Mary H Caldwell

Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 9 July 1877, page 7

ANOTHER PIONEER GONE-Mrs. Mary Caldwell of Newport, died yesterday morning twenty minutes to three o'clock at the advanced age of ninety-one years. The deceased was born in Culpepper County Virginia, on the third day of October 1786. When eleven years old she came to Fayette County, Kentucky and was married to William Caldwell when eighteen years old.

From there they moved to Pendleton County and remained four years. In 1809 they came to this county and took up their residence at the old homestead on the Alexandria pike, about five miles from the city.

At the death of her husband, which occurred about twenty-five years ago, she moved to this city, where she resided every since. She was a faithful member of the Methodist Church for sixty-one years. Her funeral will take place tomorrow morning from Taylor street M E Church.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Monday, 9 July 1877, page 3

Mrs. Mary H Caldwell died at her residence on York street, Newport, yesterday morning at the advanced age of ninety years. This venerable lady was no doubt the oldest inhabitant of the State. She was born in Culpepper County, Virginia, October 1, 1786. In 1797 she accompanied her parents to Kentucky, settling in Pendleton County. She was married to William Caldwell and moved the same year to Campbell County.

In 1849 her husband died of apoplexy and she removed from the farm, about seven miles from Newport to the city. Of her children all are living in Newport; Major John M Caldwell, Mrs. Catherine Morin, Jas N Caldwell, Mrs. A D Smalley, Miss Mary H Caldwell and Richard Caldwell. Besides her descendants number about forty grandchildren, nearly seventy in all. She was a member of the Methodist Church of sixty-one years standing and died a communicant of the Taylor Street Methodist Church South.

Her funeral will take place tomorrow. She died in the full possession of her faculties, closing in calmness a serene and well spent life.


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