Newport Has 55 Boys in France

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 11 May 1918, page 3

There are 55 Newport boys in France according to a list given out by the Newport Exemption Board Saturday. The list contains names of selects and those who enlisted but there are many more in France who are not in this list:

Raymond Berger, Dr. Shaler Berry, Walter Binder, Earl Botts, Arthur Beagel, Charles L Brauch Jr. Floyd Brooks

Frank J Connett, Raymond G Connett, John Cottingham, Thomas A Carrothers, Wallace Costigan, Thomas Coyne, Morgan Coyne

Harold Davies, Charles W Dietz, Frank Dough

Jack Eisenberg, Thomas T Evans

Martin Fassler, Maurice Filverof, Floyd Follman, Frank J Firth

William L Glazier Jr. Alois Grau, Earl Gleason, William Goetz

Joseph Hewitson, Ralph P Halloran, John J Higgins, Dr. W B Hughes

Ellsworth W Kohl

Frank Lewis, Corporal Clarence Loose

Rufus Maddux, Jesse McCarty, Frank Meyers, Peter Mertes

Fallon O'Sparkey

Ray Prout

Matthias Roll, Elmer S Ravensberg, Ben Roth, Willard Rawlings

Ben Simon, Charles Slimmer. Leo J Speier, Alfred Seigfried, Ed Stensel

Marcellas H Thompson

Rufus Van Voast

Charles Wilson, Herman Wright, Robert W Wetzel, Ed A Whiting

Earl Yelton


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