Louis Henry and Henrietta Mullich


Information comes from various sources, newspapers, census, marriage and burial records.

Louis Henry Mullich was born 24 Nov 1834 in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.  He immigrated to the United States in 1852.  He enlisted in the Union army after the outbreak of the Civil War 21 Aug 1862, serving as a private in the 108th Ohio Infantry Company C. Louis' regiment was organized at Camp Dennison, Ohio, to serve for three years. Although its organization was only partially completed, in consequence of the alarm created by the Kirby Smith rain, Louis' company hurried over the rive to Covington, and while there he received additions until it numbered about 600 men.

After a short season spent in Kentucky, they moved to Tennessee, and at Hartsville met with a terrible disaster, being attacked by Confederates under Gen. John Morgan and losing 46 killed, 162 wounded, while the remainder became prisoners of war.  In due time the men were exchanged and the regiment took the field again.

After spending the winter in Chattanooga, Louis' company entered the Atlanta campaign, one almost continuous scene of marching and fighting for four months. At Resaca, for 4 hours, the regiment stood firm amid a perfect hailstorm of bullets and lost many of its brave men, redeeming on this bloody field the unfortunate affair at Hartsville.

In August 1864, a few companies of the regiment, then accidentally in Chattanooga, participated in the engagement in front of Dalton with the Confederate Gen. Wheeler's forces then besieging that place. A charge was ordered and executed by the regiment with such effect as to compel the Confederates to abandon the siege.  Louis joined the "march to the sea" and in the subsequent campaign of the Carolinas, saving the day at Bentonville by a heroic resistance. Louis mustered out 9 June 1865.

Louis Henry Mullich's Civil War Diary


Louis married Henrietta Duckweiler in 1868 in Dayton Ky. She was born 12 May 1847 in New York City, New York, the daughter of Henry Dockweiler and Henrietta Dilling. She died 6 Dec 1927 in Dayton Ky. and was buried in Evergreen.

Children of Louis Henry Mullich and Henrietta Dockweiler

Benjamin Louis Mullich b-15 Jan 1872 in Dayton Ky. d-14 Jan 1956 in Covington; br-Evergreen; m-Louise
Emma L Mullich b-20 June 1880 in Dayton; d-5 Jan 1932 in Dayton; br-Evergreen


Child of Benjamin Louis Mullich and Louise M Eichel

Anita E Mullich b-29 Jan 1897 in Dayton; d-10 July 1943 in Newport; br-Evergreen; m-Harold McCammon


Cincinnati Enquirer, 30 December 1894, page 16


On St John's Day, December 27, the following were elected officers of Henry Barnes Lodge No 607: Secretary, Ben Mullich


Cincinnati Enquirer, 15 January 1898, page 3


The Thomas B Reed Republican Club held its annual election of officers last night at its headquarters at Odd Fellows Hall. The election was a most exciting one, as there were two tickets in the field, the Regulars and the Independents and resulted as follows; Recording Secretary Ben Mullich.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 15 December 1902, page 9


Joe Hooker Post GAR elected officers Saturday night as follows; Commander Frank Wenz; S V C Louis Mullich; J V C Smauel Carr; Surgeon Joseph McDowell; Officer of the Day, Frank Kenzier; Quartermaster John Swift; Officer of the Guard, Eugene De Rose; Chaplain S W Emerson: Trustees, August Wueller, Geo Reno; Delegate to the Department Encampment, Eugene De Rose, Louis Mullich; alternates, S W Emerson and August Wuelter.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 21 Dec 1915, page 13


At the meeting of Council last night Chris Dorna, for many years proprietor of the Manhattan Bathing Beach, was elected Chief of Police, to succeed Frank Ortlich, who served as Police Chief for 15 years.  Dorna received the votes of Councilmen John Maxwell, Chas Shoup, Ben L Mullich and Frank Griggs, while Ortlieb was supported by Councilmen Horace Handley, Lloyd Myers and Brown Wetzel.


Louis applied for and received a government pension for his service on 17 Sep 1920. Louis Henry Mullich died 21 Apr 1928 in Dayton Ky. and was buried in Evergreen Cemetery.


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