Deaths listed in the local newspapers 1910-1914
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 1 January 1910, page 1
The roster of the Grim Reaper has been large during the past year in Garfield Post GAR. During the past year the following veterans have passed away: A T Eshelman, Samuel Snyder, J H Watcher, Wesley Cramer, John R Stephenson, E C Wilmot, William Greiss, Solomon Stant, Paul Bechtold, David E Carr, Calvin Young, Jasper Oder, William Horsfall and Washington Cummins.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 3 January 1910, page 9
Marie Duncan, 73, wife of John Duncan, residing at 318 Washington street, Newport, died yesterday at her home of Brights disease.
John Smith, 50, residing at 627 Saratoga street, died yesterday at Speers Hospital after a short illness.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 3 January 1910, page 5
Health Officer deaths report: Conrad Kuster, 32-heart failure; Della Vorhees, 82-cystitis; Samuel Rarden, 75-cardiac paralysis; George Sugden, 55-pneumonia; Infant Walz; Mary Mulvey, 56-pneumonia; Sarah Holtny, 78-bronchitis; Infant Conrad; Louisa Bonte, 70-paralysis.
Mrs. Amalie Lohmeyer, 81, mother of Ed G Lohmeyer, York st. Newport, jeweler, died yesterday at her home 617 York st. of old age. Mrs. Lohmeyer was a widow, her husband having died several months ago. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the residence. The remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Marie Duncan, 73, wife of John Duncan, residing at 218 Washington st. Newport, died yesterday at her home of Brights disease.
John Smith, 59, residing at 627 Saratoga st. Newport, died yesterday at Speers Hospital.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 January 1910, page 5
Anthony Silverman, veteran shoemaker, and one of the oldest residents of Newport, died yesterday evening at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J A Cella, 305 West Fifth st. The decedent was 76years old and for the past half century had been a resident of the city. He is survived by four sons and one daughter.
Celia, the 5 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin, 1017 York st. Newport, died yesterday. The funeral took place this morning. Interment in St Stephen Cemetery.
Mrs. E F Riggs, 50, died yesterday at Speers Hospital. The remains were removed to her home, 540 East Third st. Newport.
Henry Lockwood, 80, died yesterday at his home, 161 Van Voast av. Bellevue. He is survived by a widow and two sons, Edwin F Lockwood of the Lockwood Manufacturing of Cincinnati, and Charles Lockwood. The funeral will take place at 1:30 pm tomorrow afternoon from the residence of his son, E F Lockwood, 220 Ward av.
Page 2-Patrick J Brown, 61, died at the home of his sister, Mary Brown, 82 East Tenth St-Cote Brilliante. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 January 1910, page 3
Andrew Schneider, 66, died Tuesday at Speers Hospital. The funeral will take place Friday at 2 pm from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Herman, 320 Elm st. Newport with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Alvina Riggs, who died at her residence, 540 East Third st. Newport took place Wednesday morning at 10 am from the residence.
Page 5-Anthony Sieverman, aged 76 years. Funeral from late residence, 305 West Fifth st. Newport Ky. Friday at 7:30 am. Requiem High Mass at Immaculate Conception Church at 8 am.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 6 January 1910, page 5
Elizabeth Erhardt, 80, died Wednesday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Chris Schweitzer, at Five Mile on the Licking pike. Mrs. Erhardt was a pioneer resident of Campbell co. The funeral will take place Friday at 1 pm and carriages will leave Funeral Director Erchell's office at 11 am. Several children survive.
The funeral of Andrew Schneider took place this afternoon at 2 pm from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Kramer, 320 Elm st.
Page 7-Mrs. Dora Sofner (nee Wahn) died at her residence, 502 Fairfield Av. Bellevue Ky. Due notice of funeral.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 8 January 1910, page 2
The funeral services over the late William Snow were held this afternoon at 121 East Court st. Cincinnati. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. W Tingley, 55, wife of the ex-coroner of Campbell co. died at her home, 332 Main st. The remains were shipped to Greensburg, Ind. by R R Rich for interment.
Page 5-Rudolph Kiesel, 64, residing at 827 Saratoga st. Newport, died yesterday. Kissel leaves a widow and six children.
Mrs. Dora Sofner (nee Wohn) died at her residence, 502 Fair av. Bellevue. Funeral arrangements have not been made
Page 7-Rudolph Rupner, 45, employed by Florist William Specht on the Alexandria Pike, near Evergreen Cemetery, back of Newport, committed suicide Friday morning by shooting himself through the breast with a shotgun.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 10 January 1910, page 5
Lillie Danert, the 5 year old daughter of Henry and Anne (nee Landebach) 915 Isabella st. Newport, died Saturday, Jan 8. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning Jan 11 with Requiem High Mass at 8:30 at Corpus Christi Church. Interment will be at St Joseph Cemetery, Johns Hill.
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Thomas H Harvey, 73-heart disease; Marie Duncan, 73-uraemia; Amelia Lohmeyer, 81-pneumonia; Anthony Silverman, 76-intestinal obstruction; Mary N Jones, aged 61-gastro-enteritis; Andrew Schneider, 63-arterio-scleroisis; Rudolph Kissell Sr. 64-hemiplegia; Josephine Hildebrand, 23-pneumonia; Helen C Martin, 5m-meningitis; Infant Braun; John Smith, 54y-appendicitis.
The funeral of Edward Meyer who died at his residence on Walnut st. Bellevue, late Saturday night, will be held tomorrow afternoon with services at the residence at 2 pm. The remains will be interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 7-George Wehlage, beloved husband of Lillian Wechlage (nee Gallagher) died Wednesday, Jan 5 at 5:10 pm at his residence, 419 Van Voast Av-Bellevue Ky. Funeral from his late residence Saturday at 8 am. Requiem High Mass at 8:30 at Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 11 January 1910, page 5
W W Steward, well known traveling salesman, for many years connected with the Putnam Hooker Co of Cincinnati, died Monday in his home, 811 York st. Newport, of pneumonia; Mr. Steward was taken ill while out on the road and when at Pittsburg concluded to return home. He arrived in Newport Sunday morning when his illness became more aggravated and that night pneumonia developed and caused his death early next morning. The decedent was the brother o the late Rev H J Steward for many years pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Newport. A widow and one child survive.
Page 2-Mrs. Louis Masmeister died yesterday in Dayton at the age of 60 from a complication of diseases. She is survived by several grown children. Funeral services will be held tonight in the chapel of Funeral Director Cunningham and the body will be take to New Richmond O. for burial.
Miss Mary A Mullin, 33, died yesterday at the home of her aunt in Avondale, Cincinnati. The remains will be removed to her late residence, 214 Walnut st. Bellevue where the burial will take place.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 12 January 1910, page 5
Mrs. Elizabeth Steinhauser, residing at 27 East Tenth st. died Tuesday night at Bethesda Hospital from cancer. She was 50 years of age and leaves a husband and two daughters. The funeral services will be held Thursday at Salem M E Church.
The funeral of W W Steward will be held at 2 pm Thursday afternoon, with services at the residence, 811 York st. Rev H M Noble, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, will officiate. A brother of the deceased, O E Steward of St Louis, arrived Tuesday and a telegram from his sister at Salt Lake City, states that she will attend the funeral. Mrs. Steward, who has been ill at the residence of her sister in Hyde Park has recovered to be removed home.
The funeral of Rudolph Rufner who shot himself a few days ago, took place Tuesday. The services were held at Radel's morgue and the remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery. Rufner was a grave digger at the cemetery in which he now lies buried.
Page 7-Edna Banks, aged 13 years, beloved daughter of Eugene and Mary (nee Kleinfelder) died Tuesday Jan 11 at 6 pm at her residence, 527 West Twelfth st. Newport. Funeral Friday, Jan 14 at 2 pm from late residence. (Indianapolis and Brooksville Ind. papers please copy)
Page 8-The funeral of Miss Mary Mullens will be held tomorrow morning at 8:30 am with requiem high mass from St Anthony Church. Interment in St Joseph new cemetery on Price Hill.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 13 January 1910, page 3
Mrs. Caroline Graham died Wednesday in the family residence, 110 Southgate st. Newport. The decedent was 76 years old and is survived by several children. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon with burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Edna Banks, aged 13, died suddenly late Tuesday night at the home of her father, Eugene Banks, 523 West Twelfth st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 14 January 1910, page 11
The funeral of William W Steward, veteran traveling salesman and prominent Mason of Newport took place Thursday afternoon from his late residence, 811 York st. Newport, and was attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends. Rev H M Noble, assisted by Rev Dr. Lamb officiated.
Frank R Block, aged 64 years, died Thursday, Jan 13, 1910 at 10 am at his residence, 527 Powell st. Newport. Funeral Saturday Jan 15, at 2 pm from the residence. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 9-Mrs. L Henry Reid, wife of a well known Mt Auburn man and daughter of Frank A Buchanan, of Newport, died Thursday at her home. An infant survives her. Mrs. Reid, whose maiden name was Margaret Buchanan was one of the popular society girls of Newport. The marriage ceremony was celebrated early last spring and was a notable society event.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 15 January 1910, page 3
Frank Block, for many years employed in the Newport Water Works Department and a pioneer resident of the city, died Friday at the family residence, 527 Powell st. Newport of old age. The decedent was 62 years old and is survived by a widow and several children. The funeral took place this afternoon from the residence.
Mrs. Anna Velkley died Friday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A J Klocke, Eleventh and York sts. Newport.
Page 5-John Harton, aged 28 years, departed this life Saturday Jan 15, 1910 at 6:20 am. Funeral Monday Jan 17 from the residence of his aunt, Mrs. Lincoln Bradley, 114 West Third st. Newport Ky. with requiem high mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 8 am.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 16 January 1910, page 17
The remains of John Flora, 61, whose death occurred Friday at his residence, 937 Washington avenue, Newport, will be cremated tomorrow.
John Harton, single, died yesterday at the Branch Hospital, Cincinnati, aged 28. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning form the residence of his aunt, Mrs. Lincoln Bradley, 101 West Third street, requiem high mass will be celebrated at the Immaculate Conception Church.
Mrs. Sue Singleton of Van Voast avenue, Bellevue, received work yesterday of the death of her mother, Mrs. Mell at Jeffersontown Ky.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 January 1910, page 5
The funeral of Samuel N Flore, who died at the residence of his sister, at 927 Washington av. Newport was held this morning at 8 am. The body was taken to Cincinnati where it will be cremated.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Velkley will take place Tuesday afternoon with services at the residence of her parents, Eleventh and York st. Newport at 2 pm.
Health Officer Dr. Charles J Kehm deaths reports: Rudolph Rufener, 50-gunshot wound; Lillie Darnet, 4-pneumonia; William Steward, 52-Brights disease; James Molloy, 47-tuberculosis; Elizabeth Steinhauser, 51-carcinoma; Edna Banks, 12-typhoid fever; Frank Black, 62-carcinoma; Samuel Flora, 61-metral incompetency; Oscar Smith, 24-inquest.
Page 7-Anna Velkley (nee Klocke) died at the home of her parents, Eleventh and York st. Newport, aged 24 years. Friday. Funeral services Tuesday, Jan 18 at the residence at 2 pm. Interment at Wesleyan Cemetery.
Bernard Middelkamp, died at the home of his son, Frank, 305 Fairfield av. Bellevue, Jan 17, 1910, aged 71 years. Funeral Wednesday Jan 19. Requiem mass at Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue at 8:30 am.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 January 1910, page 2
The will of Edward Meyer, former well known resident of Bellevue, was probated Monday by County Judge Hawkins. The document provides that all his estate be given to his wife, Augusta Meyer. The widow is named executrix.
Page 5-Lillian the 17 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, died Monday afternoon in the family residence on 1041 Isabella st. Newport.
Louis Henkens, a farmer living near Cold Spring, died Sunday night, aged 73. He is survived by three adult children. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from the Cold Spring Catholic Church at 9 am. Interment will be at St Joseph Cemetery.
Page 7-Bernard Middelkamp, died at the home of his son, Frank Middelkamp, 305 Fairfield av. Bellevue Ky. Jan 17, 1910, aged 71 years. Funeral Wednesday, Jan 19. Requiem mass at Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue at 8:30 am.
John F Ochs, aged 76 years died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. John P Taylor, 917 Putnam st. Newport. Funeral Wednesday at 1:30 pm from residence. Interment in Spring Grove Cemetery.
Lillian Smith, aged 17 years, beloved daughter of George and Elizabeth Smith (nee Liberth) died Monday Jan 17, 1910 at 1 pm at her residence, 1041 Isabella st. Newport. Funeral Thursday Jan 20 from residence at 2 pm. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 19 January 1910, page 3
Mrs. Elizabeth Beck, wife of James Beck, well known merchant of Newport, died Tuesday in the family residence, 1021 Monmouth st. The decedent was 42 years old and is survived by a husband and eight children, the youngest is eight days old and the oldest 17 years of age.
The funeral of Frank Roberts was held this afternoon with services in the residence at Sixth and Terrace avs. Dayton Ky. at 1 pm. The remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of William M Spencer, who died at his residence on Sixth av. Dayton was held this afternoon at 2 pm. with services in the residence. The remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 20 January 1910, page 3
Mary Quill, 76, an old resident of Newport, died late Tuesday night at the County Infirmary. The funeral took place this morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 8 am.
Martha Jane Weldon, mother of Mrs. L L Miller, of the Highlands, died Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H R Miller on the Alexandria Pike in Southgate. She ws 76years old and leaves three daughters and one son, Mrs. L L Miller, Mrs. H R Miler and Mrs. Charles Miller, of Covington and Fred Weldon of Pleasant Ridge O. The funeral will take place tomorrow with services at 2 pm at Wesley Chapel.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 22 January 1910, page 5
Frank F Gebhardt, 58, died Friday at his residence Sixth and Brighton sts. Newport. He leaves a widow and stepson. The funeral will take place Monday from Radel's Mortuary Chapel.
May Pearson, 21, died yesterday at the Cincinnati Branch Hospital. The remains were removed to the home of Mrs. Edward Sherlock, 403 Clark st. Bellevue where the funeral will be held at 1:30 pm Monday. Burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 24 January 1910, page 9
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Caroline Graham, 76-senility; Anna Veckley, 24-peritoritis; Katherine Averdick, 81-bronchitis; William Walker, 22-gunshot wound; John Ochs, 76-senility; John Harton, 27-tuberculosis; Lillie Smith, 17-tuberculosis; Mary Twill, 78-carcinoma; Elizabeth Beck, 42-peritonitis; Jane Weldon, 76-inquest.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 24 January 1910, page 5
Elizabeth Schaber, 86, widow of Gottlieb Schaber and mother of Mrs. Ben Drahmann, died yesterday at the residence of her daughter, 308 West Eleventh st. Newport. The body will be interred tomorrow morning at Alexandria Ky.
The funeral of Frank Stadtlander, conductor who met a tragic death in the wreck at Riverside Saturday morning of the Big Four Chicago flier, took place this morning at 8:30 am with short services at his late residence, 320 Monroe st. Newport. The body will be shipped to Indianapolis for burial.
Dr. Charles J Kehm reported the following deaths in Newport: Caroline Graham, 76-senility; Anna Veekly, 24-peritonitis; Katherine Averdick, 81-bronchitis; William Walker, 22-gunshot wound; John Uchs, 76-senility; John Harton, 27-tuberculosis; Lillie Smith, 17-tuberculosis; Mary Quill, 76-carcinoma; Elizabeth Beck-42-peritonitis; Jane Weldon, 76-inquest pending.
The funeral of Miss May Pierson, who was one of the best known of this city, will be held this afternoon at 1:30 pm with services in the residence of her sister, Mrs. Edward Sherlock, 304 Clark st. The decedent was a graduate of the Bellevue High School in the class of 1905.
Adam Herklotz, 49, the Sixth av. barber, died at his home on Fifth av. Dayton, this morning at 3 am. Herklotz was born in Bavaria in 1861 and learned his trade in the Germany army. He moved to Dayton from St Louis and had resided here for the last 17 years. The decedent is survived by the widow and 14 children ranging in age of 15 to 2 months. He was a member of the K of P, the German Workingmen's Association and the German Alliance of this city.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 25 January 1910, page 3
According to the provisions of the will of Mrs. Elvira M Riggs, which was probated in the Campbell co. Court today, all of her estate, including the homestead, at 546 East Third st. Newport, is bequeathed to her husband, Charles F Riggs, to be disposed of at his discretion and he is also named as executor without bond.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 26 January 1910, page 3
Miss (sic) Lottie Woods, former wife of William Keller, well known resident of Newport, died in the home of her brother in law, former City Clerk William McClure on East Sixth st. The funeral will be held in the residence Friday afternoon at 2 pm. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Frank Buelte, who died in the residence of his sister on Robert st. Newport, will be held Thursday morning at 8 am with services in St Stephen Church. The remains will be interred in St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 27 January 1910, page 3
The funeral of Mrs. Lottie Wood took place this afternoon at 2 pm from the residence of her brother in law, W F McClure, night receiver of the Western Union Telegraph Co at 12 East Sixth st. Newport. The deceased was beloved by a large circle of friends.
The funeral of Mrs. Val Sauer, whose death occurred at her home, 1105 Putnam st. Newport took place this morning with services at St Stephen Church at 8 am.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Humphries will take place Saturday afternoon at 2 pm from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Anna Lecquire, 405 Clark st. Bellevue. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 5-Julia Breeden, aged 30 years, beloved wife of Paul C Breeden, died Thursday, Jan 27, 1910 at her residence, 929 Columbia st. Newport Ky. Funeral Saturday, Jan 29, with requiem high mass at Corpus Christi Church at 8:30 am.
Mary Shannon (nee Fitzgerald) beloved wife of Martin, died, aged 66 years. Funeral from residence, 2330 May st. Walnut Hills Saturday at 8:15 am. Solemn requiem high mass at Church of the Immaculate Conception, Newport, Ky. at 9 am.
Ferdinand Graf, aged 81 years died at his residence, 511 Licking pike, Newport Ky. Funeral Monday, Jan 31. Requiem high mass at John's Hill Catholic Church at 9 am. Interment at St Joseph Cemetery, Johns Hill.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 28 January 1910, page 3
Mrs. Julia Breeden, wife of Paul C Breeden, well known newspaper man died Thursday in the family residence, 927 Columbia st. Newport. The decedent was 30 years old and is survived by the husband and one child. The funeral will take place Saturday morning from Corpus Christi Church at 8:30 am.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Shannon, wife of Martin Shannon, who until a few months ago resided at 617 Patterson st. Newport, will take place from the late residence, 2330 May st. Walnut Hills, Saturday morning. Services will be held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 31 January 1910, page 5
John Grossbaim, 53, residing at 700 East Seventh st. Newport, died Sunday . He leaves a widow and family of grown children. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning with services at St Stephen Church.
Nellie Shanks, 19, died Sunday at the residence of Jessie Alford on Sterling av. in the Highlands. Miss Shanks home is at Owenton Ky.
J N Rothan, 65, died Saturday at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Herman Hemsath, nwc Fifth and Saratoga st. Newport. The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 9 am at St Stephen Church.
Mrs. William Fitzgerald, wife of ex-Lieut. Fitzgerald, aged 56 years of 1038 York st. Newport, died Saturday night of typhoid fever. Her husband and one son survive her.
The funeral of Lawrence Wessling, who was killed by a C&O freight train Saturday was held this morning at 8:30 am with services in St Anthony Church, Dayton Ky. Four little playmates of the boy conveyed the remains to its last resting place in St Stephen Cemetery.
Mrs. Christina Luttmer, 70, a pioneer resident of this city, died early Sunday morning at the residence of her son, Leo Luttmer at 326 Fairfield av. Bellevue. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 8:30 am with requiem high mass in Sacred Heart Church. The remains will be interred in St Joseph Cemetery in Price Hill.
Health Officer Dr. Charles J Kehm deaths report: Elizabeth Scharber, 86-sclerosis; Julius Hemesath, 5-meningitis; Frank Bueete, 36-cirrhosis of liver; Mary Sauer, 47-cardiac paralysis; Charlotte Wood, 49-carcinoma; Julia Breeden, 31-exhaustion; Ferd Graf, 81-senility; Kate Hirth, 25 days-convulsions; Frank Stadtander, 47-inquest; Flora Baker, 47-meningitis; Jacob F Gebhert, 57-pneumonia.
The funeral of Ferdinand Graf, who died at his residence on the Licking pike, Ft Thomas, was held this morning with services at the residence. The remains were interred in the Johns Hill Cemetery.
Miss Nellie Shanks, 19, died late Sunday at the residence of Joseph Alford on Sterling av. Inverness, Ft Thomas.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 1 February 1910, page 11
The funeral of Miss Nellie Shanks, who died at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Alford in the Highlands, will take place at 10 am tomorrow from the First Baptist Church.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 3 February 1910, page 5
Astion A Harrison, 61, died last night at the residence of his son, William Harrison. The remains will be cremated Saturday morning.
Charles Hausser, 24, died yesterday at the Cincinnati Hospital. The remains were removed to the home of his sister, Mrs. A Simms, and the funeral will take place at 2 pm Thursday.
The funeral of John Grossheim took place yesterday with services at St Stephen Church and interment at St Bernard. The Sons of German Pioneers attened the funeral services in a body.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 February 1910, page 5
Mrs. Rose Waterman, wife of Harry Waterman, well known artist, died yesterday in the family residence, 559 Lexington av. Newport. The decedent was 36 years old and is survived by her husband. The funeral took place this afternoon at 1:30 pm from the residence and burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Miss Grace Crawford, who died Saturday afternoon in the residence of her parents, 1023 Boone st. Newport, was held this afternoon at 2 pm, with services in the residence. The remains were interred in Spring Grove Cemetery.
Conrad Loos, 86, died at his home in Alexandria Sunday night. The funeral will be Wednesday at the German Lutheran Church in Alexandria.
John C Jacobs, 72, died at his home, 621 Monmouth st. Newport. The funeral will be held Wednesday at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 8 February 1910, page 5
George Girand, 54, died yesterday afternoon in his residence, 713 Robert st. Newport. The decedent is survived by a widow and four grown children. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 1:30 pm with services at the residence.
John C Jacobs, 71, died yesterday at his home, 621 Monmouth st. Newport of old age. A widow and five children survive him. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.
Ellis Griesinger died last night at his home, 1007 Isabella st. Newport. He is survived by a widow and family of adult children. The funeral will take place Thursday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The funeral of Conrad Loos, who died in his residence at Ten-Mile, Ft Thomas, Sunday will be held tomorrow in Cold Spring. The remains will be interred in the cemetery in Cold Spring.
The funeral of Percy T Wills was held this afternoon from the residence on Van Voast, Bellevue. Interment was in Evergreen.
The funeral of Mrs. Agnes Rolsen, who died in the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Willming, will be held tomorrow morning with services in the Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue at 9 am. The remains will be interred in Johns Hill Cemetery.
Page 3-The wife of Harry Waterman, a former resident of Bellevue, will be buried from Newport today.
The will of Rudolph Kissel, dated Newport July 23, 1902, was probated today in Campbell co Court. The will is simply setting forth the bequest all of his estate is to go to his wife, Anna Margaret and naming her as executrix without bond.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 February 1910, page 3
Jane McDermott, 72, died Thursday night at St Elizabeth Hospital, Covington. The deceased lived in Newport. Death was caused by influenza and complications.
Page 5-The relatives of H A DeWett, 319 Third av. Dayton, received word yesterday morning that he had committed suicide in Memphis Tenn. DeWett was 69 years of age and a traveling machinist. He left his home two weeks ago to to to Memphis where he was expected to work. Several days ago word was received by his wife that he had become ill, but his condition was not serious. DeWett is survived by a widow and two daughters, Mrs. Leo Spitzelberger who resides on Third av. Dayton, and another daughter who resides in California Ky.
Anthony Winzle, 51, a former well known resident and business man of Bellevue, died in his residence, 5024 Eastern av. He was a former saloon keeper of Bellevue, being located for years on Fairfield av. but finally selling his saloon, he started in the coal business until he moved from Bellevue. He was a member of the Douglas Lodge, K of P and the Knights of Honor of Bellevue. He is survived by a widow, three daughters and two sons.
Hubert Bumstone, 42, brick contractor died early today at his home, 1111 Columbia st. Newport of pneumonia. The funeral will be held Monday at 2 pm from the residence, Rev Garrison officiating.
Page 5-Charles Asche, 39, died at Speers Hospital from blood poisoning. The funeral will be held Monday from the residence on Pendleton st. Bellevue. Burial will be in St Stephen Cemetery.
Page 9-Nicholas Blank Sr. 74, died suddenly at his home, 917 Hamlet st. Newport of senility. He was the father of Nicholas Blank Jr. druggist. For the past four years he had been totally blind, as a result of an operation for a cataract. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from St Stephen church at 9 am. He is survived by a widow and family of adult children.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 12 February 1910, page 11
Herman Brimston, contractor, died earl yesterday morning at his residence, 1111 Columbia street, Newport, of pneumonia; He was 42 years of age and Secretary of the Bricklayer's Union. The funeral services will be held Monday at the residence.
Richard Thien, the three year old son of Joseph Thein, of 834 Saratoga street, Newport, died yesterday.
Sarah Ryan, 81, residing at 325 Saratoga street, a pioneer resident of Newport, died last night at her residence as a result of infirmities due to old age. She leaves three grown children and was the mother of Joseph Ryan, of the Canton Oh police department.
Jane McDermott, 63, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital. She had been an invalid for nearly two years. The remains were removed to the residence of her sister, Mrs. William Kelly, 836 Patterson street, Newport.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 February 1910, page 3
The funeral of Anthony Winzig, former well known resident of Bellevue, who died in Cincinnati, took place this afternoon at 1 pm, with services in the residence. Services were also held in Evergreen Cemetery by members of Douglas Lodge, K of P, of this city, of which the decedent was a member.
The funeral of Charles Asche, who died in Speers Hospital was held this morning t 8:30 am with services in Sacred Heart Church. The remains were interred in St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Caroline Wells, who died in the family residence, 440 Ward av. Bellevue, will be held Wednesday morning at 8:30 am with services in Sacred Heart Church.
Page 5-Services over the remains of Mrs. Mary Ryan, who died at the residence of her daughter, 312 Saratoga st. Newport late Friday, were held this morning in the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Herbert Brimstone, who died at the family residence, 1111 Columbia st. Newport was held this afternoon with services at the residence. The remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Steinhauser, who died last Saturday at the family residence, 712 Linden av. Newport was held this afternoon with services at the residence. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 16 February 1910, page 9
Fannie Schwaegerle, 26, died yesterday at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Kate Mains, 26 East Ninth street, Newport of dropsy. She is survived by two sisters and a brother. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 2 pm and interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
News of the death of Miss Anna Laura Pruden, daughter of the late Alvin M Pruden, which occurred yesterday at Chicago, was received by friends here. Purden was engaged in the roofing business in Newport for about 30 years and lived with his family at Third and Berry streets. The remains of the decedent will be brought here tomorrow for interment. The funeral will be held at Evergreen Chapel at 2:30 pm.
Anna Bonniville, 26, died yesterday at the family residence, 933 Orchard street, Newport of pneumonia. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon with services at the residence at 2 pm. The remains will be interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 16 February 1910, page 3
Fred Duerr, Monmouth st. Newport saloon keeper, received a telegram last night announcing the death at New Orleans La. of his brother Ernest Duerr.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 17 February 1910, page 5
The Sons of Veterans Auxiliary, Newport, met last night at the residence of Mrs. Welch, 406 Columbia st. and took suitable action on the death of Miss Fanny Schwaegerle, a member of the order. The members will attend the funeral afternoon. Services at the residence Ninth and Orchard sts. at 2 pm.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 18 February 1910, page 13
George Holland, 37, residing at 715 Patterson street, Newport, died yesterday at Speers Hospital of tuberculosis. Holland was a former well known salesman and leaves two brothers and a sister. The funeral will take place Monday morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 18 February 1910, page 9
George Holland, 37, who resided in Newport, died Thursday at St Elizabeth Hospital of tuberculosis.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 19 February 1910, page 2
Mrs. Josephine Whitman, 66, died yesterday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Phil Bitzer, 534 Linden av. Newport. She is survived by a son Edward Whitman of Philadelphia and a daughter, Mrs. Bitzer, wife of Phil Bitzer, custodian of the Newport Elks Temple.
Miss Anna Jeanette White, 19, daughter of George White, the plumber, died yesterday of pneumonia. Miss White graduated from the Newport High School last June. The funeral will take place at 2 pm Monday afternoon from the residence, 839 York st. Newport.
Page 7-Josephine Wittman (nee Burgoyne) aged 66 years. Funeral from residence of her daughter, Mrs. Philip Bitzer, 534 Linden av. Newport Ky. Monday t 8:30 am. Requiem high mass at Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 February 1910, page 5
Health Officer Dr. Charles J Kehm deaths report: Sarah Ryan, 68-senility; Herbert Brimstone, 42-pneumonia; Richard Theim, 3-pneumonia; Anna Sarver, 39-pneumonia; Margaret Steinhauser, 77-enteritis; Carl G Kaul, 1-meningitis; Babetta R Daley, 4m-pneumonia; Annie Burke, 65-myocarditis; Anna Bonniville, 26-typhoid fever; Fannie Schwaegerle, 26-tuberuclosis; Charles L Raison, 61-angina pectoris.
Page 7-Mrs. Margaret Hayden, died in Chicago, Feb 20 at 5 am. Was a pioneer resident of Newport and resided on West Seventh st. Notice of funeral later.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 22 February 1910, page 5
Mrs. Catherine Stratman, widow of the late Henry Stratman, died at the residence on Overton st. Newport yesterday. The funeral will be held at 2 pm tomorrow with services at the residence. The burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery.
William Livingston, 44, a brother of Andrew and Robert Livingston, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital. The remains were removed to the residence of his sister, Mrs. E Pilgrim, 728 Robert st. Newport.
Word ws received here yesterday of the death at Chicago of Mrs. Margaret Hayden, a former will known resident of Newport. The remains will arrive here today and will be taken to the residence of her brother, James Cummins at 312 Chestnut st.
Mrs. Robert Rouse died at her home near Alexandria yesterday. The remains will be buried this afternoon at Florence Ky.
Matthew Schneider, aged 43, died at his home on the Licking River yesterday of heart disease. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with services at the Lutheran Church, Johns Hill.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 23 February 1910, page 3
Mrs. L M George, widow of Louis C George, died late Tuesday night at the residence of her son, W B George on Blue Grass av. Ft Thomas. Funeral will be held Friday at 2 pm with services in the residence. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 5-The funeral of former Deputy City Clerk Richard J Lynch took place this morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The remains will be placed in the vault at the new Price Hill Cemetery.
The body of Mrs. Margaret Hayden, aged 66, who died in Chicago arrived in Newport last night and was removed to the residence of her brother, James Cummins, 312 Chestnut st. Newport. She was a resident of this city for many years and is survived by a family of adult children. The funeral will take place at 9 am tomorrow from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
William Prabell, 54, died at his home on Seventh av. Dayton Ky. A widow, three daughters and three sons survive him.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 February 1910, page 5
The funeral of Matt Schneider, who died at his home near Ten Mile on Licking Pike, took place yesterday, services being held at the German Church at Alexandria. The remains were interred at Johns Hill.
The funeral of Mrs. Eliza Bryant was held this evening at 10 am from Cunningham Chapel. The remains were interred in Evergreen.
Stanley Schappell, 3, died from a severe attack of scarlet fever in the residence of his father, Fred Schappell, who lives on the River rd. east of Dayton. He was a nephew of Chief of Police Frank Ortlieb.
The funeral of William Prabell will take place from the residence Friday afternoon at 2 pm. Interment will be in Evergreen.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 26 February 1910, page 5
The funeral of William A Otting, veteran cigar manufacturer and prominent citizen of Newport, will take place Monday afternoon from his late residence, 806 Park av. and interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 28 February 1910, page 5
Samuel, the 2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, died yesterday afternoon in the home of his parents, 103 East Front st. Newport. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm with services in the residence.
The funeral of Peter Kilmer, well known resident of Newport, who died in Speers Hospital was held this afternoon with services in the residence, 1130 Columbia st. at 2 pm. The remains will be buried in Evergreen Cemetery.
Health Officer Dr. Charles Kehm deaths report: George Holland, 35-tuberculosis; Josephine Wittmann, 67-carcinoma; Elizabeth King, 37-pneumonia; David Zakam; Anna J White, 19-pneumonia; Catherine Stratman, 86-pneumonia; Nora Bernie, 55-senility; Isaac Cox, 75-heart failure; Mrs. J R Rouse, 43-tuberculoiss; Alma Beck, 1m-inanition; Richard Lynch, 40-nephritis; Eva P Schwartz, 19-carcinoma; Anna Davis, 67-pneumonia; William Livingston, 42-tuberculosis; John Hearern, 79-senility; Joseph Chester, 4m-dysentery; William A Otting, 53-heart disease; Mary Cavanaugh, 65-apoplexy.
Mrs. Mary Fleherty, 46, well known resident of Bellevue, died yesterday afternoon in her residence 137 Foote av. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9:30 am with services in Sacred Heart Church. The remains will be interred in St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 1 March 1910, page 11
George Haack, 78, 627 Dayton street, Newport, died yesterday of old age. The funeral will take place tomorrow.
The funeral of Joseph Hermann, retired hotel proprietor, will take place tomorrow at 2 pm with services at the residence on Sixth street, Newport. The remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 1 March 1910, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Fleherty was held this morning at 9:30 am with services in Sacred Heart Church. The remains were interred in St Joseph Cemetery in Price Hill.
The funeral of Mrs. Johanna Hoffman, who died yesterday in the residence of her son, George Hoffman, 524 Sixth av. Dayton, will be held from the residence Wednesday at 1:30 pm. Burial will be in Vine st. Hill Cemetery. She is survived by six adult children.
The funeral of William A Otting, cigar manufacture, took place yesterday afternoon, with services being held at his residence on Park av. Newport. The pall bearers representing the Elks were E G Lohmeyer, Joseph Knecht, Louis Brandt and John Waters and the Newport Bowling Club, Oscar Reimert, James Champ, Fred Imfeld and William Kettenacker. The active pall bearers were Charles Adams, Ramsey Washington, John Tapking, William Anschutz, Fred Miller and George Thompson. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 2 March 1910, page 13
General Council met last night and took action on the death of Councilman Marshall J Doyle. Councilman Beyer and Kaufman were designated as honorary pallbearers. The members of the General Council will attend the funeral in a body.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 2 March 1910, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Johanna Hoffman took place at 1:30 pm today from the residence, Rev Louis W Goebel officiating. The pallbearers were Charles and George Hoffman, son of the deceased; Charles Klaiss, M Camm, Joseph Heekin and Charles Schriver. Burial at St Mary Cemetery.
Robert Pille, aged 26, died yesterday at his home, 214 East Fourth st. Newport of heart disease. He is survived by a widow and two small children.
Mrs. Katherine Enkoner, 68, pioneer resident of this city, died yesterday afternoon after a lingering illness in Speers Hospital. The body was removed to the home of her son on West Sixth st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 3 March 1910, page 5
Mrs. Caroline Johnson, 76, died yesterday i her home, 258 Ward av. She was one of the oldest and best known residents of Bellevue having made her home there for the past 60 years. The funeral will be held at 1:30 pm tomorrow with services in the residence. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Marshall Doyle, Newport Councilman who died Monday at his home, was held this afternoon with services in the First Presbyterian Church. Interment was in Evergreen.
Mrs. Mary Glesier, 66 died yesterday in the family residence in Mt Pleasant av. Ft Thomas, of dropsy. She was well known in the Highlands and was prominent in church circles. Mrs. Glesler is survived by a husband and several grown children.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 March 1910, page 5
Mrs. Gertrude Buschmiller, 78, widow of Theodor Buschmiller and mother of Harry Buschmiller, collector on the Fourth st. bridge, died last night at her home 531 West Sixth st. Newport. Mrs. Buschmiler had been unconscious for 36 hours death due to old age. She leaves four grown children. The funeral services will be held Monday morning at Corpus Christi Church.
John, the 4 month old son of George Bardo, of 831 Monroe st. died yesterday after a lingering illness. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Geisler, who died after a lingering illness in the family residence on Mt Pleasant av. Ft Thomas will be held tomorrow morning at 8:30 am with services in St Thomas Church. The remains will be interred in St Stephen Cemetery.
Page 7-The funeral of Captain Harrison M Shuey, who died at his residence, 407 Sixth av. Dayton, will be held Saturday at 1 pm with services at the residence. Burial in Spring Grove Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Caroline Johnson was held at 1:30 pm this afternoon with services in the residence, 258 Ward av. Bellevue.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 March 1910, page 2
Death invaded the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bardo, of 831 Monroe st. Newport twice within four days. Last Thursday, their 4 month old son, John died and the body was placed in the vault at St Stephen Cemetery. Yesterday their 11 month old daughter, Blanche, died from spinal meningitis. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with services at the home.
Page 5-John Marsh, 46, a brass finisher, was found dead at his home, 408 Lindsey st. Newport of heart disease. Marsh leaves a widow, three sons and two daughters. The funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon.
Charles Yazel, 4 week old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Yazel, of 423 Elm st. Newport, died in his mother's arms last night. Squire Gleason, who conducted the inquiry decided the death was due to spasms.
The young daughter of John Fripporn died yesterday morning in the home of her parents at Fourth and Mains sts. Dayton. The funeral will be held from the residence Tuesday morning at 8:30 am.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 7 March 1910, page 9
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: James Murray, 52-tuberculosis; Howard Fun, 11m-pneumonia; Josiah Hermann, 68-apoplexy; Mary Flaherty, 46-paralysis; ruth Thomas, 1y; George Haack, 74-pneumonia; Marshal Doyle, 43-angina pectoris; Robert Pille, 26; Catherine Emkeuer, 71-senitlity; Charles B Carter, 5m-spasms; Loretta Schendorf, 9-meningitis; Eleanora Musgrave, 69-pneumonia; Gertrude Bushmiller, 75-senility; John D Maher, 79-intestinal grip; Catherine Scanlon, 62-pneumonia.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 10 March 1910, page 3
Cornelius Cotter, 53, a well known resident of Ft Thomas, died Thursday morning at Speers Hospital. He is survived by a widow, four sons and five daughters. The funeral will be Saturday afternoon at 1 pm from the residence, 212 Ft Thomas av. and interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 5-Fred Merz, 70, a resident of Newport for more than the past half century, died yesterday at his home, 14 East Thirteenth st. He is survived by several grown children. The funeral will be held Saturday morning from the Immaculate Conception Church and burial will be in St Bernard O.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 March 1910, page 5
The funeral of George W Holmes, who died at Prescott, Ariz. were held at 3 pm today at the Evergreen Chapel. The services will be conducted by Rev Garrison, of the Central Christian Church. The decedent was a son of the late George B Holmes of Newport.
Frank W Huck, 3 year old son of John Huck, of 509 Thornton st. Newport died yesterday. The funeral took place this afternoon.
John Farmer, an old resident of Dayton Ky. died last night at Speers Hospital. The funeral will be held Saturday at 1:30 pm from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J David Henneberger, 532 Eighth av.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 12 March 1910, page 5
John Brereton, 51, well known resident of Newport, died yesterday at his home, 828 Saratoga st. with consumption. He was single and is survived by a brtoerh and two sisters. The funeral will take place Monday morning with services in St Stephen Church and interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Mary Woods, 68, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, 1004 Washington av. Newport. For the past 40 years she had been a resident of Newport. One son and one daughter survive her.
Percy Wells, by this will probated yesterday leaves his entire estate to his widow, Ella Wells, and names her as executrix without bond.
Page 7-The funeral of John Farmer was held from the residence of his daughter, ?? Eighth av. Dayton at 8:30 am this morning.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 14 March 1910, page 9
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Lucy N Walker, 51-apoplexy; John William Bardo, 4-pneumonina; Blanche Bardo, 11m-menigitis; Anna Slaline, 47-dementia; Nannie Adams, 58-Brights disease; Charles Yazel, 1m-convulsions; John Marsch, 45-heart disease; Leo R Zell, 1m; Frederick Merz, 70-bronchitis; Charles F Rave, 5m-pneumonia; Frank W Huck, 2y; Clara Marshall, 26-tuberculosis; Walton E Bartel, 8m-pnemonia.
John Bryrum, 70, residing at 910 Central avenue, Newport, died last Saturday night at his home of old age. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the residence at 2 pm.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 March 1910, page 5
Peter Laffey, 50, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital, Covington. The funeral will take place tomorrow with services at the residence of Pat Owens, Eighth and German streets, Newport.
John Byrum, 70, residing at 910 Central av. died late Saturday night at his home from infirmities incident to old age. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the residence at 2 pm.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 16 March 1910, page 3
The funeral of the late Charles Voss, pioneer resident, who died at his residence, 223 Fifth av. Dayton, Monday afternoon, was held this afternoon with services at the residence. The remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
It is reported that the remains of Bert Matthews, who was killed in a snow slide near Spokane Wash. will arrive at his parents home on Foote av. Bellevue today. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon if they arrive.
Page 5-Mrs. Carrie Winston, aged 74, widow of the late J H Winston, died yesterday morning at the Alhambra Flats, East Third st. Newport. The decedent had resided in this city nearly all her life. She is survived by two brothers, Thomas H & E J Winston and a sister, Mrs. Anna Ross. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon with services at Salem M E Church.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 17 March 1910, page 11
The funeral of Mrs. Carrie Winston, widow of James H Winston, will take place this afternoon with services at 2 pm at Taylor street, Newport, M E Church. The remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery. Mrs. Winston leaves two sons-Thomas H & E J Winston, and a sister, Mrs. Anna Ross.
Mrs. Mary Brady, aged 81, a paralytic, who has been bedridden for the past eight years, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John Barry, at 12:30 am this morning. She was the widow of Pat Brady, who at the time of his death was considered one of the oldest residents of Newport. She herself had lived in this city a good part of her life. She is survived by three children.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 17 March 1910, page 5
Elizabeth, the 15 month old daughter of George Hack, died yesterday afternoon in the home of her parents, 409 Hazen st. Bellevue. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning with services in the residence. Interment will be made in St Joseph Cemetery in Cincinnati.
Word was received in Dayton Ky yesterday of the death of Michael Prells, former well known resident of this city, but later of Price Hill.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 18 March 1910, page 3
The funeral of Elizabeth Hack was held with services at the residence, 406 Hazen st. Bellevue, this afternoon. The body was interred in St Joseph Cemetry, Price Hill.
The body of Mrs. Anna Humphreys will be buried from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery Saturday afternoon.
Page 3-BAHLMAN, Francis A, aged 1 year, beloved son of Frank and Elizabeth Bahlman (nee Reekers) died at residence, southeast corner Ninth and Patterson sts. Newport Ky. Friday, March 18 at 1:20 am. Funeral Saturday, March 19 from residence at 1:30 pm. Burial at St Joseph Cemetery, Johns Hill.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 18 March 1910, page 12
Maggie Webster, 65, residing at 241 East Tenth street, died yesterday at the home of her son in law, Thomas Glenn, of paralysis. She leaves a husband and several grown children. The funeral will take place tomorrow.
The funeral of Mrs. Carrie Winston took place yesterday afternoon, services being held at Taylor Street M E Church, Newport. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 19 March 1910, page 17
Louise Maggie, widow of Marcell Maggi, died yesterday at her residence, 617 Saratoga street, Newport of grief over the death of her husband. She leaves four children.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 20 March 1910, page 21
Owen Britt, 21, died yesterday at his residence, 639 Dayton street, Newport of consumption.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 21 March 1910, page 9
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: John Bureton, 31-tubeculosis; John Joyce, 14 d-influenza; Mary Wood, 67-paralysis; Pete Lafey, 46-tuberculosis; Carl Weber, 11m-pnuemona; Isabella Gibbs, 79-heart disease; John Byrum, 70-pneumonia; Celesta Retcher, 4d; Carrie Winston, 74-pneumonia; Victor Lee Price, 2m-pneumonia; William McCleave, 45y-pneumonia; Mary Brady, 81y-senility.
Mrs. Susan Benedix, a widow, died yesterday at her home, 157 Rhensford street, Bellevue, aged 77. She is survived by three sons-George, Thomas and Fred Benedix. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with requiem mass at the Sacred Heart Church at 8 am. Interment will be in the St Bernard Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 March 1910, page 5
George Nealons, 67, died yesterday afternoon in the family residence, 24 East Second st. Newport. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed.
The funeral of Orin Britt, who died at the residence of his mother, 639 Dayton st. Newport will be held tomorrow afternoon at the residence. The burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Louise Maggi, a well known woman, who died Friday in the family residence, 617 Saratoga st. Newport was held this afternoon at the residence at 2 pm. The burial was in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 22 March 1910, page 5
Thomas Collins, 30, residing at 328 Monmouth st. Newport died yesterday of rheumatism. Collins was a nephew and associated in the business of house painting with ex-Squire Charles Shelow, whose death also occurred yesterday as a result of pneumonia.
The remains of Jeanette Schuch were received yesterday from Chicago by Funeral Director Radel and will be buried from Radel's morgue. Mrs. Schuch formerly resided in Covington.
Services over the body of the late George Nealeans were held this afternoon in the First Baptist Church at 1:30 pm. Interment in Spring Grove Cemetery.
The funeral of Orin Britt took place this afternoon at 1:30 pm with services in the residence of his mother, 639 Dayton st. Newport. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 23 March 1910, page 3
The funeral of the late Chas J Shelow, who died Monday evening in the home of John Schwainer on the Alexandria Pike, Fort Thomas, was held this afternoon at 2 pm with services in the chapel in Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 5-Samuel W Hill, 59, died Wednesday morning of pneumonia. He was born in Ft Thomas and lived there all his life. He was one of the Trustees of the Highland District, also a Courthouse Commissioner. He leaves a widow, two sons and a daughter. The funeral arrangements have not been made.
The funeral of Thomas W Collins was held this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Sophia Elliott, 328 Monmouth st. Newport. Rev C L Garrison officiated. The burial was in Spring Grove Cemetery. Collin's father, Robert L Collins, now a resident of Paola Kan. was in the postal service in this city for 16 years.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 24 March 1910, page 11
Margaret Porschert, 83, mother of ex-Sheriff Dan Riedel, died yesterday at her residence, 827 Orchard street, Newport of old age. The funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at St Paul German Church.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 March 1910, page 2
Peter Dietrich, 28, son of Dominick, proprietor of the well known clubhouse and garden in Ft Thomas, died suddenly this morning at 7:45, after a long illness of heart faiure. He was a very popular young man, being a member of the Newport Lodge of Elks. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Page 7-The funeral of George Nealeans took place yesterday afternoon. Services were held at the First Baptist Church. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Catherine Mulligan, 87, died yesterday at her home, on River rd. Ft Thomas. She was the mother of Mrs. Murray, wife of ex-Sergt. Murray of the Sixth Infantry. She fell down a flight of stairs last November and fractured her hip and never fully recovered from her injuries.
Carl Clos, the 3 year old son of Henry Clos, Glen Park-Ft Thomas, died yesterday.
The funeral of the late Katherine Burrer was held from the chapel in Evergreen Cemetery this afternoon at 2 pm.
The funeral of Samuel W Hills will be held at 10 am Saturday with services in the chapel at Evergreen.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 25 March 1910, page 3
Louis Mahaffey, aged 11, died yesterday at the residence of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J G Mahaffey, 812 Sixth av. Dayton of peritonitis. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 1:30 pm from the residence. Burial will be in Evergreen.
Page 5-The funeral of the late Samuel Hills, who died after a short illness at his family residence, on Ft Thomas av. Ft Thomas, Wednesday morning, will be held tomorrow morning at 10 am with services in the chapel in Evergreen Cemetery.
It was announced the body of James Heffernan, who died in Covington, will be buried in the soldiers lot in Evergreen. Heffernan was well known here, having conducted a lunch stand on the Midway for a long time.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 26 March 1910, page 2
Louis Ampler, relative of Peter Ampler, Newport Councilman, died yesterday at his home, 1039 Saratoga st. Newport. The decedent was 23 years old and is survived by a father, mother and brother. The funeral will take place next Tuesday morning from St Stephen Church and burial will be in St Stephen Cemetery.
Mrs. Minta Laney, 71, died yesterday at her residence, 510 Powell st. She is survived by two sons and five daughters.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 28 March 1910, page 3
The funeral of Peter Dietrich was held from St Joseph Church at Cold Spring this morning. The remains were buried in the St Stephen Cemetery. The Newport Lodge of Elks held their lodge service over the remains in the family residence, Ft Thomas, Sunday afternoon.
Samuel Reed of ? and York st. Newport, was called to Bridgeport O. yesterday by the sudden death of his mother.
Page 7-Rosie Scholz, aged 29 years and 9 months, beloved daughter of Anton and Mary Scholz (nee Seibert) died Sunday, March 27, at 7 pm at her residence, 930 Central av. Newport Ky. Funeral Wednesday, March 30, with requiem high mass at Corpus Christi Church at 8:30 am. Burial at St Joseph Cemetery Bond Hill.
Charles P Wagner, 49, one of the best known citizens of Bellevue, died late yesterday in Speers Hospital. The body was removed to his home where funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm. The body will be buried in Evergreen Cemetery. He is survived by a widow and three children.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Rheely, well know resident, who died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Illester, 1t 809 East Seventh st. Newport, was held this afternoon, with services in the residence. Burial in Spring Grove Cemetery.
The funeral of Louis Ampler will be held tomorrow morning, with services in St Stephen Church. The body will be buried in St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 29 March 1910, page 5
The funeral of Charles T Wagner was held this afternoon from the residence, 257 Ward av. Dayton. The Rev W H Bunton officiating. Interment was in Evergreen.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Heyl took place this afternoon with services at the residence, 1031 York st. Newport, at 2 pm. The remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 7-Rosie Scholz, aged 29 years and 9 months, beloved daughter of Anton and Mary (nee Seibert) died Sunday, March 27 at 7 pm at her residence, 930 Central av. Newport Ky. Funeral Wednesday March 30, with requiem high mass at Corpus Christi Church at 8:30 am. Burial at St Joseph Cemetery, Bond Hill.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 30 March 1910, page 5
Adam Brown, 78, one of the oldest and best known residents of Newport, died early yesterday evening at the residence of his son, Jacob Brown, at 10140 Putnam st. Newport. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 31 March 1910, page 5
Michael Gleason, 50, brother of Magistrate Patrick Gleason, of Newport, died at his home on West End st. Newport, near Central av. at midnight.
Page 7-HERINGHAUS-Katherine (nee Monkeydick) aged 47 years, beloved wife of Henry Heringhaus, died at her residence, 233 Ward av. Bellevue Ky. Wednesday, March 30, at 7 pm. Funeral Saturday April 2, with requiem high mass at Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue at 8:30 am. Burial at St Mary Cemetery, St Bernard.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 31 March 1910, page 11
The funeral of Rev J J Rambo, whose death occurred at Norwood will take place tomorrow afternoon with services at the First Baptist Church at 2 pm.
Elizabeth Kirsch, 39, died yesterday at her home in Southgate of pneumonia. She leaves a husband and three children. The funeral services will take place Saturday afternoon.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 1 April 1910, page 5
Charles G Lansdale, aged 24, died suddenly yesterday at his residence on Central av. near Third st. His death occurred while sitting in a chair. He had been in failing health for many months. He was a nephew of Charles Lansdale, now engaged in business in Jacksonville Fla. The funeral will take place tomorrow with services at the residence.
The funeral of Elizabeth Hirse, whose death occurred at her home in Southgate, will take place tomorrow morning with services at Evergreen Cemetery at 11 am.
The funeral of Michael Gleason, brother of Squire Pat Gleason, will take place tomorrow morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am.
The funeral of Rev J L Rambo, a former well-known resident of Newport, whose death occurred in South Norwood, Oh, was held this afternoon in the First Baptist Church, Newport. Rev Rambo until recently had charge of the Baptist Church at Hallettsville Tex. and with his wife was on route to Norfolk Va. where he was to take charge of a parish. While stopping at the home of his sister in law, Mrs. Thacker in Norwood, he was taken ill. The burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 13-Michael Gleason, departed this life Wednesday March 30 at 11:55 pm at the residence of his sister Mrs. Jacob Matchott, 205 West Tenth st. Newport Ky. Funeral Saturday April 2. Requiem high mass at Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Katherine Heringhaus (nee Monkedick) aged 47 years, beloved wife of Henry, died at her residence 233 Ward av. Bellevue Ky. Wednesday, March 30 at 7 pm. Funeral Saturday April 2, Heart Church, Bellevue at 8 am. Burial at St Mary Cemetery, St Bernard O.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 2 April 1910, page 5
Helen, the 11 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hilbert, of 826 Brighton st. Newport, died early yesterday morning of pneumonia. The funeral took place this afternoon with services at the residence at 2 pm.
The funeral of Michael Gleason, brother of Magistrate P J Gleason, of Newport, took place this morning with services in the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 3 April 1910, page C4
Mrs. William Beasley of Bellevue, has returned from French Lick Springs Ind. where she was called by the death of her brother, A H Rawlings.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 April 1910, page 5
Garnet, 14 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Megerle, of 707 Linden av. Newport, died Saturday of cerebral pneumonia. The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning.
John D, 1 year old son of David and Belle Hamilton, died yesterday at the family residence, 225 Chestnut st. Newport.
The funeral of Miss Celia Lett, of Bellevue, was held this morning at 8:30 am with services in St Anthony Church. The remains were interred in St Joseph Cemetery on Price hill.
Raymond Cypers, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cypers, died in the family residence, 1211 Fourth av. Dayton, late Saturday. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon with services in the residence. Burial will be in Evergreen.
The remains of Mary Bunning were received yesterday by Funeral director Erschell from Anchorage Ky. and will be interred this afternoon at 2:30 pm with services at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Bunning, of Ft Thomas, who died in the residence of her son in Cold Spring, was held this afternoon at 2 pm from the chapel in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 April 1910, page 5
The funeral of Raymond Cyphers was held this afternoon with services in the Baptist Church, Dayton. Burial took place in Evergreen.
Mrs. Elizabeth M Dursdorf, 65, died last night aat the family residence, 369 Foote av. Bellevue. She is survived by two daughters.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 6 April 1910, page 5
The remains of J M Sheer, who died at his residence, Clifton Heights, were shipped to Morrow O. today. Services will be held in that city tomorrow at 10:30 am.
Adam Brown of Newport, in his will probated today leaves his entire estate to his widow, Elizabeth.
The will of Mrs. Lizzie Heyl, widow of Val of Newport, was probated today. Her estate is left to her sister, Mrs. Anna Weckman and nieces Mrs. Anna Reckner, Mrs. Grace Henderson and Miss Fannie Weckman, free from the control of their husbands.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 7 April 1910, page 5
Harry Corwin Sanford, son of Kenton Sanford, a prominent citizen of Newport died at the residence of his parents, Third st. and Washington av. last night of heart trouble, which was brought on by typhoid fever from which he had been slowly recovering. He is survived by a wife and 6 year old son.
The remains of Mrs. McGill of Anderson O. will be shipped to Lennoxburg Ky. today for interment. The body was removed to the home of her son, Alfred L McGill, Seventh and Dayton avs. Dayton Ky.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Dunsdorf was held this morning at 8:30 am. The body was buried in St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 April 1910, page 3
Donald Corgill, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Corgill of Clifton Heights, Newport, died today of pneumonia.
Page 11-Eunie S Orth, aged 1 year, beloved child of William and Pearl Orth (nee Grone) died Thursday, April 7, at 10:45 pm. Funeral Saturday, April 9, from residence, 1901 Baymiller st. at 1 pm. Blessing at St Stephen Church, Newport at 2 pm. Friends invited.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 9 April 1910, page 3
Harry Schmidt, a life long resident of Dayton and well know politician, died yesterday in his home at Third av. and Boone st. of tuberculosis. The decedent was 38 years old and is survived by a wife and three children.
Mrs. Louis Weber, widow of the late Fred Weber, died yesterday at her home, 514 Fourth av. Dayton, age 83 of old age. She is survived by a family of adult children.
Elizabeth Wayland, 84, of Newport, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital of old age. The funeral was held today at 2 pm at funeral director Betz morgue.
Donald, 4 year old son of John Turner, of 14 East Eleventh st. died yesterday at his home of spinal meningitis. The funeral took place this afternoon.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 11 April 1910, page 9
Health Officer Dr. Charles J Kehm deaths report: Infant Hughes, 27d-pnumonia; John Hamilton 1d-pneumonia; John Poe, 2m-pneumonia; Donald Cargil, 3m-pneumonia; Infant Harsh; Infant Lyons; Grant Meyerle, 13-parotitis; John M Scheor, 85-senility; Harry Sanford, 36-typhoid; Mary Burning, 53-intestinal obstruction; Elizabeth Mayland, 84-seility; Cyril Jordan, 35-cirrhosis of liver; Donald Turner, 4-meningitis.
Joseph Maloney, better known as "Sprue" 34, a well known ball player, who has played in a number of minor league clubs, died yesterday at Speers Hospital of tuberculosis. The remains were removed to the residence of his mother, 504 Powell street and services will be held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Clarence Ridder, 11, son of Joseph Ridder, of 419 Lindsay street, Newport died yesterday at his home. Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at Corpus Christi Church.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 April 1910, page 5
Services over the body of the late Cyril Jordan were held yesterday afternoon by the members of the Newport Lodge of Elks, who marched to the late residence of the decedent, 617 Washington av. Newport, in a body. The funeral was held this afternoon at 1:30 pm with services in the residence.
The funeral of Mrs. Rosa Bowman will be held tomorrow morning at 8 am with services in Corpus Christi Church. the body will be interred in St Joseph Cemetery in Johns Hill.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 April 1910, page 3
Edward Schneider, 5, died yesterday in Christ Hospital in Cincinnati; The body was taken to the home of his parents on 415 West Fifth st. Newport. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm. The body will be interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Miss Lillian Quehl, 35, wife of Herman Quehl, well known resident of Newport, died yesterday afternoon in the family residence, 838 Linden av. Mrs. Quehl is survived by her husband and two small children. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Charles Hall, 46, died yesterday afternoon after a lingering illness in the family residence, 136 Putnam st. Newport. The funeral arrangements have not been made.
The body of the late Miss Anna Pruden, sister of Mrs. Harry Evens, Dayton, was taken from the vault in Evergreen Cemetery yesterday afternoon and buried in the family lot.
Mrs. Caroline Volz, for many years a resident of Dayton, Ky. died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W E Kerns at Loveland O.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 April 1910, page 2
Ernest E Bremer, formerly of Bellevue, died Monday night at his home in Walnut Hills, after a lingering illness. The decedent was a member of the Newport Lodge of Masons. His wife, whose maiden name was Warrington, was well known in Newport.
Mrs. Eva V Schuler, 86, died last night in the residence of her dughter at 238 Ward av. Bellevue. She was a prominent and well known citizen, being the widow of Conrad Schuler and the mother of J W Schuler, the Secretary of the Board of Education. She is survived by two sons and four daughters.
The funeral of Mrs. Caroline Volz, Dayton, will be held at Evergreen Chapel Thursday afternoon at 3:30 pm, instead of 2 pm as previously announced.
Page 5-John, the infant son of Mrs. William Smith, died Tuesday afternoon in the home of its mother, 706 Washington av. Newport. William Smith, father of the child, died about eight weeks ago.
The funeral of Mrs. Herman Quehl, who died following a short illness, Monday in the family residence in Linden av. Newport, will take place Thursday morning at 10 am from the residence and interment will be made in Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 14 April 1910, page 11
Word was received here yesterday of the death at Cleveland Ohio, of Caroline Weber, 70, a former resident of Newport. The remains will arrive in Newport today and services will be held this afternoon at Evergreen Cemetery Chapel.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 15 April 1910, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Eva Schuler, of Bellevue, was held from the chapel of the Germany Protestant Cemetery, Walnut Hills, this afternoon at 2:30 pm.
Michael Helbeg, 65, died yesterday at the residence, 1122 Ann st. Newport. He leaves a wife and a large family of grown children.
The funeral of Mrs. Herman Quehl took place yesterday, services being held at the residence, 838 Linden av. Newport. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 16 April 1910, page 2
Mrs. Dora Dokes died in the resident at 508 Dayton av. Dayton, after a short illness. She is survived by one daughter. The funeral will be held from the residence Monday afternoon at 2:30 pm. Burial will be in Evergreen.
Page 5-Patrick Finnegan, 23, a laborer, took his life last night at the home of his mother, 411 Brighton st. Newport, while in a despondent mood by draining a vial containing carbolic acid. His mother found him unconscious but before a physican arrived Finnegan was dead.
Michael Helbig, 65, a life long resident of Newport, died yesterday in the family residence, 1132 Ann st. Newport. He is survived by a widow and family of grown children. Funeral Monday morning.
Word was received of the death at Lexington Ky. of Fred Phillips, 49, a former resident of Newport. Funeral Director Erschell will receive the remains today.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 18 April 1910, page 9
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Joseph Maloney, 34-phthsis; Tillie Hamilton, 25-tuberculosis; Clarence Ridder, 11-menigitis; John D Smith, 1-pneumonia; Lillian Quehl, 35-pneumonia; Edwin Schaefer, 4-tuberculosis; Michael Heibig, 65-cardiac paralysis; Anna Smith, 55-cerebral hemorrhage; Hyman Katz, 3-pneumonia; Marie Wallace, 73-pneumonia.
Mrs. Emma F Snyder, 22, wife of Ira D Snyder, died yesterday morning at her home 221 East Tenth street, Newport of tuberculosis. She is survived by her husband and infant child. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon. Interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 April 1910, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Albert Jacobson, who died Saturday morning, Ft Thomas, will be held from the Catholic Church Tuesday morning at 8 am. The body will be buried in Evergreen.
Health Officer Dr. Charles J Kehm reported the following deaths that occurred in Newport during the past week; Joseph Maloney, 34-phthisis; Tillie Hamilton, 25-tuberculosis; Clarence Redder, 11-meningitis; John D Smith, 4-pneumonia; Lillian Quehl, 35-pneumonia; Edwin Schaefer, 4-tuberculosis; Michael Helbig, 65-cardiac paralysis; Anna Smith, 55, cerebral hemorrhage; Hyman Katz, 3-pneumonia; Maria Wallace, 73-pneumonia.
Mrs. Emma F Snyder, 22, wife of Ira D Synder, died yesterday morning at her home, 221 East Tenth st. Newport, of tuberculosis. She is survived by her husband and infant child. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon. Interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Patrick Finnigan, who ended his life with carbolic acid several days ago in the home of his mother, 411 Brighton st. Newport, was held this morning at 8 am with services in the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The body will be buried in St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral services over the body of Mrs. Maria Wallace, who died Saturday after a long illness, will be held tomorrow morning at 10 am in the residence. The body will be buried in Spring Grove Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Dora Dokes was held with services in the residence, 508 Dayton av. Dayton, at 2:30 pm this afternoon. The remains were interred in Evergreen.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 19 April 1910, page 5
The funeral of Patrick Finnegan took place yesterday, services being held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The pall bearers were the Aerie of Eagles were Edward Blau, Matt Maschinott, John Neiser and Hermann Rider. The active pall bearers were Henry Ghan, Stanley Colings, Albert Elken and Fred Schneider.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobsen was held from the Ft Thomas Catholic Church at 8:30 am this morning. The body was interred in St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 20 April 1910, page 5
Mrs. Magdelina Woefel, died yesterday at her home, 338 West Sixth st. Newport following an illness incident to old age. the decedent was 80 years old and for the past 60 years had been a resident of the city. She is survived by a family of grown children. The funeral will take place Friday morning at 8:30 am with services in the Corpus Christi Church and burial will be in St Joseph Cemetery at Johns Hill.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 21 April 1910, page 5
The remains of John R Drake, father of Secretary Horace Drake of the Higgin Manufacturing Co, whose death occurred at his home, Nelson place, Newport, were shipped to Lebanon O. for interment by Funeral Director Smith.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 23 April 1910, page 15
The body of Joseph Obermeyer, who was killed on the L&N Railroad near Finch Town, has been removed to Radel's morgue. Friends of the decedent viewed the remains yesterday, but no arrangements were made for burial. Relatives will make the necessary arrangements as soon as Coroner Digby has completed the inquest. The funeral will take place this afternoon. Services will be held at Radel's mortuary chapel and the remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Sunday, 23 April 1919, page 5
The funeral of John Obermayer of Hamilton O. who was struck and killed by an L&N train Wednesday night, took place this afternoon. Services were held at Radel's mortuary chapel and the remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 25 April 1910, page 5
Health Officer Dr. Charles J Kehn deaths report: Patrick Finigan, 26-suicide; Emma Snyder, 22-phthisis; Infant Wamser, 1day; John Drake, 77-senility; Magdaline Woefel, 79-cerebrah hemorrhage; Infant Twins Steinway; Joseph Obermeyer, 23-fractured skull; George A Shaner, 69-multiple sclerosis; John Lasita, 6m-pneumonia.
The funeral of Joseph Brown, who died in the family residence, 1035 Putnam st. Newport will be held Wednesday morning with requiem high mass in St Stephen Church. The body will be interred in St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 26 April 1910, page 5
Mary Legner, 69, well known resident of Bellevue, died in the family residence, 321 Division st. early this morning. The funeral will be held from the Sacred Heart Church Friday morning at 9 am. Interment will be in St Stephen Cemetery.
Florence White, 2, daughter of Louis and Elizabeth White, died in the family residence, 890 Front st. early this morning of pneumonia. The funeral will be held from the residence Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 27 April 1910, page 5
The funeral of Florence, 2, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis White, of Front and Clay st. Dayton, was held from the residence this afternoon. The body was interred in Evergreen Newport.
Jacob Ulrich, brother of Fire Commissioner Julius Ulrich, died last night at Speers Hospital, Dayton, following an operation. He was 58 years of age and resided at 720 Saratoga st. Newport. The operation was for gangrene of the foot.
Michael Helbig, by his will probated in the Campbell co. Court, leaves all his property to his wife, Mary Helbig, who is also named as executrix.
Several from Mentor attended the funeral of John Barnard at Second Twelve Mile Sunday.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 28 April 1910, page 5
Word was received here (Dayton) last night of the death of F M Huss, the father of Mrs. R D Harding, at his home in Shelbyville Ind. Rev Harding and wife left this morning to attend the funeral.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 30 April 1910, page 3
S B Stephens, 63, died at his residence, 606 Monroe st. Newport, at 8 pm Friday evening after an illness of three months. He was a member of Bourbon Lodge 23, IOOF of Paris Ky. He is survived by a widow and five children, Mrs. F M Rains and Charles Stephens of Norwood O. Mrs. H D Lyons, Lucy and William G Stephens. The funeral will be held at the Christian Church, Sixth and Monroe sts. at 2 pm.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 May 1910, page 5
George Pogue, prominent resident of Newport, died early yesterday in the family residence, 28 East Sixth st. The decedent was 49 years of age and practically all his life had been a resident of Newport. He is survived by a widow and two grown children. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon with services at the late residence. The body will be interred in Wesleyan Cemetery.
The members of Noah's Dove Lodge of Odd Fellows held services yesterday afternoon at the residence, 606 Monroe st. Newport over the remains of Samuel B Stephens. The funeral took place this afternoon.
Word was received here yesterday of the death at Lakeland of Susie Schafstall. The remains arrived here last night and were taken to the home of relatives on Columbia at. Newport.
Health Officer Dr. Charles J Kehm deaths report: Joseph Brown, 57-uremia; Patrick Sexton, 66-accidental burns; Emma Smith, 35-tuberculosis; Jacob Ulrich, 58-diabetes; Henry Pogge, 82-pneumonia; Joseph Matzner, 90-debility.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 May 1910, page 3
Mrs. Anna Hammond, 72, died yesterday in the residence of her daughter, at O'Fallon and Center st. Bellevue. The funeral was held this afternoon with services in the residence. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Frank F Kerr was held this morning with services in the Sacred Heart Church at 9 am this morning. The body was interred in Evergreen.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 4 May 1910, page 11
Adolph Duve, 53, residing at 521 West Seventh street, Newport, died yesterday of tuberculosis. The funeral will take place from the residence Friday at 2 pm and the remains will be interred at Vine Street Hill Cemetery.
Mary Roser, aged 3 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Roser, of 224 East Tenth street, Newport, died yesterday of convulsions. The funeral will take place Friday morning with burial at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 4 May 1910, page 5
The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil died of pneumonia Saturday in Melbourne. The remains were taken to Tug Fork Cemetery at Four Mile for burial.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 5 May 1910, page 5
Mrs. Josephine Hennekamp died yesterday at the family residence, 1025 Central av. Newport after an illness of several weeks from a complication of diseases. The decedent was 55 years old and is survived by the husband and several grown children. The funeral will take place Saturday moring from St Stephen Church and interment will be in St Stephen Cemetery.
Jacob Yost, 82, one of Newport's best known pioneer residents, died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Schreiver, 1030 Vine st. Newport, of old age. The decedent is survived by a family of grown children. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon at 1 pm with services in the German Lutheran Church in Alexandria.
Matthew Price, 70, residing at 110 West Second st. Newport died yesterday at his home. He leaves a family of adult children. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Raymond Matz, 7, residing at 718 Monmouth st. Newport died yesterday.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 May 1910, page 7
George Parker, 59, died yesterday at the Cincinnati Hospital. He was a brother of James Parker, who conducts a grocery at 509 Sixth av. Dayton. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.
Joseph Bohrer, 80, residing at 217 West Tenth st. Newport died yesterday. He leaves a widow and several adult children. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning.
The funeral of Adolf Duve will he held tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 pm with services in the residence at 52-1 West Seventh st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 May 1910, page 5
The widow of ex-Sheriff Francis Reichman died suddenly yesterday following an operation in Cincinnati. She had been making her home with her niece, Mrs. Ben Schwerman of 307 Center st. Newport. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning from the Sacred Heart Church in Bellevue.
Services over the body of William Stebbins, who died at his residence, 27 East Seventh st. Newport will be held tomorrow afternoon in the residence. Burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Andrew Ebert, who died in the family residence on Hodge st. Newport, Saturday will be held this afternoon with services in the residence at 1:30 pm. The body will be interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Health Officer Dr. Charles J Kehm deaths report: Mary Mountel, 49-exhaustion; Samuel B Stevens, 63-cardiac dilatation; Susanna Schaffstall, 53-tuberculosis; Infant Tate; George Pogue, 49-tuberculosis; Mary Roser, 3-convulsions; Robert Digman, 27-pnuemonia; Raymond Matz, 7-pneumonia; Nathaniel Price, 70-intestianal grip; Sarah E Neal, 70-tuberculosis; Josephine Hennekamp, 55-exhaustion; Joseph Bohrer, 80-cardiac paralysis; Benjamin Roberts 74-pneumonia; Infant Garrett; Adolph Dune, 52-tuberculosis; Jacob Yost Sr. 82-apoplexy; Charles Whiting, 60-apoplexy; Elizabeth Rackers, 2-pneumonia.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 May 1910, page 2
Van Nutting, 73, a pioneer of Cold spring, died late yesterday at his home. He had been a resident of this part of the county all his life and is survived by a family of adult children. The funeral will take place from the Asbury Chapel Thursday afternoon. Interment will be in Evergreen.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 12 May 1910, page 5
John Winstel, well known Newport young man and nephew of City Weigher and Market master Mike Winstel, died yesterday at his home, 1003 Columbia st. He was 21 years old and single. The funeral will take place from the residence Saturday afternoon and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Miss Lucy Stubbs, well known in social circles of Campbell co., died suddenly in her home near Alexandria, following an attack of heart failure. She visited the latter town Tuesday and was apparently in good health. She was taken ill in the night and died before a physician could be summoned. The funeral will take place from the M E Church in Alexandria tomorrow morning.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 13 May 1910, page 11
Patrick Sary, 42, residing at 1137 Central avenue, Newport, died early yesterday. The funeral will take place tomorrow with interment at Grants Lick.
The funeral of Ruth, daughter of Joseph Roll, will take place next Monday morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Frank Taber, 50, an iron worker of 935 Columbia street, Newport, died yesterday at his residence. He was a member of Mingo Tribe of Red Men and Newport Council Jr. OUAM. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 pm from the residence with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
George M Stock, 84, a retired harness maker died yesterday at his home of old age. The funeral will take place Monday afternoon.
Barbara Adams, 82, residing at 643 Monroe street, Newport, died yesterday.
The local lodge of the Royal Arcanum will meet tonight at the residence of Dr. Thomason, 942 York street, to take action on the death of James T Kearney.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 13 May 1910, page 10
Joseph Hartman, 84, a well known resident of Campbell Co and who for years conducted a tailor shop in Newport, died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Kemper, 410 Hazen al. Bellevue from ailments due to old age.
Mrs. Rose Maloney, 48, wife of James, died this morning at her home, 306 West Sixth st.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 May 1910, page 3
THe funeral of Joseph Hartmann, who died yeserday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. B Hazen, 410 Hazen st. Bellevue, will he held with services in the Sacred Heart Church at 7:30 am Monday morning. Burial will be at St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Ann Sunderman, who died suddenly Thursday night, will be held with services in the Sacred Heart Church at 8:30 am Monday morning. Burial will be in St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.
Joseph Brown by his will, probated in the Campbell co. Court leaves his painting business to his son, A Joseph Brown. He leaves his personal property to his daughter, Margaret J B Schwer. The remainder of his estate he leaves to his two children, Margaret Schwer and Joseph Brown.
Page 5-Word has been received in Newport of the death of William Lewis at his home in Camp Dennison O. He was 59 years of age and has been ill for some time. Lewis was the first janitor of the Newport Courthouse.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 16 May 1910, page 4
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Martha Lindsey, 11m; William J Stebbins, 31-tuberculosis; Evelyn Mason, 1-pneumonia; Bernard Franzen, 2-scarlet fever; John R Winstel, 20-pneumonia; George M Stock, 84-apoplexy; John Morton, 27-meningitis; Barbara Adams, 82-senility; Lillian Byrd, 1-pneumonia; Frank Faber, 49-tuberculosis; Louise Ebert, 33-pneumonia; Martha Lindsey, 11m.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 May 1910, page 5
Mary Jane Craig died yesterday at her home, corner of Front and Berry sts. Newport of old age. She was 92 years of age and was a most interesting character, having been a pioneer in the truest sense of the word, and her retreats of early history in this vicinity were a voice from the long ago. The remains were taken by Vonderhaar & Stetter and shipped to Ivor Ky. for burial.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 17 May 1910, page 12
County Judge Hawkins yesterday heard evidence in the case of Harry Fry, who it alleged stabbed John Morton in the head May 1, the wound resulting in Morton's death nine days later.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 May 1910, page 5
The funeral of Miss Viva McReynolds, who died Monday following an illness from grief and worry over the death of her sister, Mrs. Orr, took place this afternoon with services from the residence, 20 West Front st. Newport and interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 19 May 1910, page 3
The funeral of J O Surguy who died after an illness of only a few hours, was held with service in the residence, 610 Ninth av. Dayton, at 10 am this morning. The body was interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Page 5-Henry Kohsin, well known collector for the Wiedemann Brewing Co. died yesterday at his home, 624 East Ninth st. Newport, and had been suffering from some time with Brights disease, but had improved considerably and had been attending to his regular duties. He was taken ill Monday and his condition became critical. Kohsin was 52 years of age and leaves a wife and four children.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 20 May 1910, page 7
The funeral of Henry Kohsin will take place torrow morning with services at St Stephen Church.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 21 May 1910, page 12
Mrs. Edward Boltz, wife of Attorney Edward Boltz, died yesterday at Bethesda Hospital following an operation. The remains were removed to the home of her mother in Covington.
Wendel Ritzie, 67, died yesterday at his home, 427 West Eleventh street, Newport, of a complication of diseases. He leaves a widow and several children.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 21 May 1910, page 2
The body of John Kasson, who died in Speers Hospital, Dayton Ky. was taken to the home of his mother, 17 Wallace av. Covington, at which place the funeral will be held privately Monday moring at 9 am. Kasson, who was 49, had suffered some months with locomotor ataxia and death was the result of an attack of heart failure.
Edward Ortlieb, 20, son of William Ortlieb and a nephew of Chief of Police Frank Ortlieb, died last night in the home of his parents at Cold Spring.
Mrs. Margaret Boltz, wife of Attorney Edward Boltz, of Newport, died yesterday in the Bethesda Hospital, Cincinnati, following a surgical operation. The decedent had been ill only a short time. The husband and one child survive. The funeral will take place Monday afternoon at 1 pm from the residence of her mother, 1539 Greenup st. Covington.
Wendel Ritzer, 67, well known resident of this city, died yesterday afternoon in the residence of his daughter at 411 West Eleventh st. Newport. The funeral will be held Monday morning with services in Corpus Christi Church. The body will be interred in St Joseph Cemetery in Johns Hill Ky.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 23 May 1910, page 4
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Ruth Roll, 19-phthisis; Patrick Seny/Sisy, 44-tubeculosis; James Kearney, 50-cerebral hemorrhage; Rose Maloney, 48-tuberuclosis; Catherine Scheiner, 31-shock; Elizabeth Heeg, 61-hemorrhage; Mary Jane Craig, 92-senility; George King, 30-tuberculosis; Viva McReynolds, 20-tuberculosis; August Aschendorf, 48; William Lacy, 35-hemorrhage; Henry Kohsen, 52-Brights disease.
Mrs. Mary Forrest, 71, residing at 621 Lexington avenue, Newport, died yesterday at the home of her sister of the same address, of chronic bronchitis. Funeral Director Smith & Son will ship the remains to Piqua Ohio, today for interment.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 May 1910, page 5
Mrs. Mary Forest, 71, residing at 621 Lexington av. Newport, died yesterday at the home of her sister at the above number as a result of chronic bronchitis. Funeral Director Smith & Son will ship the remains to Piqua for interment.
The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Boltz, wife of Attorney Edward Boltz, was held this afternoon with services in the residence fo her sister in Covington. Interment will be made in Highland Cemetery in Covington.
The funeral of J Frank Dye, former well known resident of Newport, who died at his home in Cincinnati, was held this morning with services in the residence. The body will be interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral services of the late Mrs. Margaret Hawthorne was held this afternoon with services in the chapel in Evergreen Cemetery at 2 pm.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 24 May 1910, page 3
The last will of Casper Voll, 1021 Washington av. Newport, whose death occurred several weeks ago, was probated today in the Campbell Co Court. His son, Casper Voll Jr. is made the sole beneficiary of his estate, personal and real and he is named executor without bond.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 25 May 1910, page 5
Wilhelmina Miller, 73, died yesterday at her residence, 738 Isabella st. Newport. She was a widow and is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Leon Lippert, 318 West Tenth street. The funeral will take place Saturday.
The many friends of S W Fossett were shocked to hear of his sudden death at his home near Mt Auburn last Saturday.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 26 May 1910, page 5
Wilhelmina Miller, 73, died yesterday at her residence, 738 Isabella st. Newport. She was a widow and is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Leon Lippert, 318 West Tenth street. The funeral will take place Saturday morning.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 27 May 1910, page 12
GALLAGHER-Rose, aged 72 years, died Thursday, May 26 at 10:05 pm at Oakley O. Funeral from her late residence, 163 Rhensford st. Bellevue Ky. Monday, May 30, 8:30 am. Requiem high mass at St Anthony Church at 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 May 1910, page 8
Oscar Gindele, 25, residing at 807 Monroe st. Newport, died yesterday following an operation. He leaves a widow. The funeral will take place Monday morning from the residence.
Word was received of the death at Oxford O. of Mrs. Rose Evans, 34, wife of O C Evans, of 565 East Fourth st. Newport. The remains will arrive here today and the funeral will take place Monday morning.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 30 May 1910, page 2
The funeral of Jacob Kohrman will be held tomorrow afternoon, with services in St John Church. The body will be interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Ella Bennett will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm with services in the residence, 1108 Vine st. Newport. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Hiram Strawn, residing on Mt Pleasant av. in the Highlands, died yesterday at Speers Hospital.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Fussinger was held with services in St Francis Church at 9 am this morning. The body was interred in St Stephen Cemetery.
Health Officer Dr. Charles J Kehm deaths report: Mary E Forrest, 71-bronchitis; Clementine Davidson, 1m-malnutrition; Mary Cox, 59-diabetes; Wendel Ritzie, 67-bronchitis; Margaret Boltz, 41-intestinal obstruction; Wilhelmina Miller, 73-chronic ailments.
Marion Strong, 24, died yesterday in Speers Hospital in Dayton. The body was removed to the home of his parents in Ft Thomas.
The funeral of Miss Rose Gallagher was held with services in St Anthony Church, Bellevue, at 8:30 am this morning. The body was interred in St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 June 1910, page 3
Samuel Fossett, a well known farmer of Pendleton co. died suddenly with heart failure at his home, Flagg Springs.
Page 5-James Carney, 41, well known Newport resident, died yesterday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Buchert, 612 Washington av. Newport. The funeral will take place this morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception and interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 2 June 1910, page 5
Bartholomew Spitzelberger, pioneer resident of Newport, was found dead in bed at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Regina Maloney, 1014 John st. last last night. Relatives had been at the home during the evening and he, complaining of being tired, went to his room. Coroner Digby stated that death was due to apoplexy.
The health department for the city of Bellevue for the month of May was given by Health Officer P G Keeney; Deaths-Anna Hammond, 72-bronchitis; Margaret Reichman, 64-cholecylectomy; Edward Kaiser, 14-accidental drowning; Rose Galligher, 72-cerebral hemorrhage; Mary Sunderman, 70-cerebral hemorrhage; Mary Funken, infant; Bernard Hinter, 27-tuberculosis; John Morton, 27-stab wound and meningitis.
The will of Mrs. Maria Philipps, widow of Thomas L Philipps and mother of City Attorney Philpps, was left for probate yesterday. She gives her estate to her two unmarried daughters, Catherine Elizabeth and Dot Allen, until their marriage or death.
Mrs. Aloysius Volk, widow, died yesterday at a Cincinnati hospital. The funeral will take place at 2 pm tomorrow with services in the residence, Dayton Ky. Interment will be at Evergreen.
Page 7-Charles W Weeland, of Fifth and Isabella sts. Newport, died Tuesday at 11:10 pm. He was 49 years of age and was formerly a resident of Cincinnati. He is survived by his widow.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 3 June 1910, page 5
Frederick W Dunkhorst, among the well known pioneer residents of Newport, died yesterday at his home, 810 Overton st. of old age. The decedent was past 75 years old and for 60 years he had been a resident of the city. Several grown children survive him. The funeral will take place at the residence tomorrow and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Word was received of the death of Mrs. Arthur Washington, former resident of Newport at St Louis. She was a great grandniece of the late George Washington.
Page 9-The funeral of Mrs. A Volk, who died at the Cincinnati Hospital Wednesday night, was held with services at the residence on Sixth av. Dayton, this afternoon. The body was interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Word was received of the death of Mrs. Arthur Washington, former resident of Newport, at St Louis. She was the great grandniece of the late George Washington.
Frederick W Dunkhorst, among the well known pioneer residents of Newport, died yesterday at his home, 810 Overton st. following an illness incident to old age. The decedent was past 75 years old and for 60 years had been a resident of the city. Several grown children survive him. The funeral will take place at the residence tomorrow and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 4 June 1910, page 3
Mrs. Julian Overton Reed, 62, wife of M D Reed, died in her home at Ward and Fairfield avs. Bellevue at 8:15 am this morning. The funeral will be held with services in the residence Monday afternoon. Interment will be in Evergreen.
Mrs. Minnie Stecker, 40, wife of John Stecker, 935 Thornton st. Dayton, died yesterday at St Francis Hospital in Cincinnati, where she underwent an operation some weeks ago. The funeral will take place Monday morning from the Sacred Heart Church and interment will be in St Stephen Cemetery.
Mrs. Mary Biedenbender, 42, died yesterday at Speers Hospital. She is survived by her husband and several children. The funeral will be held Monday morning with services in St Francis Church. Interment will be in St Stephen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 6 June 1910, page 4
Health Office Kehm deaths report: Oscar Gendele, 25-obstruction of bowels; Jacob Kohrmann, 63-heart disease; James Kearney, 42-tuberculosis; Elizabeth Bennett, 54-uraemic poisoning; Charles Weeland, 49-cardiac asthma; Bartholomew Spitzelberger, 75-apoplexy; Fred Dunkhorst, 72-endocarditis.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 8 June 1910, page 5
Henry Otten, died yesterday at the family residence, 830 Overton st. Newport. The decedent was 58 years old and for many years had been identified in business affairs of the city. The funeral took place this afternoon.
The funeral of Anna Ruth Hogan was held this afternoon with services in St Anthony Church, Dayton, Ky. The body was interred in St Joseph Cemetery.
Word was received here yesterday of the death at Gallipolis, O. of Kaelman Bernard, a former well known resident of Newport. The remains will be brought to Newport for interment.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 9 June 1910, page 5
Frank Velton, who recently graduated from the School of Pharmacy, died yesterday at his home, 904 Isabella st. Newport of typhoid fever. The funeral will take place Saturday morning with services at Corpus Christi Church.
The funeral of William Wehner, who met death on the B&O Railroad took place this morning with services at Alexandria Ky. Wehner's home was at Claryville.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 June 1910, page 2
James Edward Nieratheimer, 14, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nierstheimer, died early this morning at the home of his parents, 321 Fairfield av. Bellevue. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 pm with services in the First Baptist Church. Burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery.
The will of Jacob Kohrmann was probated in the Campbell co. Court today. Testator left all of his estate to his wife, Elizabeth Kohrmann and she is named executrix without bond.
Schieia Grubser, 3, daughter of Andy and Mary Grubster, died early this morning after a five days illness in the home of her parents, Dayton. The funeral will be held at 2 pm tomorrow afternoon with services in the family residence in the southern part of this city. The body will be interred in Evergreen.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 June 1910, page 3
The funeral of James Edward Nierstheimer, who died yesterday will be held with services in the First Baptist Church. The body will be interred in Evergreen.
John Uhrmecher, 84, one of the oldest residents of this city, died yesterday from complications incident to old age.
Page 5-Mrs. Mary Crail, 49, residing near Cold Spring, died from heart disease last evening while standing in the doorway of her home. She had been working on the farm of a neighbor all day picking peas and after returning home abou 5 pm stated she was feeling tired. Dr. Ragan was summoned but life had already fled before he could reach her. She is survived by a family of adult children.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 17 June 1910, page 8
Mary F Stevens, 55, residing at Brent Ky. died yesterday at her home. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
The remains of the infant child of Rev Bigelow, former pastor of the York st. Congregational Church, whose death occurred at Cleveland O. arrived here last night in charge of Funeral Director Erschell and will be interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 18 June 1910, page 5
Mrs. Bessie Fortune, 74, a former well known resident of Newport, died yesterday at the County Infirmary. The funeral will take place from Costigan's mortuary chapel Monday morning.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 20 June 1910, page 5
Frank Bankloh, residing at 328 Grand av. Newport, died suddenly yesterday at his home. He was removed to the Cincinnati Hospital some time ago and yesterday his relatives decided to bring him home. He had been home but a short time when he expired. Coroner Digby was called and held the inquest.
Health Officer Dr. Charles Kehm deaths report: Jacob Anderson, 62-apoplexy; Robert Hehl, 10 days; Thomas J Welsh, 45-mitral insufficiency.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 21 June 1910, page 12
Alma Ruth Blyley, 10, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward S Blyley, died suddenly at the residence, 450 Fifth avenue, Dayton Ky. yesterday. the little girl had been an invalid for some time and her death is attributed to heart disease. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon with burial at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 22 June 1910, page 5
Kate Hildebrandt, 38, died at Speers Hospital yesterday from a complication of diseases. The remains were brought to the residence of her sister in law, 323 West Sixth st. Newport. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning.
Mrs. Amelia Peaselack, 53, wife of Jorn Peaselack, died yesterday at her late residence, Hodge and Patterson sts. Newport. She was the mother of a large family of children. The funeral will take place Friday with services at the residence at 2 pm.
The funeral of Sarah Margaret Morin took place from the Flagg Spring Baptist Church last Saturday afternoon. She was 79 years old and leaves one son, Clarence of Urbana, Ill.
Francis Hall, who recently moved to Foster from this county, died last week of pneumonia.
The remains of Mrs. Anna Crail, who died suddenly at her home Cold Spring last Monday afternoon, were brought here (Grants Lick) Wednesday in charge of Undertakers Wright & Smith of this place and interred in Oakland Cemetery.
Quite a number from Wesley Chapel attended the funeral of Mrs. Margaret Morin last Saturday at Flag Springs. The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Margaret Morin took place from the Flagg Spring Baptist Church last Saturday afternoon. She was 79 years old, and leaves on son, Clarence of Urbana Ill.
The many friends of Mrs. Edith Rigsby (nee Sparks) will be pained to hear of her death which occurred in Dayton Tenn. June 11. Mrs. Rigsby visited here a few years ago and made many friends. She was a granddaughter of the late Coleman G Show of Wesley Chapel.
Francis Hall, who recently moved to Peach Grove from this county, died last week after a short illness of pneumonia.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 22 June 1910, page 12
Mrs. Amelia Peaselack, 52, wife of John Peaselack, died yesterday at her late residence Hodge and Patterson, Newport. She was the mother of a large family of children. The funeral will take place Friday with services at the residence at 2 pm.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 24 June 1910, page 3
William Getty, 14, an invalid for many years, died yesterday afternoon in the home of his parents 515 Clay st. Dayton. The funeral will be held with services in the residence tomorrow afternoon. Burial will be in Highland Cemetery, Covington.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 25 June 1910, page 3
Mrs. Estella Kopp, died yesterday in the family residence on the Alexandria Pike, Ft Thoma. She was 78 years of age. She is survived by a family of grown children. The funeral services were held in the Evergreen Chapel this afternoon.
Page 5-Estella Kopp, aged 77, residing on the Alexandria pike, died yesterday of old age. The funeral was held this afternoon.
Walter Williams, 20, residing at 1108 Vine st. Newport died yesterday of lung trouble.
Frederick Rehling, of 303 Forest st. Newport, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital. He was a brother of Water Works Commissioner Joseph Rehling and is survived by a family of grown children.
Clifford Smith, 26, well known in the city died yesterday at Speers Hospital. He was a member of the Newport Aeria of Eagles. The remains were removed to the residence of Mrs. Arch Campbell, 410 East Eighth st.
Harry H Eistro, aged 24, died yesterday at 622 Carlisle av. Cincinnati. The remains were removed to the home of his brother in law, Mr. Hughes, Eleventh and Ann sts. The funeral will take place at 10 am Monday from the residence. He is survived by a widow and two children.
Page 7-Daniel the 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Davis, 227 Center st. died yesterday afternoon of diphtheria. The funeral was held with services in the residence at 2 pm this afternoon. The body was interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of William Getty was held this afternoon with services in the residence on Clay st. Dayton. The body was interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 27 June 1910, page 9
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Elizabeth Fortune, 61-Brights disease; Walter Muller, 10-drowning; Robert Thomas, 13-drowning; William Johnson, 10m; Russell Diebald, 2-enteritis; Catherine Hildebrand, 38-tuberculosis; Emma Recker, 1 hour; Cornelia Peaselack, 53-meningitis; Walter B Williams, 19-phithisis.
Rosina Wertsch, 82, residing at 606 Dayton street, Newport, died yesterday of old age. The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at St Stephen Church and the remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery. Mrs. Wertsch leaves a husband and family of grown children.
J Frank Dye Jr. who is engaged in the automobile industry at San Francisco, in is Newport to settle the estate of his father whose death occurred several weeks ago.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 27 June 1910, page 8
Mrs. Rosina Wuertsch, 82, died late Saturday night in the residence of her daughter, 608 Dayton st. Newport. the funeral will be tomorrow morning at 9:30 am with requiem high mass in St Stephen Church. The body will be interred in St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of Walter Williams was held this afternoon at 1:30 pm with services in the First Baptist Church. The body will be interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 28 June 1910, page 5
The funeral of Harvey Bachelor, who died suddenly while seated in a chair in the rear of his home, Dayton, on Sunday afternoon, will be held with services in the church at Lockland at 10 am tomorrow morining. Burial will be at Reading.
Word was received in Newport of the death of William Fargo, 19, of Brayville, Campbell co. as a result of being struck by lightning Saturday. He was working in a tobacco field when the bolt shot out of the clear sky, killing him instantly. Witnesses state that there was not a cloud to be seen and on account of the brightness of the sun, only a few persons saw the flash. The victim was the son of Samuel Fargo, a farmer of Brayville.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 29 June 1910, page 4
Louis Pfirman, 78, residing at 231 West Eleventh st. Newport and one of the pioneer residents of Newport, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital of old age. He leaves a wife and five children. For many years he was engaged in the tinning and roofing business on Monmouth st. The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at St Stephen Church.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 30 June 1910, page 5
Mary Ness, a pioneer resident of Four Mile, back of Alexandria, died yesterday after a short illness. She was a widow and leaves five children. The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 2 July 1910, page 8
Fred Wuertsch, aged 84, an old resident of Newport, died yesterday at his home Dayton street, Newport. He wife was buried last week, and since that time he has been ailing. It is thought that the intense hot weather with his old age, hastened his death.
Joseph Knecht, son of the late Cassmer Knecht, died yesterday at the home of his sister, Washington avenue, Newport, aged 32. The funeral will take place at 2 pm Monday with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 3 July 1910, page 5
Joseph Ashby, aged 74 years, died Friday, July 1, 8:15 pm at his residence, 208 East Fourth st. Newport Ky. Funeral Monday, July 4, 9:30 am from residence. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 July 1910, page 3
Percy Molen, well known Newport man and a prominent member of the Junior OUAM died yesterday in his home, 208 Berry st. Newport. About nine months ago the decedent fell from a scaffold in Norwood and suffered injuries to his back. He was 23 years old and a member of the Garfield Council Junior Order. The arrangements for the funeral have not been completed.
Mary, the 6 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, of 211 East Second st. Newport died at the resident of her aunt in Bellevue. The funeral took place today with services at Sacred Heart Church at 1 pm.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 9 July 1910, page 3
John T Quinn, the 4 year old son of Jack Quinn, died yesterday at the family residence, 408 West Tenth st. Newport, following a short illness. The funeral will take place Monday morning from the Immaculate Conception Church.
William Neville, 79, one of the pioneer citizens of Bellevue, died last yesterday in the family residence, 219 Ward av. He is survived by three sons, Rev Martin Neville, of Dayton O. James E Neville and William Neville Jr. The funeral will be held with requiem mass in St Anthony's Church Monday morning at 9 am. The body will be interred in St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 11 July 1910, page 4
Health Officer Kehm deaths report; Carol Kuster, 1-meningitis; Joseph Knecht, 32-tuberculosis; Joseph Ashley, 73-enteritis; Aug Burskault, 55-nephritis; Susan Cumming; 79-senility; Anna M Brooks, 68-apoplexy; Edward Stucker, 41-phithisis; Edith Hampton, 4m; Joseph Ward, 34-cerebral hemorrhage; John D Quinn, 4-pneumonia; Ann L Rusche, 21-bronchitis; Anna E Stolzenberg, 65-intestinal obstruction.
The remains of W H Shannon, steam shovel worker, who was decapitated by the arm of one of the steam shovels at Silver Grove Saturday, were shipped to his home at Louisa Ky. yesterday by Funeral Director Ershcell. Shannon was an Elk and the members of the local lodge took charge of the body.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 July 1910, page 5
Joseph Beal, 50, residing at 810 Saratoga st. Newport died at his home. He leaves a widow and family of grown children.
Miss Catherine Seibert, 27, died yesterday at the home of her parents, 1038 Orchard st. Newport. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning with requiem mass at St Stephen Church at 8 am.
John Weinel, 57, a farmer residing near Alexandria, died late Saturday at his home. He leaves a widow and family of grown children. The funeral services were held at the German Church at Alexandria today.
John Henry Van Winkler died yesterday at the family residence, Seventh and Berry sts. Newport of stomach trouble. The decedent was past 50 years old and was one of the pioneer residents of the city. Two children survive him. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm from the residence of his son at Eighth and Dayton avs.
Page 7-The funeral of William Neville, who died last week at his home on Ward av. Bellevue, was held with services at St Anthony Church at 9 am this morning. The body was interred in St Joseph Cemetery Price Hill O.
John Henry Van Winkler, 58, died early yesterday morning at Speers Hospital. He is survived by a family of adult children. The remains were removed to his residence, 504 Eighth av. Newport, where the funeral will take place at 2 pm tomorrow afternoon. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Rose Catherine Seibert, died July 10 at the residence, 1038 Orchard st. Newport, aged 27 years 2 months. Funeral Wednesday July 13 with requiem high mass at St Stephen Church at 8 am. Burial at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 July 1910, page 2
Word was received in Newport of the death of Mrs. Fannie Hopkins, former well known Newport residence and sister of Mrs. R Burney, of East Fifth st which occurred Sunday at the home of her son in Toledo O. of an attack of heart trouble. The funeral and burial will take place in Toledo.
The funeral of John Van Wickler was held with services in the residence of his son on Enright av. Dayton Ky. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery.
Louise Sohnlein, 52, died yesterday at her home, 821 Monmouth st. Newport. The funeral will take place tomorrow.
The funeral of Magdalena Geiss, mother of Mike Geiss, took place this morning with services at 10 am at St John Church and interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Ollie Edward Harris, 16 months, died yesterday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harris, 138 East Third st. Newport. The remains were shipped to Mt. Moriah O. today for interment.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 July 1910, page 5
The Hickory Grove Sunday School of Gubser by the death of J J Wagoner, lost its Superintendent whose place will be filled by Rev Albert Nelson.
J J Wagoner, one of Campbell cos. most prominent citizens was instantly killed by his horse backing over a deep embankment near Carthage July 7.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 July 1910, page 5
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Preston Thornhill, 58-peritonitis; Ignatz Bihl, 57-heart disease; Rose Seibert, 27-phthisis; Infant McIntyre; Thelma Higman, 1-whooping cough; Ollie Harris, 1-pneumonia; Edward Hambrech, 5 days;; Mary Scholz, 21 days; John Henry Moore, drowning; Henrietta Ackerman, 16-drowning; Wilford Gentrup, 15-tuberculosis; Magdalena Geiss, 76-carcinoma; Louisa Sohnlein, 52-cancer; Joseph Niehaus, 33-phthisis; Infant Tolbert.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 20 July 1910, page 11
Word was received here yesterday of the death at Chattanooga, Tenn. of Elza C Morton, 87, widow of Willis Morton and mother of Contractor L Morton., Elda and Dud R Morton.
The funeral of Mildred R Howat will take place this afternoon from the residence, 127 East Fifth street. The remains will be interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Clara Haunert, 37, whose death occurred at her home, 333 West Eighth street, will take place this morning with services at Corpus Christi Church at 8 am.
The remains of Mary Miltonberger, 71, whose death occurred at the residence of her daughter in Spokane Washington were received here last night by Funeral Director W C Betz. The funeral service will be held at Betz's mortuary chapel this afternoon at 3 pm. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 21 July 1910, page 4
The funeral of Walter Mullen, who was drowned while bathing at Bellevue Sunday afternoon, will take place tomorrow morning, with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 25 July 1910, page 4
Health Office Kehm deaths report: Shannon Robinson, 60-gangrene; Clara Haunert, 37-gastritis; Mildred Howat, 42-carcinoma; Charles Remme, 54-cirrhosis of the liver.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 25 July 1910, page 5
Miss Maggie Schultheis died yesterday afternoon, at the residence of her parents at 404 Kenton st. Dayton. The funeral will be held with services at St Francis Church at 8:30 am tomorrow morning. The body will be buried in St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Edna Schappelle was held from St Francis Church at 8:30 am this morning. The body was interred in St Stephen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 26 July 1910, page 10
Mrs. Schumann, of Henry avenue, Bellevue, received word yesterday of the death of her cousin, Charles Fuchs, son of Jacob Fuchs at Allegheny, Penn.
The funeral of Miss Maggie Schultheis will take place at 8 am today from St Francis Church. Burial will be at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 26 July 1910, page 2
The funeral of Miss Maggie Schultheis was held with services in St Francis Church, Dayton, at 8:30 am this morning. The body was interred in St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 27 July 1910, page 2
John W White, 65, of 116 West Third st. Newport, veteran boilermaker, died yesterday in the family residence from old age. The decedent was a lifelong resident of Newport and was well known in the community. He is survived by a wife and four children. The funeral services will be held Friday morning at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The funeral of Mrs. B Drury, widow of Thomas Drury, was held this morning, with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 8 am.
The funeral of George T Berry, formerly of Newport, was held yesterday at his home in North Fairmount. The services were conducted by Rev Mr. Herron, of St Paul Cathedral. The pallbearers were A W Arnold, Ed Runnels, Daniel Hetsch and John C Schroll.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 31 July 1910, page 18
Arthur Styles, 34, residing at Thirteenth and John streets, died suddenly yesterday at his home. He was seized with a fainting spell just before rising and expired before the arrival of a physician. Coroner Digby held an inquest and decided that death was due to angina pectoris. A sister, Mrs. C C Lawson of Sedalia, Mo. and a wife and one child survive him.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 2 August 1910, page 5
Charles, the 15 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wagenlander, died yesterday at the Wagenlander summer home near Melbourne. The remains were interred at St Stephen Cemetery this morning.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 5 August 1910, page 11
John Kaelin, of 426 Hodge street, died yesterday. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm from the residence. Purity Council DofA, met last night and took action on the death.
Mrs. Catherine Lehkamp, widow of John G Lehkamp, died yesterday at her home, 925 Washington avenue, aged 77. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon with services at St John German Church at 2 pm. Members of Eureka Lodge, Knights and Ladies of Honor, met last night and took action on the death.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 5 August 1910, page 5
The funeral of William Gifford, former Deputy Assessor under County Assessor M J Hogan, of Newport, who was suddenly stricken with convulsions Tuesday and died in the patrol wagon while being taken to Speers Hospital, took place yesterday afternoon. Services were held at the residence of his stepfather, James Payne, on Saratoga st. Newport and interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. A large concourse of friends attended the funeral.
Members of Starlight Hive, No 14, LGTM, will meet at the chapel of Evergreen Cemetery Saturday at 2:30 pm to conduct the funeral services of Estella Blackburn. The funeral of Miss Stella Blackburn who died in the home of her parents on Maple av. Bellevue, will be held with services in the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm.
A special meeting will be held by the Twin City Council No 9 Jr. OUAM tonight at 8 pm at 821 York st. Newport to take action on the death of John Kachlin, 426 Hodge st. Newport Ky.
Newport Council No 2 Jr. OUAM will hold a special meeting tonight to take action on the death of Andrew Lindeman, who was killed in an accident.
George, the 11 month of son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B Crowley, 403 Grandview av. Bellevue died last night. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Page 9-PURCELL, Michael E, died Aug 4 at 10 pm in his fifty-fifth year. Funeral Monday from residence of John Leahey, 224 West Ninth st. Newport Ky. with services at Immaculate Conception Church at 9 am.
James Kaelin of 426 Hodge st. Newport died yesterday. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm from the residence.
Mrs. Cathiranna Lehkamp, widow of John G, died yesterday at her home 925 Washington av. Newport, aged 77. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon with services at St John German Church at 2 pm.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 6 August 1910, page 8
James Flynn, 66, for many years employed as a plastering contractor, died yesterday at the home of his daughters Mrs. Stevens at Twelfth and Isabella st. Newport. He leaves one son, Charles Flynn, formerly a patrolman of the Highland District and three daughters one of whom is in Chicago. The funeral services will be held Monday morning at St Stephen Church.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 8 August 1910, page 4
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Infant Schuck; Arthur Styles-angina pectoris; Isaac Morgan-enteritis; William Gifford-convulsions; John Kaelin-phthisis; Catherine Lehkamp-catarrhal enteritis; Harry Schneider-gastro enteritis; Michael Purcell-melancholia; James Flynn-gastro enteritis; Mathew Schwalbeck-peritonitis.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 8 August 1910, page 8
The funeral of James Flynn was held this morning with services in the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 8 am.
The infant son of Joseph Kolkmeyer of 716 German st. Newport died yesterday morning. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning with services in the residence. The body will be interred in St Joseph Cemetery on Johns Hill.
The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Kuhl, who died at the family home, Cold Spring Ky. was held this afternoon with services at the residence. The body will be interred in the Alexandria Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 August 1910, page 5
Matthias Tritschler, 89, one of the oldest residents of Campbell co. died yesterday at his home near Alexandria from cancer of the stomach. His widow is 80 years of age. He has a son in Newport and two daughters, Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Motz.
Gordon Houltshouser, 21, am employee of the Pennsylvania Railroad, well known in Newport died yesterday at the City Hospitl of appendicitis. The remains will be shipped to Statesville NC.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 10 August 1910, page 5
The funeral services for Mrs. Katherine Kuhl were held at he German Lutheran Church, Alexandria, Monday at 10 am. She leaves six children, four boys and two girls and 24 grandchildren.
Mr. and Mrs. George Heringer of Carthage, have returned from Roberts Ill. where they attended the funeral services of Mr. Heringer's brother.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 12 August 1910, page 11
Squire Hutchinson yesterday received work of the death at Ashland Ky. of Mrs. Mary Howard, former well known resident of Newport. She was a sister of W R Miller of Covington and Mrs. Walter Bennett, deceased. The remains will be brought to Newport for interment.
Kentucky Post, Sunday, 12 August 1910, page 3
Katherine Miller died yesterday at her home, 413 Lindsey st. Newport. The decedent was 48 years old and is survived by several children. The body will be shipped to Hamilton O. for burial.
The funeral of George W White for many years prominent in public affairs of Newport and well known plumber, will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 pm with services at his late residence, 839 York st. Interment will be made in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 13 August 1910, page 3
Robert Wolfington, 49, one of the best known residents of Dayton Ky. died late yesterday at Eighth & Dayton av. His is survived by a widow and one grown daughter. The funeral arrangements have not been made.
The body of Eddy McDonough, 10, who was drowned at Augusta Ky. Thursday, was received here last night by Funeral Director John Cunningham. The funeral was held with services in the St Francis Church at 2 pm this afternoon and the body was interred in St Francis Cemetery. The mother is prostrated over the affair and is under care of a physician.
Page 5-The funeral of Mary Bowen, of 118 Monmouth st. Newport who committed suicide Wednesday at her home by taking carbonic acid, took place yesterday afternoon. Services were held at the residence and the remains were interred at Highland Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 15 August 1910, page 9
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Joseph H Kolkmeyer, 2m; Mary F Browan, 54-carbolic acid poisoning; Harry S Freeman, 8-drowning; Carl Kunath, 79-carcinoma of liver; Roy St John, 3 weeks; George W White, 44-typoid fever; Catherine Miller, 44-convulsions.
Word was received here yesterday of the death at Terre Haute Ind. of Mamie English, daughter of R P English, former resident of Bellevue, who removed to Indiana three years ago, after having resided in Bellevue for nearly 30 years. Miss English's mother died last Tuesday and at that time she was so ill that her life was despaired of. The death of her mother proved too much of a shock and she passed away yesterday. Funeral Director Cunningham will receive the remains and they will be interred beside the body of her mother.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 15 August 1910, page 5
John Donnelly, a widower, died at Speers Hospital. The remains were removed to this late home 538 West Seventh st. Newport. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning with services at the Immaculate Conception Church at 8 am.
Catherine Miller, widow of John E Miller, formerly of Lindenwald, died at her home, 413 Lindsey st. Newport. The remains will be shipped to Hamilton O. for interment.
William son of Margaret McIntyre, died at the family residence, 900 Central av. Newport. The funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Mrs. Amanda Ewing, well known resident of Newport, died yesterday at her residence, 223 West Tenth st. She was 75 years of age and is survived by a family of adult children. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 10 am with services in the late residence. Interment will take place in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 16 August 1910, page 8
Frank Heckert, former Assistant City Treasurer of Newport, died yesterday at the home of his mother, 630 East Third st. Newport of pneumonia. Heckert was 39 years old and for the past 20 years had been identified in the public affairs of the city. A mother and sister survive him. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Ann McArdle, 63, died yesterday at the residence of her cousin, John McIntyre, 306 West Seventh st. Newport of a paralytic stroke. The funeral service will be tomorrow morning.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 18 August 1910, page 6
Mrs. Barbara Lieberth, 67, mother of ex-Lieut. of Police Adam Lieberth and Internal Revenue Collector George Lieberth, deceased, died yesterday at her home, 73 Pleasant st. Covington. She leaves a family of grown children, all married. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. Catherine Wald, 85, widow of Casper Wald, died yesterday at her home, 1032 Saratoga st. Newport, of old age. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 19 August 1910, page 7
America J Moore, aged 80, died yesterday at her home 613 Central av. Newport of old age. The remains will be shipped to Butler Ky. for interment.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 21 August 1910, page 17
Henry Kelly, an employee of the C&O Railroad in the construction of the new yard at Brent, died yesterday at Speers Hospital as a result of injuries inflicted by another colored man name Black. The immediate cause of death was thrombus, a rare disease due to the lodgment of an foreign substance in the hollow of the heart. In this case it was one of the bullets fired by the murderer. Kelly lay along the railroad tracks near Phoenix Grove bleeding from several wounds before he was found and taken to the hospital.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 August 1910, page 5
Pat Banahan, aged 89, an old resident of Newport, died yesterday at Speers Hospital, where he had been an inmate for several months. He leaves a widow and family of grown children. The funeral will take place tomorrow with interment at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 24 August 1910, page 5
Harry Ruther, a well known young man, died yesterday at his home, 214 East Seventh st. Newport of lung trouble. He was 33 years old. The funeral will take place at St Stephen Church Friday and burial will be in St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 27 August 1910, page 4
George Bader, of 130 West Sixth st. Newport died yesterday in the City Hospital, Cincinnati following a short illness. The funeral took place this morning from Radel's chapel and burial will be in Evergreen.
The body of Johanna Wagner, daughter of John Wagner, of 200 East Sixth st. Newport was cremated today.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 29 August 1910, page 7
Gertrude Ida Eleanora Hehman, beloved daughter of Louis & Elizabeth Hehman, died August 28, at the residence, 507 E Fourth st. Newport., aged 14 years and 10 months. Funeral Wednesday, August 31. Requiem high mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am. Interment at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 29 August 1910, page 5
Miss Anna Ilg, aged 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ilg, 939 Walnut st. Dayton Ky. died yesterday.
The funeral of John Bonsall was held with services in the residence, Washington av. and Division st. Bellevue at 2 pm this afternoon. The body was interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Evelyn Marie, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Schannerberg, of 808 Monmouth st. Newport died yesterday. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Agnes, the 21 month old daughter of Thomas Monroe, of 320 Elm st. Newport died Saturday.
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Mary Buelte, 77-pneumonia; Pat Monohan, 79-artoni sclerosis; Harry H Ruther, 33-exhaustion; Prisca Jordan, 59-asthma; Mary Fitzsimmons, 66-exhaustion; Johanna Wagoner, 8 days-tetanus; Julius Jacks, 37-septicemia; George Bader, 30-tuberculosis; Delia Kinney, 47-carcinoma.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 31 August 1910, page 13
Eliza Noertker, 65, residing at 134 West Third street, died yesterday. She was an old resident of Newport and leaves a husband and family of grown children.
Mrs. Mollie Clifford, wife of Harry Clifford, died yesterday at her residence, 147 West Sixth street, Newport, aged 52. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at the residence with interment at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Joseph Decker, aged 35, a brewer residing at 1131 German street, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital of pneumonia. A wife and five children survive him.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 31 August 1910, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Ava Tarvin Iles of Carthage Ky. which took place form the Baptist Church here in Mentor Sunday morning was attended by a large number of friends and relatives.
Louis Meyer Sr. aged 80 years, of Campbell co's most honorable and respected citizens died Aug 23 at his home, three miles east of Grants Lick, after seven weeks of dropsy and heart failure. Burial Thursday at the Twelve Mile Catholic Church. He is survived by seven children, 26 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 5 September 1910
Health Officer Kehm deaths report; Patrick McNelis; 18y; hemorrhage; John R Russell; 7y; tetanus; Agnes Munro; 1y; cancer; E. M. Schnarrenberg; 1y; tuberculosis Gertrude Hehman; 14y; cholera; Elizabeth Noertker; 65y; mitral insufficiency; Mollie Clifford; 52y; nephritis; John Decker; 87; typhoid fever.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 6 September 1910, page 5
The funeral of Samuel Winston, better known among his friends as "Pie" who died from the effects of carbolic acid, taken in a glass of beer Saturday, will be held with services in the residence, 632 Fifth av. Dayton at 10 am. Mrs. Winston the widow and a brother, Al Winston, arrived yesterday from Elgin Ill. to attend the funeral. The body will be interred in Evergreen.
Edward P Halloran, died yesterday of paralysis super induced by an attack of typhoid fever a few days and the disease affected his brain, finally resulting in paralysis. He had been a postal clerk in the Newport Post office for a number of years. He was 32 years of age and is a son of John P Halloran, former Water Works and Courthouse Commissioner. He is survived by a widow and one child. The remains were removed from this late home, Park av. near Eighth Newport, the residence of his father on East Third street.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 7 September 1910, page 11
Word was received here yesterday of the death at Little Rock Ark. of Mrs. Elizabeth Malone, an old resident of Newport, who went there several days ago to visit her daughter, Mrs. Nellie Potts. The remains arrived here last night and the funeral will take place this morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
The remains of Isaac Keith, whose death occurred at his home 731 York street, Newport, will be shipped today to Mayslick Ky.
Louis Strauder, 26, died yesterday at the home of his parents, 117 West Southgate street, Newport. A wife survives him.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 September 1910, page 5
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kransford of Brent, was buried Monday afternoon in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 8 September 1910, page 5
Lena Morgan, widow of Isaac Morgan, is made the sole beneficiary of his estate in his will admitted to probate in the Campbell co. Court today. She is also nominated executrix, without bond with the request that no bond be required of her or inventory made. Morgan resided on Overton st. Newport.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 12 September 1910, page 5
Health Officer Dr. Charles J Kehm deaths report: Elizabeth Malone, 60-typhoid fever; Louis G Watson, 3; Isaac Keith, 62-pneumonia; Howard C Buskey, 1; Samuel H Winston, 46-carbolic acid poisoning; Edward Halloran, 32-meningitis; Louis Stander, 28-tuberculosis; Margaret Deimel, 25-accidental drowning; Ethel Deimel, 4-accidental drowning; Henry McConico, 73-rheumatism.
Mrs. Katherine Hetsch, widow of John Hetsch and mother of Dan Hetsch, York st. Newport, tailor, died yesterday at her home Eighth and Putnam sts. She was 70 years of age and resided nearly all her life in Newport. Another son, Justus Hetsch, deceased, was at one time Postmaster of Newport. The funeral services will take place tomorrow at 2 pm at Salem M E Church.
Helen Seibert, 24, died yesterday at her home, 1038 Orchard st. Newport. The funeral services will take place tomorrow morning at St Stephen Church.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 13 September 1910, page 11
The funeral of Fred Meyers, whose death occurred Sunday at his home, 318 West Southgate street, Newport, will take place tomorrow morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 13 September 1910, page 5
The funeral of Andrew J Youtsey, father of Henry Youtsey, took place yesterday afternoon services being held at Asbury Chapel. The remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
John Rappold, 41, residing at 317 West Sixth st. Neweport and for many years in the saloon business in Newport and Cincinnati, died yesterday at Speers Hospital due to a complication of disease.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 14 September 1910, page 5
A J Youtsey, an old and highly respected citizen of this Cold Spring, died Thursday night at Speers Hospital. The remains were brought to the old homestead. The funeral was preached at Asbury Chapel Tuesday afternoon. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 17 September 1910, page 5
Katherine Weitz, 75, died yesterday at her home, 1036 Saratoga st. Newport of old age. She leaves a husband and family of grown children. The funeral will take place Monday afternoon with services at St John Church.
Anton Pfister, 66, for a quarter of a century connected with the Wiedemann Brewing Co. died yesterday at his home. He leaves a wife and five children.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Dietz of Dayton Ky. was held with services in the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Melcher on Eighth av. The body was interred in Evergreen.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 19 September 1910, page 5
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B A Root died yesterday in Speers Hospital.
Health Officer Dr. Charles J Kehm deaths report: Rosella M Deimel, 1-drowning; Katherine Hetsch, 79; Fred Meyers, 35-pneumonia; Marie Deimel, 8-drowning; John Voigt, 75-senility; Helen Hartig, 7m-conlvulsions; Thomas Moss, 47-cerebral hemorrhage; Infant Radak, 2m; Virginia Donger, 1m; Anton Pfister, 66-epithelloma.
John Sleet, 65, died at the County Infirmary yesterday of senility. His relatives live in Kenton co. and are unknown to the superintendent who desires to communicate with them regarding the disposition of the body.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 20 September 1910, page 5
The funeral of Anton Pfister for 25 years connected with Wiedemann brewery was held yesterday with services at St Stephen Church. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Katherine Weitz aged 75, took place yesterday with services at St John Church and interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 September 1910, page 5
William J Heiert, 36, a widower, died yesterday at his home at Glenn Park. He leaves three children. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with services at the residence of Frank Fillhardt.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 26 September 1910, page 5
Page 3-The funeral of Dr. G R Maor was held with services in the residence, Bellevue, at 2 pm this afternoon. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
William Hurd, 71, died rather suddenly yesterday at his home, 113 East Front st. Newport. He was seized with a stroke of paralysis Saturday and continued to grow worse yesterday until his death.
Health Officer Dr. Charles Kehm deaths report: Elizabeth Weitz, 75-pericarditis; Infant Wood, 4 days-cerebral hemorrhage.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 27 September 1910, page 13
Susan Cotter, died yesterday, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. H A Thoburn, 503 York street, Newport. The funeral will take place today at 2 pm with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Louis Kruze, 39, an employee of Dairyman George Moock, died yesterday at Speers Hospital of gangrene. the funeral will take place from John Cunningham's mortuary chapel tomorrow morning with services at St Anthony Church and interment at St Stephen Cemetery.
Mrs. Alice Schwarz, wife of Henry Schwarz, died late Sunday night at her home, 1349 Walnut street, Dayton. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning with services at the St Xavier Church, Cincinnati.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 28 September 1910, page 5
The funeral of John Kurze of Bellevue, who died at Speers Hospital was held with services at the St Anthony Church at 8:30 am this morning. The body was buried at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Alice Schwartz, who died at her residence, 1349 Walnut st. Dayton, was held with services in St Xavier Church in Cincinnati this morning.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 30 September 1910, page 5
Mrs. Minerva Tucker, 78, died yesterday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. E E Kirker, 835 Monroe st. Newport. She was the mother of Election Commissioner Charles Tucker, Mrs. Thomas James, Mrs. Kirker and Mrs. Grace Lucas, the latter of Littleton W Va. The funeral will take place from Mrs. Kirker's residence tomorrow at 2 pm and the remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 3 October 1910, page 9
Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Herschell Slater, 2y; Infant Doran; Mary King, 65-apoplexy; William Hurd, 71-paralysis; Susan Cotter, 58-typhoid; Henry Remme, 37-drowning; Infant Goebel, 2d; Infant Bonneville, 1 hour; Harriet Hobner, 60-nephritis; Arthur Stephenson, 3m; Henry Grokengiser, 1y; Minerva Tucker, 78-septieaemia; Henry Westmeyer, 70-apoplexy.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 October 1910, page 5
James Gooden Lindsay, 82 was found dead in bed yesterday at his home near California, Campbell co Ky. His aged wife was the first to discover that he was dead when she went to his room to call him Coroner Digby held an inquest, returning a verdict of death from heart disease. The deceased was born and reared on the farm where he died.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 7 October 1910, page 5
George Schneider, 42, died yesterday at his home, 116 Orchard st. Newport. He is survived by a widow and three children. The funeral will take place Monday afternoon from the residence. Interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery.
James M Ryan, 32, died late Wednesday night at his home, 815 Isabella st. Newport. A widow and one child survive him. The funeral will take place at 8 am tomorrow from the Church of Immaculate Conception.
The funeral of Mrs. Veronica Birnbryer, mother of Albert Birnbryer, Treasurer of the Grand Opera House, will take place tomorrow morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The remains will be interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 11 October 1910, page 5
Henry Wagner, 41, died yesterday at the home of his brother in law, George Schneider, who was buried yesterday from his home, 1118 Orchard st. Newport. Wagner was single and his death was caused by an attack of typhoid fever. Schneider's death was due to tuberculosis.
The death of S O Spilman, of California Ky. occurred Saturday evening about 9 pm. Funeral at M E Church South Monday morning.
The funeral of Mary Mugivan of Bellevue, was held with services at St Anthony Church at 9 am this morning. The body was interred in St Joseph Cemetery on Price Hill.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 12 October 1910, page 5
The four month old son of Fred Voss, residing at 943 Central av. Newport died yesterday. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 17 October 1910, page 4
Louisa Frances Hewetson, 65, died yesterday at her home, 927 York street, Newport due to cardiac dropsy. Mrs. Hewetson was an old resident of Newport and leaves a husband and three children. The funeral services will be held at tomorrow afternoon with at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Rardin, at 2:30 pm. The remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Jacob Wormold, 56, residing at 609 East Third street, Newport, died yesterday of apoplexy. He leaves a widow and one daughter. Wormald was a contracting carpenter and was a prominent member of Eden Park Council Jr. The funeral services will take place this morning at 10 am at the residence and interment at Maysville.
Health Officer John Todd deaths report: James Cahill, 47-pulmonolis; Eliza Josie Johns, 60-cardiac asthma; Fred Bradhold, 28-gastritis; Henry Wagner, 40-pneumonia; Fred Voss, 4m-conculsions.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 October 1910, page 5
John Keahley, 65, residing with his son in law, William Hardin, on Water Works rd. was struck and instantly killed by east bound passenger train No 5 on the C&O Railroad yesterday morning at 9 am. Keahley was on his way to attend mass at St Stephen Church. The body was removed to the home of his son in law.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 October 1910, page 8
Walter Rische, 19, residing at 530 East Second st. Newport died at his home. The funeral will take place Thursday with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of John Kealey, who was struck and killed by a fast flyer on the C&O Sunday, will take place tomorrow morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 8 am.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 19 October 1910, page 5
The funeral of Jacob Wormald took place yesterday afternoon from the residence 609 East Third st. The remains were shipped to Maysville Ky. for interment.
The funeral of Mrs. Louisa F Hewitson took place yesterday afternoon, services being held at the residence, 930 York st. Rev Davidson of Covington, officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery
The funeral of John H Simms, former well known resident of Newport, whose death occurred at Detroit, took place yesterday. Services were held at Spring Grove Chapel and the remains were interred in the family lot.
Quite a number from Mentor attended the funeral of Miss Iona Preacher at Grand View Cemetery Sunday afternoon.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 20 October 1910, page 4
Mrs. Minnie Roth, well known Newport resident died yesterday in the family residence, 1131 Isabella st. The decedent was 63 years old and all of her life had been a resident of Newport. Several grown children and a husband survive her. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 9 am with services at St Stephen Church and interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 24 October 1910, page 4
Health Officer Todd deaths report: Edward Lawson, 24-tuberculosis; Louise Hewitson, 65-nephritis; John Kealey, 59-accidental injuries; Jacob Wormald, 56-paralysis; Charles Kaul, 40-mitral insufficiency; Walter Rische, 19-tuberculosis; Arthur Durkey, 1-pneumonia; Minnie Roch, 63-mitral insufficiency; Albert Brill, 35-nephritis; Matilda Clark, 56-pertonitis; Frank Lenman, 76-hemorrhage; Julia Stauder, 22-tuberculosis.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 25 October 1910, page 12
George C Wewer, 38, died yesterday at his home, 225 East Eighth street, Newport. The deceased was formerly a member of the Newport Fire Department and was injured during the big fire at the Old '76 Distillery plant a few years ago. A widow survives him. He was a member of the Newport Aerie of Eagles, which will have charge of the funeral.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 27 October 1910, page 5
Mary McIntyre, aged 65, residing at 506 West Seventh st. Newport, died yesterday at her home. She leaves a husband and several children. The funeral services will take place Saturday morning at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 29 October 1910, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Mary McIntyre, who died suddenly Wednesday night in the family home on West Seventh st. Newport, took place this morning with services in the Immaculate Church.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 31 October 1910, page 8
Mrs. William C Sanders, 48, died yesterday at the family residence, Third and Washington av. Newport due to erysipelas. Mrs. Sanders was formerly Miis Brown and her husband is president of the Old '76 Distilling Co. and is also connected to the Wadsworth Watch Case Co. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon and will be private. Rev Charles Clingman will officiate.
Health Officer Dr. John Todd deaths report: David Hughes, 81-complications; Sallie Artsman, 75-cardiac insufficiency; Emma McDerrmot,, 4-pneumonia; George Weaver, 37-consumption; Artie Ziegler, 7m; Mary Morgan, 57-heart disease; Frank Abeling, 6-pneumonia.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 1 November 1910, page 3
The funeral of Miss Lucy Higginbotham, whose body arrived in Newport Sunday night from Los Angeles Cal. took place yesterday afternoon with services in the mortuary chapel of C A Smith & Sons and interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. The decedent was 34 years old and was a former well known resident of Newport.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 2 November 1910, page 9
The funeral of Mrs. Fannie Brown Sanders took place yesterday afternoon, with services at the residence, third and Washington avenue. Rev Dr. Clingman, rector of St Paul Episcopal Church officiated and the remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery. The pall bearers were A W Larkin, W C Botts, Dave and Robert Brown and Harry and Al Stegman.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 2 November 1910, page 5
Charles M Spencer, 5, son of Harold Spencer, a former resident of Dayton, died yesterday at his parents home, 3443 Berry av. Hyde Park-Dayton Ky. The funeral will be held at the family residence tomorrow afternoon at 1 pm.
Miss Mabel Coleman, cousin of Mrs. W C Martin, of Dayton Ky. died this morning at her home, Eleventh and York st. Newport, following an operation performed several days ago for a goiter.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 3 November 1910, page 5
Laura Coleman, the 14 year old daughter of Mrs. William Coleman, died yesterday at the family residence, 1104 York st. Newport. Several weeks ago the decent underwent an operation. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the residence and interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 November 1910, page 12
Thomas Tallen, 44, residing at 313 Central av. Newport, died suddenly yesterday at his home, following an attack of cardiac asthma. He arose early in the morning for the purpose of making a fire as he was unable to sleep on account of asthma. Later his wife heard him fall and going into the kitchen found Tallen in a dying condition. Coroner Digby returned a verdict in accordance with the facts.
Henry Able, 60, former Monmouth st. saloon keeper, died last night at his home in Glen Park, after a two month's illness of dropsy. Mr. Able, who was a member of the Badischer Verein, of Cincinnati; William Tell Lodge, of Odd Fellows and the Newport Rolling Mill Mutual Aid. He leaves a widow and five children.
Elizabeth Fessler, 70, residing at 510 West Fifth st. died yesterday at Speers Hospital of old age and general debility. The funeral will take place this afternoon from Radel's mortuary chapel.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 7 November 1910, page 9
Health Officer Todd deaths report: Fannie Brown Sanders, 48-erysipelas; Laura Coleman, 14-myocarditis; Infant Scoll; Thomas Robert, 42-cardiac asthma; Elizabeth Fessler, 76-pneumonia; Henry Abel, 60-cirrhosis of liver; Helen Kline, 3-fdiptheria; Infant Jinsko, Infant Pence.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 9 November 1910, page 5
Mrs. Annie Wessels died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank J Lampe, at 38 E Ninth st. Newport Ky. aged 73 years. Funeral at 8:30 am Thursday morning at St Stephen Church.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 9 November 1910, page 5
Katie Schnorr, of Grants Lick, aged 14 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Schnorr, died Tuesday, Nov 1 of typhoid fever and paralysis. Funeral Thursday from the Baptist Church, conducted by Rev Owen of the Christian Church at Falmouth. Six of her girl schoolmates acted as pallbearers. Interment in Oakland Cemetery.
John Wietz, 81, residing at 1041 Columbia st. Newport died yesterday of old age. He will be buried from his residence Friday afternoon with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 12 November 1910, page 5
A G Anderbert, 65, died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. H C Newlin, 620 Lexington av. yesterday afternoon. The funeral will take place Monday morning at 10 am from the residence and interment at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 November 1910, page 5
The funeral of George Marsh, 78, one of the original settlers of Bellevue, was held this afternoon with services in the residence, 405 Clark st. He is survived by two sons and three daughters. The body was interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Elmer H Hill, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hill, died yesterday at the home of his parents at 215 Division st. Bellevue. The funeral was held with services at the residence, this morning at 10 am. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery.
James Glover, 62, a prominent rolling mill man, was found dead in bed yesterday in his home, 528 E M st. Newport. Glover had been complaining of feeling ill several days and yesterday went to his room to lie down. Shortly after 4 pm his wife went to call him for supper and found him dead. Coroner Digby was notified and rendered a verdict due to heart failure.
Emma Hufnagel, 48, residing at 1010 German st. Newport died yesterday at her home. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.
Health Officer Dr. John Todd deaths report: Harry Smith, 15-pneumonia; Ida May Wright, 15m-menigitis; Mary M White, 39-tuberculosis; Anna Wesels, 72-cerebral apoplexy; Paul Herfolsumer, 2days-convulsions; John Wietz, 81-senile debility; Catherine Powers, 80-cardiac asthma; A G Anderberg, 65-carcinoma.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 16 November 1910, page 5
Katherine Krebs, 69, died yesterday at her residence, 939 Washington av. Newport of old age and general debility. Mrs. Krebs was a widow. The funeral services will be held at St Paul German Church Friday afternoon.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 17 November 1910, page 5
Anna, the 6 month old daughter of Thomas Leonard of Fifth and Isabella st. Newport, was found dead in bed yesterday morning. Coroner Digby decided that death was due to convulsions following an attack of pneumonia.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 21 November 1910, page 10
Health Officer Todd deaths report: Emma Hulnagel, 45-tuberculosis; James Glover, 60-apoplexy; Infant Conrad; Catherine Krebs, 69-pneumonia; George Parker, 1y-intestinal grippe; Annie Leonard, 5-pneumonia; James White, 65-Brights disease; Infant Beck.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 22 November 1910, page 8
Catharine Smith, 73, died yesterday at her home, 66 Observatory av. Overlook Heights, Newport. The funeral will take place from the residence at 2 pm with interment at Linden Grove Cemetery.
Emily Ungerman, 67, residing at 309 West Fifth st. Newport died yesterday. The funeral will take place Thursday.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 November 1910, page 2
Peter Fisher, 26, son of former Jail Guard William Fisher, died yesterday at his home, 409 Central av. Newport. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the residence. He leaves a widow but no children.
Richard Harrison, 51, residing at 508 Powell st. Newport died yesterday at Speers Hospital. He leaves a widow and three children. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. Hermann of Newport, widow of Joseph Hermann and mother of Drs. Edward and George Hermann, died yesterday at Speers Hospital, where she had been taken to be operated upon for what was diagnosed as an abscess of the ear. She had hardly arrived at the hospital which symptoms of uremia poisoning developed and death ensued within a short time. Mrs. Hermann was 60 years of age. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 25 November 1910, page 5
Mrs. Julia Sensel, 42, died at her home, 740 Central av. Newport at 11 pm last night.
The funeral of Mrs. Caroline Hermann, mother of Drs. George and Edward Hermann, whose death occurred in Speers Hospital last Wednesday, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 pm in St John German Evangelical Church, Seventh and Columbia st. Newport, with Rev Frederick Knapp officiating. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 26 November 1910, page 8
Miss Julia Sensel died yesterday in the home of her sister, Central av. Newport. She was 40 years old and is survived by a sister and brother. The funeral will take place at 2 pm Monday afternoon from the residence and burial will be made in Evergreen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 28 November 1910, page 10
Health Officer Todd deaths report: Evelin Ries, 28 days; Emelia Nugenmann, 66-senility; Infant Conrad; Catheryn Smith, 72-senility; Norbert Wietholler, 5-diptheria; Mamie Hussey, 48-heart disease; Peter W Fisher, 26-tuberculosis; Carolyn Hermann, 60-acute uraemia.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 29 November 1910, page 5
Mrs. Susan McGill, one of Newport's oldest pioneer residents, died yesterday at her home, 612 Orchard st. Newport of old age. She was 81 years old and for more than the last half century had resided in Newport. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 9:30 am with services in Grace M E Church and interment will be made in Spring Grove Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 1 December 1910, page 5
Fred Buscher, 76, a pioneer resident of Bellevue, died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James J Jordan, 148 Division st. The funeral will take place Saturday morning at 9 am with requiem mass in the Sacred Heart Church, Rev William Hissem officiating.
The funeral of Loretta Hils, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clement Hils, of Bellevue, was held with services in St Anthony Church at 9 am this morning.
George Rief, 36, residing at 1115 Putnam st. Newport, died Thursday morning at 2 am from catarrh of the stomach. Rief was a well known race horse trainer.
Chris J Lang, 58, died late Tuesday at his home near Johns Hill. He was a farmer and had spent all his life in that vicinity. He leaves a widow and family of adult children. The funeral will take place at 1:30 pm tomorrow from the residence. Interment at Johns Hill Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 2 December 1910, page 11
George Rief, a race horse trainer, aged 36, died yesterday at his home, 115 Putnam street, Newport. He was unmarried and resided with his widowed mother.
Jennie Bagby, 65, died yesterday at Speers Hospital of Brights disease. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon, with services at 2 pm at the residence of her son, Edward J Bagby.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 3 December 1910, page 5
Sarah Stubbs, 56, died yesterday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Sidney Wright, 631 Washington av. Newport of paralysis. The funeral will take place Monday morning with services at the residence at 9 am and interment at Alexandria Cemetery. Rev Maxwell will officiate.
Steven B Cundiff, 83, died yesterday at his residence, 815 Isabella st. Newport of old age. He leaves a widow and on daughter. The funeral will take place this afternoon.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 6 December 1910, page 9
Mrs. Julia Le Maire Ramsey, wife of John C Ramsey, died early yesterday morning at his home, 208 West Front street, Newport. She leaves a husband, formerly in the contact business, one son and a daughter.
The remains of Eugenia Handian, whose death occurred at Denver Colo. were received here yesterday by Charles A Smith & Sons and removed to Evergreen Cemetery Chapel, where services will be held this morning at 10 am. Mrs. Handian was a former well known resident of Newport.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 8 December 1910, page 5
William G Obermesser Jr. a life long resident of Newport, died yesterday in the residence of his parents on West Fourth st. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed.
The funeral services over the remains of George Barry, whose death remitted from a pistol shot wound inflicted by Fred Retto, were held this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Stackel, at Sixth and Overton sts. where the deceased made his home.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 10 December 1910, page 5
Mrs. Helen W Riley, aged 81, widow of John P Riley, died at her home, 197 Alexandria pike, Ft Thomas, of senility. She is survived by a family of adult children.
The funeral of William Melrose, 10, whose death resulted from injuries received when he was run down by a C&O freight train, will take place this afternoon. Services were held at 2 pm at the residence, head of Boone st. Newport and the remains will be taken to Four Mile Cemetery for interment.
Mrs. Helen Riley, 81, a pioneer resident of Campbell co. died yesterday at her residence near St Stephen Cemetery in Cold spring. She leaves one son and two daughters. The funeral services will be held next Monday.
Mrs. Ruth Kennedy, 65, died yesterday at her residence, 1005 German st. Newport. The funeral services will be held Monday afternoon with services at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 13 December 1910, page 5
Joseph Conklin, 42, residing at 219 East Front st. Newport died yesterday. He leaves a widow and one child. The services will be held at Funeral Director Smith's mortuary chapel at 2 pm tomorrow and the remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 14 December 1910, page 3
The funeral of Albert Schroeder, 35, whose death occurred at his home, 923 Hamlet st. Newport took place this morning at 8:30 am with services at St Stephen Church. Schroeder leaves a widow and three children.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 17 December 1910, page 3
After an illness extending over several months, Mrs. Nora McGeough, widow of James McGeough and other of Oil Inspector Thomas McGeough, passed peacefully away last night at her residence, 725 Columbia st. Newport. She was past 79 years of age and death was hastened by old age. Besides Oil Inspector McGeough, five sons and one daughter survive her.
The remains of Eula Jonscher, 19, who died at Marietta O. arrived here yesterday and were taken in charge by Funeral Director Erschell. The services were held at 2 pm this afternoon at the Evergreen Chapel.
Frank Lauverman, 41, single, died at an early hour today at the home of his sister Mrs. Henry Gausing, 836 Park av. Newport. the deceased had been ill for over a year.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 19 December 1910, page 5
Elizabeth Hocker, 59, died yesterday at her home, Thornton and Patterson sts. Newport.
The funeral of Nora McGeough, mother of Oil Inspector Thomas McGeough, took place today at 9 am with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The remains were interred at Price Hill.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 20 December 1910, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Hocker, who died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Dignan, Thornton and Patterson sts. Newport, took place at 2 pm this afternoon with services at St Paul German Lutheran Church and interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 December 1910, page 5
The funeral of Henry Nagel was held at 2 pm this afternoon with services in the residence, 316 Foote av. Bellevue. The body was interred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mrs. Veronica Betz, widow of former Sheriff Lou Betz and for more than half a century a resident of Campbell co. died yesterday at her home on Monmouth st. Newport at the age of 67 years. The funeral will take place Friday morning with services at St Stephen Church.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 22 December 1910, page 7
Veronica Betz, widow of Louis Betz, died December 20, 4 am at residence, 806 Monmouth st. Newport Ky. aged 64 years. Funeral Friday with requiem high mass at St Stephen Church, 9 am.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 23 December 1910, page 5
Charles W Schmizberger, 75, died yesterday at his home, 930 Philadelphia st. Newport.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 24 December 1910, page 5
Adam Echert, died aged 69 years. Funeral from residence of his son, G B Echert, 1004 Columbia st. Newport Ky. Saturday, Dec 24 at 2:30 pm. Burial private. (Louisville Ky. papers please copy)
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 24 December 1910, page 5
The funeral of Mrs. Veronica Betz took place yesterday morning, services being held at St Stephen Church at 9 am. The remains were interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 27 December 1910, page 8
The funeral of Katherine Fillhardt took place yesterday, services being held at the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery. The remains were interred in the family lot.
William Schuh, 46, residing at 642 Dayton street, was struck and killed on the L&N Railroad at Seventh & Saratoga streets, Newport, yesterday morning. the body was removed to Funeral Director Betz morgue.
An unknown Bulgarian, a member of a C&O construction crew working opposite New Richmond, was struck and fatally injured yesterday afternoon. The dead man is said to have a wife and four children in Bulgaria.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 28 December 1910, page 5
The funeral of Frank Sauter, who killed himself yesterday by cutting his throat after being locked up in the Newport Jail for safe keeping, will be held Friday morning with services at the Corpus Christi Church and interred at Johns Hill Cemetery. Sauter resided at 602 West Sixth st. He had been an inmate of Lakeland Asylum but was returned to his home by the officials.
Philip Moock, father of George Moock, dairyman and for 43 years a resident of Campbell co. died yesterday at his home near Southgate. He was a widower and leaves six children. Mr. Moock was one of the best known residents of Campbell co. and was also engaged in the dairy business many years ago.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 30 December 1910, page 7
Bernard J Gausing, beloved husband of Elizabeth Gausing (nee Rennekamp) died Tuesday, December 27, at 3:25 pm. Funeral Saturday from his late residence, 621 Roberts st. Newport Ky. at 8 am. Requiem high mass at St Stephen Church at 1:30 am. Friends invited. Carriages leave the Busse & Borgmann Co office at 7:15 am.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 4 January 1911, page 7
John Garfield Wagner, died Jan 3, at his residence, 818 Isabella st. Newport, aged 23 years and 10 months. Due notice of funeral.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 January 1911, page 4
The following is Health Officer Todd's report of a week's deaths in Newport; P G Moore, 59-crysipelas; Infant Lubbe-prematurity; Beatrice Johnston, 3 days-dysentry; Louis Guenther, paralysis; John Magner, 23, acute dilation of the heart; Infant Hegenhoff, prematurity; Margaret Welch, 39-tuberculosis; Ernest Strine, paralysis; Joseph Tabke, 2-meningitis; Catherine White, catarrh and nephritis.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 13 January 1911, page 7
Mrs. Sarah Hawthorne, 40, died last night at the family residence, 135 West Seventh st. The decedent is survived by a husband and one son. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon, with services in the residence. Interment will be made in Evergreen Cemetery.
The funeral of William Dremer, 529 Lindsay st. was held this afternoon with services in the residence. The body will be interrred in Evergreen Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 24 January 1911, page 7
H B Leising, of Monmouth st. Newport, received a telegram yesterday announcing the death of his father, Henry Leising, of Maria Steine, O. He was a resident of Newport 40 years. Mr. Leising left today to attend the funeral.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 30 January 1911, page 5
Health Officer John Todd deaths in Newport; Sophia Huber, 73-la grippe; Albert Bobb, 20-phthisis; Ruth Willman, 12d-tetanus; Lillian Price, 21-tuberculosis; Eugene Covin, 17d-pneumonia; Mary Allisa Burger, 54-paralysis; Florence Slutyesdyk, 17-tuberculosis; Clara M Gross, 19-tuberculosis
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 4 February 1911, page 7
Anna Mary Hagemeyer, beloved daughter of Frank and Nettie Hagemeyer died at residence, 54 East Eleventh st. Newport Ky. aged 19 years. Funeral Monday, Feb 6, 1911 from residence, with requiem high mass at St Stephen Church at 8 am. Burial at St Stephen Cemetery. Friends invited.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 February 1911, page 5
Mrs. Eva Motz, of Licking Pike who died Saturday morning, was buried this morning. Services were held from St John Church. Mrs. Motz was an old resident of Campbell co. where she was held in the highest esteem.
Health Officer Todd reported deaths in Newport: Harmon Parker, 66-cirrhosis of liver; Bessie Turner, 42-carcinoma of breast; Thomas Foos, 49-pneumonia; Conrad Opel, 40-tuberculosis; Patrick F Holeran, 54, phthisis; Alexander Bettner, 79-tuberculosis of bowels; Eva Motz, 70-pneumonia.
Jacob Boltz died at 3:30 this morning at his residence, 522 East Second st. Newport. The deceased was a prominent citizen of Newport. He was stricken with apoplexy. The Eureka Lodge No 7 Knights of Pythias will hold a special meeting this evening at 8 pm to take action on his death.
Mrs. Walter Dameron, a former resident of Campbell co. was also reported dead this morning at Osgood Ind. Her remains will be brought to her former residence on the Licking pike.
William Willis, residing at the home of his son, 522 East Fourth st. died this morning. He was 84 years of age.
Mrs. Mary Ann Bruegger, 77, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Schnessler, 1001 Sixth av. Dayton. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning with services in St Francis Church at 8:30 am.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 7 February 1911, page 7
Henry Asche, beloved husband of Elizabeth Asche (nee Schomaker) died Monday, Feb 6, at her residence, southeast corner Eighth and Saratoga sts. Newport, aged 49 years. Funeral Thursday, Feb 9 with requiem high mass at St Stephen Church at 8:30 am. Friends invited.
Mrs. Catherine Horn, aged 75 years, died this morning at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Moeser, 227 Front st. Bellevue. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 2 pm with services at Salem M E Church, Newport.
(no first name given) Boltz died Feb 6, aged 63 years at his residence 522 East Second st. Newport. Funeral Thursday from the First Presbyterian Church, Newport at 2 pm.
William H Willis, died Feb 6, aged 84 years, at the residence of his son, Charles H Willis, 525 East Fourth st. Newport. Funeral Wednesdaay, Feb 8, services at Salem M E Church, Eighth and York sts. at 2 pm.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 9 February 1911, page 7
Mrs. Susan Ann Evans, widow of B A Evans and mother of Officer Ben Evans, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Heffener, Chesapeake av. Cote Brilliante, Newport Ky. aged 82 years. Due notice of funeral.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 February 1911, page 8
The following is Health Officer Todd's report of a week's deaths in Newport: W H Willis, 83-cardiac paralysis; Jacob Boltz, 62-apoplexy; H B Asche, 49-tuberculosis; J R Merrett, 9 months-pneumonia; Florentine Rothers, 87-asthma; Minnie Klein, 67-appolexy; Florence Schiefer, 3-diphtheria; Susan Ann Evans, 82-paralysis; Mary Wellner, 69-pneumonia; Andrew Sellers, 44-angina pectoris.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 February 1911, page 4
Mrs. Nazarette McHenry, wife of Wm T McHenry, died yesterday at her home, Front and Monmouth sts. Newport, after a brief illness. She is survived by her husband, John Blance McHenry and Mrs. Clifford Gardner. Arrangements will not be made until her son, John, can be reached at Charleston, W Va.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 27 May 1911, page 8
Mrs. Mattie Burkhardt, aged 47, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gebhardt, 621 East Fourth st. Newport after a lingering illness.
Geo Reckwerd, aged 28, died yesterday at his home in Finchtown. The burial will take place Monday morning at Johns Hill Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 26 July 1911, page 5
A number of residents of Wesley Chapel attended the funeral of Red Steiger Sunday at Second Twelve Mile.
Mrs. Nora Pribble, of near Pleasant Hill, died at her home in Peach Grove Ky. last Friday night. Interment at Walnut Grove Cemetery Sunday.
George Leidel died at his home in Peach Grove Saturday afternoon of meningitis. Interment at Second Twelve Mile Monday.
Bart C Ware, 69, a well known farmer of Campbell co. died at Speers Hospital yesterday. The remains were removed to his home at Grants Lick where the funeral was held this morning at 11 am.
Miss Myrtle Bennett died Sunday night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W K Bennett, of Cold Spring.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 September 1912, page 2
John Stefen, 73, died yesterday at his home in Cold Spring. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning with services at St Joseph Church at 9 am. Steffen was a pioneer resident of Campbell co. and was a brother of the late Michael Steffen, who died several weeks ago.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 30 May 1913, page 3
Andrew Ritter, a farmer at Camp Springs, died yesterday after a lingering illness. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning with services at St Joseph Church, Camp Springs.
The funeral of Frank Weston will be held this morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The pallbearers will be Richard Davis, Walter McDeown, John Shields, William Forbes, John McGuire and Robert Brothers. The remains will be interred at St Stephen Cemetery.
The funeral of Benjamin F Anderson took place yesterday, the remains being placed in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery. Later the body will be shipped to Pittsburg. Comrades attended the funeral to the number of 30 and veterans officiated as pallbearers. Anderson in his youth was one of the "Forty-niners" who crossed the continent in search of gold.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 14 Aug 1913, page 7
Mrs. Sarah J Pritchard, 86, pioneer resident of Newport, died at her home, 724 Overton st. this morning. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon, with service at the chapel at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 21 October 1914, page 13
Mrs. Emma Watson, 48, wife of Henry Watson, died early yesterday at Speers Hospital following an operation. The body was shipped last night by funeral directors Cunningham & Dobbling to Maysville Ky. Mrs. Watson was the sister in law of E A Powell of Ft Thomas Ky.
The funeral of Mitchell F Morsbach well known businessman, will be held this afternoon from the residence, 810 Columbia street, Newport, with services at 1:30 pm. Burial will be in the German Protestant Cemetery.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 June 1914, page 1
Health Officer Todd deaths report: Anna Smith, 64-carcinoma; Geneva Muggeridge, 34-arthritis; Infant McCully; Elizabeth Feilen, 78-acute obstruction of the bowels; John H Burwell, 69-railroad accident; Edward Vesper, 54-disease of the heart; Hannah Rachel King, 49-chronic disease of the heart; Charles Sullivan, 39-accidental drowning; Elizabeth Terrani, 68-general paralysis; Jacob Hahn, 74-myocraditis.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 19 August 1914, page 3
The funeral of Mrs. Josephine Schatman, 36, who died suddenly at the residence, 257 Van Voast av. Bellevue, following an attack of heart disease, will be held Thursday morning with services at 8:30 at St Anthony Church. She is survived by her husband, Geo Schatman and a 9 year old son.
Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 27 April 1917, page 11
Raymond Erpenbeck, 10, son of John Erpenbeck, died yesterday at the residence, 735 Maple avenue, Newport, following an attack of rheumatism of the heart.
George Muehlenkamp, 30 died yesterday at the residence, Seventh and Patterson, Newport. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.
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