Private Leroy Garrett

Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 6 August 1899, page 12

A romantic incident occurred at Ft. Thomas yesterday when a young soldier was brought face to face with his mother and sister whom he had not seen since infancy. Early in the morning Colonel Pettit was visited by a find looking, middle aged lady and a handsome girl of about 16 summers. Theyinquired of the Colonel if a young man of the name of Leroy Garrett was a member of the Thirty-First Regiment. Reference to the army rolls showed that a man by that name had enlisted with Company I, but was then awaiting discharge as unsuited to the service.

An orderly conducted the mother and daughter to the Barracks occupied by recruits to be discharged. Corporal White soon found Young Garrett and brought him before the two ladies. he made no sign, but stood awkwardly and abashed on the presence of the stylishly dressed ladies.

The elderly lady looked at the man or boy, for he was but 17 years of age and then gave a cry of joy as she threw her arms around the neck of the astonished young man. "Le Roy, I am your mother,"  she said and then followed an affecting scene between Mrs. Garrett and son and the sister.


It was learned that young Garrett had passed his boyhood in an orphan asylum and had never suspected that he had a mother or sister living. How he became separated from his parents is a profound mystery. He enlisted at Ft. Wayne Ind. and his mother, who now resides in Cincinnati, learned of the fact, with the above denouement. Colonel Pettit granted Private Garrett a ten day furlough pending his final discharge and when he departed with his mother and sister for their Walnut Hills home, he was apparently the happiest boy in the world.


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