Captin Maury Nichols
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 March 1903, page 5
Mrs. Nichols, mother of Capt. Nichols, of the Third Infantry arrived at Ft Thomas Tuesday for a stay of two weeks with her son.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 March 1903, page 5
Captain M Nichols of the Third Infantry, has been appointed summary court officer to succeed Major Paulding, who has been transferred to the Eighteenth Infantry and leaves April 1 for the Philippines.
Kentucky Post, Saturday, 9 May 1903, page 8
Captain Nichols of Ft Thomas will give a lecture Tuesday evening, May 12, at Odd Fellows Hall, Newport, on "Spain." Capt. Nichols has lately returned from Spain and is thoroughly familiar with the country and its customs. He will illustrate his lecture with stereopticon views of the scenes in the country and the famous bull fights. The lecture is under the auspices of the Henrietta Hunt Morgan Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, the proceeds to toward the hospital fund of the Confederate Home at Pewee Valley.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 February 1904,
page 8
Major William L Buck and Capt. Maury Nichols leave Monday evening for Detroit Mich. and will report as members of a general court marital at Ft Wayne, Mich. Tuesday. Major William of the Third, is also a member of this court.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 February 1904, page 8
Captain Maury Nichols, of the Third will this Tuesday evening
entertain the officers and soldiers of the garrison with a stereopticon
entertainment at the post mess hall. The program will include views from the
Philippine Islands, the army maneuvers at West Point Ky. the Civil War, camp
life and many others too numerous to mention.