William, well known in Bellevue, died in St Louis Saturday of diphtheria.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 June 1905, page 5
The Newport authorities succeeded in getting word to the relatives of Harry Mitchell, an iron worker, who was found dead in bed yesterday at his boarding house. Mitchell's mother and brother who resided in Cleveland, were notified. He was engaged to Miss Sallie Lynn of Newport.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 8 June 1905, page 5
The funeral of Thomas Baugh took place yesterday afternoon. Services were held at the family residence, 235 West Tenth st. and the remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Julius E Gablers will was probated yesterday in Campbell Circuit Court. He directs that his estate shall remain in his wife's name until her death, when it shall be divided between his daughters, Amelia and Ottilia Gabler.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 19 June 1905, page 5
The remains of Charles Cramer, 31, who died at Lakeland Asylum, were received yesterday by Funeral Director Smith and taken to the family residence, 1032 Patterson st. Newport. The funeral took place this afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev Nelson officiated.
The funeral of William W Wolff, whose accidental fall from a derrick in Cincinnati proved fatal, will take place tomorrow afternoon with services at 2 o'clock at the family residence, 611 Robert st. Newport.
Germain Riesenberg, the infant daughter of Councilman Herman Riesenberg, died suddenly of convulsions at her home on Ann st. Newport.
Chester Bryan Randle, 12, son of Mrs. Ella M Randle of 505 York st. Newport, died Sunday.
Nicholas Schwartz, Fairfield av. Bellevue, received the news this morning of the death of his father, Nicholas Schwartz, 1622 Race st. Cincinnati. He was 78 years of age. He leaves three daughters and one son.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 20 June 1905, page 5
Mrs. Fannie Tilton, 35, residing at 20 East Eighth st. Newport, died yesterday at her home following a severe attack of scarlet fever.
Chester, 12, son of Ella Randle died Sunday. The funeral took place at 2 pm today from the Christian Church on Overton st. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Clarence Whitehead who was fatally burned Saturday night, will take place tomorrow morning, with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The remains will be interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
Miss Bessie Hutchinson, daughter of Magistrate Hutchinson, and a member of this years graduating class of the Newport High School, is dangerously ill with dropsy. She has been ill since May and has been unconscious since Sunday morning. Additional News: Bessie Hutchinson, 19, daughter of Squire Ken Hutchinson, died last night after a short illness of Brights disease. She was one of the recent graduates of the Newport High School but she was taken ill just before the commencement exercises and was unable to attend. Her diploma was entrusted to a companion graduate, who presented it to her at her home.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 June 1905, page 5
W J Wright, 71, pioneer resident of Campbell County, died last night at the home of Thomas Kelch, his son in law, 345 Mt. Pleasant av. Ft Thomas. The funeral will take place tomorrow, with interment at Alexandria. Three grown children survive him.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 3 July 1905, page 5
Mrs. Marie McLaughlin, 48, an old resident of Newport, died Saturday at the home of her sister Mrs. Patrick Hallorn, 226 West Southgate st. Newport. She leaves four sons and two daughters.
Mrs. Mary Holland, 74, widow of John Holland, died Saturday night at her home, 715 Isabella st. Newport after a week's illness. General debility was the cause of death. The deceased leaves four children, Louis, George, Joseph and Nellie Holland. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning with services at 8 o'clock at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The members of the Ladies Altar Society will attend the funeral.
George Schweikert, 78, uncle of Councilman John Schweikert, died yesterday at his home, corner of Ninth and Orchards sts. after a short illness. Heart trouble was the cause of death.
Eliza Thomas, 79, a former resident of Newport, died yesterday at Speers Hospital after a lengthy illness. The remains will be shipped to Mt. Zion Ky. for interment.
The funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Eliza Thomas, 79, whose death occurred yesterday at Speers Hospital of paralysis will be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock at Smith's undertaking establishment on Monmouth st. Newport. Rev L Robinson of the Taylor st. M E Church, officiating. The body will be shipped to Frost Station on the C&O Railroad tomorrow, where the interment will take place.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 7 July 1905, page 3
Mrs. Barbara Breitenstein died at 12:50 am July 6, at her home Dayton Ky. aged 72 years. Funeral from St Francis Church at 9 am Saturday. Burial at St John Cemetery, St Bernard O.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 8 July 1905, page 16
Mrs. Minnie Scheyer died suddenly yesterday morning at her residence, 931 Columbia street. Apoplexy was the cause of her death. Coroner Higgins held an inquest later and rendered a verdict in accordance with the above facts.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 8 July 1905, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Barbara Breitenstein took place this morning from St Francis Church, Rev Broerman officiating. The four oldest sons of the deceased, Theodore, Otto, William and Richard, acted as pallbearers.
Albert Wall, until recently a resident of Bellevue, died at Chicago this week and was buried yesterday.
The body of Harry H Bliss was brought to the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Major of Washington st. Bellevue Ky. He had gone to attend the National Convention of the Modern Woodmen of America, as delegate from Cincinnati, of which he was duputy. While there he was removed to Trinity Hospital, suffering from blood poisoning and died on July 5. He was 46 years of age and is survived by his widow. The funeral will be Sunday at 2 pm under the auspices of the Modern Woodmen.
William Beasley has received the sad news of the death of his brother, Albert, 21, in Tucson, Ariz. July 5, of consumption. Beasley was well known in Bellevue and leaves no family. The remains will be shipped to Bellevue.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 11 July 1905, page 5
Louis Betz, brother of William and Joseph Betz, died last night at his home, 125 East Fifth st. Newport. He had been ailing for over two years and death was not unexpected. Stomach trouble was the cause. He leaves a widow and one child, 13. The funeral will be held at St Stephen Church tomorrow morning at 10 am.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 12 July 1905, page 5
The funeral of 8 year old Rose Denneman, who was ground to pieces under the wheels of a fast C&O passenger train Monday morning took place this morning with services at St Stephen Church.
Miss Anna Witte, granddaughter of Mrs. Anna Reichert, died yesterday after a short illness and will be buried tomorrow at 2 pm from St Paul Church.
The body of August Duve, the young man who drowned in the Ohio River Monday near Brent Station, was recovered today. Duve was here from Chicago to visit his parents who reside at 220 West Seventh st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 15 July 1905, page 4
Minnie Moore, 15, whose home is at Milton, Trimble, Ky has disappeared from a boarding house at 321 Pike st. following the death of her sweetheart, Clarence Witheat of Newport Ky. who was killed two weeks ago by an explosion.
Page 5-Robert Moore, 70, formerly of this city died yesterday at Speers Hospital.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 July 1905, page 5
Mrs. Henry Eggers, 50, residing at 914 Saratoga st. Newport died yesterday after a lingering illness.
Margaret Costigan, widow of William Costigan and mother of Funeral Director M J Costigan, died Saturday at her home, 332 West Sixth st. Newport, at the advanced age of 80 years. Old age and general debility were the causes of death. The deceased leaves four children, Mrs. R H Richmond, Mrs. J R Riffe, T W and M J Costigan. Margaret Costigan will be buried tomorrow at 8:15 am from the residence 332 W Sixth st. Newport, with requiem high mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 19 July 1905, page 5
The funeral of Margaret Costigan, mother of M J Cositgan, took place yesterday from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The pallbearers were M F Donelan, T P Bodkin, Patrick O'Brien, Martin Shannon, Charles Mulvey and John Monogue. The remains were interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
Thomas F Conboy, 59, of 336 Monmouth st. Newport died this morning being overcome by heat Monday while on his way home from his place of business in Cincinnati.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 20 July 1905, page 9
Elizabeth Oskamp, 78, residing on Dayton street, near Sixth, died yesterday. Old age was the cause of death.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 21 July 1905, page 9
The funeral of Thomas Conboy of 336 Monmouth street, Newport, whose death was caused by intense heat of the past few days, will take place this morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Conboy was overcome by the heat Monday and died Wednesday.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 29 July 1905, page 5
The fifteen month old daughter of George Stivers, 721 Second av. Dayton, died yesterday of spinal meningitis.
William Burr, a pioneer resident of Campbell County and a direct descendant of Charles Burr, one of the founders of Hartford Ct. died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lafe Hoffman of Orchard st. Newport. The deceased leaves seven daughters and two sons.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 31 July 1905, page 7
Henry tabke, 48, residing at 831 Saratoga street, died of heart trouble yesterday at Speers Hospital.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 1 August 1905, page 5
The funeral of the infant daughter of Tom Moore took place yesterday afternoon from the residence, 724 Third av. Dayton. Burial was at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 3 August 1905, page 5
The funeral of Miss Effie Forseilles took place yesterday from the convent of the Good Shepherd in the Highlands. The remains were interred in the convent burying ground.
George Reichert Jr. son of George Reichert, died yesterday at the residence of his aunt, Mrs. Conrad Gotthart, 1126 John st. Newport.
Mrs. Katie Mader died yesterday at her residence, 213 East Seventh st. Newport after a long illness.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 4 August 1905, page 7
Sarah Ford, beloved wife of John Ford, died. Funeral from late residence 939 Putnam street, Newport Ky. Saturday, August 5 at 8:30 am. Requiem high mass at Church of Immaculate Conception at 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 August 1905, page 5
Hattie Estes, the 8 month old daughter of Elmore Estes, 320 Berry av. Bellevue, died yesterday of pneumonia. The remains will be shipped by Undertaker Cunningham to Glasgow Ky. for interment.
The remains of Mrs. S G Harris, formerly Miss Nellie Casey, who died Friday in San Antonio Tex. will arrive in Cincinnati Monday, accompanied by the mother. The bereaved husband and little 2 week old baby accompanied the body. The funeral will take place Tuesday at 2 pm from the family residence on Sixth av. Dayton. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Harold Spencer, Theodore Tibbitts, Clarence Hayward, Charles Woodbury, Charles Davidson and William Blinn.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 9 August 1905, page 5
Robert B Nelson, 83, died at his home near Alexandria yesterday. The deceased was an uncle of Col R W Nelson, of this city, Newport and father of Thomas Nelson, formerly Superintendent of the County Infirmary.
Herbert Noyes, 26, fireman in the Traction Company's power house, in Cincinnati, and a resident of No 5 Fairfield, Bellevue, died early today at Speers Hospital after undergoing an operation for appendicitis. He was a Jr. OUAM member and leaves a widow and a 10 month old son. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mary Ann Stubbs will was probated yesterday and leaves all her estate to Charles, Theodore, William, Isaac and Lucy Stubbs, Martha Bartle, Sussan Riggall, Victoria Fitzgerald, Sarah Fitzgerald, Lida Stubbs and Nellie Rigby; $100 to Mary Fitzgerald and all her personal property to Lida Stubbs.
Laura Cunningham's will was probated yesterday. She gives Lizzie Flemming $5, furniture to Katy Hines and Mary McDowell. The residue to be divided between Mrs. O'Connell and George and Albert McDowell.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 11 August 1905, page 7
Charles Apple, aged 41 years, beloved husband of Mattie Apple (nee Moore) died suddenly Thursday, August 10. Funeral Saturday from residence of his brother-in-law, E E Freshney, 845 Overton st. Newport Ky. at 9 am. Friends invited.
Page 9-James Delaney died at Speers Hospital yesterday morning, aged 45 years. His brother John F Delaney, who holds a responsible position with the Adams Express Company in New York City, was notified by telegram of the death of his brother and will arrive today.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 12 August 1905, page 5
The death of Hannah McArthur, 86, a pioneer resident of Newport, occurred last night at her home, 929 Hamlet st. Newport. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 pm from the residence. The interment will take place at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 August 1905, page 5
Mrs. Hannah McArthur, a pioneer resident of Campbell County died Saturday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Lyda Lawson, on Hamlet st. Newport. She was 86years old. The deceased was an aunt of Capt. Peter McArthur and also of Fireman Matt Whit. The funeral took place today.
John D Parker, of 632 Monroe st. Newport, died Saturday at his home. The funeral was held today from St Stephen Church with burial at St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of William Lund took place yesterday morning from his residence 43 East Third st. Newport. The deceased was the oldest member of Noah's Dove Lodge of Odd Fellows and the funeral services were conducted by that lodge.
The funeral of Mrs. Louisa Wiegel, wife of Jacob Wiegel, who was killed by an L&N train last Friday night, took place yesterday morning from the home at 323 East Fifth st. Newport. The interment was in the German Protestant Cemetery, Cincinnati.
Mrs. John Fisher of Fourth and Central av. Newport was overcome by heat yesterday while in attendance at the funeral of her brother-in-law, E C Remme.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 16 August 1905, page 5
The Directors of the Grand Central Building Association, Newport, met and elected Louis Lieboner to fill the vacancy in the position caused by the death of Edward C Remme. At the time of his death, Remme was the secretary of the Evergreen Cemetery Association.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 17 August 1905, page 5
Mrs. O A Morgan, 27, 320 Foote av. Bellevue, died today at her home. She leaves a husband and a daughter, nearly 3 years old. The husband is in St Louis and no arrangements have been made.
Mrs. Ann Woodall died last evening at the residence of her grandson, Fred Fisher, 915 Park av. Newport, aged 95 years. The deceased was a pioneer resident of this city. A family of grown children survive her.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 19 August 1905, page 10
Word was received here yesterday of the death of Taylor S Berry at Attica Kan. the deceased was formerly a resident of Brent and left here over a quarter of a century ago to engage in farming in the Sunflower state. He was 95 years of age and a cousin of Judge A S Berry.
The funeral of Z B Coffin will take place at 2 pm next Monday with services from St Paul Episcopal Church, Newport. Interment will be at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 19 August 1905, page 5
The remains of Mrs. Ida Morgan, who died at her home on Foote av. Bellevue, were shipped by Undertaker Cunningham to Dublin Ind. early today for interment.
Word was received here yesterday of the death of Taylor S Berry at Attica Kan. the deceased was formerly a resident of Brent and left here over a quarter of a century ago to engage in farming in the Sunflower state. He was 85 years of age and a cousin of Judge A S Berry.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 August 1905, page 5
Andrew Mospens died yesterday at his home, 119 West Fifth st. Newport, aged 77. The deceased had been a resident of Newport for nearly half a century. Six children survive him, Mrs. Henry Reinfels, Indianapolis; Mrs. Lizzie Daly of West Fifth st. George Mospens of Canton O. Deputy Clerk John Mospens, Andrew Jr. and Miss Kate Mospens all of Newport. The funeral will take place at 9 am Wednesday from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Mrs. Theresa Langestals, 153 Van Voast av. Dayton, died at Speers Hospital last night following an operation for tumor. She was 51 years of age.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 22 August 1905, page 5
Mrs. Henry Lear died yesterday morning at her home on Fairfield av. Dayton. The remains were removed to the home of her parents on Alexandria pike from which the funeral will take place.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 23 August 1905, page 5
Mrs. Catherine Roman, 63, died yesterday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Schneider on Patterson st. Newport of cancer of the liver. Three daughters survive her, Mrs. Gilsen, Mrs. Groeschen and Mrs. Schneider.
The funeral of Edward Westcott, the night watchman of the C&O Railroad, who was accidentally electrocuted early Monday morning was held this afternoon from his home on Orchard st.
The funeral of Sylvester Haefner took place this morning at Evergreen Cemetery, with services in the chapel.
The funeral of Andrew Mospens was held this morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
James O'Hara, the 8 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Hara of 226 Ward av. Bellevue, died yesterday afternoon after a short illness. The funeral will take place from St Anthony Church tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
The funeral of Mrs. Henry Lear was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of her parents, Alexandria pike.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 August 1905, page 3
The funeral of James, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Hara, of Ward av. Bellevue, was held this morning from St Anthony Church.
The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Roman took place at 2 pm today from the residence, Eleventh and Patterson sts. Newport. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Miss Minnie McCormick, 37, of Central av. Newport, died yesterday at Speers Hospital of appendicitis. The remains were removed to Smith's morgue on Monmouth st. where the funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.
The funeral of Andrew Mospens Sr. took place yesterday morning from the Church of Immaculate Conception. The pallbearers were Henry Huser, Martin Groeschan, B Saubach, Thomas Diskin, James Donovan and Thomas Lynch. The remains were in interred in St Stephen Cemetery.
Page 5-Mrs. Harry J Kruse, 27, died Saturday evening of consumption. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning.
W M Martin, of 617 Fourth av. Dayton, received a telegram yesterday announcing the death of his venerable mother at Portsmouth O.
Mrs. Robert Anstead, 69, widow of Robert Anstead Sr. and mother of ex-Alderman Robert Anstead, died last night at her home, 12 East Fifth st. Newport. She leaves three children, Harry, Robert and Charles Anstead.
Katherine Detzel, 69, died yesterday at her home, 1107 Columbia st. Newport. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning and the remains will be interred at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 25 August 1905, page 8
Napoleon Rossteuscher, 72, died yesterday at his home, 710 Isabella st. Newport of senility. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from the residence.
Benjamin Borgener died at his home in Cote Brilliante yesterday, age 34 years. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon with services from the residence.
Teresa, the 5 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Netzer, 830 German st. Newport died yesterday.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 26 August 1905, page 5
Agnes Greifenkamp, aged 70 years and 6 months, died. Funeral Monday August 28 at 8 am. from residence of her son, Louis, 712 E Ninth st. Newport Ky. Solemn requiem mass at St Stephen Church at 8:30 am. Friends invited.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 26 August 1905, page 5
Mrs. Agnes Greifenkamp, 70, mother of Rev Bernard Greifenkamp, pastor of St Francis Church, Dayton, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital, Covington. The deceased leaves a husband and five adult children, Louis and Edward of Newport; Fred of Columbus; Annie Groeschen of Chicago. The funeral will take place at 9 am Monday from the residence of her son, Louis, 712 East Ninth st. Newport with requiem high mass at St Stephen Church. The deceased was a life long resident of Newport.
John, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, died at the residence, 336 West Seventh st. Newport yesterday. Funeral services will be held at Corpus Christi Church Monday morning. Interment at St Mary Cemetery, Covington.
The funeral of Minnie McCormick took place yesterday with services at the Taylor st. M E Church. The remains were interred in Spring Grove.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 28 August 1905, page 3
The funeral of Peter Marsh, of 1011 Putnam st. Newport, whose death occurred Saturday, took place this morning from St Stephen Church.
The funeral of Mrs. John Griefenkamp of E Ninth st. Newport,, took place this morning from St Stephen Church.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Morgan of 1141 Isabella st. Newport took place today from her residence.
Celia Monogue, daughter of John Monogue, of 705 Isabella st. Newport, died yesterday at Anchorage, Ky. The remains will be brought here in charge of Undertaker Costigan for burial.
Henry Weber, 70, an old mill man residing at 504 Elm st. Newport, died yesterday after a lingering illness. Old age and general debility were the causes of death. The deceased was a widower and leaves five children.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 29 August 1905, page 5
Mrs. Nannie Sullivan died today at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Dudley, 432 West Eighth st. Newport. Three married daughters survive her. Funeral services will be held at 2 pm Wednesday at the Taylor st. M E Church.
The funeral of Joseph Grimes for many years a resident of Newport, took place yesterday from his residence at Winton Place. The deceased was 87 years of age an the father of Joe Grimes Jr. who, when he died a year ago was noted as the heaviest man in the world. The son weighed 700 pounds.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 30 August 1905, page 5
The funeral of William Mette, 80, who died yesterday at his home on Center st. Bellevue, will take place tomorrow afternoon from his home, the services being conducted by Rev J M Bramkamp of the Trinity Lutheran Church.
The physicians in attendance on Matt Morris, the lad who was accidentally shot at Flagg Springs Ky. Sunday, reported last night that he was sinking rapidly and could not possibly recover.
Commander William Thoburn of Nelson Post, GAR of Newport stated today neither the officers nor members were responsible for the failure of the Grand Army veterans to participate in the funeral of Francis Winters yesterday.
Eliza Thomas will directs her estate be divided into 20 parts as followed: To her grandchildren, Eliza Galian, Ada, Bush, Willie Horn, to her daughter one-fifth; to her sons John Horn and Sam Grammon each 6 1/2 20.
Edward C Remme's will leaves his entire estate to his wife including $8200 life insurance.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 31 August 1905, page 5
The funeral of Henry Weber took place yesterday, services being held at the family residence, 504 Elm st. Newport. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Ex-alderman M J Miller received a telegram from St Magdalene Ind. Yesterday announcing the death of his daughter, Anna Miller, 23. The remains will reach here today for burial.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 September 1905, page 5
Patrick Cramer a pioneer citizen, died Saturday at his home 320 Keturah st. Newport, aged 75 years. The deceased was a well known rolling mill man and leaves a widow and three adult children. The funeral took place from the Church of Immaculate Conception Church.
Mrs. Martha Jane Owens, 64, died Saturday at Speers Hospital of dropsy and heart trouble. The remains were removed to the home of her son, 736 Third st. Newport, from which place today. The remains will be incinerated at the Cincinnati Crematory.
Mrs. Winifred Jones, 71, mother of Lemuel and Harry Jones, died Saturday at her home, 620 Orchard st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, 7 September 1905, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. John Scharstein will take place Friday morning at 9 am. Services at the residence, 729 Saratoga st. Newport. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
The remains of Mrs. David Wyper, who died at St Louis, will be brought to the residence of her mother, Mrs. Alice Reedy, 232 East Front st. Newport. the funeral will take place Saturday morning with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Mary Monoyha, 40 living at Second and Kenton st. Dayton, died today at 10:30 am from heart failure. She was the wife of James Monoyhan, a machinist. The deceased leaves a daughter, aged 10.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 September 1905, page 5
Edward Southgate, 26, son of James M Southgate, of the Highlands, died yesterday at Birmingham Ala. of typhoid fever. The deceased was connected with a large tobacco firm. He leaves a widow and a 3 year old daughter. Mr. and Mrs. James M Southgate left for Birmingham where the funeral will be held.
Clarence McKernan, 29, of Newport was shot and fatally wounded yesterday at St Louis by Hugh S Elliott.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 9 September 1905, page 5
Word was received today from the mother of Clarence McKernan, who is at the bedside of her son in St Louis, that there is no hope for his recovery and that his death is expected at any moment. Young McKernan, whose home is in Newport, was shot by foreman of a shoe factory in St Louis Thursday during an encounter brought on by McKernan being discharged.
Thomas Conaway, 40, residing at 9 East Third st. Newport, died yesterday after a lingering illness. Funeral Director Costigan will ship the remains to Aurora Ind. for interment.
Mrs. J Hill, 68y, mother of John and Charles Hill, died yesterday at her home near Pool's Creek. Appendicitis was the cause of her death.
Lewis Stauder, 47, died yesterday at his home, 112 1/2 West Southgate st. Newport, the result of an attack of paralysis. The funeral services will be held Monday morning.
The funeral of N W Claflin took place from his residence, 143 Foote av. Bellevue, at 12:30 today. The remains were taken to Ohio from burial.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 September 1905, page 5
Clements H McKiernan, of 26 West Fourth st. Newport, who was shot last Wednesday by Hugh Elliott during an altercation in St Louis, died Saturday night as a result of the wound received. The body will be brought to Newport for burial. Relatives of the young man declare that the shooting was uncalled for and will prosecute Elliott to the end.
Mrs. Mary Ella Galbreath, 63, wife of M R Galbreath, bookkeeper for the Higgin Manufacturing Company, died yesterday at the family residence, 402 East Fourth st. Newport after a lingering illness. Cancer was the cause of death. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 pm.
Clifford, the 19 month old son of Lafayette Palmer, died yesterday, after a lingering illness. The mother of the child died about two months ago.
Mrs. Harry Hake left Saturday for Brookville Ind. to attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Eschenbeck, who died at the Good Samaritan Hospital in that city.
Charles Hausman, of Fairfield, Bellevue, received a telegram last night stating that his brother, George Hausman, had been drowned in Chicago. The report cannot be verified as yet. He was better known as Capt. Hausman and was a ballplayer, known to all Bellevue people.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 September 1905, page 5
The funeral of Louis Strauder took place yesterday, services being held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The remains were interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
George White, 70, whose death occurred at his home, 831 York st. Newport, was a well known resident of Persimmon Grove prior to his moving to Newport. For several years he officiated as President of the Alexandria Fair Association. Paralysis was the cause of death. The deceased was unconscious for two weeks before he died. The funeral took place this afternoon with services at Alexandria.
The remains of Thomas Conway who died at his home at Third and York st. Newport were shipped yesterday to Aurora Ind. for interment.
The remains of George Hausman, who was drowned
in Chicago and was known to resident of Bellevue as "Cap
Hausman, arrived early today and were taken to the Hausman home on
Fairfield av. Bellevue. A coroner's investigation is pending in Chicago and the
family do not know the circumstances of his death, but that his body was found
in Lake Michigan. The funeral will be held from the residence of Mrs. Mary
Hausman, 153 Fairfield av. tomorrow at 1 pm. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 15 September 1905, page 8
Edwin Tepe, 4, son of Henry Tepe, of 216 Center st. Bellevue, died yesterday of congestion of the lungs.
Page 5-Mrs. Louis Meyers died yesterday at her home, Eighth and Vine sts. Dayton, of a stroke of apoplexy. The deceased was 55 years of age and was the wife of well known commission merchant. Eleven children survive her.
The funeral of George White was held yesterday at Alexandria, services being held at the Baptist Church. The remains were interred at the Alexandria Cemetery.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sauer, 37, died yesterday at her home, 515 Powell st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 16 September 1905, page 5
Bernard Heeg, 27, son of George A Heeg, 1018 Second st. Dayton, died last night at his residence of dropsy. He was engaged to be married to Miss Hallmier in the spring.
James Peters, formerly of Berry av. Dayton, but who has been in a Masonic Home, died Thursday. The funeral was held this afternoon in Newport. He leaves several grown children.
The funeral of Mrs. Lear, widow of Edward, will take place Monday morning at 9 am. Services will be held at St Stephen Church and the remains will be temporarily placed in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery.
Jacob Braun, President of the Newport Board of Councilmen, died last night at his home, 923 Columbia st. Newport of tuberculosis of the throat. He was 43 years of age and a widow and seven children survive him. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from the home.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 21 September 1905, page 5
Russell Myers, 21, a member of Garfield Council Junior Order American Mechanics, died at his home Fourth & Monmouth st. Newport. The funeral will take place this evening at 7:30 and will e in charge of the Junior Order. Interment will be in Maysville Friday.
Mrs. Adelia Simpson died yesterday at her home 113 East Front st. Newport. The funeral took place this morning with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 September 1905, page 5
The funeral of the little son of George Marshall took place this afternoon from the residence, 25 East Eleventh st. Newport. Services were held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The funeral of Alice Scherf, the little girl whose life was crushed out on farmer Andrew Scherer's wagon last Tuesday, took place yesterday, services being held at Salem M C Church. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 23 September 1905, page 5
Fed Heile, 28, residing at 842 Hamlet St. Newport died yesterday.
John Shields Sr. 60, prominent grocer of Newport, died last night after a protracted illness at his residence, Fifth and Saratoga sts. Newport. The deceased was the father of John Shields, a leader in Republican politics in Newport.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 25 September 1905, page 5
Keener Ratchford, 58, brother of Fred Ratchford and one of the best known citizens of Campbell County, died suddenly late Saturday at his home near Alexandria. Ratchford was apparently enjoying the best of health and had been about all day. He was walking to the barn when he dropped dead. Heart disease was the cause of his death.
Word was received in this city yesterday that Mrs. Minnie Morton (Nee Rorer) of Loveland O. was dead. Mrs. Morton was formerly of Newport. The body will be brought to Newport this evening and the burial will take place tomorrow from the chapel in Evergreen Cemetery.
Fred Heiler, 20, who died Friday night at his home, 842 Ann st. Newport was buried yesterday from the residence.
Mrs. Mary Bramlage (nee Gellenbeck) died Sunday, September 24, 1905 at 7 am. Funeral from residence, 626 Monroe at Newport Ky. at 8 am. Tuesday. Mass at 8:30 am at St Stephen Church.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 27 September 1905, page 5
Edward Sarsfeld, 40, a mill man, died yesterday at the home of his mother, 339 Isabella st. Newport after a lingering illness. The funeral will take place Saturday morning.
The funeral of John Shields took place yesterday from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The remains were interred in St Joseph Cemetery. The pall bearers were P H Rohde, M Shea, Frank Beel, John Hennessy, Matt Newell and Jacob Wezel.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Bramlage, of Monroe st. Newport, whose death was caused by burns, took place yesterday, services being held at St Stephen Church. The remains were interred at St Joseph Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 2 October 1905, page 7
Health Officer Kehm report of deaths: John Shield, 60, nephritis; William Uthe, 88, senility; Frederick C Hetie, 20, tuberculosis; Daniel B Ramsey, 62, apoplexy; Anna Bramlage, 55, accidental burns; Edward Sarsfeld, 40, tuberculosis; Mary Flynn, 3, diphtheria; Ann Neiser, 35, consumption; Frank Schoenlaub, 49, consumption; Thomas O'Neil, 52, mitral disease.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 October 1905, page 5
The funeral of Thomas F O'Neill will take place tomorrow morning from the Immaculate Conception Church. The Newport Lodge of Elks will have charge of the funeral. The Elks services will be held at the home, 551 East Fourth st. Newport at 7:45 am. The members will assemble at their hall on York st. at 7:30 am and march to the home in a body.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 7 October 1905, page 6
Mrs. Christiana Steding, 74, died at the home of her son, John J Althouse, 438 Ward av. Bellevue, yesterday afternoon. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the residence, Rev J M Bramkamp officiating.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 October 1905, page 5
Bert Schemmel, 22, unmarried and son of Charles Schemmel, of 936 Isabella st. Newport, was scalded to death at Paris Ky. Schemmel was at work repairing some steam pipes when one of the pipes exploded, throwing steam and water all over the unfortunate man. The body will be brought to Newport for burial.
William D Creasey died at the residence of his mother in Newport Ky. Sunday, October 8, 1905, aged 43 years. Funeral from the residence this afternoon at 2 pm and will be private.
Health Officer Kehm report of deaths: Richard Mullen, 8 days, convulsions; Gertrude Flynn, 3 years, diphtheria; James Maloney, 29 years, accidental; Albert Greisinger, 14 years, accidental.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 October 1905, page 5
Howard Lieboner, son of School Trustee Lieboner, died last night after a four weeks illness. Typhoid fever that settled in the brain caused death. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed.
Fred Schmidt, 81, of 521 West Fifth st. Newport, died yesterday at his residence after a lingering illness. Old age was the cause of death. He was the father of Charles Schmidt, the well known mill man.
The funeral of Bert Schemmel, of 936 Isabella st. Newport, who was scalded to death took place yesterday, services being held at the family residence. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery. The members of the Junior Order, the Daughters of America and the Steam Fitters Association attended in a body.
Stella Onions, 8, daughter of Joseph Onions of 1017 Isabella st. Newport died of diphtheria.
Edna Seibert, 4 of 1043 Isabella st. Newport died of diphtheria.
The will of Mary Bramlage of Newport leaves $100 for masses and the remainder of her estate to be left to her only child, Philomena Bramlage. At her death the property shall revert to the children of her brother Albert Gellenbck. She names Gertrude Gellenbeck as guardian of Philomena.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 October 1905, page 5
The funeral of Bessie, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O O Howard, of 400 Washington av. Newport, took place today at 1:30 pm from the residence. Interment was at Spring Grove Cemetery.
A two month of child, Clarence Geyer, died at Speers Hospital early today.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 October 1905, page 5
Health Officer Kehm deaths report; Thomas Reckels, 1, died in Newport. Richard Barrett, 38, accidental in Newport. Anna Musgrove, 38, died in Newport of cerebral congestion. William Creasy, 42, died in Newport; Bertram Schemmel, 24, died of scalding; Otto Huber, 9 weeks, died in Newport.
The funeral of Howard Leiboner, 15, who died in Newport of asphyxia. of 408 West Tenth st. son of School Trustee Lewis Leiboner, took place Saturday, services being held at the chapel in Evergreen Cemetery. Rev Bigelow and Rev Knapp officiated.
John Hoban, 40, residing at 243 Columbia st. Newport, died Saturday after a lingering illness. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning. Hoband resided with his sister, Mary Hoba.
The remains of Benjamin Shaw, son of Samuel Shaw, whose death occurred in New York City Saturday, arrived in Newport today. The funeral will take place at 2 pm at the residence of his sister, Mrs. C G Phister, 823 Washington st.
Mary F Maddox, 81 years, wife of Charles Maddox, deceased; died at her home near Visalia Ky. 14 Oct 1905. Funeral Tuesday 17 Oct at 11 o'clock from Methodist Church, South, Alexandria Ky.
Mary Bleichner, died Saturday, October 14, on her 60th birthday. Requiem high mass Tuesday at 9 am at the Church of the Immaculate Conception Newport.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 17 October 1905, page 5
The funeral of George Offenbacher Jr. 14, will take place tomorrow afternoon at Evergreen Chapel. His death was caused by typhoid fever.
Edward Lape, 13, son of Peter Lape, died at his home 27 West Eleventh st. Newport Sunday. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 2:30 pm at St Mark Church.
The funeral of Ben Shaw, whose death occurred in New York City last week, took place this afternoon from the residence of his sister, Mrs. C G Phister, on Washington av. Newport.
Samuel Jones, an old soldier living at Fourth av and Dayton st. Dayton, received word today that his brother, Luther Jones, who resides in Portsmouth O. and who was on his way home from an extended visit here, had been killed.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 19 October 1905, page 5
John Ward, formerly of Cold Spring, died yesterday after an illness of seven years at his home on John st. Newport. He leaves a widow and six girls. He was 45 years of age and has suffered terribly since he was stricken with sciatic rheumatism.
The widow of John Surran died yesterday at her home. She was the sister of Capt. O B Stricker, ex-Chief of Police.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 20 October 1905, page 7
Mrs. Adelaide Surran of Newport Ky. relict of the late John Surran, died Wednesday, October 18, 1905 at the residence of W L Spiegel, Hyde Park, aged 64 years. Funeral Saturday at 2 pm from the First Presbyterian Church, Newport.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 21 October 1905, page 10
Mrs. Cramer, widow of Patrick Cramer, died yesterday at her home, 320 Keturah street, at an advanced age. Death was due to senility. Three adult children survive her.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 23 October 1905, page 7
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Clarence Geyer, 3m malnutrition; Mary Bleichner, 60; Henry Haliforth, 13, diphtheria; Elizabeth Hallforth, 53, diphtheria; John Hoban, 40, pneumonia; George Offenbacher, 14, typhoid; Infant Hoffman, one day, premature; Edward Lape, 12, paralysis; Hazel Schmidt, 1, diphtheria; John Ward, 45, gastritis.
Mrs. Adolph Nunning, 65, who lived at 936 Orchard street, Newport, died yesterday of asthma.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 October 1905, page
The funeral of Helen Fitzpatrick, 8, took place this morning from the Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue.
The funeral of Mrs. Charlotte Bechtold took place today at 2 pm from the German Lutheran Church.
Lucile Dutle, 2, of 612 Berry av. Dayton, died yesterday morning from scarlet fever. Marie, a sister is critically ill from the same disease. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the residence.
Mrs. William Hart, 28, died Saturday night at her home, 920 Orchard st. Newport.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 24 October 1905, page
Infant son of J S and Anna Fitzgerald died Monday, October 23, 1905. Burial private from residence, 505 Lexington av. Newport Ky. October 24 at 3 pm.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 27 October 1905, page 3
Mary O'Bryan (nee McNamara) beloved wife of Patrick, died Oct 26, at her residence, Seventh and Patterson st. Newport. Funeral at Church of Immaculate Conception Monday at 9 am.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 28 October 1905, page 10
Mrs. Fannie Thompson, 47, residing at 330 Columbia street, Newport, died yesterday. Pneumonia was the cause of death. The deceased was a widow and leaves three children. The remains will be shipped to Manchester Ky. today.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 30 October 1905, page 5
Health Officer Kehm deaths report; Mary Cramer, 63y; died in Newport of pneumonia; Maud Hart, 26, suicide in Newport; Christina Nunning, 65, died in Newport of paralysis; John Fitzgerald, 5m; died in Newport of pneumonia; Fannie Thompson, 47y; died in Newport of bronchial pneumonia; William Grapes, 77y; died in Newport of pneumonia; Mary O'Bryan, 65y, died in Newport of aortic insufficiency.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 3 November 1905, page 9
The funeral of Mrs. Emma Schoech, of East Tenth street, took place yesterday morning. Services were held at St Stephen Church. The remains were taken to Four Mile Cemetery for interment.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 3 November 1905, page 3
Richard J Powers, died at residence Hodge and Isabella st. Newport. Funeral from Immaculate Conception Church Saturday morning at 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 4 November 1905, page 5
The funeral of Thomas McManus who dropped dead in Covington Thursday, took place this morning with services at the Church of Immaculate Conception at 8 am. The remains were interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
Mrs. Dora Eakin, 48, died at Speers Hospital yesterday of a serious infection for which she underwent an operation several weeks ago. The remains were removed to her family on Dayton av. She leaves a family of adult children.
Miss Edna Helm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Helm, died at Colorado Springs of consumption. The remains will be brought here for interment.
The funeral of Frederick Prizer was held at 2 pm today from the residence on O'Fallon av. Dayton. Interment in Evergreen.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 November 1905, page 5
Mrs. Helen Hunter, 40, 12 West Second st. Newport died Saturday after a short illness. Heart trouble was the cause. The deceased leaves three children.
Thomas Birchfield, 6, son of Charles Birchfield, died following an attack of spinal meningitis, at the family residence, 120 West Second st. Newport.
John Steinbach, 4, died at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Patrick Maloney, 416 Central av. Newport.
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Gertrude Chappie, 5, died in Newport;
Elizabeth Hackmyer, 1, died in Newport;
Mary Schroeck, 62, died in Newport;
Florence Johnson, 53, died of cancer in Newport;
Clarence Ruehl, 1, died of diphtheria in Newport;
Augusta Mack, 53, died of cancer in Newport;
Edith Keehn, 10, died of epilepsy in Newport;
Richard Powers, 69, died in Newport;
Thomas McMannus, 46, died in Newport; Elizabeth Metz, 75, died Newport;
Amelia Harris, 73, died in Newport;
Mary Robinson, 64, died in Newport;
John Steinbach, 4, died in Newport.
Adam Haas, died suddenly November 5 at 9:30 am, aged 69 years. Funeral Wednesday from late residence, Seventh and Monmouth sts. Newport Ky. Requiem high mass at St Stephen Church at 9 am. Friends invited.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 November 1905, page 6
Clyde T Hall, 20, residing at 120 Berry st. Dayton, died yesterday at the family residence. Uraemic poisoning was the cause of death. The deceased was a lithographer in the employ of the Donaldson Company.
Health Officer Kehm deaths report; Thomas Burchfield, 6, meningitis; Desima Williams, 81, pneumonia; Philomena Dummall, 73, hemorrhage; Rachel Mundell, 10, exhaustion; Carl Mueller, 10 days, premature; Helen Timmerwilkie, 3, convulsions; Savory L Foy, 53, heart disease; Lucy Hugentobler, 25, phthisis; Margaret Morrow, 65, nephritis; Helen Hunter, 43, paralysis; Ruth Gleeson, 21, pneumonia; Adam Haas s. 68y; Thomas McGinnis, 80; senility; Dessima Williams, 81, pneumonia.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 November 1905, page 5
The two week old daughter of John Thomas, Front st. and Washington av. Bellevue, died yesterday afternoon of pneumonia. The funeral took place from the house this afternoon.
News was received here yesterday of the death of Mrs. Butler, wife of H M Butler, formerly Superintendent of Music in the public schools. Prof. and Mrs. Butler removed to San Marco Texas, where she died.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 17 November 1905, page 9
The funeral of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, of Washington street, Bellevue, was held yesterday afternoon, with services at the residence.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 20 November 1905, page 5
Miss Catherine Steinkamp, 33, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steinkamp of Third and Clay sts. Dayton, died Saturday of pulmonary tuberculosis. The deceased had been ill for several months.
The funeral of Anton Rouenhorst, whose death resulted from injuries received when he was struck by an L&N train on Saratoga st. Newport took place this morning with services at St Stephen Church. The remains were interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of John Schmitz of Eleventh and Monmouth sts. Newport took place this morning with services at St Stephen Church.
Health Officer Kehm deaths report; Clyde Hall, 20, uremia poisoning; Amelia Lepper, 51; William Tritschler, 4m; Edward Sprouts, 3; Edna Felix, 3, diphtheria; H Boyer, 36, exhaustion from burns; Anton Rouwenhorst, 79, tetanus; John Schmitz, 32.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 21 November 1905, page 5
Catherine Meyer, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Weber, Fifth and Isabella sts. Newport, yesterday morning. The deceased had attained her ninetieth year and was the grandmother of Edward, Christopher and Morrison Weber.
Mrs. Elizabeth Westendorf, 73, of 123 Fairfield av. Bellevue, died last night at her home, the result of a paralytic stroke. Her sickness only lasting three days. She leaves one son, Joseph and four daughters, Elizabeth, Mary, Josie and Catherine. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from Sacred Heart Church. Rev Henson officiating. The interment will be in St John Cemetery.
Members of the Tribe of Ben Hur, Maccabees and Post office Clerks will attend the funeral of William F Wiebe, of 535 Washington av. Newport, which takes place tomorrow afternoon from the family residence. He died last Sunday after a brief illness of heart failure. Rev Luce will preach the funeral sermon. The burial will take place at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hafer, of 321 West Fifth st. Newport took place this morning. The interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.
The burial of Ethel Baker, 17, who died Sunday night, will take place tomorrow afternoon at Evergreen Cemetery. Funeral services will held from her home on West Seventh st. Newport.
Mrs. Philomena Kuhlenberg, 56, wife of Anton Kuhlenberg, died this noon at her home, 229 Retreat st. Bellevue, from gangrene. She had been ill six weeks.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 24 November 1905, page 5
James Johnson, saloon keeper, doing business at the corner of Sixth and Columbia st. Newport, died last night after a lingering illness. Cirrhosis of the liver was the cause of the death. He leaves a widow and two children.
Henry Murphy for many years an employee of the Newport Rolling Mill, died yesterday at his residence, Fourth st. west of Central av. Newport after a long illness.
The funeral of Harvey Marz was held from the Evergreen Cemetery Chapel this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 27 November 1905, page 5
Philip Schneider, 73, a former mill man, was found dead in bed Saturday by his wife. Coroner Higgins held an inquest and returned a verdict of death from paralysis of the heart. Schneider resided at Lindsay and Patterson sts. Newport. He leaves, besides his widow, six children. The funeral will take place Tuesday.
William M McVay, 48, janitor of the Woolsock Building on Fourth near York, Newport, died suddenly last night at his quarters in the building. He was conversing with his family when he was seized with a hemorrhage of the lungs, and lived but a short time after. The deceased was also janitor of St Paul Episcopal Church. He leaves a widow and three small children.
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Edna Mynatt, 8, diphtheria; Eva Barker, 17; William Haeffer, 2; Catherine Meyer, 85; William F Wiebe, 53; Robert Hoeft, 17; Margaret Cassidy, 4; Harvey Marz, 25; Louise Stricker, 67, inquest pending; Infant Boser.
The funeral of Mrs. Walter Wellman, whose death occurred Saturday at the family residence on West Fifth street, will take place tomorrow afternoon.
The funeral of Philip Schneider will take place today at 11 am. instead of Tuesday as announced.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 29 Nov 1905, page 5
William Lyman, 32, residing on Ann st. near Seventh, Newport, died early yesterday at his home. He leaves a wife and two children.
John Price, 19, whose death occurred Monday night at the home of his mother, Mrs. Clara Price, Seventh and York sts. Newport, will be buried tomorrow morning. The funeral services will be held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 10 am. The deceased was one of the most popular young men in Newport.
Mrs. Lydia Knight of Barr st. Cincinnati, died at Speers Hospital last night of pneumonia. Her maiden name was Murphy and she was the wife of Bruce Knight, and the body was removed home today.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 30 November 1905, page 9
Word was received here yesterday of the death at Sleepy Eye, Minn. of Mrs. James R Morin, 67, a former resident of Newport and a sister of the late Mrs. Sam Shaw.
The funeral of John Price, who died Monday at his home, Seventh and York streets will take place this morning with services at 9 am at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The remains will be interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 1 December 1905, page 5
The body of Albert Franks, who was drowned off the towboat Hercules Carrel, shortly after midnight yesterday morning has not yet been recovered. The drowned man was 50 years old and leaves two children. He was employed as a fireman on the boat and resides at Second st. and Central av. Newport.
Robert Mohler, 44, residing at 830 Central av. died yesterday at his home, after a lingering illness. Tuberculosis of the throat was the cause of death.
Clara, the 16 year old daughter of the late George A Eifert, died yesterday. The funeral service will take place Sunday at 2 pm at the First Baptist Church.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 2 December 1905, page 5
Conrad Bodenstein, 80, father of School Trustee Edward Bodenstein, died yesterday at his home, 827 Ann st. Newport. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon with services at Salem M E Church.
James Hester Jr. 33, died yesterday morning at 9 am at his home, 433 West Eleventh st. Newport. Funeral services will be held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception Monday morning with high mass and requiem at 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 December 1905, page 5
Chris Whitehead of Eleventh and Brighton sts. Newport, received word last night that his youngest brother had been killed in a coal mine at California Pa. Last summer his son was burned to death by the explosion of a gasoline lamp. Whitehead and daughter Mrs. Marshall Martin left for California.
The will of Margaret O'Mears, Newport, was filed for probate this morning. The will provides $30 for masses at the Immaculate Conception Church. Phil Ryan, executor is to sell all real and personal property the proceeds to go to two grandchildren of Nashville; two lots in Delhi Township, O. bequeathed to St Elizabeth Hospital, Covington.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 9 December 1905, page 5
John Clougherty, 70, died yesterday morning at his home on Elm st. near Patterson, Newport, of appendicitis. The deceased was for many years was employed as shipping clerk by the CNO&TP Railway and was at one time Street Commissioner of Newport. He leaves a widow and four children.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 10 December 1905, page 7
Word was received here yesterday of the death at her home in Massachusetts of Agnes Keller, sister of William Keller, of 333 Thornton street, Newport. The remains arrived last night in charge of Undertaker Betz.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 December 1905, page 8
Health Officer Kehm death report: James Hester Jr. 33; J H Rose, 65; Albert Wessling, 22; Mary Heussner, 88; Peter Messner, 89; Alphonse Wieck, 9; Louis Jacob, infant.
Chris Whitehead of Eleventh and Brighton streets, Newport and daughter, Mrs. Marshall Martin, returned last night from Shawnee Ohio, where they attended the funeral or Richard Whitehead, brother of Mr. Whitehead. Mr. Whitehead was well known in Newport. Last Wednesday while stringing wires near a coal mine at California Penn. where he was employed as an expert electrician, he was struck by a fast train that had been sent around the mine track to avoid a wreck. His remains were sent to Shawnee, Ohio, for interment.
Page 10-Mrs. Margaret Disz, 73, died Saturday at her home at 213 Walnut st. of bronchial trouble. The deceased was one of the earliest settlers of Bellevue, she and her husband the late Louis Disz, having removed here in 1870. They were the prime movers in the organization of the congregation of the Sacred Heart Church. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning from the Sacred Heart Church.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 12 December 1905, page 9
Word was received here in Newport yesterday of the death at Lakeland Asylum of Kate White, a former teacher in the public schools here. The funeral services will be held this afternoon at Spring Grove Chapel.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 December 1905, page 5
Mrs. Wilhelmina Reuter, widow of John Reuter, died Saturday at the family residence, 1112 York st. Newport, after a lingering illness. The deceased leaves a family of grown children.
Word was received here yesterday of the death at Lakeland Asylum of Mamie McIntyre, daughter of John McIntyre, of 506 West Seventh st. Newport. The remains arrived here last night and the funeral will be Tuesday morning.
Health Officer Kehm death report; Lizzie Leopold, 11, meningitis; John Cloherty, 70, enteritis; Ollie Bauer, 47, cirrhosis of the liver; James Hughes, colored, 70, paralysis; John Ford, 64, carcinoma; William Wolf, 38, cirrhosis of the liver; Henry Sauer, 45, cirrhosis of the liver.
Edward T Leahey, Newport, died Saturday evening at the family residence, 224 West Ninth st. after a lingering illness. The deceased was engaged in business with ex-Police Commissioner William Lampe on York st. Lehey was single and a brother of Lt. of Police John Leahy. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with requiem mass at the Church of Immaculate Conception.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 20 December 1905, page 9
Hugh, the youngest son of Thomas Egan of East Eighth street, died suddenly Monday night. The lad had been ill but appeared better early in the evening. The parents were called to Cincinnati and upon their return were shocked with the news of his death. He was seized with a choking sensation. The funeral will be held this afternoon and interment will be in St Stephen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 24 December 1905, page A3
The funeral of George Higby, of Price Hill, and a former resident of Newport, took place yesterday afternoon, service being held at Smith's mortuary chapel. The remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Stanley J Harrington, son of Patrick J Harrington, took place yesterday. The remains were interred in St Stephen Cemetery.
Word was received here in Newport yesterday of the death at Wheeling W Va. of Edward Perry, a prominent rolling mill man.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 29 December 1905, page 5
The funeral of John Heister of Bellevue, was held this morning from the Sacred Heart Church, Rev William Hinsem officiating.