Mathew Cook Pension


Virginia Privateer War of 1812 Pension #R.2268

On October 10, 1835 in Campbell County, in the state of Kentucky, the said pensioner, Mathew Cook at the age of 75 years, appeared in open court and stated that he had first entered the service of his country as an enlisted soldier at the age of 19 years in the capacity of a cabin boy on the ship Fair American Liberty. He stated that at that time he had volunteered to serve 6 months in addition to the 2 years until the surrender of Cornwallis. He stated that he thus served under the commands of Captain Michael James, First Mate John Ewing, Second Mate Elcany? Shellcut. On his first year of duty he served as cabin boy, but the second year he went before the mast as a sailor. The said claimant stated and swore that Commodore James was at that time commander of both the Patriot and the Fair American Liberty which were both privateer vessels.

He further stated and swore that he had enlisted in Northampton County, Virginia and he had enlisted to serve under the command of General Wayne on which campaign he went from Lexington Kentucky to Canada. He served at the Battle of the River Riaisin on January 18, 1813 or January 22 of that year. He served in an engagement with the ship called the George on Chesapeake Bay near Cape Charles and near the mouth of the James River. He had also served in the fleet of General Lafayette at the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown.

The affidavit of William Hume, a clergyman and John Ryland was also given at the same time and in the same place as the foregoing. The said deponents stated and swore that at one time and in the said county they had been both well and favorably acquainted with the said pensioner. These deponents further stated and swore that in the neighborhood in which the said pensioner resided, he was reported to have served in the War of the Revolution on the side of the United States of America.

In answering the questions posed by the Department of War, the said Mathew Cook stated as follows: He had been born in Northampton County, Virginia on April 11, 1760. He stated that he had removed to the state of North Carolina and then from there to Fayette County Kentucky, and that he has resided in Campbell County for the past ten years. He stated and swore that he was honorably discharged from his service at sea by Captain James and that he was also honorably discharged from his land service by General Wayne.

The claim for a pension of said applicant, Mathew Cook, was rejected by the Department of War because he could only prove that he had served as a privateer and could not definitely prove his services on land under Wayne.


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