Deaths listed in the local newspapers 1870-1899

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Monday, 31 January 1870, page 7

Mrs. James E Smith, of the Methodist Book Concern in Cincinnati, died quite suddenly on Saturday night at his residence, No 86 Cabot street, Newport. His disease was inflammatory rheumatism.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Monday, 28 February 1870, page 1

Miss S B Hoyt, a popular teacher in the Newport High School, died after a short illness on Friday night.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Saturday, 2 April 1870, page 1

Mr. John Payne, for twenty-three years past, keeper of the first tollgate on the Alexandria Turnpike, near Newport, died on Thursday afternoon, at the advanced age of 32 years. He was a native of Virginia and served in the War of 1812.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Tuesday, 12 April 1870, page 7

Captain Joe Kirkland, an old boatman, formerly of Newport Ky. died in Memphis last Friday. He leaves a wife and three children.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Wednesday, 12 October 1870, page 6

Dr. J Van Bibber, an old citizen of Newport, died suddenly at the residence of his son-in-law Mr. Boal on Bellevue street, at 8 o'clock on Monday night. He was upward of seventy years old.


Cincinnati Commercial, Friday, 13 January 1871, page 6

As accident occurred at T G Gaylord & Co's foundry, Newport, Wednesday afternoon resulting in the death of a very worthy young man, named Bernard Coyne.

The wife of Esquire J T Maphet died last night before last in Newport after a short illness.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 7 February 1871, page 3

Thomas McGraw, one of the oldest citizens of Campbell County, residing about two miles south of Newport died Saturday last. He was about ninety years of age.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Wednesday, 3 May 1871, page 7

Miss Sallie Howe, a teacher in the public schools of Newport, died suddenly day before yesterday.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 27 July 1871, page 6

The Coroner's jury in the case of James Madox, who was found in a dying condition on Sunday night last, on Saratoga street, Newport, met last night at the Courthouse. The result of the analysis was no poison found. A verdict was Madox came to his death from some cause unknown.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Wednesday, 16 August 1871, page 8

DEATH FROM THE HEAT-Fred Krapp, a driver of an ice wagon in Newport, died last evening at about 7 o'clock from excessive heat. Squire Payne held an inquest over his remains and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the facts.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Monday, 27 November 1871, page 7

Manly T Hardy, a prominent business man of Newport, died yesterday, after a short illness.

The Circuit Court of Campbell County convenes in this city today. The trial of the suit of Kinney's Administrator against the Newport Ferry Company, for $50,000 damages, on account of the killing of young Kinney about a year ago, will commence on the fourth day of the term.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Monday, 4 March 1872, page 3

The flag on the public landing was at half mast Saturday, in respect to the memory of Sumner Whitten, an old time engineer, and brother of Capt. David Whitten, of The Gen Lytle, who died in Newport, Friday night aged sixty-four.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Thursday, 11 April 1872, page 7

Mr. David Aug, a highly respected citizen of Newport, died yesterday at his residence on Cabot street. His funeral will take place at 10 o'clock today, from Grace M E Church.

A report reached this city on Tuesday evening that a house situated on a small stream near Persimmon Grove, in the upper end of the county, was swept away on Monday night and the entire family occupying it drowned. Marshal Clary, who came down from Alexandria yesterday, informs us that the report had not been confirmed when he left.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Monday, 15 April 1872, page 4

Major W H McDowell, formerly Superintendent of the Cincinnati & Newport Railroad Bridge, died from smallpox, yesterday afternoon at his late residence on Kilgour street, in this city, Cincinnati. During the war Major McDowell had charge of the bridge department of the Confederate Army. When the construction of the Newport bridge was determined upon, Major M was sent to this city by the Keystone Bridge Company of Baltimore, to superintend the structure. The body will be interred at Spring Grove.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Friday, 17 May 1872, page 2

Griffin Thornton, an old citizen of Newport, died yesterday, after a short illness.

There were 260 burials in the Newport Cemetery during the year ending April 30, 1872.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Wednesday, 28 August 1872, page 7

An old man named John Murnan, who has been working some time at the Water works, while eating his supper on Monday evening at Leer's boarding house, corner of Saratoga and Harris streets, fell out of his chair and died almost instantly. Squire Kemper summoned a jury and held an inquest on the body. The verdict of the jury was that death was caused by apoplexy.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 6 September 1872, issue 241

A little child of Thomas McGraw, residing in Sandy Lane, near Newport, died day before yesterday from the effects of a spider bite on its face.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Wednesday, 13 November 1872, page 2

John Galler, a German, aged about thirty years, who accidentally shot himself through the shoulder while carelessly handling a gun, about a week ago, a short distance back of Newport, died of lockjaw yesterday at the St Elizabeth Hospital in this city, Covington.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Friday, 15 November 1872, page 4

Died in Newport Ky. Jane Porter, wife of William M Donaldson. Funeral will take place on Sunday 17th at half past 1 o'clock. Friends are invited.

Died November 14th at 10 o'clock am, Earl, infant son of Lyman and M E Perin. Funeral Friday morning at 10 o'clock, corner Mayo and Columbia streets, Newport Ky.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Friday, 10 January 1873, page 7

Lt. O A Thompson, of the Thirteenth United States Infantry, died at the Newport Barracks yesterday morning of small pox. His remains will be taken to Springfield Illinois, for interment. The flag at the barracks was displayed at half mast yesterday, through respect to the memory of the deceased.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Friday, 24 January 1873, page 2

Thomas M Rigg, for several years past Market Master of Newport, died yesterday at his residence on Washington avenue, Newport.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Tuesday, 11 March 1873, page 2

Mrs. Mary Woodard, an old resident of Newport, died in Evansville, on Saturday. Her remains will be brought here for interment on Thursday.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Wednesday, 14 May 1873, page 7

Dr. Joseph Taylor, a prominent citizen of this county, died on Monday afternoon at his residence  short distance above this city, Newport.

Amelia Rugg, one of the oldest residents of Newport, died also on Tuesday.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Monday, 26 May 1873, page 3

Mr. George Uprichard, one of the oldest citizens of Newport, died on Saturday night.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Friday, 29 August 1873, page 3

John Weaver, for many years a resident of Newport, died at Indianapolis on Saturday last.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Wednesday, 17 September 1873, page 3

Perry Hayman died yesterday morning at 6 o'clock in Newport.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Sunday, 1 February 1874, page 7

The venerable father-in-law of pilot Mart Ersole, Mr. James Dye, died in Newport Friday evening from a stroke of paralysis received several days ago. He was over seventy years of age and for a number of years has been identified with the river and coal interests. He was one of the pioneers of Newport and was much respected citizen. He funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock from No 61 Monmouth street, Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 3 July 1874, page 8

The veteran fireman, Frank G Miller, was buried yesterday morning from his residence in Newport. During the passage through the city of the funeral which was largely attended, the fire bells toiled and the dirges of the band, which headed the procession of firemen, attracted universal attention.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Thursday, 20 May 1875, page 3

Mr. William Casswell, an old resident of Newport, died on Tuesday at Delaware Station, Indiana. His residence in this city extended through a period of twenty-two years, during most of which time he was engaged on the river.

Rev Father John Voll, pastor of Corpus Christi Church, died at his residence in Newport last night. Father Voll came from Louisvile to this city in 1858. He was in the 61st year of his age. His death will be regretted by a large circle of friends.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Tuesday, 17 August 1875, page 3

William Rogers, one of the oldest citizens of Newport died yesterday morning in his bed just before daybreak. An inquest was held anda verdict rendered of death from heart disease. The deceased was about seventy years of age.

It was rumored that a little boy was drowned late evening at the foot of Elm street, Newport, in the Licking River.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Thursday, 26 August 1875, page 4

Mrs. Frank O'Shaughnessy, daughter of Mr. Jacob Hawthorne, of Newport, died at the residence of her father yesterday evening at half past five o'clock. She had been a sufferer from consumption for some time and her death was not unexpected.


Cincinnati Daily Star, Tuesday, 21 September 1875, page 2

Died in Newport Ky. September 21st 1875 at 7 o'clock AM at the residence of his father, Charles Stricker, 215 Isabella st, Charles Stricker Jr. in the 33d year of his age. Funeral services will take place Thursday 23d inst. at 2 o'clock PM at the family residence. Friends of the family are invited to attend.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Monday, 18 October 1875, page 8

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. Lewis Weaver, an old citizen of Newport, who died recently while on a visit to Cleves, Ohio.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Saturday, 6 November 1875, page 7

Mrs. Whitten, sister of Pilot William Pendleton, died in Newport Thursday night.


Cincinnati Daily Times, Friday, 4 February 1876, page 1

Mr. Frank Johnson, a very estimable young man, died of consumption at the residence of his mother on Southgate street, Newport, this evening about 4 o'clock.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 2 April 1876, page 6

Her many friends will regret to hear of the death of Mrs. Mary Hainsworth, widow of the late James Hainsworth. She died yesterday morning at her late residence at the corner of York and Madison streets, Newport and was buried in the afternoon. The deceased had a large circle of friends especially among the older residents of Newport.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Wednesday, 17 May 1876

Mr. Henry Jones, son of Major W H Jones, the Post trader at the Columbus Barracks, and formerly of the Newport Barracks, died at Columbus yesterday morning after suffering greatly from a long continued attack of rheumatism.


Cincinnati Daily Times, Saturday, 14 October 1876, page 1

DECEASED-Colonel James Thatcher, an old resident of Newport, died at his late home, this morning at half past 4 o'clock, aged 78 years.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 26 October 1876, page 2

The numerous friends of William J Mariana will be sorry to hear of his death, which occurred last evening at 7 pm, Newport.

The funeral of Mrs. Mossett took place yesterday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception and was largely attended.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 26 October 1876, page 2

The numerous friends of William J Mariana will be sorry to hear of his death, which occurred last evening at 7 pm in Newport.


Cincinnati Daily Star, Saturday, 28 October 1876, page 4

The funeral of Mr. William J Mariana took place this morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. A requiem mass was sung by Rev Father Ennis, after which he preached an eloquent discourse on the many virtues of the deceased. The remains were interred in St Stephen Cemetery, back of Newport.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Thursday, 9 November 1876, page 5

Died in Newport Ky. November 3, Frank Lacy Clark Jr. infant son of Frank L and Alice H Clark.


Cincinnati Daily Star, Friday, 10 November 1876, page 5

Matthew Lyons, whose family lives in Newport, died suddenly yesterday while sitting in a chair in Schneider's saloon at No 30 Broadway, Cincinnati. An inquest was held and a verdict returned of death from apoplexy.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 2 March 1877, page 7

The funeral of Thomas Hodgson will take place this afternoon at 1 pm and the remains escorted to their last resting place by the following Lodges; Noah's Dove Encampment and Mann Lodge, IOOF and Robert Burns Lodge, F and A M.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 6 March 1877, page 3

Mr. Charles Trumor, an old and highly respected citizen of Newport, died suddenly yesterday evening at his residence on York street near Eglantine.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Saturday, 24 March 1877, page 9

Died in Newport Ky. March 21, 1877 at 1 1/2 o'clock am of consumption of the bowels, Rosa Lee, daughter of George and Mollie Logan in her 7th year. Funeral on Sunday 2 pm from First Corinthian Baptist Church, colored, on Robert street between Mayo and Ringgold.


Cincinnati Daily Star, Saturday, 11 August 1877, page 4

Mr. William Holt, a highly esteemed citizen of Newport, died last night about 8 o'clock at his residence on Mayo street.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Tuesday, 21 August 1877

Mr. Ward Smith, Wharf master at Newport died at 4 o'clock yesterday morning at his residence on Front street, Newport Ky. at the age of sixty-five years.


Cincinnati Daily Star, Tuesday, 4 June 1878, page 4

Mrs. Henrietta Stitz, an old and esteemed citizen of Newport, died at her residence on Saturday and was buried yesterday. She had been confined to her bed for six years with rheumatism which finally terminated in dropsy, with which she died.


Cincinnati Daily Star, Tuesday, 24 September 1878, page 4

Dr. Adria Wagoner of Alexandria died this morning.

Mr. Henry Ritt, an esteemed citizen, died at 11:30 this morning of dropsy in Newport.

A lady who died lately in Newport was the last descendant of the world renowned Swedish poet, Uralowen.

The funeral of Miss Annie Kelly was largely attended from the Church of the Immaculate Conception this morning.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Wednesday, 30 October 1878, page 4

Died in Newport Ky. at 1 o'clock this morning, Angie G, wife of R W Nelson and daughter of William and Jerusha M Elden. Notice of funeral will be given hereafter.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Thursday, 30 January 1879, page 10

Newport-In the County Court yesterday, Ed Stricker was appointed administrator of the estate of his mothe, Bathia Stricker, deceased, and gave bond with James Morlidge as surety.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Friday, 18 July 1879, page 8

Philip Scheinbold, a farmer who lived on the Licking Pike, about three miles from Newport, died of the heat Wednesday, while at work in the field.

A little Negro boy of about nine years of age was jostled off the ferry boat as it was coming to the landing on this side last night about 7:30 o/clock, and fell into the river. He sank before help reached him.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Thursday, 1 January 1880, page 7

Mr. John O Stander died late Thursday night at his home on York street, Newport. He was born in France and has been a citizen of Newport for many years.

Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Thursday, 1 January 1880, page 2

John N Stouder, proprietor of the St Nicholas Exchange, corner of York and Southgate streets, Newport, and a respected citizen died night before last, in his thirty-ninth year. He was a native of France.

Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 6 January 1880, page 7

Mrs. Julia A Kenniston died last evening at half past 7 pm, at the family home on Monmouth street, Newport. Mrs. Kenniston widely known as a Christian and charitable lady.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Friday, 9 January 1880, page 4

A woman named (Margaret) Nester, residing in Reilly alley, Newport, has been missing from home since Wednesday afternoon and no trace of her can be found. She was last seen Wednesday evening on board the Newport ferryboat and it is believed she either fell or jumped overboard and was drowned. She left three children at home upon starting out, giving no indication in regard to where she was going. She has a husband traveling somewhere in the south, but his exact whereabouts cannot be ascertained.


Cincinnati Daily Star, Thursday, 15 January 1880, page 6

The remains of the late Mrs. Captain Keniston of Newport, will be sent to Noblesville Ind. for interment.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Sunday, 18 January 1880, page 5

FISHER-Thursday, January 18, at 6 pm, Henry N Fisher, of Newport Ky. died.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Monday, 19 January 1880, page 7

Mr. Charles Rugg died last night shortly after 8 pm. He had been sinking slowly for the past few weeks and death was expected. He was born and brought up in Newport where the greater part of his life was spent.

A number of German citizens have put in circulation a petition asking subscriptions for the erecting of a simple stone over the grave of Charles Schuerer in Evergreen Cemetery.

Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 20 January 1880, page 4

A man aged thirty-five or forty years, supposed to be Jacob V Beck, of 82 Madison street, or 90 York street, Newport, died of hemorrhage of the lungs at the Twenty-first district Ward Police Station last evening. The body was removed to Habigs and Coroner Carrick will hold an inquest today.

The will of Jacob Thompson, of Newport, was received for record.


Cincinnati Daily Star, Monday, 22 March 1880, page 6

The remains of Mr. R W Wilson, Newport, were yesterday interred at Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati.

The funeral of Miss Anna Glascoe was very largely attended yesterday afternoon from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The floral tributes were exquisite.

The funeral of Mrs. Eliza Smith, wife of George Smith Sr. took place from the M E Church, yesterday. Rev Mr. Saunders preached the sermon, after which the remains were conveyed to Newport Cemetery.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Tuesday, 23 March 1880, page 3

Charley Fox, aged forty-three years, a brother of George Fox of Silmer & Raipe, Cincinnati, and also a brother of Henry Fox, of Newport Ky. died in San Francisco, Calif. on the 5th of March, leaving a widow and several children. The deceased was the proprietor of one of the finest restaurants in San Francisco and over twenty years ago was a barkeeper for Lew Boman at the old "Globe" at No 30 Broadway on Sycamore street.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Friday, 16 July 1880, page 3

John Zern, a millstone cutter by trade, aged thirty-five years, died suddenly yesterday morning, of hemorrhage of the lungs brought on by the excessive heat. He left his home at the southwest corner of Columbia and Southgate streets, Newport, about 8:30 yesterday morning for a walk, but when he reached Dr. Adam Meisenheimer's barber shop on York street, opposite the Court House, he went into the shop to take refuge from the heat which was affecting him unpleasantly. While there he was taken with a profuse hemorrhage which no artifice could stop. A wagon was called and he was taken home, where he died in five minutes. He leaves a wife and two children. Coroner Schoolfield held an inquest.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Thursday, 29 July 1880, page 3

Suit has been filed in the Circuit Court at Alexandria by William E Anderson, administrator of the estate of Benjamin F Anderson, deceased, for the settlement of the estate. Among other items in the schedule of real estate is a tract of 300 acres near Alexandria.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Wednesday, 1 September 1880, page 3

Mrs. Eugene E Bowers, widow of the late Treasurer, died at her residence night before last in the sixty-third year of her age. Mrs. Bowers was one of Newport's pioneer residents having lived here since 1827. She will be buried from the Taylor Street M E Church this afternoon.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Thursday, 9 September 1880, page 4

It is complained of generally that the law has not been observed by the Superintendent of Longview Asylum. The case of Dennis Kilmartiin, of Newport Ky. who died recently at Longview, Cincinnati, is mention as an instance where neither the relatives of the deceased nor the Probate Judge was notified.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Saturday, 30 October 1880, page 6

Miss Kennedy Dameron, a young daughter of Thomas Dameron, of Cold Springs, died yesterday morning of diphtheria.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 8 December 1880, page 7

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raipe, Newport, was buried yesterday at Maysville. Rev Mr. Marsh who officiated at Mr. and Mrs. Raipe's marriage, preached the sermon.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 11 January 1881, page 6

Henry Wilmers, a prominent Magistrate of Minister, Campbell County, died yesterday being sick only two days.

An infant child of Caleb Corlos, near Newport, died of scarlet fever today.

John Sparley, aged sixty-six years, a much esteemed citizen of Newport, died yesterday from the effects of a cold he caught while working at his ice house.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Wednesday, 19 January 1881, page 3

Mr. Henry Toeble, a well known citizen of Newport, died last evening at his home on Columbia street.

Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 19 January 1881, page 7

The funeral of Mrs. Alfred Berry took place yesterday from her home on Elm Street, Newport. Her remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.

Henry Toeble, an aged and respectable German citizen, living on Columbia street, Newport, died at his home yesterday with heart disease. The deceased was one of the pioneers of this city and leaves a widow and one daughter, who is a teacher in one of the Public Schools of Cincinnati, to mourn his loss. He leaves a large amount of property, which he had accumulated by his industry and perseverance.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Wednesday, 9 February 1881, page 5

BAND-in Newport Ky. Feb 8, 1881, Josephine Elizabeth, infant daughter of William H and Mary L Band. Funeral Thursday at 1 pm. Burial private.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Saturday, 16 April 1881, page 5

BOWERS-At Newport Ky. April 14, 1881, Joseph J Bowers, aged 32 years and 11 months. Funeral today (Saturday) at 2 pm from the residence of his mother, 316 Madison street, Newport. Friends of the family are invited to attend.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Friday, 22 April 1881, page 6

Mr. Fred Muzzer, for a long time a resident of Newport, died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Westmore, in the sixty-third year of his age.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 25 July 1881, page 7

The remains of Mrs. Elizabeth Faust were buried from St John Protestant Church, Newport yesterday. The deceased was sixty-eight years of age.

The funeral of young Riley, who was drowned in Licking River, took place yesterday and was largely attended. The Young Veterans attended in a body.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 31 July 1881, page 2

Mary Cronan, aged sixty-six years, died at her home in the county yesterday.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, 24 December 1881, page 13

Died at Newport Ky. December 22, Annie, wife of James Knight, aged nineteen years. Funeral from their residence on Tibbatts street, Saturday at 1 o'clock. "Dust thou art, to dust returneth, Was not spoken of the soul."


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Monday, 30 January 1882, page 11

Mr. Reese Gaddis, who was the oldest resident of Campbell County, died in the Highlands at the residence of his son, Mr. J C Gaddis, yesterday morning at forty minutes past 10 o'clock. The deceased was brought to this country by his parents in the year 1795, when but six months old and has ever since continued to reside here. His funeral will take place from his late home in the Highlands tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Mrs. G W Morris, mother of Mrs. D R P Dimick, Newport, died at her residence on Jefferson street yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Mr. Lambert Day, a pioneer German citizen of Newport, died at his late residence on Monmouth street, Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The deceased was born in Bavaria, Germany, in the year 1814 and emigrated to America and settled in Cincinnati in the year 1812 (sic). Five years afterward in 1817 he moved to this city where he has lived ever since. His funeral will take place from St Stephen Church tomorrow at 2 o'clock.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Monday, 10 April 1882, page 3

Mrs. Lucy Krewys, an old and esteemed citizen of Newport, died yesterday at her late residence on Orchard street, two doors about Tibbatts, from dropsy. The deceased was sixty years old.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 20 July 1882, page 7

An entertainment will be given at Becker's Hall, Dayton, on Friday evening, to raise funds to defray the funeral expenses of the late Charles Swager.

The funeral of Mrs. Loab, the grandmother of John Steinhauser, took place yesterday and was largely attended. The deceased was over eighty years of age.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Sunday, 20 August 1882

Mr. Alfred Woods, of Bellevue street, Newport, who has been seriously ill with a severe case of blood poisoning, caused by mashing his finger with a blow from a hammer, died at twenty minutes to 1 o'clock this morning, aged fifty-nine years.


Cincinnati Post, Friday, 25 August 1882, page 4

Chris Weber, 83, died yesterday of old age. He was a pioneer, one of the first settlers of Hickory Ridge, of Campbell county.


Cincinnati Post, Tuesday, 5 September 1882, age 1

Dennis Kehoe's son Peter, 13, was drowned yesterday afternoon while bathing at the Washington av. landing, Newport. He was taken out of the water before life was entirely extinct, but he could not be resuscitated. Coroner Dameron summoned a jury which returned a verdict of accidental drowning.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Saturday, 9 September 1882, page 7

Mr. M J Crolley, an old and well known citizen of Newport, died night before last at his residence on York street.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Saturday, 16 September 1882, page 4

Rev Ira Pearson, of Newport, died last month, aged ninety one years. He was for sixty three years a minister in the Baptist church.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 20 September 1882, page 7

The funeral of the infant son of Mr. Henry Schrader, who died yesterday, will take place today at 3 pm from the family residence on Overton street, Newport.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Saturday, 21 October 1882, page 7

John Brindley, who was cut the 6th day of September last, the day of the Exposition Pageant, during the progress of a row he had on Main street, with two men from New Richmond, named O P Sullivan and Charles Datus, died last  night at 12 midnight at his home on Saratoga street, in Newport.


Cincinnati Post, Friday, 10 November 1882, page 4

The funeral of Miss Mary Cronin took place yesterday from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

A grain of coffee lodged in the windpipe of James Hugle's little girl a few days ago Newport. Dr. Kearns cut it out and she died yesterday.

Yesterday Solomon Bonhapso, qualified as administratrix of Bernard Bonhapso's estate.


Cincinnati Post, Monday, 13 November 1882, page 1

Dennis Harrington, 45, 132 Monmouth st. Newport died last night.

Saturday night while the ferry boat was landing on the Newport side, an unknown person fell overboard. It is not known what became of him, as it was very dark.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Tuesday, 21 November 1882, page 6

Johnny, the nine year old son of James Mulvey, residing at Isabella street, between Mayo and Ringgold streets, Newport, died yesterday morning from the effects of blows received about the head, it is claimed from a woman living in the neighborhood. Coroner Dr. R A Dameron, will hold an inquest in the morning to ascertain the cause of the little boy's death.

The many friends of Frank Covalt will be pained to learn of the death of his wife from smallpox day before yesterday.

Heinrich Vogely, a middle aged German, fell dead at his home on Ann street, Newport, last night from heart disease. He leaves a wife and five small children.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Monday, 27 November 1882, page 6

An inquest was held by Coroner R A Dameron day before yesterday on the body of a man named Eli Denny, who was found dead in a float on the Ohio River bank and the jury returned a verdict of death from heart disease.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 8 December 1882, page 7

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Silva have the warmest sympathy of their friends in the loss of their child, Newport.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Saturday, 9 December 1882, page 8

The funeral of Alfred, the young son of Mr. Albert Silva, Newport, took place yesterday morning. It was attended by a large number of friends.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Friday, 5 January 1883, page 5

The funeral of the late Philip J Callahan took place yesterday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception and was largely attended. Father McNerney, the pastor, celebrated solemn requiem mass. The remains were placed in a vault at Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of little Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conboy, who died Wednesday morning, took place yesterday morning from the family residence on Central avenue, Newport. The remains were deposited in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Conboy have the sympathy of the community in their sad affliction. This is their third child that has died in the past three months.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Sunday, 7 January 1883, page 2

Fred Horton, overseer of George & Rotts coal yard, Newport, but a few days ago, his wife died from the disease, a day later one of his children fell victor, yesterday another passed away and now Mr. Horton himself is in such a condition that his recovery is not looked for.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 16 January 1883, page 8

The funeral of Mrs. Theresa Listerman, an old resident of Newport, who died Sunday at her residence on Bellevue street, in the seventy-third year of her age, will take place this morning at 9 o'clock from Corpus Christi Church.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Thursday, 15 February 1883, page 5

CLEBURNE-In Newport Ky. Feb 14, Mrs. Isabella Jane Cleburne in her 73d year. Funeral Friday, Feb 16 at 2 pm from residence, 256 Saratoga street.


Cincinnati Post, Saturday, 24 February 1883, page 4

John Dawes, dairyman, who lives back of Newport, died yesterday of small pox.

Mrs. J L Lewis, died yesterday at Justice H M Lewis' house on Washington av. Newport.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Sunday, 25 February 1883, page 4

Mr. G W Guy Sr. an old and respected citizen of the Highlands, back of Newport, died on Sunday last, at the advance age of sixty-six.


Cincinnati Post, Friday, 16 March 1883, page 4

Coroner Dameron yesterday held an inquest on the body of William Weise and found his death was caused by a pistol wound inflicted by John Hook. Hook was blameless and exonerated him from malice. William Weise, who died yesterday will be buried from the German Episcopal Church Sunday morning.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Monday, 19 March 1883, page 7

The funeral of Patrick Brady took place yesterday from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

The funeral of the late William Weise took place yesterday from St John German Protestant Church, corner of Mayo and Columbia streets, Newport. The church was packed with many friends of the deceased.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 27 March 1883, page 8

Coroner R A Dameron yesterday held an inquest on the body of Henry Sethman, who was found dead in bed last Saturday morning at his residence in Cold Spring. The jury returned a verdict of death from heart disease.

The last will and testament of Christian Megerle, was probated yesterday and he bequeaths to his wife, Franszicka, all his property.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Sunday, 22 April 1883, page 6

The funeral of Mr. Stephen G Fessenden took place yesterday from his late residence, No 112 Orchard street, Newport.

The venerable mother of Councilman Henry Weidner, Newport, died yesterday at her residence in Colerain Township, Hamilton County, Ohio, in the seventy fourth year of her age.


Cincinnati Commercial Post, Monday, 25 June 1883, page 8

George M Kestel, a German carpet weaver, who occupied the third floor of No 10 York street, Newport, jumped out his window to the pavement below, a distance of thirty-five feet. He was picked up and carried to his room, where he died. The deceased leaves a wife and three children.


Cincinnati Post, Wednesday, 25 July 1883, page 4

Mrs. Eva Rief, well known Newport lady, died yesterday afternoon from hemorrhage of the lungs.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Friday, 26 October 1883, page 7

The funeral of Mr. Joseph White took place yesterday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception on Madison street.

Mr. George New a resident of Campbell County for the past twenty two years, died yesterday morning at his residence, No 17 Mayo street in the sixty-fifth year of his age from dropsy. The deceased leaves a wife and six children, all of whom are grown. His funeral will take place next Sunday afternoon from his late residence.

The funeral of Mr. Otto Sinsheimer took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of Mr. James Woodsides on Bellevue street. After the ceremonies the remains were taken to Evergreen Cemetery for interment.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Wednesday, 23 January 1884, page 7

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dye have the sympathy of this community in the loss of their little four year old son, James Elmer, who died yesterday morning at the family residence, corner Harris street and Central avenue, Newport.

August Hoecking, living on Isabella street, Newport, was found dead in bed by his mother yesterday from elliptic fits. He was 33 years old and unmarried. Coroner Dameron was notified and the jury returned a verdict of death from congestion of the brain.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Friday, 15 February 1884, page 5

Mrs. Catharine Walsh, an old resident of Newport, died yesterday morning at the residence of her son, Mr. Richard Walsh on Washington avenue, in the sixty-fourth year of her age. The immediate cause of her death was paralysis.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 23 March 1884, page 1

August Krug, who was at one time a prominent member of the Turner Society of Newport, and who left his wife and children in this city several years ago, died recently at the hospital in Memphis.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Thursday, 27 March 1884, page 7

The funeral of the late Miss Maggie Purcell took place yesterday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception on Madison street, Newport.


The Evening Post, Cincinnati, Tuesday, 18 November 1884, page 1

The remains of Frank Argo, who was killed some time ago on the L&N railroad were taken from the vault and buried in Evergreen Cemetery today. His wife arrived from Ironton O. this morning and superintended the removal of the body.

Mrs. Eva Bender, 83, mother of John Bender, of Cincinnati, was buried from St Stephen Church this morning. The remains were taken to St Bernard Cemetery, Cincinnati.


Deaths in 1885

Adams, Jessie; 9m 12hrs; May 5 of convulsions

Feb 10-Barnes, Florence; 77y old age br-Evergreen
Mar 10; Bentke, Ed; 1y 8 days of pneumonia br-Evergreen
Mar 12; Bognor, Minnie; 4m of pneumonia; br-Evergreen
Mar 17; Bender, Charles; 6weeks 18days of convulsions
Mar 19; Becker, Frederich; 44y 1y; hemorrhage bowels br-Evergreen
Mar 31; Boss, Charles; 6weeks of tabes mesentencia; br-Evergreen

May 2; Blanche, Henry; 48y 4m of dropsy; br-Evergreen
May 2; Bowens, Harry; 2y of congestion of lungs; br-Evergreen
Brinkman, Charles W; 20y; Mar 21 of acute nephrites in Dayton; br-St Francis
Brown, Fred; 8 days; Feb 7 of inflammation bowels; br-Evergreen
Brunner, Anna M; 58y; Apr 25 of heart disease; br-Evergreen
Buding, Johanna; 17m 6weeks of bronchitis; br-St. Joseph
Budde, Margaret J; 8weeks 1day; Feb 19 of spasms; br-St Stephen
Burgen, August; 30y 8m; Apr 20 of consumption; St Stephen
Burnell, Cora Belle; 4 days; Mar 26 of convulsions; Evergreen

Carrington, Paul; 59y 2weeks; May 28 of gangrene; br-Evergreen
Clary, Patrick; 64y 6m; May 14 of dropsy of heart; br-St Joseph
Cloharty, Alice; 2y; Apr 6 of whooping cough; br-St Stephen
Constans, Flora; 2y; Jan 15 of diphtheria; br-Evergreen
Coppage, Blanche; 4y 3m; Jan 10 of pneumonia; br-Evergreen
Cramer, Elizabeth; 74y; Jan 13 of old age; br-Evergreen
Creelman, James; 26y; 1m; Jan 1 of pneumonia; br-St. Joseph
Cummings, Jonathan A; 21y; sudden hemorrhage; br-Evergreen
Cummins, James; 4m; May 2 of pneumonia; St Stephen
Cummins, William; 30y; Apr 19 of consumption; St Stephen

Danks, J M/31y/2m/June 6/malaria/Evergreen
Davis, George W/57y/2m/May 20/typhoid fever/Evergreen
Donten, Maril Louis/3y/4m/Mar 1/brain fever/St Stephens
Dramer, Maria Elizabeth/74y/--/Jan 11/old age/Evergreen
Drisshaus. Emma Bernadine/6m/1week/Mar 7/brain fever/Highland-Kenton Co.
Dunn, Sebastian/65y/--/Mar 5/dropsy/Johns Hill

Eyer, Charles Henry/1y/14days/Mar 14/stydrocelshalus/Evergreen

Fiehrman, Margaret/54y/3days/chronic broncituis/Evergreen
Firth, J E/66y/--/Jan 21/old age/Evergreen
Flaven, Annie/14y/1week/Mar 26/typhoid pneumonia/St Stephens
Fletchen, Lizzie/22y/--/June 14/heart dropsy/Moscow Ohio
Frampton, Mary/3m/1week/Mar 13/pneumonia/Alleghany Pa
Fuhn, Clifford/6m/--/Feb 19/convulsions/Evergreen

Gackerman, Johannes/81y/--/Feb 1/old age/Evergreen
Gerdin, Harry/37y/--/June 8/phthisis/St Joseph
Gosney, M J/40y/--/Mar 16/dropsey/Evergreen
Guy, Sarah/--/7weeks/June 3/blood poisoning/Evergreen

Hathaway, Mamie L/8m/10days/May 10/pneumonia/Linden Grove-Kenton Co.
Harbison, St. M/46y/7m/Mar 18/anacarca/St Joseph
Harris, Warren F-6weeks/4weeks/Jan 9/tubercular mannigitis/Evergreen
Harvey, Flinne/17m/7days/May 5/measles/St Stephens
Hays, James/75y/--/May 22/heart disease/Evergreen
Hendenger, Mrs./48y/3m/Mar 8/dropsy/Evergreen
Henson, Elenora/33y/8hr/Feb 12/purfural hemmorage/Evergreen
Henson, Larmens A/1y/2weeks/Feb 21/pneumonia/Evergreen
Hera, Oliver-2y/3weeks/Feb 7/pneumonitis/Amelia Ohio
Heron, Mary/70y/6m/June 4/cancer lower jaw/St Stephens
Hight, William N/23y/--/Apr 23/consumption/Linden Grove-Kenton Co.
Hoffmeister, Harry A/3y/6days/Mar 28/pneumonia/Evergreen
Hoffmeister, Harry A/3y/6days/Mar 30/pneumonia/St Joseph
Holzen, Ada/1y/--/Apr 20/pneumonia
Howard, James Quinton/43y/2y/Mar 8/consumption/Evergreen

Jackson, Leroy-86y/1m/Jan 1/pneumonia/Walnut Hills-Cincinnati

Kellar, James R-3days/--/Feb 8/premature birth/Wesleyan-Cincinnati
Keller, Anne L/45y/10days/ Apr 16/acute cerebritis
Kelley, Julia/76y/3weeks/Apr 4/dysentery/Old St Josephs-Cincinnati
Kelnacher,___/2y/--/Apr 12/typhonal pneumonia/Evergreen
Kline, Arthur/3y/--/May 31/drowned/St Bernard-Cincinnati
Koitz, Katharina-2y/1day/Feb 17/membranos croup/Evergreen
Kuntz, Ella/22y/1week/June 14/phthisis florida/Evergreen
Kraiber, Henry E/3y/--Feb 21/croup/Evergreen
Kuehner, Charles J/66y/--/Apr 14/congestion of nonic?
Kuhfurl?, Florence E/20y/--/June 27/consumption/Evergreen

Lacy, Edward/85y/4days/May 27/old age/St Stephens
Lang, Charles/3y/10days/Apr 1/pneumonia/Evergreen
Leffel. Rudolph/4y/12weeks/Mar 9/pneumonia/Evergreen
Lock, Mary/5y/--Feb 13/diptheria/Evergreen
Locke, Sarah J/50y/10weeks/June 1/heart dropsy/Evergreen
Lohstroh, Edna J-4m/--/Jan 12/atrophy/Evergreen
Losses, Mary/78y/--/Mar 18/old age/Evergreen
Lusk, Robb/68y/2weeks/Apr 18/malaria
Lyons, Willie/21y/7weeks/Mar 30/typhoid pneumonia/Spring Grove-Cincinnati

Malone, Agnes/9y/4days/Mar 29/endicardites/Evergreen
Marshall, John T/82y/6m/Apr 5/brights disease/Wesleyan-Cincinnati
Martin, Amelia J/32y/1y/Mar 13/phihesis/Evergreen
Meeker, Mary/67y/sudden/Mar 17/heart disease/Rising Sun Indiana
Meier, John/1y/1day/Apr 10/measles/St Stephens
Mersh, E/24y/7weeks/Feb 10/consumption/St Bernard-Cincinnati
Miller, James M/15y/--/Apr 23/drowning
Miller, Jane-61y/2m/Jan 7/heart disease/Evergreen
Mullen, Patrick/55y/8m/May 16/cancer of stomach

Neal, Maria/39y/--/June 19/erisepilas/St Stephens
Nehkly, J H-29y/9weeks/Feb 14/enline fever/Evergreen
Nolliock, Betti/10y/6m/Mar 15/paralysis/Walnut Hills

Ording, Henry/42y/9m/June 19/cancer of lung/St Joseph
Orr, Chr. Aug/1y/4hrs/Jan 5/diptheria/St. Josephs

Park, Elizabeth A/53y/18m/Apr 14/cancer
Parsons, Ella N/3y/1week/Mar 23/spasms/Evergreen
Puntan, Kate/22y/--/May 21/accident/Evergreen
Puntan, Mary Ann/19y/--/May 21/accident/Evergreen

Riley, Grover C/6m/--/Feb 22/convulsions/Evergreen
Ross, W C/14y/4days/June 25/rubeola/Evergreen
Rugter, Fredslin/8m/11days/Feb 8/teething/4 Mile

Schirmbeck, Henry/70y/7weeks/June 4/old age/Evergreen
Schriever, Henry/75/2m/Mar 6/hydro poncard/Evergreen
Schweirman, N Hen/29y/8days/Jan 1/typhoid fever/St. Josephs
Sensil, Otto M-1y/2weeks/Jan 23/bronchitis pneumonia/Evergreen
            Shirad, Ellen Ermes/70y/6m/May 16/heart valve insufficient/Spring Grove-Cincinnati
Shorley, Gustave/2y/--/Apr 6/measles/St Stephens
Shott, Willie/1y/4days/Mar 28/pneumonia/Evergreen
Smith, Katie/1y/3weeks/pneumonitis/Evergreen
Smith, William H/46y/4weeks/Feb 17/endocanditis/Evergreen
Stantwig, Elizabeth/70y/1week/Mar 1/senility/Evergreen
Starcourt, Ruth F/22y/4m/Mar 30/phthesis pichmonatis?/Evergreen
Startmyer, Anna C-1y/2days/Jan 24/pneumonia/St. Joseph
Stegen, Louis O/6y/--/Feb 24/croup
Steinhous, John/51y/1year/Mar 2/consumption/Evergreen
Stensel, J William/5days/--/Mar 17/convulsions
Stetsch, Winnie/27y/--/June 14/phthisis putmorial/Evergreen
Stor, Patrick J/36y/4days/May 7/acute gastritis/New St Joseph-Cincinnati
Stricker, James L/63y/8m/Mar 3/consumption/Evergreen
Stricker, Jane/59y/5y/Mar 31/ashlufatia from dropsy/Evergreen
Stunh, Lucy/3y/3weeks/Mar 13/croup/Evergreen
Susitorf?, Mary A-2y/8days/Feb 12/tubercular mennigitis/Evergreen
Suter, Sophia Rosa/1y/4days/Mar 31/pneumonia/St Joseph

Taliferro, John H/35y/sudden/suicide/St Joseph
       Thompson, William C/2y/7days/Feb 5/caprullary bronchitis/Spring Grove-Cincinnati
Truesdell, David/69y/1m/Apr 11/dropsy/Cold Spring

Wagner, Olga-21m/5weeks/pajemia?/Evergreen
Wasson, Clinton E/50y/3m/Mar 24/anusarca/Evergreen
Weber, Hy/2y/3hrs/Jan 2/convulsions/Evergreen
Weber, Margaret/62y/--/Jan 8/chronic infla. fever/Evergreen
Weger, Angela/78y/--/Jan 31/old age/St. Joseph
Weith, Frederich/53y/2y/June 27/dropsy/Evergreen
Wenstel, Doretha/75y/sudden/June 10/dorfis?/Evergreen
Wilking, Jonathan S-52y/--/Feb 10/heart disease/Spring Grove-Cincinnati
Winslow, Walter C/8y/--/Jan 25/strangulation/Buffalo New York
Worthington, Ella/20y/6m/June 25/consumption/Walnut Hills-Cincinnati

Yager, Martin/52y/13m/May 14/laryngent cancer/St Joseph


Cincinnati Post, Monday, 23 March 1885, page 1

Funeral of Captain Speers yesterday in Dayton Ky.

Catherine Moore, 54, died last night at her home on Monmouth st. Newport.


Cincinnati Post, Wednesday, 8 April 1885, page 1

John Cummings of Newport, was killed yesterday by George A McMillan. The funeral of Cummings will take place Thursday afternoon at 2 from his late residence on Saratoga st. Newport.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Sunday, 24 May 1885, page 11

The friends of Rev L Guerin, Newport, will regret to learn of the death of his daughter, Mrs. Wolf, who died in Covington on Thursday.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Friday, 20 November 1885, page 7

Mrs. Ortzman of No 248 Monmouth street, Newport died night before last. Coroner R A Dameron was notified and ordered a post mortem examination, which was made by Dr. Johnson and Dr. Jenkins, after which a jury returned a verdict of death from heart disease.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 27 August 1886, page 7

The funeral of Henry Link, Newport, took place yesterday.

Pioneers citizens of Campbell County are passing away rapidly. Several have died his month, including Rev George Nelson and John Miller.


Cincinnati Post, Thursday, 19 May 1887, page 4

Will of Miss Eliza Brown probated. She leaves a large estate to be divided between her three sisters, who live in Newport. At their deaths it goes to Rev T G Lavingston of Addingham Eng. The last paragraph reads: "Not a penny of my money shall be given to a member or members of my family, I having been from childhood the victim, through the efforts of my family of hte most cruel and malignant persecution and slander, they having sought to rob me of my good name and fair reputation; and this I do not do revengefully but in the fear of God and a womanly sense of duty to myself."

Fielding Hopper, 82, a Campbell county pioneer, died at his home fifteen miles from Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 21 August 1887, page 2

Miss Laura Casey, who went to Cincinnati a few days ago, died from the effects of an operation performed on her in the Hospital.

The funeral of M Spelman took place from his home in Bellevue yesterday. At the church, were services were held, the edifice was crowded to suffocation with friends of the deceased. It was one of the largest funeral that ever left Bellevue. The employees of Dayton's Rolling mill attended in a body.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 25 September 1887, page 2

John Goodfright, aged eighty-seven years and a pioneer of Campbell County, was buried from his residence at Pool Creek yesterday.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 9 November 1887, page 7

Mrs. Fred Weckman died yesterday at her home, 147 Saratoga, Newport. The deceased was seventy-five years of age and has been a resident of Newport for thirty years.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 12 January 1888, page 7

A gentleman by the name of Turner residing on the Licking Pike, near Robson''s distillery, died yesterday from heart disease.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 25 April 1888, page 2

Philip Gerbert, one of the pioneers of Campbell County, died Monday at his home at Grants Lick. The deceased was seventy-five years of age.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 29 April 1888, page 2

Mrs. Abraham Garrison, aged fifty-six years died at her home on Ann street, Newport, yesterday morning.

Mrs. Anna Ragensberg, mother of Charley Ragensberg, who was buried last Thursday, desires to return her sincere thanks to the employees of Colonel L M Dayton nut and bolt work for their very generous and substantial donations to her in her house of sorrow and need.

The funeral of Mr. George W Hukill took place yesterday from the residence of his niece, Miss Cora Bourne on Bellevue street, Dayton Ky. and was conducted by the Rev Dr. Charles Taylor. His remains were buried at Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 11 May 1888, page 7

The mother of Sid Seaman died at her home in New York yesterday.

Elijah Fields, one of the oldest colored men in this county, died at the Poor House a few days ago.

The funeral of J Thornton Washington took place yesterday from the residence of Mr. J B Taylor. A large number of prominent persons were in attendance. The following gentlemen acted as pallbearers: Hon A S Berry, P B Spence, O W Root, W K Boal, Waller Overton, Brent Arnold, George Wilshire and Dr. R H Thornton.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Wednesday, 23 May 1888, page 3

The will of Gerhard H Hagedorn, deceased was probated in the County Court yesterday, Newport. He bequeathed all his property to his wife, Gesina Hagedorn.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 22 February 1890, page 2

Mrs. Mary E Ayers, relict of A R Ayers and the mother of Callie Ayers, died yesterday at Chicago. Deceased was a sister of Gus Billerbeck and a most estimable lady.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 8 March 1890, page 2

Otto Hansemann, of Chicago, is in Newport, to attend the funeral of his brother, the late Adolph Hansemann.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 21 March 1890, page 2

Mrs. Anna Kuechlee of 304 Central av. Newport, died yesterday.

Edward Beede, a popular young drug clerk of Newport died yesterday at his late home, 261 Isabella street of typhoid fever.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Sunday, 20 April 1890, page 6

Jacob Showalter Sr. a resident of Newport for over thirty years, died yesterday at his residence, 173 Ann street, aged eighty-one years.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 21 June 1890, page 6

Moritz Klump, the well known saloon keeper died at his home on Isabella street, Newport, yesterday morning after a short illness. He was taken ill Sunday with cholera. He was a member of the German Pioneer Society and it will attend the funeral which takes place tomorrow at 1 pm.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 22 August 1890, page 7

The funeral services of the late Henry Rische took place yesterday, Newport. The Pioneers and Odd Fellows of which the deceased was a member, turned out in a body. Messrs. Henry Helf and George Klein of the Pioneers, and Messrs. Fred Schmitt of the Odd Fellows, acted as pallbearers.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Wednesday, 12 November 1890, page 42

The funeral of the late Anton Heinerman took place yesterday morning from Corpus Christi Church. St Joseph Benevolent Society, of which the deceased was a member, headed by a band, attended in a body. The remains were buried in St Stephen Cemetery at Four Mile. Pallbearers were Michael Broudmann, Frank Kruse, Henry Junnemann, Henry Broman, Joe Biem and George Pfiermann.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 1 March 1891, page 7

The remains of the late Mrs. Winston Turner were taken from the vault yesterday and interred in Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 28 March 1891, page 6

Mrs. Kate Evans of this city, Newport, died yesterday at St Elizabeth Hospital. On last Monday her husband visited her and being sick at the time, was so fatigued that the was compelled to remain and now is confined with a severe illness.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 24 May 1891, page 7

Mr. Patrick Brosnan, a respected and estimable citizen, died Friday night at his home on York street, Newport, near Seventh of congestive chills. The deceased was in the fifty-ninth year of his age and for many years has been a resident of this city.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 4 June 1891, page 2

Herman Lambert, a most estimable young man, died at his home on York street, Newport of consumption.

Harry, the little four year old son of Mrs. A P Ryan, died yesterday at the residence of his month, 115 West Ninth street Newport.

John Pelume?, an old and respected citizen, died Tuesday night at his home West Third street, Newport. The deceased was well known and highly respected and leaves a widow and several grown children to mourn his loss.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 4 October 1891, page 7

Bernhardt Scheard, a pioneer German citizen, died at his home yesterday morning.

Mrs. Mary Wright, wife of Joseph Wright, died at her home in the Highlands last night. The deceased was a most estimable lady and leaves scores of friends to mourn her demise.

The funeral of the late Ulysses Freyer took place last Thursday from the residence of his sister, Mrs. Lang on Elm street, Newport. The services were conducted by Mrs. Adah Sheehan, of the Psychic Research Society of Cincinnati, who delivered a beautiful sermon and paid a touching tribute to the deceased.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 23 December 1891, page 7

The wife of Dr. Charles Phythian, son of Dr. J L Phythian, of this city, Newport, died yesterday morning at her home in Cincinnati.

Owen Ford, an old and esteemed citizen, died at his residence on Putnam street, Newport, yesterday morning of pneumonia. the deceased was 78 years of age and was an old resident of this city.

In the County Court yesterday the last will of Joseph Marzolf was probated. He bequeaths all of his property to his wife, Bertha Marzolf and names her as executrix without bond. She so qualified.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 1 January 1892, page 7

The esteemed father of John J Regan died yesterday at his residence, Eleventh and Orchard streets, Newport, of vertigo.

The remains of Mrs. Albert Westerman (nee Luzader) arrived in Newport yesterday from Cleveland and were buried at Evergreen Cemetery.

Mrs. Anna Coleman of Washington avenue, Newport, received the sad intelligence of the death of her daughter, Mrs. John V Nye. The deceased was formerly a teacher in the Public schools in this city.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 15 January 1892, page 4

The funeral of Mr. C G Moreland, who died in Wichita Kan. Tuesday afternoon last, will take place from 11 Browne street, Cincinnati at 1 pm. The burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 29 May 1892, page 7

The funeral of the late Miss Maria Schmidt took place yesterday morning from St Stephen Church, where Rev Father Merschman held solemn requiem mass. The funeral cortege was one of the largest that ever left the city. They following lady and gentlemen friends acted as pall bearers: Misses Anne Yeager, Rosa Meyers, Maria Nunning and Dina Bertke: Messrs. H Wieck, Joseph Stepheny, Joseph Roher and H Renker. The remains were interred in St Stephen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 25 August 1892, page 6

Mrs. Anthony Kettinger, aged 68 years and mother in law of Mr. Joseph Feth, the druggist, died yesterday at her home, 928 Saratoga street, Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 27 August 1892, page 6

A telegram was received yesterday by Rev Father McNerney from the Lexington Insane Asylum announcing the death of Maggie McDonald at that institution and to notify her friends of the fact. The deceased was an inmate of the Convent of the Good Shepherd in the Highlands and was sent to the asylum abut a year ago.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 3 October 1892, page 7

Edward Rusche, residing at 915 Boone street, Newport, died yesterday morning of consumption. The deceased was a prominent shoe manufacturer of Cincinnati. He was 29 years old and single.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 29 October 1892, page 6

All that was mortal of the late Frank Edgar was laid peacefully under the sod at Evergreen Cemetery yesterday afternoon. The services were held at St Paul P E Church and conducted by Rev Norton, assisted by Miss Belle Dalton, who presided at the organ and the Misses Amann and Mrs. Curtis Taylor and Edward Air, who comprised the choir.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 8 November 1892, page 6

Joseph R Willenbrink, an old pioneer citizen, aged 66 years, died yesterday at his home on Saratoga street, Newport. He was engaged in the milling business for a number of years in Alexandria and was one of the most popular and best known citizens in that part of the county. He leaves a wife and seven children.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 10 December 1892, page 6

Miss Bertha Neu, daughter of Henry Neu, died at her home on Eleventh street last night.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 11 December 1892, page 7

William Crighton, one of the oldest compositors hereabouts and a resident of Newport for the past thirty-eight years, died last evening of pneumonia at the residence of his brother, George Crighton, 713 Saratoga street, Newport. Deceased was 50 years of age.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 24 December 1892, page 7

The funeral services of Mrs. Michael Geis occurred at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rev Father McHenry officiating. The pall bearers were M J Costigan, Jerry Hastings, William Reilly, Charles Dougherty, Richard Lynch and Joseph Richmond. The remains were placed in the vault of St Joseph Cemetery on Price Hill.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 1 January 1893, page 6

The remains of Jacob T Collins, the victim of the Central Bridge tragedy, was shipped yesterday to Columbus Oh. by the White Bros. for interment. Masonic services were held by the Robert Burns Lodge F and A M which had charge of the funeral.

The death of Mrs. Louis Thornton recalls the fearful tragedy in which her husband was killed a few months back. Immediately following the fearful occurrence the poor woman took to her bed and has since been in invalid resulting in her death Friday night, Newport. Deceased was 39 years of age and leaves an eighteen year old daughter. She was a sister of Enos McLaughlin, the well known carpenter.

Mrs. Frances Marty, the venerable mother of L K Marty, died early yesterday morning at her home in Walnut Hills, Oh.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 10 January 1893, page 7

Richard Butler, an old pioneer, died yesterday at his home at No 532 West Eighth street, Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 4 February 1893, page 2

William Sauerwein died at his home in this city, Newport, yesterday.

James Cook and family of Saginaw Mich. are in attendance at the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Diana T Cook, of 310 Twelfth street, Newport.

The mother of Joseph Eckert, of East Fourth street, Newport, died yesterday at her home in Cincinnati.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 14 February 1893, page 2

In the death of Mrs. Louisa Owens, which occurred yesterday morning at her home, 1020 York street, Newport loses one of its most lovable and charitable women, and one always ready with hand and purse to help the needy. Deceased was the wife of Charles Owens, one of Cincinnati's most prominent jewelers, whom she leaves almost to the point of death. Five children survive her-Frank, George, William, Harry and Emma.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 12 March 1893, page 6

Owen Higgins, an old and respected citizen of this city, died yesterday morning at his home, 325 Tenth street, Newport, leaving a wife and four children to mourn his loss.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 13 April 1893, page 2

Jacob Maulis, the well known florist of Highland avenue, died yesterday. He was 80 years of age.

Frank Harrigan, who has been here in attendance at the funeral of his brother, Arthur, left last night for Washington DC where he is employed in the Printing Bureau.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 12 August 1893, page 6

Andrew Chappie, an old Newport resident, aged 74 years, died yesterday at his home, 513 Isabella street.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 24 August 1893, page 5

Newport is again called upon to record the death of one of its oldest and most respected citizens in the person of George Morris, who died yesterday at his home, Isabella and Lewis streets, Newport. He was 60 years of age and leaves a wife, three sons and a daughter, the latter, Miss Clara Morris, a popular school teacher. W H Morris, one of his sons, who is at present in attendance at the World's Fair, was telegraphed and will be home tomorrow. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 9 April 1894, page 7

The funeral of Miss Mary Bennett takes place this morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception where a requiem high mass will be celebrated by Rev Father McNerney. The following will act as pall bearers: Joseph Reardon, Daniel Gannon, William Phillips and John Shack. The interment will be at Evergreen Cemetery.

Eliza Belle Henderson, who was here the past few days on a visit to her brother in law, Louis Bright, 406 Overton street, Newport, died yesterday at that place. Her remains were shipped to her home at Bantam Oh.

Fred Theis died Saturday evening at his home, 336 West Ninth street, Newport, aged 49 years. He was for several years the proprietor of the same room at Sixth and York streets.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 23 April 1894, page 7

The funeral of the late Gotlieb Voehringer, who died suddenly Saturday afternoon, will take place this afternoon from the residence on Eleventh street, Newport. Rev Brandstettner will officiate. The deceased was a member of William Tell Lodge, Herman Lodge, Knights of Honor and of the Friendship Mutual Aid Association.

The remains of John Strassel arrived last night from Lexington and were removed to the residence of his wife at 335 Patterson street, Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 31 May 1894, page 2

Samuel Schofield, Newport Ky. died on Sunday evening last at 5 o'clock, in the 40th year of his age. Funeral will take place from St Paul Episcopal Church Newport, at three o'clock PM on Tuesday (today). Friends of the family are invited to attend without further notice.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 18 July 1894, page 2

Thornton Timberlake, who was here in attendance on the funeral of his mother, returned to his home, in Muncie Ind. yesterday.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Engelbert, 323 East Second street, Newport, died suddenly yesterday morning.

Mrs. Kate Nolan, wife of the popular foreman of the L&N years, died yesterday at her home on York street, Newport.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 8 September 1894, page 6

Henry Mause, the will known saloonist at Seventh and Isabella streets, Newport, died yesterday after a lingering illness with inflammatory rheumatism.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 13 September 1894, page 5

Richard Ringall, the old toll gate keeper on the Alexandria Pike, mention of whose serious illness was made in yesterday's Enquirer, died yesterday at the residence of his daughter in Alexandria, aged 71 years. The funeral services will be held at Asbury Chapel in Cold Spring tomorrow.


Kentucky Journal, Friday, 26 October 1894, page 8

Funeral of Peter Feilen who died last Tuesday, Oct 23 at his home 1037 Orchard St, Newport, was held Friday Oct 26 at St Stephen Church. he was a member of GAR CK of A and St Stephen Men Society. Burial at St Stephen Four Mile.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville, 6 December 1894

Mrs. Eliza Darough died at her house in California Ky. last week, aged 94. She was a nurse in the family of the Grants and took care of General Grant for two years after his birth.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 1 January 1895, page 4

Peter Jester, Second and Park, Newport, found dead in home. Coroner is investigating.


Kentucky Post, 2 February 1895, page 4

Benjamin Gresser, pioneer citizen of Bellevue, died at home on Fairfield av.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 July 1895, page 5

Mrs. Carrie M Taliaferro died Saturday afternoon at her home in the Highlands, leaving two sons and two daughters. Funeral Tuesday at 3 pm from her home. Burial private.

F J Immegart, the well known retired grocer, who underwent an operation at Christ Hospital last Thursday, died yesterday morning, aged 72 years, leaving a widow and three daughters. His funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the First Presbyterian Church.

Mrs. D Brophy died at her home, 357 West Eleventh Street, Newport, yesterday, age 31. She was the widow of ex-Policeman Michael Brophy. Funeral Wednesday from the Immaculate Conception Church.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 2 July 1895, page 6

The funeral of Mrs. Kellar, who died yesterday afternoon took place at 2 pm today from the family residence on Front Street, Bellevue.

The remains of the late Edward Sapp, Bellevue, were shipped this morning to New Richmond O. his former home.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 3 July 1895, page 6

The funeral of Mrs. Carrie Taliaferro occurred yesterday afternoon from her late residence in the Highlands. Rev McCready officiating. The pallbearers were Dr Withrow, E M Wooley, Benjamin Hey, Thomas Moore, Charles Evans, Shaler Berry and William Glazier. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 6 July 1895, page 6

The child of Mr. and Mrs. John P White, Newport, died yesterday.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 July 1895, page 6

V J Morrell, age 75, of Oxford O. while sitting on the porch of Dr. Scheffner, the druggist, whom he was visiting at Isabella and Chestnut streets, Newport, last night, died suddenly of heart disease.

John Fisher's 10 month old child died yesterday of cholera infant at his home, 16 West Third Street, Newport, and was buried in the afternoon.

Major George E Clymer, of Reading Pa. who died there a few days since, was a former resident of Newport.

Emil Kruse will be tried tomorrow morning before County Judge Bennett on a charge of manslaughter. It was under his car that little Willy Wall was crushed to death July 3.

The residents in the vicinity of Southgate Station on the electric line have been annoyed of late by a most disagreeable odor, which was last evening explained by the finding of the dead body of an unknown man near that point in a clump of bushes nearby. The body had been reduced almost to a skeleton by decomposition which had been going on for a year.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 15 July 1895, page 6

Peter Lydon died suddenly at 5 am this morning at his home, 210 West Fourth Street, Newport, aged 65 years.

The funeral of Joseph Link took place at 1 pm this afternoon from the Methodist Church, Rev Boreing officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. Link was over 80 years of age and and been a resident of Dayton continuously for 40 years.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 18 July 1895, page 7

Mr. Peter Meehan died yesterday morning at his home on Ward Avenue, Bellevue. He leaves a widow and two children. His brother was expected at noon today, when final arrangements will be made concerning the funeral service.

The funeral of Mrs. A B Springer, nee Miss Alida McCracken, who died at her home in Shelbyville Ind. yesterday, will occur this afternoon from the residence of her nephew, 116 Monmouth Street.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 19 July 1895, page 7

The funeral of Peter Meehan took place from St Anthony Church, Bellevue, this morning at 9 am.

Miss Rose Kreidler, 18, died yesterday. The funeral takes place tomorrow morning from St Francis Church.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 21 July 1895, page 2

Mrs. Mary Parry, whose death was briefly noted in the Enquirer yesterday, was one of the best known residents of Newport. she was the mother of the late James and Phil Parry, each of whom has been Market Master of Newport.

Daniel oHara, the nineteen month old son of Thomas O'Hara, of West Covington, died yesterday at the residence of his uncle, John O'Hara, corner of O'Fallon and Gilmore avenues, Dayton Ky. The little one was visiting with his parents at his uncle's home.

The funeral of the late Miss Rose Kreidler took place yesterday morning from the family residence on Belmont Hill, Dayton Ky. Services were held at St Francis Church by Rev Father Schmidt after which the remains were interred in St Francis Cemetery.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M Clark died yesterday at their home on Rhensford street, Bellevue.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 July 1895, page 7

The funeral of little 4 month old Joseph Faber took place from the family residence on Rhensford street, Bellevue, at 10 am this morning. The remains were conveyed to Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 25 July 1895, page 7

Little May Otting, the daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Frank Otting, was buried from St Francis Church this afternoon at 8:30 am. The remains were taken to St Francis Cemetery.

The funeral of the late James Taylor Jones took place from the residence on Overton Street at 10 am. Rev W G McCready, pastor of St Paul P E Church, conducted the services. The pall bearers were Judge Charles J Helm, George Washington, Samuel Bigstaff, James O Wright, James and Harry Southgate. A large concourse of friends followed the remains to Evergreen Cemetery for interment.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 3 August 1895, page 7

The heirs and administrator of the estate of Mrs. Carrie Taliaferro assembled in the office of the County Clerk at Newport and concluded the qualification of Benjamin Hoy; Gus W Menninger and Shaler Berry of Newport and Edward Woolley as guardian of Anna Taliaferro, the only minor heir. The estate is valued at $30,000.

The will of Kate Eichner was filed yesterday and she leaves her estate to  her daughters, Minnie and Elsie.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 6 August 1895, page 7

The will of William Weinnel was probated at Alexandria yesterday with William Petty as administrator. His estate is equally divided among his six children.

Mr. and Mrs. H L Lawrence have the sympathy of their friends in the death of their infant child yesterday morning.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 12 August 1895, page 7

James Howat, aged 65, died Saturday at his home, 123 East Fifth Street, Newport.

The funeral of Mrs. J J Hastings, of East Third Street, Newport, took place this morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

John Erb, a pioneer of Newport died Saturday night at his home, 1005 Ann Street, aged 66 years. Funeral tomorrow afternoon from St John Church.

The dead body of a child of premature birth was found under the Cincinnati and Newport bridge, near the Newport pier, this morning, with a string tied around its neck. The little body was badly bruised, evidently from being thrown from the bridge. Coroner Tingley viewed it and ordered it buried.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 13 August 1895, page 7

Rev Charles Lurker, formerly pastor of Salem M E Church of Newport, died yesterday at his home near Brent Station, aged 90 years. He leaves five children. Funeral Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs. John Gunning died last night quite unexpectedly at her home on Isabella Street, Newport, aged 65 years, leaving several grown children.

Mr. James White, an employee of the Newport rolling mill, this morning received the news of the fatal injury of his wife, who is visiting friends in Maysville. The information from Maysville states that Mrs. White was out riding when the horses ran away and plunged over a bluff, throwing the occupants of the carriage out. Mrs. White's back was broken and she cannot recover.

Jonas Meyers is dead and John Ogle is a murderer. The shooting of Meyers by Ogle occurred in the first part of June. Meyers was on some land in Dayton Ky. which Ogle claimed as his and to prove his claim, shot Meyers in the thigh. Meyers was quite aged and the fact made his recovery impossible. He lingered on until death relieved him of his sufferings last night.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 22 August 1895, page 7

Michael Vossler, Newport, wills his estate to his wife, excepting $5 to each of his children.

Mary Rohde, Newport, leaves her estate to her husband, Anthony and at his death $1000 is to revert to Charles Oldendick and the remainder to be divided among his children.

Mrs. Katharine Johnson died last night at her home, 812 Patterson, Newport, aged 74.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 24 August 1895, page 7

John Parker, of Newport, died last night at Lakeland Asylum, aged 50 years. He had been committed to the institution three times, the last time a year ago.

The funeral of John Horn, occurred this morning from his late home, 221 First Street, Newport, while his mother and three brothers and sisters were lying at the point of death with typhoid fever.

Mrs. Isaac Morris died at her home on West Sixth Street, Newport, yesterday, aged 88 years, leaving a husband and several children.

Mrs. Maggie Morrissee died yesterday at her home, 405, West Sixth Street, aged 58 years.

Kentucky Post, Monday, 26 August 1895, page 7

The funeral services of Thomas Ross of Gilmore Avenue, Dayton, aged 22 who died of consumption last Saturday, took place at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the Presbyterian Church. A large number of friends attended, testifying to the high esteem had for the deceased.

Joseph Schweikert, aged 70 years, suicided yesterday at 813 Ann Street, Newport, by cutting his throat with a razor. His body was discovered by Robert Kuppinger, a paper hanger, lying on the porch of the house in question almost floating in blood. He was a tinner and worked in Cincinnati and was also a member of St Joseph Benevolent Society of St Stephen Church. Coroner Tingley viewed the remains and rendered a verdict of suicide.

Abraham Polland, aged 70 years, an old and honored residents of Newport, died at St Elizabeth Hospital, Covington, yesterday. His remains were removed to his late home, 126 West Sixth Street, Newport. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning.

Little Mary Riedinger, aged 4 years. of 629 Dayton Street, Newport, died Saturday evening and was buried this morning from St Stephen Church.


Kentucky Post, 27 August 1895, page 7

Ed Morrissey of Chicago, formerly of Newport, will return to the Windy City in a few days, having been called to Newport by the death of his mother.


Kentucky Post, 7 September 1895, page 7

The funeral of little Florence Siemor took place from the Sacred Heart Church in Bellevue, this morning.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 September 1895, page 7

The funeral of the late Peter Regan took place this morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 9 am, Rev Father McNerny officiated with requiem high mass. A large commerce of friends followed the remains to St Joseph Cemetery.

Little Loretta, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Niemeyer, 87 East Second Street, Dayton, who died Friday will be buried from St Francis Church Tuesday at 8:30 am. Interment in St Francis Cemetery.

Mrs. Albert Hubbard of Eleventh and Putnam streets, Newport, died Saturday afternoon. The deceased was 27 years of age and a husband and four children survive her. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2 pm from the house.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 September 1895, page 7

Mrs. Mry Ross, wife of a soldier in the regular army, who is at present at Chickamauga, died yesterday at her home on West Sixth Street, Newport.

Herobridge? Foster, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Foster died early this morning at the family residence on Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 September 1895, page 7

Joseph Baetch of Cold Spring, died Saturday, aged 87 years and was buried yesterday at Four Mile Cemetery.

W V Newman, who had resided 40 years in Newport, died Saturday night at his home on Powell Street, aged 65 years, and will be buried from the Church of the Immaculate Conception Tuesday morning.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 17 September 1895, page 1

The funeral of the late William V Newman took place this morning at 9 am from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 September 1895, page 7

George W Summers, a former resident of Newport, died Monday at Millersburg Ky. aged 81 years and his body has been brought to Newport for burial.

Miss Sarah A Taylor died last night at her residence on Washington Avenue, Bellevue, at the age of 57. The deceased was well known here.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 15 October 1895, page 7

The funeral services of Mrs. Margaret Whiting, Dayton took place from Spring Grove Chapel at 2:30 pm. Pallbearers were John Surran, Edward Strucker, Harry Brown and Robert Miner.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 18 October 1895, page 7

Mrs. John Klein died last night at her home on East Ninth Street, Newport, aged 50 years.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 22 October 1895, page 7

The funeral services of Miss Helen Hadley will take place from the residence, No 175 Gilmore Avenue, Dayton, on Wednesday morning at 9 am.

Ed Childs died yesterday of consumption at his late home, on Columbia street, Newport Ky. He leaves a wife and five children. The funeral will take place from the family residence Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 pm.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 October 1895, page 7

James McGraw, 19 years of age, died yesterday morning at the late home, corner of Tenth and Hamlet Streets.

Edwin Cox, Newport of George B Cox, of Cincinnati, died yesterday morning at his late home, 925 Monroe Street, of hemorrhage of the lungs. A young wife and a babe of 1 year survive him.

Mr. George Wadsworth, the venerable father of Dr. L C Wadsworth, died yesterday at the late home, near Cold Spring, Ky. Twelve children, 11 sons and one daughter, survive him.

On Monday morning last, Mrs. Ella Yates of 17 York Street, Newport, died from the effects of burns, which were reported as having been caused by her clothing catching fire the night before while blacking a stove with a preparation containing benzene. Her death was of other than natural causes and under the law, should have been reported to the Coroner, yet neither the attending physician nor the undertaker who buried her has made any such report and the Coroner, has not held an inquest.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 26 October 1895, page 39

The remains of William Hughey, the young Newporter who died from the effects of being shot by a Cincinnati policeman, from whom he was trying to escape, were brought to the home of his mother, at 221 East Tenth Street, Newport, last evening.

Page 7-The funeral of the late Mrs. Mohr occurred this morning at St Joseph Church, with Rev Wilford officiating. Pallbearers were Frank Spaeth, Al Isphording, Carl Schench Jr. and William Fluck.

Mrs. Katherine Boehner, 77, died yesterday at her residence, Berry avenue, Bellevue of heart failure. She is the mother of George Stetter.

The funeral of the late Edwin Cox took place yesterday, Rev G W Perryman of the First Baptist Church, Newport, conducting. Interment was at Wesleyan Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 29 October 1895, page 5

John Grosch, died at Newport Ky. at 11:20 am, Monday, aged 5 years and 9 months. Funeral Wednesday morning Oct 28 at 9 am. St Louis and New Orleans papers copy.

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 29 October 1895, page 7

Oliver Wendell Holmes, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J R Holmes, of 160 Lafayette Avenue Bellevue, was buried from the family residence this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

Mrs. Joseph McDowell, a life long resident of Newport, died last evening at her home, Eleventh and Washington.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 3 October 1895, page 7

Little Viola May, the 20 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Lesher, died yesterday at the family residence on Dayton and Washington Avenues, Dayton. The funeral took place at 2 pm today and the remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 October 1895, page 7

The funeral services of Mrs. Gertrude Woeller, one of Dayton’s oldest residents, took place this morning at 9 am from St Francis Church. Mrs. Woeller was 88 years of age. Her funeral was one of the largest ever seen in Dayton, the large assemblage marching on foot to the church cemetery.

Louis Betz of Bellevue, received word this morning of the death of his brother in law, Royal Hart at Wyoming O.

The 2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Turner, of Rhensford street, Bellevue, died early last evening after a short illness. The funeral took place at 2 pm today from the family residence. The remains were interred in Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 7 November 1895, page 7

The brothers of young Michael Tolker, news of whose death in Philadelphia, was received yesterday, this morning received two letters in which they are informed that their brother did not drop dead as first reported, but that he was struck by a Pennsylvania Railroad train and literally ground to pieces beneath the wheels. The accident occurred Tuesday evening. The remains will arrive in Newport this evening and will be interred tomorrow. He had been working at the Keystone Watch factory.

Mr. Phil Sprenle has the sympathy of his friends in the death of his wife, which occurred yesterday at the family residence on Fairfield Avenue, near O'Fallon, Dayton. The deceased was 52 years of age an leaves three children to mourn her loss.

News has been received of the death last night of Fred Autenheimer, of Newport. His remains will be returned home for burial.

Michael Tocher, whose parents reside on West Ninth Street, Newport, died Monday in Philadelphia and will be brought home for burial.

New has been received of the death last night at the Oxford Medical Institute of Fred Autenheimer of Newport. His remains will be returned home for burial.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 November 1895, page 7

The funeral of Michael Tolker, whose mangled remains arrived in Newport from Philadelphia Thursday night, occurred this morning from the Immaculate Conception Church. Burial at St Stephen Cemetery. The pallbearers were John Ford, George Bardo, Al Gleason, Harry Thorman, John Leaghy and John Meager.

John Donahue, one of the best known citizens of Newport, died this morning at his residence on Sixth Street, near Saratoga, at 6 o'clock after a three weeks illness brought on by overwork. He has lived in Newport 32 years and has for years run the Tobacco Leaf resort in Cincinnati. He was an active Democrat and was 55 years of age when he died. His death was wholly unexpected.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 November 1895, page 7

Coroner Tingley has decided the death of Henry Kemp, the young farmer whose mangled body was found Monday morning beside the C&O tracks, above Dayton, was not murdered, but he was accidentally killed by a train while walking on the track.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 15 November 1895, page 7

The funeral of Mrs. Thomas Meeder, of Dayton Avenue, Dayton, will take place tomorrow.

Mrs. Josie Blesch died yesterday morning at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F B Mader. Funeral tomorrow morning at 9 am from St Francis Church, Dayton.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 November 1895, page 7

William Miller, a popular young man, aged 26, and residing at 918 Columbia Street, Newport, died last night at his home.

Mrs. Elizabeth Schiff, 69 years of age, died yesterday at her home on Sixth Street, Dayton. She leaves a husband and two children to mourn her loss.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 20 November 1895, page 7

Miss Alice Pendry, 16, died at her home in Undercliff O. of peritonitis. Miss Pendrey was formerly a resident of Newport.

The will of John L Hochsteller, Newport, was probated yesterday. He leaves $100 to a sister in Germany and the balance of his estate to the St Elizabeth Hospital in Covington.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 26 November 1895, page 7

Miss Mary Flintham, a former well known resident in Dayton and extremely prominent in Presbyterian circles, died at her home in Chicago on last Friday. The interment will probably be made at Spring Grove today.

Miss Fannie Michaels has received the sad news of the death of her cousin, Miss Alice Michaels, of San Francisco, cal. It was in company with her and other relatives made the trip to Alaska a year ago.

Newport Board of Education, "Resolved, That in the death of Gustavus Holzhauer, who departed this life on Nov. 22, 1895, we have lost a valued member and citizen."

Edward J Manning, aged 28, a most popular young man of Newport, died yesterday afternoon at his home, 822 Washington Avenue, of consumption. Owing to his death the reception to have been given Thanksgiving eve by NYMI has been indefinitely postponed.

The funeral services of the late Councilman, William Timmerman, Bellevue, took place this afternoon from the German Protestant St John Church, with the pastor, Rev Bomhard, officiating. The pallbearers were Messrs. George Herwig, William Groene, Henry Wittkamper and Henry Schneider of Cincinnati. The city officials were honorary pallbearers. The interment was made at Walnut Hills Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 28 November 1895, page 8

The funeral of Ed Manning occurred this morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception and was very largely attended, the local YMI Lodges turning out in a body.

Shortly after 7 am this morning the wife of John Brady, an employee of the Newport rolling mill, dropped dead at her home on German Street in the presence of her husband and two children of heart disease.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Monday, 27 January 1896, page 2

Mrs. Rebecca Orr, wife of Alfred Orr, a brother of the late George W Orr, died at her home Saturday at Madisonville O. aged 48 years. Her remains will be interred at Evergreen Cemetery, Newport tomorrow morning at 8:30. She was well known in this city and leaves many relatives.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Wednesday, 29 January 1896, page 3

Jacob Schickner, aged 40, a saloonkeeper at Fourth and York streets, Newport, committed suicide. Tuesday he was found handing to a bed post at his home, dead. Schickner was well known in Newport and Covington as well as at Ft Thomas. He owned the roof garden in Ft Thomas. He had borrowed money from his mother and it is thought this is responsible for his despondency.


Owingsville Outlook, Owingsville Ky. Thursday, 5 February 1896, page 3

Samuel Shaw, the first and only president of the German National Bank of Newport, died almost without a moment's warning at his handsome home at the corner of Grand and Highland avenues.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Friday, 7 February 1896, page 3

The Augusta Chronicle says that Mrs. Mary Walton Coburn died February 2nd, aged eighty-eight years. Her maiden name was Mary E Walton. She was married to James W Coburn, January 1, 1825 and her husband died with cholera in Newport, July 12, 1850. Of this union ten children were born. Only three survive. C C Coburn, Mrs. Bettie Weimer, of Augusta, and Mrs. Matilda Donovan, of Mason County. She leaves a brother in Missouri, two years her senior.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Thursday, 13 February 1896, page 3

Dr. J L Pythian, one of the most prominent physicians of this city, died Wednesday noon at his home on York street, near Seventh, Newport, aged 64. He had been ill for some time. Dr. Pythian formerly practiced medicine at Frankfort Ky.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Friday, 28 February 1896, page 5

Newport Ky. Feb 28-The 8 year old daughter of Mr. Val Kaufman was completely beheaded yesterday by an electric car in front of the child's home.


Kentucky Post, 17 March 1896, page 3

Coroner Tingley as summoned to investigate the sudden death of W C Phillips, 79, who was found dead in bed by his son, John A Phillips. The coroner states that death was caused by congestion of the lungs.

Mrs. Caroline Ingold, widow of the late Jacob, died at her home 216 W Eighth st. Newport.


Semi-Weekly Interior Journal, Stanford Ky. Friday, 24 April 1896, page 3

Jockey Joe Foster was killed on the Queen City Jockey Club's courses at Newport, by the fall of his horse, Tim Horn.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Tuesday, 5 May 1896, page 4

Miss Ann Thomas, of Augusta, died Saturday and was buried Monday. She was a cousin of Colonel Nelson, who is assisting in the prosecution of Jackson and Walling at Newport and also a cousin of the Messrs. Sallee of this city.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 July 1896, page 5

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carney, of 317 Thornton Street, Newport, have the sympathy of their friends in the loss of their 4 month old child, Edna, that died Wednesday morning. Funeral Thursday at 2 pm.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 July 1896, page 5

The funeral services of Mrs. Sallie Hudson, wife of Edward Hudson, of Bellevue, took place this morning from the Christian Church, Rev R D Harding officiating. Mrs. Hudson has been ill since last March with consumption and succumbed early Sunday morning. The deceased was an admirable Christian woman and will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 8 July 1896, page 5

The estimable wife of Officer William Trappe died Tuesday morning at the home on Elizabeth Street, Newport. The deceased had been suffering with consumption and had been unconscious for the past several days and was unconscious when death came. The doctors claim that dropsy hastened her death.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 9 July 1896, page 5

Mrs. Mary Katzemeyer, 66, a widow residing at 128 West Fourth Street, Newport, died Wednesday afternoon at her home after a lingering illness. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.

The funeral of the late William Amback took place Wednesday morning from St Stephen Church, Rev Father Mershman officiating. Mt Martin's Benevolent Society and the Workingmen's Society attended in a body.

Old Squire Glenoway, aged 86, one of Bellevue's pioneer citizens, died Wednesday night at his home on Berry Avenue, after a lingering illness. Mr. Glenoway was well known and liked by all. The funeral will take place from the late residence Saturday morning at 10 o'clock.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 July 1896, page 5

The funeral of the late William Carr took place Tuesday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 5 am.

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mariani died Tuesday morning at the home of its parents, corner of Second and Monmouth streets, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 15 July 1896, page 5

Frederick Tensel died at his home on Central Avenue, in Newport at 7:30 am Wednesday, as a result of an accident. He was whitewashing the public schoolrooms, Tuesday at noon, while on a scaffold at the Ringgold Street school, he missed his footing and fell to the floor. Blood gushed from his nose and ears and an arm and leg were broken. Injuries of an internal nature caused his death. He was past 70 years of age and was a member of Herman Lodge, Knights of Honor.

The remains of William H Gunn were removed from the vault and placed in the family lot at Evergreen Cemetery at 2 o'clock Wednesday.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 20 July 1896, page 5

Miss Alice Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Porter, of the Highlands, died at her home Saturday after a short illness.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 21 July 1896, page 5

John Cullum, formerly of 536 Lindsey Street, died Sunday at Memphis Tenn.

Miss Alice Porter was buried Sunday from her late home in the Highlands at 2:30 pm. The interment was made at Evergreen Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Walter Ross, Joseph Ross, Tudor Shotwell, William White, Wilburn Guy and Edward Taliaferro.

The body of Frank Hammer, Dayton, who was drowned while bathing on Thursday night was recovered by some fishermen.

Page 6-Butler Hawkins, 42, the Newport attorney, died suddenly Monday afternoon at Stoeckle's Hotel, Newport, from heart failure. He engaged a room at the Hotel and started upstairs. When he reached the landing on the third floor, he fell dead. His father Major E W Hawkins is one of the best known citizens of Newport.

Joseph Schwab, 64, was found at 411 West Fifth Street, Newport, Monday at 4 pm in a room on the fifth floor suffering from arsenical poisoning. Schwab lived alone and was discovered seven hours after he had taken Paris green. He had swallowed such a large quantity that it did not cause death at once but sickened and caused him great suffering. Schwab died Monday night.

Page 8-Mrs. Esharm, mother of Elias Esham, keeper of a hotel at Alexandria, died Sunday night. She was 75 years of age and resided in Campbell County all her life.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 25 July 1896, page 5

The remains of A S McCullen, of Lindsey Street, Newport, arrived Friday night from Memphis Tenn. He died of sunstroke. Funeral Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Margaret Schmidt, 35, of 1014 Isabella Street, died Friday. A husband and six children survive.

The funeral of the late Joseph Topke took place from the house at 9 am Saturday morning.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 27 July 1896, page 8

The funeral service of Colonel Thomas Tilman, Bellevue's oldest resident, took place Sunday afternoon from the Findley Street Chapel.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 1 August 1896, page 5

The remains of George Hutchinson who died Thursday night, were shipped Friday to Central Ohio for interment.

Mrs. Benjamin Borgerding, 28, formerly of 320 Overton Street, Newport, died Friday at her home on Pearl Street.

Mrs. Martella Stephens, 78, died Friday afternoon at her home, corner of Eighth and Isabella Streets, Newport. Mrs. Stephens was overcome by the heat Tuesday.

The remains of the late Mrs. Margaret Widrig were laid away Saturday morning at St Stephen Cemetery. The funeral services were conducted at St Stephen Church by Rev Fr. Merschmann at 9 o'clock, after which the funeral cortege, in charge of Undertaker William Betz, proceeded to the cemetery, where the four sons conveyed the remains to the grave.


Kentucky Post, 4 August 1896, page 5

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Broering, Newport, died Monday at 4 pm. The funeral will take place Thursday in charge of William Betz.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 6 August 1896, page 5

James B Moore, aged 27, died Thursday morning at the home of his parents, 538 East Fourth Street, Newport. Deceased was a prominent young man and was a brother of John Moore, Deputy Sheriff and W H Moore, the real estate agent. Five months ago Joseph Moore, 25, died and was followed by the wife and child of W H Moore.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 8 August 1896, page 1

Mrs. John Keegan of Fifth and Isabella streets, Newport, died Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock and Dr. Kate Hera, whom she charged with performing the fatal operation is under arrest. Detectives took Dr. Hera to Newport Friday afternoon and she was positively identified by the dying woman. Mrs. Keegan was 24 years old. She was married last April and moved to Newport two months ago. Her maiden name was Matilda Lawrence.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 11 August 1896, page 1

Edward Hodge, 20, a farm hand who lived back of Newport Ky. at Grants Lick, was run over and instantly killed by a CH&D freight train in Hamilton O. yesterday evening.

Page 5-The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Ellis, of Walnut Street, Bellevue, died Monday night. The remains will be shipped to Moscow O. for interment.

Florence, the bright little 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kemper, of Division Street, Bellevue, passed away early this morning, after an illness of only 12 hours. The little one was taken sick Monday afternoon and died during the night. Brain fever is said to be the cause of her sudden death. Mr. Kemper is a traveling man and is away on a trip. Telegrams have been sent to him at different points, but he has not yet been located. The sympathy of the community is with the parents in their unlooked for bereavement.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 12 August 1896, page 5

Miss Lizzie Lyons, 27, died Wednesday morning at her home on Keturah Street, Newport, of consumption. The funeral arrangements have not yet been made.


Kentucky Post, Thursday 13 August 1896, page 1

Peter Fox, living at St Joseph's O. found the nude boy of a boy in the river Wednesday evening. Thursday morning W F Doxey identified the body as that of his son, Charles Andrew Doxey, 9 years old. Doxey's body was removed to the home of the father, 527 West Sixth Street, Newport.

Page 8-The funeral services of Mrs. Anna Parnell, who died in Newport Sunday, took place from St Francis Church this morning at 8 am. Rev Father Schmidt celebrated the requiem high mass. Interment was made in St Joseph Cemetery, in Price Hill.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 15 August 1896, page 5

Mrs. Griffey, 79, died at the home of James P Wheeler at Persimmon Grove, Thursday. Deceased was the relic of the late William Griffey, who was well known in Campbell County.

John Black, of Newport, died Thursday night at St Stephen Hospital in Richmond. He was prostrated by the heat last Sunday. The remains will be brought here for burial.

Gabriel Hauck, 68, died Friday night at 11 o'clock at his late home, on German Street, between Seventh and Eighth Streets, Newport. Deceased has been suffering for a long time with a complication of diseases. He was the brother in law of Alderman J L Schwer and well known in Campbell County. The funeral will take place Sunday at 2 pm from the house.

Page 7-An inquest over the remains of Jonas Myers was held yesterday by Coroner Tingly. Jonas Myers came to his death as a result of a gunshot wound inflicted by John G--- (unreadable) July 16. The funeral took place today from the late home in Dayton of the deceased.

The funeral of Miss Susie Lamb took place at 3 pm from her late home on Fairfield Avenue, Dayton.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 17 August 1896, page 5

George, the 16 month old child of Mr. and Mrs. George Herman of Eighth and Columbia Streets, Newport, died Saturday night.

The funeral of the late Christ Guiney took place Monday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 August 1896, page 5

The funeral services of Mr. John Randolph Johnston took place this afternoon at 2 pm from the late residence corner of Ward and Fairfield Avenues, Bellevue. Rev G W McCready of Newport, conducted the services. The interment was made at Evergreen Cemetery.

Elsie, the 16 month old child of Mr. and Mrs. George Hermann of Eighth and Columbia Streets, Newport, was buried Monday afternoon from the family residence, Rev Ernst officiating. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 20 August 1896, page 7

Judge McClain received a telegram today notifying him of the death of George Holtsman at the Lakeland Asylum this morning.

Mrs. Legg, aged 22, died today of inflammation of the brain at the residence of Mrs. Totten, Vine and Fairfield, Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Legg stopped here with the Tottens on their way home to Newark O. after a stay in Kanawha Valley. The remains were taken to Newark on the 1 pm train today.

Page 5-Joshua Cousey of Columbia Street, Newport, received a telegram Wednesday notifying him of the death of his brother, Levin P Cousey at Souisburg Md.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 21 August 1896, page 5

A telegram reached Newport Friday from Denver Colo. announcing the death of Captain John Keene. Mr. Keene left home a few weeks ago to recuperate failing health. He is single and captain of the celebrated Noah's Dove Lodge, IOOF of Newport.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 26 August 1896, page 5

Mrs. Sarah Young, 86, died early Wednesday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W A Young, on Monmouth Street, near Fourth, Newport. Deceased was will known in Campbell County, having lived here for many years. She was the grandmother of Dr. Will Young and Miss Georgiana Young.

Thomas Williams, a former resident of Bellevue, died Tuesday at his home on Whitten Street, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 27 August 1896, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Magdalene Nuerberger took place Wednesday afternoon from the residence on Licking Pike, Newport. Interment at St John Protestant Cemetery.

The funeral of Henry Peel, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Peel, took place from the family residence on East Front Street, Newport Wednesday afternoon. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 31 August 1896, page 5

The funeral of Miss Alice May Speck took place on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the First Baptist Church, Newport, Rev George Taubman, of the First Christian Church, officiating. The minister paid a flattering tribute to her memory. The pall bearers were Messrs. Charles Beltrz, Thomas Woodyard, John Handschue, Frank Carter and the Bossard brothers of Norwood. The remains were laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery.

Henry Rackes, 38, a grocer and saloonist doing business at the corner of Sixth and Isabella Streets, Newport, died suddenly afternoon and the Coroner is investigation the case. Dr. Anderson says that the man was in a highly nervous condition and he treated him for delirious tremens. On his return he found the man dead. Neighbors claim that the man either fell or was kicked down stairs and was carried up to bed early in the morning. The Coroner will investigate.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 2 September 1896, page 5

Richard Steine, 23, died Sunday night at his home on Monmouth street, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 September 1896, page 5

Mr. John Jordan, a highly esteemed citizen, died Sunday at his home, 312 West Tenth Street, Newport. He was 60 years of age and was the father of Mrs. Thomas C Brown.

Philip Gardner, 28, died Saturday at the home on West Tenth Street, Newport. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock from St Stephen Church.

The funeral of R W Nelson Jr. took place Sunday afternoon from the home on Park Avenue, Newport. Services were conducted by Rev W G McCready, of St Paul P E Church. The remains were laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery.

Mrs. Caroline Reilly, 63, died at her home on Water-works Road, Campbell County. The funeral took place Monday afternoon from the residence, Rev Mr. Gerke officiating.

Ferna, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Klink, died Sunday morning at the parents home, No 131 Ann Street, Newport.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Tuesday, 8 September 1896, page 4

R W Nelson Jr. only son of Col. R W Nelson, Newport, died a few days ago, aged twenty-one. He was a relative of the Messrs. Sallee of this city.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 9 September 1896, page 3

Phil Kleine was appointed and qualified as administrator of the estate of John Kleine, deceased.

Page 5-Mrs. Catherine Geiger, 83, died Tuesday afternoon at 3 pm at the residence of her son, George M Geiger, 212 Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue. The funeral service will take place Friday morning at 8 am from the Sacred Heart Church.

The funeral of Mrs. Mennicke, of Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue, took place this morning at 8 am from St Anthony Church.

The remains of the late Mrs. Sarah Young will be removed from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery Thursday and interred in Spring Grove Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 12 September 1896, page 5

The will of the late Mary Johnson, who died in Newport a few days ago, was left for probate in the County Court Saturday morning. She bequeaths to Herman L Greenthal all household effects and personal property, a policy on life insurance in the Prudential Company for $405, a paid up stock certificate in the People's Deposit Loan Company for $200.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 September 1896, page 8

George Christopher, 35, single of Isabella Street, Newport, was drowned in the Ohio River near Anderson's Ferry, Sunday. Christopher's body was recovered. He was a chum of Frank Lindeman, who was killed by a train at Cullom's Station Saturday.

The funeral services of Mrs. John Stahl took place this morning at 8 am from the Sacred Heart Church, Bellevue.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 16 September 1896, page 5

The funeral services of John Hagens will take place Thursday at 1:30 pm from the late residence 114 Poplar Street, Bellevue. Interment at Vine Street Cemetery, Cincinnati.

Henry Knollman died Tuesday at his home on Rhensford Street, Bellevue. The funeral takes place Friday morning at 10 am from the residence. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. F H Judson died Tuesday at the family residence, 119 East Third Street, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 3 October 1896, page 5

Richard Hayman, formerly a Newport boy, died at San Francisco Cal. A telegram announcing his death was received by his brother, Edward, of this city. He had been ill for some time.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 6 October 1896, page 6

George Kennedy, an Indianapolis railroad man, of 252 East Washington Street, that city, was struck by  switch engine in the C&O Railroad years at Twelfth and Washington Streets, Newport. He died while being taken to the hospital.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 12 October 1896, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Mort Eckols took place Sunday afternoon from the residence on Monmouth Street, Newport. Services were conducted by Rev Borgess, pastor of Taylor Street M E Church. Pallbearers were George Jennings, Frank Sticker, Louis Hitch, and John Ashbough.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 October 1896, page 5

The funeral of Joseph Hauser took place Tuesday from St Stephen Church. The cortege in charge of Undertaker Betz, conveyed the remains to St Stephen Cemetery for interment.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 24 October 1896, page 5

The funeral of John Blant Jr. took place from St Paul German P E Church, Newport. Rev Ernst officiating.

The funeral of Michael McDonald, who was killed on the L&N Bridge Thursday afternoon, took place Friday night at Smith's undertaking establishment, Newport. About 30 carriages containing his fellow workmen accompanied the remains to the Grand Central Depot prior to being shipped to Clinton Ia.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 29 October 1896, page 8

Thomas Ryan, 34, single, of 307 Ann Street, Newport, was struck on the head with a stone Wednesday night. He died from the effects of the wound at 3:30 Thursday morning.  Soon after his death a warrant was sworn out against Pat Canfield of near Fourth and Saratoga Streets, charging him with murder.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 November 1896, page 5

Mrs. Mary Ryan, one of the oldest residents of Newport died Saturday night at her home on Saratoga Street, Newport. She was 93 years of age. the funeral under the direction of Undertaker Betz, took place Monday morning at 9 o'clock from the Immaculate Conception Church.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 5 November 1896, page 5

Mrs. Katharine Aschenbach, age 45, of Seventh and Dayton Streets, Newport died at the Liberty Street Hospital, Cincinnati.

Margaret Wilson, widow of James, age 54, died yesterday afternoon at the home of her son-in-law, Thomas Kelley, 11 East Fourth Street, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 November 1896, page 6

James Winters, who was killed on the C&O Railroad at South Portsmouth Tuesday afternoon, lived at 13 West Second Street, Newport. He was 59 and leaves a widow and five grown children. He was deaf and was walking on the track when killed.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 24 November 1896, page 6

While out hunting with some companions George Hall, aged twenty-seven years, a prominent young man of Carroll county Ky. visiting at Claryville, near Newport Ky. accidentally shot and killed himself, dying instantly.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 25 November 1896, page 5

Mrs. Anna Ahlering, 39, wife of Henry Ahlering Jr. died Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock. Funeral next Sunday at 2 pm from St Paul Church. Rev August L Gehrke will officiate.

Jacob Schwagelle, a pioneer resident of Newport died yesterday at his home on Dayton Street.

The funeral services of the late George W Seivers took place this afternoon at 2 pm from the family residence, 54 Van Voast Avenue, Bellevue.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 27 November 1896, page 5

Mrs. Sarah Neale, 74, died early Sunday morning at her home in Alexandria. Deceased had lived in Campbell County all her life. Funeral Sunday at 11 am from the Methodist Church.

The funeral services of the late G H Sherwood will take place Saturday at 1 pm instead of 1:30 pm as previously announced, Bellevue.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 1 December 1896, page 5

The will of Herman Von Brinke was left for probate in the County Court Monday. He bequeaths all his property to his wife Mary.

The funeral services of Mrs. Margaret Daum took place at 1 pm today from the residence of her son, George M Daum on Grandview Avenue, Bellevue. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 3 December 1896, page 6

Mrs. Margaret Borches died at her home, 116 West Sixth Street, Newport, Wednesday in her ninety-third year.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 December 1896, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. John Barches took place Friday afternoon at 2 pm from St John German Protestant Church, Newport, Rev Ernst officiating.

The funeral of Walter Duncan took place Thursday afternoon from the family residence on Lexington Avenue, Newport. Services were conducted by Rev Partridge of Cincinnati, assisted by Rev G W Perryman and Rev W G McCready. Interment at Spring Grove Cemetery.

The funeral of Clarence, the infant son of Joseph Black, too place from the parent's residence, Newport, Thursday afternoon. Interment at St Joseph Cemetery, Cincinnati.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 5 December 1896, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Barbara Aberspelier will take place Sunday from the home at Cold Spring Ky. Services will be conducted by Rev Ernst at St Johns German Protestant Church at 2 pm. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 8 December 1896, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Erwin Crail took place Monday afternoon from the family residence on East Fifth Street, Newport, Rev C W Sutton officiating. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 December 1896, page 5

Mrs. Josephine Fox, 71, widow of Martin, died Thursday night at the residence of her son in law, Edward Schneider at Ft Thomas.

Mrs. Josephine Fuchs, 70, died on Thursday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward Schneider at Ft Thomas. The funeral will occur at 9 am Monday morning from St Stephen Church, Newport. Interment in St Joseph Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 12 December 1896, page 5

The remains of the late Richard Robson, whose death occurred last Thursday in Colorado, arrived here Saturday for burial. Deceased is a brother to Mrs. G R Harms, Mrs. Samuel Hills, Mrs. Gaddis and George Robson Jr. of Bellevue.

The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Surran will be pained to learn of the death of their infant child, 24 hours old.

Mr. J Truett, 83, died Saturday at St Elizabeth Hospital in Covington. Mrs. Truett was formerly of Newport and was sent to the hospital by Mayor Biltz. Deceased owned a lot in Spring Grove Cemetery where she will be buried. Relatives at Wheeling W Va. were notified of her death.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 19 December 1896, page 5

Thomas Hauskens Sr. aged 70, died at 333 Central Avenue, Newport, Saturday morning.

The relatives of Mrs. F V Marot received news of her death in New Orleans Friday. Mrs. Marot was an aunt of Mrs. James D Smith and Mrs. Lucy T Tibbatts and a sister of the late Mrs. Mary Air.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 29 December 1896, page 5

Mrs. Edward Porter of North Middletown, Bourbon County, a sister to Mrs. James A Arnold of this city, died suddenly at her home. Mrs. Arnold left yesterday to attend the funeral.

The infant son of Mrs. Edward Mentor, Newport,  was buried at the Vine Street Cemetery Monday afternoon.

Page 7-Frank A Brown, 40, the well known coal operator, died at his residence, 828 York street, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 30 December 1896, page 5

The funeral of J J Wenderoth took place Tuesday afternoon from his late residence, Front Street. Services were conducted by Rev Mr. Ernst of the German Protestant St John Church. The German Pioneers attended in a body. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.

Frank A Brown was laid to rest at Spring Grove Cemetery Wednesday afternoon. Services were conducted at the house on York Street, Newport by Rev W G McCready of St Paul P E Church at 1 pm. Many relatives of the deceased were here from Pittsburg.

Louis Seiter, brother of Mrs. Sarah West, Bellevue, died Tuesday afternoon at Christ Hospital, Cincinnati. The services will take place Thursday at 10 am from Christ Hospital. Interment in Spring Grove Cemetery.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville, Ky. Wednesday, 13 January 1897, page 3

John Girty, a descendent of Simon Girty, is dead at Newport.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville, Ky. Thursday, 11 February 1897, page 2

Mrs. Charles Watson of Newport used coal oil to kindle a fire, with the usual result. She was burned to death and her six year old daughter will be maimed for life. When will people quit this fatal practice?


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Friday, 19 February 1897, page 5

NEWPORT Ky. Feb 19-Louis Chadworth, aged 35, an expert iron worker whose home was in Virginia, but who boarded in Newport, and was employed on the new L&N Bridge, fell to his death from the roadway of the iron work at 7:55 am Thursday. His body was swept under a barge and has not been recovered.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Tuesday, 23 February 1897, page 2

Mrs. C H Nicholson was called to Newport by the death of her grandson, J Leland Held, aged 6 years. She was accompanied by her son Leland Nicholson.

Page 4-Mrs. Charles H Nicholson was called to Newport a few days ago by the illness of one of her grandchildren, the six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Held. The child died Monday and will be buried today at that place.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Friday 9 April 1897, page 3

Thomas W Coyne, a prominent Democratic politician of Newport, died suddenly.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Monday, 3 May 1897, page 5

A letter from Newport announces the arrival and burial there of the remains of Mr. Thomas Holmes, a once prominent citizen of that place but for many years a member of the large mercantile establishment of Holmes & Co of New Orleans. Mr. Holmes was a brother in law by the last wife of the late Hon U P Degman.


The Evening Bulleting, Maysville Ky. Wednesday, 5 May 1897, page 4

W H Gayle, the oldest Mason in Kentucky, died shortly before noon Tuesday, at Newport, aged ninety-seven years. He has been a Mason seventy-five years and has taken every degree except the Thirty-third Scottish Rite.


Semi-Weekly Interior Journal, Stanford Ky. Friday, 7 May 1897, page 3

William H Gayle said to be the oldest Mason in the US, is dead at Newport. He was born in 1801 and took his first degree in 1822.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Friday, 4 June 1897, page 2

Mr. and Mrs. James E Cullen were suddenly called to Newport yesterday afternoon on account of the death of Miss Richie Greenwood, cousin of Mrs. Cullen. They were accompanied by their son, Stanley and Mrs. Cullen's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Greenwood.


The Bourbon News, Paris Ky. Friday, 25 June 1897, page 5

Lewis Henderson of Newport, jumped off an express train at Shelbyville Ind. to call on his sweetheart Sunday, and fell under the wheels and was ground to death. His sweetheart saw the accident and is prostrated with grief.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Friday, 25 June 1897, page 4

Benjamin Franklin Gregston was struck by the C&O's Maysville train and killed last evening. Deceased was forty-one years of age and leaves a wife and three sons, aged fourteen, thirteen and eight years. The family came here two years ago from Newport. The funeral occurs at 2 pm this afternoon at the home of the family on West Second. Burial in Maysville Cemetery.


The Bourbon News, Paris Ky. Tuesday, 29 June 1897, page 2

The five year old daughter of C W Howard was gored to death by a cow near Newport. The child was in a field picking daisies.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Thursday, 1 July 1897, page 3

"Buck" Lukins, who lost both legs in a railroad accident at Carntown Tuesday, died Wednesday about noon at the St Elizabeth Hospital, Covington. He was about thirty-three years old, an industrious young man and had many friends in this city. Burial at Newport this afternoon.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Saturday, 10 July 1897, page 3

NEWPORT Ky. July 10-George Keim, a retired and well to do citizen of Newport, committed suicide Friday by blowing his head off with an old single barreled army pistol of 44-caliber. Keim was 73 years old and had been a sufferer from asthma for years.


The Bourbon News, Paris Ky. Tuesday, 27 July 1897, page 5

At 943 York st. Newport three of Fred Laurie's children have died in a month from diphtheria.


Hopkinsville Kentuckian, Hopkinsville Ky. Tuesday, 3 August 1897, page 6

Mrs. Henry Knorr and daughter were fatally injured and their home demolished by an explosion of gasoline in Newport.


The Paducah Daily Sun, Paducah Ky. Monday, 18 October 1897, page 5

Newport Ky. Oct 18-Mrs. Leugbart was killed by the explosion of an oil stove.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Saturday, 13 November 1897, page 2

Word has been received here of the death of Dr. M C Wilson of Newport, which occurred yesterday afternoon at 8 pm at St Elizabeth Hospital, Covington. Late Wednesday afternoon Dr. Wilson entered a saloon and shot himself in the mouth. The remains will be brought here and interred in the Maysville Cemetery.


Hopkinsville Kentuckian, Hopkinsville, Ky. Friday, 3 December 1897, page 8

L Schraag, a music teacher, aged eighty five years was run over and killed by a trolley car at Newport.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Thursday, 9 December 1897, page 3

Harry Riggs, a C&O employee, was killed at Newport. He was trying to make a coupling when he missed his footing and fell. The terrible rolling which his body received resulted in injuries which proved fatal within an hour.


Semi-Weekly Interior Journal, Stanford Ky. Tuesday, 4 January 1898, page 3

W W Robinson of Lawrenceburg, fell on the ice at Newport and was killed.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Monday, 24 January 1898, page 3

Squire L Grant, one of Maysville's best known citizens, died this morning at 3:30 am at the family residence, 226 Limestone street. Deceased was born on the Grant homestead, now owned by Mrs. Dimmitt, near Summit, four miles from Maysville and was seventy-eight years of age last November. His parents were George and Jane (Lashbrooke) Grant, his ancestors coming from Virginia. Deceased was married twice, Harriet Calvert and Elizabeth Browning, both preceded him to the grave. Four children survive, Squire William B, Sue and Agnes Grant of this city and Mrs. Dr. Locke of Newport.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Thursday, 3 February 1898, page 4

Died at Newport, Tuesday, Mrs. Sarah E McIntyre, aged sixty years. Mrs. McIntyre had been a resident of Newport for only three weeks, having moved there from Elizaville, Fleming County. The remains were shipped to Elizaville for interment.

Owingsville Outlook, Owingsville Ky. Thursday, 3 February 1898, page 2

Mrs. Sarah E McIntyre, who left here two weeks ago to visit her son, Charles McIntyre at Newport, died there at 5 am Tuesday morning. Her son, J D of this town, left her Monday night with the Doctor's assurance his mother was in no danger. He had just got home when a dispatch came announcing his mother's death. He left on the first train for Newport. She was 65 years old and her some was at Elizaville, Fleming Co.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Monday, 28 March 1898, page 4

Jacob A Slack, a well known farmer of this county, died Saturday at the residence of his brother in law, Oscar Barrett, in the Highlands, near Newport. He was thirty-seven years old and unmarried. The remains were brought to Maysville for interment. Deceased was a son of the late Jacob Slack and a stepson of Mrs. Mary Slack, of Forest Avenue.


The Bourbon News, Paris Ky. Tuesday, 12 April 1898, page 5

A telegram yesterday from Nashville Tenn. to F L McChesney in this city, announced the death of his niece, Miss Eliza McChesney, aged 20 years, daugther of the late Samuel McChesney, formerly of Newport Ky.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Monday, 16 May 1898, page 2

Mrs. Lucy Hoffman died Friday evening at 7:40 at her home in Newport after two weeks illness, aged 38. The family formerly resided in the Sixth Ward and had moved to Newport just four weeks ago. She leaves a husband and two children, Sarah Jane, aged 15 and William Thomas, aged 13. The funeral services were held in Newport and the remains brought here yesterday and deposited in the Maysville Cemetery.

The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Monday, 16 May 1898, page 3

Mrs. Richard Hoffman, whose husband formerly conducted a barber shop in the Sixth War, died Friday night at Newport. She was the daughter of Andrew Mearns of Tollesboro, and leaves two children, a son and daughter. The remains were brought here Sunday morning and laid to rest in the Maysville Cemetery.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Saturday, 18 June 1898, page 3

Albert Brownfield, who died recently at Newport, was a resident of Aberdeen some years ago. He drew a pension of $72 a month.


The Hartford Herald, Hartford Ky. Wednesday, 29 June 1898, page 2

Newport Ky. June 29-Jacob Roll, aged sixty-four, who for years has been a bridge collector on the Newport and Covington bridge, was found in the cellar of his residence this morning in a pool of blood, with his throat cut from ear to ear. Besides him lay a razor. For some time Roll had been suffering from softening of the brain.


The Daily Kentuckian, Hopkinsville Ky. Saturday, 9 July 1898, page 3

Capt. John A Williams, a resident in Newport since 1833, died aged seventy-three.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Thursday, 29 September 1898, page 5

The body of Mrs. August Belmont, which is now in the mortuary chapel of the Episcopal church in Paris, will be brought to this country in the course of a few weeks and interred at Newport. August Belmont will return with his wife's body.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Monday, 10 October 1898, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. William Brown took place yesterday afternoon from her home at Newport, the remains being interred in the Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Brown formerly resided in the Sixth Ward, this city, but moved to Newport sometime since. Deceased was formerly Miss Thomas and leaves one child.


The Evening Bulletin, Monday, 17 October 1898, page 4

Mrs. George Ann Smith, wife of James A Smith, died this morning at the home of the family. Deceased was Miss Mackey, a native of the county, and was sixty-two years old. She leaves three children, Mollie Smith and Mrs. J H Dickson of this city and Mrs. W S Stephens of Newport.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Saturday, 19 November 1898, page 4

The Misses Bolling of the Fifth Ward, received a telegram Friday announcing the death of their brother, Prof. J J Boling at his home back of Newport. Deceased was about sixty years of age and was a resident of Maysville at one time. He was a music teacher by profession. The remains were brought here by train this morning and will be laid to rest in the Maysville Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 26 November 1898, page 7

The funeral of Benjamin Sanftlehen took place yesterday afternoon from his late residence, corner of Seventh and Central, Newport. Rev Ernst of St John German Protestant Church officiating. The pallbearers were selected one each from the Sons of German Pioneers, the German Workingmen Society, the Schwabrscher and Anchor Mutual Aid Societies. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery. The funeral was one of the largest ever left Newport.

John Fieger, aged 68 years, and one of the organizers of the First German Pioneers of Newport, died yesterday morning at his home on the Alexandria Pike of pneumonia. He was the father of Sergeant John Fieger and Charles A Fieger, the Monmouth street dry goods merchant and a member of the Order of the Druids. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Monday, 21 November 1898, page 2

The funeral of the late James Bowling, who died near Newport, took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of his sisters in the Fifth Ward.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Thursday, 29 December 1898, page 3

Hon. Henry Thomas Wilson, eighty-one, who died at the home of his son in law, Hon. M R Lockhart, in the Highlands, near Newport. was Grand Master of Kentucky Grand Lodge of Masons a number of years ago.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 2 January 1899, page 8

Health Officer Locke deaths report: Mary Schneider, tuberculosis; Louis Blatter, diphtheria; John Walburg, pneumonia; Otto Hisdorf, typhoid fever; Charles L Prickney, septic empyema; Mary Foster, tuberculosis; Dietrich Schaftoll, old age; August Witte, diphtheria; Thomas F Kelly, cerebral hemorrhage; Henry Pake, pulmonary; Kate Knorr, la grippe; Jacob F Loercher, old age; Michael Affel, heart; Caroline H Dobbins, old age; Bridget Flannelly, bronchitis; W M Foley, paralysis; Jacob Brill, bronchitis; Elizabeth Huntley, la grippe; Infant Buckley; George Fifie, bronchitis; Mary C Walt, cholera; Robert Pye, pneumonia;


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 23 January 1899, page 6

Health Officer Locke deaths report: Elizabeth Flickman, 67-Bellevue-cyst; Richard Gunthner, 714 East Ninth street-heart disease; Hannah A Shifferd, 70- Highlands-old age; Laura B Fee, 34, 212 West First street-colitis.

Miss Anna Loretta Bradley, of No 218 Central avenue, sister of James Bradley and Miss Kate Bradley, died last evening at her late residence, after a two week illness. The deceased was 21 years ol and had a large number of friends who will be pained to hear of her demise. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bradley. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


The Bourbon News, Paris Ky. Friday, 3 February 1899, page 6

Mrs. Elizabeth Throckmorton, aged eighty-five, who was stricken with paralysis, died Monday at the home of her grandson, Jack Clark near Paris. She is survived by three children, Charles and John of this city and Mrs. Dulcina Hamilton of Newport, and a sister Mrs. Evaline Hanson of Lexington.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 6 February 1899, page 8

The funeral of August Uthe, formerly Postmaster at Camp Springs, and a well known resident of Campbell County, took place yesterday afternoon. The interment was made at Tug Fork Cemetery and William Tell Lodge IOOF attended in a body.

The remains of Lizzie, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andriott, of his city, Newport, were received from Portsmouth Ohio, where she had died while on a visit to her grandmother yesterday, and interred at Evergreen Cemetery by Caretaker Betz.

Mrs. Youtsey, wie of ex-County Assessor John S Youtsey, died yesterday at her residence near Alexandria, at the advance age of 72 years. She was the mother of Dr. J J Youtsey, Letter Carrier Will Youtsey, George Youtsey, the Alexandria Pike toll collector, Margaret Youtsey and Mrs. Willis McCullough, deceased. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning from the Baptist Church at Alexandria.


The Evening Bulletin, Maysville Ky. Saturday, 11 February 1899, page 3

Shawnewtown Ill. Feb 11-Chief of Police, Maysville Ky. Tim Sullivan died here last night. Wife and daughters said to reside here. Notify them. It is thought the family formerly lived in Aberdeen and are now in Newport.


Kentucky Irish American, Louisville Ky. Saturday, 18 February 1899, page 2

Mrs. David Flynn, died at St Joseph Infirmary Thursday, aged sixty years. Mrs. Flynn was the mother of Rev David J Flynn, DD Professor in Mt St Mary College, Emmettsburg; of Rev Joseph Flynn of Newport; of Sister Frances of the Order of Lorotto and John Flynn of this city.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 27 February 1899, page 6

Health Officer Locke deaths report: Infant Quinn-628 West Seventh; Phoebe Wightmann, 78, Sixth Av-Dayton-paralysis; Infant Stayne-27 West Fifth street;
Katherine Hentz, 69, 1005 Hamlet street-paralysis; Virgil Klein, 9 months-1135 Central avenue; Herbert Purel, 2 weeks, 928 Putnam street-spasms; Max Chermin, 5 months, 233 West Fourth-convulsions; Bessie McGrath, 21-Tenth and Hamlet streets-consumption; Herman Beheege, 67-Bellevue-heart disease
Grant Boden, 30, railroad accident; Clifford Johnston, 1 year, Second avenue-Dayton-meningitis; Eugene Sarbeck, 9 months, 127 W Fifth street; Mary L Hawthorne, 76, Sherman Texas-old age; Lizzie Brenner, 31-Hamilton Oh-pneumonia; Infant Brenner, Hamilton; Gabriel Barkley, 39, 104 East Front-inflammation of brain; Enoch Watters, 75, 230 East Front-paralysis.

Mrs. Julia Trautman died at her home on Twelfth street shortly after midnight yesterday. She was 26 years of age. She leaves a husband, August Trautman, the well known merchant.

Enoch Waters, an old and respected citizen died yesterday afternoon at his late residence, 230 E Fourth street of paralysis. The deceased was 75 years of age and had resided in this city nearly all his life. For 25 years he was foreman of the Easton Leather Company on Main street. He leaves a wife and five daughters. The funeral will take place Wednesday with services at the Church of the Immaculate Conception and interment at St Joseph Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 13 March 1899, page 8

Health Officer Locke deaths report: Mary Juennemann, 910 Scott street, 74-disease of kidneys; Mary Baumann, Bellevue, 5 months; George W Robson, Highlands, 85-pneumonia; Herbert Busch, 506 W Twelfth street, 15 months-diphtheria; John B Daly Jr. Fifth street, 1 day-spasms; Sallie Spillman, 40, Visalia Ky. la grippe; Ethel M Clarke, 229 Southgate street, 8-pneumonia; Charles G Mertens, 514 Monmouth street, 70-heart paralysis.

Mrs. J Elben, aged 74, died yesterday morning at her late residence, 506 Chestnut street. The deceased leaves one son.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 21 March 1899, page 7

Robert J Donelan passed peacefully away at the residence of his parents No 219 W Fourth st. Newport Ky. Monday morning, March 20, 1899. Funeral Wednesday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 26 March 1899, page 3

Margaret Amtman died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Matilda Chrisman, 222 W Fourth st. Newport Ky. aged 79 years. Funeral from Church of Immaculate Conception, Monday, March 27, 1899 at 9 am.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 31 March 1899, page 7

J Samuel Baker died suddenly at his residence, 614 Washington av. Newport Ky. at 11:15 am Thursday, March 30, aged 67 years and 1 month. Funeral Saturday morning April 1 at 11 am from First Presbyterian Church, Newport Ky.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 9 April 1899, page 3

August Betz, aged 33 years, son of Anna Mary and the late Frank Betz, died of pneumonia, Friday evening, April 7, 1899 at the residence of his mother, sec Eleventh and Orchard sts. Newport Ky. Funeral from St Stephen Church, Tuesday at 9 am. Funeral strictly private.

Celia Margaret Cronin, daughter of James and Dora Cronin, died at the family residence, 923 Washington av. Newport Ky. aged 9 months. Funeral Monday, April 10, 1899 at 2 pm.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Friday, 5 May 1899, page 2

Miss Kate Moran, aged 40, died at Newport and the remains were taken to Paris, her former home for interment.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 5 June 1899, page 6

Health Officer Locke deaths report: Rebecca Velkley, Finchtown, 78-peritonitis; Arthur Dotson, 105 W Fifth st. 12-typhoid fever; Annie Elierman, Ninth st. 30-Brights disease; Joseph Dietz, St Patrick's Hospital, 10 days; Charles Dignan, 1123 York st. 20-plumonary; Infant McCoy-Dayton; Rev Fred Schwick, Good Samaritan Hospital, 66? paralysis; Lena Hidden, 714 Central av. 20-typhoid pneumonia; J H McGinnis, 622 Dayton st. 53-cancer; Mary A Stumpf, 331 Keturah st. 1 whooping cough.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 19 June 1899, page 6

Health Officer Locke deaths report: Mary Peck, 83, Dayton Ky. paralysis; Reugene Glenkler, 73, 918 John street, cardiac hypertrophy; Infant Watte, 6 m-Bellevue, meningitis; Victor Heator, 2 m-433 W Eleventh street, whooping cough; Kate Sensel, 48, 919 Ann street, diabetes; Gertrude Surran, 18, Latonia Hotel, suicide; Louis Bierman, 71, Dayton Ky. coma and kidney failure; Infant Craig, 912 John street; Arthur Whalen, Dayton Ky. tuberculosis; Philip K Schmidt, 81, 1718 Monmouth street, senility; Timothy Malloy, 62, Waterworks avenue, Cote Brilliante, cardiac paralysis.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 22 June 1899, page 5

Mr. and Mrs. N C Rist, of Berry avenue, Bellevue, mourn the loss of their two year old daughter, whose death occurred yesterday morning.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 3 July 1899, page 3

Health Officer Locke deaths report: Elisabeth Howard 77y; 514 Forrest Street-senility; Fred M Stenger 6m; Dayton Ky. acute enteritis; Henrietta Mertens 59y; Speers Hospital in Dayton Ky. hypostatic pneumonia; Jacob Buckman 29y; 215 Findley Street Cincinnati-tuberculosis; Emma S Hall 25y; Bellevue-phthisis pulmonary; Fred Kahrs; corner Ninth and Orchard Streets-anthrax; Infant Kruss; 227 East Second Street-cholera; Edna Reisner 8m; Bellevue-enteritis; Johanna Miller 70y; 53 Thornton Street-paresis; Zerald H Harkenthorn 2m; 60 East Sixth Street-cholera; Infant Halpin 4m; corner Brighton and Lindsay Streets; Mary Mertes 1 day; 508 West Seventh Street-premature; William Elden 80y; Posey Flats-chronic bronchitis.

James Cummins, 16, of Lowell Street, Newport died Sunday of lockjaw. A week ago he accidentally shot himself in the knee with a toy pistol. Blood poison.

William Eldon, 90, died at the home in Posey Flats, Third and Monmouth Streets, Newport. He was born in Portsmouth O. and was one of the prominent men there. The funeral will take place Portsmouth, where the remains were sent.

Gerald McDonald, formerly of Newport, died at the Botts Street Hospital, Cincinnati, Sunday. He was a member of Central Mutual Aid Society of Newport, which society will meet in special session Monday night to take action on his death. The funeral will take place from Costigan's Tuesday morning.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 July 1899, page 5

Mrs. Carolina Duell, of Berry Avenue, Bellevue, died Tuesday morning. She leaves a widower and eight children.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 6 July 1899, page 3

Mrs. Joseph Deitz, wife of patroman in Newport, died Thursday morning at the St Elizabeth Hospital in Covington. Deceased had been ill for several years. A child died a few weeks ago.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 10 July 1899, page 3

Health Officer Locke deaths report: George McDonald, 26, St Mary's Hospital; inquest pending; Infant Christian-Hamilton Ky. Margaret Neidel-76-1121 Saratoga Street; old age; John Hohmeister-67-Grand Avenue; typhoid fever; James M Sarsfield-infant-627 Powell Street; spasms; Michael Carney-8 months-406 West Sixth Street; gastric enteritis; Carrie Dietz-32-St Elizabeth Hospital; tuberculosis; Eberhard Beck-70-Cincinnati; senility; Nora Gosney-2-Twelfth and Brighton Streets; cholera; Lilly E Cook-9 months-Ludlow; meningitis; James Cummins-16 Lowell Street; gunshot wound.

Page 5-J F W Robbe, 67, died Sunday at his home on Taylor avenue, Bellevue. Four sons survive him, Carl, John, Louis and Oscar Robbe. The deceased was well known in Bellevue. The funeral will take place Tuesday.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 13 July 1899, page 1

Eva Plese, 25, was found dead in her bed at her home, 215 West Fifth Street, Newport, Wednesday. She was single and came from Germany to act as housekeeper for Paul Wise, whose wife died about one year ago. Anna, the little daughter of Wise made the discovery.

J M Holton, 65, a Bracken County farmer, was found dead in his bed at the home of his son, George E Holton, at California Ky. Wednesday. Coroner Higgins rendered a verdict of death caused by paralysis of the heart. The remains were sent to Bracken County for burial.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 15 July 1899, page 5

Dillaro Wyble, the 1 year old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Wyble, died Saturday morning. The funeral will take place Sunday.

The mother of Rev W A Daniels died at her home in Newport Monday evening.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 17 July 1899, page 9

Health Officer Locke deaths report: Eliza Daniel, 2m, Lexington av-cirrhosis of liver; Freddie Banker, 19 days, Dayton Ky. Meriam Earnshaw, 2m; Fifth & York, tuberculosis; Mary Maschmott, 2y 6m, Bridge & Brighton, meningitis; Lizzie Gaizdorf, 75, swc Seventh & German, senility; Eva Plese, 25, 315 W Fifth
Fred Knoblack, 44, Bellevue, heart failure; Florence E Turner, 6m, 721 Monmouth, cholera; James Skelton, 72, 315 Lindsay, pulmonary; Infant Glazier, 335 E Eleventh; Dillard Wyble, 15m; Bellevue, meningitis.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 21 July 1899, page 8

James A Crupper, drowned at Oneonta Wednesday while bathing in the Ohio. Crupper's funeral was held Friday from he late residence. The remains were shipped to Foster Ky. for interment.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 22 July 1899, page 2

Harry Karhs, aged 14, Newport, died at his home Ninth and Orchard Streets, Friday from lockjaw. Result of a Fourth of July pistol wound.

Page 8-The funeral of Mrs. Marin Riesocker, of Alexandria Pike, Ft Thomas, took place Friday from her late residence. Mrs. Riesocker was one of the oldest residents of the Highlands.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 24 July 1899, page 5

Health Officer Lock deaths report; Mahala Dolan, 77y; 927 Orchard Street; cancer of tongue; William F Robb, 83y; Taylor Creek, Hamilton Oh; enteritis; Edward Hartwig, 21y; Bellevue; tuberculosis; Leo Honning, 9m; 703 Patterson Street; cholera infant; Gustave Niebaum, 83y; Speers Hospital in Dayton Ky. old age; Theresa Hombrecht, 52y; 705 Central Av; phthisis pulmonary; Sarah Ong, 68y; 1125 York Street; cerebral softening; Florence Gray, 21y; Cincinnati Hospital; inquest; Nelson Lindsey, 8m; Bellevue; meningitis; Henry Kohrs, 14y; Ninth & Orchard Streets; blood poisoning.

The funeral of Florence Gray, who died at the Cincinnati Hospital Friday, took place Saturday afternoon from the home on West Seventh Street, Newport.

The funeral of Edward Kohrs, who died from lockjaw, took place Sunday afternoon from his late residence, corner of Ninth and Central Avenue, Newport.

Gus Niebaum, who died at Speers Hospital, was buried in Potters field. No one claimed his remains.


The Kentucky Post, Monday, July 17, 1899, page 5

Health Officer Locke, Newport, reports the following deaths the past week: Nelson E Lindsey; 8 months, meningitis; Bellevue; J S Morton; 9 months, marasmus; 159 West Third Street, Cincinnati; John Hoffman; 77, caroline synopses; 13 Greenup Street, Covington; Mary J Burns; 52, inflammation; 10 Front Street; Henry W Stageman; 37, consumption; 210 Washington Avenue; Sarah B Long; 68, cerebral softening, 1125 York Street; Florence Gray; 21, Cincinnati Hospital, Inquest pending


Kentucky Post, Monday, 31 July 1899, page 5

Clemens Ellman, 71, died Sunday morning at his home Eighth and Monmouth Streets, Newport. Apoplexy is given as the cause. Deceased has been identified in business circles in Newport for many years. A grown family of girls survive him.

John P Steward, 52, of 712 York Street, died Sunday morning. He was in charge of the baggage room at the Grand Central Depot in Cincinnati for many years and was well known. He remains will be sent to Oxford O. for burial.

John R Bean of Dayton, died Sunday. The funeral arrangements had not yet been completed.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 1 August 1899, page 5

The will of the late Sarah Ong was filed for probate in the court at Newport Tuesday. She bequeaths to Helen Stapleton all her real estate and the household furniture; to John Stapleton she leaves all the personal property.

The funeral of John R Dean who died Sunday, took place Monday afternoon in Dayton.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 1 August 1899, page 7

Mrs. William Orillich of Ft Thomas, left yesterday for Madison Ind. where she was summoned by the death of her sister, Miss Seamon.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 August 1899, page 1

George, the 9 year old son of James Maloney, of 1013 York Street, Newport, was drowned Thursday.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 August 1899, page 5

Steven Allen, 60? well known about Newport, died Monday morning at Speers Hospital. He has been kept by the city for several years being unable to work on account of his health.

Mrs. Elizabeth Dixon, 32, died Sunday at the home, 421 West Fourth Street, Newport. The remains were sent to Madison Ind. for burial.

The funeral of Fred Henry took place from the residence, 619 Saratoga Street, Newport. Rev Ernst of St John Protestant Church, officiating.

The funeral of Frank Spruell, formerly of Bellevue, who committed suicide in Cincinnati, took place Sunday morning. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 9 August 1899, page 5

George Frederick Franz of upper O'Fallon Avenue, Bellevue, was found dead at his home 5 pm Tuesday by Mrs. Cora Frey, a neighbor. He had lived a hermit life. He was 63 years old and was born in Hesse-Cassel, Germany.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 11 August 1899, page 7

Michael Smith died August 9. Funeral August 11, private. Burial Evergreen Cemetery, Newport Ky.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 12 August 1899, page 15

The funeral of Michael Schmidt took place yesterday afternoon from his late residence, 706 Columbia street, Newport, with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.

William, the sixteen month old son of William Strubbe, of 512 East First street, Newport, died yesterday morning of tonsillitis.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 August 1899, page 5

Health Officer Locke of Newport deaths report: Baby Freeman, Seventh Street, premature; Elizabeth Dixon, 32, Dayton Ky. pneumonia; Elizabeth Ford, 72, Fifth Street, cancer of the stomach; George E Franz, 63, Bellevue Ky. inquest pending; Michael Schmidt, 63, 708 Columbia Street, acute spinal meningitis; Emma Ilite, 35, 301 Columbia Street, gastritis; Jennie Smith, 47, Covington Ky. disease of the stomach; David B Swing, 4, Dayton Ky. tuberculosis; Charles Gallimore, 1 month, Bellevue Ky. hepatitis; William D Strube, 1 year 4 months, 512 East Front Street, tonsillitis.

Mary Elizabeth Youtsey, 63, Cold Spring, pneumonia; The funeral services of Mrs. A J Youtsey were held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Asbury Chapel, Cold Spring.

Daniel J Moran, 39, well known in Newport, died at his home 117 East Second Street, after a lingering illness.

Mrs. Ella Seakatz, sister of Mayor Biltz, died Sunday at Lawrenceburg Ind. The Mayor is at that place to attend the funeral.

The funeral of George, the infant son of George Strubbe, of East Front Street, Newport, took place Sunday afternoon.

Miss Hattie Weaver, sister of Mrs. George Pagan Jr. of East Third Street, left yesterday on the B&O for Brooklyn NY to see her long lost Brother, Daniel Weaver, who left Newport in 1872, enlisted in the navy and has made five trips around the world. His father, mother and only brother have died since his long absences from Newport.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 18 August 1899, page 1

Gus Halpe died at Speers Hospital (Dayton Ky) Thursday morning of typhoid fever. He formerly resided on Monmouth Street, Newport. For the past week he had been keep alive on salt water.

Thomas H Westwood, 78, died at his home in Newport after a short illness.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 19 August 1899, page 5

The funeral of Gus Raipe, whose death occurred Thursday afternoon at Speers Hospital, will take place Sunday afternoon from the residence of his grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Raipe, 720 Monmouth Street. Interment at Spring Grove Cemetery.

The funeral of Thomas Westwood took place Friday afternoon from the home on Hodge Street, Newport.

Mrs. Ferdinand Tachechtlin, of Sixth Street, Newport, was buried Saturday afternoon from St Paul P E Church.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 23 August 1899, page 5

Miss Kate Murray, 20, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray, of 221 East Fifth Street, Newport, died Tuesday afternoon, after a lingering illness of several weeks. She was a very popular young lady and was well known in Covington, where she had many friends. the family is prostrated over her untimely death. The funeral will take place Thursday at 2 pm from the residence, 221 East Fifth Street.

This is the second death in the family within the last four months, the first being that of Miss Stella Murray, 27, a sister of the deceased.

Joseph Kline, 41, died Tuesday at the last residence, Tenth and Saratoga Streets, after a lingering illness. The funeral will take place Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from St Stephen Church.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 28 August 1899, page 6

Health Officer Locke deaths report: Harold L Seventon, 217 E Second st. 1 year, cholera; Ida R Schneider, 1117 Ann st. 10 m meningitis; Kate Murray, 221 E Fifth st. 20, pulmonary; Rose Hesch, 1 yr, Claryville, cholera; Joseph Klein, 1017 Saratoga st. 41, pulmonary; Unknown man drowned in Ohio River; William Sellman, 50, Cincinnati Hospital, cardiac; Ada L Gibson, 7 hrs, Banklick st. Covington, diphtheria; Infant Schwartz, Enright st. Covington; Thomas Riley, 41, 516 Powell st. gastritis; Catherine Eichler, 72, 819 Central av. Clara McIlvain, 20, 628 Monroe st. tuberculosis; Infant Bryan, Highlands, spinal trouble.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 31 August 1899, page 1

Mrs. Margaret Caldwell, died at Detroit Mich. Wednesday afternoon. She was the widow of the late Jack Caldwell and sister in law to Mrs. Agnes Smalley of Newport. The family was one of the best known in Newport. She was formerly Miss Carter. The remain will be brought to Newport Friday morning and will be buried from the residence of Mrs. Smalley, Fifth Street and Washington Avenue.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 1 September 1899, page 1

The funeral of Mrs. Temperance Sage,74, who died near Alexandria Wednesday night, took place Friday morning at 11 am from the home of her son in law, Benjamin Bartch? near Alexandria. Her husband was one of the best known river men on the Ohio and resided in Campbell County since 1843.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 September 1899, page 6

The funeral of Mrs. Eliza Burrill took place Sunday afternoon from her late residence of Saratoga Street, Newport. Interment was made at Evergreen Cemetery.

Anna, the 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schmidt, died Saturday evening in Newport.

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. George Stone, of Eighth Avenue, Dayton, died Monday morning. The funeral will take place Tuesday.

John Martzolf, of Seventh and Main Streets, Dayton, died Sunday evening.

The remains of Harry Schuh were brought from Dayton O. Sunday morning. The funeral took place Monday morning from the residence of his sister, Mrs. Cooper of Second Avenue, Dayton.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 6 September 1899, page 6

Mrs. Katherine Wall, 51, died Tuesday at the home, 228 West Ninth Street, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 September 1899, page 5

Health Office Locke deaths report. Emma Sattler, 1y; 901 East Front; meningitis; Dorothy Stone, 5m; Dayton Ky. entero-colitis; Alma May Fetter, 25y; Cincinnati; tuberculosis; Mary Nagle, 43y; Dayton Ky. cancer of lungs; Charles Streiker, 41y; Highland Ky. organic disease of heart; Catherine Wall, 53y; 228 West Seventh; disease of heart; Arthur Jacobs, 7m; 1010 Orchard Street; meningitis; Sarah Swensiger, 52y; Bellevue Ky. softening of the brain; Mary Flemming, 11m; 1312 Brighton; cholera infant; Will Fitzer, 6m; corner Isabella & Ninth; marasmus; Hannah Ryan, 100 years, Springfield Oh; old age; Adelaide Hagedon, 75y; 916 Saratoga; chronic nephritis; Caroline Stevens, 63y; 527 Overton; paralysis.

Miss Fannie Allen, 22 of East Third Street, Newport, died Monday at her home, after a lingering illness of typhoid fever.

The remains of the late Charles F Stricker were removed Monday from the vault at Evergreen Cemetery and buried in the family lot beside his wife.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 September 1899, page 5

Lee D Delorn, 77y, colored, died Tuesday at his home on Saratoga Street, Newport of consumption.

The funeral of Miss Fannie J Allen, who died of typhoid fever Sunday night at her residence, 41 East Front Street, Newport, took place Wednesday morning at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev Father Kollopp.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 16 September 1899, page 1

On Wednesday the oldest resident in Newport, in this vicinity, Mrs. Hannah Ryan died. She was 103 years old and died of old age. Her home for years had been at the corner of Seventh and Isabella Streets, Newport. Mrs. Ryan was buried at Evergreen Cemetery.

Two old and well known citizens of Newport died Friday at their respective residences. They were Cornelius Phillips, 87, of 310 West Fifth Street, and Michael Nagel of 25 East Seventh Street. Phillips leaves two sons, John F and Charles, and several grown children. His funeral took place this morning. Nagel leaves a family of grown children. His illness was brief.


Kentucky Post, Monday, September 18, 1899, page 5

Health officer Lock deaths report: R L Dixon, colored, 35, Finchtown, pneumonia; Frederick Charles Wolfram, 3 m, Center street, Bellevue; Fannie J Allen, 38y; typhoid fever; Richard Lee Dixon, 35y; pneumonia; F C Wolfram. 3m; Cornelius Philips, 75y; heart disease; Michael Nagel, 59y; old age; Eugene E Hupker, 13 days, 413 Sixth street; Leo Riegler, 9, 223 E Tenth street, tuberculosis; Emma Sattler, meningitis; Dorothy Stone-5 months, entero-colitis; Anna May Getter-26, tuberculosis; Mary Nagie-49, cancer of lungs; Charles F Stricker-44, organic disease of the heart; ; Arthur Jacobs-7 months, meningitis; Sarah E Isaininger-56, chronic cerebral softening; Mary Fleming-11 months, cholera;; Will Fitzer-6 months, marasmus; ; Hannah Ryan-103, old age; Adelaide Hagedorn-75, chronic interstitial nephritis; Caroline Stephens-61, paralysis; Fannie J Allen-38, typhoid fever; ; Richard Lee Dison-35, pneumonia; F C Wolfram-3 months, acute; Cornelius Philipso-75, heart disease; Michael Nagel-59, old age


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 22 September 1899, page 7

Barbara Boeger, aged 33 years, beloved daughter of the late John and Mary Boeger (nee Stapf) formerly of Newport Ky. died Thursday, Sept. 21 at 10 pm at the residence of her brother-in-law, Louis Warner, 1014 York st. Due notice of funeral.

Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 September 1899, page 6

Mrs. Mary C Weir, 65 of Toledo, died Thursday in that city of old age. Her remains were shipped to Newport Friday and were taken to the home of her son in law, Charles Gardiner, at 35 East Front Street.

Elmer Heinrich, 4, son of Louis Heinrich and wife of 404 Overton Street, Newport, died Thursday of spinal meningitis.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 23 September 1899, page 1

Miss Naona White, 16, died Saturday at her home, 235 East Third Street, Cincinnati of consumption. She was well known in Newport, having formerly resided here. She is a daughter of James White, connected with the Weir Frogworks.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 25 September 1899, page 5

Henry Roetiker, 83, died Sunday at his home, corner of Eighth and Central Avenue of old age.

The infant twins of Joseph Niekamp, of No. 159 Powell Street, died Sunday.


Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Wednesday, 27 September 1899, page 2

Canton O. Sep 27-Mrs. George Sauer Brey died early Tuesday morning. The deceased was 29 years of age and was the wife of a well known citizen. They moved to this city about ten years ago from Newport Ky.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 1 October 1899, page 3

Marie Flynn, aged 5 years, 7 months died at the home of her parents, City Park, Newport Ky.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 October 1899, page 5

Joseph Rawe, a shoemaker, living at 420 West Fifth Street, Newport, died suddenly Monday morning. Apoplexy caused death.

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Goebel, of Vine Street, Dayton, died Saturday night.

Thomas Boyce, 84, died at his home on McKinney Street, Dayton, Sunday morning. The body will be shipped to Ripley O. Monday night for burial.

Mrs. Gillman, sister of Miss Hutton, of Berry Street, Dayton, died at Speers Hospital early Monday morning.

The funeral of George Bowel took place Sunday morning. Rev A J Ramsey officiated, assisted by Rev J N Ervin.

Edgar E Mann, of Washington, Bellevue, died Sunday morning of paralysis. He was formerly a talented and well known newspaper man, having been a correspondent for Eastern newspapers. The funeral will take place from the family residence Tuesday morning.

Health Officer Locke deaths report; published in the Cincinnati Enquirer of the same date.
Infant Neucamp, 519 Powell st.; Force R Parker, 13 m. Ninth & Overton, pneumonia; Freda Rottweller, 2, W Seventh st. meningitis; Henry Roettger, 83, nec Eight & Central av. senility; Paul A Foster, 45, Dayton Ky. consumption; Adeline Biliett, 38, Lakeland Asylum; Harry Loffink, 15, St Elizabeth Hospital, hip disease; Marie Flynn, 5, City Park, cardiac failure; Richard Heldkamp, 3, 438 W Sixth st. croup; Lyda H Gable, Dayton, 9 m.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 October 1899, page 5

The funeral of the late Joseph Rawe, the aged shoemaker who died suddenly at his home, 420 West Fifth Street, Newport, will be held Wednesday morning from Corpus Christi Church. His four sons will act as pallbearers.

The funeral of Miss Edna B Gillham will take place from the residence of her brother in law, Edwin C Hutton of Berry Street, Dayton, Wednesday afternoon.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bacon died Tuesday morning at her home, 109 Main Street, Dayton.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 4 October 1899, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. O D Denning, took place Tuesday from her residence on Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue. Burial Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 October 1899, page 3

Early Friday morning Miss Mary Kochler, 35, of 510 Dayton Street, Newport, died of a strangulated hernia. She had only been at the hospital a few days. The funeral service will be held from her late home Saturday afternoon.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 7 October 1899, page 5

Mrs. H J Steltkamp, 63, a prominent Newport woman, died Friday night at her home, 19 East Seventh Street, of dropsy.

Maggie Lahrman, 15, daughter of the late Jacob Lahrman, of Alexandria Pike, died Saturday of diphtheria after a short illness.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 October 1899, page 5

Charles Mayberry, 69, an old Englishman who resided at 410 West Eleventh Street, Newport, died Saturday night of cancer. He leaves a widow and two children. Funeral Monday afternoon from the residence.

Luke Kidney, 17, Bellevue, died Sunday morning from hemorrhages. His brain became affected to such a degree as to render him unconscious up to the time of his death.

Miss Dena Treppon, 28, died at her home on Sixth Avenue, Dayton, Saturday night of typhoid fever.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 October 1899, page 5

The funeral of Miss Dena Freppon of Sixth Avenue, Dayton, took place Tuesday morning from St Francis Church.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Branch died Monday night at their home on Lafayette Avenue, Bellevue. The funeral will take place Wednesday.

Mrs. Louis P Holzhauer, 26, wife of the well known druggists of Tenth and Monmouth Streets, Newport, died Tuesday of tubercular meningitis, after a short illness. Her funeral will take place Wednesday evening from her late residence. The remains will be shipped to Carrollton O. Thursday morning for interment.

The funeral of the last Charles Mayberry took place Monday from his residence on West Eleventh Street, Newport.

Mrs. Emil Weiss, 49, of 237 East Second Street, Newport, died Tuesday at noon of dropsy. Deceased had been ill for six months.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 October 1899, page 1

Mrs. Beall Weisz, 67, wife of the well known rug family, died Tuesday at the home of her husband, No 327 East Second Street, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 12 October 1899, page 3

Henry Tracy, Chicago, formerly of Cincinnati and Newport, died Wednesday at his home in Chicago. He was for many years connected with the White Collar Line. The remains will be brought to Cincinnati and burial will take place at Spring Grove Cemetery Saturday.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 October 1899, page 5

Louis Simons, 74, a pioneer mail carrier of Campbell County, died at his residence near Camp Springs, Friday of old age. Simons carried the mail between Camp Springs and Ross Station for many years. His son will fill the vacancy until Simons successor is appointed.

The will of Theodore Shafstall, of Newport, was probated Friday. After giving small sums for masses the testator bequeaths his estate to his wife and three children.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 October 1899, page 5

Miss Hattie Turner, 15, daughter of George Turner, of 143 East Front Street, Newport, died Sunday night at her home of typhoid pneumonia, after an illness of about two weeks. She was well known and very popular.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William Eilerman died Sunday. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 17 October 1899, page 3

The Grand Lodge of Kentucky Masons, Grand Master Wilhelm in his report paid tribute to the late Past Grand Master, Harvey T Wilson, of Newport, who died during the year and the lodge passed resolutions of regret and sympathy.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 18 October 1899, page 7

Thomas Keefe, died Monday at 11 pm, aged 40years. Funeral Thursday, Oct 19, 1899 at 7:30 am from residence, 36 East Front st. Newport Ky. Requiem high mass at Immaculate Conception Church at 8 o'clock.

The mother of James Redmond, member of the Democratic Executive Committee, died last evening at her home, 319 West Fifth street. The deceased was 50 years of age and had been ailing but a short time. Fatty degeneration of the heart was the cause of death. Her husband and three children, Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mrs. John D Jones, and James Redmond, survive her.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 October 1899, page 5

William Melish, 28, formerly of Newport, died Saturday night at his home, 326 West Fifth Street, Cincinnati, after a long illness.

Mrs. Henry Kramer, month-in-law of Fireman Thomas King, of the No 2 Engine house, died Sunday at her home, No 1021 Monmouth Street, Newport.

The funeral of Ms. Louisa Grapevine took place Sunday afternoon from the M E Church, Rev Amon Boreing officiated. The remains were place in a vault at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 24 October 1899, page 5

Mrs. Katherine Rowe, 81, a pioneer resident of Newport, died Monday night at her home, 424 West Fifth Street, after a long illness. Her husband died about three weeks ago.

The funeral of William Melish took place from the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rev Father McNerney officiating.

The funeral of Mrs. Cramer, mother-in-law of Fireman Tom King, took place Tuesday afternoon. It was held at King's residence, 1021 Monmouth Street, Newport, the burial being at Two Mile Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 27 October 1899, page 5

Squire Chalk, of Alexandria, Thursday held an inquest over the remains of Joseph Ackerman, the aged farmer of Four Mile Pike, who was kicked to death by his runaway team Tuesday night. A verdict of accidental death was rendered. Ackerman's funeral was held Thursday at the Alexandria Catholic Church.

Lester Wald, 6 weeks, son of Night Watchman Valentine Wald, of the Crawley machine shops, died Thursday night at his parents home, 331 West Eighth Street, Newport. The funeral took place Friday.

James Woodruff, 74, died Thursday at his residence in Cote Brilliante of brain trouble, after a long illness. He was a Mason of high rank. Funeral Sunday.

Mrs. Margaret Meyer, 68, widow of the late Louis Meyer, who for years kept the inn at Four Mile on the Alexandria Pike, died Thursday at her home No 1222 Hamlet Street, Newport of paralysis. Her funeral took place Friday afternoon at Salem Church, Rev Robert Roser officiating. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.

Daily Public Ledger, Maysville Ky. Friday, 27 October 1899, page 3

Frankfort Ky. Oct 27-Jack Deaha, of Cynthiana, guard at the penitentiary, died Thursday morning. His brothers, Judge Lucius Desha of Newport, and Hon. Claude Desha of Harrison county, were with him at the time of his death.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 28 October 1899, page 5

John R Brockway, aged 59 years, died Oct 27 at late residence, 655 East Third st. Newport Ky. Due notice of funeral will be given. (Ne York papers please copy)


Kentucky Post, Monday, 30 October 1899, page 5

Thomas Gosney, 4, son of T W Gosney, driver of the Alexandria bus, died Monday at his parents home, corner of Twelfth and Brighton Streets, Newport, of diphtheria after a short illness.

The funeral of James Woodruff, of Cote Brilliant, took place Sunday afternoon. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.

Margaret Enslin, infant daughter of Charles Enslin and wife, of West Eleventh Street, died Sunday. Her funeral took place Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Regina Suhr, 61, died Monday at her late residence, 1015 John Street, Newport, of consumption after a lingering illness. Her funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon at the Vine Street Cemetery, Cincinnati. Mrs. Suhr had resided in Newport 30 years.

Clayton Gratsch, 13, died at 5 pm Sunday at the Speers Hospital of lockjaw, resulting from being struck by a Dayton electric car. His foot was amputated Saturday, with the hope of saving his life, but failed.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 3 November 1899, page 1

John Muller, of 302 West Twelfth Street, Newport, met a horrible death in the rolling mill of Mitchell & Nauter, Covington Friday noon. Muller was up in the air repairing the smoke stack. He fell 40 feet into a pile of iron breaking his neck. He was alive but death came before he arrived at the hospital.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 4 November 1899, page 5

William Biltz, 45, a collector on the Newport and Covington Bridge and brother of E F Biltz, Mayor of Newport, died early Saturday morning at his residence, 82 West Second Street, Newport, after a lingering illness. A third stroke of paralysis received about midnight Friday, caused his demise. Biltz leaves a widow (nee Mary March) and one daughter, Lily, 14. The funeral will be held next Tuesday from his late residence with interment at Evergreen Cemetery.

The body of John Mullen, 34, the Newport man who fell and broke his neck at Mitchell & Tranier's Mill, Covington, Friday was brought to the home of his sister, at 302 West Twelfth Street, Newport, late Friday. Mullen's death was instantaneous. His body was immediately removed to A P Rose's embalming establishment, Covington.

John Hagedorn, 48, of 218 Saratoga Street, Newport, died Friday evening at his home after a lingering illness. A widow and five children survive him. His funeral will be held Sunday from his late residence.

Jacob Pfirrman, 53, of 417 West Seventh Street, Newport, died Friday night of heart trouble. A widow and several grown children survive him.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 November 1899, page 5

Health Officer Locke deaths report: Clayton Gratsch, 13y; Dayton Ky. tetanus; George M Kennedy, 8m; Clifton Heights, hydrocephalus; John Muhlenkamp, 23, 504 West Seventh Street; consumption; Eliza Wood, 54; Cincinnati, bronchitis; Infant O'Hearn, 335 East Third Street; William Spiegel, 71y; Third and Washington Avenue; Brights disease; James Cottingham, 1y 6m; Cincinnati; spasms; Elmer Collins, 4y; 1015 Orchard Street; croup Jacob Pfirman, 53y; 415 West Seventh; angina pectoris. William Klersted, 72y; East Sixth Street; chronic cystitis.

The funeral of Jacob Pfirman took place Sunday at his late residence, 113 West Seventh Street, Rev Ernst officiating. The interment was at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 10 November 1899, page 5

Mrs. John Mullins, 72, mother of John Mullins, the iron worker who broke his neck last week at Tranters Mill by a fall, died Thursday night at her home, 302 West Twelfth Street, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 11 November 1899, page 5

Mrs. Katherine Roach, 68, of 122 Front Street, Newport, died early Saturday morning of cancer of the breast. She was an aunt of Ernest Kollnacker, the well known innkeeper. Her funeral will take place Sunday. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.

Mrs. Margaret Cottrell, 28, wife of F A Cottrell, of Terrace Avenue, Dayton, died early Friday morning after a lingering illness.

Health Officer Locke, of Newport, compiled the following report of deaths during the past week: William B Wade, 19, exhaustion; Ben Shriver, 18 phthisis pulmonary; Daniel Davies, 40, typhoid fever; Havelock E Rowland, 37, cerebral guamflin; John Mann, 42, phthisis pulmonary; Ann Shannon, 85, senility; Lawrence Weiler, 1, pneumonia; Infant Honegger, premature; Katherine D Roach, 68, cancer of the breast.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 November 1899, page 5

The funeral of the late Mrs. Katherine D Roach, of 122 East Front Street, Newport, took place Sunday afternoon from her late residence. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery.

Hugh McGartlin of Ward Avenue, Bellevue, died Sunday. The funeral will take place Tuesday from St Anthony Church.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 18 November 1899, page 5

Henry Bliss, 40, died Friday night at Speers Hospital, Dayton. A widow and two children survive him. His funeral will take place Sunday afternoon.

Willy, the 3 year old son of G W Kirchoff, the City Treasurer, Bellevue, died Friday evening of pneumonia.

The funeral of the late Mrs. Louise Grapevine of Bellevue, took place Saturday afternoon from the vault of Evergreen Cemetery.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 19 November 1899, page 3

Henry Bliss, husband of Bettie Hayman Bliss, died Friday, November 17, Speers Hospital. Funeral Sunday, November 19, St Paul Episcopal Church, 2 pm Newport. Burial private.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 20 November 1899, page 5

The funeral of the 5 year old son of City Treasurer Kirchoff took place Monday morning.

The funeral of Harry Bliss, of East Third Street, Newport, was held Sunday at St Paul P E Church, Rev W G McCready officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 23 November 1899, page 5

Relatives in Newport were notified of the death of Mrs. Mary Wentworth, a former resident of York street, Newport, at Chicago, Wednesday.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 24 November 1899, page 3

The will of the late Mrs. Margaretha Myers, 69, of Newport, was probated before County Judge Brown Friday. She leaves $50 to the Bethesda Verein of Berea O; $50 to the Ladies Foreign Missionary society of Salem M E Church, Newport; and directs the sale of the rest of her good for the benefit of the German M E Orphan Asylum at Berea O.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 25 November 1899, page 6

The funeral of Louis W Rabbe took place from the family residence on Taylor Avenue, Newport, Friday afternoon. Rev J M Bramkamp of the Trinity Lutheran Church officiated. The funeral was one of the largest ever seen in Bellevue.

Health Officer Locke of Newport compiled the following report of the past week's deaths in Newport; Hugh McGarthin, 24-epileptic convulsions; John Reicher, 69-chronic intestinal nephritis; Hazel Galegher, 4-diphtheria; Mary Gerke, 64-cardiac paralysis; Charles W Kirckhoff, 3-pneumonia; Stella Grace Robinson, 5-nephritis; Henry Bliss, 43-tuberculosis; Louise Oliver, 2 months; Frederick Maertens, 40-suicide; Minnie Offenbecker, 28-septicemia; Michael S Hildebrand, 4 months-meningitis; Ambrose Pfirrman, 2-diptheria; Lila Gunderson, 2 months-cholera; Louis Rabbi, 26-meningitis; Infant Friday; inquest pending.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 27 November 1899, page 7

The funeral of Robert Livingston, nephew of ex-Policeman Livingston took place Sunday from Betz embalming rooms. Interment at Evergreen.

The funeral of Andrew Dieffenbach, Bellevue, took place from Calvary M E Church Sunday afternoon. The services were conducted by Henry Barnes Lodge F&AM. Rev J S Ervin of the Presbyterian Church, Dayton, officiated. Burial at Evergreen Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 29 November, 1899, page 5

Mrs. Nellie Morrisey, nee Ryan, 28, died Tuesday night at her late home, 215 West Fourth Street, Newport. Her funeral will take place Thursday at 8:30 am. Requiem high mass will be celebrated at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 30 November 1899, page 6

News was received in Newport Thursday of the death of Mrs. Sarah Dunsath, wife of Captain David Dunsath in Chicago Wednesday. She was well known here.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 2 December 1899, page 5

The following is the report of the past week's death in Newport as completed by Health Officer Locke; Louis Rabba, 26y; meningitis; Andrew Dieffenback, 73y; asphyxia; Catherine Schwing, 72y; pneumonia; Lila Gunderson, 2m; cholera; Infant Friday; Robert Livingston, 22y; tuberculosis; Matilda May Miller, 5m; diphtheria; William A Abbott, 61y; cirrhosis of the liver; Marin Arnold, 2y; spinal affection; Mary J Hazelrigg, 52y; tuberculosis; George E Jarvis, 21y; disease of heart; Lounda Ross, 21y; pneumonia; Nellie Morrissey, 29y; pneumonia


Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 December 1899, page 5

Mrs. Philip Geyer, 65, of 1021 Boone Street, Newport, died Sunday after a lingering illness. A husband and several children survive her.

Mrs. Martha F Schreiver, 56, died Sunday night at her late residence, on Foote Avenue, Bellevue. Her funeral will take place Tuesday.

Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards, 24, died Sunday at her home, 143 West Fourteenth Street. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed.

John N Gruenholz, 79, a pioneer resident of Newport, died early Sunday morning, at his late residence, 327 West Tenth Street. His funeral will be held Tuesday at 2 pm at St Paul German Lutheran Church, Rev Emigholz officiating.

Nicholas Gruenholz, 87, of 1002 Isabella Street, Newport, died Sunday morning of old age. Several grown children survive him.

Mary Von Wahlde, 43, wife of Prof. Herman Von Wahlde, died Saturday at her home, 408 East Fifth Street, Newport, after a short illness. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning at St Stephen Church.

Mrs. G W Schriver, of Foote Avenue, Bellevue, died Saturday evening after a brief illness. The deceased was the daughter-in-law of Henry A Schriver, the well known contractor of Ft Thomas.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 December 1899, page 5

The funeral of Mrs. Herman Von Wahide of East Fifth Street, Newport, took place Tuesday morning from St Stephen Church.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 9 December 1899, page 5

Mrs. Rape, of 327 West Sixth Street, Newport, died Saturday morning. She was 60 years old. A husband and several children survive her.

Health Officer Locke, compiled the following report of deaths in Campbell County: Mary Von Wahlde, 45, intestinal obstruction; Martha F Schriver, 66, cardiac paralysis; Elizabeth Geyer, 61, cerebral apoplexy; John N Gruenholtz, 70, pneumonia; Pauline Rantenschlang, 30, pulmonary; Helen Abeling, 5, pneumonia; Lina Wall, 28, tuberculosis; Lillie List, 17, typhoid fever; Willy Gallagher, 2, diphtheria; Calvin Bogart, 32, pulmonary; Mrs. Rape, 60, senility.

Miss Christina Listermann, 40, of 1037 Monmouth Street, Newport, died Saturday at her home after a lingering illness. Her funeral will be held Monday at 9 am at St Stephen Church.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 December 1899, page 5

Three aged women, pioneer residents of Newport, died Monday at their respective residences. They were Mrs. Berdina Rafe, 60, of 327 West Eleventh Street; Mrs. Hecker, 65, of 227 East Front Street, and Mrs. Ann Meare. Mrs. Hecker died of old age at the home of her son-in-law Robert Puff.

Mrs. Anna Mary Ossege, 73, formerly of 113 East Thirteenth Street, died Saturday at her home Foote and Poplar Streets in Bellevue. Her husband was for 30 years a foreman for the L&N Railroad Company. She was the mother of Mrs. Frank Kramer.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William D Mansfield of Thornton Street, Dayton, died Sunday.

Page 1-J Neblett Talbott, 23, son of Charles R Talbott, of 553 East Third Street, Newport, died Saturday afternoon. He was an active member of Grace M E Church and popular among young people.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 December 1899, page 3

Judge Brown of Newport Tuesday admitted to probate the will of Johanna Gertrude Tekappe of Dayton. Bernard Meyer, as executor, she bequeathed to St Elizabeth Hospital of Covington, three notes of $50 each. Her insurance policy was given to Rev Father Schmidt of St Francis Church, Dayton.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 13 December 1899, page 7

Michael S Hogan, son of Michael and Annie Hogan (nee Costigan) died Dec 12, 7 pm, aged 4 months and 12 days. Funeral Thursday, Dec 14, at 1 pm from residence, 222 East Southgate st. Newport Ky.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 14 December 1899, page 5

Julia Schilling, 18 month old daughter of Jacob A Schilling and wife of 429 West Fifth Street, Newport, died Wednesday night of malaria fever at her parent's home. She was the niece of Chief of Police Charles Schillng.

Thomas Ford Jr. 28, son of Thomas Ford of Rossford Avenue, Highlands, died at 11:30 am Thursday of dropsy. His father is a well known politician. In the last election he lead the Open Book Party.

The funeral of Grace D Mansfield was held Wednesday afternoon, Dayton. Burial Wesleyan Cemetery.

The last will of John N Gruenholz of Hamlet Street, Newport, was probated by County Judge Brown Thursday. He bequeathed all his property to his wife.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 16 December 1899, page 2

Patrick Skahill, 50, a laborer of Bellevue Ky. was run down by a C&O freight near Newport Thursday and killed.

Page 5-The funeral of August Goetz will take place Sunday at 2 pm from the residence in Dayton. Rev Moil of the German Lutheran Church will officiate. The pallbearers will be the four sons of the deceased. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery. William Goetz and sister Mrs. Emma Schroder arrived from St Jo Mo. Friday to attend the funeral of their father.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 December 1899, page 3

Coroner Tarvin will make an official investigation Wednesday regarding the accidental killing of Patrick Cahill, on the C&O Railroad near Bellevue. The accident occurred in Newport but the man died in Covington.

Page 7-The funeral of the late Thomas Ford Jr. of Rossford avenue, the Highlands, took place Monday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Newport. Rev Father James McNerney officiating. The pallbearers were Peter and James Ford, George, Peter and Thomas Bardo and John Ford.

Mahlon Bolser, 75, died at his home, 435 Eighth Avenue, Dayton at 1 pm Sunday afternoon. He had been a resident of Dayton for over 40 years. The funeral will be held at 2 pm Wednesday from the residence and will be conduced by the IOOF and K of P Lodges and the Joe Hooker Post GAR.

The funeral of August Goeize Sr. took place Sunday afternoon from his home on berry Street, Dayton. Rev Mehl, of the German Lutheran Church conducted the services while the four sons of the deceased served as pallbearers. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery.

Page 1-Mrs. James Gosney, 22, wife of well known merchant of Claryville, died Saturday night at her home. A husband and two children survive her. She was an estimable lade and quite popular in her native city.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 19 December 1899, page 5

Health Officer Locke of Newport complied the following deaths during the past week in Campbell Co: Mary Von Wahlde, 45y; intestinal obstruction; Martha F Schriver, 66y; cardiac paralysis; Elizabeth Geyer, 61y; cerebral apoplexy; John H Gruenholtz, 70y; pneumonia; Pauline Rantensehlang, 30y; pulmonary; Helen; Abeling, 5y; pneumonia; Lina Wall, 28y; tuberculosis; Lillie List, 17y; typhoid fever; Willy Gallagher, 2y; diphtheria; Calvin Bogart, 32y; pulmonary; Mrs. Rape, 60y; senility.

Miss Christina Listermann, 40, of 1037 Monmouth Street, died Saturday at her home after a lingering illness. Her funeral will be held Monday at 9 am at St Stephen Church.

Page 6-Thomas C Miles, 85, an old and respected citizen of Cold Spring, died at his home Monday night of old age. His funeral will take place Wednesday at 1 pm from Asbury Chapel. Mr. Miles was one of the best known farmers of Campbell County, where he had resided for nearly 60 years.

The funeral of infant Matilda Berlmann of 432 West Tenth Street, Newport, whose tragic death was detailed in Monday's Post, will take place Wednesday at 2 pm from the home of its parents. Coroner Higgins verdict in the case, as rendered Tuesday, was death from heart trouble.

Mrs. Dr. J L Phythian, of East Sixth Street, Newport, was called Monday night to Glenwood O. by the death of her sister, Miss Margaret Aukeny. This is the second time within three weeks Mrs. Phythian has been called home upon such a mission.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 20 December 1899, page 6

At the funeral of Mrs. James Gosney of Claryville, Monday, her six brothers in law, Thomas, Louis, Burt, Edward and Boone Gosney and Jule Plummer acted as pallbearers.

Christopher Newmeyer, 72, a pioneer resident of Campbell County, died Tuesday at the home of his daughter Mrs. Henry Koeninger, near Trace post office. His funeral will take place Thursday from the Catholic Church at Four Mile. Newmeyer had been a resident of Campbell County since childhood and had amassed quite a sum by his industry.

Hazel Dietrich daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dietrich of 1133 German Street, Newport, died Tuesday of diphtheria at her home of her parents.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 December 1899, page 10

Mrs. Mary Ella Stillwell, 58? died Friday morning at her residence, 744 Columbia street, Newport of paralysis. A widower and four children survive her. Her funeral will be held Saturday at 2 pm from her residence.

The funeral of the late B F Hills, of Eighth and Washington Avenues, who died Thursday at his home, took place Friday at 2 pm at the Highlands M E Church.

John Reeker, 25, of Third Avenue, Dayton, died Thursday of lung trouble. He was a well known young man and recently returned from Denver where he had been for his health.

The will of Mahlen Bolser was probated Friday by County Judge Brown. He bequeaths one third of his estate to his daughter, Mrs. Caroline Truesdale and the remained to Miss May Bolser.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 26 December 1899, page 7

The funeral of the late Paul Schmidt, formerly of Newport, was held Monday at his late residence, 420 Arch Street, Cincinnati. His brothers acted as pallbearers and the interment took place at Spring Grove Cemetery.

Henry Leonard, a pioneer resident of Newport, died Sunday night at his home, 1126 Putnam Street, of cancer of the liver, aged 80 years.

Mabel, six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McGraw of Berry Avenue, Bellevue, died Monday after a brief illness.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 28 December 1899, page 2

The citizens of Newport and Bellevue are greatly exercised over the drowning of young William Baldwin at Taylor Mill Bottoms Wednesday and are discussing the advisability of petitioning the owner to drain it to a safe depth by altering the dams.


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