Michael Weitzel

Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 16 October 1860, page 2

Michael Weitzel and George ----, brother in law, had a difficulty last evening in Newport at W's coffee house, resulting in the instant death of the former. George on his return from a recent visit to a town in Indiana, was told by Weitzel that George's wife had been too intimate with a certain individual during his absence. George went to the person and accused him, but denied the charge. He visited Weitzel, who denied that he ever told his brother in law any such stuff, and at the same time calling him a liar and striking him. George drew a knife and plunged it into the breast of his relative who died at once. The deceased leaves a wife and two children. George was arrested.


Cincinnati Daily Press, Tuesday, 16 October 1860, page 3


Last evening about eight o'clock, Michael Weitzel, who keeps a coffee house on the bank of the Licking River, near Swift's rolling mill was stabbed to the heart by his brother in law. George ----- has been absent for some time from the city, and when he returned a few days ago, was informed by Weitzel that his wife, while he was away, had been upon terms of the most intimate relationship with a certain individual whose name we could not learn.

Burning with rage, George sought the alleged destroyer of his honor and accused him of an intimacy with his wife, which he stoutly denied, whereupon the parties visited Weitzel to have the matter investigated. In the presence of the man he had slandered, Weitzel denied the statement he had made and called his brother in law a liar, at the same time striking him with he fist, which he repeated several times. George endeavored to avoid the blows of his antagonist until blinded by passion, he drew a knife and drive it to the hilt in his heart.

The wound is in the left breast and was almost instantly fatal; for the unfortunate man fell to the floor, covered with blood and expired at the feet of the homicide, who, horror struck at his own act, was unable to fly and was taken into custody. The deceased was about thirty-two years of age and leaves a wife and two children. The affair caused the intense excitement in the neighborhood an the house was thronged with a crowd eager for the details of the homicide and anxious to gaze upon the body.


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