Deaths listed in the local newspapers 1906-1909


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 1 January 1906, page 7

Edwin Crawley, beloved husband of Ella Crawley (nee Stretch) aged 49 years died. Funeral from residence, 199 Highland av. Highlands Ky. Tuesday, January 2, 1906, at 9 am. Requiem high mass at Church of Immaculate Conception, Newport Ky. at 10 am.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 5 January 1906, page 5

Mrs. Susie Jackson of East Fourth st. Newport, died early today at the family residence. Mrs. Jackson was advanced in years and had been ill only a short time. Members of American Council No 3, D of A, of which she was a member will meet Sunday afternoon at 1 pm at Memorial Hall, to attend the funeral in a body. Services will be held at the Taylor st. M E Church.

Henry Bonte, 69, whose death occurred Wednesday night, will be buried tomorrow morning. The funeral services will be held at the residence, 315 Washington av. Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 8 January 1906, page 7

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: August Wischmeyer, 58, heart disease; Henry Bonte, 69, uremia; Susan Jackson, 51, carcinoma; Margaret Darnell, 71, cerebral hemorrhage; Joseph Morlidge, 85, cardiac paralysis; Charles Collins, 47, peritonitis; Bernard Richmond, 72, apoplexy.

The funeral of Auriol Belle Plummer, youngest daughter of Jule and Carrie E Plummer, will be held at the residence, 828 Washington av. at 2 pm tomorrow.

Mrs. William Lickert, residing at Eleventh and Saratoga streets, died at eleven pm last night.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 15 January 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm report of death in Newport: Theo Osterlitz, 48: Richard Peyton, 70: Anriel Plummer, 2; Frances H Plummer, 22; Catherine Devere, 77; James H Reed, 60; Bernard Straus, 1; Clara Lickert, 35; Margaret Walz, 6; Mary Richardson, 57; John McHatton, 70; Infant Rhodes.

Mr. Charles W Zweikert (Emma Veith) died Saturday at her home, 815 York st. She was well known in Newport.

The remains of J J McHatton were buried at the Baptist Cemetery at Cold Spring, Saturday. Rev Clyde Turner officiated. Before his death he named as his pallbearers his two sons, son in law and grandson.

The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Hesch, 46, took place yesterday with interment at Evergreen Cemetery. The deceased leaves besides her husband, five sons, two daughters and 10 grandchildren.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 16 January 1906, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Charles Zweigert took place this afternoon with services from the residence, 815 York st. Newport. The deceased was a sister of ex-County Clerk Philip Veith.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 17 January 1906, page 5

Joseph Doyle, 50, residing at 1112 Orchard st. Newport, died yesterday at Speers Hospital in Dayton Ky.

The funeral of Mrs. Charles W Zeigart, took place yesterday morning from the residence on York st. Newport. Rev Robert B Nelson conducted the services. The pallbearers were five brothers of the deceased, Jacob, Philip, Daniel and Albert Veith and her brother in law, Albert Burke. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of Thomas Reed was held today from his home, 216 Sixth st. Dayton.

The 3 year old son of Mrs. and Mrs. Frank Klosterman, Grand Av. Bellevue, died today of membranous croup.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 20 January 1906, page 10

Maria Beitebe, 63, residing at S West Fifth street, died yesterday at her home after a lingering illness. Consumption was the cause of death.

Leo Herman, 32, residing at 209 Columbia street, died after a lingering illness.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 21 January 1906, page 7

Bridget Lynch, widow of the late Patrick Lynch, died yesterday morning at her home, 818 York street. Old age was the cause of death. The deceased was 70 years of age and leaves four children, former Deputy City Clerk Richard Lynch, John Lynch and Bridget and Kate Lynch. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning with high mass at the church of the Immaculate Conception.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 January 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm report of deaths in Newport: Elizabeth Hesch, 54 of cardiac asthma; Emma Zweigert, 34 of tuberculosis; Rosa Heintz, 20 of phthisis; Conrad Sauer, 85 of exhaustion; Marie Tepe, 63 of tuberculosis.

Bridget Lynch, widow of Patrick Lynch, died Saturday at her home, 818 York st. Newport of old age. The deceased was 70 and leaves four children, former Deputy City Clerk Richard Lynch, John Lynch and Bridget and Katie Lynch. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with high mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

Otto Brede, 41, a drug salesman residing at 115 York st. Newport, died Saturday morning at his home of pneumonia.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 26 January 1906, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Miami Varley took place this afternoon at 2 pm from the residence, Fifth av. and Kenton st. Dayton.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 29 January 1906, page 5

Mrs. Louis Loehr, 77, died last night at her home on Alexandria Pike. The funeral will occur at Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of Martin McGraw of 1122 Orchard st. took place this morning, with services at St Stephen Church. The remains were interred at St Stephen Cemetery.

Mrs. V Richtharmmer, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Lickert, 615 Dayton st. Newport, aged 76 years. Funeral services at St Stephen Church. Solemn requiem high mass at 9 am Jan 30. Deceased who resided for many years in Newport, leaves three son, one daughter, 11 grandchildren and one great grandchild. The three sons are residing at Pittsburg Pa.

The following is Health Officer Kehm's report of a weeks deaths in Newport; Otto Brede-41, typhoid pneumonia; Charles Collins; Bridget Lynch-32, tuberculosis; Anna Allen-one month; Louis Gashorn-4, maramus; Mildred Pirman-7 months; spinal meningitis.

Coroner Digby has investigated the death of the 5 month old child of William Rouse, of 312 Chestnut st. Newport. Saturday the child caught cold and contracted croup. Early yesterday morning he was seized with an attack of coughing and before a physician could be summoned death ensured.

Mrs. Elizabeth Rump, 73, died at her home, Dayton, Saturday night from a complication of diseases.

Bernard Griefenamp, 71, father of Rev B Griefenkamp, pastor of St Francis Church, died at his home, Seventh and Daytons st. Newport, yesterday. He was a widower, his wife having died last August. The funeral arrangements will be made later.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 February 1906, page 5

The funeral of Edwin Wolf took place at 1:30 pm today from the residence on Rhensford st. Bellevue. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 3 February 1906, page 5

Mrs. Lucy M Baker, 71, widow of J S Baker, died yesterday at the family residence, 614 Washington av. Newport. The deceased had been a resident of Newport for many years. The funeral services will be held at the First Presbyterian Church Monday morning at 10:30 am. The remains will be interred in Spring Grove Cemetery.

James Murphy, 67, died last evening at his home, 129 East Second st. Newport. He leaves a widow and four adult children.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 8 February 1906, page 9

A coronial inquest was held by Dr. Digby on the infant child of John Losey, near Ft Thomas, yesterday morning. The child died during the night and the Coroner rendered a verdict of death from unknown causes.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 9 February 1906, page 7

Edward Bartlett, beloved son of Edward and Hazel Bartlett (nee Bender) died Thursday at 9 am, aged 3 months and 8 days. Funeral from residence, 407 W Ninth st. Newport Ky. Saturday at 1 pm.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 10 February 1906, page 5

Mrs. Theresa Reynolds, 65, of 411 Brighton st. Newport, who died at St Elizabeth Hospital Thursday, will be buried Monday from the Immaculate Conception Church. The members of the Altar Society will attend the funeral.

Mrs. Mary Walter, 79, died yesterday at her home, 925 Sixth av. Dayton. The deceased had been a resident of Dayton for over half a century. She leaves five children, Mrs. Fred Gerrein, Edward Walter, Mrs. Joseph Bohn, Frank Walter and Anton Walter. The funeral will take place Monday morning at 8:30 am from St Francis Church.

The funeral of Mrs. Von Bokern took place this morning from St Francis Church, the services being conducted by Rev Bernard Griefenkamp.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 12 February 1906, page 8

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Lucy Baker, 70; James Murphy, 67; Joseph Reagan, 31; Luella Pohl, 1; Volma Baker, 3m; Marcella  Helbig, 4m; William Clark, 64; Edward Bartlett, 3m; Theresa Reynolds, 65; Helen Weber, 6; Charles Van Dusen, 73; Infants Neal, Lyons and Wilhoit.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 15 February 1906, page 5

Miss Mary Essen, 27, died yesterday at her home, Taylor av. and Poplar st. Bellevue of typhoid fever. The funeral will take place Saturday morning from the Sacred Heart Church.

The remains of Harry Dobeling will be removed from the vault at St Stephen Cemetery and buried at 2:30 tomorrow.

Page 7-Bridget Clark (nee McNamara) beloved wife of Robert Clark, died at her mother's residence, 223 Keturah street, Newport Ky. Due notice of funeral will be given.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 16 February 1906, page 7

Michael Maloney, 80, an iron molder, died yesterday at his home, Ninth and Brights sts. He resided in Newport for over half a century.

Mrs. James Kearney of 408 Thornton st. died yesterday. Late Wednesday night she suffered a stroke of paralysis.

Joshua Thompson, 85, died yesterday at Speers Hospital of pneumonia. The remains were removed to the home of his son, Louis Thompson, Foote av. Bellevue, from which place the funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon. Interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 19 February 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Lucy M Pirman, 23y; Alma Carter, colored, 1m; convulsions; Belle Wedel, 27y; Harry A Kruse, 4m; George Knox, colored, 46y; Bridget Clark, 33y; Michael Maloney, 80y; Katherine Kearney, 66, cerebral apoplexy; Infant Redderson.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 20 February 1906, page 5

Adam Ingalls, 83, died at Speers Hospital last night of old age, complicated with various diseases.

Robert Inhoff, 3, son of William and Rose Imhoff, 187 Rhensford st. Bellevue, died last night of pneumonia. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 1:30 pm.

A dispatch received in Newport yesterday announced the death in Los Angeles of Arthur Constans, son of former City Treasurer Louis Constans.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 February 1906, page 5

The funeral of Robert Imhoff took place at 1:30 pm today from the residence of his father, 187 Rhensford st. Bellevue.

Coroner James Digby of Campbell County yesterday held an inquest over the body of George Johnson, 11 of Dayton Ky. who was killed while attempting to jump on a C&O freight train Monday evening.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 22 February 1906, page 7

Mrs. James Dunnigan, aged 47 years, died at her residence, 322 Keturah st. Newport, Ky. Funeral Saturday morning February 24. Services at the church of the Immaculate Conception.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 23 February 1906, page 5

Mrs. Elizabeth Brimstone, 70, mother in law of James Oliver, died last night at her home, 142 Columbia st. Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 24 February 1906, page 5

Elizabeth Brimstone, aged 70 years, died at her residence, 1143 Columbia st. Newport Ky. Funeral Sunday, February 25. Services at 2 pm at the residence.

Page 16-Lena Veldman, 63, residing at 130 East Front street, died yesterday. Death was due to a complication of diseases.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 26 February 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm report for deaths; Etta Spayd, 36; Harry Thomas, 10m; Joseph Enneking, 7; Adam Fliehmann, 70; Edward Burg, 38; Elizabeth Brimstone, 70; Helen Dunninger, 47; George Schlerer, 2m; Lena Viedman, 63; Lizzie Aylers, 43; Infant Burns, Infant Blackburn and Infant Harget.

Mrs. Lena Veldman, 63, of 130 Front st. Newport, died Saturday.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 28 February 1906, page 5

Mrs. Mary Frances Collner, 75, died late yesterday at the residence of her sister, Mrs. E J Bryan, 112 East Third st. Newport of acute asthma. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon  at the Bryan home at 2:30 pm and the remains will be taken to New Liberty Ky. The deceased was also a sister of Mrs. James H Smith of Newport.

Mrs. Frances Vollner, 75, residing at 112 East Third st. died yesterday afternoon of congestion of the lungs.

Elvie Goetz, 13, residing at 916 John st. died yesterday of typhoid fever.

The five month old child of William Schweitzer of 634 Saratoga st died yesterday.

The remains of Arthur Constans former Newport man, whose death occurred at Los Angeles Cal. arrived here yesterday and were placed in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 1 March 1906, page 7

John Schmerle, 31, residing at 319 East Fifth street, died last night. Tuberculosis was the cause of death.

The funeral of Mary Francis Zellner, widow of Dr. Lyman Martin, who died Tuesday at the residence of her sister, Mrs. W T Ervan,112 East Third street, will have services this afternoon.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 March 1906, page 5

John Voehringer, 35, of 801 Saratoga st. Newport died yesterday at his home of consumption. The deceased leaves a wife and two children.

John Schmeltze died yesterday at his home, 319 East Fifth st. Newport. Funeral services will take place Sunday from his residence and the Rev Carl Schaeffer will officiate. The Improved Order of Red Men, of which the deceased was a member will attend.

Mrs. Edward Perry, Sixth av. Dayton, received the sad intelligence today that a cousin, Mrs. Libbie Lee, of Higginsport O. had dropped dead, and she left immediately for Higginsport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 5 March 1906, page 7

The members of the Newport Acrie of Eagles held services over the remains of Thomas Robinson yesterday afternoon at the residence of his mother, 207 Columbia street. The funeral will take place this morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Robinson's death occurred at Denver, Colorado.

Word was received here yesterday of the death at New Orleans, La. of Mrs. Pritchard, mother of George Pritchard, of 633 Lexington avenue. The remains will arrive here today and will be taken to her son's residence.

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Catherine Livingston, 63; Elvie Goetz, 13: Rosalia Schweitzer; Florence Kinbert, 48; Mary F Zellner 75; Infant Burger.

Albert Crary, aged 57, died early yesterday at his home, 224 Third avenue, Dayton. The deceased leaves a widow and son, E R Crary, prominent in Masonic circles. The funeral will take place at 2:30 pm tomorrow from the residence.

The funeral of Fred Baerthlets Jr. will be held tomorrow morning at 8:30 am with services at St Anthony Church, Dayton.

John T Randolph died yesterday at his home, 209 East Fifth st. Newport. The deceased was a member of the Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows Lodges in Cincinnati and also the Daughters of Rebekah. He was a cooper by trade by trade and leaves a widow. The funeral will take place at 1 pm Tuesday from the residence and interment will be in Spring Grove.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 6 March 1906, page 5

Minor E Hauser, a former businessman of Newport died at Los Angeles Cal. from Brights disease. He is survived by a widow and son. The deceased was a thirty-second degree Mason and his remains were cremated in accordance with his dying wish.

Adolph Weber, 45, residing about a mile from Alexandria, fell dead at his home while engaged in conversation with his wife due to cardiac paralysis. Weber leaves a widow and three children, Mrs. Will Brantz of Newport and Anna and John Weber.

Valentine Deshler, 71, residing at 163 Grand av. Newport died at his home yesterday morning due to apoplexy.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 12 March 1906, page 5

Henry McDonnell, 62, residing at 515 Overton st. Newport died Saturday evening of Brights disease. He leaves a widow and was a member of William Nelson Post GAR, the Newport Mutual Aid and the Catholic Knights of America. The members will meet at their hall, corner of Fifth and Monmouth sts. tomorrow morning at 7:30 am to attend the funeral.

Health Officer Kehm report of deaths in Newport: John Schmeizle, 31; John Voehringer, 35; John Randolph, 61; John Keiser, 70; Robert Steir, 1; Valentine Deschler, 71; Barbara Kratzmeier, 74; Jacob Knaw, 45; Philip Maurer, 43; Elizabeth Cunningham, 9m; Palmer Lebourne, 7m.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 17 March 1906, page 3

SCHMID-Harry C, aged 18 years, died Thursday at 10 pm at the home of his parents, 1032 Orchard st. Newport. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 pm at the residence. Services will be held in the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery at 3 pm.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 19 March 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm report of deaths in Newport; Estelle M Howard, 2; Helen Mae Dinger,2; Infant Stevens, 4 days; Henry McDonnell, 62; Edward Walsh, 27; George Romchettie, 32; William Douger, 58; Samuel Looker, 41.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McNeal, 414 Lafayette av. Bellevue, died yesterday from pneumonia. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon from the residence.

Viola, the 6 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eichengreen, of 132 Division st. Bellevue, died yesterday. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 1 pm from St Anthony Church.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 20 March 1906, page 5

Mrs. Anna Marie Wehe, 90, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F Faber, 555 Lexington av. Newport. Mrs. Wehe had been a resident of Newport for over half a century. She leaves two children, Mrs. Hensel and Mrs. Fabler.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 21 March 1906, page 7

Johanna Barbara Blesch, aged 79 years and 8 months, died March 19, 1906. Funeral from the residence, 904 York st. Newport Ky. Thursday, March 22 at 3 pm. Services at chapel, Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 22 March 1906, page 9

Mrs. Bridget McDonough died suddenly yesterday morning at her home, 331 Elm street, Newport. Coroner Digby returned a verdict of death due to heart trouble.

Frank McCann, a plumber and brother of Harry McCann, the letter carrier, died yesterday at his home, 611 German street. The deceased was 30 years of age and  single.

John Baur, 54, of Second and Columbia sts. Newport died yesterday. He leaves a widow and two children.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 23 March 1906, page 5

The funeral of Bridget McDonough will take place tomorrow morning. Services will be held at 8 am at the Church of the Immaculate Conception Church.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 27 March 1906, page 5

Mrs. Lizzie Bowen, wife of Edward Bowen, died yesterday at her home, 734 York st. Newport, aged 75 years. The funeral will take place Wednesday with services at 1:30 pm at the family residence.

Andrew Schmidt, 59, residing at 831 Park av. Newport, died yesterday at his home of Brights disease. The deceased leaves a wife and two sons. The funeral will take place Thursday morning with services at St Stephen Church.

The remains of James W Ross, whose death occurred in Phoenix Ariz. March 20, were buried this afternoon in Evergreen Cemetery. The body was accompanied from Phoenix by the widow and two children and Thomas J Prescott, former City Attorney. The deceased went to Phoenix for his health being afflicted with rheumatism. He contracted a cold which terminated fatally.

The funeral of Caroline Dowdell took place from the residence on Washington av. Bellevue last night and the remains were shipped to Columbus O for burial.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 30 March 1906, page 9

George B Stevenson, inspector of masonry and bridges on the N and W Railroad, died yesterday morning at his home, 831 Washington avenue. Heart trouble was the cause of death. The deceased leaves a wife and daughter.

Anna Baumgartner, 11 years, residing at 318 Chestnut street, died yesterday of consumption.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 1 April 1906, page 2

A telegram was received here yesterday announcing the death of Mrs. D C Meeker, at Carthage Mo. of pneumonia; The deceased was a daughter of the late William Revell and a sister of Mrs. J B Lock of the Highlands.

Ex-Squire W T Enzweiler, died yesterday at his home, near Camp Springs, at the age of 79 years. The deceased was one of the best known men in Campbell County. Death was due to a complication of diseases.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 April 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm death report of Newport: Andrew Schmidt, 39; Charlotte Link, 1 day; Edward Merkle, 1 day; Vernon Martin, 5 days; Lizzie Bowen, 37; C J Erschell, 75; William Pieper, 16; John Clinkenbeard, 64; George E Stevenson, 64; Anna Baumgardner, 10.

Harry L Kohl, 154 Van Voast Av. Bellevue, lost his daughter, Grace Delores, 13 months, yesterday from pneumonia. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 pm at the house. The interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.

Harry Schafstall, 27, traveling salesman, died at the home of his father, Henry Schafstall at Ninth and Walnut st. Bellevue. The deceased was a member of Douglas Lodge K of P. A widow survives him.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 April 1906, page 5

Mrs. Elijah Johnston, Third av. Dayton, died at her home last night. This is the second death in the family within a month, the eldest son, Joseph, having been killed by a C&O train near his home three weeks ago.

Mrs. Joseph Dameron was called to the bedside of her son in law, John Maynard, who died in Dayton O. last  night. The deceased had been married only four years and was well known in Dayton (Ky).

The funeral of Lawrence Foran, 17, of Van Voast av. Dayton, who died of pneumonia, will take place tomorrow morning at 9 am from the Sacred Heart Church.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 5 April 1906, page 5

Sarah J Darnell, mother of Henry, died late Tuesday night at her residence, 201 Central av. Newport, aged 61 years. The funeral services were held at the residence this afternoon at 2 pm.

Thomas C Rawlings, 67, died yesterday at his home, 704 Vine st. Dayton of paralysis. Rawlings was a contractor and had resided in Dayton for nearly 40 years. He was the contractor who built the handsome Christian Church at Eighth and Walnut sts. A family of adult children survive him.

William R Plunkett, 6, son of William, 810 Second av. Dayton, died yesterday of measles and pneumonia. Mrs. Plunkett and four small children are suffering from measles.

Milton R Hunter, 58, 511 Sixth av. Dayton, died last night in Cincinnati Hospital of cerebral hemorrhage and was brought to his home in Dayton. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon and interment in Wesleyan Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 April 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm's report of deaths in Newport; Anna Boerchers, 44; Clara Wewer, 63; Fanny Griffin, 22; Catherine Brede, 70: Sallie J Darnell, 61; Arthur Schneider, 7m; Emma Pfeiffer, 49; Mary Wallace, 10m; Infant Slocum.

Nellie roach, 8, residing at 206 West Fifth st. Newport, died yesterday of spinal meningitis.

Rev Joseph Merschmann, 61 years, former pastor of St Stephen Church, Newport, was found dead early yesterday morning at the parish house in Richmond Ky.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 April 1906, page 5

Mrs. Bridget Gallagher, 72, 309 Union st. wife of James, died at her home in Bellevue yesterday. A husband, two sons and a daughter survive her. The funeral will take place from St Anthony Church Thursday at 9 am.

The remains of Father merschman, former pastor of St Stephen Church, Newport, whose sudden death occurred Sunday at Richmond Ky. were shipped from that place today and will lie in state at St Stephen Church tonight.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 12 April 1906, page 7

Elizabeth Arens (nee Scherer) died at 9:45 pm, April 11, at her late residence, 33 Court place, Newport Ky. aged 50 years. Due notice of funeral. Funeral from her late residence Saturday, April 14, 9 am. St Stephen Church at 9:30.

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 12 April 1906, page 5

Mrs. Joseph Humbrecht, wife of Joseph Humbrecht, died at an early hour today at her home at Ninth and Washington av. Newport of peritonitis. The deceased leaves, beside her husband an infant daughter, 2 weeks old and a son aged 2. Mrs. Humbrecht was the daughter of former Alderman Peter N Bardo.

Mrs. Michael Woeste of West Ninth st. Newport, passed away at her home today of brain fever.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 15 April 1906, page 6

Word was received here yesterday of the death in Colorado of Barrett Norris, the sixteen year old son of John E Norris, formerly of this city, Newport. The deceased was a nephew of Fireman Matt White. The remains will be brought to Louisville, his late home, for interment.

The funeral of Miss Alma Luker will take place from the residence, 313 Elm street, at 2 pm today.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 16 April 1906, page 8

Joseph Riedinger died yesterday at hi home, 620 Dayton street of dropsy and paralysis. He was 47? years of age and is survived by his widow and three children.

Rev Charles M Gallimore died yesterday at the home of his daughter at Madisonville, Ohio. The deceased had been a resident of this city for many years. He was a Methodist preacher and had occupied pulpits in various churches in Northern Kentucky and Southern Ohio. His daughter, Anna Gallimore, was until recently a missionary to India, but of late has been assistant pastor at Wesley Chapel, Cincinnati.

Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 April 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm death report for Newport: Nellie Roach, 8; Anna Wellinger, 59; John Reppetto, 85; Joseph Merschmann, 59; Catherine Stoll, 32; Elizabeth Arens, 50; Anna Lucker, 26; Mary Humbrecht, 29; William Stein, 18; Infant Grasmuch.

Word was received of the death in Colorado of Barrett Norris, 16, son of John E Norris, formerly of Newport. The deceased was a nephew of Fireman Mat White. The remains will be brought to Louisville, his late home for interment.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 18 April 1906, page 9

Word was received here yesterday of the death at Collinsville Ill. of Charles Bracken, a brother-in-law of ex-Officer Chris Rische. The remains will be shipped to Newport and interred at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 20 April 1906, page 9

Miss Mary Sweeney, aged 54, died suddenly about 2 am yesterday at her home, 128 East Second street. Dr. Wagner, who was summoned was unable to reach the patient before she expired. Coroner Digby rendered a verdict of death from dropsy of the heart.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 April 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm death report for Newport: Catherine Sullivan, 1m; Ray Merrill, 6m; Howard Moore, 7m; Helen Baker, 9m; Charles Pogue, 2; Joseph Riedinger, 47; John Mosher, 47; Emma Brackmeyer, 51; Johanna O'Brien, 62; Mary Sweeney, 64; George Sticklen, 78; Magdalene Kiefer, 83; Arthur Huelsman, 87.

Joseph Brauch, 68, father of Charles Brauch, the baker, died Saturday at his home, 628 Monmouth st. Newport.

The funeral of William McDonald, who fell dead in the barbershop of Joseph Priest, his employer, took place this afternoon from the Priest residence Dayton.

The funeral of Mrs. R H Cox of Dayton, took place yesterday afternoon and was attended by a large number friends. Rev W A Wray of the First Baptist Church, conducted the services.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mayer, Third av. Dayton,  died yesterday of spasms.

Minnie Range, 7, Third and Clay sts. Bellevue, died Saturday of pneumonia.

Fred Kneirr, 212 Division st. Bellevue, while sitting in Eugene Smith's cafe, late Saturday took ill in his chair and died of heart disease. Kneirr was 68 and had lived in Bellevue for years. He was employed for some time by the city of Bellevue and was well know. He leaves a widow. The pall bearers will be H Dresselhaus, E Miller, George Weurman and Frank Bradley.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 25 April 1906, page 5

Another child, the seventh with in a month in the family of Charles Hoggia, near Alexandria, died Monday night of spinal meningitis. Only one other child remains.

Page 9-Mrs. Bridget Taylor, mother of Letter Carrier James Taylor, died yesterday at her home, 315 West Eighth street, after a lingering illness. The deceased was a widow and leaves two sons and two daughters.

Rev C L Garrison, pastor of the Central Christian Church, received word yesterday of the death of his father, S W Garrison at Wichita Kan.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 30 April 1906, page 5

The funeral of Fred Hemmerle, who died suddenly Saturday afternoon, will take place on Wednesday morning at 9 am from Corpus Christi Church. The deceased was popular in Newport and was a member of the Young Mens Democratic Club, which will meet tonight in special session to arrange the funeral and select the pallbearers.

The body of Rev Paul M Kolopp, pastor of Corpus Christi Church, Newport, was placed in the edifice yesterday where it will remain until the funeral takes place tomorrow.

The funeral of Col. James W Shanks, Newport, whose death occurred Friday was held from the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery yesterday afternoon at 2 pm and was largely attended. Rev Robert B Nelson, rector of St Paul Episcopal Church read the services of the dead.

Health Officer Kehm's report of deaths in Newport: Pearl Kabler, 23; Frederick Schweickert, 39: Margaret Jackson, 1; Joseph Braugh, 66; Bridget Taylor, 70; John Thornton, 4m; Abbie Maurer, 18; Charles Hauck, 42; Emil Teneani, 21; Arnold Whitrock, 81; Ora Jackson, 3; James Shanks, 53.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 1 May 1906, page 9

Rev Robert B Nelson, rector of St Paul Church, left for Baltimore yesterday where he was called by the death of an uncle. He will assist in conducting the funeral services.

The funeral of Fred Hemmerle, whose sudden death occurred Saturday in Cincinnati, will take place tomorrow morning. The deceased was a member of the Young Mens Dramatic Club and the members of that organization will attend the funeral.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 9 May 1906, page 5

George Henn, 57, of Front and Berry st. Newport was found dead in bed today with a wound in his left breast. A revolver beside the bed told the story. Henn had been out of work a long time and was despondent. He leaves a widow and seven children.

Mrs. Walter Martin, formerly of Dayton, died Monday at her home in Los Angeles Cal. The remains will be brought to Dayton for interment.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 May 1906, page 7

Mrs. Frank Crail, 28, who was known in Dayton by her girlhood name, Miss Ida Scott, died at the residence of her mother in Newport Wednesday of heart trouble. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 8 am from St Stephen Church, the interment being in Four Mile Cemetery. She leaves a husband and a son 3 years old.

The funeral of Joseph McDermott, who was killed by falling from a scaffold in Cincinnati will take place tomorrow morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

Matt Maschinott Sr. 66, of Third av. Dayton, died last night of rheumatism and a complication of diseases. He was a member of the Fourth Ohio Calvary and leaves a widow and several adult children.

Michael Wittmann, 64, former member of Newport Board of Council, died after midnight at his home, 330 Elm st. Newport of cancer of the tongue. He leaves a widow and two grown children, Edward of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Phil Bitzer of Newport.

Word was received in Newport that W H Trainer, formerly in the saloon business at Front and York sts. Newport, and an uncle of Private Officer George Kirby, died at Pensacola Fla. a few days ago. Trainer was 80 years of age and left Newport 25 years ago. He was a Mason and a member of the Knights of Pythias.

Daniel Witte, 14, son of John H Witte, of 36 East Front st. Newport lost his life this morning in the Ohio River. Witte was fishing in a johnboat when he lost his balance and fell overboard.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 12 May 1906, page 5

Phillip Smith, 60, who has been living in Dayton for a long time died this morning at Speers Hospital from a complication of diseases. He lived at 114 Sixth av. where he leaves a family.

Loraine Starling, a member of Calumet Tribe of Red Men, of Houston Tex. who died Wednesday, will be buried Sunday from the residence of George Suhre, 115 Berry st. Newport. The members of Mingo Tribe of Red Men are requested to meet at their hall at 1 pm to attend the funeral in a body.

The funeral of Joseph McDermott, bricklayer, who was killed Wednesday in Cincinnati by a fall from the new Alms & Doepke Building, took place this morning at 9 am with services at the Immaculate Conception Church, Newport. The interment was in St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 13 May 1906, page 6

The funeral of Joseph McDermott, who fell from the Alms & Doepke building in Cincinnati, took place yesterday morning, with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The members of the Bricklayers Union attended the funeral in a body.

Philip Schmidt, an old shoemaker, who formerly kept a shop on Sixth street, died yesterday at Speers Hospital. He leaves no family. W C Betz was appointed curator of the estate.

The remains of Loraine Sterling, a member of Calumet Tribe of Red Men, whose death occurred at Houston, Texas, will be buried this afternoon from the residence of George Suhre, 115 Berry street. The interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery. The members of Mingo and Miami Tribes are also invited to attend the funeral.

Louis Von Hagen, 46, residing at 323 West Second street, died yesterday morning at St Elizabeth Hospital. He leaves a widow and several children. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 May 1906, page 5

George F Bradley died Saturday afternoon at Speers Hospital, where he had undergone an operation for blood poisoning in the leg. The body was removed to his home at 146 Foote av. Bellevue. He leaves a widow and two daughters, Mrs. Edward Helrigel and Mrs. William Rogers.

Mrs. Elizabeth Uth, 45, of 128 O'Fallon av. died at 8:30 today at her home of a complication of diseases. She has lived in Bellevue for nearly 20 years. She leaves a family of six children and husband. The sons are: Frank, Jacob and William; the daughters, Annie, Helene and a 2 year old girl baby.

The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Kesler was held from the residence in Miller lane, Ft Thomas, yesterday afternoon. Interment was in Evergreen.

Health Officer Kehm deaths report in Newport: Fred Loehr, 18-gunshot wound; James McGrath, 24-typhoid; Joseph Batsch, 20-septicemia; Elizabeth O'Neal, 61-peritonitis; Regina Schell, 89-cardiac paralysis; Mollie Braxton, 45-nephritis; George Henn, 57-pistol shot would; Joseph McDermott, 26-inquest; Ida Crall, 27-tuberculosis; John Resler, 65-apoplexy; Christa Peele, 41; Mary Roser, 16-tuberculosis.

Philip Schmidt, an old shoemaker, who formerly kept a shop on Sixth st. Newport, died at Speers Hospital. He leaves no family.

Louis Von Hagen, 46, residing at 523 West Second st. Newport, died Saturday at St Elizabeth Hospital. He leaves a widow and several children. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 19 May 1906, page 10

Christina Gass, 76, residing at Eighth and Lowell streets, died yesterday. Old age was the cause of death.

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 19 May 1906, page 5

Christiana Gass, 75, of Eighth and Lowell sts. Newport, died yesterday. The funeral will take place Monday afternoon from the residence and interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.

Alphonso Schmidt, 4, son of Mrs. Anna Schmitz, died yesterday at the residence of his mother on Monmouth st. Newport. The funeral will be held Monday morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 21 May 1906, page 7

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Loring Sterling, 34, Harry Schuette, 82; Earl Koestlin, 23 days; Philip Smith, 60; Joseph Schmidt, 28; Henry Krause, 41; Albert Herman, 4m; Alphonso Schmidt, 4; Christine Guse, 75; Infant Kennedy.

The remains of Charles Dingledyer, the itinerate minister of the gospel, who committed suicide by hanging himself near Glenn Park, were brought to Newport yesterday by Undertaker Reis and prepared for burial. The county will have to stand the expense of burying Dingledyer.

The remains of J J Rheintgen will be shipped by Funeral Director Cunningham at 9:30 pm today over the CH&D Railroad to Thamesville, Ontario, Canada. The Bellevue Lodge of Elks will hold its services at 6:30 this evening and the pallbearers will be Gus R Harms, T F Beyland, William Stoll Sr. Charles W Nagel, Henry Honhorst and John Skinner. Rev Thomas Cooke, of the Dayton Episcopal Church will conduct the regular services.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 May 1906, page 5

The remains of J J Rheintgen will be shipped to Thamesville, Ontario Canada. The Bellevue Lodge of Elks will hold its services at 6:30 pm and the pallbearers will be Gus R Harms, T F Beyland, William Stoll Sr. Charles W Nagel, Henry Honhorst and John Skinner.

Health Officer Kehm's death report in Newport: Loring Starling, 34-pneumonia; Henry Schulte, 82-senility; Earl Koestlin, 23 days-convulsions; Philip Smith, 60-sclerosis; Joseph Schmidt, 28-phthisis; Henry Krause, 41-tuberculosis; Albert Herman, 4m-whooping cough; Alphonse Schmidt, 4-edema of lungs; Christian Gass, 75-pnuemonia; Infant Kennedy

Ira Shaw, 20, of 221 East Second st. Newport, was run down by a freight train on the C&O Railroad at the Thornton st. crossing early yesterday. He died at Speers Hospital. The funeral will be held at 2 pm tomorrow with services at the family residence.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 28 May 1906, page 5

Mrs. Philip Schmidt, who was Miss Rose Guerrein of Bellevue, died at Christ Hospital yesterday.

Health Officer Kehm's deaths in Newport report: Jacob Eicher, 73; Thomas Shannon, 8m; Michael Wittmann, 64; Charles Dingledyer, 85; Susan Printz, 30: Joseph Arnold, infant; Thelmas Shephard, 11m.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 29 May 1906, page 7

Milton D Cooke, died suddenly at his late residence, 13 West Fifth st. Newport Ky. at 5 pm Sunday, May 27, 1906. Funeral Thursday, 2:30 pm. Services at Evergreen Chapel.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 31 May 1906, page 5

Mary Jane Walker, a widow, 67, died at her home, Eleventh and Isabella st. Newport yesterday. The burial will take place at Evergreen Cemetery at 2 pm tomorrow afternoon.

Henrietta Ording, 24, single, died yesterday at her home, 335 West Eighth st. Newport. The burial will take place at Johns Hill on the Licking Pike, Saturday morning.

Bridget Ryan, 65, an old resident of Newport, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital in Covington. The remains were removed to the home of her daughter, Mrs. W Fallette, 914 Saratoga st. Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 1 June 1906, page 9

The funeral of Henrietta Ording, whose death occurred at her home, 336 West Eighth street, will take place Saturday, June 2, with services at Corpus Christi Church at 9 am.

Miss Kate Murrell died yesterday morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. Dr. S W Scheffner, 113 East Fifth street, Newport. A brother of the deceased is George B Murrell, a wealthy merchant of Milltown Ga. who will arrive here today to attend the funeral.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 June 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm death report in Newport: Bridget Ryan, 68-nephritis; Katherine Munell, 50-neurosis; Charles Neske, 8-consumption; Thomas Frey, 34-aneurism; John Recker, 43-mitral insufficiency; Milton Cooke, 52-heart failure; Marcella Kaufman, 5m; Henriette Ording, 24-goitre; Mary Jane Walker, 67-carcinoma; Michael Walsh, 42-drowning; George Reiding; Infant Goetz.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 June 1906, page 5

The funeral of the young son of Julius Ronsheim, 407 Berry av. Bellevue, will take place tomorrow afternoon at 1;30 from the residence.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 6 June 1906, page 5

Mrs. Louise Neimeyer, 1015 Second av. Dayton yesterdat died at her home. She was 68 and leaves a husband and three adult children. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from St Francis Church.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 7 June 1906, page 7

Mrs. Henry Budde, died at 9 pm at Newport Ky. Due notice of funeral. June 8-Mary Budde (nee Altenburg) aged 40 years and 18 days, wife of Hy Budde, died at Speers Hospital on June 6, 1906. Funeral from residence, 725 Columbia st. Newport at 9 am Saturday, June 9.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 11 June 1906, page 9

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Emma Engel, 32; Elizabeth Deborough, 14; Emma Rickerson, 23; Joseph Turner, 1; Frances Yeager, 7; Edward Walker, 23.

The pallbearers at the funeral of Frank Sullivan, which takes place at 9 am today from the Church of the Immaculate Conception, will be George Maginni, John O'Leary, Arthur Thorman, Fred Wersting, John McDermott and Thomas McGeough. The Eagles have chosen William Cottingham, John Leahey, Charles Kobsin and Robert Warner to serve as pallbearers for the order.

The funeral of Winfield S Hukill Sr. will take place at 1:30 pm today from the residence on Taylor avenue. Interment will be at Spring Grove Cemetery.

Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 June 1906, page 5

Theo Stubbs, 57, died Friday near his home in Alexandria of apoplexy. The funeral of Stubbs took place today with services at the Alexandria M E Church.

The funeral of Winfield Scott Hukill, 56, of Taylor av. Bellevue for many years connected with the Newport Abstract Co. took place this afternoon from the residence. Rev J A College officiated. The interment took place at Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati.

Funeral services over the remains of John Thiery were held Saturday from St Francis Church with Father Griefenkamp officiating. The body was buried in St Francis Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 13 June 1906, page 7

Mary Costigan, three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M J Costigan, died at the family residence, 330 Columbia st. Newport Ky. Funeral today at 2 pm.

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 June 1906, page 5

Cliff Miller, 46, died yesterday at his hoe, 537 Lindsay st. Newport. He leaves a widow.

Jacob Fox, 40, of 708 Saratoga st. Newport died yesterday. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 2 pm from the residence.

The will of John Thiery was filed for probate yesterday. The entire estate goes to the widow.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 16 June 1906, page 5

Robert Kerber, 23, residing at 215 Forest st. Newport died yesterday.

Elizabeth W Heck, 24, wife of George Heck, died yesterday at her residence, 24 Home st. Clifton Heights. The funeral will take place Monday afternoon with services at the home at 2 pm.

The will of Milton D Cooke, a rolling mill man, whose death occurred in Newport several weeks ago, was probated today in Campbell County Court. The will provides that all of his estate shall go to his mother, Lucretia Cooke and at her death to his son, Charles Cooke and his heirs forever. The will is dated Dec 23, 1902.

Mrs. Tillie Shenk (nee Tillie Andriot) died at her home in Elmwood last night. She formerly resided in Bellevue.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 18 June 1906, page 5

David Hengelbrok, aged 84 years, 6 months, died at his residence, 513 Patterson st. Newport Ky. Funeral Wednesday, June 20. Requiem high mass at 9 am at Corpus Christi Church.

Page 8-Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Mary Budde, 49; Edith Craig, 30; Mary Alexander, 61; Frank Sullivan, 38; Henry Weier, 74; James McDonald, 55; Jacob Fox, 39; Mary Costigan, 3; Clifford Miller, 43; Robert Sheridan, 51; Elizabeth Huber, 82; Infant Lauber.

Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 June 1906, page 5

The funeral of Wilbert Schaefer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Schaefer, was held from the residence, Dayton, yesterday afternoon at 2 pm.

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Mary Budde, 49-obstruction of bowels; Edith Craig, 30-cerebral hemorrhage; Mary Alexander, 61-apoplexy; Frank Sullivan, 38-typhoid pneumonia; Henry Weier, 74-exhaustion; James McDonald, 55-cardiac paralysis; Jacob Fox, 39-typhoid fever; Mary Costigan, 3-scarlet fever; Clifford Miller, 43-cerebral hemorrhage; Robert Sheridan, 51-gangrene of lungs; Elizabeth Huber, 82-bronchitis; Infant Lauber.

Diver Thomas Hoskins and John H Witte, father of Daniel Witte, the boy who was drowned a month ago at the foot of Saratoga st. Newport left today for Lawrenceburg Ind. to exhume the body of a boy buried there last week. It is thought the body is that of young Witte.

C W Still and family have returned home from Williamsburg O. where they buried the remains of his father, Thomas D Still.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 19 June 1906, page 5

Matthew Farris, 14, whose home was at Helena Mont. died yesterday at the home of Michael Carius, 222 East Ninth st. Newport. Farris and his mother were visiting while here he contracted typhoid fever.

John K Blattmann died yesterday at his home, 430 West Tenth st. Newport. The Newport Lodge of Masons, of which he was a member, will have charge of the services, which will be held at 2 pm tomorrow from the residence.

John G Sexton, only son of John and Anna Sexton, died yesterday at the family residence, Newport.

The father of Daniel Witte, who was drowned several days ago while fishing in the Ohio River, returned last night from an unsuccessful search for his son's remains that extended as far as Aurora. He was accompanied by Thomas Hoskins who placed a gasoline launch at Witt's disposal.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 20 June 1906, page 5

The funeral of Charles Kupferle Sr. took place today from the residence on Monroe st. Newport at 2 pm. Services were also held in the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery where the interment took place. Louis and William Kupferle of Chicago, brothers of the deceased and Mrs. Crone, the surviving sister with her husband from St Louis, arrived yesterday. The pallbearers were John W Schneider, J G Ellerhorst, Adam Lepper, Charles Klein, James Runnells and Frederic Kolbe.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 25 June 1906, page 7

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Robert Karber, 23; Elizabeth Heck, 24; Catherine Goey, 43; Herman Theis, 72; Arthur Clause, 85; John Blartmann, 28; Infant Lowd, 1 hour; Charles Kupferle, 66; David Hengelbro, 84; Margaret Risch,1; John Sexton, 1; Matthew Farris, 14; Daniel Hatzel, 71; Gus Gebhart and Infant Cox.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 26 June 1906, page 7

Elizabeth Barrett, died at Gallipolis Ohio, of Brights disease. Funeral from family residence, 107 West Sixth street, Newport Ky. Services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am Thursday.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 27 June 1906, page 5

Robert F Harrison, 16, son of Patrick Harrison, died yesterday at his home, 324 West Twelfth st. Newport. The funeral will take place Friday at 8 am with requiem mass at Immaculate Conception Church at 9 am.

May Eckstein, 3, daughter of Joseph Eckstein, died yesterday at the home, 12 west Thirteenth st. Newport.

Death came suddenly to Mrs. Sallie L Riley, wife of George L Riley, a Cincinnati commission merchant at her home, 437 Clark st. Bellevue at 9:30 last night. Mrs. Riley was a very heavy woman, weighing over 200 pounds and it is supposed that heart disease was he cause of death. She was 46 years of age and leaves the husband an one son, Redger. The funeral will take place Friday at 8:30 am from St Anthony Church, the interment being in Spring Grove Cemetery.

Charles Kupferle, by his will probated yesterday, leaves his entire estate to his wife, Mary Kupferle.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 28 June 1906, page 7

Robert F Harrison, died in Newport Ky. June 26, 1906, aged 16 years, son of Patrick and Ann Harrison (nee McCarthy). Funeral from late residence, 324 West Twelfth st. Friday at 8:30 am with requiem mass at Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am.

Page 9-Mrs. Minnie Kamppling, 44, died yesterday at her home, 11 East Ninth street. The funeral will be held at Salem M E Church tomorrow afternoon.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 29 June 1906, page 7

The funeral of Mrs. George L Riley took place this morning from St Anthony Church, Bellevue, Rev Kehoe officiating with mass. Interment was in Spring Grove Cemetery.

Anna L B Clark, wife of Henry S, died yesterday at her home in Cold Spring.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 July 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm death report in Newport: Flora E Spencer, 6d-convulsions; Frank Barber, 62-inquest; Susan Conley, 60; Ben Hollowday, 39-blood poisoning; Ida Extine, 3; Robert Harrison, 16; Infant Hauser, 1hr; Minnie Kruppling, 44-apoplexy; Walter Nahrup, 1-meningitis; Infant Dunn; Infant Cox.

The funeral of Peter Bohart Sr. took place yesterday afternoon services being held at the family residence. Tenth and Washington av. Newport. Rev Dr. Schaeffer officiated and the remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of Mrs. John A Williamson, Newport, who died Friday was held at the residence at 3 pm today. The address at the service was made by Prof. John Burke, an old friend of the family and the address at Evergreen Cemetery y Dr. J B Wilson, Cincinnati. These relatives arrived in Newport yesterday; Mrs. Jennie McBride and Mrs. J J Cochran, New York; Mrs. Jennie Williamson and son, Hot Springs Ark; Mrs. Josephine Henry and mother, Versailles, Ky.

The funeral of George Mertes, son of Peter Metes, who was accidentally drowned Saturday night in the Licking River too place this morning at Corpus Christi Church

Charles Jr. 18, son of Charles H Littlefield, of Second av. Dayton, was drowned near the Dayton Beach last Saturday afternoon.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 July 1906, page 5

The father of Joseph Depew, whose body was recovered from the Ohio River at Brent Ky. Sunday morning arrived in Newport last night and he claimed the remains. He has arranged to bury the body at Evergreen Cemetery.

J M Armstrong, late of Washington DC, died Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Albert Ross in the Highlands. The funeral will be held at the Ross residence Thursday morning and burial will be at Spring Grove Cemetery.

August Roth, 40, a baker, residing at Elm and Patterson sts. Newport, died in the Newport jail before midnight. He was arrested Sunday for drunkenness. At midnight he roll off a box he was sleeping on and when Jail Guard Wilson reached him he was dead. Coroner Digby rendered a verdict of death from heart disease due to excessive drink and exposure.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 5 July 1906, page 5

Bridget Coleman, aged 46 years, died Wednesday, July 4, at 2:15 pm at her residence, 529 Lexington av. Newport Ky. Due notice of funeral.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 6 July 1906, page 9

Charlotte Pirman, 74, residing at Cold Spring, died yesterday. The deceased leaves a family of grown children. Old age was the cause of death.

Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 July 1906, page 5

William Redman, 51, a farmer of Hawthorne Ky. died Thursday at 12:30 am at his home.

Coroner Digby rendered a verdict of suicide yesterday in the case of Mrs. C E Proctor, of 729 Ann Street, Newport. Mrs. Proctor was found hanging in the attic of her home by her husband early yesterday morning.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 7 July 1906, page 5

A damage suit to recover $25,000 was filed today in the Campbell Circuit Court on behalf of Jacob Wehner, 534 Columbia st. Newport. Harry C Spinks of Newport is made defendant and the suit is the outcome of the drowning of Webner's son Frank June 26 last.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 July 1906, page 5

Dr. Charles J Kehm, Health Officer mortality report; Joseph Purdue, 23-drowning; George Rusche, 11m; John Armstrong, 58-carcinoma; Warren Witherby, 22d; Aug Roth-44-paralysis; Mary Fuchs, 64-gastric catarrh; Frank Jeller, 22-tuberculosis; Caroline Willis, 82-cardiac paralysis; Frank Douba, 56-poisoning; Bridget Coleman, 46-heart failure; Helen F Kuntz 1d; Lutie Torproctor, 25-suicide by hanging; Infant English, 2m-convulsions.

The injuries sustained by George Etler 35, of 199 West Fifth st. Covington, when he fell from a coal wagon at Forest av. Newport, Saturday proved fatal.

Margaret Habbel, 96, a pioneer resident of Newport, died yesterday at the home of her niece, Mrs. Rose Tabke of 631 Robert st. Newport. She came to Newport from Prussia in 1848 and had resided here ever since. She was the oldest member of the congregation of St Stephen Church. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 8 am with services from St Stephen Church.

There seems to be no doubt that the body buried for that of Charles Littlefield Jr. were the remains of the boy drowned several weeks ago. the clothes and a scar on the hand made the identification sure and those who saw the boy are positive of his identity.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 12 July 1906, page 5

Joseph Andjeski's will was probated yesterday and he leaves his entire estate to his wife.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 July 1906, page 5

Health Office Dr. C J Kehm death report; Infants Theis, twins; James V Price, 3d-convulsions; Herman Waldemeyer, 5m; Harriet Pitts, 87-senility; Margaret Habble, 96-senility.

Mrs. Robert Jacob, wife of a Monmouth st. meat dealer, died yesterday at her home, 708 Columbia st. Newport of typhoid fever. She was 24 years old and is survived by her husband and two small children.

The infant son of Charles Schowalter, of Engine Company No 3 died last night at the family residence, Newport.

The funeral of Joseph G Feth took place Monday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9:30 am. Requiem high mass was celebrated by three priests and a full choir.

News of the death of Mrs. Emily K Woodard, at El Paso, Tex. was received here yesterday. Mrs. Woodard was formerly a resident of Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 17 July 1906, page 7

Jessie Carty Jacob, died Sunday, July 15, 1906, 6:30 pm. aged 24 years. Funeral from residence, 723 York st. Newport Ky. Wednesday, July 18, 2 pm.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 19 July 1906, page 5

Ethel Belle, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kleesman, of 524 York st. Newport, died yesterday at noon. The funeral will take place Friday morning at 10 am and the interment in Evergreen Cemetery.

The will of the late Joseph G Feth was left for probate in the Campbell County Court this morning. He leaves his entire estate to his wife Clara J Feth. The document was dated Sep 12, 1896, and was witnessed by Thomas Healy and Albert Feth.

The funeral of Edward Hickey, 14, whose death occurred on Tuesday, will take place this afternoon from St John Church.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 20 July 1906, page 5

Edward, 14, son of George Hickey, 707 Dayton st. Newport, who died Wednesday of pneumonia, was buried yesterday with services from St John Church.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 21 July 1906, page 5

Miss Berta Simonto, 22, died yesterday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simonton, Ross and Berry avs. Bellevue. The remains will be shipped to Pleasant Ridge O. tomorrow morning for interment.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 23 July 1906, page 8

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Albert Vesper; Joseph G Feth, 61-nephritis; Jessie Jacob, 24-typhoid fever; John Schowalter, 7m-cholera; John Hind, 7m; Fred Smith 1m; Jacob Kessler, 22-pistol shot wound; Matthias Elan, 73-nephritis; Earl Murphy, 9-typhoid fever; Edward Hickey, 14-pneumonia; Mildred Klessman, 5m; Infant Gibson, 3 weeks-convulsions; Clara Eckel, 20-tuberculosis; Shelly Davenport, 12; Edna Christian, 20m.

The funeral of Mrs. E S McVean, who died at her home in Alexandria, will take place this afternoon. Services will be held at the Baptist Church at Alexandria at 2 pm. Rev Dr. Taylor officiating. The remains will be interred in the Alexandria Cemetery.

Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 July 1906, page 5

Word was received in Newport of the death at Philadelphia of Daniel Kirby, 36, brother of Private Officer George Kirby. The deceased leaves a widow and five children.

Mrs. Elizabeth S McVean, 75, a lifelong resident of Alexandria, died Saturday at her home of heart trouble. Her grandfather donated to the county the site of the present Court house at Alexandria. She leaves a husband, one son and three daughters; Miss Mary McVean, principal of the Dayton High School; Miss Frances and Miss Margaret McVean, the latter a practicing attorney now located in Oklahoma.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 27 July 1908, page 3

Louis Budde, 87, one of Campbell co. oldest pioneers, died this morning at his home, 614 Patterson st. Newport. He was a member of St Joseph Society of Corpus Christi Church and has resided in Newport for the past 50 years.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 30 July 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: George Rodgers, 47; Dorothy Budde, 5m; Infant Auer, 1 hour; Johanna Prout, 5; Anna Bracter, 48; Carrie Andrews, 28; Infant Lanyersick; Anthony Guilfoyle, 39; Ellen Luhrmann, 32; Loretta Loesche, 2m.

Loretta Doering, the 9 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A J Doering, former residents of Newport, now residing at 11 Millers Lane, Highlands, died Saturday. The funeral will take place Tuesday with services at 8:30 am at St Thomas Church.

Stella McNamara, daughter of John McNamara, died Saturday at the home of her aunt, Mrs. George Meyer, 1103 German st. Newport. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

Moses R Harris, a contractor and builder, was killed by a fall down a flight of stairs at his home, 417 Washington av. Newport. The accident occurred yesterday afternoon and his death followed shortly before midnight at Speers Hospital. Harris was a widower, and leaves a son and three daughters, one of whom is in Columbus O.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 August 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm death report of Newport: Bernard Schmitz, 54; Anna Geyer, 6m; Stella McNamara, 14; M R Harris, 69; Arthur Koltman, 1m; Lizzie Schneider, 7m; Charles Wallace, 35.

John Burton, 20, carriage painter, died at his residence, Sixth and Isabella sts. Newport last night. He is survived by two brothers, Martin and Edward, who was a candidate for election to the Legislature last fall.

Mrs. Mary Detour, 72, 813 Walnut st. Dayton, died Saturday. She left no family.

James Phelps Fagin, an expressman, died at his home, 355 Washington av. Bellevue, yesterday of senility. Aged 57 years 8 months and 2 says. The burial will be at Moriah Cemetery on Wednesday at 2:30 pm.

Mrs. Mary Zimmerman, 76, of 221 Van Voast av. Bellevue, died Saturday. The remains were buried this afternoon in Evergreen Cemetery.

Mrs. J Allen, wife of Contractor Allen, of 118 Berry st. Newport died this morning at Speers Hospital in Dayton with paralysis.

Christian Kenneweg, 83, a farmer residing seven miles from Newport on the Licking pike, died Saturday.


Kentucky Post, Thursday 9 August 1906, page 6

Mrs. Catherine Stephany, 52, died yesterday at her home, Thornton and Patterson st. Newport. The funeral will take place Saturday morning from the Corpus Christi Church.

Al Bauer, 63, who lived at 128 West Seventh st. Newport, died last night at his residence. He is survived by three sons and one daughter.

The funeral of Mrs. Mary Ashbaugh, 89, of East Fifth st. Newport, will take place from the residence tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm. Rev Smith, formerly pastor of the old Taylor M E Church, will come here from London O. at the request of the family to conduct the services.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 11 August 1906, page 5

The remains of Matthew Hiegand, who was killed about a week ago in San Francisco by a falling wall, will arrive tonight and be removed to his father's residence, 422 West Eleventh st. Newport. Interment will take place tomorrow afternoon.

The funeral of Edward Westerland of Fifth av. Dayton, who met death by a fall through an elevator shaft of the First National Bank, took place this afternoon from Donnelly's undertaking establishment in Covington.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 August 1906, page

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Fred Stricker-8m; Louis Bary-46 acute alcoholism; John Bruton-28; Ira Story-cerebral hemorrhage; William Stricker-39;
Hannah Gross-68; fatty degeneration of the heart; Hyman Swenninger-1; Harriet Allen-53; Roland Kendall-1; cholera; Nicholas Rauft-59; Ulmont Brooks-1 infantile paralysis; Margaret Ashbaugh-88; Catherine Stephany-52; Fred Huber-33; Infant Muench-11 weeks; Paul Bauer-63; William Gunning-8m; Thomas Shelton-65.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 August 1906, page 5

The funeral of Matthew Weigand, 28, which was set for last Sunday afternoon and was postponed because of the non arrival of the body from San Rafael Cal. will take place from the Weigand home, 422 West Eleventh st. Newport, the body having arrived today. The deceased is the son of Chris Weigand, a pioneer merchant of Newport.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 August 1906, page 5

Word was received in Bellevue yesterday of the sudden death of Mrs. S F Stucy of Chicago, formerly of this city. The remains were interred at Louisville Ky.

Prod. W G Adams, formerly a music teacher in Dayton and vicinity, died Tuesday in Louisville. The remains here today and were taken in charge by funeral director Cunningham. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from Evergreen Chapel.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 20 August 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm death report in Newport; Daniel Fausz, 59-cirrhosis of liver; Mellisa Corbin, 70-sclerosis; Thomas Weigand, 28-accidental; Fred Jackson, 15-accidental; Thomas La Boiteaux, 56-apoplexy; Richard Means, 4m; Ella Wagonlander, 13-uremia; Florence Fansz, 8m.

P T Lillis, father of Mrs. Frank Schwer, of Newport, died Saturday at his home in Cincinnati.

The funeral of Orville Griggs, 2, formerly of Bellevue, took place this afternoon from the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 23 August 1906, page 5

The remains of Catherine Hubbard, 84, who died at Ashtabula O. were received today in Newport by Funeral Director Erschell and interred in the family lot in Evergreen Cemetery. Mrs. Hubbard was the grandmother of Anna Taliaferro and her son for many years was the purchasing agent of the Adams Express Co.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 27 August 1906, page 5

Dr. Charles Kehm, Health Officer, Newport reported the following deaths: Ernest Gebhart, 57-Brights disease; James McClure, 85-senility; Katherine Schneider, 44-phthisis.

Fred Jackson of Newport was killed by train near Woodstock La. several weeks ago. His parents who reside at 522 West Seventh st. learned today of the account.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 28 August 1906, page 5

Mrs. Mary Brady of 337 Patterson st. Newport, died last night at her home of apoplexy. Deceased was the wife of Michael Brady.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 31 August 1906, page 5

Mrs. Martin Betsch, 67, 412 Berry av. Dayton, died at her home yesterday. A husband and a family of adult children survive her. She was the mother of Miss Esther Betsch, a teacher in the public schools. The funeral will take place from the residence Sunday afternoon and interment in Evergreen Cemetery. The children are Mrs. Clifford Biles of Newport; John Betsch of Dayton O. Fred and Joseph of Monroe Mich. William of Newport and Benjamin who is at home.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 3 September 1906, page 2

Miss Flora Link, 29, of Newport, died yesterday at Speers Hospital. She was operated on Wednesday for appendicitis and surgeons found a tumor. At 4 pm she collapsed and died within a few minutes. She was a daughter of ex-Chief of the Newport Fire Department John Link.

Dr. Charles J Kehm, Health Officer of Newport report of deaths: Joseph Rheinhardt, 21-accidental drowning; Frank Engel, 1-convulsions; Martin Wagner, 41-heat prostration; Bernadine Cain, 41-exhaustion; Mamie Kopp, 20 days-hemorrhage; Magdalene Dermling, 80-old age; John Crowley, 14-phthisis pulmonary; Mary Colecchio, 4-burns; Catherine Welch, 65-paralysis; Henry Rossell 13-heart disease; Mary Brady, 55-apoplexy; Margaret Leonard, 6m; Leverin Schlelin, 1-whooping cough; James Furee, 79-senility.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 September 1906, page 5

Lillian Hildebrand, 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Hildebrand, of 89 Park av. Glen Park, died yesterday. The funeral took place this afternoon. Burial Evergreen Cemetery.

Charles Morgan, 33, a steel engraver took an overdose of morphine yesterday morning at his home, 435 Lindsay st. Newport. He died last night at Speers Hospital. He leaves a wife.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 6 September 1906, page 5

The will of Anna Fisher was left for probate in Newport today. She left all to her husband.

The remains of Gus Hall, who met his death in a railroad accident at Latrine Okla. will arrive here, Bellevue, tomorrow morning and will be removed to the residence of his sister on Grandview av. Bellevue. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon and burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.

Mrs. V Lottes, 57, died at Hamilton O. The body will arrive here tomorrow morning. The funeral will take place at 2:30 pm Saturday from Evergreen Chapel.

The remains of Howard Schrader, 22, who died at the home of his parents at Muncie Ind. were shipped here for burial. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon and interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 11 September 1906, page 5

The body of Henry Schriver was recovered yesterday in the Ohio River where he was drowned Saturday. A sad incident in connection of young Schriver is found in the fact in two months he would have completed his apprenticeship as a bricklayer, at which time his father expected to turn over the business to him.

The funeral of Mrs. Kate Webster will take place at 2 pm Thursday from the residence, 113 Sixth av. Dayton, Rev J N Ervin, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of Mrs. Eliza Colledge took place at 10 am today from the residence of her son, Rev J A Colledge on Taylor av. Bellevue. The remains were shipped to Maysville for interment.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 10 September 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm death report in Newport: Michael Reece-phthisis; Cora Lick, 30-embolism; Howard Schrader, 22-broncitis; Victoria Lottes, 56-obesity; Ellen Stone, 80-cardiac failure; Edward Kaufman, 4m; Ella Hilderbrandt, 3-diptheria.

Logan H Taylor, formerly of Newport, died Friday at Peoria Ill. He was the son of the late Barry Taylor and a nephew of John B Taylor, who left Saturday to attend the funeral. The deceased was a surgeon and instructor in the Peoria Medical College.

Mrs. Henry Webster, 113 Sixth av. Dayton, died at noon today of typhoid fever.

Henry Schriver, 20, son of Contractor Charles Schriver of the Highlands, was drowned in the Ohio River Saturday afternoon. The body was not recovered.

Mrs. Eliza A Colledge, mother of Rev J A Colledge, pastor of the Calvary M E Church, died Saturday at her home, Taylor and Wentworth av. Bellevue. The remains will be shipped to Maysville Tuesday for interment.

Mary Ann Hall, wife of John, died this morning at 8 am at her residence, 435 West Eleventh st. Newport. Funeral will take place Friday morning at 9 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 12 September 1906, page 7

Cecelia Mealy Lough, wife of Elmer O Lough, died at the residence of her brother, John Mealy, 612 Monroe st. Newport Ky. September 10, 1906, at 1:30 am. Funeral will take place from residence of J B Lough, 146 June st. Dayton Ky. September 12, 1906, 2 pm. Burial at Fairfield Oh.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 14 September 1906, page 5

Word was received yesterday that Harry Air, a son of Captain William Air, had died in St Louis.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 September 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm deaths report in Newport; Ida Umstetter, 26-tuberculosis; Frank Rantz, 25-intestinal obstruction; John Brossart, 62-cerebral hemorrhage; Celia E Laugh, 26-nephritis; Meloma Jordan, 1-meningitis; Mary Hall, 56-cerebral hemorrhage.

The infant son of J A and Lillia Mette Rabe of Bellevue, died Sunday morning at Portsmouth O.

Fred Mackenhorst, 68, 212 Prospect st. Bellevue, died last night at his home. He leaves a widow and has lived in Bellevue for 30 years. The funeral will take place from the German Lutheran Church Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm. The interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of Charles Weithe took place from his home, Bellevue, this afternoon. Rev Emigholz officiating. The interment was in Evergreen.

Peter Martin, 86, died yesterday at his home on Front st. Dayton of senility. Martin leaves a family of adult children.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 September 1906, page 5

The funeral of Peter Martin took place today from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. A Frommel, 241 Front st. Bellevue. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 19 September 1906, page 5

Harry J Wagner, 27, of 706 East Ninth st. Newport, died this morning. He was recently married to Miss Clara Dunzelman. The funeral will take place Friday morning from St Stephen Church with requiem high mass.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 22 September 1906, page 5

Clarence Dunigan, 17, son of Assistant Engineer Dunigan, of the Newport Water Works pumping station, died this morning at the home of his parents at Ninth and German st. Newport of pneumonia. Funeral will take place from the Immaculate Conception Church Monday morning. Interment at St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.

The funeral of Addison Winters who was drowned Tuesday at the Dayton sand bar, took place this morning at 10 am from the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery.

Word has been received that Andy Meyers Blackerts died early today of lung disease in Bellevue and will be buried in Evergreen.

Miss Anna Bocklage, 633 Western Av. Newport, 48, sister of Fred Bocklage, of Morning View Ky. and Rev Clem Bocklage of Newport, died last night after undergoing a surgical operation. She will be buried Tuesday.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 24 September 1906, page 5

Deaths recorded in Newport: Clarence Finnegan, 17, Ninth & German sts. typhoid pneumonia; George Glaub, 71-son in law of George Krinn, 1121 Orchard st. Death occurred at St Elizabeth Hospital. Douglas Jones, 9 months, son of Nelson Jones, 1123 Orchard st. Interment will be made at Aberdeen, O. Anna Walsh, 9 months, 213 East Southgate st. Mary Strah, 74, mother of ex-officer John Strahm, died yesterday at her home, 333 West Eighth st. Her daughter is Mrs. John McSorley. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning.

Health Officer Kehms report: Mary Hall, 56, cerebral hemorrhage; Patrick A Wall, 59, carcinoma; Margaret Reid, 46, tuberculosis; Mary Voges, 32, asthma; Harry Wagner, 26, typhoid fever; George Hans, 50, meningitis; Clarence Dunigan, 17, typhoid pneumonia; Catherine Mulcahy, 44, heart disease; William C Blackburn, 1, pneumonia.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 26 September 1906, page 5

Mrs. Sophia Kanike, 87, widow of Henry Kanike, of 927 Washington av. Newport died yesterday. She had been a resident of Newport for nearly half a century. The funeral gook place this afternoon from the residence.

Fred Brosz, 60, cigar maker, died yesterday at his home, 208 East Tenth st. Newport. He leaves a widow and several children.

The funeral of Mrs. Niederchmidt of Bellevue, took place today from Sacred Heart Church, the interment being in St Bernard Cemetery, Cincinnati.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 27 September 1906, page 9

The funeral of Sophia Kanike took place yesterday, services being held at the family residence, 827 Washington avenue. Rev Dr. Plueddeman officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.

James Donald, 54, residing at 1015 Orchard street, died yesterday rather suddenly. Apoplexy was the cause of death. The deceased leaves a wife and several children. The remains will be shipped to Augusta Ky. tomorrow morning.

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 27 September 1906, page 3

While cleaning up a room on the second floor over his saloon today at noon Ernest Gerhardt, 43, of Second and York st. Newport backed through an open doorway and fell a distance of 20 feet, breaking his  neck and skull. Gerhardt was married and leaves three children.

The funeral of Sophia Kanika took place yesterday services being held at the family residence, 827 Washington av. Newport, Rev Plueddeman officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 28 September 1906, page 10

The funeral of Ernest Gerhardt, who was accidentally killed at his place of business, Second and York sts. Newport, yesterday, will take place Sunday afternoon. He was a member of the Favorite Democratic Club, the members of which will meet this evening at 132 East Sixth st. to take action on his death. Coroner Digby rendered a verdict of accidental death in the case.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 October 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm deaths report in Newport; George Lamb, 72; Douglas Jones, 9m; Anna Walsh, 8m; Mary Strahm, 74; Sophia Kenike, 87; Lillian M Crider, 2m; Fred A Boez, 60; James Darnel, 54; Floreta Poth, 7; Edwin Cornish, 3; Elizabeth Newkirk, 51; Leonard Mayer, 1; Ernst Gerhardt, 37-accidental.

Mrs. Mary Neville died late Saturday night at Speers Hospital of old age. The deceased was 86 years and had been a resident of Dayton for nearly half a century. The funeral took place from the residence on Fourth av. this afternoon. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery. She leaves a granddaughter, Mrs. Price, 511 Sixth av. a son, James and a daughter, Mrs. Hall.

Kate Webster's will was probated Saturday in Campbell Court. She gives $2000, which sum is to include a house and lot on Fairfield av. Dayton to her son and the remainder of the estate to her husband, H F Webster.

The funeral of Ernst Gerhardt, who fell from a second story window in the rear of his residence at Second and York st. Newport Thursday, took place yesterday from the family residence.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 3 October 1906, page 7

Funeral services for the late W W Helm will be held at Evergreen Cemetery Chapel, Newport Ky. on Wednesday, October 3, 1906 at 3 pm.

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 3 October 1906, page 3

Joseph Humbrecht Sr. 67, father of Joseph, died yesterday at his home 1555 Jones st. Cincinnati of Brights disease. The funeral will take place Thursday morning with services at St Stephen Church.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 4 October 1906, page 5

Lester F Benson, York st. Newport, yesterday received a telegram announcing the death of his aunt, Mrs. Robert Schneider of Belair NJ. Mr. and Mrs. Benson and daughter will leave for that city tomorrow to attend the funeral.

The remains of Hubbard Logan, who died at Ashtabula O. were shipped to this city yesterday and buried in the family lot in Evergreen Cemetery. The deceased was 55 years of age and a native of Newport. He was purchasing agent for the Adams Express Co.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 5 October 1906, page 5

Frank Sippel Jr. 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sippel, died at his home yesterday, 1100 Third av. Dayton. Funeral tomorrow morning from St Francis Church.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 8 October 1906, page 5

Dr. Charles J Kehm Health officer deaths report: Leopold Huck, 55-phthisis; W W Helm, 40-operation; Adrian Wagner, 34-cholecystitis; Adam Schmidt, 81-cancer; Johanna Deegan, 40-cirrhosis; Arthur Demler, 15 days; Clara Quitter, 37-consumption.

Word was received in Newport of the death at Cleveland O. of Mrs. Catherine Theising, 81, mother of Charles Theising, formerly of Newport. The remains will be shipped here and the funeral will take place Tuesday.

Mrs. Ella Mae Reese, nee Firth, 31, a former resident of Newport, died yesterday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Alice Masterson, Cincinnati. The funeral services will be held Wednesday and the remains will be interred in Evergreen Cemetery.

Miss Sarah B Merrill died yesterday at her home, 136 Fairfield av. Bellevue of typhoid fever. The deceased was a sister of Miss Julia Merrill, a teacher in the Bellevue public schools.

Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 8 October 1906, page 7

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Leopold Husk, 55; W W Helm, 40; Adrian Wagner, 34; Adam Schmdit, 81; Johanna Deegan, 40; Arthur Demler, 15 days; Clara Quitter, 57.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 October 1906, page 5

Bernard Bankemper, 60, for 34 years engaged in the saloon and grocery business in Newport, died last night at his home, Elm and Brighton st. He leaves a wife and 10 children, three sons and seven daughters. For many years he officiated as Director in St Joseph Orphan Asylum.

The funeral of Mrs. Mary Ader, widow of Peter Ader, contractor, took place this morning at 9 am from St Stephen Church. the six sons of the deceased, Charles, Frank, John, Robert, William and Walter, acted as pallbearers.

The funeral of Mrs. Eliza Mae Reese, a former resident of Newport will take place tomorrow at 2 pm from the residence of her aunt, Mrs. William P Schulenberg of 212 East Sixth st.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 10 October 1906, page 5

Mrs. Mary Riegler, wife of Martin Riegler, died yesterday at the family residence, 633 Saratoga st. Newport of typhoid fever. She was 49 years.

Edward Parker, 81, died yesterday at his home, 631 Monroe st. Newport. A widow and one son survive. The funeral will take place tomorrow.

Fred Mittag, 55, died yesterday at Speers Hospital. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon.

The funeral of Miss Sallie Belle Merrill was held at 9 am today from St Anthony Church. The pallbearers were Mahon Harmes, Bert Fuhrman, John Skinner, Harvey Seaman, Dimmick Troxell and Benjamin Sharpless. Burial was in St Stephen Cemetery.

John Foster, 45, died yesterday at Speers Hospital. He was removed from his home in Ft Thomas a few days ago.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 15 October 1906, page 5

Health Officer Kehm death report in Newport; Mary Ader, 63; Harry L Solar, 24; B J A Bankemper, 61-apoplexy; Edward Parker, 81; Mary Reigler, 49; Gus Mittag, 55; Emil Christian, 57-heart disease; Thomas M Welsh, 37.

The funeral of George Klett Sr. took place yesterday afternoon from the residence on Front st. Bellevue. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.

W H Moore, a veteran of the Civil War, died Saturday at the Cincinnati Hospital. He leaves three sons residents of Newport. The remains were shipped last night to Dayton O. where they will be interred in the soldiers cemetery.

Michael Flannery, 35, son of ex-Squire Flannery, died Saturday night at his home, 815 Brighton st. Newport after a short illness.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 16 October 1906, page 7

Harry Kaelin, 40, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital. The remains were removed to his home, 812 Fourth av. Dayton.

Mrs. Annie Turner, 61, Dayton, died yesterday. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm.

The son born to Mr. and Mrs. James Peak of Bellevue, Saturday afternoon died Sunday and was buried yesterday.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 18 October 1906, page 5

Charlotte, 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beyer, 735 Ann st. Newport died last night from whooping cough. The funeral will take place tomorrow.

William Pauly, 34, 520 West Eighth st. died yesterday from tuberculosis. The funeral took place today from St Stephen Church.

Mrs. Gesina Domhof, 78, widow of Henry Domhof, died shortly before midnight Tuesday at her home, 1020 Third av. Dayton.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 October 1906, page 5

The mother of Dan Barth, a farmer, residing near Tug Fork in the upper end of the county, dropped dead at her home yesterday of heart trouble.

Health Officer Dr. George W Brown deaths report in Newport: Infant Hammer; Michael Flennery, 38-heart disease; Charles Michaels, 78-cardiac paralysis; John W Warren, 1m-cardiac paralysis; Infant Monroe; Hymas Lichtenstein, 1m-pneumonia; Laura Ross, 57-nephritis; William Pauly, 34-tuberculosis; George Creutz, shock from amputation of both legs; Maurice Weller, 38-tuberculosis; Eleanor Salt, 14d; Charles Beyer, 9y-whooping cough.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 24 October 1906, page 3

Elizabeth Drokenbrot, aged 66 years, died at residence of her daughter, Mrs. Smart, 722 German st. Newport. Funeral Friday at 9 am from Corpus Christi Church.

Mrs. William (nee Hannah Cole) Richards, beloved wife of William Richards, died Tuesday, Oct 23, 1906. Burial Friday from residence, 215 West Eleventh st. Newport. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery. (Buffalo and Chicago and Erie Pa. papers please copy)


Kentucky Post, Monday, 29 October 1906, page 3

Health Officer Brown death report in Newport; Susan Kuehnle, 75; Anna Schweitzer, 70; Eugene Zimmerman, 13; Caroline Schmidt, 72; Andrew Brentano, 39; Anton Schaefer, 62; Elizabeth Druckenbrod, 66; Hannah Richards, 71; Thomas Purcell, 74.

Page 5-Capt. J C Agnew, 73, passed away yesterday in Newport. He was the father of Capt. Robert Agnew, William, Frank and the late Capt. Mace Agnew. His son Robert, arrived from Memphis Tenn. at noon today.

Conrad Munker, 85, father of Herman Munker, of Covington, died at his home 715 East Ninth st. Newport. He had been a resident of Newport for half a century.

Mrs. William McElwee, of the Rink Building, died of cancer at 7 pm Sunday.

Caroline Schmidt's will was probated in Campbell Co Court. She gives $100 each to her children, George Horn, Elizabeth Stein and Anna Klekamp and the remainder to her son John.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 30 October 1906, page 5

Mrs. Lucinda Penve, 62, died yesterday at Speers Hospital of peritonitis. The remains were removed to her home 433 Lindsay st. Newport. She leaves a family of grown children.

Mrs. Christine Fortlage died yesterday at her home of her son, Charles Fortlage, 838 Monroe st. Newport.

The funeral of Capt. J C Agnew took place at 2:30 pm today from the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 31 October 1906, page 5

Mrs. Hester Mundell, 54, died at Speers Hospital yesterday of Brights disease. The remains were removed to the home of her son, Edward Mundell, 1146 Columbia st. Newport and Friday morning will be taken to Mt Washington O. for interment.

The funeral of Captain James C Agnew, which took place yesterday afternoon with services from Evergreen Cemetery Chapel was largely attended. Rev Whitehead of Newport, officiated.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 1 November 1906, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Mundell which was to have taken place Friday morning, with services at the family residence, took place this morning, with services at the First Baptist Church. The change was made necessary on account of the serious illness of the sixteen year old daughter of the deceased.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 November 1906, page 7

Conrad Haefner, who had been a resident of Newport for over 50 years died yesterday at his home, Seventh and Dayton st. aged 77. He was the father of William Haefner, artist, and was a charter member of the German Protestant St Paul Church.

Mrs. David Hays died yesterday at her home, Fourth and Saratoga st. Newport, aged 80 years. She leaves two sons, Thomas and Gilmore, and four daughters, Mrs. Mary Rende, Mrs. Margaret Thompson and Esther and Elizabeth Hays. Rev J Clyde Turner will conduct the funeral which will take place at 2 pm Sunday at the residence.

Jacob Killmer's will was probated yesterday in Campbell Co Court. He gives $250 and all furniture and household goods to his daughter, Dina Killmer; $100 to his son Jacob Killmer and the remainder of his property to his children, Carrie, Martin, William, Peter, Dina and Jacob Killmer and Mary New.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 5 November 1906, page 5

Health Officer Brown's report of a weeks deaths in Newport. Conrad Haefner, 77, old age; Eugene Maupin, 4m, pneumonia; Elizabeth A Walter, 37, typhoid; Anton Schaefer, 62, heart failure; Harry Havlin, 77, Brights disease; Edward Purser, 53, cirrhosis of liver; Jeanette Hays, 80, pneumonia;
Conrad Munker, 85, hernia; Christina Fortlage, 72, cancer; Hester E Mundel, 54, Brights disease; Ben Collins, 63, general debility.

Mrs. Anna Crawley died Saturday at Speers Hospital of cardiac paralysis. The deceased leaves two sons.

Mrs. Flora Berger, daughter of Harry Berger of 912 Boone st. Newport died Saturday.

George Reinfelder, 58, a rolling mill man, residing at 527 West Seventh st. Newport was found dead in his bed yesterday morning, due to cardiac paralysis.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 November 1906, page 5

Christian Smith, 75, died suddenly, just after voting, yesterday at his home on Columbia st. near Tenth, Newport, of heart trouble. He was the father of Patrolman Charles Smith.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 10 November 1906, page 5

The will of Christian Weiss of Newport, was probated yesterday in the Campbell co. Court. All of his estate is bequeathed to Paul Weiss, his brother.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 12 November 1906, page 5

Health Officer Brown deaths report in Newport; Jacob Meister, 70-stomach trouble; Pauline Walls, 22-phthisis; Andrew Britt, 33-inquest; G W Smith, 73-pneumonia; Christian A Schmidt, 75-heart disease; Edward Seibert, 15d-meningitis; Edith Pipkin, 8m-heart disease; Martha Immegart, 72-asthma; Daniel O'Brien, 58-tumor of liver; Joseph Gassman, 43-suicide; B H Tanger, 74-senility; Infant Donba; Annie Hurd, 17-phthisis; Flora Berger, 22-tuberculosis; Christian Weiss, 50-Brights disease; Bertha Miller, 60-paralysis; George Reinfelder, 56-heart disease.

The will of Emil Christian was probated this morning in Judge Moore's court, Newport. He devised that his property was not to be sold as long as his daughters, Emma, Lizzie and Louise, remain single and in case they marry it is to be divided equally among them. His son Emil is bequeathed 450, Alois $100, Leo $50, Joseph $100.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 13 November 1906, page 5

Miss Catherine Cunningham, niece of Miss Kate Kinney, who was found dead in her home on West Fifth st. Newport arrived here yesterday from her home at La Salle Ill. and made arrangements for the funeral which took place this morning.

Nellie Dechow, 22, married of West Eleventh st. Newport, died last night. The remains will be shipped to Kenton Station on KC Railroad tomorrow at 1 pm.

Gottlieb Schweitzer, 63, at one time prominent in Republican politics of Campbell Co. died yesterday at the home of relatives at Edwards and Oliver sts. Covington. Schweitzer was a widower and leaves several children.

Katherine Noferi died at the Lakeland Asylum. In 1902 she was taken to the asylum from Campbell Co. and the authorities are endeavoring to locate her husband, Paul Noferi, a tailor. He was a resident of Newport when his wife was committed, but has since moved away.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 15 November 1906, page 5

F A Keyes, who was draftsman in the office of United States Engineer Lieut. Col W T Russell, Cincinnati, for a quarter of a century, died yesterday st his home on exington av. Newport, for a stroke of paralysis. He was t9 and leaves a family. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the home and wil be in charge of the Masonic Lodge, of which he was a member.

Mrs. J Wolf, 57, of 1124 Fourth av. Dayton, died early today of a complication of diseases. Mrs. Wolf leaves a family of children.

Paul Noferi, husband of Katherine Noferi, who died at Lakeland Asylum Monday, arrived in Newport yesterday from Nashville Tenn. and arranged for the funeral. The funeral will take place from Costigan & Roll Funeral and interment will be at St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 16 November 1906, page 5

The body of William B Ogden, who died suddenly in Charlotte NC, was received today in Newport by Undertaker Charles Smith, who will prepare the remains for burial. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon with services at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. George Thompson, Park av.

Page 7-The funeral of Mrs. George Wolf, 1025 Fourth av. Dayton, will take place tomorrow at 2 pm from the residence.

John G Knebelkamp, of Ft Thomas, father of Patrick and Edward, turfmen, died of paralysis at St Mary and Elizabeth Hospital, Louisville yesterday.

After suffering intense pain for nearly 24 hours, Katie, 5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, 15 West Thirteenth st. Newport, died yesterday. Her death was due to burns received Wednesday night caused by her dress catching fire. Rosa, an older sister, was also badly burned in attempting to save her.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 17 November 1906, page 5

William J Kramer, 26, died this morning at his home, 216 East Sixth st. Newport. The body will be shipped to Madison Ind. Monday for burial.

Mrs. Catherine Roth, 59, widow of John Roth, died this morning at her home, Seventh and Columbia st. Newport. Seven grown children survive her.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 19 November 1906, page 5

Mrs. Ben Ratterman died Saturday at her home West Eighth st. Newport. The funeral will be held Tuesday at 9 am with services at Corpus Christi Church.

The funeral of Mrs. Charlotte Walsh, 75, who died late Friday night at her home, 33 Park av. Glenn Park took place today at 2:30 pm from the residence.

The members of Commonwealth Castle, Knights of the Golden Eagle Newport will meet tonight to take action on the death of Cornelius Van Driel which occurred yesterday morning at his residence, 21 East Southgate st. Newport.

The funeral of William B Ogden, whose death occurred at Charlotte NC Tuesday took place yesterday afternoon, with services at Evergreen Chapel, Newport, conducted by Rev A M Harvuot. The pall bearers were members of Cincinnati Typographical Union No 3. Ogden leaves a widow, two daughters and a son.

Health Officer Brown death report in Newport; Jacob Meister, 70-stomach disease; Sidney Seamon, 43-apoplexy; Anna M Muders, 46-fatty heart; Fredericka Helm, 80-cancer; Nellie Delshon, 22-tuberculosis; Kate Kinney, 50-heart failure; Gottlieb Schweitzer, 63-exhaustion; Daniel Duncan, 6-tumor of brain; Earl Gutepfel, 9m-meningitis; Mary Neiman, 25-phthisis; Frederick Keyes, 58-apoplexy; Katherine Noferi, 42-colitis; Kate Miller, 5-burns; Ann Hanlon, 78-pneumonia; W B Ogden, 52-asphyxiation; Charlotte Welsh, 71-apoplexy; William Kramer, 26-tuberculosis.

Ben Baumer, Seventh av. Dayton has been summoned to Oldenburg Ind. by the death of a brother. The funeral will take place today at Oldenburg.

Mrs. Barbara Krupp died yesterday at her home on Taylor av. Bellevue, aged 73 years. She was a widow and leaves eight adult children, four sons and four daughters. The funeral will take place at 10 am Wednesday from the residence. Interment will be in Spring Grove Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 24 November 1906, page 3

Mrs. L J Cook died yesterday at her residence, Fifth and York sts. Newport, aged 84 years. The deceased was the mother of Charles and Milton Cook.

Page 5-Anton Michaels, 74, residing on Strattmoor av. Ft Thomas, died yesterday. The deceased was one of the best known farmers in Campbell Co.

Raymond, 5, son of Chief of Police Ortlieb, 1004 Front st. Dayton, died last night at the residence of croup. He was a bright boy and the Chief is prostrated. The funeral will be held Monday from St Frances Church.

The funeral of Christopher Klaiss, whose tragic death, resulting from falling into a vat of barley, occurred a few days ago in Cincinnati, will take place tomorrow afternoon from the residence on Fairfield av. Bellevue. Interment in Vine st. Hill Cemetery, Cincinnati.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 26 November 1906, page 2

Health Officer Brown death report in Newport; Cornelius Van Driel, 29-tuberculosis; Carrie Ratterman, 39-peritonitis; Frank Carter, 30-fractured skull; Elizabeth Roth, 59-dropsy; Infant Simms; Eliza Simms, 69-heart disease; Infant Pearl; Louisa Fisher, 11-dropsy; Lucretia Cook, 84-pneumonia; Louisa Gayle, 84-senility; William Kilp, 66-sarcoma liver.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 3 December 1906, page 3

Health Officer Dr. George W Brown death report in Newport: Annie E Teutschman, 79-pneumonia; Charles M Richen, 48-pericarditis; Innis Hardman, 29-Brigths disease; Lillian Moore, 3m-pneumonia; Infant Rowland; Infant Lyons; Lucy Lyons, 21-convulsions.

The funeral of Michael Shay took place this morning from the residence, Sixth and Patterson st. Newport. Requiem mass was said at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 8 am. The pall bearers were James Redmond, Robert Connolly, James Ratican and John M Ryan.

Miss Mattie Davis, 26, died yesterday at Speers Hospital of peritonitis. The remains were removed to her home in Bonnie Leslie.

Mrs. J Guard, 74, died at her home last night at Fifth av. Dayton.

Lottie Davis, 26, died yesterday in Speers Hospital of peritonitis. The body was removed to the home of her parents on Park av. Newport.

The double funeral of Mrs. Mary Lyons, 21, wife of Walter Lyons, of East Fifth st. Newport and their infant daughter, both of whom died Friday, took place yesterday afternoon, with services at Evergreen Cemetery. The mother and baby were laid away in the same casket. the death of Mrs. Lyons followed a few hours after the birth of her child.

The remains of F B Faucet, who died in Nashville Tenn. arrived in Newport yesterday. They were moved to his home in Southgate. The deceased was 31 years old and leaves a widow. He recently went to Nashville to accept a position with a large manufacturing concern. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon from the residence.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 7 December 1906, page 7

Mrs. Virginia Jacobi, 51, residing at the corner of Eleventh and Patterson st. Newport died yesterday. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with services at St Stephen Church.

Frederick Gentrup died yesterday at his residence, 1107 Park av. Cote Brilliant.

The funeral of Mrs. Marie Coons, 96, one of the first settlers in the Claryville District, Campbell Co. took place yesterday in Alexandria. Two sons and three daughters together with their families attended the funeral. The eldest son in past 75 years.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 8 December 1906, page 3

Charles Guesinger, 56, who made his home in a houseboat on the Licking River at the foot of Fourth st.. Newport, was drowned in the Ohio River at the foot of Niagara st. Cincinnati last night. He went in search of work to the barges moored there and in crossing on a spar lost his balance and fell into the water. He was swept away by the current before aid could reach him. His body has not been recovered and he leaves a widow and two daughters.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 10 December 1906, page 5

Health Officer Brown death report in Newport: Edward Rubia, 2m; Lottie Davis, 26; Michael Shea, 32; Mary Collopy, 67; Katherine Dietrich, 85; William Sprague, 4; Virginia Jacobi, 51; Fred Gentrup, 51.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 11 December 1906, page 5

Eliot C Nelson, 31, of 114 East Fifth st. Newport died last night at his home. The remains will be shipped to Frankfort Ky tomorrow.

Karl Wheeler, 21, a printer died at an early hour today at his home, 407 York st. Newport of pneumonia. The body will be shipped to Dayton O for interment.

Geroge J Gering, 90, and for 53 years a resident of Newport, died yesterday at his home, 739 Central av. of pneumonia. He leaves a widow and six children.

Henry Lucken, 74, 1024 Third av. Dayton died last night of dropsy.

Frederick Freitag, 88, died yesterday at his home, 327 Center st. Bellevue. He leaves two sons, George and Albert. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the residence.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 December 1906, page 5

Dr. George W Brown, health officer death report for Newport; Grace B Brown-old age; Maria L Richardson-cardiac paralysis; John G Gehring-pneumonia; Willaim H Closs-cardiac paralysis; Carl B Wheeler-pneumonia; Edward Boeckmann-tuberculosis; Fred W Hollenbeck-tuberculosis of throat; Elijah C Nelson-old age; John J Ritzie-phthisis.

Michael Kempf, 82, residing at Brent Ky. died Saturday. He leaves a widow and two children.

The funeral of Mrs. William Gonding took place this morning from the Sacred Heart Church, the interment being in St Frances Cemetery.

Louis Textor, 49, a baker, Fourth and Columbia st. Newport died late Saturday night at Speers Hospital. The funeral will take place at 10:30 am tomorrow from the residence. Four nephews will act as pallbearers, Martin, Louis, Frank and George Textor.

John Kelly, 78, died of old age before midnight Saturday at his home, 423 Hodge st. He leaves four children, one of whom is Father John Kelly. The funeral will be held at 9 am tomorrow from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Burial will be in St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.

Mrs. Wagenlender, 69, wife of William, died last night at her home, 111 West Seventh st. Newport. The deceased leaves three sons and one daughter. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning from St Stephen Church.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 December 1906, page 5

Gottlieb Thoma, 75, of 318 Lindsay st. Newport died suddenly yesterday. He arose at 4:30 am and complained of feeling unwell. Before medical aid could be summoned, he died. He leaves a family of three daughters and six sons. Dropsy of the heart was the cause of death.

Word was received in Newport today of the death of Theo Ernest, a former resident and father in law of Contractor Joseph Danzenberg. He retired from business two years ago and went to Germany where his death occurred.

The funeral of John Morton, father of Patrolman Frank Morton, took place this afternoon at the family residence. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.

Margaret Davis by her will probated yesterday, leaves all of her property to her niece, Lena Murray.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 20 December 1906, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Eleanor McMillan was held this morning from the residence, 142 Fairfield av. Bellevue. The interment was in Wesleyan Cemetery, Cincinnati.

The funeral of John Kelly took place yesterday with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Rev John Kelly, a son of the deceased was celebrant at requiem mass. The Holy Name Society had charge of the funeral, and interment was at St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 21 December 1906, page 5

Charles Renesch, 34, died today at the home of his sister, Mrs. Josephine Tighe, corner of Patterson and Elm st. Newport, of exhaustion. The dead man was deformed and caused him to brood much and to keep aloof from the world.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 25 December 1906, page 5

Gottlieb Thoma, by his will probated yesterday leaves $5 each to his sons, Fred, Henry and Adolph and the remainder of his estate to his daughters, Hannah and Anna. His daughter Hannah is executrix without bond.

Frederick Schermbeck, 62, died yesterday at his home, 12 west Sixth st. Newport. He leaves a family.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 31 December 1906, page 5

Health Officer Brown deaths report in Newport; Peter Lang, 71-cancer; Fred Shernbeck, 63-typhoid; Wulbu C Benton, 67-heart disease; Albert Root, 65-apoplexy; Ralph Durniter, 5-diphtheria; Anaretta Marschall, 3m-exhaustion; Walter Johnson, 21-phthisis; Thomas Davies, 66-carcinoma; Marcelia Baker, 1m-gatritis; Philip Weisbarth, 3m-gastritis; William Goeper, 62-hemiplegia; Carrie Daniels, 22-tuberculosis.

Jacob Fessler, 82, a former resident of Newport, died yesterday at the home of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Cincinnati.

Carrie Daniels, 22, residing at 1015 Orchard st. Newport died Saturday of consumption. Funeral Director Betz shipped the remains to Augusta Ky.

Joseph Galvagin, 51, of 409 Second av. Dayton, died yesterday at his home of pneumonia. He leaves a widow, two sons, William and Joseph and three daughters, Carrie, Lulu and Edna. The funeral will take place Wednesday at 1:30 form the home, Rev Taylor of the First Baptist Church of Bellevue officiating. The interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 31 December 1906, page 5

Health Officer Brown's report of deaths in Newport: Peter Lang, 71-cancer; Fred Shernbeck, 63-typhoid; Wulbus C Benton, 67-heart disease; Albert Root, 65-apoplexy; Ralph Durniter, 5-diphtheria; Anaretta Marschall, 3m-exhaustion; Walter Johnson, 21-phthisis; Thomas Davies, 66-carcinoma; Marcelia Baker, 1m-gastritis; Philip Weisbarth, 3m-gastritis; William Goeper, 62-hemiplegia; Carrie Daniels, 22-tuberculosis.

Joseph Fessler, 82, a former resident of Newport, died yesterday at the home of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Cincinnati.

Carrie Daniels, 22, residing at 1015 Orchard st. Newport died Saturday of consumption. Funeral Director Betz shipped the remains to Augusta Ky.

The body found in the river at Constance Ky. was buried Saturday, as it has not been identified. It was thought to have been the remains of William Elischak of Newport.

Mrs. Antoinette Villich, 82, died yesterday at Cold Spring of old age. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon with services at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Ben Smith, 330 West Tenth st. Newport.

Frank Osburg Sr. 69, died at his residence, 100 John st. Newport this morning. He will be buried Wednesday morning at 9 am from St Stephen Church with interment in St John Cemetery, St Bernard.

Joseph Galvagin, 51, of 409 Second av. Dayton, died yesterday at his home of pneumonia. He leaves a widow, two sons, William and Joseph and three daughters, Carrie, Lulu and Edna. The funeral will take place Wednesday at 2:30 from the home, Rev Taylor of the First Baptist Church of Bellevue, officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 6 January 1907, page 15

The funeral of Michael Maher took place yesterday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Doehner will take place tomorrow morning from the Corpus Christi Church.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 9 January 1907, page 9

Mrs. Gertrude Veith died yesterday at the residence of her son, Frank Veith, 1025 Isabella street, Newport, aged 84 years. The funeral will take place at 9 am tomorrow from the Corpus Christi street.

John Hesselbrock, 71, died late Monday night at his home, 915 Washington avenue, Newport. The deceased served as Trustee of St Stephen Church for 15 years.

Coroner Digby is inquiring into the sudden death of Ernst Kohlar, who died at Speers Hospital. Kohlar had been discharged form the Cincinnati Hospital on December 22 and on January 4 applied for admittance to Speers Hospital. Kohlar was 31 years of age and has a mother living in Germany. He was a porter by occupation and was suffering from a severe case of typhoid fever.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 14 January 1907, page 8

Barton Dowd died suddenly at his home, 1128 York street, Newport, aged 55 years of apoplexy. He received the stroke while seated at his home and died shortly afterward. The deceased was an architect and was well known in Campbell County. He leaves a widow and family of grown children.

Health Office Brown deaths report: Margaret Seife, 83; Veronica Brown, 58; John B Hesselbrock, 71; Gertrude Veith, 84; Helen Smith, 4; Margaret Tyfeid, 68; Marie Hug, 6; Margaret Schneider, 49; Josephine Roettinger, 3d; Wilhelmina Stapf, 76; E F Kohlar, 32; Louisa Henzerling, 85; Jacob Wagonfeld, 76.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 17 January 1907, page 9

Mrs. Sarah Pearman, a widow, died yesterday at her home, 23 Court place, Newport, of pneumonia.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 23 January 1907, page 5

The remains of Philip Blesch were incinerated yesterday afternoon at the Cincinnati Crematory. The services at the house on Fairfield av. Bellevue were conducted by Mrs. A A Kibby of the Spiritualistic Temple of Cincinnati. The pallbearers were the two sons of the deceased, A and W T Blesch and son in laws, Schurman and Groene.

The funeral of Otto Thiele, who died Sunday, took place at 1:30 pm today from St John Lutheran Church. The interment was in Odd Fellows lot in Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of Miss Theresa Haberkorn took place yesterday morning. W H Holmeyer, H Lang, J M Bohn, H Dutte, L Rube and H and F Messing were the pallbearers and Father Greifenkamp officiated. The remains were placed in the vault in Evergreen Cemetery.

John Meyer, 54, Keturah and Isabella sts. Newport died yesterday.

Rose Scherrer, 58, a widow, died yesterday at her home, 644 Dayton st. Newport. The funeral services will be held Friday.

William N Piecy, 56, residing at 427 West Ninth st. Newport, was found dead in bed at his home yesterday by his wife. the deceased was a sufferer from apoplexy and resided near the flooded district.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 25 January 1907, page 7

Mrs. George A Davis died suddenly at 10:30 am, Thursday at her residence, 1138 Central av. Newport Ky. aged 61 years. (Madison Ind. papers please copy)


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 26 January 1907, page 10

Mrs. Clara Yazel, a flood refugee at the Fourth Street School house, gave birth to a child about 4 am yesterday. The baby died a few minutes after birth and Dr. Todd ordered the mother sent to Speers Hospital.

Coroner Digby investigated the death of F J Glatthear, who was found dead at Nick Chalk's place, Gubser Mill. The investigation developed the fact that death was due to accidental injuries received by a fall from a loft.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 27 January 1907, page 4

Mrs. Elizabeth Altenburg (nee Budde) died at the family residence, 303 Overton st. Newport Ky. January 25. Funeral notes later.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 28 January 1907, page 8

The recent flood was responsible for the death at Speers Hospital yesterday of Miss Anna Welte, residing at 229 West Front street, Newport. As a result of exposure, she contracted typhoid pneumonia and while the water was at its highest was removed from her home to the hospital. It was necessary to take her away in a boat.

Mrs. Jane Redmond also died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital as an indirect result of the flood. She was removed from her home on East Front street, Newport, while the waters raged about her little home, and the exposure at that time hastened her death. She was 82 years of age and had resided in Newport for 65 years. She was a sister-in-law of the late Father Redmond. The funeral will take place at the Church of the Immaculate Conception Wednesday morning.

The funeral of Mrs. Charlotte Davis took place yesterday afternoon from the family residence, 1138 Central avenue, Newport. The remains were place in the vault in Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of Mrs. E Kirsch took place yesterday afternoon from the residence on Foote avenue, Bellevue. The remains were placed in a vault at Evergreen Cemetery.

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Charlotte Davis, 51-apoplexy; Louis Buerger, 17-heart disease; John Herman, 4m-pneumonia; Charles Graus-73-cardiac paralysis; Mrs. L Meyer-26; Lemuel Gazel-infant; Rose Scherrer, 58-pneumonia; Infant Mountjoy; William Piercy,56-apoplexy; Infant Tusho; J H Meyer, 52, jaundice; John Fick, 83-cerebral hemorrhage.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 30 January 1907, page 5

Edward Halpin, 44, recently judged insane in the Campbell Circuit Court, died this morning in the Newport Jail. The unfortunate man had been ill with epilepsy and this is given as the cause of his death.

Patrick J McCann, 68, died at his home on German st. Newport, yesterday. He was the father of Harry J McCann, a former letter carrier. A widow and three adult children survive him. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception and burial will be at St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.

Mrs. Minnie McCracken Gaugh, daughter of R B McCracken, who many years ago was Mayor of Newport, died Sunday at her home in Portland Ore. She and her husband left Newport 15 years ago.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 31 January 1907, page 9

The funeral of Patrick McCann, father of Letter Carrier Harry McCann, will take place tomorrow morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

Word was received here, Newport, yesterday by City Clerk George Trunnell of the death of his grandfather, John Hare at Cold Spring. The deceased was 86 years of age.

Mrs. Hester Dixon, aged ?4, widow of Thomas Dixon, died yesterday at the home of her niece, Mrs. John Meara on Lexington avenue, Newport. Old age was the cause of death. Mrs. Dixon had been a resident of Newport for many years. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 2 February 1907, page 5

Mrs. Luella Stevenson, 40, an old resident of Dayton, died at the Cincinnati Hospital today from complications.

Mrs. Albin Eichlers, Foote av. and Poplar st. Dayton, died today at the Good Samaritan Hospital. She leaves four children.

John Gosht, 55, died at his home Fourth av. Dayton, today. He leaves two daughters and three sons.

The funeral of John F Hare will take place Sunday morning from the Asbury M E Church, Cold Spring. Interment in the Asbury Cemetery.

Charles Fischer, 80 Patterson st. Newport, died today from Brights disease at Speers Hospital. He leaves a widow and one child.

Word was received yesterday of the death of Frank McMurchy at Denver Colo. He left Newport about three years ago with the hope of recuperating his failing health.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 3 February 1907, page 7

Joseph Gutfeund, who lived at 730 Central avenue, Newport, died yesterday from typhoid pneumonia. The deceased was a member of the German Pioneer Society and an officer of the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron workers. He leaves a widow and three children.

Mrs. Helen Eicher, died of peritonitis yesterday at the Good Samaritan Hospital, age 86. The remains were removed to her home, Foote avenue and Poplar street, Bellevue. She leaves a husband and four children.

Miss Luella Stevenson, formerly of this city, died yesterday at the Cincinnati Hospital. The funeral will take place this morning with burial in Evergreen Cemetery.

John Gohs died yesterday at his home, 223 Fourth avenue, aged 57 years. He leaves a family of adult children. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning at 8 am.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 4 February 1907, page 9

Mrs. Waring, widow of  Robert Waring, dropped dead yesterday morning on her way to church. Mrs. Waring was 69 years of age. Coroner Digby returned a verdict of death due to cardiac paralysis, after which the body was removed to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gene Smith, 206 Center street, Bellevue, from which the funeral will be held.

The funeral of Julius Stumpf took place yesterday, services being held at St Paul German Church. The remains were placed in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery.

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Rose Fisher, 28; Addie Croxsen, 24; Julius Stumpf, 17; Lorenz Hufnagel, 88; Jane Redmond, 80; Eva Dixon, 89; Edward Halpin, 43; Patrick McCann, 68; Henry Schneider, 28-accidental injuries; Samuel Lykins, 41; W N Air, 73.

Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 February 1907, page 5

Elizabeth Exeter in her will, probated this morning in the Campbell co Court bequeaths $100 to the pastor of St Stephen Church, Newport; $5 each to her grandchildren and the residue to her three daughters, Catherine Knoebber, Mary Pilgram and Anna Schneider. Fred Knoebber is named as executor.

Health Officer Brown deaths report: William N Air, 73-typhoid; Rose Fisher, 28-consumption; Addie Croxxen, 17-consumption; Julius Stumpf, 88-arterio-sclerosis; Jane Redmond, 80-arterio-sclerosis; Evan Dixon, 80-pneumonia; Edward Halpin, 43-insanity; Patrick McCann, 68-uremia; Henry Schneider, 28-railroad injury; Samuel Lykins, 41-heart disease.

The funeral of Mrs. Robert Waring, aunt of Eugene Smith, Walnut & Taylor av. Bellevue, will take place Wednesday at 9:30 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Newport.

The remains of Max Fischer, who died at Speers Hospital will be shipped tomorrow to Demossville Ky. for interment.

Joseph Gutfreund, who lived at 739 Central av. Newport, died Saturday of typhoid pneumonia. The deceased was a member of the German Pioneer Society and an officer of the International Association of Bridge & Structural Iron Workers. He leaves a widow and three children.

The wife of ex-Fireman Chris Specht, died yesterday. She was 61 years old and had been ailing for some time. Two sons survive her.

The funeral of Julius Stumpf took place yesterday, services being held at St Paul German Church. The remains were placed in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 6 February 1907, page 5

Mrs. Eichler was buried from the Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue this morning. Rev Kehoe officiating.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 7 February 1907, page 9

The funeral of William Henneberger will take place this morning from the family residence, 1332 Sixth avenue. The services will be conducted by Rev R D Harding.

Funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Elizabeth Mader will be held at St Francis Church tomorrow morning at 8:30 am. he remains will be placed in the vault at St Stephen Cemetery until arrangements are made for the interment of her nephew, Rev Blenke, who died recently, when a double funeral will be held.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 11 February 1907, page 7

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Chris Flyn, 84; Matthew M Gill, 68; Mary Waring, 69; Daisy Davis, 21; Richard Rehe, 7 hours; Margaret Holahan, 29; James A Morgan, 71; Harry Gibson, 32.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 February 1907, page 5

The infant son of Joseph Cassidy died early today from pneumonia at the home, 224 O'Fallon av. Bellevue. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 1 pm.

A young daughter of Frank Freking, Prospect av. Bellevue, died yesterday. The funeral will be held from the Sacred Heart Church. Interment in St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.

Honorary pallbearers were appointed by the Jackson Club to attend the funeral of Thomas Healy as follows: Joseph Maschinote, Joseph M Bohn, John Beck and Thomas Fealy.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 13 February 1907, page 7

William H Clark, aged 37, died at his residence, 725 Columbia st. Newport Ky. at 4 am. Tuesday, February 12, 1907. Due notice of funeral.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 19 February 1907, page 5

The funeral services over the remains of William Teuchtman, who died suddenly last Saturday, were held this afternoon at his home, 626 Saratoga st. Newport. The body of his mother, which has been in the vault for some months, will be buried along with that of her son in Evergreen Cemetery.

Word was received in Newport yesterday of the death at Palm Beach Fla. of Ralph Bauer, son of Gus Bauer, of Central av. The parents took the boy South with the hope that his failing health would be recuperated. Instead the decline continued and yesterday the end came. The remains will arrive here tomorrow when the arrangements for the funeral will be made.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 22 February 1907, page 11

The Court of Appeals today reversed the case of the Citizens Telephone Company vs Edward Westcott's administration from Newport. Westcott was told by two men that the wires were crossed and not to fool with the telephone, but he kept playing with it till he finally got a full shock which killed him, therefore h and not the telephone company was to blame.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 23 February 1907, page 7

Theodore Bergelt, aged 64, died yesterday at his home, 930 Central avenue. He resided here for nearly half a century and had been Secretary of the Cold Spring Orphan Asylum for over 8 years. He was also connected with a number of other benevolent institutions. The funeral will take place Monday morning from the Corpus Christi Church. Theodore Bergelt, died at 930 Central av. Newport, aged 64 years, 4 months. Funeral services Monday morning, February 25, Corpus Christi Church at 9 pm. Burial at St Joseph Johns Hill. (Philadelphia and Washington papers please copy)

Funeral Director W C Betz last night shipped the remains of C A Tysinger, a Western Union lineman, who was killed by a fall from a pole to his home at Lexington, North Carolina.

The funeral of Anthon Rohde, whose death resulted from self-inflicted injuries will take place Monday morning with services at Corpus Christi Church.

The funeral of Earl Bauer took place yesterday with services at 128 East Seventh street, Newport. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 25 February 1907, page 5

Mrs. Pappell, 71, widow of George, died Saturday at the home of her son, George Jr. on Poplar st. Bellevue. The funeral took place today from the residence, the interment being in Spring Grove Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 25 February 1907, page 5

The following is the report of deaths in Newport by Dr. Brown, health officer: William Teuschmann, 37-heart disease; Mary Schneider, 47-heart disease; Josie Egbers, 46-cancer; Henry Heinen, 48-tuberculosis; Annetta Simmons, 76-paralysis; Fannie Gaitskill, 41-typhoid fever; Mary E Oskamp, 52-heart disease; Louise H Wendt, 75-bronchitis; Mary McCracken, 58-convulsions; Earl E Bauer, 6-convulsions; C A Tysinger, 24-fracture of skull; Theo Borgelt, 64-heart disease; Regina Stahl, 67-apoploxy; Anthony Jeller, 34-consumption.

William Keitsch, 82, died at his home, 1011 Third av. Dayton, yesterday. A family of adult children survive him. Funeral arrangements have been deferred pending the arrival of a daughter from Philadelphia.

The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Cappell took place this morning from the residence, on Poplar st. Dayton. The interment was in Spring Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. Mary A Sheridan, 59, died Saturday at her residence, 417 Elm st. Newport.

Mrs. Barbara Waldbillig, 42, died Saturday night at her home, 933 Ann st. Newport. She leaves five children.

The remains of Maria Donelan, sister of Squire Donelan, whose death occurred at Piqua O. arrived here last evening, and were taken to the home of her brother, John Donelan, Central av. and Chestnut st. Newport. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 8 am at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 1 March 1907, page 9

Mrs. Anna L Harris died yesterday morning at the residence of her niece, Mrs. W W Baxter, at Cote Brilliante. Her father conducted a stone yard at Seventh and York streets half a century ago. The funeral will take place at 10 am tomorrow from the residence and interment will be at Wesleyan Cemetery, Cincinnati.

Joseph Bruening, aged 84, an old resident of Newport, died Thursday, at the home of his son, Henry Bruening, 223 East Southgate street.

The place for holding the funeral services of William H Simmons has been changed from the Evergreen Chapel to the residence tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 pm.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 2 March 1907, page 5

William J Jeffers, a clothing cutter, died yesterday at his home, 118 East Ninth st. Newport. He suffered a stroke of apoplexy three days ago and lingered until yesterday. He was 48 years of age and leaves a widow and two sons.

Louis Hurst, 4, son of Fred Hurst of 411 West Fourth st. Newport, died yesterday of brain fever.

Joseph Wright died yesterday morning at his home on the Alexandria Pike of a dropsical affection. He leaves a young widow and a daughter, Mrs. George B Jennings. The funeral will take place Monday morning from the residence near Southgate.

George Whiffle, a saloon keeper, died this morning at his home, Fifth and Isabella sts. Newport.

Lon Martin, a contractor, 51, died at an early hour today at his home on Highland av. Ft Thomas.

The will of George Arkenau was probated this morning in the Campbell co Court. It bequeaths all of his estate to his wife, Katherine Arkenau and names her executrix without bond and without any appraising.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 4 March 1907, page 8

The funeral of Joseph Wright, retired capitalist, whose death occurred at his residence in Southgate, will take place this morning. Rev J W crates will hold services at the family residence and the remains will be interred at Spring Grove Cemetery.

The funeral of Lon Martin will take place at 9 am tomorrow from St Thomas Church, Ft Thomas. Interment will be in St Stephen Cemetery.

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Arthur Rohd, 32; Lillian Conley, 1m; Mary Sheridan, 59; Catherine Edgerton, 29; Fred Manter, 76; Dorothea Weist, 69; Infant Schmidt, 17 hrs; Maria L Donelin, 64; Barbara Waldbilig, 42; Lewis Hurst, 4; Joseph Wright, 82; Hilliary Jeffers, 78.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 March 1907, page 5

William Woelfle, 61, died last night at his home, 514 East Front st. Newport. His death was due to an illness he contracted during the recent high water. Deceased was a member of the Campbell co. Pioneers Association and Arion Mannerchor.

Mrs. Mary Fricke died last night at her home, 831 German st. Newport. Funeral will be held Friday. Interment at Johns Hill Cemetery.

Funeral services of Mrs. Agnes Mallin will be held at residence of Mrs. M A Harris, 826 Central av. Newport Wednesday morning at 10 am.

Martin Back died Saturday evening at 5:30 pm at his residence 244 Ward av. Bellevue. Funeral will take place Wednesday morning with solemn high mass at 9 am at Sacred Heart Church. Friends invited.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 6 March 1907, page 5

William Woelfle, 60, a blacksmith residing at 514 E Second st. Newport, whose death was reported yesterday, it has been learned was due to having taken a quantity of sulphuric acid and zinc by mistake. He took a bottle that he thought contained whiskey but contained a mixture using in welding processes. He leaves a widow and 10 children.

Mrs. Rosa Schneider, 30, died at her home, Fifth av and Main st. Dayton Ky. last night. She leaves six minor children and a husband. The funeral will take place from St Francis Church Friday morning.

Mrs. Jane Evans, 83, died Tuesday morning at 2 am at her home in Cold Spring. She was a pioneer citizen of Campbell co and leaves on son, Perip Evans and a host of relatives. Her daughter, Miss Edith Evans died about a month ago and was interred in the Licking Baptist graveyard where her mother will be buried Thursday at 2 pm. Funeral at the Licking Baptist Church.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 March 1907, page 3

In his will left for probate today, Martin H Bach of Newport, left all to his wife. If she marries again he bequeaths only her dower interest to her.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 March 1907, page 5

Joseph Moenkeyck, 76, a pioneer citizen of Campbell co. died Sunday morning at 9 am at his home on the Licking Pike, Cold Spring. He had been complaining for some time and died suddenly while sitting in his chair.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Barth, of 209 West Ninth st. Newport, died at the residence last night. The funeral will take place tomorrow from St Joseph Cemetery, Johns Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mueller, Ward av. Bellevue, received word yesterday of the death of their son Edwin, in Phoenix Ariz. Mueller left Bellevue nearly a year ago with a brother, for the West, for the benefit of his health. He was 21 and the remains will be brought to Bellevue.

Mrs. Baron Woodbury, 215 Sixth av. Dayton, wife of Baron Woodbury, died at her home after 6 pm yesterday of aneurism of the heart. Woodbury is the proprietor of the Newport Mineral Water Co. The widower and one son, Charles, survive her.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 17 March 1907, page 4

Miss Norma Bade, of 909 Park av. Newport Ky. died at Palm Beach Fla. Due notice of funeral will be given.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 18 March 1907, page 8

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Christina Hoebing, 77-pneumonia; Sarah E Leggett, 81-cancer; Anna May Springer, 20 days-convulsions; Carrie Hampe, 49-paralysis; Joseph Moenkedick, 75-grip; Helen Barth, 1 1/2m; Joseph Bauman, 1 day; Mary Rehling, 83-heart disease; Catherine Meister, 70-paralysis; Leon Richard Brown, 25-suicide; Joseph P Welsh, 76y; rheumatism; Alfred Maggini, 8m-convulsions; Chester Krance-infant; Belle Blaser, 59-chronic mania; Mildred Moreland, 1 1/2; Matthew T White, 58-gastric catarrh.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 20 March 1907, page 9

It will be a week Friday morning since John Conway, the Ft Thomas contractor, disappeared and his books, hat and a letter to his wife, saying that he was going to commit suicide, were found on the bank of the Ohio River, near the foot of Beach street. His wife has offered a reward for the discovery of his body, but no trace of it has been secured.

Sarah Wright, aged 77, a widow, died last night at her home, 807 Maple avenue, Newport. Old age was the cause of death.

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 20 March 1907, page 5

 Mrs. Sarina Wright, 77, died yesterday at the home of her grandson, 807 Maple av. Newport. The funeral took place this afternoon with services in Evergreen Cemetery.

The remains of Miss Norma Bade, whose death occurred in Palm Beach Fla. will be brought to Newport Friday for burial.

George Shoemaker, 23, died at Speers Hospital, Dayton Ky. yesterday. The remains were taken to the family residence, where the funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 pm.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 21 March 1907, page 9

Dr. J E Menne, a veterinary surgeon, died yesterday at his residence on Monmouth street, Newport, after a short illness. Pneumonia was the cause of death. He was 70 years of age.

Philip O'Neil, 77, residing at 212 West Eighth street, Newport, died yesterday morning as a result of general paralysis. He leaves a wife and four children.

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 21 March 1907, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. A S Furneaux took place this afternoon from the residence, Miller's lane, Ft Thomas. Rev R Nelson of St Paul P E Church, Newport officiated. Interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.

George W Shoemaker died at Speers Hospital from complications and his body was taken to his father's home, 630 Seventh av. Dayton Ky. The funeral takes place from the home tomorrow at 2 pm.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 23 March 1907, page 10

The remains of the late Mrs. Charlotte Davis will be taken from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery this afternoon at 1 pm and interred in the family lot.

The funeral of Edward Coughlin, whose death followed the accident of high water when he was nearly drowned, will take place this morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am.

The remains of William Buerger and also of Louis Buerger Jr. will be removed from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery at 4 pm this afternoon and interred in the family lot.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 25 March 1907, page 9

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Josephine Tighe, 43-rheumatism of the heart; Philip O'Neil, 77-paralysis; Strenia Wright, 77-old age; John M Bauer, 79-paralysis; John F Menne, 62-pneumonia; Margaret Pichelmann, 74-pneumonia.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 28 March 1907, page 5

The remains of G F Hubbard will be cremated tomorrow afternoon in Cincinnati. The funeral will take place at 1:30 from the residence, Grandview av. Bellevue. Rev J A Colledge officiating. Douglas Lodge, K of P, will hold services at the residence this evening.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 29 March 1907, page 9

Mrs. Anna Bitzer, wife of ex-jailer John Bitzer, died yesterday at her home, 814 York street. The deceased was 38 years of age.

Mrs. Rosa Flaig, wife of Charles Flaig, of 40 Thornton street, Newport, died yesterday at her home, aged 44 years. Brights disease was the cause of death. The deceased leaves a husband and nine children.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 31 March 1907, page 4

Frank Callery, aged 26 years 8 months died at the residence northwest corner Seventh and Brighton sts. Newport Ky. March 29. Funeral Monday April 1. Services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 1 April 1907, page 7

Health Officer Brown death report: Infant Pierman; Charles Remlin 62; May Cowie, 29; Hattie Riley Surras, 41; Frank Callery, 26; Maggie A Neltner, 25; Annie Bitzer, 85; rosa Flaig, 44; George Emig Jr. 34.

William Sassler, 52, residing at 1037 Hamlet street, died yesterday. He was a widower and a carpenter by trade.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 2 April 1907, page 5

The wills of B F Gosney and Joseph Munkedieck were probated. They leave their property to their wives and at their deaths to their children.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 3 April 1907, page 9

Mrs. Patrick Cavaher, formerly of Bellevue, died yesterday at her home, 1231 Richmond street, Cincinnati. She was 86 years of age and death ws caused by ailments incident to old age.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 4 April 1907, page 9

Simon Reichert of York Penn. died yesterday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Annie White, 921 Second avenue. The deceased was 75 years of age. The funeral will take place at 2 pm today from the residence and interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery.

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 4 April 1907, page 5

Simon Reichert, 78, of York Pa. died yesterday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Annie White, 921 Second av. Dayton. The funeral took place at 2 pm today from the residence and interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 7 April 1907, page 6

The many friends of Mrs. Daisy Richards (nee Allen) will be grieved to learn of her death, which occurred Friday evening at 7 pm. The funeral services will take place from the residence of Mr. Allen Heath, 15 East Sixth street this afternoon at 2:30.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 8 April 1907, page 7

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Comfort C Pearson, 56; Margaret Weston, 65; Jane Wiegand, 52; Russell Rarell, 1; John Hesch, 33; Infant Ossage; Elizabeth Stacey, 75y; Clara L Hehl, 17; William Fassler, 52.

John Revell, aged 26, died yesterday at his home, 1103 German street.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, Thursday, 11 April 1907, page 5

The remains of the wife of Police Judge F B Mader were taken from the vault in St Stephen Cemetery and interred in the family lot today.

The reception to friends of Phil Sheridan Council YMI has been postponed on account of the death of William Metz.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 13 April 1907, page 5

Mrs. Maria Cook died at residence, 512 Elm st. Newport Ky. April 12, aged 86 years. Funeral from the Congregational Church at 2 pm. Monday.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 20 April 1907, page 5

Frank L Boyd died April 18,1907. Services at late home, 1706 Madison av. Covington. Burial Evergreen Cemetery, Newport, Ky.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 23 April 1907, page 11

John Reitz, 30 proprietor of a drugstore, died yesterday at his home, 316 West Seventh street of heart disease. He was in the Three's engine house about 8 pm and complained of a pain in the region of his heart. He was assisted home where he died. The leaves a widow and a daughter.

The remains of Jacob Schneider of Keturah and Isabella streets, who died as a result of injuries received when he was struck by a switch engine at Hamilton Oh, were received here yesterday. The funeral will take place this afternoon and the remains will be interred at Johns Hill.

Mrs. Jane Reilly, aged 82, widow of John Reilly and mother of ex-patrolman William Reilly and of Thomas Reilly, a conductor for the Pullman Car Company and for many years a newspaper man, died last night at her home, 702 East Tenth street.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 26 April 1907, page 7

John Supran, 85, is dead at Cedar Point O. He was for 50 years a resident of Dayton and leaves a wife and five adult children.

The funeral of Mrs. Bridget Lydon McKernan took place yesterday, services being held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The remains were place in the vault at St Joseph Cemetery on Price Hill.

The funeral of Mrs. Jane Reilly, widow of John, took place yesterday, services being held at the family residence on East Tenth st. Newport.

The funeral of John L Reitz took place yesterday with services at Corpus Christi Church of which congregation Reitz was an active member. Rev Father Leicht officiated and the remains were interred at St John Cemetery.

The death of Miss Virginia Taliaferro, daughter of the late James Taliaferro, which occurred on Wednesday at their home near Louisville Ky. has cast a deep gloom over her friends here as in Louisville, for she was a universal favorite. She was a niece of Mrs. Lou Gibson and Miss Tena Taliaferro of the Kentucky Highlands.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 29 April 1907, page 3

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Jane Riley, 81-heart disease; Belle Arnold, 28-anaemia; John Patterson, 42-tuberculosis; Myrtle Lancaster, 27-heart disease; John Reitz, 26-apoplexy; Infant Brownfield; Harriet Schweitzer-infant; Talea Harbers, 84-old age; George Wright, 15-tuberculosis.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 6 May 1907, page 7

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Lillian C Feldcamp, 17-tuberculosis; Timothy O'Brien, 23-typhoid fever; Jacob G Scheny, 63-pneumonia; Harmon Nagel, 71-pneumonia; Anastasia Welland, 75-apoplexy; Joseph S Chweikert, 45-nephritis; Mary Phillips, 19m-pnumonia; Ism Sanders, 52-tuberculosis; Margaret Erb, 76-catarrh of stomach; Christian Schuh, 67-cardiac paralysis; Mary Hoops, 78-apoplexy.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 7 May 1907, page 5

Jacob Creutz, 81, a former attorney of Newport, died yesterday afternoon at the family residence, 928 Washington, Newport. The deceased was the father of Mrs. Steve Cromer, and his son is Eugene, who is traveling in the South.

The funeral of Mary A Hupp, 55, who died Sunday, took place today at 3 pm from the residence, 46 Highland av. Ft Thomas, the burial being private.

The funeral of Henry Miles took place Tuesday at 11 am from the Asbury M E Church, Cold Spring. Rev Horton officiating. Interment in Asbury Cemetery.

Mrs. Mary Uhl, 60, passed away Monday at 4 am, Cold Spring, of pneumonia. She leaves six children.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 9 May 1907, page 5

Gustave Breiter, 51, for many years a resident of Newport and a member of the German Pioneers, died at his home, No 1041 Washington av. Newport of Brights disease. The funeral took place this afternoon.

After an illness of several weeks, Mrs. O Morton Hubbard died at 7:30 this morning at her home in Nelson pl. Newport. Mrs. Hubbard (nee Nettie Kidney) was the daughter of Mrs. James Kidney of East Fourth st. Newport.

Mrs. Philomena Bidenhorn, 77, of Division st. Bellevue, died today at  noon.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 10 May 1907, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Philomena Bidenhorn, who died yesterday at her home, 313 Division st. Bellevue, age 77 of pneumonia, has not been decided upon, owning to the absence of a son, who is in Lansing Mich. She leaves three adult children. The services will be at Sacred Heart Church and interment in St Joseph Cemetery, Cincinnati.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 11 May 1907, page 10

Jasper P Williams, aged 50, a printer died of dropsy yesterday at his home on Linden avenue in the Highlands. He was a widower and leaves a family of grown children.

Mrs. Theodore Clephane, 62, died suddenly at her home, 118 East Second street, yesterday. The deceased was a sufferer of heart trouble. She leaves four sons and four daughters.

Andrew Schearer, 62, a well know Cold Spring farmer, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital. Cancer of the stomach caused death. The funeral will take place Monday morning with services at St Joseph Church at Cold Spring.

The funeral of Mrs. Philomena Biedenharn will take place Tuesday morning from the Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue, Rev Father Hissen officiating at requiem mass.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 13 May 1907, page 11

Frank Donelan, son of Squire M F Donelan, died yesterday at his home on West Fourth street. The deceased was 34 years of age and one of the best known and popular young men in Newport. Stomach trouble was the cause of death. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed. (Note: Same page) The funeral of Frank Donelan will take place Wednesday morning at 9 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

Henry B Fuchs, aged 77, died yesterday at the home of his sister, Mrs. John Stierer, 542 East Third street. Four adult children, three daughters and one son survive him.

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Mary Hoops, 78; Infant Weiss, 1 day; George M Gordy, 72; Jacob Creutz, 81; John D Horn, 1m; Gustav Brieter, 31; Margreta Wald, 47; Henry B Miles, 90; William Cluster, 58; Nettie B Hubbard, 38; Sister Mary of St Anthony (Welsh) 34; Emma Clephane, 59; George Browdas, 28; Henry B Fuchs, 71.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 14 May 1907, page 11

John Schubert, aged 72, an entomologist residing at 1117 Orchard street, was struck by a C&O train No 5 yesterday afternoon near the Tenth street bridge and instantly killed. Schubert was returning from a search after insects when he met his death.

The murder of Henry Kassenbrock occurred in San Francisco a few days ago. Mrs. Mary Arnold, who conducts a dry good store at Fairfield and Lafayette avenues, Bellevue received a letter containing the report of the tragedy. The murder, it is claimed was committed by a man named Thiele, manager of the grocery in San Francisco in which Kenssenbrock was the principal stockholder. Kassenbrock together with Rev Thomas McGrady, former pastor of St Anthony Church left this city three years ago to engage in the grocery business. Kennsenbrock was 42 years of age and leaves a widow, a sister of Mrs. Arnold.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 17 May 1907, page 11

Eugene Callahan, Newport patrolman, whose death occurred suddenly yesterday morning at his home, 138 West Fourth street.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 18 May 1907, page 5

Henry A Bankemper, aged 59 years, died May 17, 3:320 pm at the residence of his brother nwc Elm and Brighton sts. Newport Ky.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 23 May 1907, page 7

Cora Grace Borne, died at 4:30 pm May 21 at residence, 529 Elm st. Newport Ky. aged 17 years and 4 months. Funeral services at residence Friday, May 24, at 2 pm.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 25 May 1907, page 3

The body of William Van Pelt of Newport, whose death occurred in Indianapolis, Ind. was brought to this city yesterday and taken to Smith's undertaking establishment, where a short funeral service was held this afternoon at 2 pm. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.

Philip Burkhardt, 60, died at his home, 814 Saratoga st. yesterday. He leaves a widow and an adult son and daughter. The funeral will take place Monday morning from St Stephen Church.

Mrs. Rosanna Roach, 77, of Newport, died yesterday at the residence of her son, W G Roach, in Cincinnati after a long illness.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 27 May 1907, page 5

Health Officer George W Brown deaths report: John B Schwienher, 80-senility; John A Lehkamp, 23-typhoid fever; Frances Simon, 8-accident; Katherine Schmidt, 70-bronchitis; Cora Grace Borne, 17-tuberculosis; Cornelius P Wagonlander, 13m-marasmus; Henry Bankamper, 59-heart disease; Ignatius Hildebrand, 50-paralysis; George E Shepherd, 55-cirrhosis of liver.

Miss Bertie V Geer, 16, died yesterday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E Geer, 500 Fourth av. Dayton Ky. She returned from California about a week ago, where she had gone in a futile effort to regain her failing health. Mrs. Geer, the mother, is reported seriously ill as a result of grief over her daughters demise.

Mrs. Katherine Stock, 70, 608 Third av. died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Klable.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 8 June 1907, page 5

Susan Highbee, relict of the late William W Higbee, died after a lingering illness in the 88th year of her age, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Charles W Carty, 721 York st. Newport Ky. Funeral at Spring Grove Chapel at 2 pm Monday, June 10.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 10 June 1907, page 5

Mrs. H A Platts, mother of Druggist G E Platts, of Bellevue, died yesterday at her home in Dent O. aged 90. The funeral will take place at 2 pm Monday from the residence.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 18 June 1907, page 9

Richard McGinnis, 38, died yesterday morning at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Schied, 522 Lindsay street, Newport. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 24 June 1907, page 5

Bernard Benke, 74, an uncle of Patrolman Frank Benke, died yesterday at his residence, 1006 Saratoga st. Newport.

Dina Table, 42, single, died yesterday at her home, 831 Saratoga st. Newport. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning, with services at St Stephen Church.

Katherine Cahill, 3 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Cahill of 524 Thornton st. Newport died Saturday. The funeral took place today. Burial at St Stephen Cemetery.

The funeral of Henry Asche took place this morning with services from the Corpus Christi Church. Burial Johns Hill Cemetery.

Gregory Seiter, 39, died yesterday at Erie Pa. from a complication of troubles. He was a resident of Bellevue for a long time. Notice of the funeral will be given later. The interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery, the remains arriving tomorrow.

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Herman Hegman, 37; Adolph Waldemeyer, 73; Peter Boehmer, 64; Infant Meyer; Richard McGinnis, 38; Elizabeth Brown, 31; Eunace Dawson, 2; John C Ferguson, 38; Phillibina Diedenhoefer, 41; Albert Jacobi, 45.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 26 June 1907, page 7

Archibald Campbell, died suddenly at his residence, 410 E Eighth st. Newport Ky. June 25, 1907, aged 42 years. Funeral from Church of the Immaculate Conception Thursday morning at 9 am.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 26 June 1907, page 9

Coroner Digby yesterday rendered a verdict of accidental death in the case of James Mulvey, who was killed by a C&O freight Monday. The brakeman on the cars told Digby that he did not see Mulvey until the train was on top of him, and that it would have been impossible for him to have signaled the engineer in time to avert the accident.

Gustave Degenhart, father-in-law of Edward Schmolt, of Newport, died yesterday at his home, aged 70 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with services at 9 am.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 3 July 1907, page 2

The body of Fred Neagerle has not been recovered by the Bellevue authorities, who have worked since Monday. The boy drowned at the foot of Patchen av. Bellevue.

Stella Geiss, daughter of Edward Geiss, died yesterday at her residence, 557 East Third st. Newport.

Daniel J Cunningham, 5 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cunningham, died yesterday at his parents home, 433 West Ninth st. Newport. The funeral will take place from the residence tomorrow morning.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 7 July 1908, page 5

The funeral of Miss Stella Kotter, 20, took place this morning from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Goode, 219 Poplar st. at 8:30. High requiem mass was held at 9 at Sacred Heart Church.

Mary Cummins, wife of John, of 128 West Third st. Newport died yesterday.

Elwood New, 41, residing at 420 West Eighth st. Newport died yesterday.

Florence Hazel Cooper, the 14 year old daughter of Michael Cooper, of 727 York st. Newport died yesterday of diphtheria.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 12 July 1907, page 5

Mrs. Nicholas Loux, 117 West Fourth st. Newport died yesterday, aged 50 years. She is survived by a husband, the tailor and a family of eight children. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from the residence.

Julius Sandhas, aged 74 years, died Wednesday, July 10 at residence, 939 Monmouth st. Newport. Funeral Saturday at 8:30 am from residence, with services at St Stephen Church at 9 am. Relatives and friends invited.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 15 July 1907, page 8

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Albert Fillhardt, 28; Charles Wend, 81; Mary Mall, 37; Martin Kehoe, 2m; Rosia A Allgood, 65; Julius Sanhaus, 74; Lillie Weber, 28; Emma Leininger, 48; Herbert Gerding, 3m; Fred Hesch, 7d; Ed Wilmes, 1y.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 July 1908, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. George Lincoln will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm with services in the residence, 112 West Eleventh st. Newport, conducted by Rev F E Bigelow and burial in Evergreen Cemetery.

Word was received in Newport today of the death of Carl Goetze, 22, at Lakeland Asylum. Goetze was sent from Dayton several years ago, having been judged insane in the Circuit Court. His mental trouble was caused by worry over his work as a bank clerk. Deceased was a grandson of ex-City Clerk Goetze of Dayton. His widowed mother and sister survive him. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from Sixth av. Dayton. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of Mrs. Anna Haas took place this morning from St Anthony Church in Bellevue. Interment in St Stephen Cemetery.

The pallbearers at the burial of Frank Speth, of Dayton, which took place yesterday afternoon were: T A Casey, M F Carr, A D Hewetson, P T Kaighn, J A Hughes, Charles Hanhauer, John Rushe and Otto Gauel.

Edwin C Brell, aged 7 months, died yesterday at the home of his parents, 612 German st. Dayton of convulsions.

The funeral of Mrs. Clara Brookbank, took place at 2 pm today from Trinity Lutheran Church, Bellevue. The pallbearers were her three brothers, Edward, Harry and Harvey Robb and her brother in law Ernest Brookbank.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 18 July 1907, page 5

After suffering with a face cancer for four years, death came to Nelson C Whitten last evening. He was a brother of Charles Whitten, collector on the Central Bridge. The funeral took place from his home, 216 East Southgate st. Newport, this morning.

The funeral of Casper Planzer took place yesterday afternoon with services at the family residence. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 25 July 1907, page 7

Carrie M Erpenbeck, died in Newport, July 22, aged 41 years and 2 months. Funeral from residence, 814 Overton st. Thursday, July 26. Services at 8 am at St Stephen Church.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 27 July 1907, page 5

Ruth, the five year old daughter of Robert Woods, of Eighth and Monroe sts. Newport died yesterday. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 28 July 1907, page 7

Ruth Wood, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M Wood, died. Funeral 2:30 Sunday afternoon from 735 Monroe st. Newport Ky.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 1 August 1907, page 5

A young child of Mr. and Mrs. John Freppon was buried yesterday from St Francis Church, Dayton.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 3 August 1907, page 5

The funeral of H J Heister took place today.

The funeral of Frank Botts, who was crushed to death in Newport Wednesday, took place this afternoon from the residence, Second av. Dayton Ky.

August Schoffield, 33, Union st. Bellevue, died early today. The funeral will take place Monday morning from St Anthony Chruch. Schoffield was single.

The remains of Mrs. Marie Braun and infant will be buried in the same casket tomorrow afternoon, at 3 pm. Services from the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 6 August 1907, page 11

Word was received here yesterday of the death of Sister Mary David, who for many years had charge of the Immaculate Academy. Her death occurred last week at the Mother House at Nazareth Ky.

William Trautman, 49, residing at 906 York street, Newport, died yesterday. Death was due to a complication of diseases. The deceased leaves a wife and four children. the funeral services will be held at St Stephen Church at 9 am Thursday morning.

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 6 August 1907, page 5

The funeral of William Conelin who committed suicide near Brent Station by shooting himself, took place this morning from Betz's mortuary chapel on East Sixth st. Newport.

Mrs. Philomena Brownfield, wife of Arthur Brownfield, died yesterday at her home, 813 Seventh ave. Dayton, aged 28 years. She is survived by her husband and two children. The funeral will take place Thursday morning from the residence.

William Trautmann, 49, a lifelong resident of Newport, died yesterday at his home, 906 York st. The funeral will take place Thursday morning from St Stephen Church.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 12 August 1907, page 7

Mrs. Bernardina Fisher, 75, residing at Seventh and Dayton streets, Newport, died early yesterday morning at the family residence. Old age and general debility caused death.

Health Officer Brown deaths report: William Conclin, 77; William Conclin, 50; John Herbst, 91; William Trautman, 49; Carry Wagner, 44; Ray Pierce.

Joseph H Slack, master mechanic of the L&N Railroad Company for 15 years, died yesterday at his residence, in Bonnie Leslie. He leaves a widow and two children. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 13 August 1907, page 11

Mollie Luck, 16, residing near Cold Spring, died yesterday at Speers Hospital of consumption.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 14 August 1907, page 5

Mrs. Josephine Runnells, 55, wife of James Runnells, died yesterday at the family residence, 724 Monroe st. Newport. the deceased was the mother of Miss Alice Runnells, teacher in the public schools; Mrs. Percy DeCamp and Ed Runnells. The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning.

Pauline Klump, 26, died yesterday at her residence, in Cold Spring. The deceased went to Colorado in the hope of recuperating her health, but the change did not do much good.

The funeral of Fred Franz, who was drowned at Les Chenaux Islands while on his vacation there, took place yesterday afternoon. Services were held at the family residence, 320 Columbia st. Newport.

Coroner James B Digby, up to noon today, was not positive as to the death of Peter Smith, who resides in Campbell co. at a place called Poplar Thicket. It is alleged by the Highland police that John and George Martain, Joseph Reismond and Jonathan Wilson know something of the scrap which occurred at Gardner's Grove on the Licking Pike Sunday. It is alleged that Smith was struck with a pair of brass knuckles by John Martin, who is out on $2000 bail, charged with assault.

The body of William White, who was drowned while bathing at the foot of Vine st. Dayton, Thursday evening was recovered at Van Voast av. by Joseph Shumate and John Abele. Little Irene who was with her father at the time of the accident, stood on the beach as the body was brought to the surface. The funeral will take place from the residence, 525 Fifth av. tomorrow morning at 10 am, the interment in Spring Grove Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 15 August 1907, page 9

Coroner Digby yesterday held an inquest on the body of William White, who lost his life while bathing in the Ohio Monday evening, and returned a verdict of accidental drowning. The funeral of the deceased will take place at 10 am this morning from the residence on Fifth avenue, Dayton Ky. Interment will be in Spring Grove Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 19 August 1907, page 8

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Joseph H Slack, 74; William Ray, 45; Bernardina Fisher, 75-typhoid fever; Josephine Runnells, 55; Mary B Larkly, 50-abscess of the liver; Charles Smith, 1y-whooping cough; Nellie Hammer, 5m; Mary Noterman, 50-carinoma of the stomach.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 22 August 1907, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Fitzsimmons of 133 Fifth av. Dayton, will be held tomorrow morning at the Sacred Heart Church, the burial being at Price Hill Cemetery, Cincinnati.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 26 August 1907, page 8

Health Officer George W Brown deaths report: Katherine Wessling, 74-old age; Margaret Murray, 4m-meningitis; Helen Fields, 2-meningitis; Cora Gould, 46-enteritis; Marguerite Schwab, 59-paralysis; Ruth A Robinson, 16 days-uraemia.

Kentucky Post, Monday, 26 August 1907, page 5

Otto Graser, 32, of the Highlands, died in Speers Hospital in Dayton yesterday after six weeks illness in the hospital. The decedent was single and live with his parents. The funeral will be held in St Thomas Church tomorrow morning. Interment will be in St Stephen Church.

The funeral of Bernard J Rose took place from St Francis Church this morning, the interment being in Calvary Cemetery, Walnut Hills.

Leah Menke, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Menke, 309 Foote av. Bellevue, died yesterday. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 September 1907, page 5

Bernard McKernan, 36, died this morning at the home of his sister, Mrs. Walter Rowe, 232 East Fourth st. Newport. The funeral will take place Thursday morning from the Rowe residence with requiem mass at the Immaculate Conception Church at 9 am.

Thomas O'Dowd, 814 Thornton, Dayton, died last night. O'Dowd was a member of the Holy Name Society of St Anthony Church. He leaves a son and two daughters. The was an expressman in Dayton for years.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 5 September 1907, page 9

William Fitzgerald, known to the police at Newport as the "Skipper" died at Speers Hospital, yesterday morning as the result of injuries he received Tuesday when he was run over by a Ft Thomas car while asleep on the tracks. Fitzgerald has a brother who resides on the Licking pike and Coroner Digby will not allow the remains to be interred until the latter is heard from. Fitzgerald formerly worked for the poolrooms and for Moock, the dairyman. Poolroom employees and Manager Beroero made up a purse of 424 which was augmented $16 by Mr. Moock. The street car company also contributed to the purse, and Fitzgerald will be given a nice funeral.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 8 September 1907, page 14

Word was received in Newport yesterday of the death of Council Grove, Kan. of William Eckert, a former resident of Newport, at the age of 66 The deceased left Newport 30 years ago and became a successful merchant in the city where he died.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 9 September 1907, page 7

Health Officer Brown deaths report; Margaret Mulvaney, 58; Fred Bloomberg, 14m; Ellen Julian, 10; Barney McKernan, 37; John Winterman, 53; Mary Hogart, 2; Flora Davis, 25; William Fitzgerald, 33, railroad accident; Ralph W Orcutt, 15m.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 September 1907, page 5

Word was received in Newport yesterday of the death of Mrs. Mary Creaglo, 82, a former well known resident here, in the home of her daughter, in Los Angeles Cal. Saturday.

Ben Huber, Sixth av. Dayton, died at Speers Hospital yesterday morning of heart failure. He leaves a widow and one child. The funeral will be held from the residence of his brother in law on the Alexandria pike tomorrow afternoon.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 18 September 1907, page 9

Henry Klekamp, an old resident of Newport, died last night at his home, 345 E Ninth street, Newport. He was an octogenarian and was engaged in the house raising business in this city for many years. The tragedy of his life was the killing of his two daughter, Mrs. John Jolly and sister, for which Jolly was sent up for life. He leaves a son and a daughter.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 23 September 1907, page 5

W T Arnold, aged 60 years, died at his residence, Newport Ky. Sunday morning. Funeral services at chapel of Evergreen Cemetery, Tuesday afternoon at 2 pm.

Health Officer Brown deaths report: August Wolborn, 49-typhoid fever; William Diedenboeffer, 5m; George Fennel, 57-meningitis; Charles Hoval, 6 days-convulsions; Edith Gault, 12-paralysis; Jacob Crick, 23-typhoid fever; James A Hutchinson, 72.

The ashes of the late George Fennell, whose remains were cremated at the Cincinnati Crematory Saturday afternoon, will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery this afternoon at 2.

Jerry Callahan, a brother of Patrolman Eugene Callahan, deceased, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital. Remains were removed to the home of his parents at 1323 Pendleton street, Cincinnati.

Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 September 1907, page 5-Jerry Callahan, 38, Newport, died yesterday in St Elizabeth Hospital. The body was taken to the residence of a relative, 1325 Pendleton st. Cincinnati.

William Arnold, a cousin of Brent and James M Arnold, died yesterday at his home, 717 Dayton st. Heart disease was the cause of trouble.

The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Stricker took place this afternoon from the residence and the chapel at Evergreen. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. James Johnston, of San Francisco and Mrs. Charles McArthur of Jacksonville Fla.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 30 September 1907, page 5

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Anna S Wessling, 47; William T Arnold, 59; Barbara Groh, 67; Florence M Stratton, 15; Charlotte Eifert, 71; George Lieberth, 41; Justin Babcock, 8 months.

Justin, the 8 month old son of Robert Babcock, died Saturday at the family residence on Robert st. The remains were cremated yesterday.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 27 November 1907, page 2

The funeral of Mrs. A Wall, who died at her residence, 840 Columbia st. Newport yesterday took place today at 9 am with requiem high mass at the Immaculate Conception Church. Joseph Wall, an officer of the warship Wilmington, who is a son and four daughters, Mrs. H F McKenzie of Dayton O.; Mrs. J F Klip and Miss Lida and Mamie Wall survive. Interment was at St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 3 October 1907, page 9

Prof. Charles House, in charge of Park Avenue school, died yesterday at Christ Hospital, following an operation for necrosis of the bone of his leg. The surgery was a success bur pneumonia developed. Prof House was 47 years of age and came to Newport from New Richmond. Services will be held at the home of his brother in law, John G Herman, Eleventh and York streets, this afternoon after which the remains will be shipped to New Richmond.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 October 1907, page 5

Edward J Morris, 49, died last night at his home, 533 East Third st. Newport of cardiac paralysis. He is survived by a widow and four children. The funeral services will be held at 10 am Sunday morning at the Grace M E Church. The deceased was President of the Board of Trustees of the church and Superintendent of the Sunday school.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 28 October 1907, page 5

Emma Seymour, 352 Berry av. Bellevue died yesterday at her home. She was 55 years old and is survived by two brothers, John and George. The funeral will be held this afternoon in Evergreen Chapel.

Word was received in Newport of the death at Montgomery Ala. of John T Brown, brother of former Police and Fire Commissioner, Harry Brown. The deceased left Newport two years ago and settled in Montgomery, in the hopes of regaining his health. His sister, Mrs. W F Emerson, left Friday night for his bedside, on receipt of a telegram announcing his critical illness.

Blood poisoning that developed on the the finger was the cause of death of Catherine Backes, which occurred Saturday at the family residence, 810 Central av. Newport. The deceased was 73 years of age. The funeral took place this morning with services at Corpus Christi Church.

Ursula Grainger, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Grainger (nee Niederschmidt) died at her home, 319 Union st. Bellevue Ky. aged 14 years 3 months and 6 days. Funeral from Sacred Heart Church  Oct 30, at 9 am.

The funeral services over the remains of Rev Harley J Steward were held at the Presbyterian Church, Overton st. Newport yesterday afternoon.  The interment was in Evergreen Cemetery. Rev Whitehead read the burial service.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 30 October 1907, page 11

A telegram was received here yesterday announcing the death of Robert Obernesser at Tioga, Texas. His brother, Otto, residing at 908 Isabella street, Newport stated last night that he telegram merely contained the information that Robert had been killed on the Texas Pacific Railroad on which he was employed as a brakeman. Later he was learned that his death occurred on Sunday and that he was buried at Ft Worth. Obernesser was 37 years of age and have been employed by the railroad for only a short time. His relatives will have his body brought to this city.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 2 November 1907, page 5

Captain F A Autenheimer, aged 78 years, died Wednesday, October 30 at 10:15 pm. Funeral from residence, 822 York at Newport Ky. Funeral Monday November 4 at 10:30 am. Interment at Spring Grove Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 November 1907, page 5

Walston M Nagel, 7, died of diphtheria last night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nagel. The father is a former patrolman on the Bellevue force. He had been sick about two weeks. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 pm from the residence, the interment being in Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 16 November 1907, page 5

Frank Weaver, 71, formerly of Alexandria Ky. died yesterday afternoon at Speers Hospital.

Mrs. Louisa F Peters, 70, died at 9:35 last night at her residence, 316 Sixth av. Dayton. She leaves two sons, August F and William L, and a nephew August F. She had lived in Dayton 21 years. The funeral will take place Monday at 1 pm. Interment in German Protestant Cemetery, Walnut Hills O.

Marcellus Junk, 14 months, son of Joseph and Barbara, died at 8:30 am today from spasms.

The funeral of Christian Ziegler took place yesterday afternoon, services being held at the family residence on Johns Hill. The interment was at Johns Hill Cemetery.

Mrs. Anna McNamara, died this morning at her home on Keturah st. Newport. Mrs. McNamara was 67 years old and survived by seven grown son, Michael politician of Fourth Ward; Joseph "Reddy" ballplayer of both big and major leagues, Patrick, employed in Government. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning with high requiem mass at the Immaculate Conception Church.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 17 November 1904, page 5

Fred Glenkler Jr. 24 years of age, a well known shoe cutter of Newport died at his home on Hamlet st. Thursday morning.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 18 November 1907, page 8

J Kelly Spencer died at his home on Powell street, Newport shortly after being released from the custody of the Cincinnati Police Friday night. Evidence of peritonitis were found and an indication of internal injury that Spencer sustained when he fell from his wagon shortly before he was placed under arrest. Spencer's funeral will be held this afternoon. He leaves a widow and three small children.

Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 November 1907, page 5

Jacob Riedinger, 54, life long resident of Newport, died yesterday at Speers Hospital, Dayton, of pneumonia. He is survived by a widow and two grown children.

Jacob Wagner, 54, a machinist, residing on Saratoga st. died yesterday. He is survived by a widow and two children.

The funeral of Mrs. McNamara will be held tomorrow morning at 9 am at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Interment will be in St Joseph Cemetery, Price Hill.

Dr. George W Brown deaths report: Martin McGrath, 49-cirrhosis of liver; Anna McNamara, 67-bronchitis; Carl Snider, 8 days-pneumonia; Hirsh Pilderwasser, 63-heart disease; Mike Weaver, 51-pneumonia.

Mrs. Carrie Steinhauser, 1030 York st. Newport, whose funeral took place this afternoon from the residence, is said to have died of grief. She passed away Saturday, and became ill a month ago when her brother, Frank Vogel committed suicide. Mrs. Steinhauser's interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 27 November 1907, page 7

Daniel G Coppin, died in his 72d year, Monday, November 25 at 4:45 pm. Burial on Thursday at 1 pm. from his late residence, 61 E Forth st. Newport Ky. Interment Spring Grove Cemetery. Friends invited.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 29 November 1907, page 5

James Vert, 45, a lather, died yesterday at Speers Hospital. The body was removed to his home 604 East Front st.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 6 December 1907, page 9

The seven month old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Schweitzer, residing at 526 Saratoga street, Newport, was found dead in bed by Mrs. Schweitzer yesterday morning. Death due to pneumonia.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 December 1907, page 5

The death of Mrs. Louis Siefert, 75, which occurred Saturday at her home, 419 Hodge st. Newport, recalls the murder of her husband Joseph Siefert, which took place six years ago in Cincinnati. Mrs. Siefert has been a resident of Newport nearly all her life and was well known. One sister is the only surviving relative.

Health Officer George W Brown deaths report in Newport: Matthew Ashe, 86, cardiac paralysis; Marie Barchesmarches, 14, typhoid fever; George Jones, 25, meningitis; Wilhelmina Bruck, 72, senility; Margaret Clark, 27, tuberculosis; William Kratzmeier, 5, whooping cough; Infant Ware, 2 days, convulsions; Reuben Tedrow, 97, old age; Theodore Ryan, 2m, pneumonia; Mary A Noe, 72, senility.

Mrs. A S Mann, Washington av. Bellevue, has received word that her brother, George W Capron is dead at Hartford Ct.

Mrs. Louisa Wheeler, 49, sister of M-- Hearn, died Saturday at her residence, West Third st. Ft Thomas after a short illness.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 December 1907, page 5

Charles, 2 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. H W Shoup, 126 Eight av. Dayton, was found dead in bed yesterday. Coroner Digby rendered a verdict of death from natural causes. The funeral took place today with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of Mrs. Alice Holmes Wheeler took place yesterday with services at the Church of Immaculate Conception. The pall bearers were Dr. Marcus A Reardon, Henry Fitzsimmons, John Heuver and Howard A Fairweather.

The funeral of George Lincoln, father of R E Lincoln, of the Board of Education, took place yesterday afternoon services being held at the family residence, East Eleventh st. Newport. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 22 December 1907, page 10

The funeral of James Richardson, whose death occurred at Speers Hospital Friday, will take place this afternoon with services at 2 pm.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 December 1907, page 5

Dr. George W Brown reported the following deaths in Newport: Margaret Poe, 7 days; John Thomas Oliver, 47, cerebral hemorrhage; Aloysius Amerin, 66, chronic cystitis; James Richardson, 42, pneumonia; Louisa Seifert, 75, apoplexy; pneumonia; Michael Ray, 69, bronchitis; Nettie Friedhoff, 73, cardiac paralysis.

Word was received here of the death of Miss Ida Cummins, formerly of Newport. Miss Cummins was a relative of former Chief of Police Wallingford of Newport. The remains will be interred at Memphis Tenn.

The funeral of Charles H Wust took place Saturday afternoon from the residence on Division st. Bellevue. Interment was at Spring Grove Cemetery.

H C Williams, 82, father in law of Joseph Schatzman, a confectioner, died Saturday night at Speers Hospital where he had been an inmate for the past two years. Death was due to general debility following a sunstroke. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 1 pm from the residence. Interment will be in Spring Grove Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 1 January 1908, page 7

Rose Megerle (nee Miller) died Tuesday, December 31, 1907, at 10 pm. at residence, Sixth st. and Park av. Newport Ky. aged 42 years. Due notice of funeral will be given.

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 January 1908, page 2

The family of Mr. and Mrs. A L Russell, Thornton st. Dayton, is again bereaved. William, 8, was taken down with diphtheria some days ago and was buried yesterday morning from St Francis Church. The daughter Elizabeth, died in the afternoon and was buried today at 11 am. The body of the sister was laid by the side of her brother in St Francis Cemetery.

Mrs. Rose Megerle, wife of Charles, a Newport capitalist, died last night at the family residence, Sixth and Park sts. She was 42 years of age. Besides the widower, six children survive her, Stella, Edward, Roy, Edna, Ross and Charles Jr.

Mrs. Mary Rettig, 209 Division st. died yesterday at her home, Bellevue. She was 42 and is survived by her husband, Edward.

Creed Baldwin, who served as a Lieutenant in the Confederate army, died yesterday at Speers Hospital. The deceased was 62 years old and a prominent Mason. The remains will be shipped to his home in North Carolina.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 January 1908, page 5

Christopher Potts, 66, of 313 Columbia st. Newport died this morning. Last April he was thrown from a traction car at the L&N Bridge.

Ernest Hilker, one of the oldest residents of Campbell co. died Saturday at his home on the Alexandria pike. He was 80 years of age and six daughters, all of them married, survive him. The funeral was held this morning with services at the M E Church, Alexandria at 11 am.

Shelby Handley, 35, died yesterday at the residence of his parents, 932 Patterson st. Newport. The funeral took place this afternoon with services at the residence.

Mrs. E C Smith, mother of Harry and Elmer Smith, well know rolling mill men, died last night at her home, Third and Central av. Newport.

John Groeschen, 78, residing on Grand av. in the Highlands, died yesterday of paralysis. The deceased leaves a widow and one son. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning with services at St Thomas Church.

The funeral of Alvin Coffer, who died Saturday at his home, Fairfield and Lafayette av. Bellevue, took place this afternoon at 1:30, the interment being in Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 January 1908, page 5

Margaret Young, 10, who was poisoned Thursday evening from eating sausage, died yesterday at her home Fifth and Columbia st. Newport. Spinal meningitis set in and proved to be fatal. Services will be held at the family residence tonight at 7:30 and the remains will be shipped to Lexington Ky. tomorrow.

Mrs. Laura E Matthews, 63, died yesterday. She is survived by a family of adult children. The funeral took place at 2 pm today from the residence at 214 Foote av. Bellevue, and interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 January 1908, page 5

Intelligence was received here yesterday of the death of Roy Childs at El Paso Tex. from typhoid fever. The decedent was 28 years of age and is survived by a widow. The remains will be brought here for interment. Childs formerly resided on Clark st. Dayton.

Joseph McAtee, 68, residing at Sixth and Saratoga st. Newport, died yesterday. McAtee was a widower and leaves five grown children. The funeral will take place tomorrow.

Mrs. Mary Schultz, mother in law of Thomas Bardo, died yesterday at her home on Johns Hill.

Benjamin Dietrich, 50, died yesterday at his home, Ninth and Ann st. He had been ailing with heart trouble and arterio sclerosis. He leaves a widow and several children.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 17 January 1908, page 5

The funeral of O H Perry, 74, who died Tuesday at his home, 1043 Saratoga st. Newport, took place this afternoon with services at the residence at 2 pm.

Word was received in Newport of the death of R E Childs, a former well known resident here, which occurred at El Paso, Texas, Wednesday of typhoid fever. The body will be brought to Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 18 January 1908, page 5

Lola Craig, beloved wife of William Craig, died January 17, 1908, aged 29 years. Funeral Sunday, January 19, from residence, 731 York st. Newport Ky. at 9 am.

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 18 January 1908, page 5

Nora Kelly, 26, of 323 Hodge st. Newport, died yesterday. She is the sister of Father Kelly of the Immaculate Conception Church. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed, but the mass will be read by her brother.

Charles Jack, 80, died yesterday at his home, 227 East Seventh st. Newport of pneumonia. He is survived by a widow and a family of adult children The funeral will take place at 9 am Monday morning from St Stephen Church and will be placed in a vault at St Stephen Cemetery.

Mrs. Louis Craig, wife of William, died yesterday at her home 731 York st. Newport of pneumonia. Mrs. Craig was 29 years of age and is survived by a husband and a young daughter. The funeral took place at 9 am today from the residence and interment was in a cemetery at Westwood O.

The remains of Roy Childs, who died in Texas, arrived last night over the B&O Railroad and were taken in charge by Funeral Director Cunningham. The remains were removed to the house of the deceased mother, Mrs. Luella Clark, Clark St. near Third, Dayton.

Julius Specht, manager of a large clothing house in Cincinnati, died suddenly yesterday at his home, 127 Fairfield av. Bellevue, of asthma. He had been confined to his home only two days and had been in his usual health, prior to that time. He is survived by a widow and a young child.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 20 January 1908, page 5

Elizabeth Crowhurst, beloved wife of George E Crowhurst, died at 1401 York st. Newport Ky. Sunday, January 19, 10:45 am. aged 61 years. Funeral from residence Wednesday, January 22 at 2 pm.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 25 January 1908, page 10

Miss Minnie Altemeyer died yesterday at her home, 931 Hamlet street, Newport. The funeral services will be held tomorrow at 1:30 pm. at the family residence.

Sarah Raugh, aged 81, residing at 119 E Fifth street, Newport, died yesterday at her home. Paralysis was the cause of death. Raugh leaves one daughter, Miss Clara Raugh. The funeral services will be held at the family residence at 7:30 pm this evening. The remains will be shipped to Portsmouth Ohio, tomorrow morning.

Charles Flynn, 30, residing at 823 German street, died yesterday. The funeral services will be held Monday morning at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 27 January 1908, page 5

The funeral of Charles Flynn was held this morning with services at the Immaculate Conception Church. The interment was at St Stephen Cemetery.

The funeral services of Lewis Palmer, a veteran Newport grocer, were held this morning at the family residence. The interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.

Dr. George W Brown, health officer deaths report: Elizabeth Crowhurst, 61-pneumonia; Sallie Schwartz, 6-pneumonia; Mabel E Greves, 5-pneumonia; Dena Helch, 62-Brights disease; D H Coffin, 87-pneumonia; Irein Helfrich, 1 day; Minnie Alterneir, 25-appendictis; Florence Archbach, 4 days-convulsions; Sarah Raugh, 80-paralysis; Mary Goldstein, 2-hemorrhage of lung; Dennis Kehoe, 82-apoploxy; Charles Flynn, 30-phthisis pulmonary; Mary Davies, 65-pneumonia.

Susan Hopperton, 42, residing at 515 Thornton st. Newport died suddenly yesterday morning. The deceased was very fleshy, weighing nearly 300 pounds. Coroner Digby rendered a verdict of death due to natural causes. Mrs. Hopperton leaves a husband and several children.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 31 January 1908, page 9

Elizabeth McMurrer, mother of Frank McMurrer, died yesterday at her residence, Third and Sycamore streets, Cincinnati, of pneumonia. Mrs. McMurrer leaves three children. the funeral will be tomorrow morning at St Xavier Church.

The funeral of Mrs. Dr. Zinn, sister of City Solicitor Courtland Baker, took place yesterday, services being held at the Alexandria Methodist Church. The remains were interred at the Alexandria Cemetery.

James Noe, a former resident of Newport, died yesterday at the County Infirmary. The remains were removed to the home of his sisters, 122 East Second street.

Helen Kunekl, wife of the ice man, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital of pneumonia. The remains were removed to her home, 1209 John street.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 3 February 1908, page 8

Judge John T Harrison, a former Police Court Judge of Newport Ky. died this afternoon at his home three miles east of Milford, Oh. Judge Harrison was about 80 years of age and for many years he practiced law in Newport. He retired from the court bench about 20 years ago and purchased a farm in Clermont County, near Mt Repose, where he spent his remaining years.

Kentucky Post, Monday, 3 February 1908, page 5

Dr. Geo W Brown, of Newport report of deaths: Louis Palmer, 59-Brights disease; James M Noe, 76-old age; Mary Miller, 76-penumonia; Martin Reigler, 60-cardiac paralysis; Emma Klatzbach, 28, tuberculosis; George Hutchinson, 63-bronchitis; George Yeager, 52-cirrhosis of liver; Michael Gerhardstein, 53-uraemia; Nellie Phfirman, 29-uraemia; Mary Bush, 63-Brights disease; A A Hopperton, 43-paralysis.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 February 1908, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Emma Klotzbach took place yesterday afternoon, services being held at the family residence in Southgate. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.

Joseph Eschan, 25, Deputy County Assessor and one of the best known young men in the upper part of Campbell co. died yesterday at his home in Alexandria. He was the son of Alois Eschan, hotel keeper in Alexandria. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with services at St Mary Church at 10 am.

George Steinhauer, pioneer motorman on the South Covington & Cincinnati street car line, died at his home in West Eleventh st. Newport, Sunday. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon with services in the late residence.

Herman timmerman, 73, a tailor residing at 822 Park av. Newport died last night while on his way home from Dr. Back's office. The deceased leaves a family of grown children and a widow. He had been accompanied by his two sons, John and Joseph to the doctor.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 February 1908, page 5

John Ripberger, 77, died yesterday at his home, in South Bellevue, of pneumonia. He is survived by a widow and three sons. The funeral will take place fromthe residence of his son, on the Covert Run pike tomorrow morning.

The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Waters, mother of ex-chief of the Fire Department John Waters, will take place tomorrow morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am. The members of the Altar Society, of which the deceased was a member, will hold services at the residence tonight at 8 pm.

Miss Margaret McVean, a practicing attorney of Oklahoma City, Okla. has been notified of the serious illness of her father, Squire McVean of Alexandria. He is reported to be very ill at Speers Hospital today.

Mrs. Janet Beggs Youtsey, 87, of Ft Thomas, widow of John T Youtsey, died last night at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. D A Brown of general debility. The funeral will take place tomorrow.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 7 February 1908, page 5

Henry Smith, 43, died yesterday at his home, 523 Powell st. of consumption. A sister, Mrs. Edward Fleming is the only surviving relative. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon with services in St Paul German Church and interment in Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of Joseph Eschan took place yesterday at Alexandria. A large number of farmers attended.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 8 February 1908, page 5

John H Wagner was appointed administrator of the estate of Attorney William Wagner, who died at his home in Alexandria several days ago.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 10 February 1908, page 5

Miss Mamie Speth died Saturday at Speers Hospital of pneumonia. She was a sister of Hector Speth, formerly member of the Board of Education.

The funeral of Mary Logan, old resident of Newport, whose death occurred Friday at the family residence, Seventh and Isabella st. will take place Tuesday morning with services at the Church of Immaculate Conception.

Mr. and Mrs. Blinn returned Saturday to Columbus O. having been called there by the illness and death of Mrs. Blinn's mother, Mrs. Youtsey.

Health Officer Brown deaths report: William Young, 14m-whooping cough; Catherine Naters, 73-pneumonia; Herrman Timmerman, 72-cardiac paralysis; Blanche Hauer, 2-convulsions; Jacob Goebel, 64-exhaustion; John Steinhauer, 48-tuberculosis; Robert Rothfuss, 16m-measles; Erasmus Gest, 87-old age; Jeanette Youtsey, 86-pneumonia; Henry Smith, 43-tuberculosis; Frank Timmerwilke, 47-empyaemia.

Miss Anna Paris, 47, seamstress of 313 West Eleventh st. died yesterday in Speers Hospital after an illness of Brights disease. The decedent had been a resident of Newport all her life. She is survived by a sister and two brothers.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 10 February 1908, page 8

While the funeral of Frank Timmerwilke is taking place tomorrow morning the plant of Donaldson Lithographing Company will be shut down. Timmerwilke had been connected with the company for nearly 30 years and resided at the corner of Ninth and Boone streets. Services will be held at St Stephen Church.

Miss Ann Paris, a seamstress residing at 313 West Eleventh street, Newport, died yesterday of Brights disease. She was 47years of age.

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Herman Timmerman, 72y; Blanch Hauer, 2y; Jacob Goebel, 64y; John Steinhauer, 48y; Robert Rothfuss, 16m; Erasmus Gest, 87y; Jeanette Youtsey, 86y; Henry Smith, 43y; Frank Timmerwilke, 47y.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 11 February 1908, page 9

Carl Kaschube, aged 78, residing at 326 Elm street, died yesterday at his home of pneumonia. Kaschube was a clothing cutter. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon with services at 2 pm.

Mrs. Margaret Kopp, 78, died yesterday at her home on Johns Hill of cancer. The funeral will take place this afternoon.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 14 February 1908, page 5

Mary Mueller, 85, widow of Fred Mueller, died yesterday at her home, 105 Fourth av. Dayton Ky. She is survived by a family of adult children.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 18 February 1908, page 9

The funeral of Mary Munker, whose death occurred while visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary Rust, on East Eighth street, Newport, took place yesterday.

Word was received her yesterday of the death at Osgood Ind. of Evan Williams, former member of the board of Education of Newport. Williams was a charter member of Eureka Lodge, Knights of Phythias and that lodge will hold a meeting tonight to take action on his death.

Herman Wilkiemeyer, aged 82? residing on 735 Saratoga street, died yesterday after a lingering illness. The funeral will take place Thursday morning with services at St Stephen Church.

Mrs. George Reese, aged 68, residing at 730 Central avenue, Newport, died yesterday. She leaves a husband and two sons.

Word was received here yesterday of the death at Lexington Ky. of John Link, a former resident of Newport. The remains were received here last night.

Anthony Rickle, single, residing at Brighton and Lindsay streets, died yesterday. Mr. Rickle was 59 years of age and has no relatives in this part of the country.

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 February 1908, page 5

Herman Wilkiemeyer, 52, residing at 725 Saratoga st. Newport, died yesterday. The funeral will take place Thursday morning with services at St Stephen Cemetery.

Anthony Rickle, single, residing at Brighton and Lindsey sts. died yesterday. Mr. Rickle was 59 years of age and has no relatives in this part of the country.

Mrs. George Reese, aged 68, residing at 730 Central avenue, Newport, died yesterday. She leaves a husband and two sons.

Bridget Bluett, 85, mother of Mounted Policeman James Bluett of Cincinnati, died yesterday at her home, 703 Central av. Newport, of infirmities due to age. She is survived by two sons. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning, with services in the Church of the Immaculate Conception and interment will be in Price Hill Cemetery.

Word was received yesterday of the death at Osgood Ind. of Evan Williams, former member of the Board of Education of Newport. Williams was a charter member of Eureka Lodge Knights of Pythias and that lodge will hold a special meeting tonight to take action on his death.

Also on the death at Lexington Ky. of John Link, a former resident of Newport. The remains were received here last night.

The funeral of Mary Munker, whose death occurred while visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary Rust, on East Eighth st. Newport took place yesterday.

Herman Timmerman, his will probated yesterday in the Campbell co. Court leaves his entire estate to his widow, Dina Timmerman. At her death the property is to divert to her four children.

John Ripberger leaves his entire estate to his widow, Caroline.

The remains of Private McClain who committed suicide in Cincinnati, were brought to the post chapel today and services were held there. A firing squad was detailed to accompany the body to Evergreen Cemetery, where it was buried.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 19 February 1908, page 11

The body of Evan Williams, who died at Osgood Ind. arrived last night. Eureka Lodge K of P will have charge of the funeral which takes place this afternoon from Smith's mortuary. Interment will be in Highland Cemetery.

Miss Christina Kettenacker, 22, daughter of John Kettenacker, died yesterday at the family residence, 211 East Fifth street. Miss Kettenacker was a niece of William Kettenacker, proprietor of the Heidelberg and of Ernst Kettesnacker of Third and Saratoga streets.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 28 February 1908, page 9

Anna, wife of Charles Lequire, aged 42, residing at 516 Saratoga street, Newport, died yesterday of paralysis. Mrs. Lequire leaves two daughters. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon with services at the family residence.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 March 1908, page 5

Word was received in Newport of the death of Alexander Roberts, a former well known Campbell County resident, which occurred in his home in Denver, Colo. after an illness of Brights disease. the decedent was part 71 years old and until about six years ago he lived in Newport nearly all his life.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 9 March 1908, page 5

Catherine M Dutle, beloved wife of John Dutle, died March 8, aged 44 years and 4 months. Funeral Wednesday morning from late residence, 335 Lindsay st. Newport, with requiem high mass at Corpus Christi Church.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 March 1908, page 5

Thomas Fitzsimmons died last night at his home, 252 West Eighth st. Newport. He was formerly a local letter carrier and was a brother of Henry Fitzsimmons, real estate agent. The funeral will take place Monday morning with requiem mass at Immaculate Conception Church.

Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher, mother of Lieut. Fisher of the Corryville District, died late Thursday night in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Neubauer in Newport after an illness of the grip. The decedent was 78 years old and was a leader in church and charitable circles. The funeral of Mrs. Fisher took place today at 2 pm from Evergreen Chapel, instead of from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Newbauer.

The remains of Herbert Schmidt, who was drowned in the Ohio River Tuesday, were shipped by Funeral Director Cunningham to Hamilton O. on the CH&D 1 pm train yesterday afternoon.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 16 March 1908, page 7

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Fred Guth, 6m; M R Howard, 63; Clara Ashbaugh, 60; Elizabeth Kogle, 68; King Kotton, 46; Franklin Bigelow, 72; Henry Wewer, 69.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 March 1908, page 5

Mrs. Lena Hufker, aged 73, died yesterday at her home, 1020 German st. Newport. She is survived by her husband A Hufker and seven adult children. She had been a resident of Newport for more than 30 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the residence.

Dr. George W Brown reported the following deaths in Newport; Irene Shaler, 16 days-convulsions; Harry Fenton, 24-inquest pending; Harry Scarls, 2-meningitis; Richard Spratt, 53-inquest pending; Elizabeth Gray, 51-cardiac paralysis; George Hila, 1 day; Catherine Schneider, 70-cardiac paralysis; Anton Fritsch, 83-paralysis; Unknown infant; William Walker, 74-chronic cystitis; Mary Smith, 34-tuberculois; Anna Guilfoyle, 78-pneumonia; Wolf O'Krent, 41-pneumonia.

Mrs. George Alerding Jr. died Saturday at her home at 1308 Fourth av. Dayton. She is survived by her husband and four children.

Martha, the 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moeller, Third and Boone sts. Dayton, died Saturday from convulsions, supposed to have been occasioned from eating peanuts. S

Mrs. Lucy Wagstaff, wife of Harry, died yesteday at her home, Fairfield and Van Voast av. Bellevue. The death is a particularly sad one as a 2 week old son is left motherless.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 29 March 1908, page 4

John Berry, died at the family residence, corner Seventh and York sts. Newport Ky. Funeral Monday, March 30, from residence of his sister, Mrs. William Haven, 15 W Second st. Newport. Requiem high mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 8 am.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 1 April 1908, page 9

The funeral of William H Pearce, of 1214 Monmouth street, Newport, took place yesterday with services at the family residence, conducted by Rev Crates.

Mary E Waters, a widow residing at 611 Lexington av. Newport, died yesterday of senility at her residence, aged 73 years.

The funeral of Mary Jane Kramer, whose death occurred at her home, 210 West Fifth street, will take place tomorrow morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 3 April 1908, page 9

Word has been received in Newport of the death of Mrs. Mary Abert Johnson, which occurred in her home in Washington DC. The decedent was a sister of the late Col. James W Abert, former pioneer resident of Newport and well known here. The funeral took place in Washington.

Mrs. Elizabeth Niehaus, 30, residing at 525 West Ninth st. Newport, died last night at the Bethesda Hospital, the result of an operation. She leaves a husband and one child. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with services at St Stephen Church.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 8 April 1908, page 7

Elizabeth Colling, widow of John T Colling, aged 73 years died. Funeral from residence at 927 York st. Newport Ky. Friday at 7:15 am. Requiem mass at Church at Church of the Immaculate Conception at 8 am.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 13 April 1908, page 8

Mrs. G T Helm, aged 57, mother of Mrs. Dr. L C Wadsworth, died yesterday at the home of her daughter on East Sixth street of cerebral meningitis. Mrs. Helm was the wife of Captain Helm, who is in the employ of Queen and Crescent Railroad at Danville Ky. She came to Newport some time ago for treatments. Two other daughters are Miss Hallie and Miss Pattie Helm. The remains will be shipped to Danville this afternoon.

Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 April 1908, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Otto Zimmerman was attended yesterday by a number of friends at the home Villa Place, Ft Thomas. The order of the Eastern Star attended, the pallbearers being W A Patterson, Samuel Harton, William Morgan, Henry Badger, Percy De Camp and Bert Schifer.

Bernard Schmitz, 29, residing at 725 German st. Newport, died yesterday of lung trouble. Schmitz leaves a wife and two children. The funeral services took place at Corpus Christi this morning.

Louis, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schreiber, died yesterday of scarlet fever in Dayton. Mrs. Schreiber was Miss Stevens before her marriage.

Mrs. Mary Flanigan, wife of Michael Flanigan, died yesterday at the family residence, 333 Chestnut st. after a lingering illness. The decedent was 70 years old and for more than 50 years had been a resident of Newport.

Dr. George W Brown reported Newport deaths: Geneva Fleming, 3-pneumonia; Lucinda Carr, 23-abscess of lungs; James Ernsterhoff, 38-hemorrhage; John D Lohmeyer, 86-apoplexy; George Gruenholz, 56-cancer of stomach; Infant Rust; Elizabeth Collins, 76-cerebral hemorrhage; Gertrude Blakeley, 11m-meningitis; Thomas Ewing, 4 days; Sophia Zimmerman, 45-gall stones; Caroline Stegner, 72-heart disease; William Dwyer, 8m-menigitis; Leonard Dreiling, 7-tetanus; Bernard Schmit, 29-tuberculosis; Anna Textor, 80-senility.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 14 April 1908, page 7

Clara Heck (nee Blanke) died in Detroit Michigan, April 12. Funeral from residence of her mother, 917 Hamlet st. Newport Ky. Requiem mass at St Stephen Church, Wednesday, 8 am.

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 April 1908, page 5

Word was received in Newport of the death of Mrs. Clara Heck, former well known resident here, which occurred in her home in Detroit Mich. Decedent was a sister of Nicholas Blank, Newport druggist and less than a year ago she was married to J A Heck and moved to Detroit. The body will be brought to the home of her mother, Mrs. Blank at 917 Hamlet st. and the funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 8 am with services at St Stephen Church.

Word was received here yesterday of the death at Berlin Ky. of Mrs. Susan Gillespie, mother of Mrs. Vincent McNamara of 622 Saratoga st. Mrs. Gillespie ws 85 years of age and leaves 10 children.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 19 April 1908, page 4

Charles M Barnes, died April 18, 1908, aged 36 years. Funeral services at late residence, 128 E Fifth st. Newport Ky. Monday, April 20, at 2:30 pm. Burial private.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 24 April 1908, page 5

Eliza Allen, of Bellevue, by her will probated yesterday leaves to her brothers, Richard and Daniel Hammitt, each one-fourth of her estate and one-eighth to George and Joseph Hammitt.

The remains of William Gerrein, 27, son of ex-Patrolman Jacob Gerrein, arrived yesterday and were removed to the family residence, Second and Benham st. Dayton. Gerrein died at Los Angeles Cal. where he had gone for his health. The funeral took place today from St Francis Church.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 May 1908, page 5

Word was received in Newport of the death of Mrs. James Thomas, former well known resident here, which occurred at Denver Colo. of tuberculosis. The decedent until two years ago had been a lifelong resident of Newport. The husband and three children survive.

Charles Barnes, 30, well known street car conductor, died of typhoid fever at his home, Eleventh and Brighton sts. Newport shortly before midnight. He had been ill for some weeks and was on the way to recovery when he took a relapse a few days ago. Relatives at Williamstown Ky were notified and the remains will be taken there for interment.

Dr. George W Brown deaths report: Infant Emrick; Infant Cooney; Sarah Smith, 62-bronchitis; Robert Seiter, 2-pneumonia; Syril Moreland, 4-meningitis; Clara Gunkle, 19-pneumonia; Helen Schrile, 35-consumpstion; George Ware, 40-dropsy; Clem Tembery, 37-poison; Davis Solomon, 8-meningitis; Clementine Judy, 86-senility; Mary Wolter, 68-senility; John Werpup, 78-apoploxy.

The funeral of Mrs. Charles Kalb took place this afternoon from the home, 926 Sixth av. Dayton Ky. She was 74 and leaves a family of adult children. The interment was in Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 May 1908, page 5

Mrs. James Spangler, wife of a farmer residing on Ten Mile Creek, was instantly killed by lightning on the front porch of her residence Wednesday night. The bolt of lightning that killed Mrs. Spangler struck a tree near the house first, and Mrs. Spangler fell unconscious dying shortly afterward.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 9 May 1908, page 10

A strange fatality seems to follow the family of Frank Botts, who was killed by falling telegraph poles, near the corner of Eleventh and Brighton streets, Newport, on the 31st of July last. Yesterday his little son, Eliner Botts, was placed in the vault at Highland Cemetery, while his wife is dying of consumption at Speers Hospital.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 May 1908, page 5

Dr. George W Brown deaths report: Clarence Barnes, 27-typhoid fever; John Lehr, 34-rheumatism; George Bagby, 66-inanition; Harry Neilan, 29-consumption; Simon Lipscomb, 75-inanition.

The funeral of Mrs. Mary Fauser whose death occurred at her home on Tug Fork, took place yesterday afternoon, services being held at the Tug Fork Church. The remains were interred at the Tug Fork Cemetery.

The funeral of Hattie Parker took place yesterday afternoon services being held at Alexandria.

James W Shields, 33, died Saturday at his home, 155 Washington av. Bellevue, of Brights disease. He had been a lifelong resident of Bellevue and is survived by a widow and a son. He was a member of the Bellevue Lodge of Odd Fellows. The funeral took place this morning.

George Reinke, 57, a merchant of Taylor av. and Division sts. Bellevue, died Saturday night. Reinke leaves a widow and several children. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning from the Sacred Heart Church.

Willy, the 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James A Rickels, 627 Seventh av. Bellevue, died yesterday of scarlet fever. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at the residence.

The funeral of Mrs. McClure, wife of W F McClure, of the Western Union Telegraph Co took place this afternoon at 2 pm with services at Grace M E Church, Rev Dr. Fisher officiating.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 May 1908, page 1

The body of the first drowning victim of the season, little 9 year old Clarence Flick, was discovered Sunday at the foot of Butler st. where he had disappeared last Monday. The waves of a steamer brought the body to the surface. He was later removed to the parents home, 508 Lock st.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 26 May 1908, page 5

James Taylor, 35, a fireman employed on the harbor boat Marlen Riggs, was drowned about 9 am this morning in the Ohio River, near Coney Island. Taylor fell from the boat and was swept away before the other members of the crew could render him assistance. Taylor was married and lived at the foot of Fourth st. Newport. Every effort was made to recover the body but up to noon it was still in the river.

John Ennis, aged 54, died yesterday at his home, 701 Poplar st. Bellevue, of dropsy. He was married and leaves a family of adult children. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from St Anthony Church.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 26 May 1908, page 5

John Ennis, aged 54, died yesterday at his home, 701 Poplar st. Bellevue, of dropsy. He was married and leaves a family of adult children. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from St Anthony Church.

Eight little girls, schoolmates of Margaret Helman, 8 year old daughter of Henry Helman, of 417 West Ninth st. Dayton Ky. acted as pallbearers at her funeral yesterday. Services were held at Corpus Christi Church.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 27 May 1908, page 9

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lipp, of 213 Sixth avenue, Dayton Ky. mourn the loss of their infant son, Thomas, whose death occurred yesterday. The funeral will take place at 1 pm today from the Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 29 May 1908, page 5

The remains of Lyster Young, express messenger who committed suicide by shooting himself at his home, Fifth and Columbia st. Newport, Wednesday night, were shipped to Lexington Ky. for interment this morning by Funeral Director W C Betz.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 1 June 1908, page 8

Dora Ampler, 81, widow of Joseph Ampler and mother of Peter Ampler, the well known bowler, and of Gus Ampler, died yesterday at her home, 1039 Saratoga street, of gangrene. Mrs. Ampler leaves five children. The funeral services will be held at 8:30 am tomorrow morning.

Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 June 1908, page 5

Leslie Scherer, 30, of 631 Saratoga Street, Newport, second attempt at suicide proved successful.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 June 1908, page 5

Mrs. Catherine Lang, for many years a resident of Newport, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital of cancer. The remains were removed to her home, at 527 Elm st. Newport. Mrs. Lang was 56 years of age and leaves a husband. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon and the remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 16 June 1908, page 5

Herman Deccard, aged 52, residing on Shaler av. Southgate, died yesterday at his home of cancer of the stomach. Deccard leaves a widow and two children. The funeral will take place Thursday.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 7 July 1908, page 7

Mary Cummins, wife of John Cummins, died July 6, 1908, at residence, 128 West Third st. Newport Ky. Funeral Wednesday, 2:30 pm with service at residence. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 12 July 1908, page 4

George Devoto, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Devoto (nee Schwienher) died July 10, 10:40 pm, aged 12 years, 6 months. Funeral from residence, 115 Monmouth st. Newport. High mass at St Stephen Church, Newport Ky. at 8:30 am on Monday morning, July 13.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 15 July 1908, page 5

The funeral of Frank S Speth took place from his residence, 1007 Fifth av. Dayton, today, under the auspices of Henry Barnes Lodge. The interment was in the Evergreen Cemetery.

Mrs. Anna Haas died yesterday at her home Third and Terrace av. Dayton, aged 80. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. J W Deister, with whom she lived. The funeral will take place at 8:30 am tomorrow from St Anthony Church. Mrs. Haas was born in Germany and came to this country at the age of 10. The interment will be in St Stephen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 July 1908, page 5

Word was received in Newport today of the death of Carl Goetze, 22, at Lakeland Asylum. Goetz was sent from Dayton several years ago. His mental trouble was caused by worry over his work as a bank clerk. Deceased was a grandson of ex-City Clerk Goetze of Dayton. His widowed mother and sister survive him. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the residence, Sixth av. Dayton, interment in Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of Mrs. George Lincoln will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm with services in the residence, 112 West Eleventh st. Newport conducted by Rev F E Bigelow and burial will take place in Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of Mrs. Anna Haas took place this morning from St Anthony Church in Bellevue, the interment in St Stephen Cemetery.

Pallbearers at the burial of Frank Speth, which took place yesterday afternoon were: T A Casey, M F Carr, A D Hewetson, P T Kaighn, J A Hughes, Charles Hanhuaer, John Rushe and Otto Gauel.

The funeral of Mrs. Clara Brookbank took place at 2 pm today from Trinity Lutheran Church, Bellevue. The pallbearers were her three brothers, Edward, Harry and Harvey Robb and her brother in law, Ernest Brookbank.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 21 July 1908, page 5

Carl Muenzemeier, 13, son of Charles of 232 Boone st. Newport died at an early hour today at his home of an attack of tetanus. The funeral will be held Thursday.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 27 July 1908, page 8

The funeral of William Stauder will take place this morning with services at the home of his sister, Mrs. Schorle, on Columbia street. The remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 30 July 1908, page 7

William Bigler, died in his 44th year, Wednesday, July 29. Funeral from residence, 15 East Third st. Newport, Friday, July 31, at 1:30 pm. Burial private.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 2 August 1908, page 6

William P Bradley, died Saturday morning, August 1, at his home, 914 York st. Newport Ky. in his 83rd years. Funeral notice later.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 3 August 1908, page 8

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Raymond Ashenbrenner, 16; Louis Budde, 87; Agnes Douglas, 81; William Wagner, 53; Adolph Smith, 78-pneumonia.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 10 August 1908, page 5

Dr. Geo W Brown reported the following deaths in Newport during the past week: Wm P Bradley-83, gastro-enteritis; Florence Utz-4m; choler; Bertha Smith-29, philtis; Charles Cook-infant; Infant Mitchell

Page 8-Health Officer Kehm deaths report: William P Bradley-82; Florence Utz-6m; Bertha Smith-29; Mollie Fink-39; Infants Charles Cook and Mitchell.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 14 August 1908, page 5

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schweer, 213 Eighth av. Dayton, died yesterday.

The funeral of Mrs. Nichols Welrich of Ft Thomas, took place this morning from St Stephen Church at 9 am today. Interment in St Stephen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 17 August 1908, page 8

Health Officer Brown deaths report: John C Kounz, 63; Augustus Faller, 6; William Friedhoff, 82; Grace Quehl, 6; George Turner, 75; Josephine Ritter, 62, Forrest Converse, 39.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 18 August 1908, page 7

Mrs. Mary Davis, widow of Daniel P Davis, died at her residence, 531 W Seventh st. Newport Ky. Due notice of funeral will be given. (Jackson and Dayton Ohio papers please copy)


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 23 August 1908, page 4

Mrs. Amelia Blegang, died at the home of her daughter, at Nebraska Ind. Funeral Monday afternoon at 30 E Ninth st. Newport Ky.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 24 August 1908, page 8

Health Officer Brown deaths report: Harry Lidington, 11m; Allen M Cook, 1y; Lena Sackstader, 27; Mary Davis; Edward Ahrman, 1y; William C Hull, 38; Mertel Minten, 18.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 26 August 1908, page 9

Nelson Gilmore, brother of Deputy Sheriff Gilmore, died yesterday at Speers Hospital. He was 25 years of age. The arrangements for the funeral have not yet been made.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 27 August 1908, page 7

Mrs. Augustine Marie Parker, died at 631 Monroe st. Newport Ky. in her seventy-fourth year at 4 am Wednesday morning. Funeral from St Stephen Church, Friday morning at 8:30. (Chicago papers please copy)


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 28 August 1908, page 9

The funeral of Mrs. Wallace, mother of John E Wallace, York street saloon keeper, took place yesterday morning, services being held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The remains were interred in St Stephen Cemetery.

The remains of Edward Weise, former Newport resident, were received here yesterday from Denver Colo. and taken to his late residence in Cincinnati.

The funeral of Miss Mary C Girty took place yesterday afternoon, services being held at the family residence on Overton street. The remains were interred in the family lot at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 30 August 1908, page 4

Thomas Coppin, beloved husband of Ella Coppin (nee Bode) passed to a higher life Saturday morning, August 29 at the age of 54 years 5 months. Funeral from his late residence, 26 E Second st. Newport Ky. Monday, August 31 at 2 pm. Interment at Evergreen.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 2 September 1908, page 7

Mrs. Margaret Terhune Air, relict of Edward Air, died Tuesday, September 1, at 5:30 pm at residence of her son-in-law, Albert M Larkin, 526 Monroe st. Newport Ky. Due notice of funeral.

News reached Newport yesterday of the death at Columbia Texas, of Campbell Reid, former resident of Newport. His wife, nee Sarah Wines, and two children survive him.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 10 September 1908, page 7

Andreas John Benzinger, died Sunday, September 6, 1908, at Mobile Ala. aged 31 years, beloved husband of Goldie Benzinger (nee Ketennacker). Interment Friday, September 11, at 10 am at Evergreen Cemetery, Newport Ky.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 17 September 1908, page 7

Clifford Air, beloved son of William H and Catherine Air (nee Cahill) aged 17 years, Funeral from residence, 765 Overton st. Newport Ky. Friday at 8:30 am. Requiem mass at St Stephen Church at 9 am.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 September 1907, page 5

Mrs. Lizzie Keye, aged 57, residing at 817 Brighton st. Newport, died yesterday. She is survived by her husband James S Keye, an employee of the Newport Rolling Mill.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 19 September 1908, page 5

George W Grote, beloved husband of Bertha Grote (nee Blum) aged 28 years 10 months and 3 days died suddenly. Thursday, September 17, at 3:15 pm. Funeral from late residence, 3033 Cinnamon st. at 1:30 pm. Saturday, September 19. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery Newport Ky.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 September 1908, page 5

Jacob Hargis, 80, died yesterday at his home in Glenn Park, River rd. He is survived by two sons and two daughters. The funeral will be held at 1 pm tomorrow at the residence and interment will be at Tug Forks Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 26 September 1908, page 5

Anna Raipe, widow of Charles L Raipe, of Newport Ky. died at Christ Hospital Friday September 24, aged 75 years. Due notice of funeral.

William Stoeckel, 43, residing at Sixth and Overton streets, Newport, dropped dead at his home yesterday afternoon of heart trouble. He leaves a wife and two children. He was a steward of the Newport Lodge of Elks for some time, but was compelled to give up his place because of ill health.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 4 October 1908, page 4

Anna Bertman, beloved wife of Henry Bertman, aged 67 years died at her home 316 W Eighth street, Newport from a fall where both her limbs were broken. Funeral from residence of her daughter, Mrs. Michael McNamara, 316 W Eighth st. Newport Ky. Tuesday at 8:30 am. Requiem mass Corpus Christi Church 9 am.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 8 October 1908, page 5

Mrs. Elizabeth Harris, 69, widow of J B Harris, died yesterday at her home, 137 Center st. Bellevue of dropsy. She leaves two sons, Samuel and Charles, and two daughters, Mrs. Ida Swank of Dayton O. and Miss Gussie Harris.

The funeral of Mrs. J V Harris will take place tomorrow at 2 pm. from the residence of her son S R Clark on Center st. Bellevue.

James Burch, 74, one of the oldest residence of Newport died yesterday afternoon at the family residence, 204 East Southgate st. after a lingering illness.

Pearl, 15, daughter of Mrs. John Kettenacker, died yesterday at the family residence, 332 East Front st. Newport. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon with services in the residence.

Paul Rivaux, who was struck by an auto at Fourth and Sycamore sts. Newport, several days ago, died yesterday at the City Hospital. The remainwere removed to his home, 611 Dayton st.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 14 October 1908, page 3

Mrs. Louisa Schwarberg, 74, mother of ex-school trustee Edward Schwarberg, died yesterday at the residence of her son, Henry Schwarberg. She had been a resident of Newport 72 years. The funeral services will be held at Evergreen Chapel at 2:30 pm tomorrow afternoon.

Mrs. Elizabeth Stricklen, wife of Jacob Stricklen Sr. died Tuesday evening at the family residence, 234 East Eight st. Services will be held at St Stephen Church tomorrow morning at 9 am.

Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 14 October 1908, page 9

Word was received here yesterday of the death at St Louis Mo. of James Gannon, 28, a former resident of Newport. The funeral will be held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

Mrs. Jacob Stickler, died last evening at her home, 234 East Eighth street, Newport, aged 46. The funeral arrangements have not been made.

Conrad Reinhardt, died yesterday at his home, 316 West Ninth street, Newport, aged 68. He is survived by a family of adult children. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 2 pm from the residence.

Mrs. Louise Schwarburg, aged 73, died yesterday at her home in Southgate. Funeral will be at 2 pm tomorrow from the Evergreen chapel.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 16 October 1908, page 7

Mrs. Eliza Creasey (nee Gault) widow of  W D Creasey, died Thursday, October 15, at 7:30 pm. Funeral Saturday October 17, at 2 pm from the residence, 621 Lexington av. Newport Ky. Burial private.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 18 October 1908, page 4

Harvey Britt, aged 26 years, died at his residence, 9 W Seventh st. Newport Ky. of typhoid fever. Funeral services Monday afternoon 2 pm at the residence. Rev Charles Clingman of St Paul P E Church officiating.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 19 October 1908, page 8

County Judge Matt Moore yesterday received a telegram announcing the death of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary Carey, at Columbus Oh, aged 80 years. The remains will be brought to Cincinnati and will be interred at st Joseph Cemetery. Mrs. Carey resided in Campbell County for half a century.

Mrs. Robinson, wife of James D Robinson, a river engineer, died yesterday at her home, 1013 Central avenue, Newport. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon.

Funeral services over the remains of Harvey Britt were held yesterday afternoon by the members of Garfield Council of the Junior Order at the family residence, Seventh and York streets.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 26 October 1908, page 8

Mrs. Julia Elsten, 64, residing at 335 Central avenue, Newport, died yesterday of heart trouble. The remains will be sent to Burlington, Boone County, for interment.

Mrs. Lulu Poe, aged 18, died yesterday at her home, 734 Third avenue, Dayton Ky. The remains will be shipped to Foster Ky. this morning for interment.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rowald, of 611 seventh avenue, Dayton Ky. mourn the death of their infant son, which occurred yesterday.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 31 October 1908, page 5

Mrs. Bettie Andrews, wife of Joseph B Andrews, died suddenly at the Jewish Hospital, aged 25 years. Funeral Monday, November 2. Services at 10 am at the residence of J A Andrews, Fifth and Park avenue, Newport Ky.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 November 1908, page 5

Mrs. Joseph Dameron of First av. Dayton, has received news of the death of her sister, Mrs. Robert White, of Woodlawn O. The remains will be brought to her mother's at Cold Spring and the funeral will take place from the Licking Valley Baptist Church at 10:30 am tomorrow.

The funeral of Mrs. Kate Slaybackk who died at her home, 342 Isabella st. Newport took place today,

The funeral of Mrs. Bettie Andrews, wife of Joseph B Andrews, took place this morning from the home of Mr. Andrews father, Fifth and Park av. Newport.

Mrs. Elizabeth Mahret, 60, of 1019 Washington av. Newport, died at 10 pm last night in Marvin's drug store, Cincinnati. The deceased in company with her two daughters, was on her way home when she collapsed. Cameron gave death as being due to natural causes.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 3 November 1908, page 7

Elizabeth Cronin of Brent Ky. died. Funeral Wednesday at 8 am from residence. Requiem mass at Church of Immaculate Conception, Newport Ky. at 9 am.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 5 November 1908, page 5

Mrs. Fannie Bockley (nee Metzger) wife of A B Bockley, died November 3, 11:50 pm at her residence, 1034 York street, Newport Ky. aged 48 years, 8 months. Funeral Saturday November 7. requiem high mass at St Stephen Church at 9 am.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 9 November 1908, page 5

Frank Doggett Grant, aged 29 years, 7 months and 11 days, died Sunday, November 8, 1908, at 8:30 am at his residence, 104 E Fifth st. Newport Ky. Funeral from First Baptist Church, Eighth and York sts. Newport Ky. Tuesday, November 10 at 1 pm. Interment at Hillsboro Oh at 10:30 am Wednesday.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 November 1908, page 5

The remains of James B Holmes were shipped to Butler Ky. this morning for interment.

The funeral of William Steele, who died in Memphis Tenn. took place this afternoon from the residence on Fifth av. Dayton Ky.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 12 November 1908, page 7

Sophia C Achzehner, only daughter of Mrs. Agatha Achzehner, died suddenly Tuesday, November 10, 1908 at 11:50 pm. aged 29 years, 11 months, 5 days, at her residence, 423 E Fifth st. Newport Ky. Due notice of funeral will be given.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 14 November 1908, page 5

Kathryn Baltzer (nee Lickert) beloved wife of John F Baltzer, died. Funeral from the family residence, 1002 Saratoga st. Newport Ky. Saturday, November 14, 2 pm. Friends invited. (Chicago papers please copy)


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 15 November 1908, page 6

Lester and Thelma Pooley, died November 8 and 9, beloved son and daughter of the late Nelson and Meda Pooley, at Newport Ky. aged respectively 5 years 8 months and 3 years 7 months.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 20 November 1908, page 7

Henry K Lindsey, died at his residence, Clifton Heights, Newport Ky. Thursday, November 19, at 4 pm. aged 83 years. Funeral Saturday, November 21. Services at Evergreen Cemetery Chapel at 10:30 am.

Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 23 November 1908, page 7

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Frank Heho, 56; William H Horsfall, 34; Lou Tautroy, 38; James Plunkett, 48; Lucy Wiedemann, 68; Infant Owens, 2 days-convulsions; Albert Nichols, 17-tentanus.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 25 November 1908, page 7

Anna Martha Baader, aged 78 years, 9 months, 2 days, died November 24, at 2 pm at her residence, 1043 Saratoga st. Newport Ky. Funeral Friday, November 27 at 2 pm from the residence. Services at Evergreen Cemetery chapel.

Joseph Konen, who for many years conducted a grocery on Upper Monmouth street, Newport died late Monday at his home, 26 W Tenth street, aged 46 years. He is survived by a widow and seven children, four sons and three daughters. The funeral will take place on Friday morning from St Stephen Church.

Mildred, aged 4 years, daughter of Fred Sanftleben, 1028 Washington avenue, died early yesterday morning. The funeral will take place this afternoon from the residence.

Julian Thomasson, father of Dr. William Thomasson, died yesterday at his residence on York street. Another son is Assistant Chief Case Thomasson of the fire department.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 27 November 1908, page 5

The funeral of Anna Martha Baader will take place today at 2:30 pm from the residence, 1043 Saratoga st. Newport Ky. Services at Evergreen Cemetery Chapel.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 30 November 1908, page 5

Florence Broering (nee Doran) beloved wife of Gus Broering, died, aged 29 years. Funeral from residence 21 East Fourth street. Newport Ky. Tuesday at 8:30 am. Requiem mass Church of Immaculate Conception at 9 am.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 1 December 1908, page 7

George W Osler, aged 58, died at his home, 628 York street, Newport Ky. November 29, 1908. Funeral Wednesday morning at 10:30 am from residence.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 3 December 1908, page 5

Frank Salm, 21, a millworker residing at 337 West Twelfth st. Newport, died yesterday at his home. The funeral services will be held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception Saturday morning.

The funeral of Mrs. Ellen Raipe took place yesterday from the residence on East Third st. Services were conducted by Rev Joseph Chapman, pastor of Grace M E Church. The pallbearers were Edward Wendt, James M Mowell, Richard Bishop and Fred Otto.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 6 December 1908, page 14

Mrs. Clara S Gainer, wife of A H Gainer, died yesterday at her home, 645 E Third street, Newport. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 8 December 1908, page 5

Fred Leistner, 89, one of the oldest citizens of Campbell co. died yesterday at his home on the Licking Pike, about seven miles south of Newport. He was a member of the Odd Fellows and leaves a family of grown children. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon.

The funeral of Mrs. Rose Watkins took place this afternoon at 1:30 from the home, 337 Poplar st. Bellevue.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 11 December 1908, page 9

Robert Puff, 70, residing at 22 East Sixth street, Newport, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital. He was a member of the red Men and Odd Fellows. A widow and three sons survive him.

George Schenck, 50, single, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital. He has a sister at St Louis Mo. who was notified of his death.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 16 December 1908, page 7

John H Bradley, son of W C Bradley and the late Rose A Bradley, died. Funeral from residence of his brother, William Bradley, 525 Overton st. Newport Ky. Wednesday 7:30 am. Requiem mass at Church of the Immaculate Conception at 8 am.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 18 December 1908, page 3

Mrs. Mary Jarvis, 84, residing at Southgate and Columbia st. Newport was probably fatally hurt this morning by a fall.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 21 December 1908, page 3

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Minnie Simon, 38-typhoid fever; Lawrence Denneman, 56-accidental burns; Andrew Puff, 79; Phoebe Spinner, 62; Anna M Popp, 58; Infant Wilson; John H Meyer, 83-cerebral hemorrhage; Frank Geisler, 30; Dorothy Launderman, 1m; Dorothy Brown, 3m-convulsions; Margaret Wilson, 51-softening of the brain; Frances Henkel-44.

Gustav Uttendorfer, 65, residing at 1120 Orchard street, Newport, died yesterday at his home. He leaves a widow, one son and daughter. His wife is also ill.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 22 Dec 1908, page 5

Catherine Klein, 78, a widow, residing at Chestnut st. Newport, died yesterday at her home. The funeral services will be held at Corpus Christi Church tomorrow morning.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 23 December 1908, page 7

Edward Flanagan, died at his residence, southeast corner Sixth and Saratoga sts. Newport Ky. Due notice of funeral.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 26 December 1908, page 7

Louis Dobbling, aged 59 years, died at his home, 36 E Tenth st. Newport Ky. December 25 at 2:30 pm. He leaves a widow, one son, Arthur Dobbling, connected with the Erschell undertaking, and one daughter, Elise Dobbling. He was a stonemason and formerly in business near the present site of the Cincinnati Music Hall. Due notice of funeral will be given.

Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh, of 210 Washington avenue, mourn the loss of their ten month old daughter, whose death occurred yesterday morning of pneumonia.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 28 December 1908, page 3

Health Officer Kelin deaths report: Michael Thomas, 86; Carl E Matz, 6m; Gustav Utendoeffer, 65; Abbie V Lullen, 85; Lizze Voehringer, 36; Catherine Kieln, 78; Edward Flanigan, 45; Louise Polster, 93; Margaret Kohloven, 71; Margaret Walsh, 9m; Harry Lowry, 32; Louis Dobbling, 58; Walter Kountz, 18;


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 3 January 1909, page 7

The funeral of Edward Friedhoff, husband of Caroline Friedhoff, whose death occurred at his residence, 805 Ann street, will take place tomorrow with services at St Stephen Church at 8:30 am. The remains will be interred at St Stephen Cemetery.

The funeral of J G Frelinger took place yesterday, services being held at the Scottish Rite Cathedral. The members of the Newport lodges of Elks, Masons and Knights of Pythias were represented at the funeral.

Charles Mulvey died yesterday at his home, 700 Isabella street. For many years he was employed as clerk at the Walsh Distilling Company and later was in the employ of the L&N Railroad. He is survived by two children. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning from the residence, with requiem mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 8 am.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 4 January 1909, page 7

Jerome M Clark, son of the late Jeremiah M and Samantha Clark, died at his residence 1021 Putnam st. Newport Ky. Sunday, January 3, 1909, at 10:15 am in the 75th year of his age. Funeral Tuesday, January 5, 1909, at 2 pm from the First Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati.

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: William Schweinher, 43; Fannie Williams, 40-accidental drowning; Penelope Ryan, 71; Infant Yanger; Layton L Woodall, 2; Mary Miller, 41; Jennie Mertles, 70; John Frelinger, 40-hemorrhage of brain; George H Bowers, 75; Amanda Troy, 72.

The funeral of Charles Winstel, whose death occurred at his home on Columbia street, Saturday, will take place tomorrow. Services will be held at the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery at 2 pm.

Jerome Clark, 75, residing at 1021 Putnam street, died yesterday.

The funeral services of Mrs. Charles Crow took place yesterday afternoon from the residence, 828 Walnut street, Dayton Ky. The remains will be shipped this morning to Wolcott Ind. for interment.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 9 January 1909, page 10

The funeral of Henrietta Brackmayer, whose death occurred at her home, 418 Lindsay street, Newport, at the advanced age of 97 years, will take place from the residence this afternoon.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 12 January 1909, page 9

Mary Huhn, 87, died yesterday at the residence of her son, William Huh, 319 West Sixth street, Newport, of old age. She leaves three daughters and two sons. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.

Grace, the three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bodenstein, 827 Ann street, Newport, died yesterday. Burial tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm at Evergreen Cemetery.

George Enneking, aged 40, former resident of Newport and a son of Mrs. Anna Marie Enneking, of Seventh and Washington avenue, died Monday of pneumonia at his home, 1313 Township street, Cincinnati. He is survived by a wife and four children.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 19 January 1909, page 5

James Rodgers, 57, a blacksmith residing at 720 Washington av. Newport died yesterday of a stroke of cerebral hemorrhage and died shortly afterward. He leaves a widow and family of grown children.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 21 January 1909, page 9

News was received here yesterday of the death at New York City of Mrs. Kate Ward Richards, a former resident of Campbell County of pneumonia. She was the daughter of Mrs. George Ward and a granddaughter of Keturah L Harris, who before the Civil War owned a large part of what is now Bellevue.

The funeral of Samuel Heyn will take place this afternoon with services at the chapel of the Jewish Hospital in Cincinnati.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 23 January 1909, page 10

Coroner Digby yesterday returned a verdict of death due to accidental injuries in the case of Rosina Relier, who was killed by a freight train on the L&N Railroad near the steel plant, Wilder. The funeral services will be held next Monday morning at Johns Hill.

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 23 January 1909, page 5

The funeral of Martin Haller, a veteran collector of Newport, whose death occurred Thursday, will take place Monday afternoon at 2:30 pm with services at Evergreen Cemetery Chapel.

Mrs. Anna M Brown, 30, of Lafayette st. Bellevue died yesterday at Dr. Rickett's Hospital, Fourth and Broadway of appendicitis. The services will be held at Sacred Heart Church Monday morning at 9 am.

Audry Williams, 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams, formerly of Newport, died yesterday in Bellevue. The services will be held at the home. The interment will be at Evergreen.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 26 January 1909, page 9

The funeral of Mrs. Anna Singer, whose death occurred at Speers Hospital, will take place this afternoon, with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 30 January 1909, page 5

John Klink, 46, residing at 737 Ann st. Newport, died yesterday after a short illness. The funeral services will be held Monday afternoon and the remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 31 January 1909, page 4

Charles E Bean, formerly of Newport Ky. died at his residence in Chicago. Funeral Monday, February 1, 11 am. Evergreen Cemetery Chapel.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 1 February 1909, page 9

Health Officer Kehn deaths report: J A Andrews, 69; William H Fox, 34-suicide; William Ilg, 4; Infant Davis; Anna Singer, 68; John Keel, 63; John Klink, 46.

Bernard Feldman Jr. aged 38, single, died last night at the home of his sister, Mrs. Miller, 517 Hodge street. Coroner Digby returned a verdict of heart disease.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 9 February 1909, page 9

Caroline Miller, 80, residing at 1116 Putnam street, Newport, died yesterday of acute bronchitis. Mrs. Miller was a widow and leaves three sons and three daughters. The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at St Stephen Church.

John Spitzelberger, 42, residing at 907 Washington avenue, Newport, died yesterday from an operation for abscess. He leaves a wife and one son. The funral will take place tomorrow morning.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 23 February 1909, page 7

John Gilson, beloved son of the late James and Nancy Gilson, died. Funeral from late residence, 414 E Fourth st. Newport Ky. Thursday at 2 pm.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 24 February 1909, page 7

Elizabeth Keever Davis, relict of William R Davis, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sam B Andrews (nee Pearl Davis) 722 York st. Neweport Ky. Funeral services at Mt Moriah, Oh, Thursday, February 25, at 2 pm.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 26 February 1909, page 7

Margaret H Badger, beloved wife of H F Badger, died at her residence, 29 Court place, Newport Ky. Funeral services from the home Saturday afternoon at 2:30 pm.

Kentucky Post, Friday, 26 February 1909, page 5

Miss Clara L Schulte died yesterday at her home, 543 Lexington av. Newport of pneumonia. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the residence of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Schulte. Interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery.

Mrs. Margaret Badger, wife of Henry P Badger, died yesterday at her residence, 29 Court pl. Newport. The funeral will be held at 2:30 pm tomorrow at the residence.

The funeral of John Gilson took place yesterday afternoon services being held at the family residence on East Fourth st. Newport. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.

Gladys, the 8 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bessner, of 409 Kenton st. Dayton, died this morning at 1:30 am. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon and the interment at Spring Grove Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 28 February 1909, page 15

Martha Rice, aged 74, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J E Stephens, 63 E Sixth street. Mrs. Rice fell recently and broke her hip.

America Wilson died Friday night at her home, Second street and the Licking River, aged 88 years. The remains were taken to the mortuary of Swindler & Rose.

Charles Clare, a nephew of Patrolman, Ben Keare, died yesterday at the Lakeland Asylum. The remains were received by Undertaker Middendorf and taken to the residence, 1318 Banklick street.

Anna J Ostermayer, widow of John J Ostermayer, died yesterday at her home, 840 Central avenue. She leaves a family of grown children. The funeral services will be held at the residence tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm.

Philip Rinkenberger, 49, was found dead yesterday morning at his home, 119 West Fourth street, Newport. He awoke early and while sitting in a chair, expired. Coroner Digby rendered a verdict of death due to heart disease.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 1 March 1909, page 9

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Henry Budde, 50-dementia; Richard Bauer, 33; William Mettens, 64; Susanna Jager, 66-gangrene: Albert Gurra, 4d-convulsions; Sarah A Revel, 70; John W Gilson, 38; Elizabeth Davis, 37; Josephine Grau, 54; William E Monroe, 54-meningitis; Infant Roettinger, 4 hrs; Clara L Schulte, 38; George Zimmerman, 4d-convulsions; Margaret H Badger, 70; Charles Schardt, 62.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 8 March 1909, page 5

Arthur Stinehcomb, 23, late of Dayton, died at Covington La. Sunday morning of hasty consumption. The body will be brought here for interment.

Arnold Steffen, 87, veteran musician, died last night at his home on Fairfield av. Bellevue. Steffen was well known in musical circles in this section and was formerly leader of the orchestra at the Grand Opera House in Cincinnati. He is survive by a family of adult children.

Norman Niblack, 18, died at his home, 128 Lafayette st. Bellevue, yesterday morning. The services will be held at Sacred Heart Church Tuesday morning. Interment will be at Evergreen.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 10 March 1909, page 9

The funeral of Estella Radley, whose death occurred at the home of her parents, 436 Thornton street, will take place tomorrow morning with services at Corpus Christi Church.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 18 March 1909, page 5

Mrs. George Weigele, of 610 Dayton st. Newport died Sunday. Her death is under investigation.

William Brueggeman, 63, died last night at his home, 10 East Sixth st. Newport of paralysis. He is survived by a widow and eight children, six daughters and two sons, Mrs. Kate Wintersall, Mrs. Fannie Edwards, Mrs. Rose Schneider, Mrs. Clara Johns and Miss Hannah and Anna, fred and William.

The funeral of Melancthon Pierce was held this afternoon with services in his late residence, 16 west Fourth st. Newport at 2 pm and interment made in Evergreen Cemetery.

Henry Schlueter Sr. died yesterday at his home, 415 Clark st. Dayton. He had been a peddler for many years. He is survived by a widow and a family of adult children.

William McNamara, who was brought from Lakeland Asylum several days ago, is reported to be in critical condition at his home on Keturah st. Newport and little hope is given for his recovery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 28 March 1909, page 15

News was received here yesterday of the death at Williamsburg Ohio, of Hiram J Bindley, 75, uncle of Jess Bindley, of Newport. He was well known across the river, having resided there for a half century.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 29 March 1909, page 5

Health Officer Kehm deaths in Newport; Margaret Kiser, endocarditic; Sarah Smith, diabetes; Ella Dunckley, pneumonia; John Flynn, pneumonia; Bashaba Lipscomb, apoplexy; Margaret Knapp, bronchitis; John Andrews, shock; Mar A Smith, hypertrophy of heart; William Gipsch, smallpox; Anna Morgan, influenza; William Burke, hemorrhage; David Johns, nephritis; Aurel Massey, meningitis; Laura Boniville, carcinoma; John L Terrany, cancer; Antoinette Muehlenkamp, tuberculosis; Ferdinand Diehl, phithisis; George Japp, sclerosis.

The funeral of Mrs. Edward Hays was held this afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wheeler of Foote av. Dayton.

News was received in Newport of the death at Williamsburg O. of Hiram J Bindley, 75, uncle of Jess Bindley of Newport.

Earl Chester, 9, residing at 26 West Fifth st. died yesterday. The funeral will take place tomorrow at St Stephen Church.

Mrs. Thompson, wife of Charles F Thompson, letter carrier, died yesterday at her home, 819 O'Fallon av. Dayton of a stroke of paralysis. The decedent was 61 years of age and is survived by her husband, four sons William, Walter, Charles and Stewart and a daughter, Mrs. J A Adams. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon at the Presbyterian Church. Interment at Evergreen.

The funeral of Mrs. Edward Hays was held this afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wheeler, of Foote av. Bellevue.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 30 March 1909, page 9

Word was received here yesterday of the death of Timothy J Cash, aged 50, at Leadville Colo. He was the son of the late P J Cash, of this city, for many years furnace keeper at the old blast furnace on Front street, and a cousin of Dennis Cash, the Cincinnati attorney. He acquired a fortune in mining industries in the West since leaving Newport. He was a prominent citizen of Leadville and held a number of political offices.

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 30 March 1909, page 5

-Newport-The funeral of Casimer Knecht, veteran contractor of Newport and organizer of the Germany Pioneer Society, took place yesterday with services at residence on East Third st. The pallbearers were George Grassmick, John Schweikert, Louis Liebonar, Robert Kaufmann, Otto Federle, William Hofmeier, Frank Voss and Theodore Kunkemoeller.

Mrs. Eliza J Dansey, 79, grandmother of Assistendent of Public Works Albert Craig, died last night at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Wm D Craig, Seventh and Roberts sts. Newport. Mrs. Dansey was born in Cincinnati but had resided in Newport for the past 30 years. She was a widow and leaves a family of three daughters, Mrs. Charles Schriefer of Chicago, Mrs. Hall of Covington. The funeral services will take place tomorrow morning at the family residence.

Bellevue-Herman C Promnitz, 81, died at his home at 324 Prospect st. last night. He leaves a widow and four adult children, three daughters and one son.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 2 April 1909, page 9

The funeral of John Duckworth, whose death occurred at 70 Patton street, Covington, will take place at Alexandria this afternoon.

Mrs. Clara Holzman, widow of John Holzman, died yesterday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. James Champ, 525 Maple avenue, Newport. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with services at St Stephen Church.

David O Gallear died at his home in Chicago, Ill. Mr. Gallear was a resident of Newport Ky. for many years and moved to Chicago to engage in the newspaper business. Funeral services occur this afternoon.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 5 April 1909, page 9

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Casimer Knecht, 74; Edward Bowen, 32; Earl C Chester, 3; Eliza Dansey, 79; John Scharstein, 83; Infant Berding; Clara Holsman, 71; Sarah Boyd, 78.

Mrs. Sallie Losey, wife of John Losey, motorman on the South Covington & Cincinnati street railway, died yesterday at Speers Hospital. The remains were removed to the residence, 1036 Isabella street, Newport. She is survived by her husband and infant child. Interment will be at Grants Lick.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 April 1909, page 5

Anthony Kellinger, 90, died yesterday at his home on Saratoga st. Newport. He is survived by six children, Rev Louis Kellinger, Mrs. Joseph G Feth, Miss Margaret and Frances Kellinger, Mrs. Rose Rosslin of Los Angeles Calf. and Alphonse Kellinger of San Francisco. The decedent had conducted a grocery at Sixth and Saratoga st. for nearly 30 years.

The funeral of Clarence Staker, whose death occurred at Speers Hospital following an attack of typhoid fever, will take place tomorrow.

The funeral of Katherine Klotzbach took place yesterday afternoon, services being held at St Paul German Church. The remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of Walter H Moore was held at the residence of his parents on McKinney st. Dayton at 2 pm. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.

Mrs. M F Russell, of 424 Fourth av. Dayton died suddenly at Speers Hospital this morning.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 10 April 1909, page 5

Florence May Fagaley, daughter of Culbertson P and the late Sarah (nee Hoorocks) Fagaley, died of typhoid fever. Funeral from family residence, 112 E Fifth st. Newport Ky. Saturday, April 10 at 1:30 pm.

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 10 April 1909, page 3

John Allbecker 53, died this morning after 7 am at his home, 206 East Southgate st. Newport, as the result of injuries received in Cincinnati March 31. The deceased is suvuved by a widow and four grown children. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 pm at the home.

William C Bradley, 75, former Magistrate and well known politician in Newport, died this morning at the home of his son, 525 Overton st. At the time of his death he was Deputy County Assessor.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 11 April 1909, page 5

Carl Roth, 42, died yesterday at his home, Elm & Patterson streets, Newport, of cancer of the stomach. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 12 April 1909, page 9

Mamie Welper, 32, married and residing at 700 Dayton street, Newport, died yesterday morning from taking a dose of carbolic acid late Saturday night. The woman had been suffering from ulcers of the stomach. Death about 5 pm yesterday.

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Infant Weckbach, 1/2h; Kate Klotzbach, 77; Mark Davey, 42; Regina Voss, 53; Anthony Keltinger, 89; John B Simon, 48; Fritz Heitzman, 67; Florence Fagaley, 34; William Kohsen, 14.

Mary E Kinsella, 28, wife of Edward Kinsella, died yesterday at her home on Chesapeake avenue, Cote Brilliante. She leaves one child.

Mrs. John Ryan, 68, residing at 8503 Columbia street, died yesterday. She leaves a husband and four children, all grown. One of her sons is studying for the priesthood at Omaha Neb. and was notified of his mother's death.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 16 April 1909, page 7

Peter Courlain, died Thursday, April 15, at 10:30am at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Lincoln Bradley, 207 Central av. Newport Ky. Funeral Saturday, April 17. Requiem high mass at Church of Immaculate Conception at 9 am. Interment at St Joseph New Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 26 April 1909, page 9

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Anna Ludeweg, 50; George Groeschen, 31; Elizabeth Adrian, 71; Charles Hardin, 32; Catherine Roggenkamp, 80; Dennis Ryan, 40; John Allbecker, 54; Eugene Monroe, 21 days; Robert Howard (colored) 19; Charles Kehrwald, 71.

August Dresselhaus, father of ex-patrol man, Arnold Dresselhaus, died yesterday at his home, 420 Berry avenue, Bellevue Ky. aged 68. She is survived by a widow and family of adult children. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 27 April 1909, page 10

Catherine, the nineteen month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nuhrup, 1029 Ann street, Newport, died yesterday of spinal meningitis.

The funeral of Charles Kehrald, who committed suicide by shooting himself, took place yesterday with services at his residence 1000 John street. Rev Schaeffer officiated and the remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery beside those of he wife of the deceased.

George Scharold, residing at 823 Dayton street, Newport, died yesterday at his home of consumption. The deceased leaves a wife by no children.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 3 May 1909, page 5

H F Schrader, 76, a well known resident of Newport died yesterday at his residence, 922 Orchard st. He was a widower and leaves two children. The funeral services will be held at the Spiritualistic Temple on Overton st. Wednesday afternoon at 3 pm.

Sophia Pflume, 83, widow of John, died yesterday at her residence in the Louisa Flats on Washington av. Newport. The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning.

James Bardy died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital, Covington. The remains were removed to Costigan & Roll's morgue, Newport.

The funeral of Vincent J Clark, who died at his home on Keturah st. Newport, will take place Thursday morning with requiem high mass in the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 10 May 1909, page 7

Overton Brown, died Sunday morning, May 9, aged 21 years. Funeral from residence of his grandfather, Paris C Brown, 130 E Third st. Newport, at 2 pm. Tuesday, May 11. Burial private.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 13 May 1909, page 11

Gustave Krebs, aged 21 months, son of Peter Krebs, whose death occurred about two weeks ago, died yesterday at the family residence, 336 West Eighth street, Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 15 May 1909, page 10

Julius Fisher died yesterday at his home, 816 Seventh avenue, Dayton Ky. aged 32, of pneumonia. He is survived by a widow. the funeral will take place Monday morning with requiem mass at the St Frances Church at 7 am.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 17 May 1909, page 5

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Frank Wapel, 28-drowning; George O Brown, 21-appendicitis; Barbara Wittmann, 73-apoplexy; Ellen Tocher, 58; Gustav Krebs, 2-convulsions; Katherine Swope, 68; Harrison Daniels, 20; Ernest Meyer, 28-meningitis; Mary Greisinger, 59-septicaemia; Fred Schnorr, 43.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 18 May 1909, page 7

John Forbes, died Monday, May 17, 9 am, aged 76 years. Funeral from residence of his son, James A Forbes, 620 Maple av. Newport Ky. Wednesday, May 19, at 8:30 am. Burial private.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 20 May 1909, page 2

Mrs. N C Pettit, 84, died last night at her residence, Mentor Ky. The funeral will be tomorrow at 10 am from the residence. Burial at Cold Springs Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 21 May 1909, page 7

Daniel O'Brien, son of the late Daniel and Kate O'Brien, died May 20, 1909, aged 31 years. Funeral from residence, 211 W Fourth st. Newport Ky. Saturday at 7:30 am. Requiem high mass Immaculate Church, 8 am.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 24 May 1909, page 8

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Kate Staubach, 27; John Forbes, 77-apoplexy; Lena Roth, 35-abscess of brain; Daniel O'Brien, 31; William Maurer, 35.

The funeral of David Freeman, who was killed by a fall from the C&O trestle in Bellevue, will take place this afternoon with services at his residence on Monmouth street. The remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery.

Nicholas Gubser, 80, who has been making his home with his son-in-law, George Smith, at 218 West Ninth street, Newport, died yesterday of old age. He leaves one daughter. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon with interment at North Fairmont.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 26 May 1909, page 5

The funeral of Dr. H C Gunkel, veteran practitioner of Newport, who died Monday night from an attack of paralysis, will take place tomorrow afternoon, with services in his late residence, 11 East Sixth St. at 2 pm. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.

Word was received here yesterday of the death of William Schroeder at St Joseph Mo. The decedent was the husband of Miss Emma Goetz, daughter of former City Treasurer Goetz.

The funeral of N S Johnson, who killed himself yesterday at the home of his brother in law, E H Kilpatrick, 14 East Fourth st. Newport, will be held Friday morning at 10 am from the residence. The remains will be taken to Pleasant Ridge O. for burial.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 1 June 1909, page 3

Herman J Wieck, aged 75 years, died Sunday, May 30, 1909 at 1:30 pm at the residence, nec Elm & Brighton sts. Newport. Funeral Wednesday, June 2, with requiem high mass at 9 am at Corpus Christi Church, Newport. Burial at St Joseph Cemetery, Johns Hill.

David Freeman, accidentally tripped and fell from the bridge crossing Covert Run pike at Bonnie Leslie a week ago. His brother, Pitt Freeman, 30, is now missing.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 7 June 1909, page 7

Bridget Dowd, aged 70 years died. Funeral from residence, 1105 Columbia st. Newport Ky. Tuesday, at 8:30 am. Requiem mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 11 June 1909, page 7

Henry William Ballantyne, aged 16 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A Ballantyne, died June 9, of typhoid pneumonia. Funeral Saturday afternoon from 326 E Sixth st. Newport Ky.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 17 June 1909, page 11

Frank Neltner, a farmer of Melbourne, died Tuesday, aged 54. He had been a resident of the county nearly all his life. The funeral of Frank Neltner, Democratic Executive Committeeman and prominent Campbell County farmer, will take place tomorrow morning with services at Four Mile Cemetery.

Mrs. Evaline Bogart, aged 66 , died yesterday at her home, 115 West Seventh street, Newport, of heart disease. She leaves four sons and one daughter. The funeral will take place from the residence, 811 Dayton street tomorrow afternoon.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 21 June 1909, page 15

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Infant Eckerle; Frank Goetz, 50-pneumonia; Nancie Bogart, 60-endocarditis; Tiffin Kennedy, 41-myocarditis; Robert Mackey, 43-ptomain poisoning; William McNamara, 31-dementia; Infant Culbertson; Frank Beck, 21-pneumonia; P Theodore Schoenfeld, 69-hemorrhage.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 25 June 1909, page 3

Newport Lodge BPO Elks will hold special services over the remains of William R Rawlins at the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery tomorrow afternoon. Elk pallbearers are George Platts, John Disk, John Gaiser and George Keefer.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 28 June 1909, page 10

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Christopher Schwartzholzer, 89; Herman Waldmeyer, 28; Joseph Spraner, 72; George Beyer, 34; Nelson Robinson (colored) 40; Lillian Banderman, 38.

Louis A Skilton, aged 49 years, died yesterday at his home, 1013 York street. He is survived by a widow and several children. The funeral will take place at 10 am Wednesday morning from the residence. Burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 30 June 1909, page 11

Edward, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John P Gast, died yesterday at their residence, 724 Fifth avenue, Dayton Ky.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 1 July 1909, page 7

John Brendel, aged 53 years, died at his residence, 918 Orchard st. Newport Ky. June 20 at 4 pm. Due notice of funeral will be given.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 5 July 1909, page 7

Christina Berkley, aged 65 years, 6 months and 2 days, died at her residence, 718 Monmouth st. Newport Ky. Due notice of funeral will be given.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 6 July 1909, page 7

William Buchert Sr. aged 48 years and 5 months, died at the family residence, 612 Washington av. Newport Ky. Funeral Wednesday July 7. Services at the residence at 2 pm. Interment at Spring Grove Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 9 July 1909, page 7

B G Heatley, (beloved husband of Alice Heatley (nee Clarey) died Sunday, July 4, at 10 pm. at his residence Tucson, Ariz. aged 52 years. Funeral from Yeatman Masonic Temple, Columbia and Delta av. Saturday, July 10, at 1:30 pm. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Newport Ky. ( Toronto papers please copy)


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 17 July 1909, page 7

Louisa Feieglein (nee Biggio) aged 32 years, died at her residence, 201 Central av. Newport Ky. Funeral on Tuesday, July 20. Requiem high mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am.

Word was received here yesterday to the effect that the body of Hazel Boardman, formerly of Newport, who was accidentally drowned at Evansville Ind. a few days ago, was recovered a short distance from where the drowning occurred. On account of the condition of the remains it was found necessary to inter the body at once.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 19 July 1909, page 4

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: John A Neiser, 6m-meningitis; Frederick Sauer, 74y-arteroclerosis; Mary Miller, 43y-dropsy; Henry Muehlenkamp, 70y-dropsy; John A Field, 41y-paralysis; John Weckbach, 71y; senility; Mary  Scherzinger, 39y-peritonitis.

Robert Lehr, 27, residing at 15 E Thirteenth street, died yesterday at his home. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 26 July 1909, page 4

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Fred Miller, 71-carcinoma; William Fleming, 22-drowning; Otto Hoffman, 30-drowning;  Christopher Ulrich, 29-ureamia; Maggie McMann, 35-tuberculosis; Fred Bertsch, 62-tetanus; Robert E Lehr, 27-peritonitis; Eva Eliza Eicher, 77-disease of the liver.

The funeral of Mrs. Anna Kohnen, whose death occurred at La Grange, Texas, where she was visiting relatives and friends, will take place this morning, with services at St Stephen Church at 9 am.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 4 August 1909, page 8

George Morgan died yesterday morning at his home, 751 Second avenue, Dayton Ky.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 6 August 1909, page 5

Word was received here yesterday of the death at Louisville of Henry Backus, 45 of 610 Central avenue. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with interment at St Stephen Church.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 9 August 1909, page 5

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Jacob Miller, 69-heart disease; Katheryn Helf, 63-heart disease; Infant Spurrer; Theresa Lucas, 1y; Christopher Schott, 75, nephritis; Carroll Brerston, 19-meningitis; Infant Harrish; Joseph Lieberi, 77-heart disease; Albert Quinn-tuberculosis.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 January 1909, page 5

George Enneking, aged 40, former resident of Newport and a son of Mrs. Anna Marie Enneking, of Seventh and Washington av. Newport, died late Monday afternoon at his home, 1313 Township st. Cincinnati of pneumonia. he is survived by a wife and four children.

William Bell, aged 58, died yesterday morning at his home, Second and Terrace av. Dayton Ky. of paralysis. He is survived by a widow and two sons.

Mary Huhn, 87, died yesterday at the residence of her son, William Huhn, 319 West Sixth st. Newport of old age. She leaves three daughters and two sons. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.

Mrs. Anna Pfeiffer, the aged mother of Charles and Louis Pfeiffer, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Fries, 54 Highland av. Ft Thomas, aged 93. She had been a resident of the Highlands nearly all her life.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 23 January 1909, page 5

Audrey Williams, 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams, formerly of Newport, died yesterday. The services will be held at the home. The interment will be at Evergreen.

The funeral of Martin Haller, a veteran collector of Newport, whose death occurred Thursday, will take place Monday afternoon at 2:30 pm with services at Evergreen Cemetery chapel.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 18 March 1909, page 5

Coroner Digby is investigating the death of Mrs. George Weigele of 610 Dayton st. Newport. The cause of death was at first attributed to ptomaine poisoning as a result of eating ice cream. from information gathered by the Coroner he is of the opinion that death was caused by an overdose of medicine containing morphine.  The woman was taken ill Sunday evening and a physician prescribed the medicine with which he left directions how it should be taken. her condition became worse Monday night and someone gave her more of the medicine. She died a few hours later.

William Brueggeman, 63, died last night at his home, 10 east Sixth st. Newport of paralysis. He is survived by a widow and eight children, six daughters and two sons. Mrs. Kate Wintersall, Mrs. Fannie Edwards, Mrs. Rose Schneider, Mrs. Clara Johus and Hannah and Anna, Fred and William.

The funeral of Melnethon Pierce was held this afternoon with services in his late residence, 16 West Fourth st. at 2 pm and interment made in Evergreen Cemetery. The Rev B C Horton of Ft Thomas and J W Crates of Newport conducted the services

Henry Schlueter Sr. died yesterday at his home, 41 Clark st. Dayton Ky. He had been a peddler for many years. He is survived by a widow and a family of adult children.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 10 April 1909, page 3

John Allbecker, 53, died this morning shortly after 7 am at his home, 206 East Southgate st. Newport. His death was the result of injuries received in Cincinnati March 31. Allbecker was engaged in unloading a wagon at the Provident Bank building, now in course of erection and the drive of the wagon in making a turn, forced Allbecker against a portion of the building crushing one of his ribs. the rib penetrated the lung and gangrene settled in, the injury proved fatal. The deceased is survived by a widow and four grown children. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2 pm at the home.

William C Bradley, 75, former magistrate and well known politician in Newport died this morning at the home of his son, 525 Overton st. Newport. At the time of his death he was Deputy County Assessor.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 20 April 1909, page 5

Dennis Ryan, a well known character about the Courthouse was found dead yesterday at the residence of Charles Potts, Southgate st. Newport. He had just returned from an errand for Mrs. Potts and died while sitting in a chair.

Sylvester, the 1 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Leisring, residing on Licking Pike, a short distance from Newport, died yesterday.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 May 1909, page 3

Under the provisions of the will of Catherine Schwope of Newport, whose death occurred last week, her daughter Caroline is cut off with $5 in the words of the testator “she having left home and marriage a man I didn’t know.” All of the estate is left to her children, Fred, Jacob, George, William, John and Charley Schwope, Kate Brantz, Louise good and lizzie Caldwell, share and share alike. Jacob Schwope is named executor.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 1 June 1909, page 3

Mystery surrounds the disappearance of Pitt Freeman, 30, an employee of the Baker Screenworks of Newport. The tragic death of his brother, David freeman, who tripped and fell from the bridge crossing Covert run pike at Bonnie Leslie a week ago is thought may have something to do with his disappearance. Pitt Freeman was with his brother when he plunged to his death.

Herman J Wieck, aged 75 years, died Sunday, May 30, 1909 at 1:30 pm at the residence nec Elm and Brighton st. Newport. Funeral Wednesday June 2 with requiem high mass at 9 am at Corpus Christi Church, Newport Ky. Burial at St Joseph Cemetery Johns Hill.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 6 August 1909, page 5

Word was received here yesterday of the death of Louisville at Henry Backus, 45, of 610 Central avenue, Newport. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning with interment at St Stephen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 9 August 1909, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Fred Erschell will take place this afternoon from the residence of her parents, 625 Washington avenue, Newport at 2:30 pm. The services will be private.

Frank Goetz died at his residence, 906 Columbia street, Newport Ky. Saturday, August 7, 1909. Funeral Tuesday, August 10, from residence. Services at St Stephen Church at 9 am.

Louisa Feldman (nee Kramer) beloved wife of John Feldman, died August 8, aged 58 years and 10 months. Funeral from late residence, 784 Third av. Dayton Ky. Wednesday morning. Requiem high mass at St Francis Church Wednesday at 8:30 am. Interment at Mother of God Cemetery, Covington Ky.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 12 August 1909, page 7

Henry Devitt, died at his residence, 1025 Vine st. Newport Ky. August 10 at 4:50 pm. Services at the residence Friday, August 13, at 1:30 pm. Friends invited. (Columbus Oh and South Bend In. papers please copy)


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 23 August 1909, page 7

Ellen Callahan, died Sunday, August 22, at 7:10 pm at her residence, 320 Monmouth st. Newport Ky. Due notice of funeral will be given.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 28 August 1909, page 7

Harry D Edwards, aged 42 years, died at his residence, 527 York st. Newport Ky. Funeral Saturday, August 28. Services at 1:30 pm at the residence of his brother in law, 14 E Sixth st. Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 29 August 1909, page 4

Mary Berger, wife of the late August Berger, died, aged 74 years. Funeral from residence, 831 Central av. Newport, Ky. Tuesday 8 am. Requiem mass at Corpus Christi Church, 8:30 am. Interment in St Stephen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 30 August 1909, page 11

 Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Carrie B Harvey, 49-peritonitis; Ellen Callahan, 60-apoplexy; Mary Mauget, 54-inquest; Fred Peters, 80-senility; Charlotte Theis, 70-nephritis; James C Thomas, 61-tuberculosis; Alma Staffen, 17-tuberculosis; Carl Reitz, 64-heart disease; Catherine Overman, 18 days; Carrie H Walton, 71-carinoma; Harry E Edwards, 42; exhaustion; Edna Bartee, 21-septicemia; Charles P Hoepker, 50-typhoid; James O Lee Jr. 1-cholera.

Louisa M Hildebrandt, 36, wife of J C Hildebrandt, a blacksmith at Cold Spring, died yesterday. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.

Newport Aerie No 250, F O E will meet in special session tonight to make arrangements for the funeral of Joe Phistner.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 6 September 1909, page 11

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Mary Berger, 75-pneumonia; Joseph Phistner, 32-cardiac paralysis; Mary E Nagel, 75-cariac paralysis; John Zeck, 58-tueberculosis.

George and Deffa Miller, nine month old twins of John Miller, of 234 East Seventh street, Newport, died within 24 hours of each, the girl passed away last night. they will be buried in the same grave in Evergreen Cemetery tomorrow morning.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 14 September 1909, page 15

The remains of W L Humphreys, who was killed by a C&O train last Wednesday near Brent, were last night shipped to Buena Vista, Va.

Helen Griffith, 15, died yesterday at her home, 816 Isabella street, Newport of dropsy. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 19 September 1909, page 5

Charles D Toomey, son of John and Mary Toomey, died at his home Fifth and Overton sts. Newport Ky. Due notice of funeral.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 20 September 1909, page 4

Mary Gardner Talbot died yesterday at the home of her sister, Mrs. J M Arnold in Covington. The remains will be shipped to Paris Ky.

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Loretta Sandelbach, 4m; R L Humphreys, 68-accidental; George Biven, 29-phthisis; Louisa Merschell, 1 hour; Hannah Thoma, 43-inflammation of bladder; Helen Griffiths, 15-heart disease; Joseph G Orth, 59-phthisis; George Kneger, 85-uraemic poisoning; Raymond Enzweiler, 8-tetanus.

Abraham Clark, 90, one of Newport's pioneer residents, died yesterday at Norwood Oh of old age. He leaves one daughter, Miss Georgia Clark, who resides at 712 York street. Funeral directors will ship the remains to Kineons Landing Oh this afternoon.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 26 September 1909, page 14

The remains of Albert E Laughlin, whose death occurred in Douglas Ariz. are expected to arrive in Newport tomorrow morning. His father, Charles Laughlin, a former resident of Newport, has arrived here from New Bedford Ind. to take charge of the remains.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 27 September 1909, page 11

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: John McCaffrey, 54-dropsy; Charles D Toomey, 43-cirrohis of liver; Annetta Hetchel, 2-pneumonia; Herbert Gilmore-34-hemorrhage; John C Hoadley, 64-inflammation of bowels; Fred Kane, 87-senility; Mary Riechers, 47-phthisis; James G Rogers, 57-paralysis of heart; Mary Smith, 88-arterio sclerosis; William J Kraemer, 31-tuberculosis; Mary Barr, 8-spasms.

Genevieve McCarthy, 17, residing at 231 West Sixth street, Newport, died yesterday at her home. Funeral services will be held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception tomorrow morning.

George Hermann, 42, died late Saturday night at his home, 331 Elm street, Newport. A wife and one child survive him. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon with services at 2:30 pm at Evergreen Cemetery. The members of Eureka Lodge, Knights and Ladies of Honor are invited to attend the services.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 30 September 1909, page 7

Philomena Barth (nee Ross) beloved wife of William Barth, died Tuesday, September 8, 1909 at the residence, 110 W Seventh st. Newport Ky. Funeral Friday, October 1, Requiem high mass at Church of Immaculate Conception 8 am. Burial at St Joseph Cemetery Price Hill.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 1 October 1909, page 7

William F Brown, aged 20 years, died suddenly September 30, 1909 at his residence, 533 E Fourth st. Newport Ky. Due notice of funeral.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 4 October 1909, page 11

George Marshall, 72, died last Saturday night at his home, 118 West Third street, Newport, of dropsy. He leaves a wife and family of grown children. The remains will be shipped to Henry Co Kentucky for interment.

John Miller, 49, who lived with his mother at 639 Dayton street, Newport and was a cigar maker, died yesterday at his home of pneumonia. He was single and a member of the Order of Red Men. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning.

Peter Fassler, 52, died yesterday at his home, 619 Dayton street, Newport. He leaves a wife and family of grown children. He was a member of the Sons of German Pioneers. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 5 October 1909, page 15

The remains of Mary Blumfield, 4, daughter of Raymond Blumfield, of 553 East Second street, Newport, whose death resulted from an attack of typhoid pneumonia, will be shipped to Nicholasville Ky. today.

George Otto, 74, died yesterday at Speers Hospital as the result of infirmities due to old age.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 11 October 1909, page 10

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Joseph Miller, 49-pneumonia; George Marshall, 72-dropsy; Peter Fassler, 52-cirrhosis of liver; Matthew Fielen, 37-convulsions; Ida Lenner, 22-shock; Infant Lenner; Rebecca Lenner, 28-burns; Mary Brumfield, 4-typoid; Mrs. H Eckert, 47-cardiac paralysis; Infant Griesen; John Lehr, 34-rheumatism; Margaret Wager, cardiac paralysis; William Weber, 48-cancer; Catherine Veith, 67-cardiac paralysis.

Virginia Stephens, 50, residing at 228 East Fifth street, Newport, died yesterday at her home after a lingering illness. She was a talented musician, having graduated in Berlin, Germany. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 18 October 1909, page 11

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Patarick Canfield, 45-tuberculosis; Peter Young, 77-cancer; Virginia Stephens, 45-nephritis; Edward Weber, 39-softening of the brain; Ellen Flynn, 70-apoplexy.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 1 November 1909, page 11

The funeral of Henry Krebs of 924 Boone street, Newport will take place Wednesday afternoon with services at St Paul German Church at 2:30 pm. Interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of Frank Voss Jr. will take place tomorrow morning with services at Evergreen Chapel at 2 pm.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 2 November 1909, page 10

Mrs. Mary Sexton, wife of Patrick Sexton, was found dead yesterday at her home, Ninth and German streets, by her daughter, Miss Jennie Sexton. She was 65 years of age and Coroner Digby decided that death was due to apoplexy.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 5 November 1909, page 11

Funeral Director Costigan yesterday received the remains of Mary McArdle, 78, a former resident of Newport, whose death occurred at Greenfield Oh. The body was interred at St Stephen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 6 November 1909, page 15

At the investigation into the death of John Rekers, who was struck by a car in Bellevue, both the widow and the street car company will be represented by attorney. Coroner Digby will impanel a jury Monday and a thorough investigation of the case will be made.

George J Albers, age 58, died yesterday at his home, 361 Washington avenue, Bellevue, of neuralgia of the heart. He is survived by a widow and family of children. The funeral will take place Monday morning at 8 am from the Sacred heart Church. interment will be at St Mary Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 7 November 1909, page 21

John A Skinner, aged 38, died early yesterday morning at his home, Berry and Ross avenues, Bellevue of dropsy of the heart. The death was unexpected as he was able to be about up to the time of his death. He was a member of the Newport Elks, the Order of the Owls and the Commercial Travelers' Association. The funeral will take place at 1:30 pm Tuesday from the Christian Church.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 8 November 1909, page 11

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Frank Voss Jr. 29-heart disease; Charles Lewis, 34-tubeculosis; Caroline Runnells, 68-dilitaion of heart; Henry Krebs, 33-oedema of lungs; Mary Mullen, 55-Brights disease; John Rekers, 39, street car accident; Helen Pohlman, 45-pneumonia; Mary Sexton, 56-apoplexy; Frank Arnold, two days-heart disease; Mary Radley-69-pneunmonia; Infant Weber.

Timothy Gleason, 46, single, residing at 203 West Tenth street, Newport, died yesterday at his home. The funeral services will be held tomorrow at St Stephen Church.

Newport Lodge of Elks will meet tonight to go to the home of John Skinner, whose death occurred Saturday. Services will be held at the home by the lodge.

The funeral of H L Matthews will take place at 2 pm today from the residence Berry and Ross avenues, Bellevue. Interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of George J Albers will be held at 8:30 am today at the Sacred Heart Church. Rev Hinnsen officiating at requiem mass. Burial will be at St Mary Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 11 November 1909, page 13

Harry Woods died yesterday morning at his home on Grand avenue, Newport. The decedent was 36 years of age and a brother-in-law of Robert Anstead. At the age of 5, Woods lost the use of his left leg as a result of rolling from a couch, injuring his leg.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 12 November 1909, page 11

Tidings of the death of Mrs. Claude Orr at Denver Colo. were received here yesterday. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McReynolds and the wife of Claude S Orr, formerly with the Mabley and Carew Company.

Joseph E Falk, by his will probated yesterday, directs that all of his property shall go to his wife, Mary Falk and at her death to be equally divided among his seven children. His son in law, August Eilerman is administrator.

Mary Hunning, 40, wife of Henry Hunning, residing at 330 West Ninth street, died yesterday after a short illness. She will be buried tomorrow morning with services at Corpus Christi Church.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 15 November 1909, page 9

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Alfred C Mason, 8-appendicitis; Irene Williams, 34-gastritis; Amineta Hahn, 31-tuberculosis; Timothy Gleason, 46-phthisis; Goldie Adams, 23-drowning; James Stone, 10 days-convulsions; Mary Huning, 49-ruptured abscess; Harry Woods, 36-phthisis.

Joseph Deye, 88, died yesterday at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Henry Feldman on the Licking Pike. He was an old resident of Campbell Co and leaves six sons and two daughters. Funeral Director Betz will ship the remains to Morris Ind.

Thomas Waters, 48, brother of ex-Chief of the Fire Department, John Waters, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital. The remains were removed to the brothers home and the funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

Mrs. Allen Campbell, 64, died yesterday at the home of her son, L G Campbell, 721 Linden avenue, after a lingering illness. Funeral Director Costigan shipped the remains last night to Buffalo NY.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 28 November 1909, page 3

Mary Collins, died Thursday, November 25 at 3:30 am at the Good Samaritan Hospital. Funeral Monday, November 29 from the residence of Miss Margaret Yeager, 726 Columbia av. Newport Ky. Requiem high mass at St Stephen Church at 8 am. Interment at St Stephen Cemetery.

Albert H Cook, aged 27, single, died yesterday at his home, 1145 Park avenue Newport. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon from the residence. Interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of John Black, 89, for 50 years a Cold Spring farmer, will take place tomorrow afternoon from the residence of his granddaughter, Mrs. Anna Belle Dahl, 405 Saratoga street, Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 29 November 1909, page 10

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Emma Poweleit, 54-heart disease; John Daunt, 9-paralysis of heart; Pauline Bertelsmann, 48-anemia; Frank Cupples, 40-phthisis; William Gillespie, 47-phthisis.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 30 November 1909, page 11

Albert H Cook, 1145 Park av. Newport Ky. died November 27, aged 27 years and 6 days. Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 am from the residence. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 1 December 1909, page 11

Ezra J Black, 70, father of William Black, telegraph operator at Ross Ky. was found dead in bed yesterday by his son, when the latter went to arouse his father. Coroner Digby decided that death was due to natural causes.

Mrs. Ella Martin, 83, residing at 476 Keturah street, Newport, died yesterday. The deceased, a daughter of the late Squire Flannery, leaves a husband and one daughter. The funeral arrangement have not been completed.

Lawrence Wellinger, 94, residing at 611 East Third street, Newport, died yesterday. He was the grandfather of Miss Anna Luhrs. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon, with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.

Charles Lipscomb, 41, died yesterday at his home, 138 West Seventh street, Newport. The funeral will take place Friday morning.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 4 December 1909, page 11

Edward Stein, aged 38, single, died yesterday at Speers Hospital. The remains were removed to the home of his brother in law, Louis Loehr. The funeral will take place Monday afternoon with services at the Evergreen Chapel at 2:30 pm.

The funeral services of Mrs. Elizabeth Sprague, who died at her residence, 1103 German street, Newport, will be held this evening at 7:30 pm at her home, Rev Bolin officiating. The remains will be interred at Persimmon Grove Cemetery tomorrow morning.

Mrs. Maria Winkless, widow of William Winkless, died Friday morning at her home, 912 Putnam street, Newport, aged 85 years. Two daughters and a son survive her. The funeral services will be held next Monday afternoon at the residence.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 8 December 1909, page 15

A pathetic scene was witnessed yesterday morning, when the body of Mary Elizabeth Murray, wife of Henry Murray, of 1122 Orchard street, and her infant twins were laid away in the same grave. The twins lived but an hour and the mother passed away shortly afterward. The services were held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 9 December 1909, page 11

The many friends of James L Pye, of Kansas City, formerly of this city will sympathize with him in the death of his wife, nee Laura A Garrison, also of Newport.

Mrs. Amanda J Ullery, widow of David Ullery, died last night at her home, Fourth and Terrace avenues, Dayton Ky. aged 75. She is survived by a family of adult children. Edward Ullery, of this city is a son.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 11 December 1909, page 17

In the case of Rosalia McIntosh, who died at her home, 418 Central avenue, Newport, shortly after midnight Thursday, Corner Digby returned a verdict of heart disease.

The eight month old daughter of Mrs. Dave Frazer of 512 West Eight street, was found dead in bed yesterday by its mother.

Ludwig Bonzhoff, a widower died yesterday at his home, 819 Fourth avenue, Dayton Ky. aged 71 He is survived by a son and six daughters.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 12 December 1909, page 21

The five week old son of Thomas J Howe, of 717 Monmouth street, Newport, was found dead yesterday morning by his mother. Coroner Digby decided that death was due to natural causes.

Mrs. Florence Bell, wife of Walter Bell, died Friday night, aged 32 years. The funeral will take place from Charles A Smith & Son's Chapel Sunday, at 8 am and the remains will be taken to Independence Ky. for interment.

Edward, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benke, O'Fallon and Lincoln avenues, Bellevue, died yesterday. The funeral will take place at 9 am tomorrow from the residence.

The funeral of Ludwig Bonzhoff will take place Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 from the St Paul German Protestant Church on Third avenue. Interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 13 December 1909, page 10

Health Officer Kehm deaths report; Emma Peer, 4m-meningitis; Infant Schumann, 2d; Sarah Black, 67-cardiac failure; Edward Sceim, 38-tuberculosis; Mar Marry, 24-hyroemnion; Infant Murray; Laura Nellinger, 104-arterio sclerosis; Babetta Weiskettel, 64-cardiac insufficiency; Myers Ezersky, 3-pneumonia; Lucy Greenlee, 2y-pneumonia; Harry Clark, 8-pnuemonia.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 14 December 1909, page 11

James Travis, 58, residing in Brent Ky. was found dead in bed yesterday morning by his wife when she awoke. He had been ill for some time but his condition was not considered critical. Coroner Digby decided that death was due to natural causes.

Mrs. Catherine Keim, widow of George Keim, died yesterday at her home, 405 Columbia street, Newport. The funeral will take place at 8:30 am tomorrow from St Stephen Church.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 18 December 1909, page 10

Peter Barth, 84, a widower, residing at 404 East Tenth street, Newport, died yesterday at his home. He leaves two children. Services will be held at 11 am Monday and the remains will be interred at Tug Fork at 1 pm.

The funeral of Anton Walter will take place Monday morning from the St Francis Church, Dayton Ky. Rev Father Greifenkamp will officiate at requiem mass.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 20 December 1909, page 10

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Ella McIntosh, 43-angina pectoris; Helen Holub,1; Thomas J Howe Jr. 1m-heart trouble; Catherine Keim, 87-cardiac degeneracy; Maggie Nagel, 40-hemorrhage; William Geiger, 70-rheumatism of heart; Alma Kettler, 15-tuberculosis; Florence Bell, 32-exhastion; Anna Klotzback, 75-bronchitis; Agnes Kress, 59-pneumonia.

Christ Passauer, 77, a retired cigar maker, died yesterday at his home, 1005 Central avenue, Newport, of heart trouble. He leaves a wife and one daughter.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 22 December 1909, page 13

The funeral of Mrs. Lena Knarr, wife of Frederick Knarr, will take place at 1:30 pm today in the residence, 142 Foote avenue, Bellevue. Services will be held in Evergreen Chapel at 2:30 pm. Members of the Daughters of America will meet with Loyalty Council in the chapel at 2 pm to attend the funeral.

The funeral of Frank X Vogelbach will take place at 8:30 am today in St Francis Church, Rev Greifenkamp officiating at requiem mass. Interment will be in St Mary Cemetery. Mr. Vogelbach had been a resident of Dayton for nearly half a century.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 23 December 1909, page 11

The funeral of Eugenia Washburn took place yesterday afternoon from her residence on Highland avenue, Ft Thomas. Rev Fletcher officiated and the remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 26 December 1909, page A4

The funeral of Josephine Hildebrandt, whose death occurred Thursday at the residence of Mrs. Emma O'Brien, Tenth and Central avenue, Newport, will take place tomorrow morning with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 27 December 1909, page 10

Health Officer Kehm deaths report: Peter Barth, 84-heart disease; Norma Rickles, 1-pneumonia; Louis Wellinger, 53-endocarditis; Infant Hoff; Christian Passauer, 77-heart failure; Infant Henn, 4d-hemorrhage; Rosalia Kraemer, 3-meningitis.

Word was received here yesterday of the death at Middletown Oh, of Mrs. Sarah Holt Standish, a former well known resident of Newport. She was making her home with her son in law. The remains will be brought to Cincinnati for interment.

Mrs. Delia F Voorhees, mother of Mrs. H L Cauden and James F Voorhees, died yesterday at her late residence, 630 Lexington avenue, Newport. the remains will be taken to Ripley Oh, Tuesday for interment.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 30 December 1909, page 11

Sarah Holtry, aged 75 years, died yesterday at the residence of William D Shaefer, 18 Fifteenth street, Newport. The remains will be shipped to West Alexandria Oh, Friday morning.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 31 December 1909, page 7

Louise Bonte, widow of Henry Bonte, died Thursday 5:30 pm in her 71st year. Funeral Monday 10:30 am from residence, 315 Washington av. Newport Ky.


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