Mary Ruefenacht


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 1 August 1903, page 5

NEWPORT-Mrs. Mary Ruefenacht, 70, wife of Gottlieb Ruefenacht, expired suddenly while standing on a porch at their home, 309 West Twelfth Street, Newport, Friday afternoon. She appeared to be in perfect health Friday morning and spent most of that time in her garden.

She was seated on a porch, when seized with a fainting spell and expired a short time afterward. Coroner Higgins was summoned and held an inquest, returning a verdict of death due to paralysis of the heart.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 August 1903, page 5

The will of Mary Puefenacht was left for probate in the Campbell County Court in Newport Tuesday morning. She leaves her entire estate to her husband, Gottlieb, consisting of a house and lot on Twelfth Street, Newport. She asks that no inventory be made. The will was dated January 1900 and was witnessed by W V Warren and E W Hawkins.


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