Mary Bardo

Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 12 August 1907, page 7


The remains of Mrs. Peter N (Mary) Bardo, wife of Waterworks Commissioner Bardo, while on a pleasure trip, Saturday, caused grief in Newport, will arrive here this morning over the Pennsylvania Railroad and will be removed to the family residence on East Fourth street by Funeral Director Costigan.

The funeral service will probably he held Wednesday morning. It was learned yesterday that heart trouble was the probable case of death. Mrs. Bardo, who was a sister of Thomas Ford, a partner of Mr. Bardo, had been suffering from fainting spells for some time and it was decided that a trip to the health resorts of Michigan would improve her condition.

Mr. and Mrs. Bardo left Newport last Wednesday and it is thought that the effect of the railroad travel was more than Mrs. Bardo could stand. She began to sink Saturday morning and her death was very sudden.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 13 August 1907, page 7

Mary Bardo, beloved wife of Peter N Bardo, died at Conway Michigan, aged 55 years. Funeral from residence, 517 E Fourth st. Newport Ky. Wednesday, August 14, 8:15 am. Requiem high mass at Church of Immaculate Conception at 9 am.


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