Lee Hill

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 29 August 1944, page 4

Pvt. Lee Hill, husband of Mrs. Ellen Hill, 1141 E 11th street, Newport, was wounded seriously in action in France Aug 8, his parents were notified by a telegram. Overseas with the Infantry for the past two months Pvt. Hill has been awarded the Purple Heart. He has been with the Army since November 1943, and received his basic training at Camp Croft, South Carolina.

Before joining the Army, Pvt. Hill was employed at the Beverly Hills Country Club.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 30 August 1944, page 4

Pvt. Lee Hill, husband of Mrs. Ellen Hill, 1141 E 11th street, Newport, was wounded seriously in action in France Aug 8, his wife was advised by the War Department. Overseas with the infantry for the past two months, Pvt. Hill has been awarded the Purple Heart. He has been in the service since November 1943.


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