Lambert Lawrence Hehl

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 1 November 1917, page 1

The Newport Execmption Board Thursday mailed notices to 100 more registered men of the selective service age, requiring them to appear Monday at the Newport Courthouse for examination for army services. Lambert Hehl, 1037 German.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 21 February 1918, page 1

Private Lambert Hehl Newport boy, whose safe arrival in France is announced in a letter to his relatives, used to sell tickets at the C&O depot, Newport. Many travelers knew him.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 August 1918, page 1

The first direct word from Lambert Hehl, private, whose mother lives at Hodge and Patterson streets, Newport, has been received by John Hieber, 11th st. and Central av. He has a letter from the marine who has been in a hospital at Vichy France since April 5. In his letter the young soldier says he was shot while at Verdun. The wound was caused by a high explosive shell. A fragment entered one of his thighs. For a time it was thought Hehl would die.

The soldier's strong constitution stood him in good stead and he has about recovered he writes. Enclosed in the letter were a number of clippings of French papers telling of the courage displayed by Americans under fire.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 22 August 1918, page 1

In a letter to Newport friends, Lambert Hehl, who has twice been wounded and who is a member of Costigan's company, says he heard that Wallace was shot twice and killed.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 3 June 1933, page 1

Annual memorial services will be held at the St Stephen Cemetery Sunday afternoon. Positions in the parade will be assigned by Grand Marshal Lambert Hehl and his aides, Vernon Getz and Ben Groeschen.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 4 October 1933, page 1

Federal Re-employment Committees were organized in both Kenton and Campbell counties yesterday when Edward F Seilier, Louisville, director, conferred with local members. Lambert Hehl, Newport, representing the veterans.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 27 May 1947, page 1

Eight divisions and six bands will make up the line march in the annual Memorial Day parade Friday in Newport, Jake Swope, parade chairman announced Tuesday. Lambert Hehl, county tax commissioner and wounded Marine veteran of World War I, will head the second division, which will form on Eighth street west of York.


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