Lewis Colvin

Alexandria Court Order Book 1, page 131, 27 August 1810

Ordered that Lewis Colvin and Thomas Morris be added to the hands of Robert Dickerson Surveyor of the road from Allen's Mill to Grant's Salt Works.

Will Book A, page 299, recorded 28 Jun 1819

Will of Lewis Colvin of the county of Campbell being very sick and weak in body names
wife, Elizabeth Executrix.  His children named are Fanny, John, Peggy, George, Johnston, Malinda and Lewis.  Witnesses-John R Bird, Samuel Baker

Newport Will Book A, page 329, recorded 28 Feb 1820

Value of the estate of Lewis Colvin, deceased September 16, 1819 by Samuel Bryan Sr.,
 Benjamin Gosney, and John Colwell.

Court Order Book 4, page 525, August 1842

Ordered that Lewis Colvin Jr. be appointed surveyor of the road leading from William
Vaughn's to the widow Colvin's where the same intersect the Harrisburg Road and that the following hands be allotted him to wit-John Bird, Nathan Thomas and William Lees.

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