Mark B Keen

Alexandria Book H, page 412-Recorded 5 Feb 1831

Deed made 25 Apr 1828 between Mark B Keen of the county of Campbell and state of
 Kentucky of the one part and Richard Southgate of the same county of the other part.
Mark for and in consideration of the sum of $20 sells all the undivided estate of the said
Mark in a certain tract of land lying in the county aforesaid containing 54 and ½ acres of
land lying on Licking river being the same land of which Jonathan Keen, the father of the
said Mark, died seized and which was deeded to the said Jonathan by James Taylor and
 Keturah L Taylor, his wife by deed dated 30 Sep 1820 and also all the undivided estate of the said Mark in a certain other tract of land situated also on Licking river which the said Jonathan Keen died seized containing by survey 58 acres and which was deeded by Frank Spilman and George M Beall, administrators, to the said Jonathan by deed dated 9 Aug 1820.

Sealed and delivered in presence of: Benjamin Miller, John Hudleson, R H Southgate

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