Licking Baptist Church
7779 Licking Pike, Alexandria Ky.
Alexandria Deed Book 36, page 230, 22 February 1868
James H Rust, of the County of Campbell in Consideration of Love and affection for the Baptist Church and for the Education of the young and rising generation and the further sum of one dollar to him paid by John J Kees, Nicholas Watson and James H Rusk, Trustees of the Campbell County School Dist. Nov 43 and Jno. F Spilman, Henry Youtsey and Henry Leroy Trustees of the Licking Valley Baptist Church sells real estate beginning at a stone in Wm E Arthur's line and corner to G M Reiley containing one acre so long as said land is used for the purposes herein mentioned to wit: For Schools and Religious Worship and it is further understood between the Grantor and Grantees that the School Trustees are to have the exclusive use of said property for school purposes whenever the said trustees require it and when it is not in the use of the said school trustees, then it is to be used by the Trustees of the Baptist Churh for the purpose of Religious Worship.
It is further understood that whenever the said property fails to be used for the purposes herein mentioned, it is to revert back to the Grantor and his heirs, James H Rusk and Ann Eliza Rusk, his wife.
Licking Church, first called the Mouth of Licking, was constituted in October 1874 at the house of William Decourcey. It was located on the Ohio, about six miles above the mouth of the Licking River and its first members were William Decourcey, Bethel Riggs, Closs Thompson and Joseph Kelly and their wives. John Smith of Columbia Ohio, was the first pastor of this church and was soon succeeded by Bethel Riggs, who preached much in the settlement, during several years.
Closs Thompson was also a licensed preacher in the church, which at that time, numbered 38 members. Christopher Wilson, of the North Bend Association, preached from 1817 to 1827. Since that period it has had the labors of John Stephens, Robert Ware, William Montague, James Vickers, William Stillwell, Furgus German, N C Pettit. This church first united with the Elkhorn Association in 1803. In 1876 it numbered 87 members.
News of Northern Kentucky Association, 27 May 1976
In October 1804, the Baptists living on the Kentucky side of the Ohio River, with the blessings of the Columbia Church, withdrew from the Columbia Church and organized the Mouth of the Licking Church in the home of William Decoursey. In 1805 the church secured property and moved to its present location on Alexandria Pike. The first pastor of the Licking Church was John Smith, from Virginia.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 February 1903, page 8
The supper given by the members of the Licking Baptist Church at the seminary Saturday evening was a success socially and financially.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 30 June 1903, page 5
The Licking Baptist Sunday school will picnic July 4 at the home of Mr. Willison at Brent Kentucky.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 November 1903, page 8
Rev N C Pettit, of Mentor Ky. formerly principal of the Cold Spring Seminary, filled the pulpit Sunday morning and evening at the Licking Baptist Church.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 July 1904, page 2
A Sunday School celebration will be held Saturday in the yard of the Licking Baptist Church at Cold Spring.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 December 1905, page 5
The members of the Licking Baptist Church will give an oyster supper Saturday night at the seminary.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 31 October 1906, page 5
The reunion held at the seminary in honor of its fiftieth and the founder, N C Pettit's eightieth anniversary, was largely attended. Hon William Nelson and Rev N C Pettit addressed the assemblage. Dinner was served by the women of the Licking Baptist and Asbury M E Churches.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 28 May 1908, page 5
Rev Ellis A Cottrell will fill the pulpit Sunday morning and evening at the Licking Baptist Church.
Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 June 1910, page 5
The members of the Licking Baptist Church of Cold Spring Ky. are completing their plans for an all day jubilee and home coming at the church on Saturday, June 25, to celebrate the centennial anniversary of "Old Licking Church." Every Baptist church and Sunday school in Campbell co. and churches of other denominations as well have been invited to attend and take part in the exercises.
Many former Cold Spring residents have signified their intention to return and live over old times for a day at least. Prof. N C Pettit of Mentor Ky. the dean of Campbell co. educators and preachers, who preached in the old church for many years, off and on and who also built the seminary hall at Cold Spring before the Civil War, will be the central figure of the day if his health permits him to attend.
A centennial jubilee concert will be given in the evening, in which the choir of the Dayton Ky. Baptist Church will furnish most of the entertainment.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 28 September 1910, page 5
There will be a business meeting at Old Licking Baptist Church next Saturday evening.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 3 May 1912, page 12
There will be an all day meeting at the Licking Baptist Church, May 26 to decorate the graves. There will be speakers and singing in the afternoon. All interested come and bring dinners.
Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 August 1913, page 3
At the 86th annual session of the Campbell co. Baptist Association, held at the Licking Baptist Church last night, a gavel which represents each church in the association was presented to Moderator Rev N F Jones, of Dayton Baptist Church. The gavel is made of 15 different kinds of wood, each church giving one kind. The gavel was made by E C Hutton of Newport.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 June 1920, page 3
An all day meeting will be observed at the Licking Baptist Church, Cold Spring, Sunday, June 27. The children's program will begin at 10 am. Dinner will be served on the grounds and preaching by Reverend Fowler will be at 2 pm.