Maude Keller

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 29 November 1904, page 5

Hales Keller, the newly elected City Treasurer, has not given out the names of his new force as yet. Rumor has it that Miss Maude Keller, his older sister, is to be the incumbent. Keller is a cripple, his left limb being amputated at two different times and he will have to have an assistant.

Samuel Wells, the late Treasurer had Miss Jennie Parrell as an assistant. She has filled the office splendidly. Miss Keller is employed in Cincinnati, but it is said that she will be the next Assistant Treasurer of Dayton. She is quite the business woman.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 14 December 1904, page 5

Hales Keller, who was lately elected Dayton City Treasurer, states that he will attend to the duties of that office alone and no appoint any assistant. Although crippled badly, he gets around with ease and feels competent to attend to his official duties.


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