Minnie Shaler

Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 8 February 1902, page 10


Colonel A S Berry yesterday received a telegram announcing the death of his sister-in-law, Miss Minnie Shaler, at Cambridge Mass. She was a sister of Prof. N S Shaler of Harvard College and Mrs. Berry.

She was well known in Newport having been born and reared here. Miss Shaler was here on a visit about three weeks ago and was then in good health. The dispatch stated that her death was very sudden as she was only sick a few days. Miss Shaler was a cousin of Mr. James Southgate and moved East about 10 years ago.

Dr. Shaler Berry, a son of Colonel Berry, left for Cambridge. The remains will be brought to Newport for interment.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 10 February 1902, page 7


The remains of Miss Minnie Shaler, sister-in-law of Colonel A S Berry, who died Friday at Cambridge, near Boston, will arrive tonight at 7 o'clock, and will be taken in charge by Funeral Director Costigan, who will prepare them for burial.

The date of the funeral will be announced later.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 11 February 1902, page 8


Colonel A S Berry received a telegram yesterday to the effect that the arrival of the remains of his sister-in-law Miss Mary Shaler, had been unavoidably delayed and that they will not reach this city until sometime today.


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