Levi Dicken

Alexandria Court Order Book 4, Page 529, 22 August 1842

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that a Patrol is very essentially needed in the upper part of this County the Court then proceeded to lay off a Patrol District as follows: To wit all that portion of the County lying East of Well's Creek commencing at its Mouth and ending at the County line be Made one District - and that Levi Dicken be appointed Captain who was duly qualified according to law - and that the following persons attend him on the exercise of his duties - to Wit: Robert Biggs, Chalfant Nelson, Harrison Young and Augustine Morris for the ensuing 12 months and that they be required to Serve 12 Hours in each Month.
Alexandria Deed Book R, page 16, recorded 4 Sep 1842

Indenture made 29 Jun 1842 between Charles Dicken, Ann Hercheval, Joseph W Dicken,
Levi Dicken, Simeon Dicken, James Stephens and Mary his wife, late Mary Dicken,
heirs of Mary Dicken, deceased of the county of Campbell of the first part and Justin King
 of the city of Cincinnati and state of Ohio of the second part.  Party of the first part for
and in consideration of the sum of $1 sell all that certain tract of land situated in the
county of Campbell on Wells Creek being part of the Robert Suttons 1200 acres beginning
 at Anthony Walton White's corner, and John Anderson, Joseph Fellows and Wales Aldrich containing 100 acres.

Alexandria Court Order Book 5, Page 319, 24 July 1848

Satisfactory proof was exhibited to Court by the oaths of Wm. Griffey and H. R. Rachford that Joseph Dicken was a pensioner of the U. S. at the rate of $66.66 per year, that he was a resident of the County of' Campbell in the State of Kentucky, that he died in the County and State afsd. on the 4th of January 1848, that he left no widow and that he left Chas. Dicken, Joseph Dicken, Levi Dicken, Simeon Dicken, Nancy Kerchival, Mary Stevens and that he left Mary H. White, Joseph White and Thomas White grandchildren and heirs of Margaret White, late Dicken, Lewis, Mary and (blank) Dicken children of H. B. Dicken.

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