Newport Barracks Minutes of 28 Nov 1808



Information comes from the Minute Book of the 48th Regiment of Kentucky Militia recorded 28 Nov 1808 and researched by Joseph L Donnelly.  A copy of this list is in the Joseph L Donnelly collection Volume II held at the Campbell County Historical & Genealogical Society in Alexandria.


At a meeting of a Board of officers of the 48th Regiment of the Kentucky Militia on Monday the 28th of November 1808 at Newport. Present: Bartlett Graves and Zachariah Moore, Majors, Henry Baker, Edmund Taylor, John Leathers and Chartein Scoot, Captains, being a majority of Field Officers and Captains in the Regiment proceeded to make the following nominations.

Richard Nelson is promoted to the Rank of Captain in the room of Zachariah Moore promoted.  Elisha Moore nominated Ensign in Captain Nelson's company.  Randolph Babbett promoted in the rank of Captain in a new company formed out of Captain Dickerson's and Scott's companies. Samuel Lagers recommended as Lieutenant to Captain Babbett's company.  James Stephens promoted to Lieutenant to Capt. Scott's company in the room of Capt. Babbett, promoted.  James Birdwhes as Ensign to Captain Scott's company in room of Jas Stephens promoted.

Daniel Thatcher recommended Captain of a new company to be taken from Capt. Dickerson's, Nelson's and Baker's companies.  John Points appointed Lieutenant to Captain Thatcher's company.  Thos Stephens appointed Ensign in Captain Thatcher's company.  Philip Turpin promoted Lieut. in Capt. Edmund Taylor's company in room of Joseph Kennedy, resigned.

David Perry recommended Ensign to Captain Taylor's company in room of Philip Turpin promoted.  John Griffith recommended Ensign in Capt. Babbett's company.

Signed Bard Graves Commander
Thomas Lindsey Judge


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