Margaret Holohan

Kentucky Post, Monday, 4 February 1907, page 5


Margaret Holohan, 20, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Holohan, nee Newman, died this morning at the home of Patrick Gleason, 431 West Eighth st. Newport. Her death was due indirectly to the recent high water, she being a resident of the flooded district. When the water threatened the Holohan home, which is at 433, she became worried over the danger to herself and parents. Saturday night a week ago the windstorm that visited Newport terrorized the young woman and she fled to the home of Gleason and pleaded with his wife to be allowed to stay the night at their home.

Her request was granted and she remained over night. The next day Miss Holohan was taken ill and it was decided to keep her at the Gleason home. She and Mrs. Gleason were fast friends and every attention was given her. Miss Holohan's mother was with her, the Gleason's given up the second florr of their home to members of her family.

She continued to grow worse, her illness being diagnosed as cerebral meningitis by Dr. J O Jenkins. Miss Holohan was on of the most beautiful girls in Newport and was formerly employed at the McAlpin store Cincinnati as a saleslady.


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