Mary Neva Thompson Muggeridge

Mary Neva Muggeridge was born 28 Sep 1841 in Albion, Douglas Co Illinois, the daughter of Job Thomas and Sarah Dalby. She was very active in the Equal Rights Chapter in Newport. She was married to William H Muggeridge. She died 15 July 1915 in Newport and was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.

Children of Mary Neva Thompson and William H Muggeridge

Mark Muggeridge b-1862 in Highlands Ky. d-2 July 1927 in Cincinnati
Mary Neva Muggeridge b-25 Feb 1865 in Ft Thomas Ky. d-13 Oct 1941 in Dayton Ky. br-Evergreen
Emma Muggeridge b-1867 in Highland Ky. d-6 Apr 1951 in Lexington Ky. br-Evergreen
Geneva Muggeridge b-24 Dec 1879 in Portsmouth Oh; d-11 June 1914 in Newport; br-Evergreen


Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 July 1895, page 7


The Equal Rights Association will meet on Tuesday evening at the residence of Mrs. Mary T Muggeridge, 920 1/2 Washington Avenue.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 26 August 1895, page 7


Mrs. Mary Muggeridge, President of the Equal Rights Association of Newport, in speaking about the women's ticket for members of the Board of Education said: "I do not consider selecting candidates for the Board of Education the work of the Equal Suffrage Association. It is the women's question. Therefore, all the women in Newport should have a voice in the selection of candidates. A mass meeting has been decided upon as the best way to select candidates. Time or locality has not been decided upon, but I should think the second week in September would be a suitable time and the largest hall in the city, perhaps the Courthouse. There are a number that are spoken of, but it is not the desire of the Equal Rights Association to select all the candidates from their association, but to have some from outside."

:Has the Democratic executive committee extended the same courtesies that the Republicans have in offering a place for the women on their ticket?"

"No, they have not."

"Have you decided to accept the offer of the Republicans?"

"No, not yet."

"Will you run independently?"

"I have not decided."

"What do you think of Dr. Emma Gunkle? She is spoken as a very available candidate."

"No better selection could be made, but I have been informed that the law requires that a member of the Board of Education shall be a householder, and as Dr. Gunkle resides with her father, she is ineligible for the office."

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 September 1895, page 7

Mrs. Mary Muggeridge is the guest of friends at Portsmouth O.


Kentucky Post, 11 September 1895

Mrs. Mary Muggeridge, head of Kentucky Equal Rights Association, delivers address in Newport and predicts that within the next quarter century the women will be "taking their places beside the men in voting places."


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 May 1904, page 5


Alex Leon, of Amsterdam, Holland, is visiting at the home of Mrs. Mary T Muggeridge, 1044 York st. He is on his way to the St Louis Expo.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 26 August 1915, page 1


Mrs. Mary Muggeridge, President of the Equal Rights Association of Newport, last night spoke before the Newport Board of Education.



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