Levi Hissem


Cincinnati Enquirer, 24 March 1898, page 8


Death of Levi Hissem

Levi Hissem, the venerable father of Senator Hissem, died late Tuesday evening at his home at California Ky. of Bright's disease.  He was a resident of Campbell County for the past 30 years, having moved here from West Virginia.  Mr. Hissem was a man of excellent character, whose life speaks for itself.  He had been active in business until a few months ago, when his health failed him. He was a man of very strong character, who was spoken well of by all who knew him as a man possessed of upright principles.

He was 82 years of age.  Mr. Hissem was the father of Captain M L Hilles, W J Hissem and Mrs. Louisa Brewer, and the husband of Elizabeth Hissem, aged 77 years. Twenty five years ago, he fell from the gable of a church in California to the ground, dislocating his knee.  He had been slightly lame every since.

The funeral will take place this morning from the California M E Church.


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