Elias A and Caroline Miller


Copies of these obituaries were in the Drake Bible Records.  There was no reference for where the obituary of Caroline Miller was taken, although she died April 5, 1884 and was buried April 7.


Newport Local, August 3, 1878, page 3

MILLER-E A Miller, aged 75 years in the city of Newport, Ky. on the morning of the 3d. Once more are we called upon to mourn the loss of one who by his faithful discharge of his duties, both secular and religious, endeared himself to all who knew him. Brother Miller was born in Culpepper Co. Virginia May 30, 1803.  When 4 years of age he with his father and family emigrated to Muskingum county, Ohio, where Bro. M spent his boyhood days, youth and earlier part of his manhood. At about the age of twenty-five he connected himself with the Baptist church in that county. In 1846 he came to Newport, and has since with the exception of a few months, carried on the business of undertaker.

With how many sad sounds Bro M has been initially associated in this county and State, no one can tell.  For years he had the entire trade of this vicinity and now he himself is called to go.  He passed away while he slept; dropped into a slumber in time and awoke in eternity-lulled to slumber by the hum of business and was awakened by the glad hymns of the agnels of God.  This community has lost one of its pioneers and the church one of her pillars.

Although not an active member of the Sabbath school, he was nevertheless, anxious for its advancement and always ready to answer the numerous demands upon his charity.  While we regret to inform his counsel and presenter, yet feeling assured of his joyful condition, now at rest from the trials of his life and in communion with his Savior, we will willingly surrender him to Him who "giveth and taketh away" and may the same resignation to divine Providence be felt by the widow and orphans and lead them to forget the parting in the brilliant anticipation of the future unbroken and blissful union.


The funeral of Mrs. Caroline Miller took place yesterday afternoon from the First Baptist Church and was largely attended, the Rev Mr. Bow officiating.  The remains were laid to rest in a handsome cloth covered casket and four of the grandsons, Charles, Samuel, Frank and Walter Smith acted as pallbearers.  The body was placed temporarily in the vault at Evergreen Cemetery to await the arrival of her son Captain E J Smith, who was unable to reach here in time.  A large pillow of choice flowers lettered "Grandma" a sheaf of wheat and sickle were laid on the casket.


Mrs. Caroline Miller, wife of the late E A Miller, and mother of Captain E J Smith, of this city, passed quietly away at 4 o'clock this morning in the seventy third year of her age.  The deceased had been failing for some time and a few days ago he left side became almost wholly paralyzed.  The funeral will probably take place Monday. 


For more information of the Drake-Smith family see the Drake Family Bible


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