Lena Schmidt

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 15 April 1905, page 5

DEATH DUE TO NATURAL CAUSES-Coroner Higgins stated today that no post mortem would be held in the case of Lena Schmidt, whose sudden death under mysterious circumstances occurred at the home of her parents, 1029 Hamlet st. Newport, Thursday night. He said, "I am satisfied that no crime was committed and there is no necessity for a post mortem. All indications point to death from natural causes and unless further evidence is shown that a crime was committed, there will be nothing further done from this office."

The family of the dead girl are satisfied her death was due to natural causes and they do not want a post mortem. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon with services at Evergreen chapel and the body will be placed in the vault. Coroner Higgins will not render a verdict in the case until next week.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 17 April 1905, page 7

NEWPORT-The funeral of Lena Schmidt, of 1039 Hamlet street, the cause of whose sudden death Thursday night remains a mystery took place yesterday afternoon, services being held at the Chapel at Evergreen Cemetery, Rev Dr. Schaefer officiating.


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