Newport Births
These are taken from original records and are very difficult to read. A few births from nearby towns are also listed.
Name/father/mother-maiden name/address/birth date
Adams, Bessie M d/o Robert and
(unreadable) Apr 9
Altemeyer, Elsie Mary d/o John and Lotta (Kyle) 931 Hamlet; Aug 24
Arbogast, Infant s/o Fred/Ned and Maria; Speers Hospital; Apr 29
Ballman, Edna Emma d/o Fred and
Louise (Scheret?) 411 E 11th; Sep 10
Bane, Harold Henry s/o Henry and Emma (Maher) 724 Dayton; Oct 1
Bartel, Alex s/o Ben and Eter
(Klatch) 506 Columbia; Jan 30
Bartlett, Infant s/o Dudley and Josephine; Nov 11
Baugh, Margaret d/o William E and Helen (Hacken) 322 Thornton St;
Aug 29
Beck, Adam s/o Dennis and Kate (Naber) 408 Lindsey; Nov 17
Beck, Edward s/o John and Rose; 206 Beech; July 25
Becker, Dorothea E d/o Mark and Anna (Mo__) 411 Berry Ave; Sep 1
Belsor, Margret Elva d/o John; May 27
Bezold, Carl M d/o Michael and Carrie (Roll) 635 Dayton St; Sep 6
Biehl, Fannie Louise d/o Louis and Lucy; Jan 4
Biehl, Marie d/o Heinrich and Tillie (Moz) Brill Place; June 7
Boeh, Daniel H s/o Louis and Eva C (Salender) 1161 Park Ave; Feb
Bogart, Alma Helen d/o Wesley and Mary (Mackless) 733 Dayton; Sep
Bonesville, John E s/o Eder and Kate (Winters) 311 Hodge St; Sep
Borches, Infant s/o Herman and Emma (Rusche) 530 E 2nd; Jan 16
Bradley, Infant s/o Wm C and Mamie; 614 Maple; Mar 29
Braun, Infant d/o Harry and Minnie?; Jan 4
Brown, Flavia A S d/o Bertie J and Mary; 221 E 10th; June 26
Brown, Mary Bell d/o E and Mary; 125 W 9th; Feb 6
Brown, Raymond Joseph s/o A R and Tennie A (Snell) 534 W 8th St;
Feb 3
Bucehel, Sylvester A s/o Frank and Emma; 421 W 10th; Dec 26
Buckley, Gertrude d/o James and Ida (Meier) Elm & ___ in
Southgate; Jan 10
Caldwell, Wilbur F s/o Verner and
Eliza (Sovefe??) Bellevue; Sep 28
Carroll, James s/o James S and Lilban G; 856 Brighton St; Sep 7
Castle, Farris J s/o Farris J and Andrea; 517 W 9th; Oct 29
Charon, Isadore s/o Benjamin and
Annie; 631 Monmouth; July 27
Cherwosky, Mendel s/o Jake and (unreadable) Mar 19
Clayborn, Bessie d/o Tobias and Rose (Ma___) 401 Chesnut; Jan 18
Colecchia, Elizabeth P d/o George and Frances; Clifton Heights;
Feb 12
Colker, Ben s/o Ben and Rose (Markowitz?) 613 Patterson; Aug 18
Cook, Mildred d/o Carl H and Mary (Vaughlin?) 409 W 11th; Aug 21
Cork, William s/o Ellis and Carrie (Buster) 319 W 4th; Oct 6
Corn, Eugene s/o George and Lizzie; 415 Columbia; Nov 4
Crawford, Wm Geo s/o Ray and Luella (Scholl) Newport; Aug 8
Creelman, Infant d/o Hugh and Ella (Shea) 415 Elm St; Dec 26
Dance, Robert M s/o James W;
Newport; Dec 12
Daniels, Dorothy Florence d/o Wm C and Lela (Ratchford) W 13th St;
Sep 26
Daunt, Anna M d/o Thos and
(unreadable) Apr 14
Davis, Infant d/o Edward J and Mayme (Ashby) 321 Saratoga; Sep 4
Davis, Roger s/o B John and Barbara (Yung) 925 Boone St; Sep 15
Demark, Henry s/o Max; 512 Isabella; Nov 3
Dews, Joseph s/o Holten and Lulu Ann (Suffrey) 834 Patterson; Nov
Dietz, Charles J s/o Charles and Cecelia; 1018 Columbia St; July
Dill, Susan A d/o Jake and Anna (Fidbrictz?) 60 Grand Av; Nov 7
Dolley, Marie L d/o James A and Blanche (Hans) Newport; Nov 16
Doran, Infant s/o Jonathan and Lizzie (Trapp) 510 W 12th; Sep 24
Doyle, Infant d/o John and Josephine (Schneider) 1110 Orchard; Nov
Duddey, Lena d/o Christopher and Mary (Thomas) Aug 22
Dunnaway, Minnie E d/o Thos and Eva (Brownfield) 627 Saratoga; Sep
Eifert, Hazel d/o Chas and Florinda;
Jan 8
Erman, George s/o Herman and Josephine (Sat___) 830 Monmouth St;
Dec 28
Ernst, William s/o Cliff and Lillian (Schmerg) 134 W Front; Nov 11
Faller, Jack s/o Benjamin and Ella
(Martin) 216 W 8th; Sep 24
Fecher, Hyacinth d/o Joseph and Kate (Klein) 125 W 7th; Sep 5
Feinauer, Virginia Ruth d/o Adam
and Kate (Had___) Front St; Aug 9
Felson, Nathan s/o Solomon and Ester (Busel) 331 W 6th; Sep 17
Ferring, Lillian d/o Vall and Louisa (Miller) 738 Central Ave; Oct
Finnegan, Ella d/o Wm and (unreadable) Mar 20
Fogel, William s/o Sam and Rachel (Vehon?) 517 Isabella; Nov 7
Fousz, Ethel d/o Herman J and ---- (Rusche) 64 Watkins; Apr 12
Fratkin, Irmeis d/o Isadore and Minnie (Ot__) 529 W 6th; Nov 10
Frisdhof, Edna C d/o Chas and (unreadable) May 1
Gardner, Infant d/o Jonathan and
Louise (Ledington) 14th Central; Oct 3
Gehring, Mary L d/o William and
Kate (Miller) June 29
Gerding, Martha G d/o Herbert and Louise; 303 Lindsey; Feb 6
Geyer, James G and James and Kate (Greis) 1210 Monmouth; Sep 26
Gilker, Jean d/o Wm and (unreadable) Apr 9
Ginde, Elworth s/o S and Anna; 625 Monmouth; June 23
Goebel, Manilla d/o Wm and Ana (Kuhlman) 4th & Columbia; Sep 24
Goshorn, Arthur s/o Sol; 1009 Orchard; Dec 31
Graham, Mildred F d/o George and Emma (Schorer) 505 Lexington;
July 31
Graver, Hazel d/o Henry and Alstine? 420 W 11th; Nov 4
Grau, Donald s/o Peter and (unreadable) Mar 12
Grogan, Charles s/o William and Henrietta (Dwyer) 11th & Isabella;
Jan 8
Grosse, Joseph E s/o Harold and Edna (Wolporn?) 423 Keturah; July
Guerrea, Stella R d/o Joseph and Catherine (Longi) Newport; Sep 24
Hall, Harry s/o Harry; June 23
Hall, Mildred Bertha d/o Earl George and Nettie (Gillicks) 207 Central
Ave; Dec 27
Hammell, Gus s/o Gus; June 21
Harford, Crecelda A d/o S E and Pauline (Schultz) Bellevue; Jan 26
Haushue, Harry A s/o Harry W and Emma (Mc__) 718 Columbia; July 29
Hauss, Wilbur s/o Bert and (unreadable) Apr 9
Hayden, John s/o James and Lena (Haas) 7th & York; Dec 24
Heath, Mary K d/o Charles and (unreadable) Mar 1
Helby, Willard Wm s/o Wm and Sophia (Stakle) 1123 Orchard; Aug 29
Hemseth, Martha d/o Herman and Alma; Southgate St; Oct 12
Herbostein, Paul E s/o Edward and Mina; 413 Lindsey; Nov 6
Herman, Wilbur Phil s/o Jacob P and (unreadable) Apr 10
Herzog, Arthur W s/o Paul; June 17
Hiesman, Margarite d/o Albert and Kate (Bahsman) 535 W 6th; Jan 28
Higgins, Elizabeth d/o Hugsy?; Isabella St; July 23
Hildebrandt, Marie d/o Frank and Gertrude; 117 Southgate; Feb 1
Hill, Esther May d/o Murphy and Mary (Johnson) 11th & Isabella;
Feb 24
Hirst, Louis O s/o Louis and (unreadable) Apr 23
Hoffman, Infant s/o Grover and Hazel (Church) 1025 Vine St; Dec 31
Hogle, Dorothy E d/o Wm and (unreadable) Mar 22
Horn, Infant d/o Clarence and Stella (Austney) 1025 Central; Sep
Horton, Infant s/o Albert H and Allhalb?? (Briggs) 4th &
Washington; Feb 20
Hughes, Helen L d/o (unreadable) July 2
Hunt, Florence d/o Thomas and Parma (Thomas) 406 W 12th; Jan 20
Hupzeger, Clifford s/o Orville and Anna (Lehr) 808 Ann; Sep 4
Joerger, Marie d/o Adam and Ida (Listermann)
514 Portell St; Jan 27
Johnson, Beatrice (twin) d/o Harry and Jane (Jones) 517 West 12th
St; Dec 30
Johnson, Rachel (twin) d/o Harry and Jane (Jones) 517 West 12th
St; Dec 30
Johnston, Catherine d/o John and Gertrude (Hilge) 410 W 8th; Oct
Jones, Robert s/o Walter Hawkins and Rose (Jones) 217 James Alley;
Dec 27
Kaiser, Albert John s/o Joseph and
Rose (Bihl) 721 Dayton; Feb 25
Kearns, Virginia Rose d/o Edward F and Margaret (Rose) Bellevue;
Feb 19
Kees, Thomas J S s/o Clifford and Eva; 517 4th Ave Brighton; July
Kehoe, Martin s/o Dennis; May 20
Kenaway, Silvia d/o George and Goldie (Grizzel) 541 Columbia St;
June 3
Kessler, Infant s/o Chester and Amanda (Kidder) 707 Maple; Aug 31
Kiel, Infant (Paul Partram) s/o William; June 9
Klein, Lulu M d/o Philip and Anna (Sanders) 428 West 9th St; Sep 4
Knarr, Rowena L d/o John and Rose (Weber) Johns Hill; Sep 1
Knost, Esther d/o John and Clara (Ricalel?) 598 Washington; Feb 16
Kravitz, David, s/o Jack and (unreadable) Apr 3
Knecht, Hary C s/o Charles; Oct 27
Krans, Robert s/o George and Olga (Blinke) 217 W 12th St; Nov 25
Krebs, Fred A s/o M L and Alma (Kilmer) 1036 German St; Oct 27
Krieger, Florence E d/o Arthur and Ella (York) 911 York; Sep 21
Kuenzle, Alma M d/o Max and Josephine (Westendorf) 410 E 9th; Sep
Kuepper, Clifford s/o Clifford and Margaret (Clark) 816 Dayton;
Aug 17
Kunkemoeller, Joseph M s/o Henry and (unreadable) May 19
Lampe, George Herman s/o Geo and
Mary (Dessick) 817 Isabella; Sep 18
Lampe, Infant d/o Alphonse and
Margaret; Newport; Aug 1
Lampe, Sylvester s/o Frank and Mary (Wessling) Newport; Sep 13
Laudeman, Esther d/o Frank and Henrietta (Stegeman) Newport; Feb
Laurkisch, Paul s/o Adolph and Charlotte (Schuster) 107 W 7th; Jan
Lavamer, Katherine d/o John; May 18
Ledonne, Henry J s/o Anthony; May 13
Lehman, Mathue s/o George G and Minnie (Buth__) 512 W 7th; Aug 20
Leonard, Alice (twin) d/o Thos; May 25
Leonard, Anna (twin) d/o Thos; May 25
Lester, Charles s/o Henry and Rosaline; Newport; July 28
Lewis, Floyd E s/o James T and Ida J; Licking Pike; June 18
Light, Albert C s/o Albert C and Lizzie (Marak) 204 E 7th; Nov 11
Loechl, Sylvester s/o Frank and Henriette; 330 Elm St; Oct 4
Lucas, Sarah d/o (unreadable) June 9
Martin, Infant d/o Chas and
(unreadable) May 4
Mason, Edna d/o William G and Flora (Studer) 314 W 6th; Aug 4
Meyer, John s/o Wm and L (Lyman) 8th & Dayton; June 30
McNulty, Charles s/o Martin and (unreadable) Apr 1
Meyer, Wm Hadley s/o Niedenck? and Mamie (Russell) 1023 York; Feb
Michaels, Howard P s/o Mick B and Lillian (Folz) 217 York St; Nov
Miller, Nellie d/o Aloy; May 9
Minhardt, Nicholas s/o Frank; June 1
Montgomery, Rolf Keith s/o Elmer and Leah (Houser) 1115 Vine
St-Cote Brilliante; Feb 16
Motz, Matilda d/o Nicklaus and Lena (Ropbacher) 1130 German; Aug
Muchorockie, Mary d/o John and Kate (Bornz) 409 Thornton; Oct 8
Mueller, Charles A so Charles A and Carrie (Weber) 221 E 2nd St;
Nov 30
Mulfeather, Katherine d/o Harry E and Nellie (Gibbons) s w c 8th &
Lindsey; Dec 31
Murray, Thelma John and Kate (Madder) 333 W 8th; Mar 23
Myers, Florence d/o Henry and Mary (Smith) 11th & Ann; Oct 10
Newlin, Anna H d/o Edgar and
Elysabeth; Nov 7
Newman, Infant d/o Walter and Besa (Ashford) 505 Lexington; Nov 11
Nienbaum, Ester d/o John and Anna (Schulties) 741 Central Av; Nov
O'Brien, John Joseph s/o William O
and Mary; 417 W 7th; Sep 21
Orthief, Sylvia d/o Charles and
Dorthy (Tuppon) 201 Union St; Jan 13
Owens, Elmer Vuison? s/o Charles and (unreadable) 217 W 10th; Feb
Peck, Margaret M d/o Paul and Laura
(Prenst) 427 W 4th; Aug 26
Pellillio, Carlo P M s/o Herbert A; Apr 10
Perry, Infant s/o Robert and Florence (Ring) 1121 York; Sep 29
Pfierman, Celiasita d/o Frank and Kate; 836 German; Nov 3
Phillips, Jerome s/o Oliver; July 5
Prout, Donald Wm s/o Wm and Nettie (Dessemker) 720 Central; Sep 23
Raaher, Theo Chas s/o Wm and Rosen
(Grunz) 317 E Fifth; Mar 1
Rankin, Mary Susan d/o James and Annie (Davis) 516 W 5th; Aug 3
Redman, Avery Charles s/o Daniel and (unreadable) Mar 8
Reed, E A s/o George E and Carrie (Fye) 1009 Garret; Aug 12
Reisenberg, Rosemary C d/o Herman and Anna (Frison) 1029 Columbia;
Oct 26
Rhodes, Infant s/o Arthur and Ida; 735 Washington; July 22
Rich, Elmer s/o George and Nellie (Shrolt) 415 W 5th; Apr 12
Rider, Katherine d/o Frank and Lizzie (Murphy) Elm & Brighton;
June 26
Roberts, James B Jr. s/o James B and Nellie (England) Speers
Hospital; Aug 2
Robison, Mary L d/o John and Mary (Morgan) 119 W Southgate; Nov 20
Roil, Leonard T s/o Arthur and Gussie (Ampler) 920 Washington; Feb
Rosenhager, Alvina d/o Walter; June 15
Rosenthaler, Emma d/o Alfred and (unreadable) Mar 5
Roth, Robert s/o Frank and Clara; 11 W 12th St; Dec 15
Rothe, Norbert P s/o Charles and Kate (Hartig) 1113 Central Ave;
Nov 11
Rudolph, Richard s/o Richard and Bertha (Heninger) 923 Central;
Aug 18
Ruehle, Mildred d/o Lavis and Rose (Zielick) 29 W 11th; Sep 13
Russ, Infant d/o Otto and Mary (Trumble) 322 Central; Sep 11
St John, Roy L s/o
Aloy; July 19
Sarbeck, Charles s/o Charles and Marie?; Newport; July 22
Schickner, Evelyn M d/o George and Maggie (McGrath) 225 Forest St;
Jan 22
Schiffer, Helen Marie d/o Anthony and Alice (Clark) 934 John; Feb
Schneider, Alice Lucille d/o Fred and P-- (McClen__) 435 W 6th;
Aug 3
Schnorr, Thomas E s/o Fred Fred K and Hazel; Dec 6
Schorer, George J s/o George J and Kate; 130 W 2nd; Nov 6
Schorry, Inez d/o Harry and Mary (Brown) 317 Thornton; Feb 23
Schorry, Harry s/o Harry and Mary (Brown) 317 Thornton; Feb 23
Schreiver, Dorothy M d/o Arthur J and Effie L (Butler) 210 E 4th;
Sep 28
Schroth, Emma d/o John and Louisa (Hess) 327 W 11th; Feb 23
Schulz, Mary d/o Ollie and Mary; 931 Central Av; June 19
Seibert, Floradina d/o Heber; June 1
Sensel, Fred Jr. s/o Fred and Anna (Knecht) Newport; Sep 20
Shapero, Hyman s/o Abe and Anna (Scho__) 110 York; Jan 23
Shelton, Stella R d/o Urla and Clara (Murphy) 3rd Ward City; Sep
Shomaker, Harold s/o Theo and (unreadable) Apr 10
Shutz, Anna d/o Ben; Apr 5
Siekbert, Robert s/o Joseph and Dortha (Heck) 114 E 2nd St; Nov 23
Simpson, Caroline d/o Alfred; June 7
Slnellyn, Arthur s/o Arthur and Alice; 224 W 4th; Dec 14
Smith, Brenda Edmund d/o Louis L Jr. and Emma (Adams) 811
Monmouth; Feb 16
Smith, Edna d/o Robert and Viola (Mc___) 616 W 7th; Mar 29
Smith, Rosetta M d/o Herman and Kate M (Schnert) 915 Hamlet St;
Nov 18
Sprague, Infant d/o Ben and Maybell; Columbia St; July 25
Sprotts, Nellie K d/o William and Margaret (Esling) 518 W 8th St;
Sep 26
Spuehle, Viola d/o George and Anna (Broshack) 915 Washington; Sep
Steidel, Hilda d/o Joe and Elysabeth (Cottingham) 425 Elm St; Oct
Steggman, Paul W s/o G J and Clara (Keller) 9th & Dayton; Oct 23
Stein, Gertrude d/o Charles and Kate (Sullivan) 302 Thornton St;
Jan 30
Stephens, Anna B G d/o John and (unreadable) Mar 18
Stevens, Augusta R d/o W A and Rose (Ruces) 1120 Vine St; Nov 8
Stevens, Louis Ed s/o W F and Elizabeth; Newport; Feb 7
Stroub, Lowena R d/o Sebastian and Clara (Widkamp) 419 Keturah;
Oct 28
Stratman, Frank s/o Frank and (unreadable) May 30
Strietman, Infant s/o Geo and Barbara (Wolfer) 515 Monroe; Sep 29
Streine, Harry s/o Max and Ella; Jan 2
Strover, Mildred d/o Albert; June 8
Stuttle, Fred s/o William and Kate (Drott) 525 W 8th St; Sep 12
Tabke, George J s/o Joe; June 17
Thaubald, Marian Emma d/o Geo P and Harriet; 410 Lindsey; Feb 4
Thomas, Leslie Clark s/o Alfred and Rosie (Be__) 310 Columbia; Feb
Timmerman, Lawrence s/o George and Olive; Dec 4
Tinkleman, Sarbs s/o (names unreadable) Mar 7
Tuemler, Harry F s/o Harry and Estella (Wrisete) 712 Maple; Sep 12
Waeters, Martin s/o Jacob and Anna;
909 German; Apr 30
Wahle, Hubbard s/o Hubbard and Mamie (Kellar) 225 W 10th; Aug 31
Wagner, Johanna D d/o John and Helene (Matheson) 802 1/2 E 6th;
Aug 18
Wagonlander, Euston O s/o Fred and Ann (Golatzka?) 714 Saratoga;
Sep 4
Waldemeyer, Vernon s/o Albert H; 844 Ann; Aug 21
Wallis, Harry s/o Harry; Clifton; Dec 25
Walsh, John J s/o John J and Mary; Nov 1
Walsh, Mary d/o Daniel and Rose (Flascity) 105 N 5th; Sep 16
Weby, Helen d/o Walter; Clifton; Dec 21
Welch, Rose Anna d/o William and Rosa A (Hauber?) 327 Patterson;
Sep 30
Westhaupt, Wilbert s/o Harry and (unreadable) May 19
White, Morthia d/o John and Mamie (Bankemper) 432 Elm St; Oct 20
Williams, Infant d/o (unreadable) July 21
Witte, Joseph John A s/o John G and Celia (Gosner) 507 W 6th; Aug
Wolfzorn, Elsworth s/o Mike and Elizabeth; 423 W 11th; July 21
Wolterman, Vera d/o Geo and Minnie; 5th & Isabella; Mar 25
Wright, Archur W s/o Wm; July 22
Zeller, Infant s/o Wm and
(unreadable) May 5
Ziegler, Dorothy M d/o Daniel and Lucy (Closs) 28 Ridgeway Av in
Southgate; Sep 18
Zimmerman, Julius G J s/o Jonathan; July 2