Lee Howe

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 23 February 1904, page 5

Fireman Lee Howe, who was injured on the ladder truck in a collision with an electric car Friday night in Newport, died at 8:55 o'clock Monday night at Speers Hospital. Howe's death is a sad one. His mother and father are both dead and being the oldest member of the family, it fell upon him to take care of the rest of the orphans He did his duty to his family nobly and to the latter his life devoted, depriving himself of many things in order to give to his brothers and sisters. He was a father to them, even though he was not yet 25 years of age.

It is probable that Fireman Howe will be given a public funeral with the police and firemen as a guard of honor, and the remains will lie in state at the Courthouse. It was suggested by Judge Berry and Mayor Helmbold that Shirley Howe, a brother of the deceased and a man capable of filling the place, be appointed to succeed his brother. The flags at the Court house and schools were placed at half mast.

Coroner Higgins will hold an inquest over the death on Tuesday afternoon. He stated that there is no ordinance regulating speed of cars since the re-enactment in 1893.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 23 February 1904, page 7

Fireman Lee Howe, of the Newport Fire Department, whose skull was fractured in the collision Friday night between the big three horse ladder truck and a Ft Thomas electric car, died last night at Speers Hospital. Howe's death occurred at the same hour that the truck was struck on Friday night. He we never fully conscious after the accident occurred.

Coroner Higgins will this morning begin the inquest. Motorman John Hall will be taken into custody today, the street railway company having notified Chief Waters of the fire department and Chief of Police Deputy that they would deliver him over to the authorities at any time. It was claimed last night that the car that struck the truck was about four minutes late.

Circuit Judge Berry last night suggested to the Police and Fire Commissioners that Sherley Howe, brother of the deceased fireman, be given his place in the department. Judge Berry's suggestion me with the approval of the commissioners and as young Howe is anxious to take his place, he will probably be appointed.

Judge Berry also started a movement for a public funeral for the deceased fireman and it is probable that the fire and police departments will act as a guard of honor. The remains will probably lie in state at the City Building. Mayor Helmbold concurred in Judge Berry's suggestion. The flags at the courthouse schools and fire houses will be at half mast today in respect to Howe's memory.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 24 February 1904, page 5

The funeral of Fireman Lee Howe will take place Thursday afternoon in Newport at 1:30 from the residence on East Fourth Street. The Newport police will attend in a body as well as members of the Fire Department. The plan suggested to have the remains lie in state at the Courthouse did not meet the approval of the sister and brothers and was abandoned.

Eureka Lodge K of P will have charge of the remains and Tuesday night took action on the death at a special meeting. The lodge will attend the funeral in a body. Jacob Buchert, Harry Brown and Edward Hunt are the committee on arrangements. The following members of the order were selected to act as pallbearers: Aubrey Barbour, Overton Harris, Herman Quehl, F J H Lampe, John Moore and M M Ware. The One's horse wagon will be used to convey the floral tributes.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 25 February 1904, page 9


The Board of Police and Fire Commissioners had requested Chief of Police Deputy to have the entire force act as an escort this afternoon at the funeral of Fireman Lee Howe. The members of the Fire Department will send a floral offerings a large shaft of flowers.

The Police Department will contribute a beautiful floral piece. The members of Eureka Lodge K of P, will meet at their hall at 1:30 pm today and proceed as a body to the residence of the deceased.

Last night, at the request of How's sister, it was decided to hold the funeral services at the Baptist Church, instead of the house at 2:30 today.


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