Mary Corey

Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 September 1904, page 1


With a smile on her face, surrounded by nurses and her family, Mrs. Chester Corey, who shot herself at her home, 701 Vine st. Dayton, Thursday, breathed her last at Speers Hospital Friday morning at daybreak. Dr. Whitaker, Young and Schoolfield bent over the frail form on the dying woman, but their skill was unavailing.

Mrs. Corey, when in a fit of melancholy Thursday, sent a bullet into her body in the region of her heart. Melancholy over her husband's death was the cause. In a semi-stupor she expired with the exclamation on her lips: "O Chester" which was the name of her dead husband. True to the memory of her young companion, she wished to join him, forgetting Hazel, her 4 year old child. A peculiar feature of the case was the puzzling nature of the wound.

Doctors yesterday stated that the bullet had not been located an operation was performed and at 9 am she was expected to live. Instead of finding the leaden missile in the heart region as was expected, it was found to have struck a rib and glanced off going through the stomach. It had been deflected downward instead of upward.

The body was removed to her home and the family state that no funeral arrangements have been made but the funeral will probably take place Monday, Rev Irvin of the Presbyterian Church, will likely preach the funeral service

A sad feature of the family history came to light Friday. The father of the dead girl, Harry Keller, was an inmate of the Dayton Soldiers Home for years. On the foot of his bed he had a tag placed reading, "If I died send my body home to Maud." This is Mrs. Corey's older sister. Hazel the dead woman's 4 year old child, hardly realizes her loss and calls for "Mamma" continually.


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