Max Forner

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 27 February 1908, page 5

Almost dead from cold and exposure, Max Forner, 14, was found early yesterday on the front door step of the home of William Seimer, a farmer residing near Cold Spring on the Alexandria Pike. The boy was poorly clad and had wandered away from his home in the rain Tuesday night. Seimer took the boy in and after giving him a warm breakfast brought him to Newport.

In the meantime Forner's father had started out in search of his son and arrived in Newport about the same time as Seimer. Judge Moore learned from the boy's father that while the lad is not altogether bright, it is likely his mental condition would be greatly improved by spending some time in an institution for the feeble minded and he will endeavor to secure the father's consent to have the case disposed of in that manner.


Newport Citizens Index