Mary Margaret Grizzle


Unknown at this time which newspaper this obituary was published in.  A copy of this obituary is in the Grizzle family files at the Campbell County Historical & Genealogical Society in Alexandria


Mrs. Mary Margaret Grizzle (nee Caldwell) was born April 1, 1826 and after battling life's stormy ride for 82 years, she passed peacefully away April 1, 1908 at 10 o'clock am on the anniversary of her birth.  She had been an invalid for a number of years and her death was occasioned by heart failure. 

She was first married to Wm Randall in the year 1845.  To this union five children were born, of which only one survives. Mrs. Elam Grizzle of Newport.  After the death of Mr. Randall, she was united in marriage to Robert Grizzle, January 10, 1857.  Eight children blessed this union of which five survive. Mrs. Louis Gosney of New York; Mrs. Thomas Gosney of Alexandria, Charles and Robert of Newport and Elva at the home place near here, on which she lived. Mrs. Grizzle was born and reared in this community, having lived 60 years of her life at her late home. 

She was always a friend to the poor, never turning any one from her door. A duteous wife, a fond mother and devoted to her grandchldren; a good and kind neighbor and will be greatly missed by all.  The funeral which was one of the largest was held from the Baptist Church at Persimmon Grove Friday, where she had been a member for more than 40 years.

Rev J W Beagle of Ludlow, assisted by Rev Hiram Grizzle, conducted the services.  Undertakers Wright and Smith were in charge and Robert Maddox, Wm Lossey, Lewis Clark, Charles Burns, Eugen Meyer and George Gosney acted as pallbearers.  The floral offerings were profuse and lovely.  The remained were placed in the vault.  Her aged companion, six children, twenty-two grandchildren and two great grandchildren survive her.

She hath gone from this land
Why should thou shed sorrowing tears?
You know, you understand
God blessed her with the gift of years.

Sons and daughters proceeded her
To their untimely graves;
Perhaps no one exceeded her
In faith for Him who saves.

She lived through troubles of her life,
And stood all with a womanly heart.
She lived through all the worldly strife,
And saw the lives of loved ones depart.

May each one who loved her here,
Still love her while she sleeps in death.
Every day brings your time near
When God will take away ___ breath.

Life to you may be calm today,
Tomorrow may bring fortune,
The breath of life God takes __
Tis breathed into another.


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