Nellie Mae Bryan
Kentucky Post, Monday, 8 June 1903, page 5
PASSED AWAY-The death of Mrs. J Lyman (nee Nellie M Randle) wife of City Treasurer Bryan, which occurred at 7:30 Sunday evening at the home, Eighth and Maple Avenue, was a shock to the community. Mrs. Bryan was loved by all who knew her and everybody condoles with the great loss of the widower,
She was born Oct 1, 1876 and was married to J Lyman Bryan Oct 1, 1894 and one child Gertrude, 5, survives her. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2 PM from the Central Christian Church, Sixth and Monroe. The services will be conducted by Rev W T Donaldson, pastor of the church. The pall bearers selected will be J C DeMoss, Aubrey Barbour, W H Horton Jr. James H Smith Jr. John Moore and Horace Motteran. J Lyman Bryan is at present City Treasurer of Newport n paying and receiving teller at the Newport National Bank.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 10 June 1903, page 5
All that was mortal of the late Mrs. J Lyman Bryan, was laid away at Evergreen Cemetery Tuesday afternoon, with impressive services. The services were held over the remains at the Central Christian Church at Sixth and Monroe Streets. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful and filled the front part of the church.
Rev W T Donaldson officiated at the services and the ladies choir assisted. The services were concluded at the grave. The pallbearers were Aubrey Barbour, J C DeMoss, W H Harton, James Smith, John Moore and Horace Motteram.