Dr. Mathias Michael Higgins

Dr. Mathias Higgins was born 24 Feb 1861 in North Vernon, Indiana, son of William & Bridget (Sullivan) He died 4 Nov 1919 in Newport Ky. and was buried in St Stephen Cemetery. He married Mary Elizabeth Lamb, who was born 25 Mar 1869 in Washington Ind. d/o John & Sarah (Roberts) She died 7 Mar 1954 in Los Angeles, Calif. and was buried in the Holy Cross Cemetery

Children of Dr. Mathias Michael Higgins and Mary Elizabeth Lamb

William John Higgins b-18 Feb 1891 in Newport; d-16 Sep 1938 in Dayton Ky. br-St Stephen Cemetery
Mathias Michael Higgins b-8 Jan 1893 in Newport; d-20 May 1979 in Alachua Co Fla.
Marie S Higgins b-18 Dec 1894 in NP; d-14 May 1970 in Los Angles. M-Doran


Higgins practiced in Albuquerque NM 1894; Newport-1909-1914; American Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati 1899; Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery 1892.

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 23 Aug 1899, page 1

The body of an unknown man was found Wednesday morning at Brown’s Landing above Ft Thomas. Coroner Higgins of Newport went for the body.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 September 1899, page 1

The shipping away of the remains of George F Bird, of Kansas City, who was found dead on the Ohio River bank a week ago, without investigation as to whether he was a victim of foul play, has aroused the authorities. Coroner Higgins of Newport has discovered many people who died under suspicious circumstances have been buried without any notifications having been given as to the cause of death. Higgins stated that within the past six months, five persons had met with sudden deaths in Campbell County and their bodies buried without his knowledge.

Several of these cases occurred in remote portions of the county, where a horrible murder might have been committed. The matter was brought forcibly to his attention by hearing two weeks ago of the death of Mrs. Banke at Four Mile, who had dropped dead in her kitchen while preparing a meal. County Judge M J Brown, of Newport, first notified Coroner Higgins of the death and asked him to investigate the matter, but the woman had already been buried.

Mrs. Schmude, of Pleasant Ridge, was killed early in March by being thrown out of a buggy near Shaw’s Hill. No investigation was ever made and Coroner Higgins suspects foul play.  Mrs. Schmidt was found dead in her bed in Cold Spring. She died in April to the best knowledge of Coroner Higgins. John Hoffman, died suddenly during the later part of June at Johns Hill. The circumstances surrounding his death are a mystery.

An unknown soldier of Company I of the Seventh Infantry was reported to have drowned last April. His body was recovered and buried without the coroner’s knowledge. Coroner Higgins of Newport, began Tuesday afternoon the investigation of the cases under his jurisdiction. His first investigation at Cold Spring developed a sensational case. Last April Mrs. Elizabeth Smith die suddenly at her home and was buried without any notification to the Coroner until weeks after her death and interment.

Coroner Higgins learned Wednesday that Mrs. Smith was known to have had considerable money, but after her death, none could be found. Coroner Higgins will report the matter to the grand jury. He suspects a person, whose name he knows of appropriating the money.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 December 1899, page 1

Coroner Higgins of Newport was summoned to the home of August Berlman at 432 West Tenth Street, Newport, to investigate the cause of the death of Berlman’s 2 month old infant daughter, Matilda, who was found dead in bed at 4 am Monday. A partial investigation resulted in a verdict of death by heart trouble. The parents stated the child had been troubled with a rattling in its breast.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 28 December 1899, page 1

Coroner Higgins of Newport Thursday, rendered a verdict of accidental drowning in the case of William Baldwin, who was drowned at Taylor Mill Bottoms Wednesday morning.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 14 April 1905, page 7

Coroner Higgins of Newport is investigating the death of Lena Schmidt, 24, which occurred last night after 7 pm at the home of her parents, 1039 Hamlet st. The young woman had been employed as a bunch breaker at Berning’s cigar factory in Cincinnati. She did not go to work yesterday and appeared in good spirits up to a short time after she ate her supper. A few minutes before her death she asked her youngest sister to get her some whiskey, saying she felt sick. She went to her room on the second floor and a moment later she was heard to cry out for assistance.

Members of the family rushed to her and found her lying on the floor with blood trickling from her mouth. Her sisters and father lifted her to a bed and Dr. Digby and Marxmiller were hurriedly summoned. On their arrival they saw the girl was dead. The suddenness of her death and the mystery surrounding it caused work to be sent to sent to Coroner Higgins. He viewed the remains but was unable to say what caused the death.

An empty bottle had contained carbolic acid was found in the room, but the mother was emphatic in her denial that her daughter had taken any of its contents. She always kept the acid in the house to clean the beds and was sure there had been no attempt on her daughter’s part to commit suicide. All the members of the family corroborated Mrs. Schmidt’s statement and discounted the suicide theory.

The girl had no love affair and had not complained of being ill up to within a few minutes of her death. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon with services at Evergreen Cemetery. Rev Carl Schaefer of St Paul German Church will officiate.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 April 1906, page 5

Mathias Higgins receiver of the Campbell Circuit Court, filed with Judge Berry today a sensational petition asking for a special grand jury to investigate the bribery charges made against him and others as to their alleged corruption of Juror Monroe. Higgins is joined in his petition by nine of the jurors who served on the Scheyer jury and eight of the jurors who sat in the Waters-Cline case.

The petition, which is signed by Dr. Higgins, sets out that on April 5 last a criminal prosecution styled the Commonwealth of Kentucky vs. Mathias Higgins and others founded on an affidavit of W E Monroe filed in the court of T K Hutchinson, came on for hearing and after the evidence had been introduced upon behalf of the prosecution and defense and at the conclusion of the trial, Squire Hutchinson refused and denied Higgins the constitutional right to be heard through his counsel then and there representing him.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 September 1906, page 5

A horse belonging to Court Receiver Matthias Higgins took fright at Eleventh and Putnam st. Newport today and ran off. The buggy the animal was attached to collided with a fire plug and was demolished.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 March 1911, page 7

Dr. Mathias Higgins, defendant in a suit filed by the heirs of the Shields estate in the Campbell Circuit Court, denies the allegations made by the plaintiff. He claims he paid all the taxes, street improvements, repairs, attorney fees as receiver and has never been removed as such by order of the court. He further claims the amounts collected by him for rents barely equaled the disbursements.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 3 April 1911, page 7

Dr. Mathias Higgins, receiver in the case of Shields against Shields, has filed his report in Campbell Circuit Court and states there is due the estate $24.58.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 13 December 1912, page 12

Frankfort Ky. Dec 13-The Court of Appeals today affirmed the case of Mathias Higgins vs. John Shields Jr. from Campbell and says the judgment declaring Higgins owes the Shields estate, for which he was receiver, the sum of $701.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 November 1919, page 1

Dr. Matthias Higgins, Campbell County coroner, dropped dead Tuesday afternoon while talking to a patient over the telephone at his home, 11th and Columbia street, Newport. The physician had been in almost perfect health and had spent the greater day at the polling places working in the interest of several favorite candidates.

He returned to his home at 2 pm and while chatting with members of his family answered a phone call. It was then he died. Dr. Higgins was 58 and one of the best known practioner of medicine in northern Kentucky. For many years Dr. Higgins was one of the leaders of the Democratic party. He was serving his third term as coroner.  The physician was beloved by all who knew him.

It was said that Dr. Higgins never sent a bill to a patient for services. Much of his work was done ??. He was known throughout Campbell co as "the poor man's friend." The death of the popular physician came as a severe shock to his legion of friends. Death was due to angina pectoris, an ailment of the heart.

A widow, two sons and a daughter survive. The funeral arrangements have not been completed.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 6 November 1919, page 2

The funeral of Dr. Matthias Higgins, Campbell co coroner, who died suddenly at his home Tuesday afternoon, will be held Friday morning, with requiem high mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. Rev James L Gorey will officiate at requiem mass.

City and county officials will attend the funeral in a body. Burial will be at St Stephen Cemetery.


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