Lawrence Robert Greenholz

Ft Thomas Living

From buck private to Captain in two years is the record of Lawrence R Greenholz, son of Mr. and Mrs. J H Greenholz, 2439 Alexandria Pike, Southgate. An honor graduate of Newport High School and Morehead State Teachers College, Captain Greenholz was inducted into the Army in April 1941, and was assigned to the Medical Corps at Fort Knox. His record reads:

Made a Sergeant in the Medical Corps at Camp Forrest Tenn July 1, 1941; graduated from the Medical Administration Corps Officers School, Carlisle Barracks, Pa. as a Second Lieutenant December 24, 9141; promoted to First Lieutenant at Camp Robinson, Ark. in September 1942 and promoted to the rank of Captain at Camp Robinson Ark. April 15, 1943. He is now Intelligence Officer at Camp Robinson.

Captain Greenholz is widely known in Northern Kentucky sports circles, having pitched from the Martz Cardinals baseball team for several years. He also pitched for the Comello Brothers nine in Cincinnati leagues. He won football and baseball letters in both high school and college.

The officer, who is 28 years old, was graduated from Morehead in 1940. He was a member of the Campus Club, college honor society; served as President of both his high school and college graduating classes and was elected to Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges in his senior year.

After graduation, he was employed as a cost accountant at the Cincinnati Advertising Company. One brother, Donald E Greenholz is with the Army Air Forces Technical Training Division at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, where he is being trained in meteorology. Another brother, Richard E Greenholz is with the Proctor and Gamble Company. His father is a foreman at the Crosley Corporation plant.


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