Louis Hehman

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 6 August 1895, page 7

A neighborhood quarrel, which originated between children, culminated this morning in a bloody street fight between three prominent Newport citizens, Alderman Louis Hehman, Frank Voss and the latter's son John.

Shortly after this 8 am this morning, Mr. Hehman emerged from his residence, 428 West Seventh Street, Newport, and started up the street, when Frank Voss ran out of his planning mill across the street and shouted to the Alderman in angry tones to stop. Voss joined Hehman and charged him with using offensive language to the formers wife, which the Alderman denied, whereupon Voss raised his fist as if to strike.

Quick as a flash Hehman dealt Voss a terrific blow over the eye, cutting the skin and blacking the optic badly. Voss struck several blows also. Voss' son John ran up and joined his father in attacking Hehman, who held his own until the police arrived. Hehman proceeded to Police Headquarters and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Frank and John Voss on charge of provoking a breach of the peace.

Hehman says the trouble is one of long standing, having originated among their children, those of Voss, who terrorized the Hehman children. Yesterday Hehman called at the residence of Voss and informed him that the ill treatment of his children must stop. Mrs. Voss called at Hehman's home and renewed the controversy with Mrs. Hehman who is in delicate health. The case will be heard before Judge Dumont tomorrow morning.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 18 May 1926, page 11

Submitted by Carol Sanman 27 April 2020


Louis Hehman, Once Member of Board of Aldermen, Well Known in Northern Kentucky.

Louis Hehman, 76 years old, former member of the Board of Aldermen, of Newport, under the old form of government, in the administration of Mayor Paris C. Brown, died yesterday at his home, 507 East Fourth street, Newport.  He was associated in business with the late J. G. Schmidlapp, of Cincinnati, and was President of the Piqua Malt Company, of Piqua, Ohio.

While a member of the Board of Aldermen, he figured prominently in civic affairs, and was largely instrumental in the building of the Patterson street car line.  He was a member of the Cuvier Press Club of Cincinnati, the Newport Lodge of Elks, Knights of Columbus and was a life member of the St. George Benevolent Society.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Philomena Hehman; four sons: Gary Hehman, Briarcliffe, Ft. Thomas; Harry Hehman, Villa place, Ft. Thomas; Louis Hehman, Jr, Mansfield, Ohio; Bert Hehman, Newport, Ky.; and one sister, Mrs. Frank Falk, 507 East Fourth street, Newport.

His father, Bernhardt Hehman, was active, in association with a few other citizens of Newport, in founding one of the first public schools of Newport, on Central avenue, near the site of the present Arnold School.


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