Louis Vogel

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 1 January 1903, page 3

In the Quarterly Court in Newport Wednesday in the case of Louis Vogel, of Brent Station, south of Newport, against C Crane & Co. the sawmill men of Cincinnati and Walter Orr, their agent, for the recovery of $91, alleged due him for the use of his land, the defendant gave bond, with John Trapp as surety to satisfy any judgment and the attachment was discharged.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 April 1903, page 5

In the Circuit Court in Newport Tuesday in the case of Louis Vogel against C Crane & Co the sawmill men of Cincinnati for the recovery of $91 alleged to be due for the harboring of a lot of saw logs on plaintiff's property at Mentor Ky. which obstructed the cultivation of a part of his land. The jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff.


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