Mary Tull Vickers
Submitted by Daryl Polley 22 August 2019
Indiana Democrat, 9 October 1830
Married-In Campbell County, Kentucky, on the 30th of Sept. by the
Rev James Vickers, Mr. Corson Vickers, of Indianapolis, to Miss Mary Tull, of
the former place.
The newly married couple apparently lived in Indianapolis. Ads in 1832 indicate Corson worked as a tailor in Indianapolis. By 1835 he had been appointed tax collector and b 1837, he was serving as Sheriff.
Indiana Democrat, 28 August 1839
Died-on the 18th instant Mrs. Mary Vickers, wife of Corson Vickers of this place.
Early Reminisces of Indianapolis by John H B Nowland, 1870
Reported that Corson Vickers was born in Campbell County, Kentucky, but moved to Indianapolis in 1827 when still a boy. Corson became director of the Indianapolis Insurance before dying at age43 in May 1843.