M J Costigan

Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 7th ed.,
Campbell Co.

M. J. COSTIGAN, of Newport, Campbell Co., Ky., was born April 24, 1861, and is the youngest of six children born to William and Margaret (Moore) Costigan.  William Costigan, a native of Queens County, Ireland, was born in 1821, served in the home service of the Federal Army and died in 1877; his wife, also a native of Queens County, Ireland, was born in 1826, and is still living in Newport, Ky.  They were Catholics in religion. 

M. J. Costigan was educated in the Catholic schools of Newport, Ky., and in
October, 1886, he was elected to the city clerkship, being barely of legal age at the time of election.  He enjoys the distinction of being the youngest official elected to that office in Newport.  His term of office expires in January, 1889.  Mr. Costigan is a Democrat in politics, and in religion is a Catholic.

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