Mary Broadwell

Kentucky State Journal, Tuesday, August 28, 1888, page 3


Mrs. Mary Broadwell, a most estimable lady of this city and mother-in-law of Fireman Charles Solar, died very suddenly last Saturday night at his residence on Bellevue street.  The deceased had been out walking during the evening and shortly after 10 o'clock was suddenly seized with hemorrhage and before 11 was a corpse.

The deceased was sixty-three years of age and leaves tow sons and two daughters to mourn her loss.  Her two sons George of St Louis and Cal of Ashville North Carolina were telegraphed.  The former arrived here this morning and he will be here tonight.  Her brother also arrived from Louisville. 

The funeral will take place this morning at 9 o'clock from the residence of Mr. Solar.  Rev Dr. Taylor, pastor of the Taylor street M E Church will conduct the services.


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