Lawrence Ferlon

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 October 1913, page 3

While lying on his cot in company quarters yesterday afternoon Corporal Lawrence Ferlon, 24, of Co H Ninth Infantry, stationed at Ft Thomas, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with his rifle. Ferlon was barrack guard of the day and had charge of the quarters of Co H. In the room at the time Ferlon shot himself were Privates Pinkston, Lynch and De Atley. Pinkston says Ferlon called to him just before he shot himself and said “Well, goodbye Pinky.”

 Coroner Digby of Campbell Co. was notified but was unable to learn a reason for the man’s act. Ferlon was an Austrian by birth. He had been a member of the Ninth Infantry for two years and served two enlistments in the Seventh Cavalry. Upon enlistment he gave his mother as Kate Ferlon of Vojvodina, Austria. Capt. Kinney sent a cable to the mother and the body will be held until she is heard from. A letter found in which the writer ‘a friend of the dead man spoke of a lost homestead in South Dakota. Sergt. Marsh said he had heard Ferlon speak of having lost a homestead plot some time ago.

At noon today nothing had been heard from the dead man’s relatives.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 15 October 1913, page 3

The body of Corporal Lawrence Ferlon, who committed suicide Monday, was buried in the soldiers and sailors lot in Evergreen Cemetery yesterday afternoon. A short service was held in the post chapel, after which the body was escorted to the cemetery by Ferlon’s comrades of Company H and the Ninth Infantry Band.

 After taps were sounded and a volley fired over the grave, the body was lowered to its last resting place.


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