Literary Club

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 20 January 1903, page 5

The Tuesday Literary Club of Newport, will hold a meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Miss Immegart on Overton Street.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 7 July 1903, page 3

Three clever young women of the Saturday Literary Club have been delegated to write a play for the remaining 21 members, who will then present it. As all the club members are girls and outsiders are never asked to participate, the leading man will be a girl. Members who have been selected to write the play are Miss Dorothy Fulton, Miss Vashti Hageman and Mrs. Charles Taylor.

Miss Fulton is the acknowledged fun maker of the club and has dramatized several plays. She is a graduate of Smith College, Mass. and was formerly a member of the Cincinnati College Club.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 November 1903, page 5

Mrs. William Stuard entertained the Literary Club Tuesday afternoon at her home, 811 York Street, Newport. The following program was presented on the occasion: Character Sketch of St Paul, Mrs. Alice Harrison; The Nativity in the Art, Mrs. McGinnis; Folk Lore of Holland, Mrs. Peter Youmans; Thanksgiving, Mrs. Caldwell; What the Barlow Knife Has Done, Mrs. James Metcalf. A luncheon followed the meeting.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 24 February 1904, page 5

The Tuesday Literary Club was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. E J Morris Tuesday night. The affair was carried out in true Leap Year Fashion, the men enjoying a sewing bee, the remainder being devoted to guessing contests. Among those present were:

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alban, Mr. and Mrs. James Metcalf, Rev and Mrs. Joseph Luccock, Mr. and Mrs. James McGinness, Mr. and Mrs. W W McDurell, Mr. and Mrs. W J Hissem, Mr. and Mrs. A A Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Henderson, Prof. and Mrs. W A Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. David Davies, Mr. and Mrs. James Runnells, Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Schriner, Mrs. May Young, Mr. and Mrs. William Steward, Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Youman, Mrs. Katherine Watson, Miss Eva Cast, Miss Ida McGinness, Dr. and Mrs. Fischbach, Mrs. Stein, Mrs. Alice Harrison, Mrs. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. David Dimmick and others.


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