Louis Morgan

Kentucky Post, Friday, 27 March 1903, page 5

Louis Morgan, 36, agent for the New York Life Insurance Company, is missing from his home, 534 East Third Street in Newport. The matter was reported to the police by his relatives that he had been missing since Thursday morning, and they fear something has happened to him.

He was formerly a member of the Sixth Infantry Regulars and went with that regiment from Ft Thomas to Cuba at the beginning of the Spanish War. During one of the battles he was shot in the breast and a tumor resulted from the wound. He was seized with fainting spells a short time ago and Dr. J O Jenkins was called to attend him. He was taken to bed Tuesday with a violent spell and Thursday, though very sick, he left his home.

He had a check with him for $1000 payable to Anton Abig, on an expired endowment policy besides a policy for $30,000 he was to deliver to a party insured. He has a wife and two children and his parents reside in Toledo O. The wife is almost prostrated over his absence and telegraphed to his parents. She fears that he has met with foul play. The police are also trying to locate him.


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