Mary F Winston


Cincinnati Enquirer, 7 January 1877, page 7


DEATH OF MRS. WINSTON-This community was startled Friday afternoon with the announcement of the death of Mrs. Mary F Winston.  Deceased was born at St Mary's, Georgia, in 1801, and came to Newport when a child with her father, Major Thomas Martin, of the United States Army, a Revolutionary soldier, a hero of Bunker Hill and distinguished for gallant service in this country, and was the first commandant of Newport Barracks.

The deceased married Major Samuel Winston about 1820 and the elegant family mansion on Taylor street was for years the center of Newport society.  No one ever knew better how to extend a hospitable welcome than Mrs. Winston.  The old and the young alike found in her an agreeable companion and her generous and noble nature was manifested in many ways.

She was always fond of the beautiful music, flowers, gayety and pleasure all softened by a cultivated Christian heart and cheerful disposition, which found pleasure even in the duties of life.  Among her last remarks was "Jesus has promised rest to the weary."  She had many years been a member and regular attendant in the Methodist Church, never forgetting the weekly prayer meetings in which she found such consolation.

Her family consisted of three sons and three daughters, the eldest child, a daughter, being the wife of Senator Stevenson.  Scarcely a citizen in Newport, but has some pleasant recollections with the beautiful Winston house.  The young and the old will miss her cheerful voice, always having a pleasant remark for those she met, whatever might be their age or condition.  To the distressed family a sympathetic community will extend the warmest condolence.


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