Judge T P Makibben


Cincinnati Enquirer, 25 April 1888, page 2


Campbell County's Court Judge Takes an Overdoes of Chloroform and Expires Suddenly at Newport Ky.

Newport Ky. April 24-The people of Newport were no less surprised than shocked this afternoon to learn that County Judge T P MaKibben, one of the best known and most prominent citizens of Newport and Campbell county was dead.

The event came unexpected alike to his most intimate friends and to the public.  he had been ailing slightly for a few days last week, was apparently recovering and in the last few days had been attending to his business with his usual activity.  Monday he was at his office, apparently in good health, but late in the day he began complaining of a sick headache.  he retired early in the evening and was not seen until this morning at 4 o'clock, when he left his room and went out.  He returned an hour later and went to bed again.

Noon passed without the Judge appearing and about three o'clock Mrs. Lazear, fearing that he was again ill, went to his room.  Entering, she was horrified to find that he was a corpse.  The investigation that was made left no doubt that his death was the result from an overdose of chloroform.  He had been taking that as a relief for headache for some weeks past and several bottles, which had contained the drug, were found in his sleeping room.  On Monday night he purchased at the drug store of Joseph G Feth two hundred and sixty grains (sic) of the drug and the bottle in which it was put up for him was found in his coat pocket. It was empty.

The Coroner's jury returned a verdict that he came to his death from an overdose of chloral without suicidal intent.  No arangement has yet been made for his funeral.


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