Mundy Regiment

Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Friday, 11 October 1861, page 2

Col. Mundy's regiment is filling up, quite a number of recruits for it having arrived from the mountain counties of the State.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Sunday, 13 October 1861, page 2

Rev Mr. Black, Chaplain of Colonel Mundy's regiment will preach at Camp King this afternoon at three o'clock. The ferry boats will leave the Newport ferry in time to attend the service.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Tuesday, 15 October 1861, page 3

We hear it rumored that the Pearl street Rifles, of Cincinnati, have determined to unite with Colonel Mark Mundy's Regiment, now forming at Camp King.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Friday, 18 October 1861, page 3

Col. Mundy's regiment is filling up, four hundred men having been sworn in. Dr. A Strottbotte has been appointed Surgeon to the regiment and a gentleman more worthy of better qualified could not have been chosen.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Thursday, 24 October 1861, page 3

The Twentieth Ohio Regiment and Colonel Mark Mundy's Regiment are now at Camp King. The Newport ferry boat Cincinnati Belle makes trips to the camp, leaving the foot of Lawrence street every hour.


Cincinnati Daily Press, Friday, 25 October 1861, page 3

The regiment of Colonel Mundy is at Camp King and now numbers about six hundred men. We think that a few more stirring appeals from Messrs. Baker, Edwards and Root would have the effect of completing the regiment in a short time.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 29 October 1861, page 2

We learn that Dr. John C Beck has received the appointment of surgeon to Colonel Artsman regiment, now organizing at Jamestown. We believe he has been acting surgeon of the regiment for a week or more. In consequence of the troubles a few miles from Warsaw last week the people there are getting a little scared, and a call is made upon us for troops. One hundred and two men were yesterday detached from Colonel Mundy's regiment at Camp King, in command of Captain J C Foy and embarked on the mail boat for that region of country.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Wednesday, 4 December 1861, page 3

Captain H W Sutton of the Ringo Rangers, attached to Colonel Mundy's Tenth Regiment, now at Camp King, Kentucky, is needing a few more men to complete his company. The Captain being desirous to make his a first class company, none but those who will make good soldiers will be accepted.


Cincinnati Daily Press, Saturday, 11 January 1862, page 4

Yesterday morning Sheriff Roberts served two writs on Colonel Mundy, requiring him to deliver up the bodies of Jacob Emery and Jonah Jones, two minors from Warren County, Ohio. As the regiment was leaving for Lexington, Colonel Mundy was unable to come to Covington to try the cases. Judge Mooar issued a rule attaching Colonel Mundy for contempt, to be answered on Wednesday next.


Cincinnati Daily Press, Wednesday, 22 January 1862, page 4

A man named O'Hara, who enlisted some time since in Colonel Mundy's Regiment has made an effort to desert to the enemy. He was captured, tried by a court martial and condemned to be shot. O'Hara was a resident of Cincinnati.


Cincinnati Daily Press, Saturday, 1 February 1862, page 4

General Buel has ordered Col. Mundy to recruit his regiment up to the maximum number.



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